Flesherton Advance, 11 Nov 1942, p. 8

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.Wednesday, November 11, 1942 THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE 'MM! MMMIIMIMMIMi CREAM There is a big demand for butter and prospects for higher cream prices are in sight, so special care should be given to your milch cows this time of the year. We suggest: Stabling during cool nights. More grain feeding. This will undoubtedly pay you well. POULTRY We are in the market to buy large quantities of both live and ressed poultry. Get in touch with us when you are ready to market your poultry. Please avoid selling moulty birds, because they ] dress as "C" grade. The Creamery will be closed from now on Wed- nesday evenings and Thursday afternoons. Open Saturday nights. Flesherton Creamer; & ProduteCo. Angus Avis, Manager : Phone 66 * OFFICERS OF C.G.I.T. The C.G.I.T. held their annual election of officers on Tuesday even- ing of last week, resulting- as follows: Assistant Leader, Jea n McTavish; Past President, Agnes ,'MacMillan; President, Marjorie Braekerthury; Vice-Prosident, Janette Haas; Sec- retary, Evelyn McTavish; Treasurer, Lois Sparks; Pianists, Francis Buch- anan, Matel Chard; Song Leader, Genevieve Milne. Initiation of new members will be held at the next meeting. Some Toronto shops are reported to be lighting; their windows with gas. The return of the tallow candle is only a matter of weeks. Mrs. Kate McArthur (By Priceville Reporter) A host of friends mourn the loss of a highly esteemed and .worthy citizen in the person of Mrs. Kate McArlhur, who passed away on Sat- urday evening in Priceville. She was fcorn in Priceville and spent her entire life here. She was the daughter of the late John and Catherine Simpson and was 83 years of age. Mrs. McArthur was of a kind and loving disposition. Her diligence, kindness and upright- ness v,on the deepest reaped from all who knew her. She was a mem- ber of St. Andrew's Church, Price ville. She took a keen interest and active part in Red Cross work and made nearly sevently quilts, along with many other articles. A year ago on November 7th, she underwent an operation in Owen Sound and aibout five weeks ago again took ill and although under the doctor's care and receiving all possible attention from her sisters and daughters and Nurse Smith of Feversham, she passed beyond the aid of all human care into the hands of a loving Father. She leaves to mourn, two sisters, Miss Margaret Simpson and Mrs. E. Wright of Priceville, and two daugh- ters, Jennie CMrs. Donald Camplbell) and Myrtle (Mrs. Geo. McLellan) of Niagara Falls, who is at present ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Campbell. Tho funeral is being held this Tuesday afternoon from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Campbell, to Mc- Neill's cemetery. Mr. Paul Rumba!) will have charge of the service. Deepest sympathy is extended to all the sorrowing ones. Wartime restrictions beset us on every side. First no cuffs on the pants, and now no pants "on the cuff.' 1 For Value and Best Assortments SHOP AT HILL'S FOR YOUR WINT ER NEEDS- ALWAYS THF LATEST FOR LESS f T X % Local and Personal LADIES' WINTER ^ Ladies' Fine Quality Fall and Winter Coats; regardless of what you may wish for in a new coat, you'll find it here among these luxury woollen, and many of them are richly furred in popular furs and priced to suit anyone. CHILDREN'S Fur-Trimmed COATS Through a special purchase, we are able to offer these lovely fur-trimmed coats at a big saving. Nice heavy ma- terials in rich fall shades and all well lined, sizes 7 to 14 yrs. $6.95 to $12.75 GIRLS' SKI SUITS Made of nice quality blanket cloth in two or three piece, some very nice colors with zipper fronts, size 3 to 14 years $6.75 to $9.95 LADIES' DRESSES New materials, new fall styles, full range of sizes; what a grand selection awaits thrifty shoppers. Dressy styles in new crepes, etc. You will be thrilled with new coloring. Priced .... $3.95 up MEN' OVERCOATS Our range of overcoats is now com- plete, including new tweeds and mel- tons. Several different styles to choose from; full range of si/.c-s. Priced at $16.50 up NEW SWEATERS Raglan style, brush wool sweaters in several different combination colors. There is service and warmth in this popular style . sweater. Full xipper front, sixe 36 to 44. Special $3.95 NEW RED HUNTING JACKETS Made of bright red niackinaw with double breast and collar of dark green and black; full zipper front; makes