Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1950, p. 8

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Wednesday. May 3, 1950 IHE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Ohai>acter is muoh easier kept than recovered. The housing I'xpression these days crems to l)c: "Look before your lease" â€" and keep looking. AUCTION m STOCK AND IMl'LKMENTS You'll find it really handy to travel by but â€" right from downtown in your town to dowi»- town in any town along the route. For butinOM or pleasuro the Moia Street landing it tope in travel convenienc*. Plan your next trip by bus. You'll on joy it. Chicago New York Toronto Buffalo 24.80 $22.65 4.90 10.25 &*.l'^ ROUND TRIP (Subject to rhuic*) ^'CK0TS AND WFOfiMAriON SKVfCf STATION MERVUN DAVIDSON will sell by public auction on LOT 11, CON. 8, OSPRRY 1 mile north of Maxwell and 2 niiilcs west of Feversham SAIL' RD AY, MAY 6TH, 1950 lit 1 p.m., the following: IIOR.SES â€" Maii^hcd Team Clyde Mares, 10 and 11 yeai-s old. CATTLE â€" Purebred Shorthorn Hull, 3 yrs. old, elig>iible for regiatra- tion; PurL'bred Shorthorn Cow, a yr'*. old; Purebred Shorthom Caw, 4 Yrs. '.>ld; Red Durham Cow, 6 yrs. old; Uetl Durham Cow, 12 yrs. old; Here- ford Cuw, 10 yrs. old; Red C-ow, 5 yrs. old; (All Cows milking, due dales given day of sale); Purebr5d Dark Red Bull Calf, S'-i months old; Dark Red, Bull Calf, 5 months old; Dark Red Heifer Calf, 5 months old; ;> Calves, 4 months old; Purebred Heifer, 2 years old; Red Heifer, 2 years old; Holstein Cow, y yrs. old, milking; Hereford Cow, 9 years old, milking; Hereford Steer, rising 2 yrs; Purebred Shorthorn Bull, !» months old. PIGS, HENS â€" 2 Brood Sows, both bred; 19 Pigs, 3 months old; 75 Yearling Hens; 50 2-year-old Hens. IMiPLBMENTS â€" Model A 1928 Foi'd Oach; Cockshuit No. 4 Man- ure Spreader; International Steel Hay Loader; Oliver 2-fu>'row Riding Plow, foot lift; 2 Bu. Alfalfa Seed; 2 Bu. Red Clover Seed; Numerou.s small articles. Sellii^ out owing to lack of help; everything listed 'wfi.1'1 be sold. TERMS â€" All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount months', credit will be given on joirt notes satisfactory to the Bank of Toronto, Feversham, beai-dng 6 pei' cent interest. â€"CEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Local aDd PersoDal ;Mr». Wn^ Httlop Paesed I Away In Hetr 95th Year ' (By Mrs. C. H. Martin) _- . ,, t; •„ji«- p,.«i«u I The Bugenia neigriborhood w;i.< Mr. and Mrs J.m fedlar. Guelph.j ^^.^^^ ^^^^ .^ ^^^ ,^^^_^^^ ^^ were week end visitors m town. vVednesday. April 20th, that Eugen- Miss Joyce McMaster is ill at her ;„,,, „,.„„h «w inrfv Mis. Rmilv home with pneumonia. Mr. Earfe Thurston of Windsoi- is visiting this week at his parental home. Mr. Cecil Chai-d of Hamilton vas a week end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mi-s. W. J. Chard. ^Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Genoe attend- NOTICE OSPREY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM V\ \ Seled tenders will be received by bh'- undersigned contracting to oper ate the Feversham telephone ex- change of the alxwe named company. The contract and further particulars may bt> obtained at the home of the Secretary - Treasurer. Tondei-s wil! close the Fifth day of May »t 12 o'clock noon, 1950. Please mark your tender "Tender i'or Telephone l>per- ator." The lowest or any t-^nder not necessarily acceipted. Dated this 25th day of Ap-'l, i960. â€"HARVEY PESDLAR, Sec.