Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1950, p. 8

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Wednesday, May 10, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE It is a bit surp rising that the rat a lalboratory t«chnician taught to Binoke hasn't yet cndoi-sed a brand of cigarettes. Future Events OPTICAL I am now able to look after all your optical requirements «very af- ternoon and open nights at my resi- dence. â€" D. Caiinpbell, Optometrist iJundalk, Ont. I'LAY IN I'LESHKUTON In the Tow), Hall, Flesherton, on Wed., May 10th, at 8:30 p.m. "Aur- iilia from Hemlock Ridge" presented l>y Westside United t'.hurch choir of Owen Sound and sponsored by thf ('.(i.I.T. .\dniission: 40c and 20c. ( IVIC llOUDAY. rLESHICHTO.N Plan to si):rid your Givic Holiday Week end in l-'lesherton and enjoy the sea.son',- biftfjest' event of water sports, ball ^anvcs, dancing, conl'.eri an<i carnival frolic â€" AuKUst 5tli, (ith and 7th. Church Service; iSuii- day, Aug. fith. Watch for futjure ;'.nnounc«nients. Au&pice.s ^f Flesh urton Community Service Club. MARKDALE FASHION SHOW AND DANCE Fashion Show and Dance in Mark- dale Armorie?, Thursday, May 18, at 8 p.m., proceeds for Hospital Fund, "•ponsored by Singer Seiwing Centre, Owen Sound. Models toy local wo- m<'n who completed Markdale .sewing course. Door prize value $5. Rus- sell Hill's Oi"chestra. Evening .spon- 8ored by Freedam Chapter O.E.S. AdmiisSion: 50c. Local aod Personal of Feel the tang of a ocean breeze. Enjoy the thrill of a dip in the sea. This year, visit us down in the Maritimes. See our his- toric towns and beautiful countryside, the rugged coves and sunbathed beaches along our shores. We'll welcome you warmly. YOU'LL ENJOY GOING BY BUS Red 'miRH THEAIfl^ rhursday. Friday. Saturday .Vlay 11, 12, 13 "YELLOW CABMAN" Starring Skelton Gloria DeHavcn James Gleason Monday, Tuesday May 15, 16 "SECRET GARDEN" with Marg. O'Brien Herb Marshall Wednesday, Thursdav May 17, 18 "WHITE HEAT" Adult James Cagney Virginia Mayo Halifax - - $52.90 Quebec 27.25 St. John - 39.10 Sydney â-  60.25 ROUND TRIP (Subject to ohansro) BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Mi&s Marjorie Thistlethwaite Sunday with her parents. Mrs. F. J. Thurston and Jimmi*-' spent several days last week with her sister, Florence, at Chatham. -Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bcnthum, Dick and Janet, of Toronto spent Sanday with the former's mother. Mr. Everett"? Parker of Bramp'ton visited in town this week and enjoy- ed some trout fishing. Mr. G. W. Ralph «pent the week end at Ajax. Mrs. Ralph returned home with him after spending tv.'o w<'<'k- with their diuiightor. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Carnuthers o^f Suult Sto. Maiiie, Ont., paid a short visit to his mother, Mrs. A. Carruth- ers, and his sister, X vs. Jas. Russell, and Mr. Uu.ssull, returning Friday. Mr, and Mrs. A. C. McDonald (Pearl Cairns) of Islington visited on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr. Cairns is slowly improving from his dllness. Mrs. R. Bentham returned to her home here Sunday, after spending I tin' past month iit Hamilton. She Was accompanied by her grandson, Laverne Wood. Mr. and Mre. Fred Russell, Jane and Kenneth, and -Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Russell vis.ite<l on the week end witn Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Russell at Arkona. Ur. and Mrs. Breton of Toronto visited with Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson and Milton on the week end, and at- tended the memorial sei-vice at Kini- berley in honor of the late Mr. G. H. Hutchinson. *Mr. Chas. Pedlar oi Neepawa, Man., visited in town and also w'th his liiothers at Eugenia and Fever- shum a couple of days last wiJek He? came East to di<ive a new car back home and at the same time do soni& visiting. It. was nice to see him again. Champion Young FisherinUn Garry Ricketts, eight-year-old fi^sherman, was one of the lucky ones at the opening of the trout fishing en Saturday, April. 