Flesherton Advance, 31 May 1950, p. 8

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-*^ Wednesday, May 31, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE IMPLEMENTS FLEURY - BISSELL IVactor Disc Harrows Smoothing Harrows Plows Lever Spring-tooth Harrows Tractor and HurHe Manure Spreaders, <on rubber or steel OTACO TRACTORS Rubber Tire Wagung Automatic Tractor Disc Harrows Steel Wheels for rubber tires fi»r your own wagon RENFREW Electric Cream Separators New Gas-driven Washer Electric Washing Machines and Stoves Hand Washers Some good used Separators, one nearly new UEATTY BROS. A full line of Stable and Karn Equipment Repaii^ W. C. WOODS FARM FREEZERS Now is the time to install that Deep Freezer. I have one in stock for inspection GILSON Electric Washers Deep Freezers Refrigerators Electric Stoves ROOFING A good supply of all kinds of Asphalt Shingles and Siding in stock. Steel Roofing to arrife very anon W. E. BETTS PHONE 4<J PLBSHERTON, ONT, 1^ I Our Service Goes With Our Sales We have in stock Northern Electric Ranges and Refrigerators Woods Water Systems and Water Heaters Electric Wiring and Fixtures Washers and Motors FRED ROSS ELECTRIC • Phone 4r6 Feversham MAXWELL ALL RATEPAYERS OF ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTIONS ANNOUNCEMENT OF IMPORTANT SCHOOL MEETING The Council of the Township of Artemesia, in co-opera- tion with the Public School Inspector, are calling a public meeting in the Town Hall. Flbsherton, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7th, Hi 9:00 p.m.. Daylight Saving Time, tio present the details of the new grant scheme (Ss it applies to rural schools. .Since, under this new grant scheme, grants payable in behalf of Township School Areas could mean lan additional $4,500.00 i\ year to Artemesia ratepayers, this matter will be ' discussed and a vote taken on a proposal to form a Township Scho«l Area in Artemesia in 1950, All interested ratepayers are urged to attend. JOHN A. DAVIS, Reeve. A. B. CHARD, Clerk. WM. G. RAE, P.S. Inspector. Local and Personal Mr. Earle Thurston of Windsor li visiting this week at his home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Belts, Norma, and iMrs. Isaac Snell apent the week end wth friends in Toronto. Miss Dell Thurston of Toronto was a week end guest with her brother, F. J. Thurston, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eibach, Det.-oit, visited on the â- week end with tlje Stoddart and Alexander families. Mr. and Mrs. Ailbert Stoddart of Malton visited with his brotiher, Nor- man, and family on the week end. Mrs. Bob Riley of Toronto spent the week end iwitih her parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. John McDonald. Mrs. Fred Palmer of San Diego, Calif., .visited on Friday with her cousin, Mrs. John iMcOonald. Mrs. Geo. Lawler has returned to her home, after a bwo-week visit nth her daughter, (Mrs. Will Irwin, at Windsor. Mr. Ken MoKee and daugther, June, of Toronto spent the week end \v<ith ihis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Galvfin, Brant- foi-d, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fitzsimmons and family. Mrs. Angus Bowles and John Fitz- simmons motored to Gravenhurst on the 24th and visited the forrnier's hustoand, who is in hospital there. Miss )Miai"garet Turney, accompan- ied by Miiss Laura Thomson, of Owen Sound vii.sited with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turney, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stewart and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. MicDon- ald and Stewart, a'l of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart of Pontiac, Miich., Mr. and Mr.s. Dick Stewart and Nancy of Dundalk were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. John Best of Saugeen had the misfortune to fall from the verandah at his home and suffered a fracture of the ibone in his rSght arm, just be- low the s'houlder. He had the frac- ture set and placed in a cast in the Oi-angeville Hospital and is now rest- ing at his home. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Georsre Jamieson of Timmins is visiting in town for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTaviah are spending this week at a cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ritchie of Bar- rie visited during: the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best. Mr. Glen Fetch of Toroirto was ii pleasant caller n town one day last week. Mrs. Ed. Fisher attended .Hie wedd- ing of her niece, Marion Howard, to Rimer IWeaver, which took place in St. Clair United Church on Friday. Mr. and IMrs. Ken Kaiitting, Wbyne and Murray, of Preston spent the week end wU.h the former's 'parent'? Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mrs. T. Bolton of Toronto, iMr. and Mrs. Ross Perigoe, Catherine and Linda, of Islington and Mrs. Itvan Alexander of Creemore were guests of Mr. and (Mrs. Ab. Stewart on the week end.^ Flesherton W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. C. S. McTavish, Wed., June 7th. Program, Mrs. Pinkerton, Mrs. Jamieson. Lunch: cake, Mrs. E. Betts, Mrs. Teeter, Mrs. Bracken- bury; sandwich, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Milligan, Mrs. J. McKSnnon. Blue Cross fees due to be paid that day. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. N, Lyons of Winnipeg, Man., spent the first of the weeir~with Mr. and ,Mrs. A. E. Bell- amy and other relatives. They have also visiting at Proton Station, Mr. Lyons' home 'community. This young appeaiiing couple have observed their 51st wedding anniversary since com- ing East. m\l AUCTION SAU Auction sale of Fawn Stock and Implements, including matched team of grey mares, 8 Cows, 22 Pigs and full line of iartements, on Friday, June 2nd, in MelancthMi Township, 2 miles north-east of Dundalk.â€" ^Henry Brown, Pra^ George E. Duncan, Auctioneer. AUCtfON SALE CLAYBORNE THOMPSON will sell by public auction V2 MILE SOUTtH OF PEVERSHAM FRIDAY, JUNE 9TH, 195«f at 2 p.m., the following: â-  13 Cows, 13 Young Cattle, 2 Brood Sows, 30 Pigs, Electric iMSlking Ma- chAne and Cream' Separator. Terms given. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. Bven Hollywood has its troiuibles. Now Eri»ol Flynn finds that his latest romance is clouded because of the amount of alimony he has to pay to his first wife. Small Ads HOMiB FOR PBNSIONBB, l*dy or gent. â€" Phone 9»J8 Flesherton. WAiNTKDâ€" .About 10 head of youn« cattle for pasture. â€" John Flynn, R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. 64p2 CEMIENT â€" Canadian cement on hand, fl.OO per bag. â€" McTavish Garage, Flesherton. 54c2 HELP WANTEID â€" High school giirl for part time in dinng room at the Park Hotel. FOR SALE â€" A few bush^ home- grown alfalfa seed. â€" J. J. Hislop, phone lr42 Feversham. &2p2 FOR iSAOiE â€" 6 pigs, 8 weeks old $$5.00â€" CJ. B.. Clarke, phone 74(W« Flesherton. 52p2 It is too bad it takes a disaster like the Manitoba flood to make Can- adians realize that consei'vation and flood control are national problems. DELI^'^ Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 1, )2 and 3 "RIM OF THE CANYON" also "BLONftlE'S SECRET" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 5, 6 and 7 "NANCY GOES TO RIO" Starring Jane Russell Ann Sothern Barry Sullivan Hydro Interfered This Week Tuesday afternoon an jnterferrencc occurred when a fuse blew out on the tiansfonner that feeds us power and again Wednes<lay morning when the power was cut off most of the morn- ing, hence The Advance is again late in reaclrint;: most of our readers. If everything went along with precision every week, we imagine that we might have a relapse. A Canadian senator alleges that use of margarine affects eyesight. Others hold that some of the opposi- tion to the use orf this product has been Wind. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Quebec city. City is Canada's oldest A Paris designer says the 1950 man should taper off from the shoul- ders into a mere wisp. What does he do if he has big feet? In the matter of the Estate of William Henry Huddy of the Town- ship of Artemesia, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William Henry Hoiddy of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, who died on or about theVth day of April, AjD. 1950, I are hereby required and notified to send prepaid to the undersigned on or before the IQ'th day of June, 950, full particulars verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said Wth day of Julie, the Estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the ;laims df which notice shall have been received. Dated at Markdale this 20th day of May, A.D. 1950. â€" HARRIS & DUNLO'P, SoHc'tors for the Executors Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p'.m. BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SAIiE â€" 'New small cabin trail- er, (priced for quick sale. â€" Little* Johns' iGarage, phone 28 J. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of Silver Hiull jbuekwheat. â€" Kendal Hawk- ins, phone 30r42 Feversham. 53p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantii-.y of good po- tatoes. â€" Bert Mag-ee, phone gurll Feversham. 52p2 FOR SAI^ â€" Quantity of mixed hay. â€" Harold Ri-rnardson, phone 33w3 Flesherton. 52c2 FOR SALEâ€" Renfrew Acorn range in good condition. Can be seen at Lelie Haiwton's, Feversham, or phone 23r3 Feversham. 53p2 WANTEO TO BUY â€" Colored glass- ware, hanging lamps, parlor lanqps, antique china, bidc-<a.4brac, 4>0te. Write Box 1B2 The Advance. FOR RENT â€" Small house in Cay- Ion, with grounds. Apply to Wm. F. McKay, Meaford, Box . 103, phone 568 Meaford. 60p4 â-  In the matter of the Estate of Mary McMuUen of the Village of Fleshertcm, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of iMary McMuliin of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, iwho died on or about the 26th day of February, AjD. 1950, are hereby required and notified to send prepaid to the undersigned on or be- fore the 5th day of June, 1950, full particulare verified iby statutory de- claration. Immediately after the said &th d<iy of June, 1950, the Estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wHich notice shall have been received. Dated at Markdale this I5th day o-f May, A.D. 1950. â€" HARRIS & DUNLOP, Solicitors for the Executors rA ^^ ^fc iWt jj^A jWfc jTa ii^A ii^ifc i!^A jTk ^A ^A S^t ^A ^^ ^ ^ J^^ ^^ J^^ ^^ ^^ J^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ A^A J^^ ^^ A^A ^A ^^ ^^fc I PRICES SLASHED I at HOLLEY'S JEWELLER i 5* DUNDALK I June 5th -10th % LADIES' WATCHES â€" Gitai-anteed,15 and 17 jewel. Reg. $27.50 $15 95 ♦ GENTS' WATCHES â€" Guaranteed 15 and 17 jewe.l Rcf?. $27..S0 $15.95 4» Also Drastic Reductions On These Items: t t t T t I DUNDALK ELECTRIC Contract and Custom Electric Wiring RADIOS â€" Phillips, Rogers-Majestic, Northern Electric and Stromberg-Carlson Radios. / Leonard Universal and Phillips Refrigerators We go anywhere. Phone 211 Dundalk, Ontario Gents' Gdd Rings Ladies' Gold Rings Gents' Sterling Rings Ladies' Sterlign Rings Military Brush Sets Ladies' Pendants Cigarette Casds Ear-rings, Pearls Rolls Razors Neck Chains, Compacts Key Chains, BiUfolds Bradelets Sport Chains TeikpoU â€" L«rge andSoMll ROYAL BRIERLY CRYSTAL, CUPS and SAUCERS Cake Plates, Scits of Dishes â€" 20 to 32-piece Otaco Farm Impfements SALES and SERVICE NOTICtE â€" Lot 13, Con. 13, Osprey, to be put in on shares. Any person interested contact Jas. THbmpaon, tphone Feversham 10r2. 53p2 PRICES iSLAlSHBD _ Watch for HoUey's, Dundalk, early June Jew- ellery Sale, featuring outstanJllngr savings. FOR SAUE â€" Hand wasMng machine, new wringer and stand and nised wringer. â€" J. Tomrmson, Eugenia, phone Feversham 6r42. S3p2 FOR SALE â€" Creneral-Jnirpose Mare 6 years old,also 1-year-old iMare. â€" John Gowanlock, phone Flesherton 118vv4. 54c2 LOST _ Tire and wheel 6.50x16 for hailf ton pick-aip truck. Finder please notify Ernie Batchelor by calling 150wl3 Dundalk collect. LOST â€" iSet of safety deiposit ,box keys in front o(f ,posit offiloe or bank. Finder leave at The Advance office. Reward. 54p2 FOR SALiE â€" Softwood inch lum- ber, 2x4 scantMng, also old build- ing' with fair lumlber and wood.â€" . Bert Magee, Eugenia, phone SOrll Feversham. 51p3 FOR SALE â€" Set heavy team harn- ess in Al conditdon; "Farmer's Friend" riddng plow 12-inch shares in good running order; harrow cart. â€" Fred Baifcer, phone 118J1 Flesherton. 5ic2 MAN WANTEDâ€" Steadv year-round employment for reliable man with experience as truck Snver; local man who knows surrounding ter- ritory preferred'. Apply to E. A. Fisher, or write Box »4 Flesheiton. CASH SALE No Trade-ins on Watches E. I. HOLLEY Proton 3treet DUNDALK, Ont. CHARLES J. BELLAMY uvnnctPAh cum Offlc*. Torwto street. Imam of Msrrlace OONVSYANOm WOls Mor<«H«s> ate. DMdl A eomiBiiniMMr for MUm sffWsTits Tandem Discs, 24 and 32-pUte Manure Spreaders, tractor and liorse>draw» Spring-tooth Cultivator*, 3 Mid 4 sections JOS. STAUBLES Phone 107w3 CEYLON, Oat. GENERAL INSURANCE AOTD • HUB • laWK Uvwtaek. TrtMrit ud Gftrg* ED. LANG Pk«M iMw FUHnunrroN For ^warHy To-nerrvw, lanr* t*-^y« tiM Co ip w tiy way. HARRIS « DUNLOP •AtJUSTBHa 80LICITMB. PkoM M MABKDALB Mr. P«d«» not bo ta a J. BoUsaiy'g efflH ovory lit* nAty fkwt % to tsM »4a. <. -♦â-  J** 7^. 1»- -*- r -a- ,.*â-  A* r T T Tf B- -»•• •T-> *• •r- #'- f»- t ^ t

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