Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1947, p. 1

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r Come Home for the Flesherton Old Boys* and Girls* Reunion August 3, 4, 5 and 6 ® J)je /lje0l)^t:U*n ^^jrtmnc^^ ^i^L. 67; NO. 5 FLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAV JULY 5. 1947 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, Tfi«cher: "Johnny, will you pelase give three collective nouns?" Johnny: "flypaper, wastebasket, vatntum cleaner." 21-DAY SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES • »- ♦ 1 THIS SUMMER To EASnRN QUEBEC AND THE MARITIMES Take advantage of these low summer "fSres for your holiday in Eastern G&nada . . . for a visit home or aa.^y with friends. Return limit 21 days, with stopovers permitted. "â-  Effective -JUNE 23rd to SEPTRMBER 1st ^ inclusive Ounsult any Canadian Pacific a^ent. SoM^UUiH G^euiiic Flesherton Public School To Grade 8 â€" Bill Aberdean 78. Ross Falconer 75, Clare MacLean 74, Tom >IcGee 74, Clifford Richardson 71, Royden Johnson 70, Bob Teeter C5 To Grade 7 â€" Margaret Macphear- son 91. Jack Banks 84, Marjorie Rich- ardson 82, Anne Stuart 81, Ruth Fawcett 81, Janet Betts 80, Gf>raldine Best 80, Beverley Cook 80, Dorean Adlam 80, Marie Stewai-t SJ, Patsy Hodder 79, Roy Park ii.S, To Grade 6 â€" Junior Henderson 78, Ranald MacMiUan 75, Jean McGe'e 72, Ronnie Loucks 71, ,faok Doupe (Rec in Spelling). To Grade 5 â€" Alice Duxter 83, Lloyd Miller 83, JaneT; Macpherson 82, Shirley Aberdein 76, Harold Ham- ilton 67, Donna J- Hamilton 65, Al- bert Genoe 63, Jinimie Wiilianiis 'JO. To Grade 4 â€" Nadine Cooik 74, Marion Stuart 73, Donna Boden 72, Colleeti Morrison 67, Harvey Mc- Gee 60. To Grade 3 â€" Robert Goheen 88, Peter Goheen 86, Joyce Mx:JIaster 83, Elizabeth Thomson 81, Clifford Loucks T'J. Donald Taylor 76, Roddy MacDou- ?ari 74, Teddy Stoddart 72, Beverly Genoe 71. To Grade 2 â€" Leona Richardson 89, BiUie Swanton 88, He-ather Macpher- ?on 85, Joyce Long 83, Sheila Mc- Killop 78, Billie Thomson 77, Roger Lever 75, HIGH SCHOOL WILL HAVE FIVE TEACHERS Flesherton High School will have , five teachers on the staff at the com- I mencement of the fall term, due to the increased attendance at the school. I Besides Principal K, G. Goheen the staff will be composed of Mrs. Goheen and Mrs, H. Mercer, teachers for the past several years, and the followin/g new members: Miss Kaireen Stone of Toronto, who will teach music and other subjects. Miss Stone has had considei-abie musical experience in orchestral and choral work; and Mr- \V. R. Johnston of Midland, who will :fcach a'griculture and other subjects. Mr. Johnston is a vetei-an of the past war and served overseas. Both new- teachers are graduate.s of Toronto Upjversitv. BAKE SHOP HAD CLOSE CALL FROM FIRE Entrance Results Flesherton bakery had a close call from fire Sunday moniing, when a large woodem beam above the furn- ace took fire and smouldered away for some time before' being discov- ered. Absence of draft at that poini prevented the fire "rom gaining- head- way. The fire was discovered by Elmer Best, an employee, wiien he returned from having breakfast at his home, next doer. He founo snioeCt- issuinq- from the ceilinp' ar- ound the furnace. He immediately informed Mr. Scarrow, the owner, who resided upstaii-s and an alarm was turned in for the volunteef bri gade. The centre of the trouble was soon discovered and an applicatic of chemical soon brought the fiit under conti-oy. When the brig^d arrived sinoke was issuing from un- der the shingles on the roof and for a few mcmfc'iits it was thought the fire was wide-spread. Mr. Scarrow had installed a mech- a/nical stoker on Saturday and it was thought tliC fire becaime too hot an the heat caust'J the Ve;ini to simoul- er, about a foot of the end of the beam being burned to a crisp. The making of bread continued