-Tre.is. We tarry a good iselcction of guaranteed USED PIANlOS at Verj^ Keasonable Rates also We sell and service NEW APARTMENT SK«R STERLING PIANOS and We Deliver Anywhere Dodds Piano Sales 80 - ilth St. East 1 (over Pettit Motors) I'hcne 32 J OWEN SOUND IMPLEMENTS FLEURY - UISSELL IVactor Disc Harraws Smoothing Harrows Plows Lever Spring-tooth Harrows Tractor and Horse Mianure Spreaders, >on rubber or steel OTACO TRACTORS Rubber Tire Wagons Automatic Tractor I>i8c Harrows Steel Wheels for rubber tires' fm your own wagon RENFREW Biectric Cream Separators New Gaa-driren Washer Electric Wwihing Machines and Stoves Hand Washers Some good used Separators, one nearly new BEATTY BBO.S. A fall line of SUble and Bam Bquipment Repairs W. C. WOODS FARM FRBBZRR8 New is tiM time to install that Deep Freezer. I hare one in stock for inapectien Biectric Wishers GIL80N De«b» Freezers Rtectric Stoves ROOFING Refrifferaters A food supply of all kinds o< Asphalt Hhin«l«« and Siding in atocfc. Steel RoeAng to arrife Tcry mhw W. E. BETTS PHONB 4«J FLBSHBRTON, OTW. iM ed the Goldsmith-Henry wedding at Durham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr. Cairns is ill at his home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Teeter and children of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mis. Frank Teeter. KMr. Robt. Avtis returned Saturday fi-om Saskatoon, Sask., where has completed his two-year course in pharmacy. Mre. G. W. Rilph is visiting with her daughter, Barbara, at Ajax, where a new baby was rborn ?unday, April 23rd. Miss Kathleen McDonald of To- ronto and Mr. Jack McDonald f Gravenhur.st spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MeDonald. Mrs. ^lurie Genoe, Wayne and Brian, spent a few days recently at Durham with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry, the latter having been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Duke, Dick and Sharon, of Hamlilton and Mass Gerti-ude Lever of Richmond Hill were week end guests of Mr. Harold Lever. Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling and daugh- ter, Corinne, and Rev. .Mice Huff and daughter visited a couple of days lest week with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Annstrong, Meaforl. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry of iDundalk and Mr. Bdb Murcar of Mt. Forest were week end and Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. I. Henry. Rev. Alice Huff and daughter, Linda, of Cobden visited Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. -Hickling during the past week. Mrs. Huff has taken a charge near her hu^arid's ciisaitr where she will preach next yearv Mr. and Mit;. Kilboume Magpe leJt by motor on Monday for thein fomN er home at Aneroid, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Magee have resided here since July of 1947. We hai)e they will be able to return and again reside in our midst. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Hickling on Wed., May 10th, at 2:30 p.m. Program, Mrs. McDon- ald and Mrs. Stoddart. Lunch Com., cake, Mbs. MJcFadden, Mrs. Stoddart and Mrs. Hodder; sandwich, M'rs. McNichol, Mrs. W. Russell and Mrs. H. Best. M Visitors at the home of Wm. Mc- Mastei' over the week end were; Mfcs Catherine Fisher a"d friend and Mr. Ted Fisher of Detroit. Mrs. Annie .â- Vdffir of Feversham, gu-andmother of Mrs. Ml:'Master, returned with them, after spending the winter in Detroit. Ma\ ClifT»iW Allen, president of the Dundalk Credit Union, attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Credit Union held in London Satur- day. Others attending were; Rich- ard Hardy, Swinton Park; Bruce McCutcheon, Wareham, and George Wilson of Dundak, manager of the Dundalk Credit Union. ia's grand old lady, Mi-a. Emily Hislop, had passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joh:i Camiplbell, noi'bh of the yilla-ge. She lived to reach the 94th anreiversary of her birthday o" April 24tlh, pass- ing away the following day. The late Mrs. Hislop was the for- mer Emily McKenzie, one of a fani- ily of seven children of the late Don- ald and Emily (Stewart) McK)enzIe. She was 'born in King To^wrnshio, moving