Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Nov 1880, p. 1

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 I I •B f\ r' 4 k .t '11 11 THE STAOARD. Friday. Nov. 12th. 1880. have us belieye. feeling in favor of is rapidly gaining hu desire for putti will sLow his infla ^^ well aware Uu ' pfetiog tlie bonai oondand be off the^i! iacaUi* Now as to "fighUmg ta0. £lii bis own paper," a^e ifllgantly it we wish ia/ijkifxio ime, Initmn rendy to iiseutf all cubjects tbat bear on tlie welfare of the Towngli^ of Ar- tlic Reeve, or any " ne els* bat we must insist tli«»y i n«»t twist our arti- cK s t suit tbeix B»^ i)nrr^""i '"' place meanings upon tbem Uiat were never intended. PROGRESS OF MARKDALE. THE REEVE OF ARTEmESIA. In this issue of tb» Stanuabd will b« foniid a commuuicatiou from Dr. ChriMtoc. iu wbicb be " demars most (mpbtttically " against th" position we take in the matter of the bonns by- law. He opens his battery with a deliberate mibtatemcut, Ue states that we accufe bira of " dishimntf/." There is no sacb word in tlio wbolf article, and if the Reeve »» acting as honestly and disinterestedly as be wishes us to believe, be could have pat no such constraction on the lan- guage wc used if be is not, then the old and tiitc saying proves true iu this care, that a " guilty conscience needs no Rccnsir." Again we quote the Doctor â€" " As to your uun^cessjiiy advice toreiuem- Ikt us for evil. " We gave no sucli •d\icc- and wt dffy tlie li ;fevo to prove it. Ho then goes on to say he under- alood that our paper was to bo "neu- tral a.s far as differences between in- dividuals or parties aro concerned." We the Reeve, in all sincerity, to point to a single sentence of ours â- incc the Standabu made its first ap- pearance, wjereiu wo have deviated from that course. Willi Dr. Christoe as a private iudividnal, wa have no- thing to do but ab Reeve of Artemo- sia wo consider wo have a perfect i right to criticise his conduct, and shall not hesitate to do so wlipnever we find bim, in his oflicial capacity as Rsevo, acting in a manner we consider detri- m Etui t the best interests of the Township he roprestuts. Now since the Reeve has put a cou- sutruction on our langnai^c never in- tended, and put words in our mouth Wc never utt«rvd, we will iisk bim i» he honest when Lu tells the farmers tlioy will receive uo bouclit from tlic pasbing of the by-law granting the bonus, and the contifquent improvo- mciit of the road ' Is it not a well known fact, that all graiu bought alonj th.j lino ol tho T., (i. B. R. R. bis to be traiiSiiipiici at Toronto, and tltM:ii iuot the cost thereof come out of the pockets of tho farniors? or does tho Reuvo iiuagiiiL- the farmers are so simple ps to lelitvo thfgr."in buyers, from pun; disintercstodnciis, pay this ,out of «/.,(/• piK-kct-s. and con.s«.iuently i '^^•""cd by few, if any, in many of pay tlie sumo price for grain as is paid ^^*^ larger towns, nloii;^' the raihvay.f where it is shipped to iti dostir atiou nilhout breaking bulk. h tlio Rimvc honest wlnu he wishes tho tarmerfi to hilitve that the ono Ur. ^olm, posed of a C0W8, Nov. 10. â€" Eveiything qnkt Thanks- giving Day. All places of business «lme«; • P B Ultw lu to Mt t b i MB t Cburcb at half- pat t ten, and in Pres- byterian Church at balf-past one. A number of the Nimrods went banting and jiidgiug *twg app e al MKW Notwithstanding the cry raised by some of the party press that the country was fast going to rain Mark- dale is decidedly not troubled with that disease. This year thers has been great activity in all branches of business and in the bailding line in particular. Hill Rros have just completed the erection of a three story double brick store and dwelling with two storey addition to the rear, facing on Toron- to street, one half of which is occupied by (J. W. Rutlc'^-e as a printing of- fice and the other by E.D. Wilcox, as a telegraph office and jewcllry stose. The first half of the main building is occupied by Hill Bros themselves, in which they have just opened ont one of the largest and best assorted stock of general goods in the village. To the rear of the store and over the printing and telgraph offices is the millinery department, a good view of which can be hud from tho store. Tho other half is occupied by Wm. Lucas Co., Bankors. To the rear of the Bank is a large room, which is useil for unpacking gocds Ac. The upper flats are occupied by tho Hill Bros as a dwelling. There is also a magnifficent cellar the whole size ol the maia building, which we believe IS 41x(C ft-et. The brickwork, plast- ering carp'inter work and paintini?, arc all done in first-class style and in- flect great credit on tho contractors. Dr. hprrulo has also erected a fine three story double brick store, one of winch is to be occupied by himself as drug .store. Telegraph and express office, and the other by J. F. Sproule as a general store. The upppor flats aro to be used as a dwelling. Tho Dr. i« also erecting a magnifficent mansion, which, when completed, will sui-jiass anytliing of tho kind in any villagu iu the Dominion, and will be their return, tb^had a 'boss" time, They did noi commit mneh havoo among the denizes of the woods, bow- ever, as their trophies amounted to 0. Mr. Cknuor8 has got iiis grocery and liquor store in full blasL A t»W of the ohl citiaens have stroek the ecen* already, and are raUrinirroiUKl. Mr. Phillips of Blytb opens eat in the drag store lately oeenpiad by Mr. Carter. Our fair was well attended eonsid- ing the state of the roads. A number of cattle changed hands at vary fiur prices. Oh, that skating rink I I gooes John has flunked. Will not some of the boys take it in hand. It IS reported tbat Mr. Wm. Nelson is to oppose J. J. Middleton for the office of Reeve for 1881. We wish them both success. Fast Ashkep. 