and Mon- lay the people had their usual sup- Old Home Week News Chat About The Doings For The Big Event E'l IDo^NotlDrive Withont ^Adequate Auto Insnrance Government requirements in case of accident may 4. now derive many people the right to drive, unless ^ you can post {a bond or money to a total of $11,000. •• Call or write for full information to D. G. MacARTHUR ^ General Insurance ; Phone 82J FLESHERTON SUMMER SPECIALS A Bed Spreads Large Size $6.75 Bedroom Suites $89.95 3 pieces $124.50 $149.50 S139.50 Chesterfield Suites All Velour, 3 pieces $149.50 Lamps 10% off on any lamp Cogswell Chairs Wine or Green Velour S37-50 Studio Couches with iBack and wardrobe Repp Covers $53.50 Spring Filled Mattresses All sizes- $27.50 $29.50 $32.50 $34.00 Dining Room Suite 9 pieces S145.00 S179.50 Drop-side and Pull-out Couches $19.95 $24.95 Deck Chairs With Foot Rest - Canopy $5-75 Cape Cod FoFding Chair $5.93 Folding Chair $2.95 Steel Chair $7.50 Paints We carry the famous Lowe Brothers Paints Bedroom Chairs Bedroom Chairs $13.95 Slipper Chairs $9-75 - Dinnette Suite Buffet. Table, 4 Chairs $87.50 Others at $114.30 Bed Springs 9.50 and $12,50 FLESHERTON CENTRE (H) after a name indicates Honor standing. Jim Adams, Goldie Atkinson, Joan Avis (H), Robt. Betts, Kathleen Bow- man (H), Lois Bowman, Jean Boyce, Shirley Cairns. Elaine Cook (H), Isa- bell Cr. f t ( H ) . Redge Do'bson, Eldon i ply of the staff of life I'awcett (Hi, Jane Arlene Fawcett- ' Mervin Fisher, Sheila Forbes. Garnet Hamilton, Elma Hiitz (H), John Cephus Kindle, Milford Loucks (H), Ross Loucks. June Meads (H), Ruth Pliiilips (H). Marion Pickles (H), Clayton Porteous, George Proctor, Patricia Stewart, Jim Stoddart, Marie White- (H). Eugenia Won Softball Tournament Tuesday I'm going to Flesherton for Old Home Week because it's going to be one of those rip-«norting good times that only the people of Flesherton and community know how to put onl Because Flesihevton Old Home Week â- wUl be chuck fuil of real old fashion ^et-together â€" down to earth and hand clasps â€" glad to meet you back- slapping â€" and block busting "•.vay- ''^wn" laughs. Greeting old folks â€" meeting new folk â€" rehashing thosp | â- â- yesteniays"' of yesteryears â€" recall-J ing the ball teams, hockey brawls, j garden parties, church socials and i good tjraes of our day. The fish that j got away â€" all thost' pranks we play- 1 ed on Charlie, Joe and Doc. To re- j live in a few short days our early THE MONDAY PROGR.\M As the time for the big event ap- proaches, plans are taking more de- finite shape and by every yard stick of measurement it looks as if a good time should be had by ever>-one. On Mbnday morning the Calithumpian ai-my, under General Sparks, will meet the Plenipotentiaries of Good- w:ll from Toronto at the southern approach of the village and led by the Field Artillery Band, will then nro- ceed to the old mill pond, where Charlie' MacTavish plans lo restock the local stream with Mermaids frc>m the Lakeside Swimming Club. (Note: All disciples of Isaak Walton are warned to leave their fishing tackle lifetimeâ€" made possible only by "OVi | ^t home as these piscatorial beauties Home Week." Seeing, meeting those boys and girls we knew so well. To visit our favorite liaunts. where we Sixtia "Down bv the Old Mil! Stream"' â€" dowT. by the Old Mill Pond. The school on thfc- hill where we carved our initials! The Sunday School where- we learned so much and gave so little! Yes- and there's Oscar's and Bol)'s harness s'nop, Frank's hardware i are to be seen and not caught). The three-time winner of the Dominion Championship for fancy diving will he among' the number performin)? and th-ls alor.e will assure you a thrill extraordianry. Of course, a!j our local swimmers will be pre.