Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1948, p. 8

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J'~ â€" â- ;3:..ri.w,--'*'*ri;^^. N Wednesday, Ma\ 26. 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads HELP WANTED ^ Kiuhtn lulp for a few hours daily,â€" P^ircside Lunch LOST - Tire, rim and wheel foi H>3'1 Chivrok't, tire size 10-5.50. â€" Geo. Johnson, phone 87 Flcshenon. JfANTRD â€" AJHBUkld tuiUble {oi mink and fox teed. â€" Bert Mclnto«l Eu««ni», phone F'av«r«ii«'i 6r26 FOli SALE â€" -Hoovti' Spt-cial electric sweeper, price |'20; can be seen at The .-Advance ulfice. FOH SALE â€" 75 Yeaili^.g Rhode I«lan<l Red liens. â€" Boss Gillette, phone I.'i8\v4 FleshertoM. 51i»l FOR SALE - 10;i(i Chevroltfi coach in goo<l «()ndition, ^uoii tire.«. For information call li>. 52p2 United Churah Note* Rev. A. G. Macpheriion Minister 'â- Reli}fion and Politics" will he the sermon theme on Sunday, May 3()th, at Klfsherton, InisUt)«e «nd Eu- genia. Everyone is invited to wor- ship with us. Parents are urged to brinjf their children to the church schools. St. John's choir practice in the church, Friday, .May 28, at 8 p.m. Eiij?enia Young People's Union mt'cUs this Friday evening. May 28, at the home of Mr. Falconer at the Power Heuse. See The Advanci- advl. of the play ii.inK .â- <iionsore<i by St. John's W.A. this Friday evotiiing in the Klesher- ton town hall. Local and Personal FOR SALEâ€" 2 Registered Hereford bulls, ready for «ei-vice. â€" Burton Hudson, Fevirshani, phone 7r4. FOR SALE â€" A few bags of goo^ potatoes. â€" ^Fred W. Brown, phone .•5;U4 Fle.s-herton. 51p2 .About this time of year the office boy is wondering if the boss r«mem- bers whosy funeral he utteiiduti a year ago. -As summer comes in, there is, according to the biixi watchers, a rush of warblers to the woods, and accoiding to ti-affic police, a »ush of wobblers to the higtli.ways. Fine Weather is fine weather. FOR SAL*: â€" Holstein heifer calf, PX)R SALE â€" Tennis racket in good 2 weeks old. â€" R. Sipencer, Eu- genia, .plione lliHvS Flesherton. FOR SALE - Lwdy's Wack wool tailored coat size •'i8-4., good length and suality; spring weight. Can be seen at The Advance. NOTICE â€" Trespassing, hunting and fishing on Li>t 24, Con. 7, Art- t>m«sia, strictly prohibited. â€" Han-y Genoe, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Qaaiuity mixed hay; Ajax oats and 0..\.C. barl^', also quiintity alfakfa .seed. â€" Akox Bros., phone 33wl Mark<lali;. PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pasture for summer season. -Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 38 Roose- velt Bd., Toronto C- 42t.f. FOR SALE â€" Bam 40x60, steel roof, in goed repair, steel track, on Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey.-Luther Mills, Fov«rshani, phone 17rl3. FOR SALEâ€" lO.TO 01d.sniobile coupe in good condition. â€" A. G. Pickles, R.R. 4 Markdalf, phone i;WJ3 at Flesherton. oOc2 FOR S.ALE â€" Beatty hand washer with wringer, good condition, also Aladddn \-Mwp. â€" Mrs. Emerson Par- ker, phone 6r3 Feversham. 52p2 FOR SALI->-:j-bmner coal oil stove- battery rad'io in good condition { with new Itatteries. â€" W. J. Mc- Master. Flesherton. 50p2 CUSTOM WORK done with manure spreader, tractor and loader, quick ioadintr and .sprea<ling |2.,")0 per hour. â€" Ralph Harbottle, Duncan. condition, priced $2.50. â€" Mrs. .A. E. Bell, phone *5J Fle.sherton. l-XIR SALE â€" 1930 DcSot,) coupe in ffdod condition. â€" Ted Campbell. Eugenia, phone 74rl. 52c2 PASTURE for 6 or 7 yearlings. â€" Mrs. (Jilbein, Prieeville, phone 'J!)J3 Flesherton. 52c2 PASTURE for 12 head of cattle, well watered and fenced. Goi-don Mc- McMullen, Ceylon after 7, p.m. phone Flesherton 44J3. 52c2 FOR SALE â€" 2 Durham cows, 4 and 1 ] years old, due to freshen last of May, botih good milkei"s. â€" Geo. Mooi-e, .No. 1(1 Highway, 4 miles ssuth of Fli'sherton. FOR S.ALF:: â€" Bay nvaie 3 years old with white strip on face, two white hind feet; 3 Holstein cows, 4 years old, fresh. â€" John A. Eckhardt, R.R. 4, Prieeville, phone 274J3 at Durham. 