Flesherton Advance, 2 Aug 1950, p. 1

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. ^â-  •m * T « « r T R • A. P i Valuable Prizes, Gvic Holiday Week End, Aug. 5, 6 and 7 â€" Event of the Season VOL. 70; NO. 9 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher ~»T" Carmichael - Russell In St. John's United Chui'ch, Fle- eherton, decorated with baskets of Bumimer borers, Rev. A. G. Mac- pherson heard the marriage vows of Euth Erva Russell, daughter «£ Jaa. Russell of Flesherton and the late Mrs. Russell, and Alexander Car- michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ailex- ander Carmichae: of the Isle of Islay, Scotland. Given in marriage- by her father, ths bride wore a floor-length gown of White eintbossed silk organza over taceta, made with nylon yoke, out- lines in fine lace and daught with <any pearls, fitted bodice and long, Bemi-hooped skirt with tiers of fine embroidered lace. A Mary Queen of Scots deaddress held her fingertip yeil of silk illusion, and she carried a cascade bouquet of red Briarcliflfe roses and bouvardia with white rtreamers. Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, was ma- tron of honor for her sister and wore a floor-length gown of mauve em- bossed organza over taffeta. Miss Carol Anne LJttlejohns, the bride's niece, was junior bridesmaid, wear- 1 FRICEVIIiLE HOLDING CIVIC / HOLIDAY CELEBRATION SUNDAY AND MONFAY vicy V Future Events ST. JOHN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL Grand iRe-opening of St. John's Sunday Schol on Sunday, .Aug. ISth, at 10:li& a^n. Visitors welcome. PLAY AT PROTON The play "Closed Lips" by Salem yowog people wUl be presented in Proton Station United Cbnreh on Thursday, Aug. 3rd, under auspices of Proton W.A. Admission: 36c, IBs I- _^____ BUCKINGHAM COM. PICNIC Buckingliam Community Club <8 «ponsorin« a picnic at Sunet Point, CoUdngwood, on Saturday, Aug. 5th. All citi«ens of the community and friends are cordially invited to at- tend the picnic. A Cirvic Holiday celebration will be held at Priceville with a memor- ial service on Sunday at 2:30 pjn. Monday morning a ealithumpian parade and water sports will be held. The afternoon sports at the Park will in lude softiba'U games, races for young and old, horseshoe pitching, etc., while at nig'ht a dance will be held in the Institute Hall. Highland band in attendance in afternoon. Rev. Mci^iUan WUl Preadh Rev. Keith McMillan of Division St. United Church, Owen Sound, will be the guest speaker at the church serv- ice In Memorial Park on Sunday af- ternoon, to commence at 3:00 o'clock. ing yellow faille taffeta and another niece, Donna Littlejohns, was flower girl, wearing turquoise faille taffeta. They wore matching headidreis and mittens. The two senior attendants carried nosegays of summer flowers and pinocchio sweetheart roses and the fiower girl carried a crocheted basket of pinocchip roses nd summer flowers, with pink satin ribbons. Mr. Archie Carmichael of Toronto was groomsman for his brother. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russell, where Mrs. Russell received' in navy shear with corsage of roses. The wedding breakfast was served on the lawn, the bride's taible having the three- tier wedding cake in a setting of pink tapers. Servin-g the guests were Miss Evelyn Fisher, Miss Gwen Park Mrs. John McKinnon and Mrs. GUf- fotrd Lifttlejohns. Leaving on a w«dding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride travell- ed in a beige gai>ardine suit with brown accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael will reside at Richmond Hill. Guests were present from To- ronto and Richmond Hill. Chopping Mill Closed For Holidays This Week I* Owing to holidays the Co-operative staff will be reducdd. The chopping null will be closed from July 30th, to Aug. 5th, both days in- dusi. A member of staff will supply your needs for lumber and feed at the mill during that time. 0. & A. Co-operative Phones: Mill 24w, Store 70 J. McWiUiam, Manager FLESHERTON Our Chapel is at th« disposal of our clientelt without extra cHargt. It contains well-appointed family reception footts. including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks l24Av{)niJeRd KI.4544 Vacation School Studeqts Gave Enjoyable Program . Ced^rside Church was filled to ca- pacity on Friday evening last for the closing program of the Daily Vaca- tion Bible School. The progrram op- *>ed with the singing of choruses by the school, followed by special chor- uses and songs by the beginners. A rythm band of the beginners was well received in several uumibers. Two Bible adventure stories were told by means of recordings. Miss Helgia Proose, recently arrived in Canada from her native land of Estonia, played the mandolin and then sang in her native toiigue. The nuanbers were well received. Gifts were presented to the staff of workers by Rev, A. J. Fletcher, the leader of the vaeatioii school, who was also presented with a ^ift of money from the pupils, by May ''iMiyte, the address being made by Robert Goheen. The display of hand-woi'n done by ths- pupils was on display, and show- ed the result of careful coaching by the teachers. Each piece was neatly done and was claimed by the children at the close of the pr-ogram. A gen- erous offering more than covered the expenses of the school. The thnaks of the parents are extended to Rev. Fletcher and staff on their splendid efforts with the children. Game Was Rained Out Mr. and Mrs. A. Maxwell Are 37 Years Married </ Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Maxweli cele- brated their 3Vth weddmg anniver- sary at their home pn the 12th Line, Osprey, on Saturday, July 33rd. Mrs. Maxwell is the former Sarah Bra^ven- der, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Will Bravender of Keady. Mrs. Maxwell, who has been a memifaer of Providence Ladies' Aid for several years, was presented by that organization with 37 beautiful red roses to commemorate the happy occasion. Congratulations and cards of best wishes were received from neighbors and friends. Mr. Maxwell persented his wife with an attractive cameo pendant, and the family's gift to their parents aws a fou'*-r>iece walnut bedroom suite. At six o'clock the family sat down to a beautifully decorated table which was centred v;ith a three-tier wedd- ing cake. The children, six ?irls and four boys, were all at home for the cele- bration: Mr. and M.rs. K. Eagles (MMldred) of Gilbraltar; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ardiel (Beatrice). Thornburv; Mr. and Mrs. Hari-y Lefbofsky (Mae), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Earle Maxwell 12th line; Edna and Norma, Toronto; Shirley, Windsor; Edward, Royden and Wayne, 12th line. Eleven grand- children coTOipleted the family gath- You were wondering what has happened to your local junior base- ball team. They are still much in ti.e gaone, a little team playing big leag^ue 'ball. They finished the schedule and were in third place, and will play off with Durham. The first game was to have been played in Flesherton Mon- day night, but the weather man "rained out" the contest. They travel to Durham this Thursday night, and if it can be arranged, the second game will be in Flesherton the first part of next week. Don't drop the enthusiasm that you have workel up f-^r the game on Monday night. We tvere looking for a good crowd and from all reports there was going to b<? one. Get tehird this team, they are £. good bunch of boys, and rememher we have no gang warfare in our com- munity, and this is one w^y to keep it down. Your quarter of a dollar goes to buying balls and equipment, to give them clean organized sport. Watch for bills and your local paper. We'll be seeing you at our next home game. Young People Took The Evening Cedarside Service Last Sunday evening the local B.Y. P.U. had charge of the C'darside church service, with Mr. Stan Me- Farland leading in a song service and Emerson Beaton presiding. Specivl music was given by Shirley Bumstead and Y'vonne Betts, and Rtith and Hazel Fletcher with Isobel Min; rd. Ruth Fletcher was at the piano and Hazel Fletcher assisted with violin, also playing a solo numfoer "Bless This House." Miss C. Hutchinson brought a message on the story >f the Prodigal Son, speaking especially of the elder brother. .A. number cf the young engaged in prayer during