Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1950, p. 1

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-«!^-«vl»,w»,- (yf ®hje /l^sljjerti'n "^(^nimc^ VOL. 69; NO. 45 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29. 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publishei: Hunter - Bkck Bcnr. John F. Note oBitl^ted at the wedding of Delia Bvelyn Black, jrooDgest daughter of the iate Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Black of Orangeville, and Norman Hunter, son of Mrs. Jajs. Billiard and the late David Hunter in "Pweedsirfiui* Preabyter- in >GiSnrch Manse on Tuesday after- noon, March 7th. ''\ The hride was lovely in a stree> "iength dress of turquoise blue crepe with navy accessories and wearing « corsage of red carnations. Miss .Mary Mutipfay, tjhe 'bridesmaid, wore * street-length dress of dusty pink crepe with navy accessories and wore a cora^e of pink carnations. Mr. f:mie Black, brother of the bride, was groomsman. 'FVtUorwing the reception held at ijjg. imue of the bride, the young eoople left on a short honeymoon trip. They are residing in Orange^ Tills. ^i Sa Years In The West A letter received from Charlie PedlaB at Neepawa, (Man., on Mon- day informs the editor that it is 60 "years since he left the old haunts ia this district for the Canadian West to seek his fortune, and he has do.te very well, too. Charlie is a welcoma Tisitor back "home" at any tune, «nd usually makes the trip once a year. Buiquet For Midget Hockey {'layers Friday The Flesherton Service Club will be hosts to the Midget and Juvenile hockey jplayers, who gave such a good account of theonselves in their contests this winter. Recognition of their playing will no doubt Ibe an incentive for greater effort next season. The (banquet will be held in the Fraternal Hall, the caterer to foe Harold Best. South End Garage Sold To McCracken & Croft >'<ie St John's United Church U&w. A. G. MacpkeraoB Mii^ter PALM SUNDAY, .\PRIL 2nd â€" H a.m. Flesherton (S.S. at 10.15 1 ; 3 p.m., Protoa (S.S. 2 p.in.>; 7:30 p.iii., Eugenia (S.S. at M.OO a.m.) Please note the change in hours. St. John's senior choir practice o:i Wed., March 20th, at 8:15 p.m., in tfee ohutch basement; junior choir practice in afternoon at 3:45. TUESiDAY. April * â€"2:30 p.m.. Proton W.A.; 8:00 p.m., Flesherton Woman's Association. The South End Garage, owned and operated by Mr. Wilfred Adlam for the tpast several years, was pur- chased on Monday of this week by Messrs. Wesley McCracken and Glen Croft, both well known young jven of town and district. Wes has been a -mechanic with D. McTavish & Sons for the past twelve years, serving overseas with the Air Force. Glen has had a trucking buisness of his own since his return from o^•e^- seas 'and since last fall has been operating one of the school bussss bringing district pupils to the Flesh- erton High School. We hope that these lo>;al young men will make a real success of their new venture. ENGAGEMENT / Mr. and Mrs. A. E. iSparks an- nounce tihe engagement of their elcTest daughter, Lois Marguerite, to Mr. Jvan Francis Hills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Hills, Conn, Ont., the marriage to take plaice in St. John's United Church, Flesherto.i, on Saturday, April 15th, at 2:30. Card of Thaidcs We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts ot kindness iby neighbors and friends during our recent bereavement, foi the flowei-s and food brought to oui home. Their thoughtifulness in time of trouble will ever be remembered. â€" Mrs. Sempl« and Family. CREAM Now that the roads are oi)en. why not deliver your cream to tlie Flesherton Creamery and receive the extra 2 cx'nts per pound. At the .s~ame time bring yovir eggs. We pay top market price ft>r your i)roduce. CULL YOUR POULTRY FLOCK Since the prices (if.feetls are higlit how about culling those hens which are not laying, be- fore they go into their molt. We take fowl, either dressed or alive, and pay toi> marker prices. Flesherton Creamery THEHO.MKLM Phone 66 SKRX'ICK .S: SATiSlvVC TlOX FLESHF.RTON Angus Avis, Manager Stores Open Saturday Nights Starting April 8 Commencing Satorday, April Stti, the storos >ii k^Ieahcrton wil*. be op^n each Sat ur Jay flight during the summi;r. Our Chapel is St ths disposal of our clientele without extrs charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, Including organ and ot^nist. Bates anV Maddocks fUNfiC/ii. CHAPE t 124 Avenue Rd.i KI.4344 Carnation Lodge L.O.B.A. Re-Organizing Next Month^ Carnation Lodge, L.03^., is to be re-organized, after being dorm- ant for the past several years. This 'iiecision was reached at a meeting fonner members and of those de- siring to join, held at the home of J. Brackeribury. It is expected that the Lodge will have a memibership of 35 for institution of the Lodge and installatoin of officers to be held on Saturday, April 22nd. Sister Lil- lian Thurston consented to be the first Worthy Matron of the new Lodge. Sister Jackson, Grand Mat- ron of Ontario West, attended the meeting and assisted in the planning. A degree teanl from Owen Sound will conduct the initiation o! new members, at boti afternoon and evening sessions. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for entertainment and consiits of Mrs. Wilfred Best, Mrs. C. J. McKcchnis, Mrs. Geo. Jaynei and Mrs. Reg. Boden. Proton Station Couple Are 50 Years Married • (By Priceville Reporter) >Lr. an Mrs. Neil MtCannell of Proton Station, observed the oOt''i annivei-sary of their wedding March 14th. Mr. McCannell had served 40 years as postmaster and relinquish- ed the duties last summer to a younger man and a war veteran, Joe Little, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little of Proton Station. Originally a public school teacher, Mr. McCannell was first named as postmaster in 1901 and attended the duties as a sideline to his general store. He farmed for a time and then resumed the postmastership in lii22 and served faitiifully. He was 8G years of age last January and is enjoyin« fair health. -A. host of friends wis.h Mr. and Mrs. McCun- nell continued health and happiness for the years to come. Gifts To Young Couple -An enjoyable e.'enina: was spent 'n honor of Mr. and Mr^ .Jim Johns- ton, recent groom and bride, they beign recipients of a presentation bv their friends, h-! i ir, \.\\& Fraternal HuU The youn-.; couple were pi-e- senud with a oaM'ict of silverware and a sum of money, made by Carl Teeter and Oha;;. Th impson, while Miss Joan McAfee road the address. Dancijiu- wa-- enjnyfd 'y tie largo number yreient. VICTORIA CORNERS One of the largest crowds ever to attend a gathering of the Flesberton Old Boys and Girls Association dance and euchre was present at the gaChering held in Toronto Friday evening of last week. The oldest couiple present for the annual event were Mr. and Mrs. Wes Buskin ot Toronto, who were 56 years married •â- his winter. Present also were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badgrerow, Wm. Stewart, who never missed a dance all enrening, Bob Brodie and sco 'es of yo«»ger residents of Flesherton and district. The writer missed many old faces who always attend- ed this gathering, and was disap- poined that more o(t his own age and school friends living in Toronto were not present. However, we ful ly enjoyed the evening and met many we had not seen for some years. The first part of the evening was taken over with euchi-e, George Phillips and Mrs. Joe Plant being the winners with Mrs. Gordon Bad- gerow taking the low prize. Danc- ing was enjoyed to the music of Geo. Whitehead's orchestra. There ws a splendid delegation from- Flesherton in atendance, anions the nurniber being: John MtKee. G. Ai-mstrong, Ales. Henderson, FreJ Bannon, F. J. Thurston, Bot) Stod- dart, C. S. McTiavish, A. E. Sparks. Bob Clark, H Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. N. Scarrow, Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Best, Mr. and Mrs. H. Best. M. S. MicLeod, Eldon Fisher, Mr. and Mr,-;. W. .A.dlara, B. TaBbot, Leslie John- son. Bob Croft and Bill Phillips. CG.1.T. Held Banquet The C.GJ.T. ^roug^ entertained their mothers at a birthday supper in honoi' of the church tiirthday on Monday evening- in the church, when 27 sat down to suprper. The tables were set in T formation and were decorated with green and red. ad- orning each table was a model of the church done in red heavy paper, complete with bell tower and stain- ed glass windows. Green pines stood in the chu-rcfa yard. Adorning the taibles also were two beautiful birth- day cakes, iced in white, with a bar VANOELEI^UR Hie sympathy of the eommunitjr is extended to Mrs. W. B. Johnatoa in the death of her faher, Mr. Jaa. Wiley, wlio passed away recentli ia Meaford in his 82nd year. "VMrs. Samuel .Anderson, who re- sides with Mr. and Mrs. Ormsby, celebrated her 90th biruiday OS Sunday, March liJth. y Mr. Dane McGee has sold his farm to W. B. Johnston & Sons and is holding a sale of stock and imple- ments on Thurs... March 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Lundj Johnston are of music on which were the words | ^siting in Toronto. "Happy Birthday to You" in green I Fann Forum me- at t3ie homo of lines with huge red cherries for notes. The girls sei"ved a delicious supper topped off with generous servings of birthday cake and ice cream. Following supper, a short sing-song was enjoyed with 'Margaret Mac- phexrson at the piano. The piiblic school girls sang- a diorus, (followed with a chorus by the high school girls, Janet Ma'cpherson contribut- ed a solo in fine voice. Miss E. M. Oliver, the group leader, read a missionary story to the delight of all, and the enjoyaible evening came to a close with '"taps." Found Money In Gizzard Of Duck Being Prepared / Wliile preparing a duck for the table recently. Mrs. Ross Stevens was surprised to find a dime and ;' one cent piece in the gizzard of tho duck she was cleaning. The figures and head on each piece was worn off smooth so that hey were not re- cogTiizable. Mi-s. Stevens does not know how the duck would find the money to â- bank it the way it did un- less through the oyster shell w-hicli was fed to the fowl. Camp Borden Champions Camp Borden defeated Di.inda!k three straig-ht games to capture tho Central Ontario Hockey League championship for the second year in succession. The third game was played in Owen Sound on Monday night. Dundalk was outclassed, but I courageously battled to make as ! good a showing as possible, but tho Camp Borden strength with Senior .A. player-calibre was too much. Th.