1R*vvt*p«n^tnct. NuTics.-^We wUh it diainetljr understood, that we do uot bold oonelrM r«yonsiUe for tiieopinious expreisod hy oor correapondeut*. iTe BoiBoient an/thing to kd the sns- iUOfw eiti- 1 •onsider bwsase a light to speak heard ttriutio. eloarlT kalyto leoorse m apprehend follow the y f llflw a uuu iTa wealth he may not presame to raiae his'voice bi f-NB idCMidgooM^ted bf some illnalored neighbor, ^^bo. per- iU â- I llJIIIlUg Mill IMlMIUW l inanhood. may he eirtiidbr hif »; r. Avay with saab mu liml THE BONUS QUESTION. Mr. Joseph .Mc(.'utcliooii, has built an addition to tho Revere Hotel, which adds largely to i*s accomodation and aj)prarance. Tlie English Church, a very fine hors« ufTuir wo now have in tho shape r""""'" '"' "â-  ""'t '» *•'« congre- of a railway, would answer then- pur- 1 f^^'"'" "" '« ' """ completed this poso as wc-U is a good road, wi.loncd j " ""i cost of over $3,000. to tlio national gu-ige. and worked by ' ""â- "' "' "'" ""^^^ o"'*^' "^l'" ono of tho stioiigLst and most oiicrgoc- tic Compuiaes on the American conti- nent. The ono we have answered its day, and lui^ piiid back to the rate- payiTS triple the amount thoygavo it, iu the increased vahio of land iu the niiinlit'i' of villages that have si)rung up wlioru Iftfiira was an utter wihler- ues.s, and Uie greater facilities afford- ed them fur tho disposal of their sur- plus production. And now that, through increased prosperity, tho road IK. iiiadii)uato to moot the demand m;vU u|iOii it, and it is necessary to piaco it on a better footing, we ask in it unreasonable that the Company, while wishing to hsnefit themselves, and at tho same lime couforring-an in- valuable boon on tho ratepayers gene- rail v, should 'Cek the assistance of those so benefited in making the ne- crs?;iry iiiiproveinont. We think not, and we believe that every right think- ing man, who sincerely and hunestly («iiioe tho Ikevo is so fond of the word) hat tho interests of tho commu- nity at heart, wilLaitrec with us. Again we ask, is the Reeve honest in trying to ^onv*y the impression that the petition was not signed by a j ings to be put up next spring one in particular by Messrs. Reid Mc- Dougall. It is to hi a three story brick, with a frontage of 81 feet and 50 feet deep, on tho vacant corner lot opposite the Revere Hotel. â€" ' â€" I «â-  â-  ' IN ME MORI AM. Parents, while it is natural and right that you should mourn for the little ones departed, still wo would not have you mourn without hope. We know that all expressions of sym- pathy that we can give will not heal the wouuif) still we desire to offer you our christian sympathy, and to weep with thoso that weep. But tlsrough your tears, dear friends, we would point jou to tho future, and though now your family circle is broken it may be again ranuiled, and that for- ever. Listen, dear parent?*, to the blessed words of Jesus as he unfolds the future to us. "Take heed that ye despise uot one of these little ones for I say unto you, that in Heaven there angels do always behold the face of my Father which IS iu Heaven." "Even SO it is not tho will of your Father, which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." Matt. xviii.lO-U. Therefore, He said, "sufFer Uttle sullieient number of bona jUe voters j c|"lil«" " coujj unto me and forbid .to entitle it to receive ut the bands of the Council, when be knows that, with few exceptions, they are •luahfied voters and even after striking off the non-voters, more than double the number required t y law Would still remain on the petition. â€" Wo would bring this little sentence to die notice of the Reeve, " supprtiaio Tiri, sugQtxtio talti." As tc to the petition being sprung upon the Council, tbat is utter bosh. Docs the Reeve think that any man Yitb the least particle of common sense believes that a. petion, to obtain the signatures of 150 persons, could be circulated in such a private manner tbat only those interested knew any- thing about it Has not tlie matter been discussed in the colums of tiiis pa(ei' for weeks past, and has uot our worthy Reeve been the most promi- uent man engaged iu in it. The excuse that he did not wish to drag the voters unnecessarily to the polls, is childish in the extreme. The by-law will have to be submitted sootiuer or later, and when some of the moat lutlucutial and wealthy men iu tha Township, and probably the heaviest tax- payers, petitioned to have the by- law ttubmitted forthwith, com- mon courtesy, at hast, would suggest tiiat it be done. If the Reeve were so confident of Bacccs.i, and has those 600 voters (or there abouts, and of whom he is so soUcitons that he does uot wish to drag them "anneeessarily to the p \U," at bis back, why is he ait.ui ti stibuii; the by-law at once uuU iiuvo the uiiitter finally settled. â€" Bat he is not so sangoine as he would consideration """ °"' ^?' °^ ""'^^^ " ^^° Kingdom oi Heaven. Like David of old, though your little ones will not return unto you, still you can go to them, for does not this same Jesus sny, "who.soever will, may come," and that he is 'the resur- rection and the life,' and "that whoso- ever believeth in him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life." Therefore dear parents look u» to that brighter morn, and be reoily to meet them again in the Glory Land. O tliiuk that while Ton're weeping here Those liantis tho ({oldcn hiirps aro striuging, .