Flesherton Advance, 24 Sep 1947, p. 4

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Wednesday, September 24, 1947 THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE "« ^srmm A Message of Importance to Cream Producers Since Ceram is an exdeiptionally good price, it is worth-white to maintain the maximum production of your dairy herd. Nothing will cut produrtion more sharply than Ithe pro- ducing cows being left out during the unex- pected cold nights. It is, therefore, ladvisable to stable the mildh cows at night from now.. 4>n. Poultry We are in the market for large quantities of poultry. We buy them alive or Jdress^d, or do custom killing. Flesherton Creamery u£ Avis, Manager FLESHERTON Phone 66 'lO ^♦♦♦♦♦♦««>«:~>'><mk«<'«****<kkk~:~x«*«v<«<>«x~j»««:«<~:~X":«<":~:~K'««>«M' On Neighfaorliness When the news genei^Uy is of ixiibberies, murders and ^ther acts of violence we try i-om time to time to note some of the acts of kind- ness of seLf-sacrif ices that are * so numerous in our Province but are ffiven littl« publicity. This week we wish to tell of the generoua, help- ful spirt of th-e people in the com- munity of Weston. At two o'clock in the morning Mairoh 21st a strong wind wraipped itsolf , around' the twelve-roomed home of Alvin Top- per, on the Wewton Road, while ten occupants slept soundly within, una- ware that a fire had started' in the basement. As they finally smelt the smoke the ten people hastily grabbed articles of clothing and went out into the frosty night. Nothing of th* home and its contents was left but the foundation. The people of the neighborhood were early on the scene with clothing and food. A small cab- in was donated and brought by tract- or to the property where the fam- ily lived for three month's. In the meanitime a friend with a tractoi shovel cleaned out the foundations for construction of a new home, with neiirhbors vieing in efforts t'> help. Todlay a beautiful seven-room house is nearing comipletion. The kitchen cupboards were donated and built-in bedroom furniture was furnished by- friend's and Tnoich of the decorating done gratuitously and the family can now carry on as before. This is an- other example of that good-will which is to be found everywhere in our country, but is so often un- noticed. â€" Muslkoka Herald. f«ny them as they take up residenco in their new home. â€" Mt Forest Con- Forecast Shows Owen Sound Fair To Be The Best Yet The heiavry list of entries in all sections and classes of prize lists, gives evidence that t^e forthcoming ''Show Windkw of Grey and Bruce," the Owen Sound Exhibition, will be a sensation. Comonencinig Saturday, Sept. 27th, sponsored by the Owen Sound Agricultural Society, this ex- hibition will cater to all ages and all classes, from the school child to the grandfather. Every sclhool child in Grey and Bruce Counties receives a ticket by mail for the Oiwen Sound Exhibition- The Fair Board feels that this exhi- bition should' be ediucational, inform- ative and entertaining, and the large list oi entries, both industrial and ediucational types of exhibits, are al- ready booked. A sea-plane from tl?« Owen Sound sea-plane base will fly over towns and villages in Grey and Bruce Coun- ties on Saturday, Sept. 27th, to dis- tribute lucky numiber leaflets to be brought to the Fall Fair for a lucky d'mw. An extravaganza is both evenin? grand s.tand performances, Sept. 29 and 30. will portray outstanding American artists. Nothing has been left undone to make this year's Ex- hibition one of the most striking and entertaining in years. Have The Advance Sent to you direct when you leave home Anywhere in Canada $2.00 a year THE Flesherton Advance 'obliabed on GolUnewood St., r '«ih«ion, Wednesday of each * !«k. Circulation 1,100. Price f . 00 a year in Canada, paid in o .vanee; $2.60 per year in the United States. F. J. THuBSTON. Editor VANDELEUR Vandeleur Wooiien's Institute held an opening meetinig in the oonununity Hall on Friday evening, Septenwber 18th, with Mr. Willis Muxlow of Itarkdale as gueet si>eal{er. His sub Ject was "Markdale Hospital as a Publi« Istitutfiony" and he gave a ver^ einlightirig addreal^ atid' aleo answered many questions. The Pres- ident, Mrs. Orraatoy, presided for the buisiness meeting and Howard Gra- ham acted as chairman for the prog' ram, which was in charge of the Social Welfare Convenor, Mrs. How- •ltd Grahajm, (wiho e3iQ)laine'd the motto, "Our Watchword. ToJerance." Other numbers on the program were read^iiigs by Joan Oango and Howard Graham, and a piano duet by Loma Bowles and Joan