Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1947, p. 7

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1X0 r r > < â-¼ 4 •4 4~ r r 'J i y 1 \ 4 V » CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTKD A BUSINESS of your oiwt "Vj Wartt » r^m- fortabl* yearly 1000016^^49^ R- i'itMf Company, manaJ^cturira of f^tbd •i>eclftlt't«i, fUvourinff extracts, packaffed drugq, aoapa. patent mediclnea. etc.. hav« an attractive proi'oaltioa for those who can Qualify for one of Uit exclusive Creasy dealerahlpa which are now ftvall&ble. This is a pleasant, profitable occupation (or prosresaive, Induatnous .nen and Koroin. Write today for full particulars. »ivin» a few d'^tatls about yourself, lo; John R. Creasy fompany»-15« W. Dundas St. West. Toronto 3, Ontario. OILS, GREASES7~TIRES7~ Inxtcticidea, FJIectric Fence Controllers. House and Barn Paint. Hoof Coatinca, etc. Pealers nvantfd. Write Warco Grease ft Oil Limited. Toronto. I:.\CELL.I:;NT commlasiona to agents callintr on housoholdera with new i>08tw'ar line of electrical appliance not on sale anywhere in â- Canada. EtKiulrlea Invited from men now on routes. Fiu-0-K«y Corporation. Hamllion. Canada. KaRN money gathering and growing Medl- ' nal Plants. Worth up to $12 pound. Hun- â- dr-i-'s ot KooiH, Herbs. Weeds growing wild havb cash value. Send atamp for details. Write Box 67-y. Islington. Ontario. OAlll rillCKS BAltiJAINH in CaiiaiUan Approved chicks for â- .Ilia week and next. Barred Uocka. New Hampshires, White Rocks, Lishc Sussex, Black Auslralorps, non-sexed 9.93. pullets 12.35, cockerels 8.9.'i. Assorted Heavy breeda non-sexed 8.95. pullc-is 11.95. cockerels T.9u. White Leghoi na X Barred Rock. Aualra Whites 8. If:;, pullets 17.93, cockerels i.9i. "Wh.te Loghortts 8.9i. pulleia lT.9i, cockerels l.Ou. Assorted Lleht or SlPdium Breeds non- sexM 7.95. pullets ]C.9i. Two week old add < 00. three week old add 11.00 per hundred. tihitped C.O.D. This advertisement must nc- company your order to receive these special prices. Also pullets eiffht weeks to laying. "Top .Votcb Chickeries. Gueli.h. Ontario. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS O ;,ritta tnr Baby ChlcKa and started Chicks w. 1 surprise you. All Chicks from blood leti.^j siocK Carieion H.ntchery, Kntannta Htf.g.iis, Ont. -iriAMl TIMK. fuss and feed With these well f.^ried two and three week old chicks. Wi- inave the following in non-sexed. pullets an.: cockerels lo choose from: Barred llotka. Wh.te Leghorns. New Haffipshirea. Uhode Island Reds, Light Sussex. White Rocks. .New Hampshire .\. Barred Rock. Barred Uork .\, >.>\v Hampshires, Black Auatralorp X White Leg.norn. Barred Rock X White Leffhorn. Lig.'Tt Sussex X Barred Rock. Light Sussex X New Hampshire. .Send for spec.al price- list. Also pulleta eight weeks to laying. "Tw^Jdlo Chick Hatcheries Limited. Feigua. On:ario. JT'S TIMK to order your August chicks now. V-': :ie for pricellst. If you want chtcka •no .v. we have some for immediate delivery in most breeds, also some started. Bray H&Tchery, 130 John N., HaraWton. Ont. E.-bY to rai«e pulleta. No brooding heat re- â- .-â- 'â- ed. 1'wo to four weeks old. Special pi ..rs Si:4.7d to J20.75. First class healthy el'-, i. Also day old chicks any time. Write for rricesr or send $1.00 deposit for early at) i^r-ieiu. l-'Jsher Orcharda, R.R. No. ::, F^tt.iian. Ont. Y'j'JR .^VRE not 100 late to puri.ha.se thoae ratt niaturing Tweddle chicka. We will have four bArhes a week up until July lllh. We CRU cive piompt delivery on the following I'ure breeds: White Lechorns. Black SUnorcaa. Atiic.as. Blown Leghorna, Barred Rotks. >Vh:ie RocKH. New Hampshires, Rhode Island Re-J6. While Wyandottes. Lighc Suaaex. Black A:Ufa;ralorpe, Jersey White Giants, also li -cros* breeds to choose from in day old non- .ae;;t J. ifullei.-* or cockerels. Also two and ihr-.t week old and S week to laying pulleta. .S' T.i for reduced prices for June and Jiily •d^i vtry. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick .lir..:hei ies Limited. Fergus, C'ntar;o. FOR SALS "% FLAGS JUI sises Union Jarka or Canadian Cnsirns. ai^rwn wool bunting. SpecIaJ offering on 4Vb and • foot Union Jacka. Fast dya sawn cotton. Dlacoun: for qutntltlea. BrlffbUa yoar community or home by flying a good quality (lag John Leckle Limited, T7 Wel- lington St. West. Toronto. HARNK8S and shoe repair shop and equip- ment and also belt spHclag equipment for sal* and also a 7 room 2 storey brick house. in>medlattt iKMA«aaIon. For particulars write A. C. Irwtn. Gorrla. Ont. HL'NTER'S Bpecial â€" brand new war assets released weh rifla stings. Fits standard awivela. The bargain you have b«en waitinc fur â€" while they laat onlf 60c each. Sttnc awlvels for these sUnga 76c per pair. Ell- wood Epps .Sporting Goodc, Clinton. Ontario. IKON AGE Hotato r-*lantera â€" one or two row. On ateel or rubber. Immediate delivery. H. M. Fleming A Sona., Blenheim. Distributor. FEATHER TAIL Irish Retriever puppies t% months old. Parents wonder fi]l hunters. Males $20. Females tl6. Thos. Chinnlck. Chatham, R.R. Nu. I. LO.VG-HAIRED guinea pigs, breeding stock, $4.00 pair. Edsar Uarki. Box 618. Am- prior. One. .MAPIJC SVRt'l* MAPLE syrup, 1^4.7 crop. Heasonahlo prices. No coupons. John BI. Gillespie. Abl>otsford, Quebec. McCORMiCK-DEERING ensilage harvester. with standardized power takeoff. Used four days. Harvest your corn at its best with one or two men. Price greatly reduced. Immediate delivery. Write Graham Hill. Pont Rouge. Que. NEW BED OUTFIT New Simmons Panel bed, non-sar spring and mattress S::i.S5. Write for free catalogue. Mailorder Furniture Warehouse, 179 Parlia- ment Street. Toronto. ONE COCKSHfTT an4 one Ford new 194T tractor on rubber. Complete with two fur- row plows and double discs. Inimedialo pos- session. H. Glecoff, Ritson Hoad South. oahawa. Out. PLREBRED Persian Tabbies tS.OO males, weod. Ont. Klttena, bluish-grey Mrs. Phemiater, At- REGISTERED Scotch Collies. males and females, sables, three months, reasonably priced. Wesley Nienklrciien. K. 5. Pembroke. REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SHEEP FOR SALE A small select flock with Lambs. Patterdale Farm. 46 Ring 4. Woodbridge. TIRES We «ro overstocked at the present ot good used trade-In tires (guaranteed to be tn es- celient shape* 600 X 16 - $5.00 All orders atitpped CO. O. Special equipment for vulcanizine Truck «nd Farm Tractor Tires. BEArO.N TIRE corner Queen and VcrU Sts.. Hamilton. Onl. ONTARIO'S MOST MODEP.N EQUIPPED TIRK SHOP Dealer* Wanted O.VTIIRUOM OPTFITS CARLOAD Uf Imported Kathroom Outfits FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE 'Tt B: 5' Con'iiHting oT: recess. » nst Iron porcelain with •>me fittincs. hliower and hliower Kud. ' f;»l Till LET: I'uu-niece titreous ch'nj »ith ttrnt KuO cover. B.\'»FN: \iiri-oiis or cast iron, chrome centre. v> liter Mut*i>l,v .und fittings, complete. ' A\ .VLLAULi: in lots of one to ti'ti outfit** J-pioee units) or Tubs and Basln» (witli fiitmgs,^ i»rpurutel>. SlN'.iLI-: unit inijulrles will be ticinriletJ through 4 reliable dealer In >oiir district. Write lo: H. J. PAPR & COMPANY trtiporter* â€" Wholesale Oistributors I'.U. Boy 691. ImiiIou. Ont. 'JJTglNT: A.\>t CI.EAMNO Ka'- E VOL' anything neeAs dyeing or clesn- inR- Write to us for tnformatton We are gULC ;o answer your Questions. Deparimeni H. Parkers Dye Worlts Limited. 791 Yon/f fctrtti. loronto. Ontario. jAnMS ron sale 100-.\'."I;K I arm for sale. 75 tillable, well 'A :.< led. bank barn, frame house fn good rffi .-. possession any time. Archie Simpson. },i.vi.r.t tjtaiion. Ontario. 106 •^'^'^^ES. excellent 7-roomed. solid brick residence. lovely lawn, bank bar-. piK iM:n. other buildings, cood water. r <j\\ 'oainy soil, crop included, some bush. Hy-.".^ at door, school and passenger bus •-!â- â- â-  e: wdtild make Ideal Kcnileman's home, a : . .»d on highway on outskirts of OrnnKe- ^.:.