Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jan 1881, p. 1

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 fw.. .. .*" r wpap rii H â-  â-  JU*tr5V THE STAHDARD. Friday, Jan. 21st. 1881. rpliR CaniwU AHvtrtisiiiK AgencT, Kc. S9 JL KiiiK Htre«t WeU, Torunto, W. W. BUTt-HKB, iSanantr. I • tliorized to rereive advertisemenU for tliiii papfT. *5# Gi'8on ror the (JitnltiidftUtd SUIntes of GuUtfo Wlongii^ to tius Hkoiei- pality, for the ORe or Uie Clerk. â€" Oav- ri««]. Mr. â-¡â€¢; motedt weonded I7 Mr. Melutyre. that the Coanal td- jonm uutil Uie 7tb (by of Febroarf, to meet iu tli* Tilla^ of F!Teralwn), aud tbo.t tbe Okrk' be instrnctcd to get notices pniited and postad up of bucb meeting. Carribd. W. Hiun, Clerk. The Meaford Mimitur is aftsr ns wilb a obiiip Ftick for Kayinf; we did trot approve of its disserbinating party fiHncipIes under tbe gnibe of iodepen- pendence, nlainiiug that, while it is «iot a non-pobtic-al papor, it i* a nou- pariizen one. If laiidii)(; the Reform party, (ir indivitbia) njiuibers thereof, up tu tlie skies on th slightest pre- text, and damning the Tories with faint praise, is bciuf^ nonpartisan, tbe Monitor is correct iu its statement bat it will czcDse us if we are of.a dif- ferent opinion. Ak rpffardB our bav- no (ipiuioii of I'U oui' if our worthy r-jtrm will tu' Mi. tr:iii le yu look over fi'i-t i " diRtin. t!v t-.t We w .ii;i! ii' eoufiji" !• ' • 'â-  elosiv- â- â€¢. ji.a.v '.ftb. •â- â- :. ^KX br-ii Umptaipj/MB again f;-r the pre«a, to wiudS^IVhqtm^bnm otfifr t^pt aUe to giveodrreoNUMieaaL Wili- wg the utandmrd fcancca aveiy suofieM. iyemaiD yoars ko., -Thh6- BoLAItD. Jan. ISth, 1831. «fti HOLLAND COUCIL. Coancil met in Yocan.s Hall, for tbe transactions of business. Reeve in the chair. Members all present. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. MoTod by Mr. Nor on, seconded by Mr. Sbnte, that tbe fol- lowing persons be exempt from pay- ing taxes for 1880 :â€" Widows, Mc- Diarmid, Ball, Cssar, Chambers, Graham, Matbew8,and Jas. Robinson. Moved by Depoty Reeve, seconded by Mr. Noiton, that W. J. bpears get an order for 00c., aud Tbomati Lyons an order for 68e., on account of error in assebsmeut. Movei by Mr. Bhute, seconded by Deputy Reeve, that Jas. Robinson receive an order for $5, being indigent. The Reeve appointed Joshua Milligan, and the Council Juo. Sutherland as Auditor's, on motion of Mr. Sbute, seconded Lv Mr. Nor- ton. jnOTtMl tiv X»pu»^ lW^i.r., aoannil. FasB the system of impurities, excite tbe secietiuiiS to a beltitf action, cleanse tbe blood, and tone up tbe weakened nerves, witli that matcbksB medicine Burdock Blood Bitt«»8. It eorea ScrofuU^LiTor ud Kidney Compli*iut8, Jaundice, Con- sumption, Dyspepsia, Headache, '{crvons and General Debility, aud bil Bemalo Complaits. Every dealer in medicine can supply you with Bur- duck Blood Bitters. Sample bottles 10 cents, regular sizj $1.00. MARKET S ^AL! .^"y. Jhtni^T, Jan. riom ' SpoB^ 'niMAt par V»ak. FaB do. 4». Barley o»u feas I Tth, 1881. ,0o to 5.5o iwwTao tc l.UO do. 1.00 to 1.06 rill see j e4i bv Mr. Bhute, that the petition of polifics I Mr. P. Lyons, with rrgard to U. S. 8. 1 ., but h ii.u:ters ex I ' at qi' --tiont ' '1 hu iiiir liig tll'-S, l»ilK\l.lj' tbata couiit v paper could serve itK patrons to ix tt«-r advautiige by »• doing. our /iriiate joliticftl â- t II. opinions aa loii^ tbciti Ml till bo iijii p. â- lit are- as licrrns do li- no one, it ibtr!ti.h- ;c!i iiiiifT to 'i/;ii.. i'L! :..,!, I'lN Prom OBrCurreHj.. Social. â€" A -«T_\ UK.-iit wuft ;;iv'-ii ^KKociutiiiu |M iiiiiil lit till -ill .. ing, the IHtb ii- ClUlhllitf.l 1-1 'l- â-  ings, recitati n ^. anil iiiHiriiiuen; i.ii-i ^-flll eiitertiiiii- liy tile- I^lit's' Aid I.-. •â- .-.â- ) Ill the li;ts»- .!•.â- . I Hf-'iny f-w ij- I ji;! jiro^jiaMiiii' -1 1 I c. lOiis ol iiiii- 'ii li i'l- s, au'J viitai ,tl i.iii^ii'.. During tlie evcniii;^ a snniptuiiu rojiart was serv- ed. Tlie Associatiou luteud giving another eiitei'taiiiiueiit two weektifruiu the IHth lust. \\ tiust thai on that occasinn the house will be crDwded. Mit^guKBAne Cak.mvai.. â€" We will ^iye full purticularb ot the masquerade carnival in our ntxt week's i^sue. It was hrld i.n the I'JtIi iiist. Bbevities. â€" The Band gave some "nbw" iuu.ic on tlie Uiiik Saturday night last The Presbyterian Sab- bath Schoi.l intend pnrcliaing an or- KHn Iticiiarilsiin's ilLsplay of gro- ceries i.i very teiiiptiiif^ III people with ••8we»t teetli.' We liave had cou- bidtrable weather during the past Week The Ladies' ,\id Association (Preubyteriau) met for tlie transaction of business laut Thursday. OSPUKY COUNCIL. No. 8, Hollaed and Euphrasia, be laid over for further cousiderHtion. .Moved and seconded, thnt tne Clerk nave a column put in the Assessor's ll'ill, fir taking census of children b"!