when a child with her par- ents to Ceylon to tihe farm on which' Mr. Ed. Genoe now resides. She wak married over 65 years ago to Wm. Hislop of Eugenia and for a time they farmed near Maxwell, later moving to a farm in the power house vicinity in the Beaver Valley. Her husband predeceased her by 29 years. A son, George, passed away 25 years ago. She leaves in sad bereavement two daughters and one son, Annie (Mrs. John Camiplbell), EJugenia north, and Louise (Mrs. Wilfred Magee) 8th line, Artemesia, and St-ewart of Calgary. There are sev en grandchildren and six great grandchildren. She was the last surviving member of her own fam- ily. Mrs. Hislop was of a kdnd and jovial disposition and had many friends. She was a willing helper and was a staunch Presfbyterian chui-ch, was active in assisting in organiza/tions to raise funds for the bufilding of the church and .later was a faiithful worker in the United Church and was an honorary member of the Woman's Association. Al- though in failing health for some time, she knit several paiirs of socks during the past winter. Tllie funeral was held Friday af- ternoon, ApiHl 28th, and was largely attended, with sei-vice in the church, condiucted by her pastor. Rev. A. G. Macpherson, who took as his text "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto (my path." He preached a very impressive and com- forting message, speaking of the high esteem in which tihe deceased was held. The hymns sung were "Abide With Me" and "My Faith Looks up to Thee." . The choir rend- ered softly and sweetly "Meet Me | There." The remains were placed in the Fleshertoin: Cemetery Chaipel, later: to; be^ fntBrred in tJie family plot in Salem- Cemetery; The casket bearens were: Messrs. Fi<ank Cairns, Davt! Genoe, Fred Pedlaiv Russell Park, Duncan Will- iams and Stanley Campibell. The floral tributes of sympathy were beautiful and intluded a spray from the Eugenia neighbors. Those attending the funeral from a distance included: Mrs. Will Camp- bell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gorrell of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Shei-nian Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ge- noe, Meaford; Mir. and Mrs. Bill Wolton, Berkeley; Mr. and Mr.s. Clare Daviis, Misis Hazel Wyville, Markdale; Jack Hii'slop, Maxwell. The Late John Fenwkk (By Mr*. C- H. Maintin) Friends were son-y to hear of the death of Mr. John Penwick, a form- er resiident of Eugenia, which occur- red in Toronto on Sunday, Aipilil 16, in his 84th year. He had been I'l failing health for the past few years. Accompanied by hiis daughter, Mra. Elliott, he spent several days la-it summer with his sister, Mrs. Jos. Williams, in Eugenia. The late Mr. Fenwiick was born in King Township, a son of the late Henry and Elizabeth (Hoath) Fen- wi«k when four years of age, and came with his parents to the Eugen- ia distidct, wihere he spent his boy- hood days. After his marriage to •the former 'Elizabeth Slban of Ohos- ley He lived In ElderaJie. Township t(# nearly 20 Msars, later moving -to Toronto. His 'wife predeceased him by 10 years. He was of a quiet dis- position and although not in good health he liked to joke. He is survived by seven daugh- ters, Ethel (Mrs. R. J. Wallace i, Annie (Mrs. W. G. filliiott), Pea-1 (Mrs. A. Andrews), Margaret (Mrs. W. Walters), Gladys (Mrs. E. .Mur- phy), Miss Marie Fenwick, all of Toronto, and Mary ^(Mrs. Thorbura) of Orillia. Also surviving are his brother, Thos. Fenwick, and siste/, Mrs. Jos. Williams, of Owen Sound. He was predeceased by a twin sif- ter Maria (i^Ito. Ed. LeGard) of Sas- katchejwan and two brothers, Wm. H. Fenwick, a former Toronto Alder- man and Jos. Fenwick of Sask. The funeral was held Wednesday afternon, April 19th, in Toronto and was largely attended and marked by