Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1948, p. 3

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â- m. •A 4 ,*l«i>*^i 4 A 'A I r Winter Playgroundâ€" More than 2,500 persons braved the wind-swept ice of Penetang Bay to attend Penetanguishene's first winter carnival, which featured dogsled races and scoot racing, the new Georgian Bay Sport. Holding the reins of his dogs is Ted Light, winner of the dog race for contestants under 16 years, and Mary Nicholson, Honey Harbor, a close second. Sports - And One Thing or Another B; PRANK MANN HARRIS ======= ("A Sixbil Critic") s=s==a=== "He gave me forty tliousaud doll- ars worth of baseball information â€" and a veiy small raise in pay." That was the crack made by Eddie Stankj' right after his recent discussion of 1948 contract terms with the Brook-^ lyn Dodger president; and evidently it got beneath the skin of Mr. Rick- ey, an astute gentleman noted for his intimate knowledge of two things â€" the intricacies of the game of base- ball, and just exactly how many cents there are in a dollar. Anyway, shortly after popping off m this maimer, Mr. Stankj- found himself traded to the Boston Braves in one of baseball's most surprising deals, as Eddie was looked upon as a fixture with the Dodgersâ€" indeed, it was generally thought he was des- tined to succeed Leo Durocher when the former "Lip" moves from ; bench to the front office. * » * The trading of Staiiky is bound to stir up a lot of thingsâ€" and among them we wouldn't be surprised to find a revival of interest in the base- ball players' union. The fans hear and read plenty about men like Bob Feller, Ted Williams and other stars who draw anywhere from forty to eighty thousand for a few months toil. But they know little or nothing of players forced to accept, year after year, just a fraction of what they would be worth â€" and what they could easily get â€" from some other club, yet unable to do a thing about it because of the jug-handled style of contracts that, in spite of all arg- uments to the contrary, give the managements about 80 per cent flie best of it. ♦ » ♦ In his very intcrestitig story of his life "Bahe" Rulh tells of how Mayor Jimmy IValker made him "blubber" hy rcinindiufl the Home Run King how much his conduct and e.ramf<ic meant to the dirty-faced kids of America. Thai's just the kind of thincj Jimmy Walker would he likely lo get off. and not even with his tongue in his check 7vlien he said it. * * Yet fcni men iiving should be in a better f-osition to hwiv than W'alker thai, baschnll -hn.vingâ€"hockcy â€" any professional sport is, at bottom, a profit wak'iui business and nothing else. Even the peueral public .â- ihould know thai much by this time. Vet more pure .flii.ih and hooey is written ' and spnl-cu ahoni sport â€" Vcs, and rcc eat it up -than about, well, even the private lives nf our glamorous pic- ture stars. If the day ever comes when nexcspaj'cis put sport on the same ha.nsâ€"in the ^matter of free publicityâ€" as they do. for instance. Automobile Factories or Depart- ment .'stores, that -.cill be a dark dav indeed ior a lot of promoters, ik * ^ The "til up" which exists, in far too many inslnnccs, betwcMi sports writers and .'iporfs promoters, is de- plorable, even (l.nutrerons The writ- ers, ofli n poorlyiiaid even Iw new.v paper standards, arc cxpcctcil to meet and travel, nn terms of c(|ualily, with men malcinK' many times the money they do. Tlic 'cmptation to eke out those income.' hy a seemingly harm- less chore of boosting or pre.ss-agent- ing is always there, and is generally accepted. As one well-known Sports Efl'tor- now (lend -used to put it to his staff in moments of expansion, "I know you all are making a little on the side : and witli things as they are T don't suppose there's anything we can do about it. But there's, rea.son in all things, and T don't want any ovf.M-stcppinp of tlie bounds. That is, I won't stand for anybody pulling a .