52p2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by Mrs. Stanley Campbell, Eugenia, for the painting' of the kitchen of Eugenia United Church, tenders to be in by Thursday, June lO, 1!>48. Iniifonna- tion may be secured from Mrs. S. Campbell, Eugenia, phone 74J4 at Flesherton. 52c2 aui;tio.\' sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMKN'IS FOR SALE â€" Saddle mare. 5 years old, broken both singh- and double and' sound. â€" Bill Olark, phone Tou'i Flesherton. olp2 FOR RENT â€" 7-rooTn house and srood size garden with apple trees and some small fruit, Lot 14, Con. 0, Osprey. â€" Phone 17r]3 Luther Mills, Feversham. 50c3 LOST - Between Flesherton and Feversham, small expro.-^s parcel containing lx)ttks with fluid. .Any person finding same please notify Laurie S<-weII, Feversham. .")0p3 PA.STi:UE FOR RENTâ€" 1/4 '.', Con. 8, Osprey Township, farm of th( late Jos. .McGrade. running watej and plenty of shade. Apply Mrs. Wm. Mad<len, Gieenwo"<l, B.C., P.O. box 515. 48p4 FOR SALE â€" 1 Heintisman and 1 Williams piano, both small sizes also benches; and some other makes. â€" Willard Blakey, Proton Station, phone lit<Vw2 Dundalk. 47p8 WANTED â€" .Man for steady travel among consumers in Grey County. Permanent connection with huge nianufactunr. Only r.'lial)le hust- ler consi<lered. Write Rawleigh Dept. .M1W-RV20.5-13T, Montreal, Que. .-)0c3 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Ett- Phone 38 MAKKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. ALE?:. MACKKY will sell by |)ul)lic auction 3 Mile.s North of Kinghampton WEDNESDAY. JINK 2NI), liH8 I including- Te;iin of Horses; U! Sows with pigs or coming jn; (i Cows; 7 .S.',Avs with pigs or cooning in; 7 Chunks of Pigs; 'i Cows; 11 younger Cattle; Jeep with steel cali; Hay Loader: .Set Tractor Discs. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, .Auctioneer Chester I^ng, Clerk. U \i/ouare cmfMP//ime arff/Pfofhe DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kenned V Block Phone 77 Pleaherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgage.", etc. Deeds Agreements .A commissionor for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street , Flesherton • . . . you will need to secure a Form H. Permit from your bonk, if you take with you more than $10 in United States funds, or more than a total of $25 in Canadian end United States funds. • To ensure that available United States dollars are distributed in a way that is fair to everyone, on annual travel ration of $150 U.S. per person for the 1 2 months between Nov. 15, 1947 and Nov. 15, 1948, has been established, hi the case of children under eleven it is $100 U.S. Th/j couf/on is g'rven for guidance of the public and to help avoid em- barroisment at border points. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD ! : OTT»W« U mmmmmmmmrnmn i .Miaster Jimmie Stoddart visted -on ihu hoUlay wdk end with his aunt in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Cj-oft and chilrlren of Toronto holidayed with liis father, .Mr. Sam Croft. Miss Elma Talbot of Owen Sound visited her jiarents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Talbot, over the holiday. .Mb-, and Mrs. E. D. Bentham and family were week end guests of his mother, Mrs. R. Bentham. Alessrs. Wm. and Jos. Hemphill of Toronto were guests of Miss Edith Hefuphill over the week end. .Alessrs. Harold and Wes Bellamy of Toronto called on relatives and friends wtiile in town Monday. Mr. and -Mrs. Will Beatty (Eva Small) of Berkeley visited mth Mrs Geo. Lawler a day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker- Bramp, ton, spent the week end and holiday with friends in town. .