- tweeii 5 and 16 years of age. Move 1 and seconded, that R. McKinnet, be aiscsKor at a salary of $56. aud to take the censes ol all the children be- tween the asfpo of 5 and 10, iu each KPctiun and do all the work except si-lictiDg Jurors. Moved and second- .d, that the C erk be retained at a .sal.niy of 1^120 per annum. Mr. Nor- tiii a^ked ii-r the yeas and nays, with ttiK fiilKvin;^ rtsult: â€" yeas, Shute, Cameron Gillespie. Nays, Norton. .Moved and seconded that the accounts iif Hntledga and Rutherford for print ing lie pnid. .Moved and seconded, tiiat the Collector's Roll be axton led. Moved and seconded, that S. C. Lang- |py be refunded the sum of $20. doved and sesonded, that It. M. Gal- hraith be exempt from paying tuxes fir 18S0. Council adjourned to meet on the 25th Feb 1881. C. Price, Clerk. Jan. 17th, 1881. Wk learn from tbe MaiCt Telegraph raports tliat a fiie broke out in Mea- ford on the 14tb inst. about four o' clock ill tbe office of C. li. Sing, total- ly destroying seven balidiug in the central part of the town. Tbe fire is supposed to have originated from a defective stove-pipe passing tbroigh the fl-^or from a small eating- house, occupie' by Mrs. Menary, in C. B. Bings office. The lossers are as fol- lows â€" W. H. Arkness, Jewllery and stationery, stock partly saved, uuuired ip. the fuueuix tji 91,000 anA Standard for $1,000 building, frame rough-cast, owened by Cbas. Little, insurance $1,000. Chas. Hunter, hardware meichant, frame rough- cast building insurance on building. $1,000, and on stock $2,000, in tbe Phsiiix, $2,000, in the Queen's, and $2,000, in tbe Citizens Mock partly saved. C. R. bing's Red Block of frame buildings, occupied by Drecker Bros., barber sbcp; Mrs. Meanary, eating house office of C. R. Snig, andJ. F. Brownridge's grocery store stock partly saved no insurance Kuiail iusurance on building. Frame buildio" owned by Thos. Plukett, oc- cupied by Brady and York, gioceiies stock partly saved insured tor $300. Frame building owened by Thomas Pluiikett, occupied by the Montreal Telegraph office and F. Oliver's Gro- cery stock partly saved no irsur- anco. Total loss on buildings from $8,000 to $10,000. Had it not been for the energy of tire company here the whole of the business pait of tbe town nould have been dsstioyed. We will take a cord aud a quarter of ureen wood, or one cord of dry two foot wood for the Weekly Mail for one year. The paper to be furui.^hcd upon the delivery of tbe wood. Butter, per ib £gK8, par dos. ^....•r-^ I'ork.dmwed, .«....(... Beei •••.••.. ^Ivse^^er Hfc js â-  •'*• •-• • Docks, per pair ......... Fowls, p«r pair i, ...... Turkeys, per lb Sheepskins Hida* Ura^ seed, Hay Wool Green App/es, |ier. bushel L*rd Tallow Dry Cord Waod 0.37 " o:go •• 0.17 " 0.14 " 6.75 -*• 4.50 " 0.40 " 0.9* â- â€¢ 0.07 " 0.76 " 7J0 " •' 6J0 •â-  6.25 " 0.40 " O.IO " 0.0« " 0.80 U.28 0.60 0.18 0.1s 6.00 6.60 0.46 O.U 0.07 1.00 b.OO 2.25 0.00 0.3o 0.50 0.10 P.07 3.1 Nuwi III HI. If tiBfofmthePnbUegenenkUy. iii«ke hMp,,^.^ f U»l of iUm ^â- â€¢â€¢i im FRUlTSiCANkl L z a P R I C " IS- ijbi|naas8ed My Bd TKBi'tflfal toumii^»»-»"B» "â-  'â- â- " ' section. Old CMcr e««al »• ChBiiip«««e- Idr Get your HoUdsy's sniiply of above Goods JUe i»«bis kKaUvaal PUIm mperior to all other parens i Samah sod virtue, is ufcty and miUneu of actiua Hagyard'.s Pectoral Balsam is the safe, pleasant and perfect reme- dy known for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. It cures Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, and all Pectoral Com- plaints, iu the most speedy mauner. A few doses will relieve the most troublesome cough in children or adults. For sale by all dealers, at 25 cents per bottle. Twenty-uintii Council, first meet- ing. Maxwell. Jan. 17. 1882. The members electt-d fur the year 1881, met, took the oath of office and quali ficalion, and 'onk their seats. Mem- b'r8 pr 'si-i»t â€" -^lessrrt. NicGirr, Reeve; Melutyre, Bl^itv Reeve JobLston, Sing and TajHor, Councillors. Min utes of last meeting read and adopted. CoiuiuunieatiDiis were read from Juo. Rutherford, Wesley Long. John Win- ters, C. F. Heron, Joseph Maxwell, C. W. Rutledj^e. A. Bell, Pellat Osier, J. Stoliry and Hiram Som- berger Mr. Mclntyre moved' secon- ded by Mr. Johnston, that Joseph Tavlor, Thomas Johnston and J. R. Sing be a Committee to inquire into tbe validity of the Treasurer's securi- ties, and report to Council. â€" Carried. Mr. Sing moved, seconod by Mr. Melutyre, that A. McGirr, J. Taylor and T. Johnston, be a Committee on Roads and Bridges.