the service, and Mr. Burt. Rober'.s closed the service with the b>jnedic- tion. High School Has 6 Teiachers Last week the editor made a ser- ioous mistake in announcing that nn extra teacher had been secured for the high scohol and that there would now be five teachers on the staff. We went on and listed the names. Our mistake was that it should have read si.t teachei-s, and we left out tho name of M!rs. Mercer, who has been a valued member of the staff for the past several years. Luck Rode With Them Mr. Laurie Genoe had a pleas- ant surprise when he received a 21 jewel Bulova watch, which was first prize in a diaw recently held by the Wiarton Canadian Legion branch. Mrs. Cecil .Alexander had the good fortune to win a Gruen ladies' wrist watch at the Markdale Rotary Cluh draw on Thursdav night. Vandeleur Women's Institute Has 47th Birthday The 47 ^h birthday of Vandeleai- Women's Institute was observed at the July meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Wilson, which was the home of the first president, the late Mrs. John Boland. Mr. II. McKenzi-. , farm edi- tor of CFOS, was introduced by Mrs. Geo. Shaw, who directed the broad- cast. The first speaker was Mrs. Swanton, a daughter iri' the first pre- sident, who has been president of the W. I., and a district director. She rep<jrted outstanding projects of the W I. Mrs. Russell Freeman, daugh- ter of Mrs. J. I. Graham, first vice- president, a former Centre Grey Dis- trict president and now district dir- ector, gave a concise history of org- anizing this branch in 190.3 and the early history of Vandeleur. Mrs. H. I Graham, public relations convener, spoke on health education by our W. I. and its service to this district. Mrs. J. J. McGee could no recall any outstanding year, all were worth- while in her 45 years as a member. Mrs. Genoe, Snr., felt that we needed more women like Agnes Macphail. >fcny members and visitors were in- tei-viewed. The hostess, Mrs. Carl Wilson, pre- sented a sample of homemade butter and Mrs. Ormsby a ibox of straw- berries. Mr. McKenzie thanked the ladies for the gifts and expressed his pleasure of being at the meeting, eongratulatnig the branch on theii 47th nniversary, and invited the group to visit CFOS. Mrs. Will Ratcliffe reported that i picnic was planned for Aug. 10th. A pride w^ould be awarded to Vandeleur W. I. member buying the most tick- ets for the mammoth draw Centre Grey General Hospital equipment Mrs. Graham requested that artic- les be donated for a Chinese auction tc be held at the September meetin;?, the -proceeds being for tray dishes at the hospital Mrs. Wilson, convener of home ec- onomics and leader of the Girls' Gar- den Club, introduced the Club, and .\nna Bowles acted as chairman for their program. Frances Brodie anl Ruth Graham grave piano solos, and Marilyn Fitzsinmions read a paper "Our Garden Club." Frances Brodie and Donna Wyville demonstrated tha making of a salad, and a vegetable : contest was conducted by Shirley and i loia Hutchinson. A song by the gir's 1 concluded their program, which was j greatly enjoyed. | The prize for the Sunshine Com- Local Couple Taking y/ Paoil In Exhibition Contests Flesherton will be represenu^ La the Canadian National Exhibition competitions by Mr. and Mrs, S. L. Staucer. Along with scores of other entrants who are already registered, Mr. Stauffer will try his luck in the '•Close Shave" contest. Mrs. Stauffer has planned to enter the "Quandary" competition and the week-end budget food contest. The close shave competition is open to aU electric razor addicts, with a new electric razor for each of the five v.-inners. In the quandary contest, any would-be "King Solomon" or "Dorothy Dix" is eligible for entry. And there's a top prize of |35. For budget-conscious men and womea, SlOO will go to the person who plana the most interesting and nutritious week-end meals for a family of five. Mill Creek W. I. Guests Of JCinaberley Institute Cedarside Baptist Church REV. A. J. FLETCHER Pastior Services for Sunday, Aug. 6th Cedarside â€" Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Rock Mills â€" S. S. cancelled. Worship service 7:30 p.m. Xote the above changes, due to the Civic Holiday service in the Memori:il Park at 3:00 p.m. .:..