30, when he land- ed these two speckled beautkii They were caught in the Eugenia lake, one of the most popular spots in che district. Here Garry, w^ho comes from Owen Sound, holds the two R.sh, one weighing two pounds five oun- ces, and the other, one pound and three ounces. â€" Owen Sound Sun- Times Staff Photo. BUCKINGHAM Mr. I .â€" «. TiCKHTS AND 'NFOfifMAtlON smvict STATION We carry a good (Selection of guaranteed use;d pianos Very at Reasonable Rates also We sell and service NEW APARTMENT SFZE STERLING PfANOS and We Deliver .\nywhere I Dodds Piano Sales I «0 - 9th St. East (over Pettit Motors) 'hone .•}24 OWEN SOUND I IMPLEMENTS KLEURY - BISSELL TVactor Disc Harrows Smoothing Harrows Plows Lever Spring-tooth Harrows Tractor and Horse Manure .Spreaders, lon rubber or steel OTACO TRACTORS Rubber Tire Wagons Steel Wheels for Automatic Tractor Disc Harrows rubber tires fi»r your own wagon RENFREW Electric Cream Separators New Gas-drivcn Washer Electric Washing Machines and Stoves Hand Washers Some good used Separators, one nearly new BEATTY BROS. A full line of Stable and Barn Equipment Repairs W. C. WOODS FARM FREEZERS Now is the time to install that Deep Freezer. I have one in stock for inspection Electric Washers GILSON Dc^ Freezers Electric Stoves ROOFING Refrigerators A good supply of all kinds of Asphalt Shingles and Siding in stock. Steel Roofing to arrife very snon W. E. BETTS PHONE 4«J FLESHERTON. ONT. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown 11.S during the allness and ber- eiavenient of our dear mother, Mrs. Win. Hislop. â€" The Family. I wish 'o thank all who visiited me and those who sent cards and treats during my stay in the Centre Grey Hoispital. â€" Emerson Meads I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude to all those who sent treats and card.s, for the kind en- quice and to the neighboi-s who as- sJisted while I was laid jp. â€" Earl Gordon. We wish to express appreciation to Miw. L. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. R. Boden, Mr. John Thistlethwaite and the Bellamy's, to Dr. Milne and the nursing staff of Centre Grey General Hospital, to our neighbors for car- ing for our chiildren and to all iho'e who sent messages of sympathy and floral triliutes at the passing of O'lr dear mother. â€" Audrey and Harol Bates, Arnold and Inez Bowler. CREfilT AUCTION SALl FARM STOCK & IMIIjEMENTS FRKD PEDLAR will .'<elil by public uction on Lot 27, Con. 8, Artemesia Twp. (1 mile South of Eugenia) FRIDAY, MAY 12TH, 1950 at 1 p.m., the follow»ing: CATTLE â€" Purebred Hereford Bull; (5 Good Cows; 6 Good Gra.^a Steers; 4 Good Yearlings; 3 Spring Calves; V«al Calf. PIGS, SHIEEPâ€" Soiw with 10 Pig'.^; 12 Pigs just weaned; 15 Breeding Ewes. IMPLBMiENTS â€" Disc Seed Drill, Mi-hoe, fertiWzer attachment; 9-'Bull Harrow; Set oif Light Sloop Sleiighs; Power Hourse Clipper; F. & W. Gang Plow; 2 21-inch Horse Collars; 30-ft. Windmill and Pump; Cream Separator; Model p. Case Tractor, slightly used; F. & W. Tralotor discs ;?0-plate; International Tractor Plow 2-furrow, 12-in. bottom; Horse Hake; M.-H. Hay Loader; M.-H. Mower 5'i foot cut; F. & W. Binder, 7-foot cut; ,'i ONf Plow, horse drawn; Sampson Tractor on steel; Coc'kshutt 3-fur- row Tractor Plow; Steel Land Roller 10-fi)ot; 2 Chicken Crates; Stock Rack; Quantity of Baled Hay; Many other artiicles. The abovo mu^t all go due l<> ill heailth. The property Will he offered for renit or on shares on day of .sale. TRRMS â€" All sums of $10.00 and undei', cash; over that amount 6 mos. credit on joint notes satisfactory to Bank of Conmierce, Flesherton, bear- ing ft per cent interest. â€" (iBO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer and Mrs. Alif. Hawton and sons, Mervin and Wilfred, attended the funeral in Staynei- of Mr. Haw- ton's brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Stephenson. Mrs. Wni. Mc.'\rthur of Owen Sound .spent the week end with Mi', and .Mrs.. Harry Udell. Mr. and Mr.^. John Holden of Co!- lingwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hawton. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Freethy of Col- Mngiwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Harold Freethy here. Mrs. Arthur Brownridge enter- tained the Rob Roy Ladieis' Aiid at her hom« on Tuesday afternoon. We are glad to know that Mrs. Jas. Th-oniipson is so much irnip roved in health she was able to accom- pany her daughter, Miss Pansy Thompson, to Toronto, where she will take treatments that ars hoped will be a help toward complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDer.mid of Rob Roy spent an eveming this wee's w'th .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cox and Jim. Mrs. Cox, due to a sudden ill- niss. spent two days last week in th.i Orangeville ho^spital, but wo are ghid to know she is feeling much better. ' Mr. and Mrs. Allan TupWng and I two chiildren of Toronto spent a few days last .week with his- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Tupling. Sixteen menibers and visitors at- ttndcd the May meeting of the Com- munity Club at the homo of .Mils. A. Hutchinson on May 4th. The presi- dent, Mrs. Lloyd Hough, was i.i charge and after the opening devo- tional lexercises, report's of the two previous meeting 'wei'e given by the secretary and treasurer. Remnants of yard goods purchased were distribut- ed amongst the ladies to tie made into articles for sale at a ihazaa •. l>lanned for later in the summer. Th'; remainder of the afternoon wais spent in quiilting the ibeautifuUy-pieced top which was donated by Mrs. L. Cox for the same puiipose. All did justi "3 to a deilieious lunch sei'ved by th- hostess. Mrs. iHough invited the ladie.s io her home Thursday evening of this week to complete the qtwlt. MAXWELL M:: Thos. Grummett of Ansonville is visitfng with his father, Mr. Jesne (irunrmett. Mr. and Miy. Goldie Udell and family oif Collinibwood visited Sun- day with the former's parents hero. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cameron had tht» three little Patti'inson daughters frcm Owen Saund for the past week. Mr. and Mi-s. Fred Koss visiited at ihe home of Raymond Wellar, near Snelgrove, on Sunday. The regular meeting of the W. A. was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ken 'Gordon, with a good attendance. Maxwell Church Service Go to church next Sunday, Moth- er's Day, at Maxiwell United. Special service at 8p .m. Guest speaker: Rev. Paul Christensen of Dwndalk. A hearty welcome awaits you. IN MEMORIAM r.ARTRIlIXiE â€" In loving memiory of our Father and Mother, who pass- ed away in January, 1945, and May, li)42. The rolling stream of life goes on. But still the va'cant chair Recalls, the time, the voice, the smil.' Of they who once sat there. â€" .Always rememiber by the Faimily PRDLlER â€" In loviing memory of a dear mother, Mrs. John Pedler, \vh ) passed away May 13, five years ago. No morning dawns, no night returns But what we think of you. Those left behind are very dear But none replaces you. â€" Daughters, Allie and Pear.. The finals weathennan is like the hockey â€" • in and out. FOR SALE â€" Baled Duncan, Dundalk. hay.- -Geo. K. &lp2 FOR SALE â€" 45 gal. stove ojl drum. â€"Mrs. Chas.. Best, phone 67 Fle- sherton. Blp2 Accidents ofiten happen when head- lights often meet light heads. Al'.sitor (looking oiver nephew) â€" "He has his mother's eyes." Mother â€" "And his father's nose." ' Little Boyâ€" "And his big brother's pants." Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Shipptrt may obtain tack* and twin* without charge from L. Cecil Young, R.R. 3 Flesherton Wes. Young, Maxwell Wm. J. McMaster, Flesherton •r by wrtltna diroct (• CANADIAN COOPERATIVB WOOL GROWERS IIMITEO 917 Boy Stroot, Toronto, Canada ^ FOR SALE â€" Set heavy team harn- ess in Al condition; "Farmer's Friend" riddng plow 12-inch shares in good running order; harro\.i cart. â€" Fred Barber, phone 118J1 Flesherton. 