Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1947, p. 1

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*>., : V / u ^ » ^ > - / » w If # o h ^ < V 4 h •< % 4k ®hje /k0l)^rU*n^^irtiana» VOL. 67; NO. 21 PLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDA'V. OCTOBER 22, 1947 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, Ensure Needed Support For Riik All indications now pcint to Flesh- ertan and wwnimiuiiity once agaia en- joying iboth sliaiting and hockey rigihjt art. home. Th« Rink Committee ap- ipoinlted iby lib* Pleaherton Service dulb, assures ua that they can hawe the old rink straiehteaied, 8trength«i- ed and properly ligihrted in time for Old Man Winter. Thanks to the ajvlendid efforts of both local and Tonomito Old Home Week ComimiitteeB, cbmmiunity spirit is lat an alH-ime higb in Flesherton, and is being cryabalized in serving the immediate needs of the young people. Th« oild rink has been booight back inio public hands once nwre. and all those who have backed the T€ntiuire deserve a good' hand from eiveryone interested in the welfare Of the community. The Rinik Comimitte is confident that the present srtnwcttire will serve for several years when repaired, until a neiw, more adequate one can be erected on the same land. Success will continue to deipend upon the will- inigness of all public-spirited citizens to give their time, lalbor and nueans. Tfce newly-fopmedi Service Club will pirovide a weH-oiiganized effort on the part of the men-(folk, and the Women's Institute will be, at it al- ways has been, a splendid express- ion of the interest and sKiipport from tihe women. Let's all get behind this worthy enterprise, and push it over to a huge success- It depends on You, and You, and You! The Service Club vrill be glad to receive all constructive miigig«stiions from near or far. SHELDON MYERS DIED LAST WEEK IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Word was received on Friday by Mr. Wm. Myers o(f town informing him of the death of his brother, Shel- don, which occurred at New West- minster, B.C., on Wednesday, Oct. li&th. His wife predeceased him by a few months. He was well known in Flesherton, havinig resided here for several years, and was highly re- garded by all 'w1m> ibiew him. Much syanpathy is extended to the bereaved miemibers of his family. Engagement The ensiiigenient is announced of Patricia Claire Makom of Toronto, daughter of Mrs- Malcolm and the laite Sit. Clair Laird Malcolm, form- erly of Govan. Sask., to Guy Hazard of Gait, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Hazard. The raarriage will take place at Deseronto, Ont., on Satur- day, Nov. 15th. Too few people sti-ain their eyes looking on the 'bright si<!e of things. Village Council Meeting All menDbers were present for re- gular meeting of the Village Council on Wednesday evening of iasit week which sat as a Court of Revision on the assessment roll for the year l^4&. Members suibscribing to the oath were Reeve K. Beitts, Councillors E. J. Brackenibury, F- J. Thurston and W. E. Betts. Mr. Geo. Boyd did not taike the oath as he he had an appeal in on his property. There were two ajpgpeals' entered for consideration. Mr. W- J. Chard't aipipeal was considered by the Coiurt and the assessment on same was sustained. Mr. Geoitge Boyd's appeal wia« talked over f«r some leng>tih, when it was decided by motion that the Court adjourn to ni«et again at. the call of the Reeive wiitih the County Assessor present. A delegation of citizens was pre- sentt composed of the members of the finance committee, for a grant from the Council for the pui-pose of purchasing a skatinig rinik. The del- egation wa given- assurance that their request would haive their ser- ious attention and oonsidei^tion- The