a profusion of beautiful floral trib- utes. His pastor. Rev. Byers, of the First United dhuroh of Blirchclifl-'e, conducted the sei-vice. Int«rmerit was made in Pine Hill Cemeterj'. The casket bearers were grand- sons of the deceased: Beverley, Mur- ray and Harold Wallace, George and Clifford ElKott and Dennis Murphy. Most of those in attendance at the funeral were resident; of To- ronto and disitrict, the folL-.wnng at- tending from out of town Mr. and Mrs. Jos. WilMams and Mr. Thos. Fenwick of Owen Sound, Mrj. Bres- so of Oritlia and Mrs. Thni, Crowe of Petertioro. Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Red clover seed.â€" T, Ferriis, Maxiwell, phone 4r3' Feiver- s,ham. 50pl FOR SALE â€" Good Durham hedifer, due May ">. â€" ^Frank Eagles, phone 41J 3 Flesherton. 4Sp2 WANTED â€" Lady to service Avon customers in Flesherton. Write Box 260 The Advance. 50c2 FOR SALE â€" iBlaok team of horses, 7 and 8 years old.â€" iT/oyd Talbot, phone 45wl2 Flesheriton. 40c2 FOR SALE â€" M.-H. 2-fuiTow disc plow (horse). â€" Marvin Londry, phone 121J4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Farm wagon, in good iconditicm. â€" Isaac Snell, phone Flesherton 44w2. 50p2 FOR SAIjE' â€" SmaN mow of mixed hay. â€" Lome Atkinson, phone 96wli2 Flesherton. 60c2 FOR SALE â€" Good work mare, 11 years i|ld. â€" Aleoc. Duncan, phone 40J4 Flesherton. 50c2 FOR S-AliE â€" Hand washing machine, new. wringer and s'tand and used wringer. â€" J. Tomlinson, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5r42. 49p2 FOR SALE â€" M.^H. tractor plow. 12 in. bottom, jh g«od condi'tion. -r^ Omin BoyJe, E. R. 1 .Kimibeirley, phone e27r23 Thornbury. 49p2 #-, : . FOR RENT â€" Small house in Cey- lon, witih grounds. Apply to Wm. F. McKay, Meaford, Box 103, (phoiie 568 Meaford. 50ip4 FOR SALE â€" Set of double-l2 trac- tor International discs; Duiiiam- Shorthom bull, serriceaible a^e. â€" Wes Smith, phone 75J5 i^ei^erton. FOR SALE â€" Baby bug«y, good, and wicker baby cradle, good as new. â€" ^Mrs. Jas. J. Ottewell, Eu- genia, phone 30|r43 Feversham. FOR SALE â€" O.A.C. No. Z\ seed barley, poweir cleaned. â€" Donald Nichol, Piticeville, phone Flesher- ton 92J3. 50c2 NOTICE â€" Will the person or per- sons who borrowed a level- and hand saw from me pJtease return. â€" G. B. Welton, Flesherton.' ; 49p2 FOR SALE â€" Co«k!sbutt manure spreader No, 4; International 3- horse cultivator; maru colt, 2 yis. old would trade on p'g.i or sow. â€" â€" Er. Ferris, phone 45w4. 50pl LOST â€" $5.00 bill in Flesherton on Monday morning. Finder please notify Harold Fawcett, Flesherton. j . t WIA.NTED â€" Girl or woman foi- hou'sework on farm, all modern conveniences, no outside work. - Mrs. Bert Ii'win, Ceylon, phone 22w5 Flesherton. 50c2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE â€" 2 young coiwis to fre*- en soon; also some building niat- erial 2x4, 3x4, joists, and 1-inch lumber. â€" Oliver Tui-ner, Eugenia, phone Feversham 30t23. 50c2 FOR SALE â€" Reg. Aberdeen-Anga» bull, 14 months old, T.B. tested; 1 ibuU 10 mos. old. â€" Wm. Davison, 1 mile east of Wareham, phone 41J1 Dundalk. '4ap2 NOTICE OF' CLOSING Commenlcnng May 11th and each Thursday following, the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce wiill close at 12 o'clock noon. GEO. DUNCAN'S AUCraON SALE LIST .VIorvin Davidson, Fevei'shani, on Saturday, IM^y 8th, E. iMcVicker, Hopeville, Monday, April 8tlh. Mrs. Irene Sherwood, Thurs., May 11, 3 nvile.s west of Markdale. Fred iPedlar, Eugenia, on Friday, May 12. Mrs. J. Thompson, Tullamore, on Saturdlay, May 13th. St .lohn's United Church Rev. A. G. .Macpherson Minister RURAL LIFE SUNDAY will De observed at Flesherton and Eugenia 01. May 7lh, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. re- -.pei'tively. All our people are urgtvi to attend. A