a erviceable warm jacket. Special $6.50 Men's Horsehide WINDBREAKERS Made of good quality horsehide and lined throughout with mackinaw, two slash pockets and full zinper front, sizes 38 to 46. Special $12.75 NEW SWEATER COATS Knit in blue and grey small check without collar and button front. Special $1.69 BOYS' BREECHES A good assortment to choose from in tweeds and plain colors; just the thing for tough wear, sizes 6 to 14 years. Pair $1.95 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! School Girls' Tan Oxfords with three brown eyelets and wedge leather heel ; will stand tough wear, sizes 3 to 8. Price $2.25 Infants' Boots, Blucher style, in white or elk color with cushion leather sole, sizes 2 to 5. Special $1.49 Child's Boots, Blucher style, with leather cushion sole, wedge heel, in white or elk color, sizes 4 to 7 l /i. Special $1.75 SMART TARTAN PLAIDS What fun to stitch these beautiful plaids into school togs, skirts, jackets or dresses. They are closely woven, slightly napped, 36 in, wide. Special per yard $1.45 LACE TABLE CLOTHS Tuscan colored, beautiful in con- trast to your polished table. Made from (irmly twisted ecru cotton, wash- es easily, 54x54 $1.89 also large Cloths up to $6.95 STORE HOURS 9 o'clock to 6 every day, except Saturday 9 to 11 p.m. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ontario Mrs. W. Boyd is visiting in To- ronto at present. Mrs. F. J. Thurston is visiting htr sister, Mrs. C. Fishleigh, Chatham. Aircraftman Bob Banks of Toron- to was home on Sunday. Mr. Jim Thurston of London i visiting at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Loucks spent a couple days last week at Chatham. Mrs. J. Cargoe is visiting members of her family in Toronto. Aircraftman Wes McCracken of Trenton spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. John McKee spent the week end at Hamilton and Toronto. "Mrs. Alex. McDonald of Toronto spent the past week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto spent the week end at their cottaige. ' Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigoe of To- ronto visited last week at the home of Ab. Stewart. Mrs. Mark Fawcett and children of Collingwood spent the past wek with her mother, Mrs. R. Ferris. Mr. Jas. Wilson of Owen Sound is in town recovering from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Stewart McRae left on Mon- day to report in Toronto for military duty. High winds Tuesday nig-ht ushered in another taste of winter and by this Wednesday night several inches of snow had fallen. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Croft and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Everette Croft and son of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Uig^ar of Pickering and Clarence Williams of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mrs. Partridge returned to Toronto with them. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Perigoe and daughter, Mary Kay, of Malton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton of To- .onto were week end visitors witL Mr. and Mrs. A'b. Stewart. Dr. Leslie Ferris of New Liskeard spent tfhe week end in town. Mrs.. Ferris and little daughter returned with him, after spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sloan, and other relatives. A tag day was held on Saturday for the Poppy Fund and more than 2250 poppies were disposed of in Flesherton, where the response was very gratifying. Misses Evelyn Mc- Tavish, Janette Haas a nd Lois Sparks were the taggers. Mrs. F. Keys' parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Clarkson of Toronto, and her sister, Mrs. Jas. Sinclair of Tweed, with Masters Ronald and Jimmie, were visitors at the Baptist Parsonage on Saturday. Other week end guests included Miss Eleanor Davidson of Owen Sound. Mr. Frank Inrig, Toronto, and Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Burritt of Brampton. Mr. Walter Russell of the O.A.C., Guelph, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell, on the East Backline. Walter re- turned last Thursday from (Maid- stone, Sask . where he had sipent a month assisting with the threshing of grain. He reported the weather very bad for threshing and was only able to spvnd nine and a half days , at that work. British Army Clerk Turns Fighting Soldier Army clerks and other men doing non-combatant duties in the British Army go through a course of real- istic battle training, emerging as tough, bronzed, fighting men, ready to lay down -pen and take