â€" Carried. Mr. Mclntyre, seconded by Mr. Joenston, that J. R. Sing, A. Mclntyre and A. McGirr, be appointed a Committeo DD Finance and AsMS-mcnt.^Carri- ed- Mr. Mclntyr-' w v. 1. S'conded fcy Mr. Sing, that all c .uiiuunications ami pettilioiisbe rettrred to there re- spective C"iuiuittef8. â€" Carried. Mr. Mclntyre in vi il seconded by Mr. Taylor, th:tt iitv sum of $2 be grant- ed for the n if each polling booth, and the sum nt $8 be paid to each of the returuin:; "fficers for the election of 1881 that the Reeve issue llis orders for the lame. â€" Carried. F»- nance Committee's Reiort Ki /I, banded in, and npoitei' as liihwv.-s: Ist â€" That th.- aiviunt of J. liiitiier- ford fur printing, aiiioMufin« t.« $22.- 42, be aid. 2iiiJ 'I'iial tlie 'dca nut of W. Lung, amciMitin • to $1.25, f'l Ifocks and ie;;iis •.. ii.iil I iicxi-s. b, paid. 3rd -Tli.r ti^. :iiplicaiioii of .\. Bell. Esq »•.' tax- i -i 73. 2nd N D. R., be laid over. l"i md 6th â€" Tnat this Committee r c uiuieud8 a graut of $6 each to Mr Gbiver and Flora McQueen. Gtbâ€" Tliat the application «f Joiepb Maxwi-il.' lor Assessing, be laid over for fntinr eonaideriuion. 7tli â€" That tlie â-  il r 1 iii« Markdale Sta.sdabo be laid over lor tiurther con sideration the Clerk to a»v for Sche- dule not enclosed as stated and that the Reeve issue bis orders for the itmouuts recommended. All of which is respectfully submitted.. J. R. Sing, Chairman. Rciori received. The Committee on Roads aud Bridges Land 111 Report No. 1, as follows :â€" That this Committee would recom- mend this Council to accept the terms ofiferred by the North of Scotland Mortgage Company, t. #., to pay the said Company the sum of $25, and fence deviation tlirougli lot 20, con. 18, iu consideration of rigl t of way granted «ud deeded to this Municipal- itn.. 7bat tbe Collector be instructed t^eolleet the arrears of taxes on lot 28, range S S. D. R.. from George Parsons, less $16 by him performed i» road work, aud certified by John Winters. All of which ia respectfully •abmitted. J. TATi.oa, Chairman. â€" Beport received. "W. Snggitt appear- ed before tke Council asking that a rVAdetMW be made in tbe taxes paya- ble by U. W. MeKensie, on account of hie luaTing' reoeived' Ao benefit from the property assesstnl. Bedoction TCfuted. Tbe Reeve nominated S«m- «el B. Edwards as bis Aui^itor. Mr. Sing moved, seconded by Mr. Taylor, th»t Neil A. McLean be appmnted Aadiior for the carrsnt year. â€" Car- aieiu Mr. biug moved, seconded by Ml- Jih tlMt Mr. Joseph Tay lorbej «ud le hereby instnteted to PROTON AGRICULTURAL SO'Y. The annual meeting of the above society took place in the C^range Hall, Dundalk, on Thursday, Jan. IStb. The Secy read the Annual lleiinrt. showing the society in a very satis- factory condition, financially and otherwise the increase in member- ship bein^ over one hundred per cent. The directors recommended that the exhibition he extended to two days for this year, and that a fall ploughing match be held in connection with the society. After the report was adopted, tbe meeting proceeded to the election of officers for tlie current year, with the following results â€" President, T. Haubury Vice-President. John And- erson Directors, John Rundle, Jas. Robinson, Jas. Rosborough, Andrew Riddle, D. K. McArtbur, Geo. Camp- bell, Robt. Black and Samuel Stock. Joseph McArdlc was appointed auditor for 1881 on behalf of the members. Tbe auditors for 1880, having failed to make a report, Messrs. Isaac Tray- nor and Joseph McArdle were appoint- ed to audit the treasurer's books. Their report showed a balance in the treasurer's hands of $176 after pay- ing all prizes and expenses. Vote of thanks were given to all the office bearers lor the past year, and regret was exprcsed by all at the retirement of Duiican McMillan, late Viee-Presi- ditnt with the hope that, although not Connected with the society in an official capacity, they would still re- ceive his good advice and encourage- ment. [We are indebted to Mr. A. G. Hunter, Secretary of tbe society for the above report. We had to cut it down considerable, however, for want of space.] GENERAL ITEMS. 