\nil with a voice sereno and clear, 'flioso rtusomod sonls, without a tear, The Saviour's praisa are singing. And thiuk that all their pains are fled. Their toils and sorrows closed forever While He, whose blood for man was shed, Has placed upon the children's head, A crown tbat fadeth never. Christian BnoTBsa. DUNDALK. From our Correspondent. (These Itnms came to band too lato for in- sertio-j laot week.) Weather fine. Mr. John Bagan, in the employ of Thomas Hanbery for about two years, was leaving for a job down about St. Catherines, and left on Monday, 25th ult and by some means got run over by a train in Toronto the same night. It was feared at first that his leg would have to come off, but a« far OS known it is not off yet, and is re- ported to be doing well. Cause too heavy a load of the extract of com. That rink of Hanbery 's has uot grown another post j'et. Mrs. Carter disposed of her boose- hold effects on the 80th alt. by auc- tion, and will leave shortly to join her husband in Bostoq, where he has beau lor some months. The Drug Store will still be carried on by a Druggist irom Blytb. The bailding for tha JkiU««]w«t completed. .-./,..,.«.,•... .j-i*-. To tha Editor of the Standa*!). Dbar Sib, â€" The ratepayers of Ar- temesia should bear in mind that the grant of $300,000 from the interested 5luuicipa]ities is one condition of the agreement between iiie T„ Q. and B. and the Grand Trunk Railway Com- panies, and that sum has been as equah'y distributed between tho sever- al Municipalities as possible. If Ar- temesia should fail to do her share, is it likely that'other mtnicipalities much less interested will do theirs? If all fail the bargain fa'ls through, and we lose the connection with the Grand Trunk. But some will say, " There is no fear The Grand Trunk will got the road at any rate, and widen ihc gauge, too, and that without any aid from tho Municipalities." I am sorry that I cannot share in the strong faith of those who talk thus. To my mind there is a very great fear. I tliink that by refusing tho bonus we run the risk of losing that connec- tion, which all admit would prove so beneficial to us I think that those who talk in this w?y have not given the matter that attention which the importance of the subject demands. ^|\V'hen we consider that throughout this whole Dominion there is not per- haps a single railway tbat has not been aided, either by the Government or the interested Municipalities, what right have wc to expect to be more I highly favored tliaa other localitieo 7 |l take the ground, however, that if our giving a bonus would secure the changeofguae a few years earlier than it otherwise rould come, it would pay the Townsh .^ to ijivc the Bonus. But, sir, even though the chango of guogo bo effected without oar aid, I hold still that it would have been our wisest course to aid the enterprise for the^ following reasons â€" It is much better for any Municipality to be on friendly terms with the Railway ']».rapany by whom it is served â€" they have mutual iuteiests at stak â€" favors or tho ri ve'se can be given or received, y^t would be a very easy matter ^»r the Railway Companv to discriminato agaiist our Township so that our peo- ple would have to pay the bonus ten times over in the course of tho next twenty years, and in all probability this may be done and wo cannot help ourselves. Artomosia is the most de- pendent Township on the Railway of any in the County. We have nowhere else to go our intertsts either for weal or woe are bound up with the Railway. Wo cannot change our geo- graphical position, but we can, by our folly and stupidity, convert a friendly corporation into a powerful antagon- ist. I know that many are opiiosed to the pi incipal of giving bonuses at all. These people would prefer to remain without any railway accommodation, rather than pay anything to secure it. Happily, however for the good of the country such false economists are largely in tho minority. The giving or withholding of bonuses is entirely a business transaction â€" people give their money because they expect to get some thing in return. To talk of " charity " in reference thereto is so ridiculous and absurd, that I wonder any sensible man would resort there- to. 1 am aware that the economy cry is very popular, and it is obvious that some are ready to stifle their con- victions to pander to this delusion for the sake of popularity. To such I would say, beware This " penrfy- wiso and pound foolish" policy has often proved ruinous it may be so in our case. Now, Mr. Editor, at the risk of being considered personal, I cannot refrain from remarkini;, that if the Doctor feels bis position so very secure, why does he deem it necessa- ry to remind the people ef this in- tensely Conservative Township, that he is no friend of the Mowat Govern- ment? If the Dootor is BO sure that be has the " people at bis back," why did he not submit the By Law and allow the ratepayers an opportunity of approving or rejecting it as they might see