Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1949, p. 3

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». ' <i ' ii* n ii >M * if ^Voclnesday, June 1. 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE iWE TAKE CARE I OF yOUR OVERHEAD We have a good suppy of Rx>offing, Insul-Bric Siding, RoUbrick Siding and Insul-Board Come in and look it over. If we haven't got what yon want we will try and get it... Wc apply. No job took large or too small. SEPARATORS Remfrew Hand and Klectric Separators. We still ha*-e some good used Separators at very favourable prices. Ladders â€" 28 and 32-foot lengths. RUBBER TIRE WAGONS... STEEL WHEELS TO FIT YOUR OWN' WAGON FOR RUBBER EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON •:~>«>%~i^-<~w**4~i-»-'*'«^ '< *'.**-v«. icvvvs- .J VANDELEUR A splendid program of sound moving pictures was eiven in tiie Community Hall Friday evenin>r last, by Mr. Dave Andrews, field- man for the. Grey County Federa- tion of Ajjriculture. Some of the viitstandinK pictures were The, Work ot the Canadian Mounted Police, The 0(p«nin.g- of Canadian Parlia- ment at Ottawa, Schools on Wlieels and others. It was very interest- Jne program. A jood game of softiball in the park Friday eveninf;: was played be- tween Vandeleur and Markdale, re- sultiBp; in victory for the local bovs. Bach team had one big inning and B<vme good ball was played hy both Bides. Mel. Bucl^anan and Bob , Eiit.hinson w-;.s th-. l':.^'.;r;- for the Vandeleur team. , Mrs. J. Smibert of F.dinburgh, ficotaad, gave an interesting talk to the pupils of Vandeleur school one afternoon recently, anH told of con- ditions in auld Scotland. Mrs. Smibert wa-; a recent truest of Mr. Hud Mrs. Gordon Wyville. Thu memhers of the ball team hfive recently been fixinf? the dia- mond in fhp park and considerable fcnprovennent has been made, inelud- ii? a nerw net behind home plate. TJhe boys have entered the team in the league. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Harvey and family visited with relatives in [.urUnow over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ormsby, in conupany with relatives took a mo- tor trip to Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Kiiil'alo and other points during- the week end. Mr. and Mlrs. Miller MoOallum of Ravenna were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fawcett and IMiss Ethel Hutchinson. Simiplicity, tnith and persistency are three factors that build success in advertising. ROCK MILLS Mss Olive Ibbitt of Owen Smi. t was a recent visitor with Mr. 'in Mr* Frank Betts Mr. and Mra. Ke» Walker and son of Gait spent tli'! vveek enJ w'tli her parents, Mr. and MVs. Eiwood Partridge. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. White of W:.id- sor and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stuart of Detroit motored over Friday and spent the week end with Mr <ind Mrs. Ohas. Newell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts, returninfr home Mon • day. Mrs. White went to Toronto Monday to see her sister, Miss Myrtle Stuart.who is at present in hospital, having undergone an op- eration a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Krt Gordon and daughter of Washaga Bea':h called on friends here on Sunday. Joyce Porteous is having his buildings wired for hydro. It will no-, ')c long until all the farmers w;M ' e enjoying the bright lights. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Wh;<moTe nn.J Mrs. Margaret Whitemoro of Dur- ham and Mr. R. N. Ar.mt.tron? ot Paisley were visitors at the Newell hom.f during the week end. !-â-  .ss i:.unicL- Dobsjn, Cy.n , Snuiul, was a recent visitor at \\rc home. . Mr. Douglas Pinch of St. Cathar- ines spent the weeli end with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. .Airs. Finch and two children, Bryan and Var- leyann, returned home with them after spending two weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irw'n of Dur- ham were visitors Sundiy with Mr. and Mr.^v. C. B. Wilson. It was a numlber of years since Mr. Wilson and Mr. Invin had seen each other and no doubt they enjoyed the visit together. . Mr. and IV's. Er'iie Ohe.isman and two daughters of Barrie were rec- ent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. New Merchandise (PYLON REFRESHMENT BOOTH We now handle Clover Leaf ice V.IIMU1., all '..;.. do ^i â-º*op. tobacco and cigarettes. Get them from us. JOS. STAUBLE Phone 107w.? Ceylon, Ont. CO.OP. AUTO INSURANCE NOW AVAILABLE Contact ELGIN McCUTCHEON Proton Station Phone 183w3 Dundalk. (Intended for Last Week) The rains were veiy welcome in this area and have helped the growth greatly. Everytlhincr look promising. Mi.s.