1R0wt^P0nhtmft, Notice. â€" We wish it Jisinctly understood, that we do not hold ourselves reponsible for tlie ouiuions expressed by our correspondents. To the Editor of the StANDAKn. Sib. â€" I notice in yonrpaperof the 7th inst., that a person signing himseli "Farmer," in reporting tbe proceed- ings of the Nomination, did me a great injustice in stating that I was opposed to giving any further aid to the To- ronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. I stated the very opposite, I said I was in favor of granting the required aid, provided they would carry our stuff at a reduced rate but I was op- posed to giving one cent if they would not furnish the above security. After stuilyhig the subject still more care- fully, I am convinced that the above is the wisest course for ns to presne. It is certain tbat we bave tbe improve ments to pay for m either case. The company stated positively, tliat if they do not get the required help that they will put on a heavy rate, and so compel us to pay it. Mr. Wragge, the present manager of tbe T., G. A It. Rnilway, stated to a ratepayer of .\rtemesia, that one dollar now would be worth as much to them as ten would be when tbe road was completed. The company has stated tbat if we would give tbe bonus they would diserimnate in our favor. If tliev bind themselves t'l rednoe our nites 2^ cents per hun- dred each way, it would pay us to icive them ten thousand dollars, as we woald get back every dollar in the higher prices om: grain buyers eou^d afford to pay us i*x oar i;rain. It would not be a {nroper business inm- saction ou our part as a township to grant a bonus und •* existing circum- stances, as we would be giving oar money to the T., G. A B. GomsaQy, and expectinj favors from the Grand Trunk Company in return for it. Bonds entered into by both companies should be wfiEbieat aeeurity Tor aa. afply to the beira of the late James ' would aiviae "Farmer" b^iwa he at- Yk3tebd4y's fair was very largely attended by botl. drovers and farmers. Cattle sold well considering the quality of some of them. The merchants did a large business in their respective lines. â€" Oravgeiille Advertiser. It is stated that during the recent cold suar an up-country editor froze todcatli while sitting by his office stove -endevoring to keep warm on the prom -ise of his subscribers to pay wood for their paper. â€" Ib. Municipal Depctatijn. â€" A deputa- tion cousistiug of Mr. Kenneth Chis- holm M. P.P. for the county of peel, Mr. Colwell bcotl, mayor of Orau"e- ville, waited upon Attorney-General Mowat Friday morning iu reference to 'the organization of tbe county of Dufferin for "judicial purposes with. OrangeviUc as the county town. The deputation strongly urged the issue of a proclamation establishiug the new county according to tbe legislation of last session, stating that the coun- ty buildings were now nearly com- pleted md would be entirely ready for occupation in a few days. The reply of the Vttorney- General was favorable, and the proclbmation is likely to issue within a week. â€" lb. No uieilicineis more justly popular than Hat^ard's Pectoral Balsam. It is a positive specific for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs leading to Consumption. It loosens the tough phlegm or mucous, soothes irritation, allays troublosome coughing and heals diseased lungs. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents per boottlo. What might have resulted in a very serious accident occurred at Mr. k Gilford's residence one evening last week. Miss Gifford was walking ac cross tlie room with a lamp iu her hand when the top of the lamp becom- ing disconnected from the lower part fell aud broke in pieces. ' Some ot the oil spilt on the stove and becomiug ignited set fire to tbe carpet and a brisk little blaze at once shot up. It was extinguished, however before any serious damage occurred. â€" MoniOn A TouNO man named Alex Mc- Donald, a late arrival in town, was up before the Mayor on Wednesday eveu- ing, charged by Airs. Myles with breaking into her house. The Mayor imposed a fine, which with cos^s amounted to $7.50. Failin:; to come down with the "needful" he was sent to jail for 20 days. â€" Monitor. A 'proclamamation issued by the Governor General directs that the census of the Dominion shall be taken ou Monday, April 4tb, and that the procedure to be followed shall be after tbe de juie system, or of tbe domiciled population. Of the eight shednles to be filled the first gives the nominal return of