fit Does the Doctor think that in the eyes of the people of Ar- temesia his being ' no friend of the Mowat Government," will cover a multitude of sins or does he think his being " no friend of the Mowat Government," is a good and valid ar- gument asainst the bonus 7 Yon know, sir, tbat some people's bump of self-esteem is so very large, they im- agine their opinions should not be questioned their pride is wounded if you presame to differ with them they almost regard yoa as a personal ene- my if yoa do not meekly swallow all they say as the infsUiblo dictum of unerring wisdom. I am not by any maaas one ef the heaviest ratepayers in tbo Township, ceither am I among the Isweet; biit it is not apon tais soon that I presame to speak. I am siaply a eitizea of this by no means nnimportaat Moni- cipah^, and as saeh, wliother I pay tros ferior Exploded be the doctrine 1 1 •' ThaMoa u batth* sniaea sUMip, ABMa-saMBtea,Uiat ' It is true that I supported the $«»;• 000 By-Law'last summer I do not regret having done so. I belief i then, as lionom, that it waa ia tb* iateraet of the Towadiip to grant that bonns. Artemseia iwa never bordea- ed herself very serlonsly irtfli railway dsbt, Bvary dollar she ha* giten given has been retaunad t« her wUh good interest why then shoald wt hesitate bo give another bonns when the prospective advantages are w ob- vions. Now, Mr. Mditor, I am done. I will not condescend to bandy words with any one I have no time, maeh less have I any iucliaation for sooh work. Personally, I have nothing against Dr. Christoe, I think he is an excellent Reeve but I am no less of opinion that the course he is pursiing in reference to the railway bonus Li inimical to the best interests of the Township. Wm. Bbown. Maricdale, Nor. 8, 1880. John Wailiog J. 0. Dni Wfadona liMTS, and ew"thisl •'IMieve^lbatl Just S. h ow auav tim^ the j j j^ y* ' ȣ; Te the Editor ef the Staxdabb. Bia, â€" I was astonished iu reading your editorial, re-council. I demur against your position most imphati- oally. First, as to iwuilt tj so many of my warmest friends. Nothing of the kind was intended, supposing they were all bona-fiie voters and had a right to be there, which is not the case by far. Second, as to your unnecessary advice to remember us fNr evil. I tliink it most unfortunate, such excites retaliation. Third, as to my dishunnti/, I do not intend to discuss the question with you. I understood your paper was neutral, so far as dif- ferences between iniicidualt or parties were concernied. If uot, it virtually cuts of discussion, for I oould not for a moment undertake to fight «n Edit)r through his own paper. I was acting for five hundred voters (about; who don't wish to be dragged unnecessarily to the polls aid who are deprived of petitioning the council. Now Sir, as to my interpretation of the clause involving my di$hoiie$tif, I am not changed in my opinion, wnte me down iytiorant if you please, for I like it much better than the worl duAon«(. Five weeks ago the solicitor lead us to understand, that because Artemesia had given so decided a vote against a DonuM he wonld not ask us to submit a by-law, until tho popularity of the scheme were tested iu other muuici- palities he said, it would look too much like foreinij her. The petitions were sprung upou us last Monday, and excited opposition accordingly. We were blameless. The subsection of tho act reads, "aud the council shall, within six weeks after the re- ceipt of such petition by the clerk of municipality introduce a by-law to the effect petitioned for, and submit the same for approval of tin qualified voters." Wc in our symplicity ught that two things the council od to do, first introduce the by-law, second submit it, that is, fill it in, arrange for tlie day of polling, appoint officers and polling places iu a word submit it, and we thought and continue to think, if done in six weeks, it is within tho meaning of tiie act. Now, sir, we inay be wrong in the interpre- tation, we really do iiot desire to break the law, but you can do no good by talking mandamus, your canse would suffer three fold by coercion, aud then sir, it dosn'^frighten as I have written as mildly as possible under the circuiustances of so aggravated a charge, and I sincerely trust the breach wdl become no wider. Reoollect the vote of council stood 4 to 1. Da. Chsistok. This peniirr"' rsarodoetiaai ei hi s idsntity Dk, Dr. Ch ristoe ooateads that the wMen- B|UIU»PHilâ€" IU « PM iwi 'â-  â- ! ^OlioB pralereatiV stofk isnte prefsesd ta be raUei oniw llif iww srrsaMiaMl S J« it the llanitipeBtiea wQI not lake. ii«ia, '•me •Ue ean be tzpeeUd fjiov1 The whole arrsateateat evidintiy ftaadi or tslU an the •sdstanee giraa or withhdd by the Maaiei- ndfttes. aad this MatehUoa is, ,th«r«mei i^^Mt^mt vitloo?' Sr: CWMIm Miys,â€" • By eonditkps of lease. oeS^il nkw kmne- tiv«|^«'*tobeboaght, IS to be eenvertei; f csfstdDebooi^lS tob* sonverted, *«.* How, li tUs stttnnant wflftJly fireb to nls- Iswl the •iMiars It looks mneh like it, u aet. MifiMVi not say that theM oUW rs- tnni to thepasMoger ierxioe, aad iaitead of eondodiBg with on lMtr«, why did he »ot oontinnethefaotMnmtrea the srtielas at •greemetit sa fbllews ;â€" *; Firei|^ sarvleeâ€" S Coadnetots* vaat, fiOboxeSrs'to he par- ehaMd,C oatU* ean, 773 eaii to be ooarift- •d.