Flesherton Advance, 22 Jan 1947, p. 3

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,/ i I •* • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING /^ IIABV *:iICKS GH PRODUCTION CHICKS r ^ -^^ VB ft l-riiX- WITH THK •»tt;"';j^^ii)l^,. prodUL-ed. your lii- WtS 1.1 our objective. (Jrder one month ahe:id tills year aTid reap the early Fall prices. Bred-to-r.ay Barred P.ock.s, 8.C.W. leghorn nop Sired. White Giantu heavy breed Leghorn X Barred Rock Hy- brids the best laying strain. Order now for February. Mlller'8 Chick Hatchery, Feriru«, Ont. FRBRI AHV - MARCH CHICKS » should be ordered without delay. You'll need cockerels for the table • markets â€" We've, some started, and * dayolds. prompt shlpmeiit. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., H.imllton, • » Ont. •â-  TT I§ WISR TO ORDER TOP * Notch chicks early. An order now for delivery when you say. will a.s- â-º sure you of having a flylnsr start 4^ In 1947 with the kind of chicks you . want on the date you want them. And at the lowe.it price too! If prices go up, you pay only the * prJce at time of order. If Prlc*' drop, you Ret full advantaire. Top *â-  Notch chicks are all husky, healthy, , Approved, from highly productive, Qovernment Approved puUorm ,>% tested breeders. Our up-to-date methods of pre-selectlon and hand- M Unit assure your complete .'atUfac- tlon. Our customers come back to t^ Top Notch year after year. Write today for our free cataloKue. Also laylnir and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chlckerles, Guelph, Ontario. *» BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS , T««, that U what all Rainbow Chick buyers are laylns when they * buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from puliorum. * Order your chicks now direct from «. this ad and not be disappointed. Tom Barron tinhorns, $12.00 per .â-  190. PuUets $24.00. Barred .Rock Ml-xed $12.00 per 100. Pullets $.11.00. » White Rock Mixed $15.00 per 100. Pallets $25.00. Brown Le/horn »â-  Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00. LoKhorn-Rock Mixed $12,00 per 100. * Pullets $25.00. Red-Rock Hybrid $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. Spe- cial prices on cockerels Guarantee 100 percent live delivery to^J^o"'' -station. $1.00 down, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham. On- tario. â- WE H.tVE THE FOI,I,OWI!VO chicks for Immediate delivery non- sex.ed: 700 Light Sussex X New Hampshlres, 400 Barred Rock X New Hamshlrea. 300 White Leg- horn, 600 Light Sussex, 50 Black Australorps Cockerels: 200 Barred Rocks, 150 White Leghorns, Also laying and ready to lay pullets. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergrus, On- tario . BARRED ROCKS A WHITE LEG- horns. Baby Chicks: Canada ap- proves three frrades: 1st. R.O.P. Chlcks.2nd, R.O.P. Sired Chicks. Srd, Approved Chicks. Wa sell the first two grades Breeding' stbck puli- orum tested. Call write or phone Slattery's Poultry Farm, Pickerlns. Ont. IB 22. AN ORDER NOW^ WILL ASSrRiB you of having the number and breed of Tweddle chicks you want when you want them to start a big profit- able 1947 sea.oon. An early order also protects you against price rise while giving you full advantage of anv drop In price before delivery. We ha-ve been in the chick business for 23 years . . proof In Itself that many satisfied customers reorder Tweddle Chicks year after year. AH Tweddle chicks are Approved, bred from Puliorum tested stock of proven reliability. All popular breeds or cross-breeds. Big produc- ers, big money makers. Send today tor free catalogue. Can supply chicks immediately. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, On- tario. BRnEDnV'G COCKERELS â€" R.O.P. Barred Rock cockerels, large, vigro- Vous, Individually pedigreed. C. Ross Found, Cannington, Ont. MONKTOX POULTRY FARM chicks. You buy baby chicks for ono reason. To receive dividends on your Investment, you must be cer- tain where your money Is invest- ed. We offer you baby chicks from a Poultry Farm with every breed- er pullorm tested and government banded. Tal;e advantage of our early order discount. Write for our 1947 prlceli.