following corresiNMidence was read: Ckmnity Clerk, re late paytMe to the County for lft4B being 8 Â¥4 mills on an equalized' aaseseiment of $104,966.00, also regarding hospital- ization for Mrs. W. Sloan; Unem- ployment Commission, re employees; Â¥1arm-ers' Mutual Insurance Co. of Walkerton, re fire brigiade at Mr. Geo. White's fire; Deipt. of Agricul- ture, T& East Grey Agricuilibuiral Societ; The follrwving aocoiunts were pre- sented: Jas. Pedlar, re repairs to sidewalk |1.50; deirk, postage, con- veyancing, Old Age Pension forms, and aceoaint for sheep claim from Gordon Stuart of $43.00, and Fred Brackenibury, sheejp valuing $3.00 R. Springgay, relief Hodder family $19.09. and on motion were ordered to be paid. On motion the Clerk was instruct- ed to render accwunit to Mr. Wallace HamiltoTi for sheep killed by his dogs. The C'.erk was also instructed to write the ProTinciai] Engineer in re- gard to placing sig<ns on highway to curtail speeding iJirough the village. ThiurstOTi â€" Boydâ€" Thart; the Clerk adivertise for tenders for snow plow- ing tihe Village streets for the com- ing vidnter pe^aron, temders to be re- ceived not later tihan Sat., Nov. Ist. It was moved and seconded that the following Hydro accounts bt oaid: HElPC of Ontario $216.79; Re- jeiver-Geneiral $1,719; Ellis & Howard $1.51; British American Oil Go. $5(8. 6.5; Packard Electric Co. $204.84: H. Millipjan, s^ilary for month $20; G. R. Welton,, salany $20; M. Wilson, poles $4.'B0. * Meeting Monday Of Flesherton Service Club A meeting uf aU persotis in- terested in the Service Club will be held in the Town HhH on the evening of Monday, October 27, at 8:30 p.ai. Rink financing and other mat- ters of importance will be dealt with. This is a Community Effort Give it your support. H. W. KERNAHAN, Secty. Forum Conference Largely Attended The annual Farm Forum Confer- ence for Grey County was held in thp Town Hall, Flesherton, on Monday evening and Tuesd'ay afternoon. Oct. 6 and 7, with a splendid program presented at both sessions. On Mon- day evening, Mr. Ed Lang, Feder- aition of Agricultiire Fieldman pres- ided and spoke briefly and introduced Mr. Norman Lindsay of Toionto Director of Community Programs, who led the gjathering in a rollickinir sing-song with the words and music being thi-own on the screen. He also explained the value of singing and music, how to. conduct sing-songs, roxmds, part singing, etc. Addresses were given by Mr. Clare Burt of To- ronto, the new Provincial Farm For- um Secretary and Mr. M- A. Gar- land of London, Director of Adult Education. The gathering then west to the basement where Miss Louise Colley, Recreational Director for Simcoe County led them in a most enjoyable "Play Party." There were games, songs, folk dances, etc. She also explained the value of recrea- tion and how to conduct it as they went along. At the session on Tuesday after- nooai, Mr. Wes MagTvood, Federa- tion «f Agriculture Secretary for Grey County, presided, and addresses were given- by Mr. Clare Burt, Provincial Forum Secretary and Mr. Wm Mc- Carthy of Shelburne .Chairman of tbe Provincial Farm- Forum Exec- utive and Fieldman ft)r Dufferin County- Both addresses were except- ionally woirth while and dealt with Farm Forum and the problems '>' rural living. An hour was then spent in divising plans to forward the in terests of Flarm Forums during tiht^* coming season, which start-s on Nov- ember 3rd. Money For Libraries Is Money Well Spent Dr. J. G. Althouse, chief director of education, in addressing the Sim- coe County Libi-ary Association at Barrie, stated that this year the pro- vincial treasury is spending more than five times as much on libraries as it did in 1SW4- This is one instance in which i: creased expenditure should not