* It li that Mufly seen that there is tometimes • good dsal under sn Ae. It has been tru^ ssid that facta oalj partly told are often proof an intentlonsi fraud. Kaitber is it thoofht neoecMtry by this vxemplary Baeve to itftte the fset, that if this screeiaeDt wKb tha Grand Tmnk if carried ont and the road widened, we will have the benefit also of a large pi'rtion of that Company'B rolliag stoek, aawaUas the r»llin« stoek of other lines hsviBg rrmniof eonneetions with tbat road. What ean be thought of the Beeva of a Township in thus lappressing important taets while prefsaaing to write to bia eonattt- oenta on the azpreraed assamplioB that " perbapi they have not tha papers in their handa to form a jndgemant." No ooa need be aatoaisbed that tha Doetor has aoeeaded for the present in atavmg off the aubmlaaioa of the by-law. No doubt eonaidarable isge- noity hai been diaplayad. Let the Doetor g«t a ooat of arma with thia Hataldria â€" A pictnre of a Daek ranpant -in a atagnaat puddle, (plashing abont mod in all diresj tions, and trying tv cover up a large namber of bozeara with the words ET C£TEBA; while tha respected Doktor's own private motto of O, tempora 1 O, moret j might with much propriety, be conjoined to Quack thia notable designation being ipacially applica- ble in more ways than one, and if the duck'a back shoald again raqaira it, I have much pleasnra in assuring the Doctor that I ahall always havo some water' ou hand reaerred for special oecaaioma. Toon trulVi COBEBT BOBBBTSOK. Flaahcrton and pricavilla Station, Nov. 8, 1S8U- Palffllnr G«or«»B« J,^*WI1IUI w uiiMi It: ILCampb^U Bobt. MmImmi 8. WMcbob. ar. ICattfiew Leioh Jtmm M«iMJ#i-' Wm. Ladlow M. Biohardsoo B. Damade Wm. Wri^t Bobt TrimUa K. J. JohMtan W. Brown, Z^ John QraBMB George Wright Samuel Walker, Bobert 8. Bm OaorgaBoUb JoMpbBaitir Jamas Walkar C.B«7aoM« Alex. Botledga W. B. Walker Pl^^BtM Michael Akitt WnuBdn J. W. Arautroof *nio«. tfctbevjl' W».M.DM«lMa J. F. dproaU E. S. lUbM OMTfaHMkatt Wm.£Uakalt 8. C. Coleman P. HeArthvr T. B. Sproola ThoaMNiebol G, W. T^on B«ig. Coleman ThbouuItSiMon' Geo. JN Blyth D. F. McDonald Angus Molntyre Alex. Webster James Oraig John Iniria ' L. Anderaon John McArthur John Garter CAStt^TO .olds S I the front with a complete stock ji Grflcer UMi.STAIItARD, *ttd»y. Nov. 12tiii 1880. 4 OTHER NOTICES. uou -- THE MARKETS- MABKDALE. PaiBAT, Mot. 12th, 1880. Tlonr S.Oo to S.Oo Spring Wheat per bosh., new 1.00 tc 1.00 FaU do. do. do. 0.9.' to 0.97 To the Reeve and the Council of the Cor- poration of tJtd Touinship oj Artemena. The Petition of the undertigned qualiffied votert wider the Municipal Act, vho ar* rated at Freeholderi on the last Revised ^Aisestment Roll and who are residents of the Townthip of Artemesia. HCMBLV SnSWKTH ' Th the Editor of the Stamoa»d. Sib,â€" The P. S. of Dr. Chriatoe'a lottar in your issue of week, ia an involantarr ad- mission ot the correctness of my conclusions. I expressly avoided charging him with fishinfr for popularity, although posse ised of reasons for doing so but he docs uot heaitate to charge ma without any raaaoa whatever. â€" Tha charge, however falls to the ground in view of his own expressed behef.that a majo- rity of the ratepapers are again t any further bonus. The erporure of the fact that I am a grain buyer is superfluous, seeing that it was a well known fact previously. The further ezpoiure as to my aasessment waa equally onnecassary, considering that most of tho ratepayers know pretty Well that my means consist chiefly of cash or produce and uot of real estate in Artemesia, and I may be allow- ed to say, that what means 1 hare are there- by much mora usefully employed for the Township than if held in t||e shape of assai- pable property. When exposing thia well know secret, however, why didu't the Doetor expaee the secrets in couneetion with his own asaeanment. My a«ae8sment, such an it is, has always been taken n property legally owned by myself, Can Dr. Christoe sav as much The reasons and arguments of my letter are aonnd only ia exact ratio to their truth ard common aenae, withont raganl aa to whether my assessment be three hundred or three thousand dollars- During the past six mouths I have keenly diaeossed thia qaestion with many of (he ratepaye a. and Dr. Chriatoe is the only one who hiia so de- meaned himaalf as to even hint I eould be infloenoed in my opinion or vote by the amount of my assessment. Dr. Chriatoe aaya, that 45e ia aU the bonus akad on three hundred doUars asa«a«msnt. Wdl, what if ha making such a to-do a\aut Surely' it ia worth that proportion to get thia saetiea once more into a ereditabl* linaaneial posi- Then I am an interested party beeatue a large or small share of the tarea, I claim the sight te address my fdkw eitizeas wpon any safajeet of eommoa eoneera. I riaim the right becanse I deem myself possessed of the nacea. sarr " gumption" to know what I aa •t-:Ximlli lull t -ha;, i J.' tTt It .imr-tJ*. •I i»a a 2\ tion. aocordiug to him I am Ule-atete with the Management. I can qnita understand the (ting intended here in a batiaea* point of view. The Doctor mi«ht have aparad him- suit the homUiatioQ of trying to bMome a gratuitoua mischief-makar. I am jwtaa in- dependent of tha Management as tho Maa- axemaut la of me. Dr. Chriatoe evideaUly meaauraa others by himseU, and aetimatM his onw opinions to be right or wrong aeoor- ouig to the daeision of the alectorata. Hear him I • If right, 1 am sure the vote wiU U a«)orduMdy. Unot, I am equity oasxwiwJZ the Toto will be othenbaa.