Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1950, p. 1

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f t t * t c r. ® J)je /le0l)jerlji»it ^a^wnc^ ; VOL. NO. 69; NO. 50 FLESHERTON, ONT.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3. 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher Future Events OPTICAL I am now alble to look after all your optical |«quirement8 every af- ternoon and open nigfhts at. my resi- dence. â€" .D, Caanpbell, Opt*netrist. Dundalk, €tot. DANCE IN SHEtBU*NE- Dance in Shelbume Arena Tnes., May &th, imder auspices q£ Shel- burne Sports Club. Music by CKNX Ranch Boys. Admission: Couples $1.00, single lady or gent 75c. R>' freshment bootlie Mr. And Mrs. R. McMuteryl DUNCAN LAKE WAS Observe 50th Anniversary / HOME OF BIG FISH IN TENfJlS CLUB -MEETING The annual meeting of Flesherton Tennis Club on Thursday, May 4th, at the Flesherton CurKng Rink at 8 p.m. All interested will please slttend. AUCTION SALE An auction sale will be held Mon. May 8th, of farm stock, including 11 head of Purebred Aberdeen-Angus cattle, 20 grade cattle, 3 horses, 9 pigs, 7 ewes, o^ County Road, 7 miles west of Dundalk, 2 miles east- of Hopeville. â€" Ed. Vickers, Prop Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. PLAY IN FLESHERTON In the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Wed., May 10th, at 8:30 p.m. "Aur- alia from Hemlock Ridge'' presented by Westside United Chnrcii chodr of Owen Sound and sponsored by the C.G.I.T. Admission: 40e and 20c. IRURAL UFE SUNDAY Rural Ilife Sunday is being ob- served at St. John's United Church, Flesherton, on Sunday, May 7^, at 11 sum. Members of the Women's Institutes, Ute local Farm Forums and Federation of Agniculture are especially invited to attend. Every- body welcome. A reception honorir^ Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMaster, former residents of Flesherton, On the occasion of their 50th wedSng anmversarj', was held ac "The Mapiea" at Brantford on Sunday, .-Vprjl 23rd, with 18 guests present for the happy occasion. ' The table was covered with a white linen cloth and centred with a threo tier wedding cake on a silver tray, flanked by tall white tapers. Two bouquets of yellow roses added to the beauty of the decorations. The bride of 50 years ago wore •» lovely gown of emerald green crepe w-ith black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. A toast to the bride and groom was proposed by thein elder son, W. R. McMaster, of Cale- donia. Following the recaption the balance of the afternoon was spent at the residence in Onondaga. A letter of congratulations was received from Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent; also several beautiful gdfts from' friends and relatives. Mrs. McMaster^ the former Mary Jamieson of Eugenia, was united in marriage to Robert McMaster on Wednesday, April 25th, 1900, in the Maxwell Presbyterian CSiuich. They resided in Eugenia until 1919, when tbey movdd to Fiesherton and in lOB? to thair present home in Onon- daga. Mr. MlcMaster was a suncess- ful oil and water driller and dmQed all over eastern Ontario. They have two sons and two daughters, -Wilfred R., Caledonia, and George El, Markdale; Pearl (Mrs. Lloyd Boland) Markdale, and Verdun (Mrs. Laveme Piper) of Brantford and nine grandchildren. SLATER FISH DERBY, A/ Local G)uple Feted With Surprise Dinner Father And Son Banquet Held In PriceviUe Church Sold hf F. H. W. HICKLING Fleshertoo AUCTION SALE Fred Pedlar will hold an auction sale of iFanm stock and implements at his farm near Eagenfia on FiidJay, May 12th, «t 1 pjn. Terms. â€" Geo. E, Duncan, Awrtiofleer. CREAM * * I 4 Now that the roads are open, why not deliver your cream to the Flesherton Creamery and receive the extra 2 cents per pound. At the same time brinj^ your eggs. We pay top market price for your produce. CULL YOUR POULTRY FLOCK Since the price.s of feeds are high, how about culling those hens which are not laying, be- fore they