annoy taxpayers- Mon«y spent on libraries is money well spent. Such expenditures can be particu- larly valuable when it serves to in- crease library facilities in the rural communities. In tihe larger centres there already exist well-stocked pub- lic libmries. Then, too, imost of these cities and towns have privately- operated' lending lilbraries. Even if no such libraries existed, it would still be m^lchâ-  easier for urban resi- dents to bonxiw ibooks fi-oon friends and acquaintances, than is the case in the counftry- Slipping around the block to a friend's home for a book on an evening is an easy walk in town, but if you 'have to walk a counti'y block to get a book the chance is you will stay at home. Orne of the most encouraging fea- tures of the increased expenditure for lilbraries is tihe fact that the need' of the rural communities for librar- ies is being recognized and met. As yet, however, only a start has been made in providing the services r quired. Much work remains to be done. All should encourage the Gov- ernment to continue with its pro- gram. â€" Sun-Times. Card of Thanks We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors who so readily offered their assistance in the search for our father- David Winters. This will not soon be forgotten- â€" The Winters Family- Plan to take in at least one fall fair this yearâ€" fboJiday and educat- ion all in one. 59TH ANNIVERSARY St. Co I umbo, Priceville United Chucrh of Canda SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 H AJ«. AND 7:30 P.M. Guest Minister: Rev. A. D. Penman, L,ondesboro, Ont SPECIAL MUSIC â€" Mr. and Mrs. Gallamore pf Toronto JER. 51:60 â€" "Y« that have escaped â€" remember the Lord" M. C. Gandier, Minister Rennembrance Day Closing l'\)r some years there has been a cei-tain anfuount of controversy, not only here but in m^ny other munici- pailties, -albo'Ut tie oibsei-vance ol Niyviember 11th. ileniembrance Day i-s a legal holiday and a municijpal p-aper suates: "Remeniibrance Day is a legal holiday (see Intci-pretation Act, R-S.O., 1937, Chap. 1, sect. 82'K) Whether it is observed as a general holiday depends largely on the local civic spiriit- There is notihin« tv compel (the closing of business places on such holidays. What seems to dc- euu in a large number of nuiiiiciiMil- ities is that the mei'ch'.'vnts gx't bo- gether and decide whether thoy are gidng t<i close all day or .iust in the miorning, or niiaybe only for an hour. Ln tihe case of other legal holidays, such for exaanple as Dominion Pu t!her« i* sufficient public opinio:: com(p^] closing." Card of Thanks 1 wish to express my thanks for the treats and cards I rectived while in Markd'ale Hospital and for the kind enquiries since my retui.i home. â€" -Mrs. Wm. McMsster. CENTRAL LOCATION Otir convcnitnt location is rekdily Mc«Mlbl« by the city'i lcading^uto< MobU* and itrt«t car thoroughfaret. Sates 3iid Mdddocks Future Events DANCE IN FEVERSHAM Dance in Robinson's Hall. Fever- sham, on Friday, Oct. 24th. Music by Pedlar Orohestin. Dance held by L.O.L. 10S.5. BAZAAR AT CEYLON Ceylon Ladies' Aid will hold a bazaar and sale of homemade bak- ing at the home of Mrs. Jas. Mc- Mullen on Wednesday evening, Oct. 29th, at 8 p.m. FEVERSHAM PRESBYTERIAN ANNIVERSARY SERVICES .Anniversary sei-vices will be held in Fevershiinv Presbyterian Church, on â- Sunday, October 26, at 11 a.m. and 7. .30 p.m. Mr. Jas. Marock of Knox College, Toronto wll be the truest speaker. HALLOWE'EN MASiQLERADE AT MAXWELL Dance in the Ma.xwell Orange Hall on Friday, Oct. 31st. Eighl prizes offered, including best HallowyN.n, Comic, Clown, Bride and Grorm, F<»t Lady, Patiiotic, Impersonation. Ped- lar Orche-slra. Fi-ee lunch. .