=t and cat.tlogue. JIONKTON POULTRY FARMS. MO NKTOX, ONTARIO. GOOP CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst of Joll- ette. Que., says about our chicks: April 30. 194G â€" "The 208 chicks re- ceived In splendid condition, not one dead and only one died since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received and I have been handling chicks for over 40 years." Order now and get the best. Here are our prices. Barred Rock Mixed, $12.00: Pullets, $21.00: White Leg- horn, Mixed, $12.00: Pullets. S24.00: White Rock Mixed. $15.00 Pullets, $25.00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, $14.00: Pullets, $J5.O0: v Hybrids r.ock-Red Mixed, $12.00: Pullets, $21 00; Hybrid Leghorn-Rock Mix- »d. $12.00; Pullets. $25.00. You also ret free cnlcks. Ooddard Chick Hat- ihery. Britannia Heights, Ont. i.'HICK IIUYKRS. DON'T MISS IT. Lirge 1947 calendar, twelv,.< pages, three colors, thirty illustrations. Tells how to succeed with I'lsher chicks. Free on request Fli'her Or- chards, Freeman, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE With everv order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Barred Rock Pullets $:'1.95 White Rock Pullets $25.95. White Leghorn Pullets $24.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets $23.95: Red- Rock Hybrids. $21.95. Leghorn- Rock Hybrids. $25.9.'>. All chicks sold are from bloodtested stock, hack by high pedigreed stock. $1 0" books you rorder Balance C.O.n. (Juaranteed Delivery Kent Hitch- ery, Chatham. Ontario HEAVY COCKERELS W.OO PER 100. Hollywood lojrhorn pullets $26.00, Rock. red. Sussex and Hy- brid pullets $22 00 per 100. P.ig Hus- ky guaranteed to live chicks from ♦ hloodtested puUnrom free hens. Chicks sired by 2SO-300 egfc male.", with high egg records for p.'ist ten generations. Their Inherited egg laying ability added to their extra health and vigor make them the best chick bsrgain for 1947. Write for early order discount and free calendar, or order direct from this ad. we can make Immediate ship- ment (luring January and Febru- ary. Big Rock Farm, MlUe Roches, Ont.. ("an. -â-  FARM FOR S.AI.E nVEINfJ AND CLEANINn HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your nuestlons. Department K. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontario .4M A«'RK DAIRY- FARM FOH Tinle In Orenvllle County. Hydro, waler In barns, creek and never falling well, good hams and out- buiUUngs. stable for TO he.td cat- tle. 10 horses. ISO hens. 123 hogs, 250 acres cultivation, balance hard and soft woo>l. Sell with or without rstork and eouloment. Reason for s-UIn". othe- Interests. Box IJl, TJ Adelaide W., Toronto. 3 FARMS FOR SALE, ALL H.4\'E GOOD buildiOKS and acres of bush. Will f-vih.inKe nny one for bungalow In oily. A. K. Shaw, Mount Forest, III!. J. Ont. FOR SALE ATTR.MIO.V FARMER!* FOR S.ILF. TUAC'l'OK TIRES, miide of rubber, suitable for bolt- ing on steel wheels, $10.00 each. rear wheels: $5.00 each, front wheels. When ordering state diam- eter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltdi, 5 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ont. IIARN KOK SALE, M> by «.%• WITH 18 ft. posts. In good condition. Any- one in need of building material should see this barn. Fred Hender- son. R.R. 1, .Sebringville, Ont. COLLIE Pt'PS, HORN HEELERS, S months old. Males $10.00, females $5.00. Females trained for cattle $15.00. One Shepherd collie guaran- teed cattle dog. $35.00. 1 fox hound working, $23.00. 