=ent, and here will be plenty of evfnts and com- petitions to enable them to strut their stuff- These water events have al- the Gander Thought Goslings | Not Raised Properly By Hen j Some peculiar things have beeti | reported in newspapers in receni years, but one of the most interest- j ing we have heard ah)OUt oi^curred on j a pond on the property of Mr. Earl Fe'imvick on the 10th line of Arte- mesia. .A hen brought o-ut a setting of goose eggs and two goslings followed her around the yard, but the foster mother kept them safely away from the pond. The gander, rt-atching proceedings, decided that the gnslings w^re not being brought up properly and decided to take a hand. With warnings of the things !ie would do if they did not obey his instructions, he shoved thean with his bill toward the pond and forced them to go in swimming. The experience was more exciting than they e.xpect- ed an they didn't sink either. After a time the gander decided that they had been in the water long enough and w-hen his calls were' unanswered he swam in after the young ones and forctrd them to shore after repeated nudgings. The gander then chased the e.xcited hen away and is busily engaged bringing u- his offspring he way they were intended to be I brought up, t-ugeiua canic' out on top m softijail tournament in Flesherton on Tuesday afternoon, when they de- feated Dundalk 12-4 in the fir^al game j playe'd after supper. Previously they liad defeated South Line 11-8 in a spirited battle and Dundalk had won a pitcher's battle from Flesherton by the score 4-2. Tom Bemrose' pitched for the Eugenia Trout Kings in the afternoon game while Les. Seeley did the: chores in the evening game. Races were held for the children and an exhibition harness race wrs given by Vince Keating :'.'id Ale^x. Henderson with their horsis. Previous to the start of the bal' games, opening exereises were con- ducted at the grounds. The address of welcome was made by Reeve Betts and Reeve J- .A.. Davis of -Artemesia made a few brief remarks. Rev. W. .A.. White read the Scripture and Padre A. G- Macpherson led in pray- er .A dance was held in the evening with the Russell Hill oirhestra. The entire day's festivities were under the direction of the Flesherton Branch of the Canadian Le^Dn. i Phone 78w RICHARDS FLESHERTON We Deliver tore-. Barney's hotel (on the square).! ^^ays been a Tiappy occasion, and this and hosts of other pbces so familiar i onf will be just a httle more so ro our earlier davs All this and plenty mora! Flesher- ton promises us parades and sports such as we V;ave nevev seen before! | I am told if it is not of eham.picnship ' calibre Flesherton won't hive it. So, than usual. In the afternoon at 1:.30. the flag raising cerfmony will take place on the Town Square (You will note that due to the increase in population, out Village has now become, a Town). vh- am I going to Flesherton for j The Reeve w-ill extend an official wel- Old Heme Week? I'll say to have- a; come to ali and suiidry. the fla^r -wiij 2>>cd time, and to top it off 1^1 see | be hoisted by Mrs. Lillian Turner, a Charlie, Florence, Herb, John, Hazel. Pete, Mary. Tom and Bill. What a day! What a week! What a Home Town! Flesherton! Be cseing you â€" Roy McCauley. Piano Exam Results Fallowing is the list of successful candidates in examinations held re- cently- by the Toronto Conservatory of Mus^ic at Flesherton, with namc-^' '.M order ot merit: Grade 9 Piano â€" Pass, Jean Elliott. Grade' 6 Piano â€" Honors: Margar- et Macpherson, Ruth Fawcett, Janet Betts. Grade 5 Piano â€" Pass: Patsy M. i.Iurcar. Grade 3 Piano â€" 1st Class Honors: Billy MacMillan; Hon.: Joyce Lyons. "Grade 2 Piano â€" Honors: Rut":-. Chard. Gwendolyn .Acheso:i. BOIGHT HOLLAND RK51UENCE Mr. Ted. MacTuvish ha< purchased the residence opposite tin United C'lUuvh. owned by Mrs. R. G. HoU- nd and tak^ posses'=ioo the i.',id of July. Mrs. Holland •xM hold a sjtle f household furnishings in about