«i'n .T!ul .stirljiiic anvbodv up!" * * ' ♦ ' The results of iliis practice arc, in nine cn^c-; nut nf ton, comparatively hanilcss. r.iil llierc comes that l.u'h liiiir. Sm i|!iK<> a promoter, to whom yon iirc ••w'elKd for various fitvors is pulling on a boxing bout which you know never should have been made. Perhaps it's a broken down and punch drunk fighter, matched with an up-and-coming boy who can really pimch. Are you, the writer, going to say what you really think, or are you going to pass it off with "well, the public will probably get its money's worth, so what the heck"? * ♦ * We mention boxing particularly because right now in many sports because of recent ring fatalities â€" the fight "game" is decidedly under a cloud. Xot so long ago Ray Robin- son and Jimmy Doyle were scheduled to battle in the Windy City, until a Chicago sports ivriter had the intest- inal fortitude to say that Doyle, in a previous bout, had almost died after a knockout. That ended the tnatch, but just as far as Chicago was con- cerned. It took place, iw.ffrorf, in Cleveland, zvith the result that Doyle "vas killed. ♦ * * One can't help wonderins just what those Cleveland sports writers â€"who must have known all :d)out Doyle's condition beforehand yet made no effective effort to stop the boutâ€" thought of themselves when tlicy learned lie was dead. Or. for that matter, the promotersâ€" Poyle's managers â€" or the folks who accepted rent or a percentage for the space in which to stage the niatcli. Probably tliey all chipped inâ€" along with a lot of fansâ€" to make sure that the floral tributes at the funeia! were both numerous and imposing. "You can always trust the sporting crowd to shell out for any woi-thy causeâ€" they may talk hard-boiled but they're really the softest-hearted Tiiugs on earth." The sentence just quoted is not, by the way, onr own. Not So Green Two piles of apples lay on the ground. One contained a laiiresized and rosy selection. The fruit in the other pile was green and small. "Large on top and small at the bot- tom?" innuirod the new hired hand as he prepared to fill the bainl. "Certainly not-" replied the farm- er virtuously. "Honesty is always the best policy. Put the little apples at the top and the large ones :it he bottom." The h.'red band did as be was told, commenting to himself that his em- ployer was as iireen as bis urci-iu-s fruit. "Is the barrel full?" asked the farmer. "Yep," replied the liiinil. 'i'illed and nailed down." "Good," said the farmer. "Now turn it upside down and label it." HARNESS & COLLARS Karnier* Attenliun â€" Consult srotU' nearest Harness Shop about Staco Elarnesi Suppliea. Wa gel)' our unnris only through your loeaj Staco Leather Goods dealer. The t^oods are right, and so arr> our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories â€" Harness. Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- keta, and Leather Travelling Gooda.' Insist on Staco Brana Trade Marked Goods, and you nref antisfaetion Made onlv hv SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUe |«f#l|| i MmWm CHECKED iH a Jiff If •OP Mone/ Back For quick relief from Itchlni cautcd by eacmt, athlete't foot, Ktblo, tiimplM uid otherltcblas coodltloiM UM Durc, coollni, medicated, Itquid •ttlnleas. Soothei, comforta and quicklv caJmt Intena* Itching. Don't iiutltr, Aakypur aragd<| Wdar for D. D. D. MinCllirriON. ISSUE 12 1948 Europe Foresees Bumper Harvests A mild winter has tempered Eur- opean misery and given promise of bumper crops in. repayment for last year's suffering. Nowhere has there been the in- tense hardship of last winter, the worst Europe "experienced in this century. Abundant rainfall accompanied abnormally high temperatures. The moisture raised prospect for har- vests that in some countries may equal those of before the war. A survey shows: Germany â€" Despite the food shor- tage, Germans experienced nothing like the .suffering of last year. In mid-February of 1947, Berlin auth- orities reported more than 100 per- sons bad died from exposure and malnutrition. No such conditions are reported this year. France â€" One of the best harvests since before the war is expected. Spring wheat is past danger of frost damage. Britain â€" Loudon's mean tempera- ture, representative of all Britain, has been the highest since li)43. Fields are green. Italy â€" The weather man says winter may be just about over. , Flowtr.s arc blooming in the north- ern â-  provinces and winter wheat is six iuilus high. Fruit trees blos- som in orchards outside Rome. Scandinavia â€" .Sweden had 40 per cent more .snow, but temperatures three to five degrees above normal. Migratory birds are returning to Denmark. where crocuses are blooming. Russia â€" Some areas report the wannest weather in 50 years. May Re-fuel Planes In Air Over Ocean lAiiM- uieks of tests over (he At- lantic have led some British air experts to c.\l)eet the refuelling of planes in the air to become regular routine. Aviatiiiii miniMry officials arc catUiously oiitiniistic. Much depends 0.1 the final results of the trials, which will toniinue at least through April when weather conditions are usually at their worst. The refiu-lliuf; service iV'ovidcs tanker aircrafl which meet at rende- vous with {nnglit-carrying Liberator plane< and i>at.s to them the l.cmo gallons or more of fuel needed to complete the long non-stop crossing between l.C)n(Uiu and Montreal. It is argued tbaat refuelling mi flight hais these advantages: It enables an aircraft to take off from a shorter runway, because it need not carry its full load of fuel. It increases the possible payload ami inerense-i the range of an aircraft. The increased payload is the main coiniiu rcial argurnent. It is calculat- ed that a passenger aircraft could sa\e the weight and space necde^l to carry 2,000 gallons of fuel and so add > its passenger-carrying cap arity liy 16,000 pounds, or .^0 pcrsims. The highest peak in the western hemisphere is Mount Aconcagua, hi Argentine. ^2,W4 feet above sea level. Classified Advertising A<JH.NTS HANTKIJ OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insect Irldes. lCUv;lric I-Viue (â- imiiolk-ri^, Htmae and Barn I'alnt. Itiwf Cuutliitfu, eU:. Dt»ul- ertj waiittd. Wrltu W'airo Grt-use & Oil limi- ted, Toronto Increase your income Kxcelleni ..pimrl unity lor ali-rt, inieliiKent man to OUtrihiite hl^li ijualliy products In this dislrlnt. Blue Urand Products. 7227 Alexiaidi-a St root. Montreal HU.SiM:SS OITOKTIINITIKS AN OFFI';U to evi'ry inviMitur' â€" t.ist of Invt'n- tlonj and lull information eeiit lice. Th' Unmsay t'o. ItoKiatered Patent Attp^neyB, -'â- â-  Hank Street. (Mtawr, RAW furs Mu. krut and li.a\i-t are Por top prices .a\\.