Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1950, p. 4

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Wednesday; May 10, 1950 THE hLESHERTON ADVANCE THE flesherton Advance PnbLiih«<t on CoUingvood Sl, fUthanon, Wuinatdmy o£ Mch «««lc. Circulation 1,100. Prio* #2.00 • year in Canada, paid in a^anca; ^2.90 par yaar ia thm Uaitad Stataa. P. J. THURSTON, Editor Priteville Women's Institut* (By Priiceville Reporter) Tlwenty-one ladies were present for the May meeting of Ppifceville W. I., held in the Hall Thursday atfter- noon, with Mrs. M. McLean as hoet- €6s and Mrs. Jack Whyte, the new president, presiding. Mrs. Ed. Ver- goz was appointed the secretary- treasurer and Mirs. Stewart Bolce as treas'jrer for the hospitalization. y "â-  ':.-â- :â- .• ... •:,â- .:! a. publicity convener. Mrs. Dora Whyte «nd Mrs. ,M. McLean attended a meeting held at Markdale to arrange for program for the district annual nieelang to be held in Kimberley on Tlmraday, June i5th. Mrs. Dan Campbell donated a quilt top and linii^ to be quilted at some convenient time. It was decided to hold a dance on May 23rd in the hall, with Mrs. John Meads and Mrs. John Ritchie as hostesses. Mrs. T. CuiTie gave an excellent report on ,.,.,•,,.,„.,. public relations and community act- "f*^'" ^heJr recent marriage. The bride is the former Miss Louise Parent, ivlties. A lovely duet was rendered daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parent o-f St. Catharines. The groom is BOWL Recent St. Catharines Bride \ O-oorn 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie MoMaster of S'. Catharines are pictured above lovely duet was rendered by Mrs. J. C. Harrison and Mrs. Joe McKee "Beautiful Isle of Some- where." Mrs. M. McLean gave a reading "Citizens of the World" and Mrs. Neil Afdcom conducted a con- test, the prize being won by ,Mrs. T. Currie and Mrs. Moody. The meet- ing clo.sed with the Miz?»ah benedic- tion, after wMch lunch was served. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMaster of Ceylon. FEVERSHAM St John's United Church BcT. A. G. MacpheraoB Minister MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES on Sunday, May 14th, at Flesherton, Proton, Inistioge and Eugenia. All parents and children are urged to worship together. Junior choirs in charge of music. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism •Dl be administered. Annual PARENTS' NIGHT at St. John's on Wed., May 17th, at 9 p.n-.. All parents are invited to take part. Please ;bring light lunch. PAPER COLLECTION: by the St. John's Trail Rangers on Sat., May 13th. See Future Eventis for details Mr. Chas. Pedlar of Neepaw, Man., visited with his bi-other, Mr. Ed. Pedlar, last week. Mr. Burt. Davidson of Toronto visited with his brother and niothe'', Mrs. Wm. Davidson Jr. Mr. and iMrs. Jim Kirkpatrick of Kimberley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Sewell. Mr. Chris. Thomson has returned to his home here, after spending the winter at Agincourt. Mrs. Henry Alexander is visiting her son, Ivan, and family, Creemore. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Short and Mi-s. Buckingham visited with Mt. and Mrs. John Hudson and Mrs. Wm. Davidson Sr. IMt. Wes Beatty of Toronto visltoft in the village roeently. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Henry Alexander, who is confined to bed at the home of her son, Ivan, Creemon. The Funeral of Late Mrs. / J. J. Brown Hdld Thursday FARM-HOME INSULATION CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Blown Rock Wool Insulation Roofing Insul-Brick Siding fro Schools, Churches, Home and Industrial Buildings R. A. J. COBBAN, Prop. Flesherton, Ont. Phone 109 or writer for free estimates The funeral of the late Mrs. J. J. Brown, who passed away in Centra Grey Hospital on Monday, May 2nd, following a stroke, was held Thurs- day afternoon. May 4th, with service in St; John's United