^ aL «,,lSS seU-eoatradictory Boeve--' A mUai that aaords no argumanu save ifanndoM Ht^m t the monja, and parwn of an opuna^ °"8'" »«"*. •»»ndoned." On thuSom? U hi. P, 8 u worth anything ev. inSW •sy, he ought to abandoc hi. o-nioaa^n tho matter m hand. Being wuS^^rn^ ny argument., ha eomiTtoTiirnatmiS lav2 m attempting io belittle me-^ SSJwlSr* •ny o«h« pcnoB eaa aoeonpliah: but he HuMlf4rawnhi««M teTWk^Mi, •plattartogiatheawd. ThiasJSsJSi U aomathlag tsaarkahli. lU^Z^^SX. fc-T" «y barfaeea wST -^â- ftiJj^g' tai^fe^Wa 1?^ *-^« •'^l nf tcosr. We, «(lQ|a eoauMn htf^, it :o aus!»-d}- ' That yonr pelitioncrs, in accordance with the terms of tho several Acts re- lating to the Toronto, Grey aud Bruco Kitilway Company, desire to aid the Company by giving th'^m money or debentures by way of a bonus for the purpose of enabling it to change the gauge from three fcet^x inches to four feet eit'ht aud a half inches, and for the raconstruction of the Railway aud for tho amount tlicy so desire to grants and b? assessed for is the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars. Your Petitioners therefore pray that your worshipful Council will, as requir- ed by law, introduce the necessary By- law for granting aid by way of a bonus to the amount of Twelve Thousand Dollars aforesaid, and submit the same to the vote of the qualified rate- payers of the said Municipality of the Township of Artomesia, and iu due course pass the same for the purpose of raising the said snm ot Twelve Thousand in the 8:iid Municipality of the Township of Artemesia for tlio amount of the sail bonns payable in twenty years, witli interest thereon payable half yearly aud for tho de- llivery of tlie same toibe Trustees to be appointed under the said Act re- lating to the Toronto. Grey and Bruee Railway Company, passed at the last Session of the Ontario Legislature, and under the terms that the said Trusteis shall not deliver the said dedentnres or any part thereof, or any proceeds of said de- bentures or any part thereof, unless and until they receive a certificate of the Chief Engineer for the time being, setting fortli that the work is com- pleted, so that regular freight and passenger trains are being run over tho whole line by the Grand Trunk Company from Toronto to Owen Sound and to Teeswater on a track of the width of the Standard National gauge of 4 feet 8| and that the whole line has been laid with steel rails ou or before tho first day of January 1882, nor uutil the arrangement betweeu the Grand Trunk Railway Company and the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company for the working by the Grand Trunk R.-iilway Company of the whole of the Line of the Toron- to Grey and Bruce RaUway Gompaiiv for twenty years, from the first day of Jannary, 1882. embodied in an agree- ment, dated ISlh September, 1880, has been approved by the Directors and proprietors of the Grand Trunk Railway Cumpany, and the snid Share- holders of the Toiouto Grey anj Bruco Railway Company, and the said deben tnres shall uot be converted into money uutil the conditions of this by law have been fulfilled, and for assessing and levying upon all ratable property lying within the said municipality of the a special rate for the payment of said deben- tures and mterest thereon. D.+ted at Artemesia, October, A.D.. 1880. Robert Robertson R. E. Hall Ales. Hannah Colin McArthar John White Henry King B. Chapman D. McDonald A. Turner James Harvey H. Bennet, M. D. James McNieol T. A. Conkey John Rnell Robert Oliver ST. WilUamson Alexander Brown Alex. Muir John Simpson Alex. McRae D. McKinnoa Dancau Muir pagald MoLeod Wm. Haekiog W. J. Ekins J. Oiefarist A.Bentham AlecklcLeod Thomas Corria Hanry Meldram Arehib«3d Faster Jamec Poaftfi,. A. WhUtMt ' Wut.a«lbnti^ ,. Ohritlopher frwlH Areh. Foater, Jr. Al«. Irwin '"» H.D.Inri«\ Thos. Bolaat Wm. BoehMtaa 8.BbwI«r Bobt Bpvluw Barley 0.M •• 0.86 OaU O.oo " 0.98 Peas 0.66 0.80 Potatoat. O.M " 0.80 Bnttar, per lb 0.18 " 0.90 Eggs, per dos. ... Pork.drassed 0.14 •• 0.16 6 60 •• 6.00 B«f ........ 6.00 •• 6.00 Oeoae per lb 0.06 " 0.00 Dneka. par pair 0.40 " 0.45 Fowla. p«r pair 0.90 " 0.90 Turkeys, per lb.... 0.07 " 0.07 0.60 •• 1.00 Hidaa 7.60 " 6.00 Orasa aeed .â-  S.OO •' 9.25 Hay 6.60 â- â€¢ 0.00 Tiaothy aead, 9.16 •• 9.60 Wool ..;.; 0.95 " 0.8o Oroeu Appfes, per. boahel.. 0.40 •• 0.60 Larf 0.10 " 0.10 Tallow 0.06 •• 0.07 Drv Cord Wood 1.75 •' 1.75 ,. BOOTS AND SHOES. Wfcich for QUALITY and LONV PRICES canno. ..^„ ^. » ^-P****^* â- ^^^;^.?/^m "*^ ^T ^^'"C of oor'wtU^nt wiirpre«6e"hIuritTu not ' • j^^^^ ^^^^ noon ou Wednesday s Look out for Dolls new alvectisc- lant next week. ^- Thkbs is a notice in title week's fhutBULD interesting to oontractcrs. it, Yoc can b^^j^T Mttem of Burrela ble ste^^V^*^ Haskctt Bros fur f Duudalk says ho hat waggons of all kinds fur him a call. Welsh is bmldiug an addition is skating rink which when com- wUI be very comiqodions. cannot PaaaoKs dasiring a change iu ad- NEW SEASOKED ••*i; â- â€¢ TEA, 31b. PI, Pekhoks wishing to get a good week- ly city paper should read the ^adver- tisement of the Hamilton Spt'ctatur in another colamu. PURE GOLDEK SYRUP ALWAYS ON Ha «at'r7nrbXids g'l istm' sut wl be ar Aft^ at wei oil pro bv riia Hot I tlie I er all rcfJ whj •lie} cuf: ehd wh liii bv Mr IKTl ft 1 i» in pretty freely and changing hands I \i Please give us a call b«fore purchasing ciscwhe- •*»»'rp"o«8- j b WiLcoi is bound to keep up with I co BUTTER, POULTRY AND EGGS T\KKV r theUmes.and is now showing a fine ih CHANGE FOR GOODS. -â-  »»» of Encugement and Wedding J dull Hings. Young meu don"t you forget hy EEYNOLDS SOl^'Lso.