1 German Police guaranteed watch dog. $35.00. Ar- chie Brenneman, R.R. 1, Bright. Ontario. ESTABLISIUBD Tl'RKKY' FARM on paved higfliway equipped for one thousand birds. Close to cities and towns, with excellent retail sales. Box 130, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. FRED AND CHOPPING MILL IN centre of best farming county In Ontario. Situated on siding. Dolnic steady large volume business with unlmlted opportunities for expan- sion. Apply Box 129, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. FOR SALE: ONE GOOD W^ALKER Fox Hound. F. F. HoUlngsworth, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. PINK G-HYHRIDS â€" GROW E.T- tra bushels of big. scund ears: blg- ?er tonnage of silage. Farm proved or your aoil, moisture, maturity conditions. Free: Strain Circular imd Funk Corn Guide: tells true, interesting research story behind Funk G-Hybrids' high yields, standability. Insect-disease resist- ance. Write today. James Grant 9c Son, Cottam, Ontario. GPARANTEED FIRST ClU.tLITY leaf tobacco. Large Red or Ha- vana. 0.84 cts. per pound: ObourST or Rose Quesnel, 0.94 cts. per pound; Small Canadian. $1.20 per pound. Shipped postpaid. Specify It mild or strong wanted. N. Landry & Co., 3127 St. Catherine St., East, Montreal, Que. ••Ll'MlNOrS HOVSE NL"MBER9" Glows In the dark. 23c per num- ber. Postpaid. Easily attached. A. Kraraer, 414 Avenue N., Brooklyn, N.Y.. U. S.A. ^^^ NEWEST TYPE OIL-nfRNERS, Radios, parts and test equipment â€" information for stamp. Economy Distributors, Kingston, Ont. NEW ."5/8 JOHNSON GASOLINE Engines. $47.10. Electric Lighting Plants JS2.50. Immediate Shipment. Currey Bulmer, Eglington & Bath- urst. Toronto MOTOR LAUNCH FOR SALE RON HARBOUR PATROL CRAFT No. 14, Length 48' 8", Beam 13' 0", Depth 6 ft. 8 Ins, displace- ment 11 tons, Engine â€" twin ster- ling "Patrol" 430 B.H.P. Good con- dition â€" used very little. Present owner willing to sacrifice. Rlcnard E. Dwor, c/o Dwor Metal Company, Port Colborne, Ontario. ^^ PERCIVAL WALKING PLOWS AND REPAIRS PERCIVAL, a name well known to plowmen, has been absent from the implement field" for- the last few years. In an attempt to revive It, we began In a small way during the last year to manufacture these plows and repairs from the original Perclval Plow patterns. Encourag- ed by the response, we wish to of- fer again this year this popular line to Canadian Farmers. From experience gained during war pro- duction, we have formulated a new alloy metal to Increase the wear re- sistance of our plow points. Insist on Perclval Chromalloy Points for longer service. Enquiries are Invit- ed from Farm Implement Dealers. Farmers, contact your Dealer or write to us for Information. Mer- rickvllle riow Company. Merriok- ville. Ont. PLASTIC EXPF.RIMEXTSf PLEXI- Klas sheets, all sizes and colors. Exp-^rimental kits. $3.00 and $3.00. Kidder Manufacturing Co., 7ii Duke, Toronto. SCOTCH COLLIE I'VPPIES BY Champion Worlhv Joe O'Thrums. mid-February delivery. Registered male or female, twpnt.v five dollars. Pictures and pedlcree upon re- quest. Ordt'r row. Kaarina Collies. Highland Creek. Ont. SHOTCa >'. TOI'I'FR, !«-(.; \l OF. slnirl<> s'lrit. S!.".i: Steven^ 410 re- peater. $!t4.''."' Miissherg C.I. 22 re- peater. »t3. .>!''. Lewis Hard«-are. 1074 Bloor \V.. Toronto. TIRES We are overstorVorl nt the present of good used tr.nde-tn fires firviar- anteed 'o be in e-f"lient sh.me). 600 X 16 $5.00 AH order, shipped rnn i=neclpl equipn'ent for vulc'nizlnp Ti'u,'!: .ind Farm Trncfor Tiroj. nP.VCON TTRI' corner Oiieen and Vnrk Sis.. HAMIT.TOX. Ontario. 0>T\'Tt»O'<» MOST MOOPUN EOllPPF.n TIRE SHOP n.'WOA' wooniiRinr.p:. n i v E R frontage, one acre, sit bouses .'Shows 1."% voarlv nrofif. rriced for nuid; p.ale. Steivnrt Mercer Re.\1tor. Dundas St.. Toronto. JC. 4 â-  1 .". KAlRDRrsSI>T. l.E\n\ n X'RnRKSSlNG THE Rol>ortson method. Informfft'on on rconest ree-ardiner cln.ose*!. Robert. Slip's Ha'rdres<=lne .V'-adeitiy. 137 .Vvenne Rond. Toronto HELP WA\TKI> w.\>TFu T> l"»'Ts A\i> «;ni'.s f.ir of'i.-e work. \nnlv T'veddle ("hick Hatcheries Limited. FerBU^ Ontario. HOrsFKEEPKIR. >'0 01«.»F<"1''0-V to small children. I'ox 102. R.l!. 2. Norval. Ont. GOLD GLOVE LIMITKU. I-RPS- cott has n .1ob for you. Good waire« and conditions. Learn a trade. Write for information. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and »th- lele'e foot, will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE ILOO PER JAR Send Post PVe* on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES ••$ Queen St. R. Corner of Lofan Toronto MEDIC'.tL DI.YOX'S REMEDY' â€" FOR NEUHI- tls and Rheumatic Pains. Thou- sands Hatisfled. Munro's Druv Store, 333 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. TREAT VOL'RSF.LF AT HOME with electro-magnetism for Arth- ritis, Rheumatism, Insomnia, Vart- co.