special offering will be recciived for the work of the local church. Sacrament ef the Lord'is Supper at Inistiosre. Choir frac.ttceis: St. John's Wed., 8:15 p.m:; Riigenia Thurs., R p.m. Meeting of the Offic-al Board of the Pastoral Charge in St. John's school-room on Moivday, May 8th, at 8:30 p.m. AH org«nfzations should h(, represented. May 10th is. the date of the play sponsored by the C.G.I.T. See The ,\dvani.'e for particular. Tag Day for the Blind Saturday, May eth. Your generous support of this wortJiy cause is requested. In the matter of teh Estate of William James Reid. All persons having claims against the estate of William James Reid, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the 23rd day of March, 1950, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitor, on or before the 14th day of May, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst 'the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Durham this 14th day )f April, 1950. â€" C. E. FALLIS, Barrister, Etc., Durham, Ontario Solicitor for tbe Bxeoutor^ Annnal Spring Sale GREY-BRUCE ABERDEEN-ANGUS BREEDERS will Ibe held at l^ie Winter Fair Bldg., W»lkerton THURSDAY. MAY tSTH, 1»S« 14 Maleo and IS Females Catalo^e on request R. B. Pattcreon, T, S. Oooper, President. Secretary, Markdale Wool Growers' Organizatioi WOOL SHIP COLIICT TO Our Rcgittarad WareliouM No. 1 WISTON, ONTARIO R«liobl« Grading ^rpinpt Sattlsurant IMw ww May ahtain •ocfci and twin* wMHNtt 4t«r(« freai L Cecil TouBd R^R- S Flcabe^ton Wm. Youns, Maxwell Wm. j. McMaater, Fleriiertoii CANADIAN CO«NRATIVt wool OMWviin UMino tir »mf Mraet, ToMnM^ Canada W GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRB - UFB LlTMteck, Tranait and Oargo ED. LANG Phone 12Sw FLBSHBRTON For aeeurity To-morraw, Inanre to-day, the Ca««peratiTe way. HARRIS & DUNLOP 4AR*TSTERB, SOUCITORS. Bte- nrnw 98 MARKDALE Mr. Dmk9 wiU be tn C. J. Bellamy't office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:90 p.m RuMeU S. McGOKvray PubHe Boohkeaplng, Aeconnting and Audit Service. WeeMy or Monthly in person or by mail. Sys- tems instaaed aad maintained. In- come Tax Retume a spaeiaHy. Phone: Darhaa .118 Bex 48 Dvrhaai, Oat WANTED â€" iPasture cattle, year- lings only, current rates for six month season, shelter, shade, Sau- geen River. â€" J. E. McKee, Price- ville, phone 49wl2 Flesiherton. FOR SALE â€" Abou't 35 standard Langstroth 10-frame supers, coon- plete \\-*ith frames, foundation, etc. â€"Clifford Allen, phone 45wl Fle- sherton. . SOpl SALE OR Tl'^ADE on car by private party. Iif46 Reo 3-ton, 5-yard dump truck, 5 speeds and D.P. axle, in p rfect condition. Tei-nxs arranged. â€" ^Phone 603J Walkerton. COOK WANTED â€" Cook general for good home wanted immediate- ly, 2 odults and one child; private room in modern house; must be capable cook. Apply in writing to Box 270, Orangeville, Ont. 49c2 FOR SALE â€" 194BL Ford DeLuxe coach, '-"'V motor year old, neiw paint job last fall, new fi-ont and rear springs, 4 new shock absotib- , ers, car in excellent mechanical cond'iition, no reasonablbe offer re- fused. â€" iEd. Breadner, Eogenia, phone 119J5 Flesherton. ♦9c2- WOOD FOR SUVI4E â€" ITardwood slabs, 76% hardwood or better, 825 per load, about 8 cordsi soft- wood slabs |18 per load; clean hardwood sawdust '|9 per load de- livered. â€" W. Playter, {lAione UM Mtarkdale. «Sp» FOR SALE â€" 6 choice grass cattle, 2-years-old, 8 young coiws, freah; head teslted for Bangs disease and T.B.; 1 young -Yflirkshire sow, "Sue soon; seiveral youn^ sonrs jait bred; also 2 large w»ter sup(>ly tanks.â€" lOiaford Allen, phone 45iwl Flesherton. Wp-l CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL Office, TMronto Street. : iMoer ef Marriage OOMYBTANGBR t *^ #â- â- - t IS T 1! r

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