^.-Letrers address to K.[^ '-• ' McLellan. (formerly_ofJ)urham) will I ' Markdair, Nov.H, i88o. Hill 'llJ •'v( ii!t| lif Im{ thl Buggies and Waggo OF ALL KINDS, SOLD LT W woo IS I iOK aâ€". a| o ho Ws-*. a St a 2 coca ""S S i 2P» P" •-•♦0 9 ***** fo O Si5*«Jrta' SO S 3 5?'2-3.^g'o 5 (^a s.fe'5.S.«3 -ife^ ». K w 5 -5 h.a a 2 â€" S • o3" a- ' ' "-gts oa 09â€" .5«» a *%-S • iBtMststi^oii^^ast •a â-º,?• '5 a • o St Dandalk, IJ. Nov. 11. 18S0. W. L. MARSHALL, Dundi ;-i » EDICAL HALL -i, -% Pure Drugs and Chemica PATENT MEDICINES! Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Comi1j Toot: FI.£8HERT0N. (Corrttted sseeUy for tlu Simnda'd by R. J. Spreils, Fleskerlom.) TacaaDAT. Nov. 13th. isao. Flcar. |wr bU tfi.OO to •6.00 Spriug Wheat per boah., 0.95 to 1.03 VaU 4e. do. do. 0.95 •• 1.0i BarWy o.Sfi " 0.6S Oats aOO " 0.3« PcM OJSO " O.SS Potato** 0.aO " 0.80 Batter, perib 0.17" 0.30 Egir*. per doB. 0.14 â- â€¢ 0.15 Poik, dr**a«l. 0.00 " 5.50 Berf 5 00 '• 0.00 Sheepakia* 0.60 " 1.86 Hide* .... 7.60 '• 8.00 n»T e.oo •' 7.00 Timolhy sMd. 3.00" 3.60 Wool 0.35 •• 0.30 Lard 0.10 " 0.18 Tailow 0.05 " 0.07 and Hair Brushes, Trusses and Sur^ical Applian; ahd general Drugj^ists sundries -o send to p. O. Box 9^ ToronU). or to his residence corner of McLaul 'M College btrnets Toronto. j TuLSt is nothing half so cosy a.^ a wsrm cup of tea, and yni can have it by purchasiOg 80'°° " Rcvimldii Sons new aeftaoned japan t.;a. Three pounds foc'Wic dollar. Wk notice tlie arrival at llaskett Bros of a large stock of axes, wl]r.!i they claim to have purchasi-il wry cheap forwsli. l-ook out Ut hart^ains ,,^| ia that hue. Wk aro plcasotl to hi) able to s»y, that A. Mclntjre is doiii^' a v rv fur business iu tho grocery hue. ii'r k.-..|., frcdh goods aud sells at very nasjiiui)!.! piices, his teas aro really good. Evert business man bhnilj have his name and address printid on tli- envelojvs Ue usjs. Call kI tlu Srw »ABD office and you will ho ajtonishuJ how cheap we can do them. Tucas will hu an extensive ancti.ui saloon tho proiuisoN of John Ih'vitt. Esq.. lot 14. roll. :t. T'AMiship of 11..! laud, in Satir.lay Nov. 20ih. Twi.h' mcnths' crcilit on good paper. Post M»sTRRS.- Where llu- Staskaiih ii not called for. tii 1*. Ms will |.l.:i-. doMtnbute th.' i^aj'vr-. to .vli..i.i i;, v please, and not !•• turn tii.-iii. .â- â€¢ .. i us a card witli ilio ii:niii.-... 'i tlio.^c t^' whom they^re juhlnsMd. A cuBoiT *alc of i),jw I uriiiliirc. JIacliinery. ij.. beionqiiii: t 'lh.- cr-lHl. of the liito M. \:. M«rri:iin.of F'.sh -i ton, on tho •.i4t!i inst. Tho llouv. Lot and WiircriMini, Avill al^o be oil i ed fur sale at the same time. Partiks viritiii'4 I'riciville slioiil.l patronize the Coniimrcial iloiii. They will timl th' proi ri-tor hoili nt \A Stationery and School Boob • IN GKEAT VAKIETY. -o â€" OWEN BOUND. 'Owaa SoDBD. Nov. IStb. IM*. Floor. $4.50 to tS oo Iall Whnt. to 9o to to 06 Spring Wheat, f o 95 to tl oo Barley. 45e to 68e Oat*. Sue to Soe PaM, 5oc to 68e Ray. 17 oo to $7 6o PoUtoea, 35e te Soe Batter, Soe to 31* Eggs, 13c to 14e Applet, per bathfl, 3 e to Soe Sb«ep " oo Hides, t7 oo to 17 ool ' TOGETHER WITU PAINTS AND OLU o ^la.3relciara.s' ^xescxipticr AND CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ' Montreal Telsgraph OWw^r^:?^?; 'Â¥. S. SPROULE, M MILL 8TUEET. MARKDALE. Sep. 17, 1880. 14c; Apples, per 1 skins. So So to II NOTICE TO COITRICTORS. rnHE Undersigned will b* at Let ft, Snd A. Srd ConeesKioo, N- D. B.. OUaclg- on Satardsy, Nov. SO. IfWO. at 3 o'clock p. b., (or the purpose *( letting ooiitraet •( boild- ing New Bridge aero** Saogeeu Biver. Plan* and Sp*cifi*atioii* to be â- â€¢*n at the hous* of Thoma* Davis, Lot 3, Srd Concession, N. D. B. 1' MACRAE. O. BINNIE, T. DAVIS, Olenalg. Nov. 5, IMO. M. m. WclMter, LICENSED AUCnONEEB FOR THE County of Grey. tar Loan nd land agent. Money to loan at lowMt rate* of interast, in *am« to Roit borrower*. Agent for Farmara' Loan and Saving Co. All baunens matter* strictly private, aiid treated a* aoeh. EUGENIA P. O. Bopt. 17th 1880 Lit ReadThis. MONEY LOANED at the Vb«t Lowbbt Batk* or iMTsauT The Bobkowkb ean havo hi* own t*rms as to the 1 ixa and the Wat he RcrAV* it. Loaxs put throngb with tn* LXAST pos*ible cklat. See the Vtsdenigntd before applyimg Elievkere, Offices and James Ryan James Btriliran Augos ilcLeaa W. Conkey A. Mciiean J. Aoaaern Areh. EDiott Qeoree Walker' Thomas Kells Bnnhanaa JMMsLMkey JdnBlaht Bobert SewaU Edward Davis 8#iiu.el Laekar John Bowe P. 0{itilhig k China TEA Store Oeaend deeler in BRocEMEs ft raovisms, Next to HaakeU" Hardware Stora. K**f* anâ€" liatitly on hand •vwryth^ng naoal to saeh aa aatablkhaMat. Be wonU draw speeial attentioii to Wm Teas, V Tobaccos Whidi for qaaHljr and Tiiism sf Pries CANNOT B€ SURPASSED. i* ao part of aty deriie. I in«r«|y arit nt sa «B c aydsâ€" r» tegive »* a "" â€" flti iiiBih**i itii raMh.8irfkaMtei» ISMiaa eC Jai rt*, U-ii-^no -^ l«,WW i W- ,nu^ noi^^^ Vnmitsi-mtlmt ^t jb-., iw **ms 0^t%l â-;ilK; in Shelbnrne Dunkalk. Always In theShelkonieOflicc on MONDAYS and TUESDAYS, from 8 30 a. m. to 5 p. m., and on WKDNESDAYS from 8.30 a. m. to 2 p. m. In the Dmndalk OMce on THURS- DAYS aud FUIDAY8. On Thimiday.. from a to 5 p. m., and on Friday*, from 9 a. m tu 4 p. m. '7 CfEO. RUTHERFORD. EstaU and General Agent. FARMS SOLdTnO RENTED By sending namber of Lot, Conceesion Price, Terms. *c.. for very moderate charges' CONVEYANCING A SPECIALTY. All Kinds of Writintft Executed. irVSURA.IVCE S effoeted m the beat Stoek Compaie*. GREAT BARGAINS Given m the Best and Hardiest Canadian FRUIT ORNAMENTAL TREES. IROI FORCE PUMPS I FOB â€" WEI.LS and CISTERNS, Sold Very Cheap. Brery Fanaer oaglit to cet oac. GEO. BUTHERPOBD, EstaU and General Agent. 