\ lu-onipi raw Una lo Alan Jaine. , in uoud demand t V .ui na Hhip vour Lind.say. i ini WKIjIj t . Lati];i;hcd lii'in ui"i'ir8 an opportunity 10 build up a very proJit:!l»lp husineas in your own locality \\v want ;i^-eni.s lo nell furniture and household aprlianccs »nd our liberal commission rates can brine you in a sub. tnntiat income. You crsn opi^rntc on u full time or part tiino basis and we supply a coni- i^lete sellinK kit fitv. Territories established. Mutual FurniEhcr.s Lur.ited. Montreal 1. 'Juc. tlAII!l\ I llU'Kf fouk-week-old''pullkts pU'ttrtb I'KU llll Febi uury liati-htd chiclts Hiid (.'Pt t^- Sunimei and t aHv vvci'k anu oldei .Start with earU nahhed hiyh oricet loi cukb next f-^ull Litr«( I'yp*- \MilU Leshorne and SfVcn oihei iiopulRi oriH>da Send toi price list ManaKeinent fluirlf nnrt calnlftgup find t>onl( ynnt ordei now LAKEVIEW POULTRY 'farm EXETEK ONTARIO X2^c HURONDALE CHICKS 1254c All Uree(<eis hlta d ieste<]. iianUfd and a stiH-tt'd and tKicLed by hieh twdiyrewl found at ton stock Sussex x N'ow Hamp i(t>rk X New Hamp llnrred Rockb New t^tnnpp mlxfd Vl\'zc, pullets 26^ Llebt Sussfx Mts ert Mc. pulleti tic Laree type l4pRhi»rni« mixed ly'-ic pullets 26r All heavy breed corkert'Is 4c Med*uin breed 2c %\ 00 pei 100 down baianre rOD OMpt frnm ond flnrlostr this nd Hurondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario STAUT With proven high etrs: strains. We have spent many yenra in flock imprni-ement work and breertlntc for increased efrx produc- tion and standard large type quality. This produced thu wondt*rfuI layers now In our broedlns flof^ke, which la forcibly demonstrated by the remarkable uniformity of their ^^o- duction. Tht.i is the kind of breedin? that means bo much to you the buyer, becausu high average production of ee^ij has been bred in all our llO'.ks to n^produee itself in the chicks >'ou set from us this seiiHon. Good chlcka i.ctst no more than ordinary chicks. It coats no nioru to buy our chicks and costs n more to feed thetn than it do«»i ordinary chicks, yet the number of i:'p;?a you should re- ceive will usually return extra rrnfits. Our chicks have always had the rtpnlatlon for steady Irij'im; of lots of largo egg^. This year you will definitely want the best chicks avaial)e lo retain the greineBt pos3ibl-3 profits on your investment. We e:in frive prompt delivery on day old, two .'ind three week old started chickfi, also older pullets 8 weeks to layini^. Send for 1I>48 Cataloj^nie. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries IJinlled, I'erfjiiH. Ontario. UVKINU AND CLKAMNO HAVfc: YOU anything nemis dyeing or clean- IngV Write to us for jnfurmation. W© are i>lad to unswor your quest ionn. Department 11, Parker's Uye Works Uiniited 791 Vonse Street. Toronto, Ontario. FOK BALK ilKST (luulity Dark. No. I pasteurized honey. 12 tin< 4 lb. for XW.ll. The Henderson Apiaries. IJox :i6, Carleton Pbue, Onlurio. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES I'arls aiui ^ 'ti- t" i..' <1> A Bon <l« Cnll.t. • li.ic.iil. BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS U«bt. I ve yi VII order loi tl'4b VV* tumeo <l(:wn otdtrs tot .^lO OOO Poults lati seaiHin Pnults nil haieh<n in brand new speetai tur K"y In-uliaiots, nil turkeya inn chieksi W* exiect ilieie will b*- more money in tmkeve (n I94f' than ID-t' ns il ts likely fpeii prires wil he chf np. I next summer v.hen Itn* npw erop eoniej alon^ Send for turkey manaBe- meni guide and orlee itsi nnrt hoolt ve>m â- .rder fot HI4ii LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO fJATTEUV OI'KRATKD Kadio Set for sale Deforest ('Tosaley (\iroiia model (< tubes specially Mguippfd vvilb flomaco lijliniinatoi tor m w'lh *'iibei storage t»aHery ot dr> cells N'ew .ost over $S00 Make -itrei A fine and