-^e Veins and other circulatory ailments. Free explanatory pamph- iet.« from CoopeRemedles, Yonge Street, Toronto. PREENATO.IJE KRALTH SALTS positively does relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism. Painful swollen Joints reduced no matter how long; you have suffered. Months supply $1.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118. Vancouver. B.C NAMELESS COLD REMEDY for the pa.9t 48 years, has relieved t'lousnnds of sufferers of Sinus, Hayfever, Asthma, Catarrh Deaf- ness. Trial prepaid $1.00. Purity Products. Exeter. Ontario. READ THIS â€" EVKHT SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon'n Remedy; Mun- ro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Otta- wa. Postpaid $1.00. MI'SICAL INSTRPMEJITS FRED T. nODDINGTON Bim. sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. Ill Church. Toronto 2. Mt-'SICAL INSTnl'MW11*rS RE- palred and . re-flnlshed Violins ex- pertly repaired. .For sale. Tenor Guitar, like new. Price $SS.M. For particulars write, A. C. MieSarvey, Orrvllle. Ont. OPPORTCNITIES FOH WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSTNG SCHOOLS 338 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St, Hamilton & 74 Rldeau Street. Ottawa. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO E-tTCRY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada PATENTS FETHERSTONArCH A COMP.ANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King 'West, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING O E F O R B Christ." Wonderful book free. Me- giddo Mission. Rochester. 11, N.T. FCN CARDS, MEN. SEND lOe FOH set of 12 cards and catalogue of novelties, sundries, etc. Paris Co., W 312. Mclntyre Building, Winni- peg. Man. FOREIGN AND AMERICAN POSI- sitions await Interested persons. 1947 copyrighted listing covering thirty major fields. One dollar to sincere applicants. Boston Trading Company. Dept. Y, Box 332, Boston 1. Massachusetts. STI'TTERING â€" CORRECTED MY- self completely. Anyone should easily. Inexpensive proven Instruc- tion. Hew Fleming, 317 Homer, Vancouver. WORRIED .AUOl T MONEY. New Folio shows how to get out of Debt and save. Costs 50c. Research 443 Walker Bldg.. Boston, Mass. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING MASSAGE â€" ^ profes.=ion that is not over- crowded and one which offers fi- nancial security. Complete training in nine month*: VETERANS being trained through D.V..^. CANADIAN COLLEGE OF MASSAGE »7 AVENUE ROAD SlITE .A-3 TORONTO PHOTOC.H.ll'HY GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE ADy Slie Rollâ€" fl or R Expnsorpa DEVELOPED AXD fRIlVTFn iV .1 MOUNTED E!VL.%R«EMEjrTS •J.'Sc Size 4 X 6" In Easel mounts. Hand Colored and Framed Fnlari;emei'ts at special prices OEIT M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE II0.1 (211, Peel orfl<-r A, I'arOBto Pr'n' Vame arid Addre.as Plainly COMET PHOTO SERVICE Quicli Mail Service, work guaran- teed. 25c per roll. Reprints 3c each. 5x7 coloured in folder mount. 75c Box 6. Postal Station l^ Toronto. vnv.y. â€" 4x0 imii.LiWT ex- larnement with o.a.-h roll of film sent to us for pri>co..isin,tc. 6 v 8 ex- posures 2.')c coin. I'.ireful fini.'<hing by experts with 12 year.i experi- ence. Send to \vn ^VakeMne^. Photo Finishers, I">ept. II, 211 IHindas St.. London. Ont. STAMPS FROM t'OLLECTlON STARTED 181*'; can supply following Canada Postage Stamp.s. 80 different 30c. 210 different J3.0ii. c;. .>?. Smyth. 110 Balmoriil South. Hamilton, Ont. ST.4MI' «OLLEt'TORS IIAUWAIX 100 all dii'feront. worldwide packet, only 23c. Tr.v our e-'onom.N" anprnv- alrt too. Po'v â- .^. 4.** Dowood. To- roMt .>. as MONTY AND STAUN GoMralistima Stalia entertaina Fitld Mar«hal1 Benurd Montgomery, Chief of the British Imperial General Staff at the Kremliii during Montgomery's Moccotr vi«t. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ======== ("A Six Bit Critic'^ ====== You've all heard the very an- cient one about the man who took a trip through the Thousand Is- lands, then went to the Steamship Company demanding a refund of his fare on the ground that he had done some counting and found two or three islands" short of the full tally. Well, we are happy to report that this same spirit of healthy skepticism still persists among our modern athletes: although, it the incident wasn't vouciied for by a strictly veracious friend of ours, we would have put it down as just another gag. * • • Anyway, while paying a visit to Hart House shortly after the New ^ear, our friend noticed a young University of Toronto undergrad indulging in some rather mystifying antics at the bottom of the gym- nasium swininiing-Iank. .\t first he thought the swimmer was in difficulty, possibly danger; but when the latter arose to the sur- face his explanation was simple. He had received, as a Christmas gift, one of these Eversharp fountain pens that are supposed to function under any and all conditions, and was merely doing a little checking up to see whether or not he'd been gypped. Just for the record, we are glad to say that the pen per- formed perfectly under water. * * * Chicago Black Hawks knocking off Montreal Canadiens two nights in a row is really something for the book â€" the kind of thing which, if it had occurred on a race track, would have called for saliva tests galore, to say nothing of a careful fr^uking of all the jockeys on sus- picion of carrying hand-batteries or other electrical fixtures. * * m But. of course, nothing of that sort could possibly happen in the pure and noble sport of hockey; and the truth of the matter Is pro- bably tl'.at those Montrealers have slipped a whole lot farther than most of us suspect, and from pres- ent indications might keep right on slipping. Right now. unless they should happen to meet in the open- ing round, we wouldn't be too greatly shocked to see Toronto ilaple Leafs and New York Ran- gers tangling for tlie Stanley Cup. * • * Still, that doesn't mean that .vou should .no broakiiig any legs at- TRArriNG MIM\ - h'0\ - WOLF THAITERS, trap for honntj' year rottt'd with he."! If land scent system money can buy. Particulars free. A E. Fisher, r.of <20. CalRary. Alberta WAXTKI) C.\M1' !41'!'E OH C-VMI" OX W.ITER. Fishin.L". ituntin.t:. l<,>ad or water connoctinn. Ali casli. S. tlardiner. It.n. ;>. l.oi-rton WAXTED â€" ALL KINDS OF dre.«.«ed poultry. Top prices for top birds. los-ph Cooper Limited, Poul- try Peot . 2034 Danforth Ave., To- ronto fi. (We do custom gradlnr). .STE.l.M EXIilM? IN GOOD VSE- nble condition. Send description, lo- cafioti atid host cash price to Dox IL'S T:; Adelaide W.. Toronto. ISSUE 4â€" 19'»7 tempting to get a wager down on that prediction, as we are quite capable of changing our alleged mind half a dozen times before the playoffs finally arrive. But, no fooling, it very much looks as if those Rangers are on their waj', and that all the hard work^^rankie Boucher has been doing on them ir at last producing results; al- though, at that, -ivhen you consider that they have been drawing sell- out houses with teams that should have been charged admission to the rinks, why he should have la- bored so hard is something we never expect to know. « » * Boston Bruins just don't appear to have it any longer and, except for brief flashes when the Kitchener-Waterloo trio are on the ice. can be a trifle painful to watch at times. From where we sit, it looks as tho'jgh .\rt Ross has neg- lected to keep up with present-day trends, and has failed to notice that, as the game is now played, speed and condition â€" especially condition â€" have it all over any other quali- ties like a tent. In Modern hockey it isn't true that youth will be served â€" youth doesn't wait to be served, but goes and helps itself. Lower Wool Clip The total Canadian wool clip in Canada in 1946 was 13,700,000 pounds which ^vas about 500,000 pounds below the 19-15 clip. It is estimated that the 1947 clip will be below that of 1945 by about five per cent. Instanline FAST RELIEF ( headache/ J fy IAW.ETS jrij ' •* omr •<*^ DKucsroiifS HONOR EDISON The new three-cent postage stamp reproduced above -will commemor- ate- the 100th anniversary of tke birth of Thomas A. Edison. It wil be placed on "first day" sale on hJa birtiiday, Feb. 11, at his birthplace. Milan, Ohio. British to Blow Up Helsfoland Fortress .