â- '' a real buy, act quickly. Apply to H â- '. ,-141, Oranffeville, Ontario. TOILETS For Summer Cottages. Farms. Schools, and Camps. Can be used with or without runnia« water. Caustic Sanitation. Ltd.. 21 Rldlsr Blvd.. Toronto. Ontario. Watchmakers Attention Lowest prices on stems, ataffs, mainsprlncs. cryatala. watch parts. Write for price llaC Durb.n Company. Depc-S. 74 Susaex. Toronto. BAIRDBESSIXG LEI A P.N Halrdressins the Robertson melbod. t a f or ma t < on on request reg a rd < n g classes. Rfkertaoft'e Hairdressins Academy. |37 Ar^ nue Road. Toronto HKLP WANTED W* ANTED inured iately, Doctor for Bracken and disiricc Health Unit number one. Fees ev.aranteed. Write or wfre Mrs. J. S. Mooney. Secretary. Riacken Hospital Board. Bracken, Sask. LRMTIKE CHESTERFIELD SUITES CheslertleiJ Suites absolutel.v new, full spring filled construe tioi». every style, finest Mohair, Velour, I'rtz.?, nrocaltele. Silks. Damssk* and otht>r Cine hard wennne upholsterlas 100 NEW CIIKSTERFIEl.D SUITES TO 4.IIUOSK IKU.U: FKCE DELIVERY TO YOLR .NE.MIEST STATION. TODD I' .15 been In the rheaterfield suite business lor uti years and la recoi^nizant tn the trade as a apt'cialisL and the moat particular buyer in the business. Listed below iire a few of our cash prices for QUALITY CHK^TKKFIELD ELITES. .1 i»iec9 Period Suite â€" finest ciisioiia covered all over wtlb fiti4 quality velour. 3 piece modern su i tes. Balloon mohair. Beautiful 2 piece Lawson Suits. Finest 2 piece Charles ot Lon- don suites. other ouistandinff v.* lues. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy absolutely new manufaclurera factory showrooiu sample suites direct from TODD. S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. Phonp (IROVER 4X43 $119.00 $149.00 $119.00 $119.00 &Iany MKDICAL A TRIAL â€" E^ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or .Neuritis should try Dixon's Keraedy. Mtmro's Diuff Store. SSa Biffin. Otiawa. p.- -"Y farm for sale. 2C7 acres, spriuff crrek. K -t-i buildintfs. dairy contract; immediate po&»«(sion: stork and Iniplements If desired. Ch-.L[jfor rash. Box 12, Matheson, Ontario. y â€" ^ â€" _^_____-„_ FOB SALE ' ATTENTION rAKMER!) ruft PALEâ€" Tractor Tires, made ot rubber. 'su. table for tmttlng on steel wheels, lift. 00 ML'ti, rear wheels; t7.5D each^ front wheels When ordering state diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd., I Wtli- sbire .\vs.. Toronto. Onl. BILLFOLDS, genuine black leather, four w.ndows, chanRO purse, stamp pockets, ilp* per .'lysine S4.00 delivered. Money refunded «uarEr.iee. Williama Mail Order House. Boi 336. Toronto. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Asr. cultural Insecticides, sprays, powders. dlait:!t:otanis, deodorants, sclent Iflcitily for- muitttd for beat results. Fop ln»rm:iilon â- n;: I rices write Canadian DIatrlbutora Ltd.. Hi \ agara St.. Toronto CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 Mar.ur<.cturcrs* clearance, first quality for dout>ie and single beds in beautiful two-toned colcurs. worth double the price. Money re- fundft* if not satisfied. Sent C.O.D. plus â- post ere tn Canada. Handicraft Distributors. 254 ^-.'rhrooke St.. W. Montreal IS. Que. Electric Power Plants I KVa (3,000 watt). 50 or CO cycle. i:0 -volt -J nan ensine and generator. A quality un!:. ideal for lighting, refrigeration, water pur.:r rg and small power tools In camps. Bn\f: nnd waterproofed for shipment. Triced U>v . • Wrile for. detnils. i^iKinWRO KLKt.'TRlCAti LAB'S 104 Hparks St.. Ottawa. FA'^T SKLI.INC! OH Ourner, Electric Blower T'.e. can burn wood, coal or oil anytime. , no -TrncinB necessary, all territories open j Also riumbms fixtures available. Inform-i tfon frr sVainp. Economy Distributors. Kinii- ston. Onl FIl;- : ISO t-»ki'i biirh ihisH drivlim or K.-iddle t-;fe. l^rtO Ihs , » years, sound. MKhie. R.K. I. Woodvitl*. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheuuianc torment when Breenatone of- fers pronipt lasting relief. One months* treatment %l 00 postpaid. tnd'an Rfmetlles. Box 118. Vantouver. IT'S IMPORTANTâ€" Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Patns or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'a Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Oitawa. Postpaid $1.00. FOOT AILMENTS Kirs Foot Oil effectively remedies corns, callouses, cracked feet. No plasters, no pads, no caustic. Price 60c. Comstock Products Co., 70i Ottawa Electric Bids., Ottawa. Canada. OPPORTrMTIKS rOR WO.M KN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Oreat Opportunity Lesra Haird reeling Pleasant Atgntned profession, cood wixes. thousands successful. Uarvel graduates America's greatest system. Illustrated cats loffue free. Write or Call UARVEL. HAIRDRCSSINO SCHOOLS SS8 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamlltoo A 74 Rideau Street. Ot ta ws OFFEK TO 1NVB.NT0K9 AN OFFER to every Inventor â€" List of Inven- tions and full Information sent free The Rminss.v (o., Resrlstered Pstent Attorneys ][7I Bank Street. Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONAl'GH A Company Pstsal Solicitors. Established 1890 14 King Wast Toronto Booklet of tnTormstlon on request 1-EBSONAL LONESOME â€" Do yoii desire lesiH'Ctable frtendAiip? Hurry, lime is Recting. Sotne- nltcrr your future sweetheart seeks flctiualnt* snc Splrndid positions; mesns. ItTfnrtnatlon riee. Cam^dlnn Friendship Society. But III, Durbaro. Oalarlo. mOTOGSAPm COAST to coast â€" Rolls finished I prints Ho. ft I T enlargements Mounted lOo. Prints copied 40c, Reprints 2c. Ideal Snapshot 8«r- Tlce. Kin gston. Q nlsrlo. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS all over Canada RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE Tqu get fmei "snapi" and prompt senrlos from thi« bfg. reliable gtudlo. A.NT SIZE ROLL 6 €>r i exposures DEVEI^PED and PRINTED SOe . Reprints from your negatives 4c 2 mounted enlargements 4 s i" 2Sc. Sla- lareemepts framed 7 z 9" tn Oold, Silver. Walnut or Blacl< Pfames 74c. If ptcturs colored 94c Prints and enlargements made from Drints of lost neg.iilves. I>ept. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX no. r091 office a, TOKO:4TO ROLLS PRINTED AND ,» DEVELOPED 25c Reprints Sc encb By CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE PHOTO- GRAPHIC SERVICE AN3C0 COLOR ROLLff^PROCESSOR SI. 20 each Print on Color Enlargementa â€" prices on r»- auesi. ^uU stock of Ansco Film at regtils^ prices. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box. 6, StaLlon D.. Toronto. 1. TE.%CBKKS WASTFAm Mf.VAKA H.D . N'o. 1 requires teacher with (Ir.t CI.U certiflcata efTectlva Septembsr l«t. Salary II. SOD year, (urnlshed teacheraxe. fuel. Apply itatJnc marital alatus and auaimcatlooa to M. a. Reld. Sec.-treao.. Ulnakl, Ont. W.t.NTKD WA.N'TEDâ€" All kind, of dreaaed ooultrj. Ta» prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Liinlts4L Poultry Dept , 2054 Danfortb Ave.. Toroata I. (Ws do custom cradlnr). Train of Tomorrow Like Hotel on Wheels One very definite advance in transportation is now making a per- sonal-appearance tour of thirty key cities in the United States. This ii General Motors' "train of tomorrow," a sort of rolling hotel. Drawn by cue of the compora- tion's Diesel locomotives, this train makes so much use of space add glass, as well as change of level within the cars themselves, as to resemble very little one's idea of even the most lu.xurious current rail- road equipment. New suspension, almost doubling the transverse space, eliminates sway and complete articu- lation makes the four-car train stop and start as one unit. One can telephone home or to ships at sea while slipping along at 100 miles an hour, enjoying mean- time an extraordinary bird's eye view of the route from the "astro- domes" which have been built into each car by the producers, PuUmaa Standard, to General Motors' speci- fications. These observation roofi, thirty feci long and ten feel wide, seat twenly-four persons. A host of other features of -ir con'rol and in- sulation bring the train ^ar indeed from the cinders and the clickety- click of the 5:18 local. Its perform- ance lends substance to the car names of these first four sample units: "Moon Clow," "Skyvicw," "Dream Cloud" and "Stardust." Guilty Parly He drijpt his match when he lit his cigar, .And it fell in a kinch of grass. .