the living, and the second the nominal return of deaths within the last twelve months. The third treats of real estate, public institutions and industrial establishments. The fourth gives a return of cultivated laud, of field products, plants, fruits, etc., and the fifth of live stock, animal products, home made fabrics aud furs. The sixth is a return of products of the forest, the seventh of shipping and fisheries, and the eighth of mmeral products. Mcnirr Forest ran now boast of a new instiutions yclept a Police Court. Mayor Swan is to he the presiding beak aud Clerk Perry is to officiate as Police Clerk. Polioa office will be at the clerk's offiee Main street and be open from ten till four. Pahoe Court to be held in Couneil Chamber, Town 'RaM.â€"ConfidtrtUe. BIRTHS. In Markdale, oo tb« 14th init., the ofMr.e««aiWx«ht, CaMMt Mak«, â- on. wife of a MARf^lED At the iMidenee U tlM bride's fathar, on Deoambv Mth. by tba Bev. T- Boowrfon, Mr. John Hneia. of Art»tni. to MiM Mliaa Aan. fovik iamfctsr of Hmomw Oaaay. Caq.. U Oa»t«7- -VICTORIA Buchu.UvaUrsi I ISC AGES "ir\ I D NEYS BanliM-k Hoallac Olnlmenl ?)i.wli be used in conneaion with Burdock Blood B:ttcre for curing Ulcers, Absce5~es, Ftvers, .Sores, 8:c. Pnc» as cems per box. T. M II.BUIN Sr CO., Sui.S AcVfTS. TuKUKTO. 6 hacyards* .sI-pectoralSt BALSAM:^! Has no equal for ihe pcrmaf.-nt cure of Conirhi, (olds. KorrTUroat. jhtUnia, Croap, Whooplnx t'on^b, Broneillls, and all I.n as OiMasw. KM" Ever)- bottle guaranteed to gvc ftatlsfaction. T. .MILBLRN C0., Propietors Toronioi Cathartic Pills Comhine the choicest ratliartie priiiriples in medicine, in proportions a«tirat'l al- JuMed to secure activity, certainty, ami uniformity o( effect. Tliey are the ri!.siilt ol years of careful study and practical ex- l^iiiuciit, aiiil are fho luoBt 'HiTtu'd rem- edy yet discovered for disea.st5 caused by deranecment of the stomach, liver, anl bowels, which require promptand eftectual treatment. Avek's Pills are specjally applicable to this of dijeases. They act directly on the digestiv« and assimi- lative processes, and reaoro regular healthy action. Their exteisive use by physicians in their pi .ictice and by all civilized nation*, is one tf the many proofs of their value as a stfe, .sure, anil perfectly reliable purg.iti'e medicine. Being compounded ol the concentrated virtues of purely vegetablt sulmtanccs, they are positively free froa calomel or any injurious properties, and ctn be ailuiin- istereu to children with perfctt safety. Avpn's Pills are an effectual cum for Constipation or Costiveneis, Indigos- tion. Dyspepsia, Ixss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Ureal i. Dizziness, Headache, Loss of Jlcmory, Numbness, Biliousness, Jaundice, llieumati^in. Eruptions and Skin Disetses, Dropsy, Tumors, AVorins, Keur.nlsia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dyseitery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other di.seases resulting fron a disordered Stale of tlie digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no cqnal. â- Wliilo gentle in their action, these Pills are the must thorough auil searching catiiar- tic that can le employed, aiid never give pain unless the bowels are Inflamed, and iiicn thrir ::;3uence is healin;;. They ctimii- late the appetite av.'l digestive orj:ans; they ojerate to purify and enrich tlje blood, and impart renewcA bealtU and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Practical and Analytical ChemUts, Lowell, Mass. â- ou ax Au. naueoisTs sTRTwnzBS. i..ovi:i,i,s Province Ontario Directory Forl(«81.8*2, TO BE PUBLISHED IX NOVEilBEB, '81, Price S5.00. 'Y ril. LOVELL, at therciinc^t of several i.\i Merchants and others of the Proyiuoe of Outario, of the City of Uoutre.U, ttc., begs to aunoance that his firm «ill publLth a PROVISCK OF ONTABIO DlRECTOllY, in November next, contaiiiug an Aipliabetical Directory AND A TBOBOCOoa CLASSIFIED Business Directory of the Business and Pi of essioiuU men in the Cities, Towns aud Villages of Ontario, with a CLASSIFIES BUSINESS DIRECTOKY or TBS CITY OF MONTKEAL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be 'iven to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known upon application. JOHN LOVELL A SON, PubUshers Hontrcal, December, 1880. LTi persons are hereby cantioned against A- ^TIl parehaaing a Note draffninfaror 01 Samoel Iliompson, at Artamesia, and sign^ bv Aaron and William Ernest, dated on or aboat the 1st day of July, i8«o, »nd doe on tlM 15th day of Febroarr, 1881, as we ijave raoeiTed no Ttloe iat tbe same. AABON KBNEST o W^^IAM ,EllNis8T. Flesherton Station, Jan, 9, 1881. 