Iiree weeks. Ted is entering the '.' :n\ of D- MacTavish & Son? and moved his furniture to town Monday. h eversham Public School Ertranct' Pupil â€" Yvonne Davidson. Grade 7 to S â€" Warren Hannah (H) Marion Fenwick (H). Joan Davidson. Redge Tyler. Grade 6 to T â€" Nurris Moore. Mer^€ McMullen. Paul Hudson. Grade 5 to ti â€" Dorothv Fenwick (H). Melville Wright. Stan Wriyht. Sadie Stewart- Gerald Teeter (Rl. Kenneth Teeter ( R ' • Grade 4 to 5 â€" Stephen Eby (H). John Pedlar. Shirley Wright. Gi'ude 3 to 4 â€" Shirley Sanimons <H). Chervl Light (H). Evelj-n Ped- 'ar. Velda Teeter* (R), Edward Smith (F). Grade 2 to 3 â€" Joan Parker (H), Inrin Stewart (H), John Sled (H), Gene McMuMen- Ri>bert Jackson, Al- â- \n Hughson (R)- Grade 1 to 2 â€" Eleanoi- Sled (H). Carman Wriffht tH), Harvie Sam- nons. John Teeter*. * denote,? perfect attendance for the vcar; H â€" honors; R â€" Recom- inen.ded: F â€" Failed. â€" .\. Conn. Teacher. â- 'Bom 30 years uoo soon!" Not on your life. Tliat's what makes OJd Boys and Girls and that's why I'm going to be on hand August 3, 4, .. and 6. to renew sr-me of the old mem- ories. If boys of 1908 in Flesherton had diaries, here are some of the things you might have read in them: .May 24th: took off long undei-wear. went in for a swi'm at the big stone. or last night took lanterns and went sucker fishing from the pond up tc Wilcox Lake, or everybody's going back to the bush to build a shack, we're going to sleep out this week. and so on throughout the year. Who was going? Well, there weren't many, but the years have proved they were all hundred-per- centei-s. Read the war memorials, the business and financial pages and every field of successful adventure. and youll find the names o-f my gang And what are these fellows like now ? They're the salt of the earth, fellows I'm glad to call "friend." glad to see .iny time- any place. So believe me. mi be there and will be plenty dis- appointed if there aren't hundreds like me. So long! See you at Old Home Week. â€"Charlie Crossley. -anddaughter of W. K. Flesher. for whom the town was named, and the proceedings will then be duly and offidally opt-n- Led by the band, the milling thousands will then parade to the Fair Grounds, where a good afternoon of sport will be on the menu. One' outstanding item wnll be a ladies' softball game between two d'ack teams from Toronto, and an- other event of interest 'will be a wrtstlinsr demonstration providing all the thrills of legalized mayhem. A parachute jumiper will thrill thf crowd with three tjumps <!uring the aftei-noon. and plans to land in the iddle of the' ball <iiamond. To add virietv to the proceedi-ngs if this has not already been done- there will be competitions ffcr runners, jumpers. horseshoe pitchers, etc. In the eveninsr a fine concert has been arranged in the' old skating rink bv Bert Petoh. himself, an entertain er of no mean ahilitv. With his dir- ection, and the help of the band which will be present, you will find this a pleasant way to top off a really en- tertaining day. But this is not by .'ny means the end of the' perfect day. nnd you are e.xpected to mobili'ze your remaining energy and rally at the' tennis courts v.-here we will trip the light fantastic for several houra. If you have a duU moment, its vou own fault, or you will be awfully hai-d to please. The events of the' s.ucceeding dt'.vs will be commented on in later ed â- :- of this column. Watch for them. Mrs. Wm. Nixon Passes Warehjun School LER â€" To. Rev. and Mrs. Charles l.ee of Feversham (Dorothy Marritt, lieg.N.V on Wednesday. June 25th, 1947, a son, Kenneth Charles, in â- '. '.v,:.ib Hospit.I. Enti-ance Class â€" Doiten Buckton, â- J J) en Lepard, Etoris Lepard, Don McMaster. Tc Grade S â€" Mairna .AcheSon S5.3, ilvclyn Gallaugher 79.5, Reggie Gru .nnic.t 61.7. Kenneth Inkstei i'S.o. Ron.'ld Johnston 8t>.T. Gordon -Mo- ."da.