up gnn or grenade at a moment's notice. They make assaults through water, over barbed wire and high walls, under fire from live ammunition and in full fighting kit. All troops will be fit to be shock troops when "the day" conies. Picture Shows: A British army clerk proving himself a fighter Tackling a pile of bomb debris with finger ready crooked to tommy gun trigger. ANNUAL MEETING 0. & A. Co-Operative will be held in the TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON SATURDAY, NOV. 14 at 2.00 p.m. sharp from Toronto headquarters will be present to address the meeting. All shareholders and their families are urged to attend and discuss the business and future of the store. A patronage dividend of 2% on grain and 3% on all other merchandise and eggs will be paid. Slips are to be turned in before Dec. 31, 1942 F. R. OLIVER, President. R. ALLEN, Secretary Small Ad. Column FOR SALE 10 young pigs. Cecil McKechnie. Flesherton. 24cl FOR SALE Box stove, nearly new, iiK'iliuiu sire. .Mrs. John Oliver, R. R. 3, Priceville. 24p2 WANTED Horges and cows u. for mink fed. John J. Meads Prkevtlte, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE New Hampshire cock- erels, live or dressed Geo. Arm- strong, Flesherton. 22c2 FOR SALE 6 Yearling cattle and two 2-year-old steers. F. Duckett, R. R. 4, Flesherton. 22p2 FOR RENT 100 Acres of farm land. J K. McLeod. Ceylon. R. R. No. 1, phone 40r4. 24c3 WANTED Aged animals suitable for fox or mink feed. Bert Mc- Intosh, Eugenia, phone Feveraham 5 r 25. 22p4 FOR SALE Lot with good baruA Collingwood St., also quantity of hay Dr. J. E. Milne, Fksherto*. WANTED Horses and cows At fr mink feed. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone -llrS. FOR SALE 7-Room house and 2 lots on Toronto St., Flesherton, good barn, well at door, cistern, cheap. Apply to Francis Genoe. R. R. 4, Flesherton. 24pfr NOTICE 10 Reconditioned piano* at Schuett & Sons (opposite the theatrt) Mt. Foreat; also new- Mason A Risch pianos; S floor* of new and used furniture. J. F. Schuett & Sons, Mt Forest. C. R. CHAPPLE DIES SUDDENLY IN ST. THOMAS HOSPITAL Clarence R. Cha/pple, teacher in the Flesherton PuMic School far niiH> yoars passed away in the St. Thomas hoRpit.nl on Thursday last, nfter only n day's illness. Ho was principal of Piitton high school, near St. Thomas, where he had gone this past Scptem- b>v. He left Flesherton a year ago and taught in Lucknow high school for one year. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, interment beinpr nvade in Meaford cemetery. A mmiiber of friends from Flesherton attended the funeral. Besides his wify he loaves one son, Allan, also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chappie, who reside nt Meaford. Much sym- pathy from friends here ar extended to the sorrowing family. rilmlMnjr the ladder to success would ho much easier if those just above you wore'nt continually kick- Ing you in the face. FOR SALE Spy and other good winter apples, also a few fall apples. Howard Graham, R. K. 4, Markdale, phone 6r2. 24p2 FOR SALE 10 Young pigs and General Purpose hors*. Kendal Stewart, Proton Station PO.. phone 2r4 Flcsherton. 22ci! FOR SALE 26 Purebred Hereford calves, mostly all s>teers, all T.B. tested, also Durham cow, 8 years old, due Dec. 6th, George Boyd, Flosherton. 24pt FOR SALE Purebred Oxford Down ram lambs; 7 yunr PHt. weaned; 18 double si/.r steel water bowls for cattle, complete with pipes, coupling*, regulating tank, etc. R. Allen & Son, Phone No. 45r21 Flesherton. 22c2 LOST Latter part of August be- tween Flesherton and Hanorer, box containing rust silk cushion top and bsck, also white silk article ami drem. sae 40. Finder plea** 1 v rito to Mrs. John HUtfrartner. Hanover, Ont. 22pC FOR SALE 7- room brick house n Flesehrton, large lot. arage, good well, must be sold . o settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrisit. Apply to John Stewart. Executor, Flesherton. 24|>4 FARM FOR SALE Lots 166-167. 1 aW., Artmwia, 100 acres, good land, weU watered, piece of bush and swamp; will sell reasonable.-JKrt. M. Thistlatirwmlte, Flesharton, Ont. 20pB BUSINESS CAR AUCTIONEER WM. KATTTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Onwty of Qr*f Farm and stok snlo* our tv. . reasonatta. guaranteed. Date \dvnce office. at DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham 81 Office hours; afternoon* S to 4Jt. Wednesday nd Saturday 7.SO to 10 p.m. No office hours on Sunday.

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