\lr. and Mrs. Ben Bellamy aJid babe of Owen Sound holidayed with the former's parents, Mr. and Mlrs. C. J. Bellamy. :Mr. and Mrs. John Woollard and Elizabeth of Prieeville visited with .Mr. and .Mrs. John McKinnon the first of the week. .Miss Carrie Sullivan and Mrs. Exley (i.Mtimie Sullivan) of Montreal called ci.ni friends \p town Tuesday, who were pleased to see thom Again. -Miss Evelyn MacTavish, Laura li»yd, Dell Thurston, of Toronto and .An«ie Akins of Rouge Hill helidayed jit their homes in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting and Wayne of Preston visited on the hol- iday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mi's. W. Honor and Mr. Geo. Jam- ieson of South Porcupine and Tim- mins, respectively, returned to their homes last week, after spending a couple of weeks in town. Week end and holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy were: M)'. R. P. Bellamy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Black and Mr. and Mrs. S. Drunrm, all of Toronto. Miss Evelyn Hale of Singhampton school staff and Mr. T. S. Small of Fordwich, formerly of Craik, Sask., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miskell of Siin Francisco, Calif., and Mi-, and Mrs. Wm. Henry of Durham visited with the formers' daughter, Mrs. Laurie Genoe, and Mr. Genoe on Sunday. iMrs. Mlartha Hamilton amd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and son, Wayne, of Mt. Forest were guests of Ml', and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Fawcett and daughter of .Aldershot spent the hol- iday week end with Mrs. Fawcell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mrs. Fawcett and daughter remain- ed for a week's visit. Visitors with Mir. and Mrs. John .^i/.•l)(^nald over the holiday were: .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton and sons, Gai-ry and Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Doyle, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDonald of Islington, Mr. Tom Thauburn and Mr. Zdbb of Toi-onto. Week end and iioliday visitors with .Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Stewart were: Mrs. H. .AlexaiuTer of Fever- .-ham, .Mrs. Ida Roszell, Mr Harold Smith, (.'aiedonia I i It d. A â- A * i 4 4. C.P.R. SPEEDS TICKETING G. A. MacNamaia, vice-president of traffic for the Canadian Pacific Railway, inspects a new ticket issu- ing and accounting machine, the first of its kind on tJie North Amer- ican continent, which went into service at the C.P.R.'s Windsor Sta- tion in Montreal recently. The mach- ine prints its own tickets when the ticket seller inserts a matrice, such as Mr. MlacNamarJi holds in his left hand, into the slot on the lower right iiar.d CLvnt-r. In his rig-ht hand Mr. MacNamara holds a ticket that the raachiine has just issued. . The bot- tom picture of one of the coach tick- ets the machine issues shows ho-w much more comi>act it is than the type of coach ticket at the right. As well as speeding up ticket sales, it keeps full accountnfr records. In- stallation of the machne in other main Canadian Pacific centres across Canada depends upon the success of the machine iin its initial perform- ance in Windsor Station, which was picl<ed for the introdiiction because of the volume of business han<Med there. It is expected that the naa- chine will be able to handle 90 per cent of the coach tickets issued there, and tickets will be issued to practically all C.P.R. points within ' 24 hours travelling time of Montreal. â- 4 i 8TH LINE, OSPREY !Mlr. and Mrs. Joe Annstrong of Th Ji': ibuvy .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. The Ladies' Aid of Eugenia held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Jas. Ottewell on May I'Jth, with 12 nvemlbdrs «nd one visitor present. Mrs. C. Magee conducted a contest with .Mr.s. Macphersoti the winner. Mr. and Mrs. Nerval Betts of Eu- genia and Mir. aii<l Mrs. Lloyd Steph- ens aiui family spent Saturday even- ing at Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wright and two children of Toronto spent Sun- day with Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Fen- wick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rlaschke o1 Preston and .Miss Joan Crawford oi' Toronto were visitors of .Mr. and Mrs. J. C'rawford Thursday of last wet'k. Joan remained for a few Weeks' holidays after completing hei and! oxajminations, and intends to take a Miss Ber- . position in a Preston iKink. We wish nice Rreadner, Rocklyn; Mr. Jas. j Joan success in her work. and Mr. .McKadden, Collingwotx Bert Petch bi Torotno. A'isitors at the Stoddart home over the holiiiay were; Mr. and Mrs. Matt l>:ui,u'e!o and two children, .Mr. and .Mrs. Bill SUddarl and David, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stidflait, Misses Klla and Jean Sloddart, all of Mal- ton, .Mr. Garnet Barnstaple and Mr. Jim Masters of Weston and Mr. Fled Stoddart of Hamilton. The Women's Institute will meet iit the home of Mrs. Geo. Johnson Wed., June 2nd, at 2:'M p.m. Roll call answered by debate on which is better for children: to be brought up in th(, city or the country. Payment (if ho.sipiUilizatioinr fees. Program com.: Mrs. Milligan, Mrs. Geo. Mac- Tavish; Lunch: sandwiches, .Mrs. Eva Fisher, -Alirs. Cook, Mrs. Geoi-ge Lawlei'; cake, Mrs. Hass, Mi's. L. A. Fisher, Mrs. J. 0. Dargavel. The now look is still new but the jokes ail)out it are becoming old. FISHING EQUIPMENT Alcook, Laight & Weslwiod fish- ing tackle and other .sp^irling goods. REG. BODEN H.-.A. Station Flesherton Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGriither and son, Kenneth, of Mom't Clair, N.J., Mr. and ^li"><- Camithers of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner and three children of Beeton were KING'S BIRTHDAY MONDAY, JUNE 7th HOLIDAY WEEK END SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turner on the week end and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne and Marie of Dumdalk visited with Mr. and .Mrs. H. Fenwick recently. Mrs. Ltloyd Stephen, Mary and Jimmie, anil Mre. Jas. Ottewell spent the 24th with Frances Foster, near Vandeleur. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Hay and daughter, Shirley an<l Miss Shirley Bucking- ham of Hawkesbury wei-e week end guests at the E. Kuckinghinii home. Mrs. .Alice Nicholls of Toronto spant the _\veek end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross. L\H'. an<l Mrs. Norman Parker of Durham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sled. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hugth Fenwick over the halidiay week end were: Mr. amd Mrs. Howard Samp- son and family and Mrs. Mary Samipson, Snr., of Clarksburg, iMr. Crosby Sajn.pson and Miss Florence Gekill of Owen Sound and Mr. Jas. Kertom and friend of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McLeod erf Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. -Angus McLeod for the holiday. Rev. and M^rs. Holmes and family ,-pcnt a few days at their summer cottage near .Algonquin Park. .Mr. aind Mrs. Cecil Monaghan and .Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferris attended the graduation exercises of their son, John at Toronto last Finday. * M T A- Between all points in Canada and to all United States border pohits. FARE AND ONE-THIRD For the Round Trip CO; any time from 12 noon, Friday, June 4, until 2 p.m., Mon., June 7. RETURN: leave destination not later than midnight, Tue.sday, June 8. Times shown are Standard MINIMUM SPECIAL PARE Adults or Children 30c Full particulars from any agent Ga^uuiuiH &cuU^ NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS Aicording to size and condition â€" Small animals ron\ovi>d free. We do the loading. IIIGIIFST I'RU ES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone T)iin<la!k 146 â€" Kcvorse C'liar^i'.s NICK PECONI, OWNER F. T. H I. M. Sc CO., Limited Grocery Bargains THAT ARE MONEY-SAVERS Heinz & Ayhner Baby Fruit di Vegetables- 5c tin Assorted Meat and Fish Sauces Bottle 10c Dalton's Artificial VaniHa 2 oz. bottle Sc Assorted Ctistards pki?- 5c .Assorted Soups 2 for 15c Cut Green Beans 20 oz. tin, 2 for 15c \'iau Soda Biscuits. 2 lb .pkt;- 39c each Kamenol Soap Beads, 20 oz. pkg 24c Candy Saw Logs Sc each Standard Peas, 20 oz. tins 2 for 25c Cream-style Corn, 20 oz. tin 19c each Bishop's Tomatoes, 28 oz. tins 23c tin Assorted Blended Juices. 48 oz 2 for 49c Red Plums, 20 oz. tin 2 for 25c Choice Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin 2 for 25c Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c I'ickkd licets. Irt oz. jars' 2 for 15c Sinnott's Pea Soup, 28 oz. tin IQc each Aylmer Plum Jam, 12 oz. tin I9c each Purity F^our, 98 lb. bag- ^425 F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale r ♦ •9' r

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