- champions should t>e graded into 0. ll.X. Intenneiliate company, as they are. too gSkd for this league, witi; their packed team. We know that our h*?key is not as fast as some, but it is pleasing hockey and next year we should keep the teams lim- ited to villasre teams. In Memoriam .ALLISON â€" In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. Telford .Allison, who passed away April 3rd, 19-48. To-day recalls sad memories Of our dear Mom gone to rest, .•^nd the ones who think of her to-day .A.re the ones who loved her best. â€" Husband and Familv .\ i.y 1-iwcett on the 20th and dis- cussed "Comirainity organization." It was felt that this community haa a great many organizations, but they should not overlap, as each haa its special work to do. T-; was cslt that ir. every rural community thef» should be a co-ordinatine o''gar.i''a- tior through which all .:croups eould wcrii for the benefit of the whole. It was also felt that Farm Forum was the answer, because it cuts across all commninity in rests. It should have the sympathetic suppoit o<f everyone interested in ti wdf» fare of tht communuiry. The Women's Institute held their regular meeting in the hall Thurs., IV' arch CSrd. with a g. o-i attendance. Tt was decided to sta:t.a fund in aid of the Centre Grey Hospit.ii .ind %i& was votL-i out of tho funds to £tar*" the lis'. Each men-.b.'r i? xpcctwl to give ar least f .00 and other funds may be added. -A. resolution was passed asking that the deposit* ing of rul>bish or garbage of any kind along the roadsisdes be pro- hibited. L'XITEn CHURCH (^F CAX ADA Flesherton Pastoral Charge PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 2 11 a.m. Flesherton: :! p.m. Proton; ' M p.m. Eugenia. Junior Choirs GOOD FRIDAY. APRIL 6 11 a.m.. Flesherton EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 9 Flesherton. Inistioge and Eugenia: Senior Choirs This is the day the Lord hath made. REV. .V. G. MACPHERSON. Minister. The Y.P.I', held their meeting on Friday evening at the home af El- \YOod Stevens, with a smaller thv.i average attendance, due to the Poor. |,,,"^|^^, "iiackline'" road conditions. Re^-. Wt«st of Hfathcoti' was tli. iMinister at Inistioge on Sunday an.! was enjoyed by the congvfgation. Mrs. Saaiv Cornett. Toronto, was a week end guest of her dauhgtor. Mrs. Gordon Batchelor. Mi-s. Ed. Stinson has. been with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Linton, ai.d family since Friday. Clare Linto.i contracted mumps two weeks and the latter part of last week ii • and his mother developed men sic.--.. Our sympathy to Mrs. Milton Ban- non in the loss of hw aunt, Mrs John Hannah. Berkeley, whoso fun- eral was held Saturday afternoon, only three weeks after the Inirial of Mr. Hannah. Si^nday guests in the Geo. Moo' home were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam S;ui': dtrs and Roliert <if Chatsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Avheson. .An omiission in our last week's buWget was the hearty congratula- tions to ex-ipostmaster Neil and Mrs. .McCannell, Proton Station, who celebrated their golden wedditir anniversary quietly at their horn* on Tuesday, March 14. .-Vlmost t^vo years ago they retired from the post office, having served a largt territory during quite a lengthy term of office. May they enjoy man.\ additional years tojrether. The R-oads Are Ba.j ' nil weather df the past wx-eli h.as. had effect and the snow- on the higlvways and in th;> village are rapidly disa.ppe:irir>g. Kaiii fell Saturday and Sunday even- ings and today. Tuesday, the fields have only pat'.'hes of snow to mark the coming of Spring. The high- ways and hack roads ai-e in 'bad con- dition with deep mud, and in many places water is across t.ie roads. 1' will take plenty of work and mone.- to repair the dainaKc done by tli.' ''•'^"â- (.niild winter and Spring traffic. Let us rejoice and be glad of it G. H. CAIRNS. .Secty. Official Board. Spring Is Here NOW IS THE TIME JO TREAT YOURSELF TO THAT NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITE I SE OF TRUCK* ON SI NU.W Soven huntlred ways have been found in wihich people kill time. Sorry. Hut nve en n't kill the time t( list them. Contrary to reports that have ai'- paren^ly come from an unauthi>ri;'.- ed source, derinite oi-ders have bee-, issued by the Ontario PrMvincin' Police, regarding transport trucks using the highv.'ays on Sundav-=. Transrport Srucks found usin^- th.' h'gluv.^ys on Sundays wU Kavo themseVws liaWe for prosecutio'i. The half-oald season is being: strict- ly enforced, so don't ovr-ioad, and save our roads. Coal has been a burning question on the continent recently. Faster Flowtri Order your Baster Vil'^!', Flowering Plant-s and Cwt Flowers from W. .\. HAWKBN Phone 17 Flesherton 1 The above luxurious suite and many others to choose from. Wide range of styles, covers and colors. See them now. RICHARDS HOME FURNISHINGS PHONE 78 IK IT'S FORTHK HCMK. W WE DEL1V5R H \\ !•. IT v;.

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