Cargo. There was also a bazaar, the proceeds to go to Ae Red' Cross. Lunch was served. The Womaji's Association of Van- daleur ohui-oh held an "At Home" In the church on Tuesday afternoon Septemlber l€th., t» members of the United ohurohes ocf Markdale, Flesh- erton, Eugenia and Ebenezar. After the various articles in iihe bazaar yrfii^ sqj^ a prograiai was given in the auditorium. The president, Mrs. Wm. Johnston presided and Mrs. S FitzsLmimons read the scripture. Readings were given by Mrs. Stan York, Mrs. Bell, Mrs F. R. Genoe and Miss Reta Douglas and a solo by Mrs. W. M. Lee. Refreshments v.ere sei-ved at the close. Bom. to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson, in Meaford Hospital, on September, IStir. a da/ughter. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gil- ray in Markdlale Hospital on Sept- ember, 2ard, a daughter. PORTLAW Snow flurries here today, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert; Hopps and two children of Sudibury visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. John MoKee visited in Toronto at the week end. Miss EJveyn Fischer has returned to Owen Sound for the winter months. She has secured work at the G. & M. Hospital. Mrs. Bob Meldrum has returned' to her teaching duties at New Toronto. Bob accompanied her and spent a few days in the city. A number from here attended Uie presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Allan at their home on Hi-iday ( vening. (Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacArtlhur and Douglas spent the week end with Mr^ and Mrs-. Jas. Hopps. The more Mom cans this season the larger the jar against tne cost of living. Otfcawa, Toronto and Quebec are only a few Hundred miles apart on the map but politically they're not in â- the same world. *************************** * **** * ******************* FOR Comfort and Happiness AT HOME We have on hand: 2 Coleman Oil Snace Heaters for dependability, appearance and economy â€" $63.50 and $105.00 McClary Rangette $46.95 Sunshine Rangette Easy Electric Washer Hot Plates (9^45 and up Toasters Dominion Washwell Electric Washer Electric Irons Steam Klectric Irons Electric Heaters STROMBERG-CARLSON BADIOS â€" Battery and Electric Used Radios, reasonable and reliable RANGES â€" Ckre Jewel Good Cheer Princess Fat Priced at $95.00 up Coal Heaters Wood Heaters Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens COLEMAN LAMPS AND LANTERNS Gas Irons Hand Washers Dust Mops Brooms Silverware Enamelware Club Bags Suit Cases Tricy«le8 White linamel Tables Lawn Mowers Step Ladders Good variety of Jack Knives Scarfe's Quality Paints and Enamels FOR VARIETY, SlilRVICE AND PRICE WE INVITE YOUR COMPARISON J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM 4^4***^***************^ !•♦♦♦*♦♦*+**♦***+♦*♦ VALLEY ROAD SOUTH Mrs. Jos. Gibson and Mrs. Gladwyn Wiley of Priceville visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens the first of the week. Mr. Gordon Woods has been assist- ing Mr. Clifford Ward with the cutt- ing of his com. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mouaier (nee Selma Weber), daughter of J. I. We- ber of Peace River, Alta., visited her uncle, Mr. Wm. Weber and also her cousin. Merle. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wright of Wa- saga Beach visited with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Weber the first of the week. CHANGE OF TljME ON CANADFAN PACIFIC LINE Coming into effect this week end, the Canadian Pacific Railway has an- nounced' a change in time table. The Sunday evening train arrives from Toronto at Flesherton station at 9:13 pjm., and the train for Toronto leaves at 6:08 p.m. Elaah day exioept Sunday the trains to Toi-onto leave Flesherton at 8:49 ajm. and 5:46 psm., while those going to Owen Sound leave at 11:S5 ajm. and 9:25 pjn. Due to eliminating severa' stops along the line, the trip to Toronto has been cut by half an hour. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was b«ld Friday afternoon in the base- ment of tlie ohurah. Mrs. W. Henry and Mies Beatrice Thiatlowaite sang a lovely d'uet, "If Jeaus Goes, I'll go Anywhere." iM4-3. Macphei-son gave a splendid review of Mrs. Agiiew's address that was given at the Pwsbytery in Ohatsworth la»t Spring. She said that Canada, Argentine, Australia and' United States were the only countries with enough to eat. In £hiropean countries they save the stronger ci'ildi'en and have to let the weak and sick ones die. Money does- n't mean much ia Ohina for it takes two thousand diollars to send a lettei from China bo Canada. When people from other countries see us destroy- ing food in order to keep prices up, what must thejr tl^nk of our Amer- ican ways. When we sing the Hymn, '•In Christ tfisre ia no East or West'' let us remeimfcer ttiat this sl-ould ap- ply to each one »f us, too The lad'ies o(f the congregation are invited to the Thanksgiving meeting on Fridaj-, Oetober 1.7th at eight o'clock. W. F. I'OTTKU, FORMERLY OF FLESHERTON TO PETERBORO Mr. W. V. Potter, well known Main Street jeweller, has purchased' a bi»s- iiiess in Peterlboi-o aid is making ready to move thco shovtV- He has also thought a ho'is there. Mr. and Mrs. Potter have taken a leading part in activities in coiinection with St. Paul's Agliean church and' they jre iilso leading memibovs of tho lawn liowling clubs. Mr. Potter is c.iiiir- nutn thi!' year of the tournament ronvmiltep, Mrs. Potttr if~ a val.itJ member ami threHsurer of tliu (^hild- THE CHURCH A Moral and Spiritual Power in the Community m ill m iiiiiii mm iiiiiiiii M i i i m i i ii m. Commencing Sunday, September 28lh Gray Coach Lines Buses will run on Standard Time The Time Table for the OWEN SOUND - FLESHERTON - TORONTO J will remain unchanged Tickets and Information from R. Boden GRAY COACH LINES | \ A < *â-  (By Rev. W. A. White, E.D.) We meet from time to time men \vho call themselves infidels. They think they must say and do much against the Church and the Christ. But there is one thing that they for- get, that is the (fact ffliat the 'CJiuieh of Christ has been here over 1900 years, and that it has produced the noblest characters the world has known. The Chiurch of Christ has given us a system' of high morals. Christianity has no rival in our world' of today. Christianity is more than a system of morals. That would be putting it on its lowest level. But when we put on its highest level, It is Good News about the Christ. It is "The power of God unto salvation" to every one who will accept the Good News o' the Gospel. The Ohurch of Christ has no apolo- gy to make for the Goaipel she prea- ches. The Apostles Paiul says, "We aire proud at the Gospel of Ohriat be cause it is the power of God unto Salvation." One value of the Christian Ohmwh to the oommunity it its moral powe and influence for good dean living. It produces strong dbaracters. It builds up i)he type of manhood and womanhood wlhicSi (san be depended upon in tlimes of crisis. Not many of ua wwild want to live fTheitetfore I would ask all non- ohuroh-guers to thfnik on these tsm thoughts, and "Oome tbou with vm and 'we wilil do thee Good". [Have tm not a need of a deeper and mon actiive s(piritaal life? The (Treat need of the greater knowledge of Jesoa itself anew to Christ, and Hia servfea very long in Ithia oomimunity if the Ohurohs were both closed. No one would want to Itting up a family in a Churchless Gommanity. Even the so-called infidel to whom the Ohttrch is such great annoyance, would be careful not to live in a place where there is no churcih. We all seem to sence the great need of the influ- ence of the Ohurcih of Jesus Christ. l^ere are two very good reasons w<hy we sbould SDippcirt the Christian CQiurch. The first of these is the personal ihenefit that we derive froin When you rise in the morning form it. The second is the huspiratioin that I a resolution to make the day a baiffpy we receive that sends us out to help one to a f ellow-icpeature. â€" Syilney others. Smith. No doubt British action on outtinjf down importatioin of food-stuffs goes against the grain. ROOFS INSUL-BRIC SIDING We are starting- next week to put on roofs in your district. It is an opportunity whilst our expert • applicators are in your district, to have your roof re-shingled or have that lusul-bric job done. Contact our local Fepresentative G. B. Welton, Kay Roofing & Shingling Munshaw House, Corporation, Ltd. Fle»hert»n, TM i nn itiiiii nm i nnnnumMH ii n i in i im i « I 1 ORDER YOURS NOW! CRIIGIIIOOft TIP TOP TAILORS' SUPERB OVERCOAT tailored' Uo '.Aiea^ure AND dieady, - Vo - Wear FOR MEN IN A HURRY) $ 39.50 WORTH MUCKMOtI Cragmoor is not just another oveixoat It is tailored of all-virgin wool which" gives it a lighter, softer feel â€" yet gives you adequate warmth too. Guaranteed to wear well. Here is Canada's out- • standing overcoat brought to you by Canada's No. 1 clothing name. F. H. W. Hicklins Flesherton, Ont. a EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR Tip Top Tailors Ltd. CANADA'S GREATEST CLOTHING VALUE A i T04-M7 f * f H. "i '*•• ** "' " m -

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