~, D'^rcon Adlam <>f Floshf^rton spent the week end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Croft. Mr. Frank Betts had his buildings wired for hydro last week and Cecil Betts is having his done this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Newell, Dur- ham, visited over Sunday with his brother, Chas. Newell, and wife. Mr. Kdwin Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith and babe of Lon- don were callers on the 24th at thy home of the former's, brother, Mr. Wes Smith, spent the week end at his home. Mr. Br.vce Henson of Shelburre Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark visited in "SUB STANDARDS IN NYLON HOSE Full fashioned. These are excellent value, being "sub standards from $1.40 and $1.65 qualities, from one of the foremost Canadian Makers. New sea- son's shades, sizes 9 to lO^^. Special $1.10 pair "WABASSO*' DRESS PRINTS All new selected patterns, yard- wide fast colors. Priced $45c and 50c yard MEN'S FINE SHIRTS "Arrow" and "Forsyth" qualities in whites, plain pastel shades and striped patterns. All sizes. $3.95 each MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR TOP COATS AND SUITS New arrivals of worth-while garm- ents added to our regular stock. Come and look them over. All Reasonably Priced. MEN'S ODD TROUSERS Gabardines, Coverts, Tropicals and Sharkskin, smartly tailored, with or without pleats and zipper fronts. The lagfest and best assortment we have ever shown. 4-4. New Patterns in Men's Ankle Socks Tennis, Baseball and Sport Shoes for everybody New Summer Neckwear Phone 6 F. H. W. Hkkling FLESHERTON ♦*<H»*4«*«^^^4^««*«^^4M»*4«*#«*««^*4^*^ Owcn Eou.-.d Tv-;ih the Uttcr's mother who is seriously ill at present. Many friends here were sorrv to hear of the illness of Mrs. I. Smith, Flesherton, but are pleased to learn that there is .some improvement, and trust that she will continue to gain strength. Born J.ACK â€" .\t the Nuihn Ntarsing Home, Plesherton, on Sunday, May Zl, 10 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jack, Dundnllc, a dauplMter, Helen Mae. New Beautu fw^ow Mm\ GIVE IT COLOR-CHARM \and| LONGER LIFE Durham Motors wish to announce that they rave a good supply of John Deere Farm Machinery on Hand FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Enquiries invited PHONE 13 DURHAM -r T I Have The Advance sent to you -r r T WHEN you GO AWAY ONLY $2.00 PER YEAR IT GIVES YOU THE NEWS OF HOME r v FARMERS, COME TO THE Field Demonstration of the MASSEY-HARRtS PONY TRACTOR AND MOUNTED EQUIPMENT CANADA PAINT Om Stylish • Economical • Durable "It's style AU the WhUe" when Beauty goes hand and hand with good taste and sound judgment in color selection. CANADA PAINT "SUN-PROOF" COLORS are tops in quaUty â€" and you don't have to spend a fortune to have the smartest looking home in your neighborhood â€" just give it the "Beauty Treatment" with Canada Paint glamorous, non-fading, "Sun- Proof, durable colors that resist aU the elements of our Canadian climate. -Roof COLORS Don't be fooled with "Cheap Pamt" â€" it costs more in the end. Buy the beat â€" "CANADA PAINT" â€" it costs less per job, covers more per gallon and lasts longer. 7^ CANADA PAINTS MONTRe/a • TORONTO • WINNIPW â-  CALGARY â-  VANCOU V ER HAUf AX Consult your Canada Paint Dealer about your paint prob- lems â€" He has the products and the experience to make your job an easier, more economical one. LUXOR Glorious Now Ponh and floor Colors Keap* inaids and porch floors or baaeinenU fresh and iparklinK â€" Sivea super wear resistance on or cement surfaces. It driM overnight, is easily washed and is not affected by strong aoaiw. PROTEGO Preservof/v* Pofiir Superior to shingle stains â€" and twice as economical â€" Protecto is a penetraling liquid that seals, protects and preserve* the shingles against curling, rot, warping or weather. KEM-CRAFT BRUSHES The finest money can buy â€" made to the exacting specffloft* tlons of, and guaranteed ny, Canada's largest paint manufacturera. .£tf T^. ."â- ^v...-cr3ft 7- I >. X â- J I*. X 1^ A A ^ f I . See this Big Little Tractor IN ACTION Plowing Discing Cultivating Weed Spraying JOHN LEVER FARM HALF MILE SOUTH OP DUNDALK TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 7th, 1949 at 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by J. M. STAFFORD MASSEY-HARUTS SALES and SERVICE FEVERSHAM, Ontario r u

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