go into their molt. We take fowl, either dressed or alive, and pay top market prices. The Creamery will be open Wednesday and Saturday nights conuiiencing Sat-, May (> jFlesherton Creamery Wft HOMEOF SERVICE & SATISFACTION- M Phone 66 FLESHF.RTON W Angus Avis, Manager * « A * 4 Our Chapel it at th« dispoMl of our dientrtt without satrs charg*. It contains well-appointed family racaption rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks |24AvenLiP Rri Kl 4344 .Grant Muir Graduated From Knox College / (By PriceviUe Reporter) Many friends will be interested to know that the ordination of Mr. Grant Muir into the ministry of the Presbyterian Church will be held in St. .Andrew's Church, PriceviUe, early in May. The date has not yet been set. His graduation took plaice on Thursday last at Knox Ck>llege Chapel. Toronto. His father, Mr. A. S. Muir. and Harold NIchol attended the graduation exercises. Duncan Lake on the East Moun- tain, east of Kiinberley. came iaio prominence this year in the Frank .Siater Fishing Contest when three of the eight prize winning fish were :aken out of that little lake. All the other fish were caug'ht in Eugenia Lake, which has been so prominent for many years in this famous con- test. Walter Swannell of Heathcote won first prize with a trout three poun(fa and three ounces, taken at Duiican Lake, and his two sons, Bob and Dick, placed first and second m the junior division. Wm. Vessie of Owen Sound iwas second in the sen- ior class with one three pounds, an;! W^iliard Shaw, Chven Sound caught his two pounds nine ounce trout an a flat fish to place third, and fourth went to S. E. Allen, a cottage owner near the lake, was fourth with one tra-o pounds, six and a half ounces. The one vho really stole the show was •Garry Kicketts of Owen Sound, 8 years old, who took thih-d and fourth prize, catching three alto- gether. Fishermen were here all tSie way from Windsor and Buffalo matching their wits against these fighting fish, most of the fishermen having very good hick and taking homo fair catches. Monday wras ideal for fishing and one Toronto party caught 17 during the day and evening. The editor and son, Earle, were out Mon- day night and caug'ht five, three of them ibein^ over a jwund and a half. The weather over the week end was extremely cold and many fisher- men could not stay out too long .it a time. It was one of the most suc- cessful opening seasons that have yet been held. X nuawber of the fish caught were hatchery grown. As Thursday, April ^Tth, wa^ "h>i 40th wedding anniversary of two well-known residents of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Geuoe were guests of honor at the home of the-.r daughter, Mrs. Arnett, Durham, when a dinner was served to theii" immediate family to mark .he happy i/ccasion. The dining room was tastefully de- corated with ruby bows and whiti wedding bells, while the two-tier wtiidiny: cake centred the table. Immediately following the dinner, the grandchildren presen:ed die hon- ored couple with a beautiful tri lite floor lamp with hand painted shade and ruby trim, aJso a reversible wool blanket in ruby and goW. Al- though taken completely by sur- prise, che recipients twth replied fittingly. Mr. and Mrs. Genoe have resided ill this district their entire lives, and were blessed with a family of three dau<arhteis and two sons, namely: HElda (Mrs. Chas. GK-HHard) of Hamilton, Blanche ('Mrs. Jas. Pat- tinson) of Oiwen Sound. Edward >>f Ceylon, Nellie (Mrs. Fred Amett) of Durham, and Laurie of Flesher- ton. There are twelve grandchild- ren. The evening was spent m music and social chat. Bums Fatad to Duncan Farmer, Albert Resur (By PriceviUe Reporter) The Trail Rangers held a Father and Son banquet on Tuesday night of last week in St. Andrew's (3uiPch, when a bountiful supper was ser\red. Following the banquet, Jimmie Carson proposed a toast to the King and response was made by singing the Xational Anthem. Glen Meads proposed a toast to the Church and response was made by ^nging "The Church is One Foundation,'' follow- ee. with a toast by Alfred O'dell to thfc Fathers, .