-ter 79.4. MSargaret O'Stdlivan TS.2 Le-rra W-Jscn 72. Nina Young 70.3. To Grade t5 â€" Leslie Davison 76.4, Billie Hargrave 74.5, To Grade 5 â€" Lucille Davison »i5.2. Vein Hsrgrave 57.5. Ra.vmond Mc- After jnly a short illness, Mrs. Wm, Nixon! the fomier G>rci-ude Paul, passed away in the Saskatoon Hospital on Saturday. June 21st, at I the cge of 55 yeiu-s. She liad beer ' phnn ng to ccnie East to visit this j summer and her death came as a dis- ; tinct shock to her sister and brother and other relatives in this district. I "rhe late Mrs. Nixon was LHirn ne'ar I Eugenia, the daughter of the lati I Mr. ajid Mrs. Elijah Paul. She i? i sttrvived by her husband, one f»n and ; four daughttTs, who are left to mourn a thoughtful and considerate mother j She also le-aves two brothers and four ! sisters, Sam- of liTuge'iiia; Margaret i (CVHrs. R, Bentham), Flesherton; Will i of .Aneroid. Sask.: John of Kheilive. ' Sask.: Gwi-ge of Picton. and Ruth (Mrs. Rcbt. Watt), of Winnipeg. I The funeral was he'ld on Wednes- made at Stowlea. Sask. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd K1..4244 Master 7rt.8. Iciw Y.amg 78.4. .,g^ ^.. ^ interment being To Grade 4 â€" Mepvyn Grummett "*?;." ^^o. i.,., o„..i, t.;.7. Melvin Uttle S9, Barr>- O'Su :;v..n 1)1.7. To Grade 3 â€" Ruth Michael O'St.'livan 81.7. Total eni'olment: 3'' To Grade 2 â€" Blanche Conron. Keiti Gallaugher, Margai-et McMaster, Ruth Y'oui«. Pi'iiiner â€" Lois Y'ouilg, Claude Mc i'utcheon. Total enrolment: 30. â€" Haztl ''enwick. Teacher. Ache.on 82 RETl RNED FROM BERMID.A Miss Laura Boyd has arrived at her home in town after spending the I past yesir teaching in enmuda. Card of Thaiikj Words cannot exipre«s my apt>rec- r tion to miy kind friend» and neigh- Kr>rs for their m:»ny cards, letters and tifats sert t<> me wh'le I was a pi ti'-nt in Mnrk?1(- Hcspital an«i at niv hoitne. â- Rarher: ' c^ re '" f"ce." Vi.-Hm : now." â€" Mrs. Jfis Stew TENNIS CLIB .ACTIVE The fine cement tennis courts laid some yvrs ago, are again in use. The newly-org'Jinizeti Club has paint- •d ill *-''â- ' Vnes a"d set up •» first-class nt'w n. t ''or the use of its members. Ever'Tone interested in this grand fild !.i!'"-> is invited to KJr.t the Cluib Spec" >' ilies " pn<Tt''^- G. M DIED P.ATTOX â€" In Dundalk on Satur- day. June 2?th, Isahelle .Anne Ferris beloved wife of George E<i'w-a/id Pat- ton and mother of William and Chester of Dundtalk. Stanley of Max- well and Russell of Toronto. Funeral service was heU at her late residence in IKindalk at 2:30 Monday after noon, June 30th, with interment ir Flesherton Cemetery. Future Events OPTICAL D. Camipbell, 0>pfcoinietrist. will be- at the Park H'ruse next Tuesday from 1:30 to 3:.>0 pm.. and at the Hotel at Eugenia, from 4 to 6 p.m. DANCE AT PRICEVILLE Dance at Priceville Saturday night, July 5th, to old time and modern music by Toronto 8-piece orchestra. Evervone welcome. Admission: 50c CONCERT AT TRICEVILLE Come and enjoy i high class enter- tainment hy 5 talented artists from Toivnto in W.I. ha'D, Pricefille. Mon., evtiiing. July 7, at Si.'U") o'clock, under auspices of St, .Andrew's Presbyter- ian Chiuxrh. .Anniversary services on Sunday. JuJy 6. with Rev. J Homer Caslor of Grnnd Valley as the guest •ites hmve been s«+ for fim- p,.^^cher. Services 11 a.m. and 8 pja. children. For nai-ticulars j â- -^m the Pr«»sident, Rev. .\. 'â- 'itTson, the Secretary Miss ckeri, or Mrs. R Boden. "You s'\y you've hp«n h- â-  T can't remomiher vouf| "Ah. tfki aU healed up Mh'. evervtlii'ig worry? thit state of mind a person t<'> feel that all right â€" so why DANCE .AT FFA'ERSHVM In Robinson's Hall. Feversham. on Tliursfhy. July 3rd. Music by Russ- ell Hill Oi-chestra. .A.uspices of the Ospivy .Agricultural Socioty. Luncb free. Aitnuission : 50c. .widstsik,^'^

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