Church, con- ducted by Rev. A. G. Macpherson. A large uumiber of friends gathered to pay their last respects to one who was well known and highly regarded. Interment was made in the faimily plot in Flesherton Cemetery. The casket bearers were: Messrs. John Thistleithwaite, A, E. Bell, A. E. Bellamy, Lloyd Tadbot, John Bad- gerow and Chas. McDermid. The lovely flowei-s were carried by Ellwood Stevens, Everette Black- burn, Gordon Irwin, Wm. Ii-win, Jas. Allen, Clifford Allen and Jaa, Har- rison. .A.niong those who attended the funeral were; Mr. and Mrs. Harol Bates and fannily, Hamilton; Mrs. Alfred Carter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wfllson and Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, Singhawipton; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dover, Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin and Lynda, Badjeros; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Gariswell, Harriston; Mr. and Mrs. Thois. Boyes and Lynda, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker, Ches- ley; Mrs. Harold Thompson, Dobbin- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Brown, Bond Hea<I; Mrs. Robt. Hannah, Berkeley; Mrs. John Parker, Brampton; Mrs. Bates, "Newv Lowell; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mapes and Bart)ara, Dundas; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scrace, Tod- morden; Mr. and Mfs. Geo. Fields, Inglewood. The late. Mrs. Brown .w«s a resi- dent of Arfemesia Township and Flesherton all her life and was bom 74 years ago on May 4tih, a damgh- ter of the late Chas. Imvin and Jane Sharpe. In 1906 she was married to John James Brown and they faiimed on the east backHine on the farm nOw owned by her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mra. Arnold Botw'ler. Mr. Brown passed away twelve years ago and .six years aigo Mrs. Brown moved to Flesherton. One son, Arnold, pre- deceased her in 1928. Sin-viving are two daughters, Inez (Mrs. Arnold Bowler) and Andrey (Mrs. Harol Bates) of Hamilton, also six grandchildren. Mrs. Brown was the last sui-vivinig mem'ber of a a family of three, William, and Ma-- gart't (Mrs. W. Mimro) who resided with Mrs. Brown until her death IT) months ag". The late Mr.<!. Brown was a meniber of ,^t. John's llnili"! Churi-h and was interested in all the chureh aotivilii's. She spent the past winter with li'M- daughter in Hamil- ton and had only returned to her home three weeks before her death. Hello Homemak.erg! Rosy rhu barb makes a super dessert. £cono miicaJ! in price and brisk in Alitor are ^ood reasons for ipuKhyingr l^is first fruit of the •season. You can cook a rhubarb sauce in "no-time" and iserve dt in vaitious ways, Soma varieties which may tack color are brightened 'by the addition <>f a little red food coloring. Wihether rhi&arb is the m^in ingredient ©f pie, cottage pudding, crumb pudding, frozen cream', pineagiiple conserve, or punoh, "Aii'll fii>'4 tVio ttavnx "f rhiibn.rK oTiwBR you a good "pick-up." TAKE A TIP 1.- Orange peel and orange juice in rhuibai4) sauce sharpens the flavor. 2. A pleasant dessert as a itubarb plie made with a mixture of the fruit, beaten eggs, sugar and flour. 3. To make rhubarb sauce: iComJbine 4 cups chopped rhubaiib with H cup water. Cover and bring to a boil. Uncover and cook gently fender. Add sugar to taste anft cook one minute longer. RHUBARB PIE 1% cups sugar 8 tibaps. flour % tsp. salt 2 beaten eggs 8 cups cut rhubarb pastry for 9-inch pie Combine sugar, flour and salt. Add eggs and stir tin rhubarb. Fill 9-inch pasti-y lined pie. Make a lat- tice top, (if desired. Bake in oven at 450 degs. 10 mins., then in reduced tennperature of 360 for 30 mins. PJain Pastcy: Sift 2 cups flour and 1 tsp. salt; cut in % cup shortening until mixture is sSze of small peas. Slowly add 5 or 6 tbsps. cold water. RHUBARB UPSflODE DOWN 2 Clips diced rhubarb 1 tsbsp. flour 1 tsp. grated orange