18-3i' of VY np to Feb. Irt, 1881 for buUdiiga tariek h^nie, in Flerfiert^n '"taJeto? fa. ^phrsilmatjrial. Plans and sp.«aU»tioi â- ay ee seea at my oBea. BOBT. DAVIS, Comveyaneer, Comniimtmer in H R, Bml Ettau, Loam, md btmrmmei Jaa. 6II1, 1881. "f Markdale, Dee. 16, 1880 QM T PRICES! A. MciNTYRE. »-l3 FUfflHTBRE, MD SASH JUr " " AMD BCUOTSO TO ' mi AMD COWiOOfOUS BRTCK BUlDlNG ADJOING THE F| EPICAL HALL i\ C' change^oTbusiness. â€" â€" â€" ^6-^ â€" We Uke pleasure in aunonncing to tlie leoidcnts nf Markdale and anrronnd ing Coiintrv, tliat we haTS purchased -^ THE DRDG AND STAPHERY .-BpSIN^SS Lately Wffied ojT-bj- Ik. Sl'BOULli a»^ tT\^hy flijndt pelmntAl Attcutioi 17 41 roB prompt at S^BrAiil^if^ffl;;^ ately«ffied6»r-ljIK. Sl'Iit)ULli„,.v -»=....-., ~.^-r r~~ ------ ^w- busiiiess. and by keeping a full assortiueiit of the BEST MATERIALS, in 88, ana oy Keeping a luii nB^'uiiujtiii. »• -u- ^^^.^ •.,..^ â€" the above lines to merit the support of tLe genera.' public. As tbe Holiday season is fast approaching, we bave purchased a LARGE aud VAJV^ Stock of Fancy Goods, Toys, And many otner Articles, Useful and Ornamental, fci CHBISTMAS.PBE BENTS. Job Lots for CJiristmas Trees at Reduced Rates. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PATENT MEDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY Dyc-Slufls, Painli, Oils Teas, and Tobaccocs, ALWAYS ON HAND. Agents for ESontreal Telegraph and Vicker's E; t^ I'hidcians rrucnptiohs^and Family lifcipies disprtifd at all Dyc-Slufls, Painli, Oils Teas, and Tobaccocs, ALWAYS ON HAND. Express. hourx. TURNER CO. 13 tf Markdale. "ipc. 0. l'^«n. Get Money at 7 per Cent. To discharge it Mortga.^e l€arin;j 8,g or lo percent.; to buy more land, or improve yoi r buildings. Liberal Privileges of epayment OlFUUED BY THE BRITISH CANADIAN â-  LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. o 3PECIALi EAT.1CS FOB. SPECIAL SECURITIES. LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, AND BritiSJl America Assurance Go. XII i: i':Ni'.ii:^\i^i.i£:i Wanzer Family Machines. Organs at Reduced Rates. â-  â- â€¢â-  »M S ..^ Parties roquirfng anything in my line, will do well to call and see me. i' 5. â€" Several improved /arms for sale. Markdale, Dec. 0, 1880. 13-8m MARKDALE HOUSE3, A LEX. BUTLEDQE, Proprietor rilHIS HOTEL i.-i a large tln-ec storey brick bui'dinjr, recentlv erected and fitted up with every moaeiii couvenieiicc. It u fiu-uisbea in First-CUss Style The Bar is iDnpUed with the best brard of Wines. L iiuors aud Cigars, and tbe table with all the dehcacies of the season. The tniveiUup I'liblie may rely upon e»«ry attention being paid to their com fort. GwmI Saiuplf Jiiuiiii fur Cnmnurcial TravelUrt. The oaljr II*tel tlUlt TUm a Bus to and from all Trains. Good Stables and atteutiye Hostlers. 18 PHOTOGRAPHS! 12 F0R^81.50 IWOCI.D again intimate to the inhabi- tants of M»rkd:Ue and snrronnding ttjuii. try, that I am vrepared lo give yon tne BEST SATISFACTION MX PHOTOGRAPHS. AMBR}TYPE8, COPYING AKD Er^L,AirTH?«NG^ Please give tae a call, aud see for your- selves. GALf.ERY, two doors from Rcvcru Hotel. K. BAILEY. MmMiitr, Jan. \n, \fmi. W-9j THOS. MATHEWS, WISHES to tender to his iinniicAmt cu8fcmerg his sincere thanks fur tkeir very Uberal patronage dudng the 16 years he has been in the Harness Business in Mark- dale, an would respectfully solicit a continu •nee of the same, fnelag eonfiident that he can give SnHre SatUfaetion. KTcrytking nsnaily kept in • \, first-class ' HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, alleys on bond, and sold a; ^moderate rates. «f^None but good workman employed and the best of materials used. Markdale, Nav, 18, 183o- ' '„- _^. Jo • »J»j' 1 l^'T^l "" °J^^ W. wot^' of iv f ""nam Road^ 18 acres of cleared iand Inqnireof y^JoR hsmie, and weU fenced. ««wrt ObTw, oppoaite the lot. or JOHH KAT, ,, Beotiaek, Dnriiaa P. O Jan. 18th, 1881. W-tf SAVE YOIMMBINGST" ^^^t^J^^' SSrieiS;^.^- JUwSnLff !S? "y*^ •"nbiliit into Mi^kdaU*. D«c. ieth, l£8oi li^i OAI*I TO MY PATRONS. GENTLEMEN- Whfto thanking yon for the liberal patronage extended me in my Harness Business, and -wishing yon the complements of the KeiMHm, I beg to intimate tj yon that I have disposed of that famteb of my business to J. (iORDON, and beapeak lor him the liberal patronage aeoorded me in tbe past. Yo.ira tnily, Plefherton. Dec. 28, 188a. U-Sih FLESHEBTON Harness Shop THE Subscriber having piutjhasad ih* ba Biness lately carried on by Mr. S Da- "S'uIuJnTn^:.""""'