\ndrew ffincka reply- ing. Mr. Leonard Se'.f of Noasval was :he guest speaker and gave a splendid talk to both fafiiers and sons. Jimniie Carson read a nicely word- ed addi-ess to Rev. L. W. Mould and Kenneth MacPhail presented him with a nice birthday gift, on b^ialf of the Trail Rangers, for the won- derful work he has done and is doing fo.'- the ix)ys each week. AItho«gi» taken comgfletely by surprise, M*. Mould thanked the boys for the gift and their b«t wiBhe.s. Mr. Mould then showed moving pictures witb his projector, whiich were enjoyedi The evening was brougbt to a cloBS with 'taps." The ban*iuet was preside^! over by Mrs. Ei-wood Kinsman, Mrs. B. Vot» goz, Mrs. Wilfred Frook, Mrs. Don Reilev and Mrs. Jim McDougall. CRAGO â€" BLACK Rev. H. Charlton officiat-ed at the wedding of Maibel Lucilla Black, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Black of Orangeville, and (Jordon James Crago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crago of Orange- ville, on W'ednesday, April 12th. The bride looked lovely in a street- length dress of blue crepe with navy accessories and wearing a corsage of red i-oses. Miiss Marion Emack, cousin of the bride, wore a sti-eet- lengCh dress of black moire taffeta with blue accessories and a corsago of pink roses. Mr. Ernie Black, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Following the reception, which uas held at the bride's home. The youins: couple left on a -^hort honey- n;3on t;) Owen Sound and points north. . Tliey will reside on the groom's farm near Orai>gevilIe. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to say "Thank You" to friends for ti-eats, boxes of fruit and caixls, also to those who gave assist- ance to Mothe and Dad during my illness. â€" ^D. .\. Fisher. Team Entered In Centre Grey Basd>all League •/ Flesherton has entered a team in the Centre Grey Baseball League, which this year will be composed of Thornbury, Rock'j-n, Kimberley, Fle- sherton and Markdale. An organi- zation meeting of The Flesherton Club will Ibe 'held tihis Friday night at Best's Grill at 8: -30. All those interested, in the formation of a baseball team, or wish to play, are urged to attend the meeting. Junior baseball will also be oi-g- anized this >-ear through the Service Club and an organizaoion for it will be held in the Commiunity Centre on Thursday evening at 8 p.m., when all young chaps are urged to attend. Albert Rear, 56- year- old Colling- wood Township farmer, died in the CoUingwood Hospita: on Wednesda;- of last week, the result of burns re- ceived on January 28th. Mr. Rear was Burning brush on the roadside, using gasoline, when his clothes caught fire. He had been in hos- pital since the accident. The late Mr. Rear was bom in October, 1884, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rear of Duncan, and had re sided in that district all his life. He was well known and highly regardevi by a host of friends. In 1919 he was united in marriage to Ada Sheridan, who now survives to mourn his passing, together with one son. Burton, at home and a daughter. Marion (Mts. Hindle) of Ravenna; A brother, John, and three sisters also survive: Pearl (Mrs. H. Sheridan). Clarksburg; .-V.nnie (Mrs. Chas. Crawford), BurlflngCon: Gert- rude (Mrs. Chas. Howai-d). Homings Mills. The iate Mr. Rear was an .\nglican. DISTRICT RESIDENT DONATE 12755 TO CRIPPLED CHILDREN; DIED BROWN â€" At Centre Grey Gen- eia! Ho-^p:tal on Monday, May 1st, IDoO, Eva Irwin, beloved wif*" of the lute J. J. Brown, in her Hth year. Resting at her late residence in Flesherton. Service in St. John's United Church on Thursday. May 4th, at *2 o'clock p.m., interment to ho made in Flesherton Cemetery. There is oUe thing stronger than ..I! the armies in the world, and that i< an idea whose time has come. â€" Voltaire. G. McKinnon Retired 36 Years With BeU Co. The sale of Easter seals in aid ad the Ontario Sa.