peel 1 tsp. cinnamon % cup honey 1 cup Hour Vi tsp. salt 2 tsp's. baking powder Vi cup shortening 1 beaten egg 3 tbsps. Jioney 2 tbspis. orange juice Arrange rhubarb in greased 8-in. cake pan; combine 1 tbsp. flour or- ange peel and cinnamon; sprinkle over rhulbarb. Pour % cup honey over all. Sift dry ingredients; cut in shortening until mixture resembles cpuntbs. Mi^ egg, milk and 2 tbsps. honey, and add to flour mixture; stir just until flour is moistened. Spi-ead this stiff dOugh over J'hubarb. Bake in oven at .ISO degs. for 25 mins., then pour mlixture of 1 tbsp. orange juice and l tbsp. honey over cake and continue baking for 15 mins. Serve warm. Serves 6. RHUBARB CREAM 2 Ibuips dliced r'hubarb \i cup sugar 1 cup top milk 2 beaten eggs 1 tbsp. .lemon juice 1 tsp. vanilla 2 agg whites V4 cup sugar Select tender rhubarb. Do not peel. Com'bine rhulbarb, M cup su- gar and salt. No water. Cover and simmer until tender. Comibine onilk, egg yolks, lemou juice and vanilla. Add rhubarb and mix well; pom- into f reeding tray and freeze. Beat egg whites. Grad- ' ually add V* cup sugar. Continue beating until sugar is dissolved. Turn frozen cream into chilled bowl and break into chunks. With elec- tric or rotary beater beat un'il fluffy s.n:ooth (but not melted. Fold in egg white mixture and return to eoUl tray and freeze firm again. Si'rvi>s ". \n Illinois library plans to train pages. How nice just to sit there and read while they turn over. TENDERS WANTED FOR STOKER COAL Ti'nders will Ix' received till May llU. litiiO, for 40 t<iii.!( of PtiX'k coal, delivered in the Flesherton Public .^'(â- hoiil bins. Analysis â€" ash content I', to lO'.i , fu.sion point of a.^h 'i,- r>OOK., sulphur content 0..')'1 to l.R'.i. Vdlatile colllelit l'7'i to :{.')''< . Low- est 01 â- â€¢my tender not necessarily ac- ecpteil. -H. Milligan, Sec.-Treas. "Why did you strike the telegraph iipovator," asked the patv 1 o'*" â-  (â- >{ the trob who was summoned for assault. "Wo'l, nir, I gives him a telegram t(i send to my wife, an' he starts reading it. So, of course, 1 ups and gives him one.'' Annual Spring Sale <;RKY-HRUCK ABERnKKN-ANGUS MREKOERS will he held at the Winter Fair Hldn.. Wulkerton THIRSPAY. MAY 1«TH. t9.->0 14 Males and I'l Females Catalogue on re<niesl K. B. Patterson. T. S. t'Dnper, rresident Secretary, Markdale Fun line of DEARBORN IMPLEMENTS FOR SPRING SEEDING TILLERS TANDEM DISCS BUCHLER CULTIVATORS 14-Plate Massey-Haxris Inthrow Disc 2-Furrow Massey-Harris Gang Plow , John Deere Mower 13-Tooth Horse-drawn Cultivator Reconditioned Ford-Ferguson Tractor and Plow, good as new A \ Ford and Monarch Dealers 4k A .A J» 1 ' A T > %. »« i i â-  Phone 20J FLESHERTON •r f POULTRY WANTED MARKETS ARE FIRM ON POULTRY We are paying top prices for poultry. Call us before disposing of your fowl. Dundalk Farmers' Co-op. Croariiery Phone 66 Dundalk, reverse charges :: MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES Cedarside 1 1 a.m., 7 :30 p.m. Rock Mills 3 p.m. Special music at all services. A string ensemble at night at Cedarside t 3 > BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPRING RALLY will be held in the Town Hall, Firday, May 12th, at 8 p.m. Special music by the MacFarlands All are cordially invited to attend these services < • :<» â- A i KEENAN - DOYLE PIANO DUO RECITAL Marie C. Keenan, A.R.C.T. and Isabel Doyle-ElHnghausen, A.R.C.T. OWEN SOUND Assisting Artist RICHARD KEEN.\N TORONTO Afincsley United Church MARKDALE , May 19th, 8 p.m. on two Baby Grand Heintzman Pianos Admission: Adults SOc, Children 25c Auspices MARKD.VLE ROTARY CLUB l2»'«>»>>«BH>« a > â- * IP .ar -r «* Highway Meat Market AT HIGHWAY CORNER, DUNDALK Custom Workâ€" Killing, Smoking, Locker Service .\ full lino of FRESH and CURED MEATS Phom- us eclU'ct it you ha\o \v(>rk for us. JAS. HILL Phone 225J DUNDALK r .1* â-  f

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