asiina u'lft Box 151 73 Ad»-'nld" W . loronto Seeds thHt are dependable for Garden Lovetb Market Oardeners. Write for our tree cat- alogue Ontario Seed r*nmpany Wi»t«»rl.»o Ontario FOUR GOOD BUYS ~ TRUi;K1NG BllSlNE.SS which Includes • large trucka recently overhauled with P C- V bicenpe for every iilnd of hntilaKe Sle«dy work and a money maker lOO-ACUG PARM hydro, close to villase good bullrtinKs hush A bargain I5.S00 lOO-ACRB FAHM and brirk house. BOOd bulldlnss. hydro, bush, on hlehwny Price $4,500 CO-ACUB FARM, close to highway, bam and driveahed, heo houae. sood house. Price $2,000 FARMS, all BlzcB. priced to belt, It lntereat(.d write J. C LONG, Real Elstate llrtiker. Rrusuels, Ont Order Your Baby Chicks Now Our Itreeds are White I.eBhorii. llamiislilre Christie i^tr.iin, Hanip x liock, Sn3.s<'>: x Hatni>, Rock X Leehoin. AH chicks are guar- anteed jLiid are brecj t'ri>;n blood tested hiph prortueiMK Hit>ck. Herid for in-inelist or iJhone now. Poole riatcher.'-. I'ikjIc, ttnt. I'hone h7 R:3, .Mllv.-rto;i. ROCK COCKERELS 3c For Manh and April, our Burrvd Rocks are last leatherinff and Ined for llvabillty and fast Browth. Ilanes rouitrv r.irm, Jeraeyv'.lle. Ontnrio. BUILDING 28' X 42" A1.UM1NUM. NBVBR lieeda painting Brected In JO man hours. Immediate delivery. ln> ulre John A N'ente Sales c-a 21 larvls Street, Toronlo. PINUPS FOR MEN ONLY If you "re 21 years ot age you may obtain our unretouched superb photographa of fforeeous movie stars and young professional mod&la at one dollar per set FMease etate ace EUROPEAN PHOTO SERVICES 51 ADELAIDE ST- E., TORONTO FOB HALB BOWMAN'S Rub. an effective remedy (or sinus trouble, flu. swollen irlands, broncbltla* weak eyes, swollen throat. Address 25t Queen Bt. W. Toifmto. ITlce $1.00. AK.MY Mine Uelertur fur locating hidden or buriiKl objects, pipes, etc. New. Writ© Bos CK, Ue speler. onUirio- UI.At'IiSMITH .Shop, IV X 22', lot <0 X l»«, good location, pnie $1,500.00. Held Bros. Lumber Co. Ltd., Xrat-ara l-'alls, Ont. PUMPS, ETC. MeUuuffall uhalluw and duep well tfy^ttema. tk-ctric or traaoiine powered, only $U6,00 com- plete witb taiik. t!Ilnlon Kasollne eneineu. 2^ h.iv, only J95.7&. Contractors iiuini'S. Farm lifc'htinb' systems, Utf volt, only $95,00 Send for free cataloHUva, Ituy ^direct from factory distributors and save. TICUUY MACHINKRY t'onipany f^imltc-d. l)ei>t. "7". St. f.aurent (Montreal 9>, <,)ue., or Dfpt. "7", 24 Industrial Street, Ijt;asi(Ie. 'rnrfmlf*. OOMMKlK'IAfj No, 1 AUska oats. $1.30 \^vt buahcl. Apply liyion Krb. R.R. 3, .St rat* ford, cmt. FAMOUS itoxton oula grown from iiKistPred setd. I'owf' i-k'iin'.MJ, heavy yit*N]',*ra $2.60 a busbel. Sar!:s m 'â-  W. Bru'ie J'ollu^y, U.K. :[. SiieJhurne. Oni HAIl(l»UKSlSINtl LiEAUN" Hairdrea.sins the Jtoberison method. Information on rctiueat rcearding daisea. llohtrtson's IlairdrcasinB" Academ;', 137 Ave- nue Uoad Toronto. WICIM< Al DIXOM'S HEMEDYâ€" I-'or Neuritis and Uhou- matlc Pains. Thousands satisfied. Munro's Druff .Store. 335 Klffin, Ottawa. Postpaid $l-ttO. ItEAP THIS â€" Every sufferer of Rheumatic I'alas or Neuritis should try Dixon's Hem edy. Munro'w Drug .Store. S?.& Elgin. Ottawa. Postuaid Jl.OO. OPI'OKTUNITIUS rOK \VO.MKN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CAKAD-'.s M:ADJ:;Ci SCHOOL. Great 'i -iiLunity Learn Hairdressiiis PleuHunt dienified iirofesaion, tiood wasoi, thouiiands aucceasful Marvel Kraduatea. America's greatest system. IHuatrati'd cata- logue free. Write or fall MAIIVKL HAIRDUESSINO .sciio.n^y 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 Kins -St.. Hamilton, & 74 Hidc-au Sirt-et. t>tta\vii. l-AFENTet FETHEUSTONAL'Gil 6l Coinvuny. Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet oi information on reimest. MONEY MAKING business in Village near No. 7 highway, complete water power Saw Mill. House and Garage on property Also 100 acre farm Apply Harold MarshBll Lyn. Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS FOR 1948 from a real laymg and breeding pluni, over lO.OUO breodera inypccted. banded and blood tested Many custt)merB huve had years of continuous auccess with Lakeviow Chiclts This year it may be even more Important to buy the beat. Mr. and Mrs Norman Mollard nf Pnrkbill. Ontario, have had IG cunsecu- tlvo years nf continuous HUccesa with Lalte- view Chicks. Why can't you too? Start your chicks early There will be a shortage of iggs next I'all and prices are i>ound to be higher Send for large lllnstrntod cuinloime and Poult r\ Manaeement Guide with bia eaily nrdfr discounts. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS, EXE TER . ONT . BLACK AUSTRALORPS R, O. r. SIri-il. UnlclilTis ECSB, (lay old chicks. DONLEY POULTRY FARM ROUTE 6. LONDON. O NT. INVESTIGATE Before you place your chick order. Today as never before it pays to buy tiuaUty. Gain- forth' s Chicks have been the choice of pur- tlcular poultrymen for 21 years. Send for our free catalOKiie and mice list today. The L'arlier you start your chicks, the more pro- niH Duy will make for yon. We h.avc Burred Roika. New Ilampslnrea, I.lt'ht Sussex, While IiCffhoniF. I.. .Sussex x .\. Hanip,, R. Uock .v N. Hamp.. and N. Hamp. X U. Rock â€" all approved cliicka from pulloriini te.sted breodcrrt. Write to Gain- forth's HatUiery Box 1.^0W, Trenton. On- tario. Producers of tfood baby clucks ahue litL'7. ARMY FOLDING TABLES Qood used condition. Offered at a price far below coat, size 72" i 80" n 30" Suit- able for parties. b.inquets, cluba, shlppltig .'infl other tlseltil iMirposcs. 'I'" 'I'''!- t^i 00 each. PO.B Toronto. C.O.D or send Money Order. Advise rail or transport when ordering. K. BLUK-ITONE, 49 Ceell Street. Toronto. Adelaide 2773 Bouetit for Ont. CHERRY LOGS r-.Fl VV'ilr Do. HfH COTTON TOWELS Bleached, from flour and suiiar hags, hem- med, 17" X 34" per doz $2.40; 2 doxen $4.00; 5 dnz. $10.00. add 25c shipping cbarve. By-Produc-ts. 93 Ontario St.. Toronto. BEGISTEUKD Alaska, AJax. Carller and Beavei '>ate; CKUTiFIED Beacon, and Benver Oats, and Montcalm Barley; COM- MCnClAL No. 1 and No. 2 Cartler. AJax, Beaver, Alaska, V'lcland, Banner and Vic- tory Oats. Galore. Rnrhoff and O.A.C. 21 Barley: COMMKUCTAL No. 1 O.AC 181 IVas. CANN'S Mill Ltd., E:teter. Ontario. TO CLB.Ml. o';x elgbt-pound palls amber honey. $10.50; 70 pounds. $14.50. Herbert Harris, Alll-ston. Ont. I'KKSONAI "KLIJAH Comlnj,' Before Christ", wonderful book free. Mttjiddo Ml: sion. Rochester 11, N.Y. 1 S7 MONBY-M AKIN'Q plans, also formulu saiahie products. Descriptive literature FREE Elyte Company. 146 Queen WpbC. Ottawa, ASTROLOGY. Palmistr>*. 16 Mutual St., Just north of Queen St., Toronto. IIELI* WANT Kn RKGISTEKRII NURSES FOR GENERAL iJl'TY â€" Living condition* and salary ^'ood Hospitalization plan. Apply superintendent Broine-Mlf slsquol Per^ kins ({ospttal. Sweetsburs. Que LOCAL adveriisinK rt-i'iesentalive wanted for monthly rubllcailnn with render coverage In your locality. Siilistantial commission ai^ rangement on cxchisivo County contract Fnll details to Ain?ley Advertlsine Aeencli^a. Xln© Richmond Kast, 'rormito. DUOU to door .alcsnuin wanted lo sell made to measure mens pants, direct from manu- facturer. I..arge I'rotits. Apply Barry Allan Pants, 1100 St Lawrence. Montrejil. 