\nd then he went on to shoot lit* b'ar In the distant moimtain pass. The blaze shot upward, the wind it ri^. The fire spread over the patch. And the melted paiitz buttons they found was his â€" The fellow who dropt the match. Timber Topici. NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery SNOW PACS TouKh. waterproofed teatlier uppers securely stitched to all-rubber botioin. Made under rigid ir."S; GovH specl- Ocations. Come «lih innersoles and rawblds laces. Best weather rs- sistnnt for hunters, limberinen. farmers, eic. Sizes « to U Or- ler res'Jlar shoe slso. $8-98 PCLSTPAID. Order h.» Mallâ€" NOW' EOMirsn s.\LE$ cu.. BOS *6a: CHICAGO. ILL. Eniloaed la I ( ) CHECK < ) MONET ORDER for prs. SNOW P.\C3. altt O l».»» each. n.\mf; „ ADDRBSS CITT PROV CLI ISSUE 2ftâ€" 1947 Somebody Put the Bee on This Truck â€" Apiarist Lcroy Church- man is shown collecting' a swarm of some 40.0'J() bees which picked a parked truck as a swarming place. U^iingf a pro- tective hood, smokepot, and dipper, he finally got them into that hive on tlie track's hood, a half-hour chore. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ^^^=^==:==: ("A Sixbit Critic") :=^:^z=r=== W'e have long been of the opinion that many of our professional ath- letes are greatly overpaid. (Like most people, for that matter, we have a sneaking suspicion that any- body who makes r^L'TS than we per- lonally do must ia- overpaid.) But, as regards the athletes, we are will- ing to make one exception. When you figure the battering their nerves and emotions must constantly take, these tournament golfers earn every last dime the hard way, and must be real gluttons for punishment. • s * Golf, if it is a game â€" a question on which you can get many argu- ments either way â€" is one of the few in which you are absolutely on your own. and in which your toughest op- position is your own little self. There isn't much you can do about the other fellow. You can't clamp a headlock on him to spoil his drive, or boot his ball out of danger when it's heading straight for the can. and your ruination. You just smite the real emotions seething inside you. We have often envied the feeling of a jockey iwutiag home a Derby winner â€" a halfback scoring the decisive touchdown â€" or a batter winning a World Series with, a base-clearing clout. But we v.ouldu'L have been in the shoes of either Lew Worsham or Sam Snead, in the dying moments of that U.S. Open, not for double the $.-,CKX) or so involved. • * « THOSE STORM-TOSSED AIR- WAVES, ll'e also sometimes /"tVy our hard-uorking iiiiirol>iiotic-:::aes- Iros zi-ho labor so hard to make sure that zve. the lislening customers, are kept pivperly on edge â€" souielimes' wilt unexjiected aud ai;u(sitg results.. Like the amwuneer at that same golf tourney ;c7io signed off TC'i//i a gem that ran roughly as foUo'is â€" "But uv7i be back again this aflernoott. friends, to bring you the closing scenes of this, the ii.