>.xkk«<^«<kk~kW"XkkK'0<kk~x~:~xk«<kk-<k~:~:*<>':~:«*:~:~k~:k~:~X":":~! t Feed The Cows Wo hav^J conif to the time of the veur whoa the production of cream is i^oiiisi" down, so why not .tj-ive the milk cows that held o\ after-ijTas? that has i^row n up since you cut the hay ! 'IMiis will helji to brinij- the tlow of milk up aii'ain. Deliver your cream and benefit by getting the 2 cehts extra for delivery. We pay top market prices for Fowl either alive or dressed. t V y V X ♦ X ♦ X I I I I I i mn Flesherton Creamery "The Home of Service and Satisfaction . Phone 66 FLESHERTON Angus Avis, Manager The July meeting of Kimberley W. I was held at the home of Mrs. H. Baker, with Mill Creek Instiute as guests, and many members present. RoU call was on ideas on the uses of soda. Mrs. L. Morwood gave a read- ing on health, which was very inter- esting, followed by a piano solo by Miss Eleanor Baker, Mrs, R. Ellis gave a paper on "Family Meal Serv- ice." a very interesting topic, which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. C. Shivlock gave a reading "16 Title Women," which was very amusing and a qoizz contest was conducted by Mrs. R. Thompson, with Miss Conn being the winner. The meeting was closed by singing " Till We Meet Again," and a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses. St J<^n'8 United Church Rev. A. G. Macpherson Minister SUND.VY, AUG. 6th 10:80 a.m., Sunday School at Proton. AU services withdrawn in fa- vor of Community Service 'n Mjemorial Park at 3 p-m^ SrND.\Y, AUG. 13 Regular services of Worship i* Flesherton, Proton. Eugenia. Grand opening of St. John's Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. N'o clsses until that date. .Anyone wUling to give a two- week's holiday to a city youngster through the Neighborhood Workers' -Association, please notify Mrs. A. G. Too many people are inclined tt> give credit where cash is needed. mittee work was donated by Mrs. J. J. McGee. and drawn bv Mrs. Lome Ormsby. A corsage of summer flow- Macpherson at the Parsonage ers was presented to >Ers. J. J. Mc- Gee and Mrs. Frank Taylor, active members for the past 45 years. Pictures were taken oi the early members: Mrs. J. J. McGee. Mrs. F Taylor, Mrs. Genoe Sr., Mrs. i^!. Hare Mrs. T. Freeman and Mrs. Devins. Flowers and birthday cake were sent to members unable to be present: Mrs. S. Wyville Sr., and Mrs, .And- erson. The president, Mrs. E. Hutchinson, presided for the 47rh anniversary meeting, and nearly aH answered the roll call by naming a vegetable and low to cook it. Mrs. G. Shaw chose as a motto, the proverb: "A good ex- ample is like a bell that calls many to church." The birthday cake cen- tred the table on which were lighted cand'ie*. the cake being cut by Mrs. J. J. McGee nd Mt=. F. Taylor. Lunch vas_ served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gordon Wyville and Mrs, L. Johnston. BORN STEWAiRT â€" At the Nului -Nurs- ing- Home, Flesherton. on Wed., July •J6th, i;>5(.), to Mr. and Mh-s. Robert Stewart, Hopeville. a daughter. Eliz- abeth Marie. SLVCLMR â€" At the Xuhn Nurs- ing Home. Flesherton, on Sat., July 2i)th, 1950, to -Mr. and Mrs.", Jas, Sin- clair of Cey'on, a daiighter. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their help and kind- ness during Richard's recent illness: also those who sent cards, treats and for all kind enquiries, many thanks. â€" Marvin and Merle Londry We would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank all our friends who, in any way. helper! to make our pre- sentation. â€" Charlie and Leone Thompson Picture Show TOWN HALL FLESHERTON Mon.,Aug. 7 To commence at 9:00 p.m. FANGS of the ^ WILD wilh Rin-Tin-Tin Jr. YOU CANT BE.\T THIS FAMILY PROGR.\M \ \ ADDED ATTRACTIONS 1 Plus this Super Special J Bonnie Prince Charles Intimate, Heart-Warming Pictures of {he Baby Born to be a King Abbott & Costello in RIOT ON ICE" NEWS PARADE "The Holy Year 1950" al.<»o Cartoons and Others Latest Projection Ekiuipment is Lsed for Best Results Admission: Oc. Children 25« So Much Happiness for SO little

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