8HSLBUUNE AND DUKD4LK. O0tober31,188O- â-  t^ » ... 6 W. BENS/) â€"OF THF. «« BIfast Hous Beg* to auuoiinoe that hi- i« M; to dispose of all articles i.u«l u ' Uroceiy aud Provision KnalljU Lou'est oisibk P' '•rk It" The atuck rouai^ls si 1 I CIrofitries and Provb '^. together wiili LIQUORS of aUt such a* ScoTca, Ibish aiil Ci»»» iM-st brands. I La\e no ilcin '• misrepreseut the performnm* rfi' ties, but I may say in rcsjioii!*"' retailer who offers a hook voi^ •vervjjiir-li«s« 1 i-f •! ll-.. of t «.'â-  GIV?^ Two BookM of " Valnc ttj t)io:ie nit.'iiliiucU t i^ a like quantity. My house in U^ Belfast House, op. Hash- NO SECOND PR! W. Markdnle, Oct V ETERIN ARY- JBUWMFIKLO, • YeUrinmrf Swrpeon, HAS eaaBSsaBeed the praciiM of hi* pre ^toanoo in Markdal*. and from his £iig aM tu* MMntity, h ea»bUd to ^uaraatM r »»a«hr g Powden, the ad- that haveaaed ha blood by 2* sS h«B oiBM, orei Ok, \%t««l«^ ilsis. Markdal*. :i^^ l-T v»*i^^SJ?K fw* a\lma ts^A Mfte^ A. .^t. »W *d* «Z|. «« l EOS to retor* U.. bincc-re thsuiu to the public for lUeir vi-nr libel*' in the paat, and hopes by huoer"' Pibst-Class W'obx. and doe* ^^ buiine**, to mtritacontinuans*" THE BEST OF MATEJ Uiied. and none but I'irst-i. Uft employed. Special attention paid to Bep**' will be done promptly. 8cwe4 work, a Sp**" Al «t«c dae aeenouts mmt ^^ ddsy or I ahaU have to re«rt •* .-*-^w â-  •'*k 1 J.-. for ecUectioi*. ., D. McLKOP Core«rofQn«ca»»4* Uarkdalr, Oct. 20, lȣa. htkI iihlininj;. anil i"-aly t â- apply t\icci witU nil Wiv. r«\ui'-iu UCCessiry tu ciii/^.irt tin; iiin.r' inai. Wamep. â€" -^ T"V w;i:ilo I 141 tiji- ' office, from 14 ti 10 y.«u-. of h^. t • ' learu the I'riii ting hu-m. •,«. I.. .,i who ie nut afrui'l cfwoikUii- i- good oppi'rtuiiity must he al le ' read luiiuuKcripL One froiii \\r country pieferoJ. THAMt.-XilVlNG D.*Y. nil UlQ \vh â- !â-  passed i)ff pretty qiii4.-tly. The jilact- of busJiiCK.'i were cIoskiI, ainl hitvici-^ were hchl in the C M.Clmrch. 'J"l:' •â- Boys" con sum sd tile hsuhI 'juaniit-. of "coru juice," aud the rhult wa- :i visit to Squire Brown itid a eoiirr. butiou to tLe Towubhip fiiudb of h^ino $18. We are criiaiHjUed to omit a coiu luunicatiuii freiu Mr. Meldruii; tiii- wiek touching railway luaHers. lln. demand ou our coluruus is h gre:it and the jncreabinji interest that" in bemg taken ou tliiii important Hub ject, makes it inipos-nihle for us to aceonimodHte all, and therefore we most leave it over for uext week. The Bank. â€" Wm. I.uca'a k " •. LaTO taken possessiou ff the pri»iui.-jL-.- prepared for them iu JIill Bros, mw brick ilack, on the conixr «.f .Mill ni.l ' Toronto etrttets. rurties w;ititi;. money will fiud it Ut tlicir iiit.rcsi i pay them a visit, and tlios" v^ho :ii of a wiving turn, can ^et G per cei.' ou all mouey ^utrubttd to their ciir«. The WKATn-^n.â€" We s^e hy tli.' T • routo Jaihes that the Ameii'.ii) mau, who are at present jii Y.ui eomphiin bitterly of the we:itiier it is auythin like what we h:iv.' here for tiie past two or tl:rfi- \%" i;- we aity the 'iioyii." In fact \\ Iia • liad no wcatlKT nt all, or. tu ••»: Americans cousins woujil s.iy, l'-- much weather all to.getiicr. TuK Htvere Hotel rtiaa cliiiiii:- u h.iii l'^, ^Ir- J- McC'itcl/on. tli» hite proprietor retires from tin.- hiisiiu.^. havin;^ "ld '"t to Mr. Thmuus Sprouie. fjinierlv of tlio American llotel, Ov.eii Sound, Mr. Spronh was at one time Con luctor on thv T.. G. ti r '• iil^^-."i '" '"' ""' coiibid- ermbleeKi'iHUce 'iu hold buMurss. is both eolL-iHs and lltMltlV.^ to lii;; e«stomors and no d-uU uw.ter his mauaKemeni l!. llevcr.- will hccomo » favorite with tii'i trJivelhui; public! • Boors Bii.i-s. iHuiun :?10 hdls "^•Jn cireuUtion i iie i-miil.rlrit c..n-. »-V5sU in a chi'i^'O winch is elk-l. I l.y ' FV«. neaUy Btrelcbm^' 'T slitting. uway one • half of the thicknebs of the hill cov- ering it aud lettiu;; iu i*o to hieak) with mucilaRc tiie words and ti-.'ur. s. ten, from unless (!ous(jlidiit;dir oiim Bank bills. This patchwork fnnui cau ho detected by holdi;;^' the biH wj to the light aud by tho Biuall imprint of the figure "fivo" or whatever tlu actual deuomiuatiou of the bill muy be, ou various parts of the bill. We li^ve made arrangements with the ""' rnnting Couipauy to club V^o 11 »."•/ ,(#/«"' with tLo Stanuakd. Porsous wi.smng to obUiin it save 76c. Ml the bub?eiii.Uou puce by calling on â- i as we will furuiihlhe Stam.abd acd the Wecli.j Olohc for i?'i.00 cash, to Ibe cud of 1»H1. suhbcribers wil, Staroby receive both paiK;!- lor the Wlance of this year rats. had. sub- seribor will also receive, nh^t the *Irst of the vear, graue a liuo bUoI cn- •«raviDK of the late Uou. H'eo. Brown. 'il4x20 uiche*. got up iu tli« very best '^ylo of modern ait which alone w â- wwrth iiioro than tbc subbcnpuou fj .^ncc. *J«HJ •

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