-^dniLs- sion: 4()c for those masked, oOc un- masked aiul 20c for children. PLAY AT EUGENIA A comedy thiee act play. "Spanish Onion,'' will bo j^'iven by Honeywood Dramatic Club, on Monday. Oct. 27. at S.-'tO p.m.. in the Eugenia United Chui'ch, under the auspices of the Bugenta W.-A. Admission: -Vilults lOc, Children 25c. HALLOWE'EN DANCE IN FLESHERTON Hallowe'en Dance in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, Wednesday, Oct. 20th, to music by Russell Hill Orch- estra. .Adniiesion: 50c. SPECIAL CHURCH SERVICES Rev. R. N. Rayci-oft, evangelist from New York, will conduct special meetings ia the Proton Station Pil- grim Holiness Church from Oct. 22 to November 2 inclusive. Service each njg^t, (•xcept Satui"day) at 800 p.m., Sunday s«rvices at 11.00 a.m., 2.30 and 8.00 p^m- The pub- lic is invited to attead ©aeh service and enjoy with us the old tim« Gosp- el preachiMg, Christian fellowship and special singing. "What .-ihall it profit a man iit he shall gain the whole world and lose kis soul?" South Grey Field Meet Results In Competitions JUNIOR GIRLS High Jump â€" 4 feet L- Newell Duiiham; J. Ronald, Hanoiver; E. Aberdeen, Flesherton; Running Broad Jump â€" J. Boyce, Markdale; M. .Mit- chell, Dundalk; D. Coutts, Durhamâ€" 14 feet 2 ins.; Softball Throwâ€" M. Fetch, Markdale; J. Ronald, Hanover: E. Scott, Dundalk â€" 131 feet 4 ins.; 75 yards dash â€" P. Schenk, Durham: D. Camipbell, Flesherton; E. Coe Dun- dalk-â€" 9 1-5 seconds; Catch Ballâ€" e. McEachnie and J. Blackball, Dun- dalk; P. Schenk and L. Newell, Dur- ham; G. Rhody and M. Schwindt, Hanovpr â€" |tO Itimes; ^TThree- Legged Riace â€" D. Campbell and J. .\kins, Flesherton; R. Alcox and D. Peart, Markdale; K. Ryan and D. Ray, Dundalk â€" 8 1-5 sees.; Relay Raceâ€" 300 Yards â€" iDiurham; Hatiover; Dim- dalk â€" 40 1-5 sees. SENIOR GIRiLS Soflball Throwâ€" D. Chaipman, Dur- ham; W. Beresford, Hanover; R. Pe- ters, Markdale â€" li3S feet 5 ins; High Jump â€" D. Chapman, 'Ourbam; W. Beresford, Hanover; E. W^ellwood, Dundalk â€" 4 feet 1 inch; Running Bi-oad Jumip â€" J. Gray, Durham; W. Beresford, Hanover; G. Wellwood, Dundalkâ€" 15 feet ins.; Catch Ballâ€" M. Bumstead and R- Smith, Flesher eon; D. Chapman and J. Gray, Dur- ham; P. Fervane and J. Lyons, Dun- dalk â€" 48 times; 100 Yds. Dash-^ Magwood, Hanover; D. Chapman Durham; M. Menzies, Dundalkâ€" Time 13 sees; Relay Race â€" 'Durham: Dun- dalk; Hanover â€" 400 yardis â€" 53 2-.') sees. JUNIOR BOYS 100 yard Dashâ€" W. Roberts, Dur- ham; G. Patterson, Dundalk; G. Weil- ner, Hanover â€" ^11 2-5 sees; Hop, Step & Jumip â€" J. Milne, Flesherton; D. Henry, Hanover; R. Ryan, Markdale. 36 feet 10 ins; Shot Put â€" G. Patter- son, Dundalk; B. Laing, Hanover; D. Wilson, Durham â€" 33 feet 9''2 inches; Pole Vault â€" W. Tilker, Hanover; K. Kress, Durham; L. Marshall . Dim- dalk;â€" 9 feet 1% inches; High .lump â€" D. Corbeftt, Durham. W. Tilker. Hanover; G. Proctor, Flesherton â€" 4 feet 8 in.; Running Broad Jump â€" -D. Henry, Hanover; A. Corlett, Durham; G. Proctor. Flesherton â€" 16 feet 5M in.; 220 Yard Dach^I. Milne, Flesh- erton; W. Roberts, Durham; G. Pat- terson, Dundalk â€" 26 sees.; 8«U Yards Run I. Mulhall, Dundalk; J. Milne, Flesherton; D. Henry, Hanover â€" 2 mins. 16 gees.; Relay Race â€" 440 yards â€" Dundalkr; Durham; (Fleshertonâ€" 54 4-5 sees. SENIOR BOYS lOO Yards Dash-JVI. Mortimer, Hanover; J. Lougheed, Dundalk; L Dinger, Durham â€" 10 3-o sees.: Shot Putâ€" R. Heard. Dundalk; R. Haney Hanover.; B. Benson, Plesherton- '{5 feet 1 .in,; Hop Step & Jumpâ€" R Heard, Dundalk; M. York, Markdale; M. iM'ortimer, Hanover â€" 3S feet 2',i ins,; High Jump â€" ^M. York, Markdale R. Heard, Dundalk; R. Bieonan. Han Dver â€" 4 feet 10 inches; Running Broad Jump â€" M. York, Markdale; L. Dinger. Durham; J. Lougheed, Dundalkâ€" 18 feet 9Vi inches: Pole