^*'-- NEW CURRANTS.^. REMOVED TO THE BOfLDING OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, where he is prepared to fumiah ALL KINDS of HARNESS nsnaUy (oond in • hirst-Class Establishment, And at prices to suit the times, and fcr naillg THE BEST OF MATERIAL, AND OOOD -WORKMANSHIP hopes to reoeiva a Jair share of your ^tron- ^age. A good supply of ^^ WHIFS, TBVIfKA, *«^ â-  eonttantly on hand. ' COLLABS A SPECIALTY. Call and tiatiafy yoa«iel««8. ^TB^^ ^.*^^. *^ sure i, n^ 3X *!•••»««««. D«i. 1880 npHE Subscriber wmnt. to r«i his Fana ' -^'^^OH 'T ..? J^wm ia Rent. I Fai tlMM].. J. for four year., lot 18. con 9, Q 75 acres cleared; 16 act«. pSarfLd "oUuagoodCUyLoam. f^T^ on tha lat ?,22n!.2!^^ B*«a^^^ fM«hkhaM*, «« aU o«har Mld£r yy. «« HyoW.Ur. T««^S«. f »-" f w w mi*kw». rniiinrtiiiiii ___ on tWpri-to.,^ te A«h.B,»te, S d^«. iOBM BLAOK, ^^ jj^a- 21»t. 1881. ^OT^W^^'^TICES. •rU oeMC bettor. oontequentlT every 0»» 'â-ºÂ»â€¢â- Â«â€¢â™¦ to ' a "n»n WhsM way nnmerons ensionien will ahragrslind.^, or a ciompetaai ftod:aMma *o thair umIs MK9- • w***^ ^.*' f*-^ â- â- â-º'i oomMeneiac buslnew, and I truat hy honMabU dealing to m«nt patronage so lifcerally kostowed ijf the past. I^urniture iji^ 9«U Ihe Ixatest Stj V.«{J ii W i vr vr f Jitilming the^ WinVerl requii* lOC^tfOO ^|EET OF GOOD Bfltteng.Cltey, ftsswood, Birdi mji THE HIGHEST P^ICE 'WTLL, BE :bajA -A-lso €1 QvL exLtity" of Q -ood AU KMBS OF SASI, MORS, M0ULDIN6S, AS- USUAL. Estimate of Supplies Civan on Appljc,^ IST Dorft forget tiM Warero9U««JW)^^ «»«* *«"â-  " '1"" Facton Dmi^. ?W«* „. HOOP, Flasherton, Daeember 38, 188tf. ^ntifnl Uir»ol»8 at I _i«r or bed room set of »/. aM tbat Sir. Jubn si week. eommunicatioo; are liel. rj^;:r week for want |f«GovoBECK baa die- gtooerj to Mr. Gould ' ou tb« busiucss iu tbe Fof oil and eo«li J. J. Vi B«*«^ Hotel iaafc. TOBOWfO icannfaetareT oil. Itfringei] ToEONTo pn hig about tl could easily miss it. AsE yonr machine oi' ie brand d â- â-  is jji'UUiiie. Al-TUOUGH J ing 18 anytl being cousij pitcb- boles Bki? o ns ^ood ilr' iv balf i^iceii. SraKDAKD l, If Tonr oy. htxirata: Mq t WUcox Use "C« ull kiude C«llfnt for it water a\ by dealers. A TEA-iJ Metbodists ment, on sion, 2fi c| Go and 111 BE LING OPP! PALL AND^INTEi AT AND UNDER COST For CashJfor^SO Da] Gents Over-Coats and Suits, LIDIES' FUR IIHTLES ARD SHAWLS, at on tbeT., G. A B. Rail- been eoDsiderably bc-bind [the paat few days from suow U iotense cold. iicBAiiDsos Las i«st received flot of tbe excelsior «ea, wbich en ftJch general satislaob.on. ji« wants it. "J „ Thk C( jeat boat race between Han- ..jj.^^^ Laycock. which was to have ^^.^^,]f,^] ice on tbe 17th was postpoi.ed ^.^ ^^.^ ^^ ,ant of tbe quantity of tee lu ^^^.^^^ ^_^ erTbamea. evcnmg. on Tuesday. 11th inst. on • ^j^^,.^^ Unto and Sydenham Ikad be- ^,,j j,_^. PMarkdale and Noble s c.rn.rp. lo,.,^^.- paioel containing a pair of _« TIhe finder will confer a k«* leaving ibem at this office. jjjjn, Mwegoto press of tlic ^^^ ^^^^ death of Mr Jacob Keefcr on.- j^,,^^_j^_^. oldest settlers on the I-"'-- i^ fuifc Line.Mr.KeeferraHlaviffltio ^^^ to [Ui.Oto. Keefer of Hcsl,e.t.;.i, • ^,.^, ,^.,^^ Lweks since. \\e«aw Ln.i ^^^.^. Iretnra journey home, aud .il i I .about 80 years of aao. Le' ' fmr Xo iaat fur a uumbcr of will out wl uud is UiL El.hKR ill tlio C. I.^ME^ Ladies' and Genls' Underclot Staple and Fancy Dry OF EVERY DE SCRIP nON AT EOCK-BOTTOM PEIC BOOTS AND SHO In every Varietyâ€" CHEAP. Everything AT UNCTSTJ ALLY IjOW P-^I.' "•xoi503:TTO :£3:o-:::ts Wm. BRO Markdale, December 20, 1883. A Merry Christmas aad a Happj Ns In reviewinif the past ;.i:ir wo c?nnot but sa\ *!, been a year rf prosper! ry witii the people o; ..r and as others have prospered, we have btt i participate with them in their prosperity. Our business has rapidly increased, espc; "i moving into our new premises, and we solicir • -: patronage for the year 1881. [have received the steel late ring of the late Hon. Geo. Jirown I presented gratnttoiislv • the hbers ol the W.-eKly tii.,1,.. frequently seen iJie H"ii. we cnn proLouncc the life-like. Now is the Imau, very subscribe. Call and s:-e en- and leavi- your subscriiitou 'il |.V I i. We are now offering a fine collection of Christ mas Coo MS. ;iAL HulKl-, PkIi 1 VII.I.I- lirett attention to tm- noac- hotel to be loiind in Hiioticr n. The house has ImahiuiicIi 'eil aud (.theiwif-e iui;, hii'I under the iiMe n)«i .ij:. u^'-ni â- â€¢i corteous pmj'rK-l'ir. .Ui. To son, we besieak lor- it a H" -u tf buoiucss. a third ainuiiil suii • r of Rug- iiiu i(jo. No. C1S4.C1IUU- otf on tin- l^ih the hall wms m.wiie.i. iii.d a vtiy mt evtiiio^: \. '•• .