-iety for Crij^lai Children, sponsored by t'ne Fle^er- :cn Sei-vice Club, received the SBB of $127.55. The Committee wishes to express thanks to the stibscrfbWs who â- '.vil! receive acknowledgmeat o£ their contributionps <firect from IfeS Society, in due course. Flesherton has gained two worthy .itizens this week in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon >( Toronto, who are no^v taking up res- idence in Flesherton the first of this week. Gordou has been with the Bell Telephone Company for thirty- six and a half years and took his .isAperannuation from the Company the middle of .A.pril. Local fishermen will have to look to their laurels, as botl; Mi', and Mrs. McKinnon are ardent fishermen and have enjoye.l fishing in this district on the week ends and holidays they would ipend a I their coittage. We welcome this estimable couple to :he village. The Los .\ngeles Chamber of Com- merce says the 1950 CaMfomia nav..>l oranges are of the best qlality in recent years. Will Florida please tune in! Special New Buns AT OUR STORE! SCONE BUNS CHERRY ROLLS TWIST BUNS R^USIN BUNS JtAM RINGS PARKERHOUSE BUNS FRUIT RINGS JAM TWISTS BATH BUNS CHOP SUEY LOAVES Tli«y*rtt^Tasty; TrylThtm Flesherton Bakery In Memoriam Support Navy League ] Tag Day On Saturday; The Canadian National Ins:itnt? for the Blind is again holding i.s annual tag day on Satujxlay, May 6, throughout the twin counties of Gr^y and Bruce. Your tag day is under the sponsorship of Flesherton W. I- which is vitally interested :n helping to bring: the services of the Institute" for the Blind to the ninety-foui' biini persons living in these two counties. This year special tflfort is being made to raise additional funds which wiil be allotted to the service centre ot the blind, bein^ erected in Kitchanar during this year. This service centre will furnisii to aK blind person- the services of residence, i-ecreation and rehabilitation. The silghtless pe'- sons of this area are counting e -. you to support these appeals for finds. Give genei-ously to this great '..an- anitarian work which is made :)tii^ ible oi'.iy by your interest support. M .\ R R I E D WILLLV.MSOX â€" In loving mem- ory of- Geo. Williamson, who die J .A.pril 27th, 1947. Dear Brother, years roll on. How swiftly do they pass, Buv time or space canuot erase S5v.eet mejnoriess will always last. Yes. memories are all that's left to us Of alf our loved ones gone. They soothe our heart-ache, dn,- our tears WTiile we linger here alone. â€" Xever forgotten by his only Sister, Mrs. M. Gilbert. For Sale by RICHARDS HOME FURNISHERS Flesherton, Ont DCDI nil ^^"' GuaranteeSf DCIXLUU MOTHPROOF WILSONâ€" SAUN'DERS â€" Qaiat!y in Mount Forest on Saturday, Apr J 1st, 1950, by Rev. J. W. Pratt, Mar/ v., only daughter of Mr. Chas. Satr;- ders of Durham, to James B. V-'ifecn, only son of Mr-. Mark Wilso* Sr. ar. i the late Mrs. Wilson, fonaevly .:£ Flesherton. BROCK â€" CASWELL â€" In Bat'-- way. N-J.. on Tuesday, April SSt >, ls*50. Florence J. Caswell, daiogbt' r of the late Mr. and Mi-s. W. J. Ca^- iwell of Flesherton ^ Wilfiajn -^â-  Brock, both of Newark, NJ. It .• wiil reside at SOBA BloomfleM Av-'. in Caldwell, N.J. G REN BR MOLITOR â€" At H - •vtein on Sa.uiiay, .\pril iSth. IS' ', Joyce Irene Molitor, daughter ;' Mrs. Ruby Molitor of Holstein, f - merly of FtejhertoB, to Henry u. Gi-ener, the ceremoin> being peifor:;!- ed by Rev. 0. J. Locke. The you;:r couple will reside at Beardm â- , Ont. BORN BARiNES â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Barnes of Elmvale a/t the Roy:;l Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Satur- day. .\pril 22nd, 1960, a son, Pou.:- lag Harold. SHTER â€" At Lord Duflerin Uo - pital, Orangeville, Saturday, .\pr ! 22nd, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. CT-.'stoi- Shier a daughter, Gail Ma: : uiot (stillborn).

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