-twt srnsalional and tlinlliiig finish lo an Open Coif Chant pionship since s-.nce lest last year's " • • * An expression often used nowa- days to express a state of nervous tension or jitters is "I was fairly stall-walking": and recently we were somewhat surprised when a friend expressed interest as to its origin, also admitting that he didn't kr.ow the earlier slang phrase about "get- ting somebody's goat" derived from exaclly the same source. Just in case some of our younger readers are equally in the dark, we'll try to ex- plain and if it happens to be old stuff to you â€"well, there isn't much you can do about it except turn lo the comics. « « * Anyway, race-horses of a specially ncr\ous t\pe often develop the habit called "stall-walking." Instead of get- ting their proper quota of shut-eye they fidget and walk around their stalls all night, showing up in the morning all tuckered out. just like some humans the .\.M. after the P.M. before. To correct this con- dition trainers put other animals in the stall for company, such as a dog, sheep or goat â€" ^the latter often being found the most soothing of all. And in the bad old days somebody who didn't want a cerl.iin horse to win would â€" the night before a race â€" swipe its companionâ€" in other words "get his goat." IT'S A TOUGH LHE, COM- RADE. Just as soon as Henry Wal- lace, The Toronto Star and the rest of them get us nicely re-convinced that the Russians zcould be O.K. if •iVe'd only trust them and treat them like little pals, Slalin busts loose in Hungary or some oilier fresh spot, and all that cvplaning has to be done over again. And â€" probably for no good rivij-on â€" These crplanations about Stalin akiays remind us of old Mrs. Huggins the time it -I'as hinted her late husband had been somewhat land-greedy. "Huggins zcasn't no such thing as a land-hog." she hotly replied. "All he ez'cr tianted was just what adi'ned Itis'n." Subsidies And Cost Of Living "Upsurge" We have it reported that the cost-of-iiving index, "still on a he.Tvy iipsurpe". advanced 2.5 points during tlie month of April. Perhaps not as bad as it seems, comments the Ottawa Journal. .\pril may have seen us pay 2 points more iu prices, but it also found us paying a whole lot less in subsidies â€" which conic out of our pockets just as much as prices. Also, April saw a considerable re- duction in taxes â€" nliicli also come out of our pockets. There's a lot more to the cost of living than the co?t-of-living index put out bv the Bureau of Statistics. Aye, Scotland Then there was the .\merican who told the Scotsman he be- longed to the best country on earth. "So dae I," said the Scots- man, "but ye dinna spcalc hkc a Scot." « »» Limeys A» we under»tand it, the BritJA long ago discovered that citrus fruit* were about the best Hilngr to use tm combat scurvy. All Sritish merchant ships carried hmes, which were issaed regularly to the crew to pre- vent outbreaks of the disease. Sail- ors of other nations ijcgan lo speak of "lime juicers" when they referred to the British mercliantmen. From "lime juicers" to 'limeym" was not a long step. Voa Will RaJOT SmrUc At The St. Regis Hotel TOnOlfTO m Bvary Rsaas With Bath akaissr ud Telepkvaa â-  9lB«le. n.M ftpâ€" Doaklr. tajM DP • Good Pood. DIbIbc asd Papa las NIaktIr dkerbsaras at CarltM Tel. HA. 4188 â- OOMS BBAUTirCLLI ruBM.'SHEn ji 50 ^^ HOTEL METROPOLK •PP. â€" C.M.I PAIXS :. BTATIOH 0i>S^^^' and other Weeds '^'--wiTH in Lawns , W eedwoM ore THE 2-4-D WEED KILLER One spraying will kill dande- lions, plantains, ragweed, bindweed, poison ivy aad other broad-leafed weeds, destroying them right to the tip of the root but u'ill not harm grass. Non-poisonous to humans or animals and will not stain hands or dotfaingt ' ^' â€" A \ â- ^ "GREEN CROSS** PRODUCT ^ AT YOUR DEALER %|Ct^^ CIGARETTE PAPERS fairous Pfe-^Mar Qualiiy Ibli Ogo^itTkipor I BLUE COVER MADCIN FP..ANCE PtT.E Vi'KIYfc en sola in I Carjcda fj„ Buniino Double dook Aulomctic TOO Leaves For EASY ROLLING os» o ZIG-ZAG 25$ CIGARETTE ROLLER 1 For constant Smoking Pleasure EXPORr MS Cigarette Tobacco Hi 'f\ e^*i. ALSO AVAiLABU IN hi POUND TINS MUTT AND JEFFâ€" Jeff Is A Little Early For Football Practice r By BUD FISHER AW, MOTT, LET ME PL^y.' I KNOW rtOWTO PLAV BALL.' I NEED A GOOD SHORTSTOP* O.K. i'LL<aiye vtoo A ICE.1 i_V\(\GE.'S 0>\^

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