Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1950, p. 5

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* * Authority (»n Home Decoration TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON Tuesdoy, January 10th at 8:15 p.m. s Ruth Hamilton Don't gamble with color! It has a strong influence upon the happiness, safety and well being of your family, according to Ruth Hamilton, visiting color authority. You are invited to attend the presentation of "Magic in Youir Home Through Color Dynamics," an illustrat- ed program on the art of color and home decoration by Ruth Hamilton of the Pittsburg Home Decoration Bureau. Attractive charts and amusing anecdotes will demonstrate the psychological effect of color on the individual. There will be a special showing of Pittsburg Paints' color movie "We Decorate our Home." Valuable lucky draws and quiz contest will take place at the conclusion of this outstanding presentation. Complimentary tickets are available through â€" Richards Home Furnishings FLESHERTON « 4 •1 * Jk * 4 « Cream Is Staying Up In Price CREAM is one of the Farm rroducts that is staying up in price, and is likely to be a good price for some tune. Our adxiee to th.e farmer is i)roduce as much cream as possible and deliver it to Flesherton Creamery, where overy patron is a satisfied patron. We are still paying- to]> market prices for FOWL and CHICKENS, ALIVE OR DRESSED Why not bring- them in and them custom killed? Flesherton Creamery Angfus Avis. Manager Phone 66 FLE5HF.RT0N THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 4, 1930 BUCKINGHAM A Happy New Year to the Editor and his family and readers of The Advance. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brownridge of Rob Roy were with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hough on New Year's day. Mi-, and Mr.s Russell Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson of Peversham, with Mr. and Mh-s. Bruce Mullin and Joanne of Nottawa spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mul lin, Gilford and Elmer. At the annual school meeting on Wednesday morning, Mr. Harold Freethy was appointed caretaker for the coming year. Mr. MuiTay Bris tow was awarded the contract for the supplying of wood and Mr. Ro?s Robinson, chairman of the trustee board, was elected for another term. Mr. Gilford Mullin of Sarnia spent the New Year week end at his par- ental home. .Tiitended for Lst Week) Christmas visitors with Mrs. Daisy Smith were: Mr. and Mrs. Wylie and Miss Pearl Smith of Barrie, Mr. Leslie and Miss Edna Smith, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce BrowM.-idge and son, .\llan, of Preston wei" with Bruce's parents, Mr. and Mrs .A.. C. Brow^nridge, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Froethy and two daughters, Elaine and Gail, spent Christmas w'th relatives in C!ollingwood. A large crowd attended the con- cert in Rob Roy school on Thursday evening and enjoyed an excellent program given by the pupils under the teacher. Mrs. D. Livingstone, and assisted by others in the com- munity. Mr. Russell Cameron very capably d'scharged the duties of M. C. until Santa's arrival when all the children and many grown-ups re- ceived gifts and treats from a well- laden tree. At the close, a deliciou.< lunch was served to all. Miss Alda Hawton of Toronto is spending the Christmas holiday at her parental home. * Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hollingshead and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollingshead, Bruce and Bernice, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hollingshead of CoUingfwood spent Christmas with their brother. Mr. Fred Hollings- head, tenth line. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hawton and Mervin were happy to have all the other menTbevs of their family home for Christmas: Mr. and Mrs. Randall T.iylor and Eric of Banks, Mr. ana ^^rs. Ross Robinson and three child- ren of Rob Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hawton and Dianne, Mr. and Mi-s. Wilfred Hawton and Barry of the tv-nth line and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hawton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eales and family spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex. Max- well. 12th line. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mullin. Ger- aldine, John and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Siddell. all of Barrie were with Mr. and . Mrs. .\rnold Huethinson. Burton and Winslow for Christmas. LIQrOR ANT) LIVING To a very great extent the con- sumption of alcohol to excess is nn etTect of bad living conditions. WTiere there is poverty, squalor, overcrowd- ing and similar miseries, there is always too much drinking by people seeking with alcohol to deaden the pains of their physical disabilities and discomiforts. One cure is to end the social conditions that give rise to drinking. â€" St. .Tohn's News. The glove compartment of the average up-to-date auto contains rouge, powder lipstick, comb and miri-or â€" where a flashlight ought le be. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday January ». tO, 11 "JOHNNY ALLEGRO" George Raft Nina Foch also "SUNK IN. THE SINK" with Andy Clyde Thursday, Friday. Saturday January 12, 13, 14 •*IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME" in Techr.|jok>r Judy Garland Van Johnson VICTORIA CORNERS The Christnaas concert held in the .school December 21st, was a definite success. Mi-s. Neil Winters, teacher, Mrs. Lenore Waddell, music super- visor, and pupils gave the--; "all" in the varied program and presented it to a full house, with over ^0.00 tak- en in as the night's proceeds. Jolly old St. Nick called in on the gaither- ing at the close and unloaded his pack to all the enthusiastic children present. Christmas falling on Sunday this year, spvo&d out the celebrations as far as Tuesday in some of our homes. The week end brought much commo- tion throughout. Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher left for Toronto to spend Christmas and New Years with their son, Kingsley, and family; Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Moore and Elizabeth were at tne nome of Jack Batchelor, Bethel, when the four members of the late Wm. Moore family, Vera, Elvin, Elmma and Bea- trice, and their faihilies joined for the first time in many years to cele- brate Christmas. Elvin's had Christ- mas dinner at Abe Sherson's home, Proton Station, on S^day and hon- ored the occasion of the 47th wedd- in(g anniversary of the Sherson's. Mr. and Mrs. Kilbourne Magee en- joyed a three-day celebration, Sun- day at Bert Magee's, Monday at Wil- fred Magee's, Eugenia, and Tuesday entertaining the Magee relatives. •jLOr. R. L. Carefoot, Chicago, and ?on-in-law, Hans Astrup, Wiwteor, arrived Thursday aft the Bannon home, and were accompanied gack Lo Windsor with the former's d*ught« and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bannon, who celebrated the Christ- mas week end with the C^arefoot family there. Tuesday Jack and Mary returned home with the Carefoot car to complete arrangements to leave this Saturday ajn. for Windsor to accompany Dr. and Mrs. Carefoot on a trip through the States, as far as California. Bon voyage to alll Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bannoi . Tommy and Donna Gail, Cooksville, visited in the parental home Friday and Saturday. Sunday Mr. and Mi'S. Ban- non and Fred entertained Do.-is oi Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brjoks and the latter's sisters. Miss Jessie Knight and Mrs. Clara Bassett ol Chatsworth. Other Christmas visi- ors in the home were Mr. and Mr^. Wes Dever of Markdale. Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ditk Stewart and Nancy Jane, Mrs. Elva Robia- son of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson of Lo'ulci and Miss Joye Genoe. Gravenhurst. ! ( hriscnns v sitois in oth;.- horn. â-  I in the vicn 'y wire: Mr. an* \ir-. i C^.--. Moo V .iiid i'l'en, Mr. a* d Ms. Gc c'on W.M.I ''o., rto. and M- :,rd Mrs. Walter .^cheson at tho George Moore home; Jas. Walker, M'«.s Wanda W'ilh, Hamilton, witn .\. E. Walker: Miss Flora Reed of Owen Sound, with Mr. .an i Mrs. TK^na'd r.oed; .Mr-, and Mr-. Thos. C-o>'ur.d, Sa'.em, at the Erni? S'-jvm-' home; Mr. and MVs. Fred Linton and fam- ily at Ed. Stinson's; a nice surprise party for Mrs. .A.lbert. Stevens when her daughter. Dot. husband BHl G.imble, Billie and Cleo. arrived Sat- urday unannounced from Sud- bury; Miss -A^nnio Bunistead, Messrs Gordon Wilson and Sandy Bi-own, Markdale, Miss Hazel Biunstead, Messrs Geo. and Bill White, Sprin,g- I'.ill, with Hugh Bumstead: Miss Edith Bell, SheM>urne, Mr. and Mim. •lohn Duncan at Wm. Duncan's; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson, Bi-antford, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson and Kazel. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson and Jackie. Dundalk. at the Art Jackson home; thirty-four mem-' bers of the R. G. Acheson family. Proton Station, at Oscar Patterson's; . Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Belts and fam- j ily. Barrhead, with Clayton Betts. Those going- away for Christmas I included: Mr. and Mrs. John Gott tc thi home of Clitford Sawden. Mel- iincthon; Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nich- olsl to the home of Ross Oldneld, Corbetton: Mr. and Mr. Jim Gall- agher with the latter's aunt. .Mrs. .Vndrew Howai-d. Owen Sound Sun- day; Mr. and Mrs. K. .\. Stinson. I'On ainl Bert, with the Bert Hend- eison family, Corbetton, both Sun- liay and Monday. Mrs. Cl.iyton Bttts and Gail, in lompany with Mrs. Luther Lov..'. motored to Toronto on Wednesday to visit relatives ami dispose of fowl. The annual school meeting was lold in the ?.chool house WediK"sd;»y afteriKHin. Mr. Clayton Bebts was returned to office as trustees for a three-year term, along with Elwood Stevens and EJi-nie Stewart. Th .» hiring of the caretaker and ecretary- ti-easuj-er was left to the. trustees, who will hold their meeiting in the near future, - ! Announcing Our Pre-Inventory Commencing Wednesday, Jan. 11 until Wednesday, Jan. 31 Substantial Reductions on Seasonzdble Goods throughout the store. Values you cannot afFord to miss in reliable merchandise. F. H. W. HIckling General Merchant FLESHERTON SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. ADULTS 42c If and when ph.vsicists may be sUv" cessful in their attempts to find out whait is holding the universe to- uvthe, we'd feel muc^ easier if they'd â- '!• a knot in it. Fertilizer ARE YOU AWARE THAT SPRING IS ALMOST HERE? Your Fertilizer requirements will then be of â- vital concern We would appreciate your orders of what- ever grade you require as soon as possible. Orders taken in January will be discounted SI. 00 per Ton Always remember about the hold-up in the Spring and the anxious moments it would save by placing- your order now. DOXT HESITATE .\XV [.OXCxER PHOXE 70 ,TO-DAY Kitchen Cupboards It you are thinking oi reniodcUing your kit- chen with up-to-date cupboards, we have all the necessary material at the mill and would be pleased' to make ihom according to your specifications. It interested phone 34w. 0. & A. Co-Operative FLESHERTON, ONT. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE INCOME TAX RETURNS BY DIEING When you die the Succesion tHity Branch requires copies of your Income Tax Returns for the past five years. Tax with Interest and Penalties (if any) must be paid before your Estate is released for distribution. Have Your INCOME TAX RETURNS Properly Prepared While You Are Living BRUCE E, KEILL ACCOUNTING AUDITING in attendance at L B. Lucas Law Office • i Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Friday • ,. Wed. and Saturday MARKDALE ^' DUNDALK PHONE 2 •_'.-> Years' E!^>erU'nce PHONE ISO Honkkeepin^ Systems Installed

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