--lo.t. ii.i. reaiiiii^ i' c:'.;ii'.i.s, a. .. UrS Viiu iil H" UI•^».•^^.â- ^^.t tt^veti. Of cor.rsc- !r. .1. son was tin (.ii;. f it^ th" ';v Willi I IS Janj,'ii'l at li.i. leut; ih.y biought ii» u evtry tiiLe. ^n: .Vi-rt' r-- â-  iu hiiustlf. â€" Nrr i; tut! annual luectincr f J '.-J ... jltural society fi.r liu ' :«' ..: the fo; lowing tbcers weii • «i- â€" President, Wm. Ciuy 1 i. Vu- B. Y. Bulk '2nd lio. do., Jom-. rlrvr. Directors, Jopin. (iaii Liuley, J.R. Siiig. N ;1 M T McUirr, J. Wim rs, 'i. ]5: ' .-..r J. McMon'is, Iionaki iiidi 'abou. .•Troaa., Jo^iuh Gauiey. iTKicBsiA a^'ricuU'i.! Society lel uaal merting in t:ie '1 vvn ii-il isherton, ou thi i;Vh i;.5i.. â-  iolloiiing oflicwi» »«re »•.- .â- ;•«.! â- â-  eBeaisg year; â€" Presi.U..:. .\ iwn-; Vice da^, R. Oliver. t)ir. .• i •^. Brodie, J. M. Wibtir. t. Iti -..ii:. Elliott and J. Bumioi,. l)ji\ot. .s in elected J. Bredie, Sen; -Troas. DBCIDED Il-Ura in tue UlutAlUi'Uiai tliM* noighhru'liocxL We a gay and festi%'e crowd Kuvc the Ox Fri-l ed Mis liiilf iroil was frIIIlJ 'is»;iic' held III tl the resi-.H CkoI T terror- t^ at liHi Thr'a' liitlMii ..f .: II. •..-v., y.y... h. 1 r..v ill 1). :h- â- â€¢ '.rti iSt:.1' ' (â-  AbOf I; •• â-  r, 1 i;.^ii T, â-  I 1' NAIfELY 7m, Laiis' M GntloiaVtiips ui and a large variety of CHILDEEN'S TOY OUR CROCERI For the season are, as usual. Well Selected, Fresh and Co NEW PRUNES .;-::. â-  /? NEW TEAS, at 45c, Splendid Value. The People are all asking for our „:' ,â- â- : ;• "'TEA DUST, nothing suits so' â- ' '".1 k. I x-.f WINTEB DRY GOOI At LOW PRICES tSQlssit them out. bTIGE ft ..tu .;â-  â- "•â-  " «nl ';. W4NTED~te),ob(9 Rail^y Ties, r ' 5,000 Telegraph Poles, l^^ajwsri twt*aS[{« l«o, a quantity of Cord^ Markdale^ Dec.: aj^ iMSo. -l-t'.- em S|niial| Loria HUli Hi; er.-. -kdale House on Weduesday, after j.^^_ j lYiously ;baving paid 11 visit to one j,„jj ' otir iciniaters, w'lo arc gfttin;: 1^ ^,. Ite expert, from the ariouiit "' .1. j itice tbey have had of late. Ti:esc ' J^'^^ „ people will do it, uctwitlistand i~j",^!| the frequent warnings they nccive i ' ' tbosa who bave been there.! ' ;h is life. if." ' 1 to I M08K8 Gates' cold dip, promis'il us wit'n mt the 15th arrived on time the ^y irmometer registering 10 dcgitc low zero on Friday moruuii; l;i«t. " ^^' sitting round the' stove to keep n " J^^ Q wa the most promiucut bu^lI.r-» â-  linees transaction of thi^ilav. li.. "' weatlier has moderated xiiu vh;ii " "" loe, and at tbe present time of wii: " T (17tb) tue thermometer stands """ degrees above zero. No indua- ., ' ' IB as yet of the promised thaw I ., ' CoNCEBT will be held iu the Or 1.. Hall, Berkeley, on Friday, Jan. i pn. inst, at which, the Misses Ale -jal, Owen Sound, Reid aiii Ford ' Markdale, aud Messrs W. McIX.ii " 1, Ford, Cafsar, Mason and Tannar 1 1" ' to particpate. The Markdale '"' ig band are also to be present. ' sion 25c. and 15c. I'roci'eJs to ' '" in furnishing Christ Church, 1 ^«' lii.h' Th« annual meeting of East On y Ben Itural society, was held in tin 1 Tho 'own Hall, Flesherton, according- 1^ IMi •tioe, on the 19th inst. The annual 1 Ada [fpsrt was read and ado] U-d. The 1 and Hcaident read the Directors reiort wrhicb was receive*!. (Wi will publish ii neit week.) The olVio-is arc ii~ a :â€" President, This. K.lls lt y'tee do., B. Myles 2n(' Vice do., Di [cGregor. Directors, S. Daiuude. A.. Muaabaw, Wm. Burnett, Josiali Gamey, R. Y. Burk. 1). K. Ellis, K. .nthven, J. Ablwtt, E. bhaw. Dcle- ;JK^, Tboc. KelU. flBnous Fntt. â€" On Mondav last *bfle Mr. James Sullivan, who n sides «o lot 16, con. 6, Gleuil*;. w-is «' ftioeville attending the fair, a fire â- â€¢ok* out in a liack room of the house, eia •••4 for holding clothes. It is sup- i P ^•••d that the children went into the list •••â- Â» with a light aud unkii«iwinj;ly jrt th«pUee oa fire, and closing the WV aftitr them, nothing was k:iowu Wil till the place was in flami -^ aud bong extinguished. Loss about ~~.00; no insurance. This is i Mrioas loss to Mr. Sn^hvan. wl.o th* tfxaftiaj of all who know 1 tl ri !â-  l .Uf veal It c\ tor iiji i| D'll f..r |ItuJ Vii] I Bill I of I of tl line I of tl [li^-.r I tiiel Iu ind othi IF. ftimi -.-Kr,:

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