1, Que. AYRSHIUKH. bulls, calves to breedlns a«p. from U.O.P. dams. Georpe Spring. Thorn- hill, Ontario. CUT DOWN your overhead. buy utarteil chieka. .Save on feed and fuel, off to a pood start to catch the «ood fatl-wjntfr markets. Buy clilcks â€" now â€" If you wAiit the nnirk^itp that get the extra cents t>er dOKeu or lb. jtj-ay llatrheiry. l.'iO John N., Hamilton, (nit. BABY CHICK BUYERS Dc rtinc tluit >iiM fiMior it\'- ii-'.'.rA iiniiilK;r of chicks Ihls .<ioa.son. Wo nw irrialn thai proiits will lu- made by i-roducfr.-. who Bet atarlod on the risht track. Monkton Toullry l''nnn is a Bovernment approved farm. Onr chicks are he.illby, vigorous, hnve fnst de- velopment and the nccewsary breeding for high osK production. Write for our cata- logue and price list. MoiiUton Poultry Farms. Mfinklnn. Ontario. THIB YKAU every chick iiiutit be worth Up feed. With Biff Rock Farm chlckfl you can produce IVIOKi'; KGGS with Icsh feed. MORK KGCS with le.ss work, MOUK KGGS with lps.s oguipinent. Bt;ttcr bnd B-k Uuck Farm chicks will automatic.illy increnBO^ your ffe-s yield without rnlstni,' additional chlcka or keeping uiuio layejK. Wviit- for price list and calendar. BIG ROCK FAliM. MiWc R oclifs. Ont. .•VN IC.Mtl.Y .Start Is a risht wi;iit for a prt'iit- ahle fhickon season. Re HUre ><m ctnrt early Willi Top Notch Chicks. Older now for de- livery on the dale >-ou wish and thus :uu:d risk of delayed deliveries. You Kct only slronK healthy pre-j*elccted chlck» from Top Notch. .\Il onr breeds nre (''.overnmeni Ajiprtivetl Tub lonnn tesled and of Rood production (lualltj. All popular bn Oil.'* and sninc line cross* breeds to .lioose frinn â€" seifcd or non-.'ieKed, da.v old and elder, Hcivy muduccrc nf Meat and Ksrh thoMC chirks boost your c)»aniv.-> of bigger priuitH. They rtow fast featlu-r fast and pro- duce early, For ftfreen years, Top Notch huf bei-n dnnviiiK reiKjat orders from aatiisfled cuhtonuirs yeai after year. Start cnrly start riKht. .^t:irt with Top Notch Cblcks. Free CalaloKiie. Top Notch ChM-I; Sal-s. Cn.h'li. nntni Jo. ADJUSTABLE leather cartridge bells, 22-88 calibre shells, excellent workmanship. $3.60 Mai -'then Agency. 1340 Oerrnrd Kast. Tor- onto FARM 100 acrea rich clay loam. 100 acres hardwood bush. MOOd huildinss With or without stock and Implements Jamee Stewart Magnctawan. Ont. THE BOOK for every home, eight hundred tuuiaeliold helps. Two dollars, jtost paid Order CO D. or write Zalck Verttieb. ISngle- hart. Ont WATCH THEM GROW in a new Transparent Kloctric l'<uillry llniod- er. 500 capacity. A'ery economical. Writ* for doscriptivo literature. Blatk lOlectrIc umi .Munuafacturing, R. No. 1, Woodstock, Ont. MOUTHS WATER when the fragrance of Maxwell House fills the air. This wonderful blend of coffees is Radiant Roasted to develop to the full i^ its extra goodness. .Sl.WI.KS, Ohoi)i).?rs, Tower Mom S.nws â€" Now. U!5Rd. Reiuilrs. Tho Sc.ile Shop. 691 Baj' .St.. Tornnto. Il.ARUY :;-year I.iitlium Uaspbcrry canea, $5.00 lie]' hundred. Premier Strawberries J2.00 per huiirtreU. A. Cnnvle. R.H. 1, lEllnK- ton, Ont. HI-POWERED RIFLES Converted HiHirtliiK models. Excellent condi- tion. Soii.OO each. SattsfaLtiou Ouaranleed or Moiuy refunded. Write for dpscrlplive folder.". SCOPES SALES CO. 326 QUEEN ST. OTTAWA, ONT. FOXHOUND with n-dbcne cn'i*M, fi miinthj. old. Outstanding: ImntittK strain. Male« ?I5.00, Female.s $12.00. Harold Snider. Route No 2. Kitchener, Ont. ^iMMiCDa.lillip*5 i-a^i MUTT AND JEFF â€" It just dawned on Dawn that it wasn't dawn yet. VOUR NEW YOH, THAT'S "' By BUD FISHER

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