\ British naval officer said re- cently the great German island fortress of Helgoland would be blown up about March 31 in a blast he said would be "the nearest rival to the atomic bomlj." The IJ miles of tunnels in the fortress will be crammed with naval depth charges and blown to oblivion in one "big bang", the of- ficer said. Helgoland, formerly a British colony, which was ceded to Ger- many in 1380 in exchange for Zan- zibar, was developed by the Ger- mans into one of the most power- ful naval fortresses in tlie world. When You Think of SEEDS or FEEDS Think of KELLEY FEED & SEED CO. 778 Dovercourt Rd.. TORONTO â€" ONT ITCH CHECKED in a Ji/ftf •OP Monex Back For quick relief from i tchingr caused by eczem*. athlete's loot. scabies, jnmpTes and otheritchin* conditions, um pure, cooling, medicated, liould D. O. Ih PftCSCRirnOlC Oreascies* and â- tainless. Sootbes. comforts and quicLiy calnt Intense itciilne. Don't siiXier. .^jlc your druKaiM yxUr for O. D. D. PIKSCmmON.^^ Hew to Combat RHEUM ATKRUN Rheumatic ptini mti often be caused bf •zceu uric icid t blood impurity that ihould be extracted by the kidne.r*. If kidneys fail, and exceu uric acid remains, it mar cauae severe discwifort and pain. Treat riicumatic pains by keepinf your kidneys in good condition. Get and us* I>odd's Kidney Pills. Dodd't help your kidneys get rid of trouble-making poisoiis and excess acids â€" lielp you feel better. Sae what Oodd's can do for you. 137 WHY SUFFER FROM ilfctil^-COLDS GRIPPE, PERIODIC PALAIS When You Can Have Glorious Relief IN 7 MiriUTES v/TH BUCKLEY'S CINNAMATio CAPS.UUS HOW YOU CAN GET QUICK RELIEF FROM SOftE, PAINFUL PILES I fry • Pr9;e*«4o«MJ UoAA Think of it! An internal treatment that gires quick relief from ihe itching irritation and burning, [xiinful soreness of piles. Piles nrc caused by iniemal conditions. No lastinp freedom from pile misery can be had until you relieve the cause. And the cause is ^^r^iR,^â- AL! So the best way to treat your sore, painful [>ites is with an internal treatment [ike Heniroid. Hemroid is a formula that has been used for ova- 40 vcara by thousands of pile sulTcrers. It ift a small, highly concentrated tablet which dtrects its medical action to the relief of the congestion that is the real cause of all piles. Hemroid wakes up your lazy liver and gait ; bladder, promotes free. eas)r and comfortable ] bowel movements, relieves itching and burn- j ing and simulates better circulation of blood in the tower bowel. Hemroid suikes right at j the cause of your pile tmuble quickly and effectively. We invite >^ot- to t^-y Hemroid and let it prove itself. Yo» can m^.' your l*^i m the pri\'ac>' of you f.n homo, without cost if you are nr' q- ..ly vipced tha here at last is an hm'ngty easy rn' urpnsingiy effective mcthcK. of t-ea n<T your sore. ;>aiiuul piles. Get a podcBge of Hemroid todny at any drug store. L'so it for three or four days. If you are not dd- hied with i: go gci your money back. NOTE: Th« sponsor of this nottrn is an old roHablt llmi doini business in CaiiKU (or o' r 20 ystrs, HMnroid must he(p your sore, pa ' il k<<^^~inustito tt quickly, fsaily and plMsaniiy or your own test of this r»martcat)ly succes^hii (ormula costs you nothing TiyUtodai; MUTT AND JEFF â€" and those three round things are not grapefruit 7 By BUD FISHER W.'IATS TKE MATTER, MUTT? / I LCSTTcN Vi HAVCN'TTEM Vou WILL?* GOSH.'- Vou'Re A RSALPAL, JEFF m^ *^ HERE Vou AReTo^'â„¢'"^'^^ \ <^^^. 'JEFF.' LEND ME MUTTM GOT yOEFF.'Vou'RE fiv;e MORE.' I WAMT A PAL. jQ 3hq^ Trtg Sweet . WOMAN I WON' r^^ > %.

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