51c2 GENERA! INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE . LIFE LiTostock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, Insure to-day, the Co-operatire way. HARRIS & DUNLOP •â- ARitrSTERS, SOLICITORS. Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from to 8:.10 pm Russell S. McGilHvray Public Bookkeeping, Accounting and Audit Service. Weekly or Monthly in person or by mail. Sys- tems installed and maintained. In- come Tax Returns a specialty. Phone: Durham 119 Box 45 Durham, Ont. Small Ads FOR /SALE â€" Small mow otf mixed hay. â€" Lome Atkinson, phone 9awli2 Flesherton. B0c2 FOR SALE â€" Farm wagon, in good condition. â€" Isaac Snell, phone Flesherton 44w2. 50ip2 WANTED â€" Lady to service Avon customers in Flesherton. Wiiite Box 260 The Advance. 50c2 TO LET â€" Several a«res of good land 'o let on shares. â€" F. Eagles, phone 41J3 Flesherton. 5ac2 FOR SALE â€" Tractor 2^iurrciw disc plow. â€" iP. Semple, phone 20r43, Feversham. 'Blp2 SOR SALE â€" Team of good work hor§,es. - Geo. Buchanan, jphon* 73wl Pleeherton.. 8lc2 FOR SALE .^ â€" & pigs ready to wean. â€" Wiibert Fisher, phone 121 w 2 Flesherto*. 51cl FOR SALE â€" M.-H. a-furrow disc plow (horse). â€" Marvin Londry,. phone 121J4 "F'lesheirton. FOR SALE (â€" Sow with litter at foot. â€" Ted Wade, Ceylon, phowe 40wil2 Flesherton. " 51p2 FOR SALE â€" Good work mare, 11 years (fid. â€" AJeoc. Duncan, phone 40J4 Flesherton. 50c2 FOR SALE _ Red Clbver seed. â€" iLeslie Seeley, phone llr32 Fev- ersham. 51p2 FOR RENT â€" Small house in Cey- lon, witili grounds. Apply to Wm. F. McKay, Meaford, Box 103, phone 568 Meaford. 50p4 FOR SALE â€" 2 reg. Shorthorn.bulls Servilceahl age, grandsons pS OA. C. Ransom 22.^-Don Niohol, Prtee- ville, phone !)2J3 Flesherton. 51c2 FOR SALE â€" Baby buiggy, good, and wicker baby cradle, good as new. â€" Ma-s. Jas. J. Ottewell, Bu- g-enia, phone 30lr43 Fervemham, FOR SALE â€" (Canary, good singer, â-  compete bath, feed tray, etc., wo • cages, 2 Mi years old. â€" ;Mrs. Walter Russell, phone 75w5 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" O.A.C. No. 2i seed barley, powetr cleaned. â€" iDoOald Nichol, Pniceville, phone Flesher- ton &2J3. 5<>c2 LOST â€" Redlbone pup, female, with white hreast. Iif found iplease con- tact Harold Shier, Portlaw, phone Dundalk 71J2. 5lp2 SEWING, Dressmaking or knitting, phone iMrs. Wilson 17r3 Fever- Sham, or ca.li at Mrs. Jas. Otte- well's in Feversham. 5'lc2 FOR SALE â€" Softwood inch lum- ber, 2x4 scantling, al'so old build- ing with fair Ijinher and wood. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia, phone 30rll Feversham. 51p3 FOR SALE â€" 2 young coiwis to fresh- en soon; also some building mat- erial 2x4, 3x4, joSsts, and 1-inth lumber. â€" Oliver Turne*, Eugenia, l>hoiie Feversham ;j0r23. 50c2 W .ANTED â€" Gdrl or woman for housework on farm, all modern conveniences, no outside work. - - Mrs. Bert Irwin, Ceylon, phone 22w5 Flesherton. 50c2 SALE OR TRADE on car by private party; 1940 Reo 3-ton, 5-yard dump truck, 5 speeds and D.P. axle, in p rfect condition. Terms arranged. â€" Phone 603J Walkerton. NOTUCE â€" iGrey- Bruce Hereford Breedei-s will hold their 5th Spring Sale at Markdale ISkating Arena, Tuesday, May 28, 1950: 14 Males, 20 Females. Catalogue on request. â€" T. S. Cooper, Secretary, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" 1939 Dodige couipe, re- built 1940 motor recently instaEed, good mechanical conditlion, good tires, heater. Priced to sell or will trade for lai^ger car. See Wes MeCracken, South End Motors. FOR SALE â€" 1949 custom Ford »e-. dan, black, fully equipiped, exfcel- Hent condition, low mileage; for iparticmlars apiply to Mrs. Richard B. Heartl, Orangeville Bryan Apt., teleiVhone HJ. 61c2 CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Office. Toronto Street. FledtertOB lasuer of Marriage Licensee CONVEY ANCBa WiUs Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A comimissioiner for taking aflMdavits Televtaae 29w *â-  T I e f * ♦ « 5 4 3a. -r --* â- â- Â«. t 7^ -^ â- *. If

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