Vault â€" B. Murcar- Dundalk; E. Dae chsel, Hanover; L. Dinger, Durham â€"10 feet 1 in.; 220 yards Dash-.M Mortimer, Hanover; J. Lougheed Dundalk; L. Holmes, Fleshertonâ€" 23 3-u. sees.; 880 Yards Runâ€" E. Dae chsel, Hanover, G. Reaburn, Durham; B. Murcar, Dundalk â€" 2 min. 19 sees.; 880 Yards Relay Race â€" Hanover Dtmdalk. Durham. Junior Girls' Champion â€" .Io«n Ron aid, Hani>ver Senior Girls' Cbiimpion â€" •Dell Ohap" man, Durham Junior Boys' Champion â€" John Milne, Flesherton Champion School i« Sach Clas» Junior Girls â€" Dundalk Senior Girls â€" ^Dutrhom: Junior Boys- â€" iDundalk Senior Boys â€" I>undalk Meet Ohamipion, Dundalk High School Senior Boys' Cham(pi«n â€" Ri»hard Heard, Dundalk, Melville York, Markdale. Aged^Osprey Man Was Lost In^Marsh .r. â-  (By Stephens Corners Reporter) Once again on Friday night tbe friends and neighbors of this comr munity were called upon tu take part in a search for a missing penon, this time for an 84-year-old man, Mb. David Winters, who had disappeared from his home. This marked th« second time in less than a week that this coanmunity was sumimimoned to hunt a missing party â€" ^last Sunday night aid Monday morning for litli* two and a ha'f year old Heifois McM^ater. Mr. Winters, who ig in goo^ healtii but suffers from lapse of meonoiy, is in tbe habit of going for a walk ervery day and usually returns haaM by supper time- When he had no4 returned his son, Clarence, wttil whiom he resides, becaime alaimed and started out to look for hinu On learning thai he had been seen on the Third Line at four o'clock, sol*- posed to be making his way to the home of his daughter at Wareham, it was feared that he had become confused and had made the wroa^r turn. Before long a large numbeir of men were out on the search. After combing the roads and fields, the searchers decided to turn their hunt to the huohleberry marsh and it yn» here tbat the aged man was found after he had answered the calls of his son, Clarence. Mr. Winters was on bis hands and knees, still holdjng; his cane, but other than being tired, seemed to be as good as usual. It was in thic same marsh that Mr. Winters' mother was lost some thirty-two years ago and was nerer found. Artemesia F, A. Meeting A meeting of the offices and dir- ectors of Artemesia Township Fed- eration of -Agriculture was held in the Park Hotel, with all members present. The presidest gave a re- port of the recent Grey Farm Forum conference. As the County Federa- tioo in endeovering to arrange a public speaking contest for yoimg people, with a preliminary oontest in ea;h tcwnship. it was decided to give prizes of $5,00 a'\1 $3.00 fo» first and second and $l.liO to all other eimtesrtants in Arteonesia. Considerable discussion was held on how to increase the numlu'r o± Fci unus in the towiisht,), .â- â- j-so en County and Township Health L'nit^ and Public Health Service';, etc. In Memoriam FISHER â€" In loviiiig^ memory of Ev- ei-ette Fisher, who departed this life October 22nf?, 1944, and now resting in Militarj' Cemeteo' at Adegenn Belgium, j Till raemoi-y fades, and life depairt* j You live foi-ever in our hearts." â€"Ever remembered by Mother and Dad. If you have money to bum, save it until nejct winter â€" just in oaat* that is all you can get to put in Hl#'- furnace. -^^^ittn^ Bom McBRl[J>E â€" Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride of Tobenpory are happy »f Minounce the birth of their daughter ftt the Red Cross Hospital, Lion? Head on, Saturday, Oct. 11th, 1947 ^AN ADVERTISEMENT JNYOURilOMETOWM NEWSPAPER .IS LlKf. ANOTHER [SALESMAN ON YOURJ rSTAFF/ ._ Now is the tiwe when nwther goes into a jaan sesadon â€" and it ^neane a lot of smeared u|i little iaiem. w

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