.Wednesday, October 14, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE CREAM Big Demand for Butter There is an exceptionally big demand for butter at the present, so special care should be given milch cows during this time of y'ar, in order to keep up production. We suggest :- Stabling during the cool nights. More grain feeding. This will undoubtedly pay you well. POULTRY Because of the scarcity of meats, poultry is much in demand. It is to your advantage to get your poultry in shape, and market as soon as possible. Thus, while you are receiving good prices now, you are also helping to maintain good prices late in the fall. We are in the market to handle large quantities of both live and dressed o -M'' y. Get in touch with us. Flesherton Creamer, & Produce Co. j In Memoriam Sarah Sparfing Orr, who entered into rest October 18th, 1941. Life is so wonderful, life auch as thine; Death cannot end it, dear mother of mine; Morning will come again, gilding the trees, Spring notes will sound again, sweet on the breeze. This is not dying, my brave mother dear, Thou art but climbing, out of the Here, Out of thy struggles and out of thy pain, Out where with Christ, Life will flower again. So, then good night, mother, only good night, Turn thy dear face, to the mansions of life; Life is so wonderful, Life such as thine, Death cannot end it; good night mother mine. Edith Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager ; >! *> MM*; Local and Personal : Wallpaper We have just received our shipment of 1943 pat- terns. Large range to choose from. 10% discount allowed on all other papers in stock. FALL CLEAN-UP SUGGESTIONS Floor Coverings, Blinds, Mattresses, Floor Wax, Furniture Polish, etc. RADIOS. We still have a limited supply of Electric and Battery Setts. USED FURNITURE. 6-piece Bedroom Suite, walnut finish; 3-piece Studio Suite, steel construc- tion, spring- filled, blue dover cloth covering; Wash Stands, etc. BENNETT & RICHARDS Home Furnishers phone 78 Flesherton An elderly man who had already married and buried font wives was to be married to a widow who had been previously married twice. On the invitations to some of his partic- ular friends he wrote: "Be sure and come; this will be no amateur per- formance. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. FOR SALE Battery radio, used 5 months, mantel model, new bat- tery, or will exchange for .lectric model. Art. Idle, Priceville. FOR SALE Durham cow, due to freshen Oct. 7th, also purebred Shorthorn bull. Robt. E. Gorley, Fugcnia, phone 74rll. 19p2 AUCTIONEER DUNCAN'S AUCTION SALE LIST Monday, Oct. 26th, Land Sale at Markdale. Tuesday, Oct. 27th, Wm. Morton, Wareham. Wednesday, Oct. 28th, Don Mc- Eachnie, Bentirvck. Thursday, Oct. 29th, Adrian Noble, Durham. Canadian Farmers: you have done well ! WARTIME PRODUCTION IS STILL GROWING! HOGS During the last J 'our years (Sept. 1 to Aug. 31) IBS. PORK IBS. PORK IBS. PORK IBS. PORK 396 551 759 838 You produced* MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS of this amount . . . I Exports Co our Allies 300 485 556 (mainly to Britain.) 2 Remaining for consumption in Canada. ** 17O MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS 226 251 274 MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS 282 MILLIONS * Inspected slaughter. !>>, not include pork products "-.. .1 on farms or sold direct Irnm farrm to consumers, small butcher shops, etc. ** Including iirmy mps, ship stores, slid Kcneril ui.nl distribution. The people of Britain want 20% more in the next twelve months than they obtained the last, and at the tame time Cqnadians want more. CATTLE During the in si fouryears(Selit,l to Aug. 31) 1938-39 ,939. - r i IBS. BEEF LBS. DEEF IBS. BEEF IBS. BEEF 502 482 534 61O You produced 41 MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS 1 I I'nic, to our Alliei (mainly to the U.S.A.) 2 Remaining for consumption in Canada." 102 86 MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS 128 MILLIONS 40O 410* 448 482 MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS Inspected tliuahtcr plus esporti (drcittd wtlflu I. IMV Doi not in. Imlr l.rri uicd on i n mi or told ilnr. from fir mi to tonsumtri, ..... 'it butcher shops, MC. " Including <" cimps, ship stores, >nd neril mail dliiribution. The United State* will take your surplus cattle and at the tame time Canadian consumers want more. MR. FARMER) You have increnl your Pork Production by 1 1 9 per cent. You have Increased you r Hi-ri Production by 20 per cent. You fed all the grain you had lat year. There is more feed grain in Canada thi year ili.m can be fed. There i a market for all the hoga and cattle that you can feed thia year. Average price* for hogj and cuttle during the coming year will be hiirner than the average for the pait year. W<- know that you will continue to produce all you can. Vcwr tplr*.ii.l uxtr ffftrl i$ tpprtciatfJ by <.<,.,.!., and tbt Uiiitfd Hationi. DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Honourable Jamei O. Gardiner, AUnufer CREDIT AUCTION SALE COWS, FEEDER CATTLE AND BREEDER EWES Major W. Turney left last week for Camp Borden for military service. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Boyd enjoyed a trip to New Liskeard last week. Mr. Ben Bellamy of Markham was borne over the holiday. Mr. Murray Stuart of Bracebridge is visiting his brother, Gordon, this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fisher and San- dra spent the week end and holiday at Owen Sound. Mrs. W. H. Thurston is spending a couple of weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. N. H. Durrant, at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson vis- ited over the holiday in Toronto with Mrs. J. Latvmer. This week we are forced to hold over a number of budgets of news of the surrounding district. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McTavish and son, Stewart, of Oshawa spent the holiday week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson of St. Catharines spent the week end visit- ing in town. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton and little son of Toronto are holidaying at their parental homes in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett and family of Hamilton were in town over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Teeter and babe of Toronto holidayed with the former's parents in town. Misses Dorothy VVelton and Ruth Turney spent the past week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Stone of Toron- to spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Phillips. Flesherton stores are closing on Wednesday nights, as has been usual during the past couple of vears, fol- lowing the summer season. Mr. A. B. "Poon" Clark of Toronto and Mr Bob Trimble of Wales, Ont., visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Phillips and other friends. Flying Officer C. J. Crossley of Belleville and Mrs. Crossley and John of Toronto the a couple of days with Mrs. W. Boyd. Mrs. G. L. White of Ayhner is spending u few weeks with her daughters, Mrs. E. Loucks and Mrs. F. J. Thurston, and other relatives. Miss l-inuna Smith of Hamilton and Miss Marion Thomas of Toron- to were holiday guests at the Bap- tist parsonage, "Cedarside." Mr. and Mrs. Stan Menzies of For- est and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting of Collingwood visitod over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs E. D. BunUuun and two children of Toronto visited over the week end and holiday with the former's parents. Mrs. Jas. Adams and son, Bruce, and Miss Wilson of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. John Adams and family. Mrs. Leslie Ferris and daughter of New Liske/ard are visiting the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan. Mr. ami Mrs. Jos. Lawrence of Variu-y visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. AU-x. Henderson. They also visited Mr. Henderson's brother, Bob, near Alliston. C'pl. Betty Tliurston, R.C.A.F. (Women's Division) has received a commission as Assistant Section Officer, and is taking n qualifying course tit Manning Depot, Jarvis St., Toronto. Betty has been statioiu.nl at No. 5 S.F.T.S. at Brantford for the pnst several months. Week end and holiday visitors with Mr. ami Mrs. T. J. Fisher were; Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Leeder, Miss Nathalie I'ntton. Mr. a ml Mrs. J. Scott and son, Jnhn, all of London; Mrs. I,ewis Broth well. Smith Falls; Misses Kthel and Hetty Rusk. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jni. Cjniwnidge and daughter, Lmirine, Mt. Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Aib. Blackburn, Miss Marion MoFail- yen, Mr. ami Mrs. Jo. Bull and Jos- nphine, Colltnurwood. GORDON STUART will sell by public auction at Stock Yards, Flesherton Station MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 HORSES Brown Mare, rising 7 years, in foal, 1600 Ibs. CATTLE Black Cow, 8 years old, freshened Sept. 15; Red Cow, 3 years, freshened Sept. 4; Red Cow, 3 years, freshened Sept. 28; Red Cow, years old, due May 10; Roan Cow, 9 years old, freshened Sept. 11; Roan Cow, 7 years old, freshened Sept. 12; Red and White Cow, 7 years, due March 7; Red and White Cow, 3 years old, due Jan. 10; Roan Cow, 7 years old, due June 16; Holstei Cow, 10 years oW, due Feb. 26; Red Cow, 9 years old, freshened Sept. 1; Red Springer, 9 years old, due Dec. 2. Red Heifer, 2 years old, due Jan. 16; Red and White Heifer, 2 year* old, due Feb. 5; Red Heifer, 2 yean old, due NOT. 20; Roan Heifer, t years old, due Jan. 4; Roan Heifer, 2 years old, due Jan. 16; Roan Heif er, 2 years old, due May 7; Red and White Heifer, 2 years old, due Oct. 16; also 2 Heifers 2 years eld, not bred; 5 Yearling Heifers. (The above cows and Heifers are supposed in calf.) The cattle listed above are the complete stock from one farm T.B. tested and gestation tables available. 15 Steers and Heifers, yan old; SO Oxford Down breeding Ewes; 12 young Pigs, 6 weeks old; 6 Shoats; several young Calves. SALE AT 1.80 PM. TERMS: 6 Months' credit will be given on joint notes approved by the Canadian Bank .of Commerce, Flesh- erton, bearing interest at 6%. W". F. McK AY, Auctioneer In reporting the launching of * ship this classic appeared in n marine magazine not long ago! "Completing n Impressive cffo- inony, the lovely daughter of tho f under smashed a bottle of chftm- piurnr over her stem n she silt! gracefully down the ways.'* Use Your A xes To Help Beat the Axis If You Have Timber Suitable for SAW LOGS It is your Patriotic Duty to take out all you can, now, when it is urgently needed for war material. We have orders to fill, and we must have logs in order to supply these vitally-needed materials We will buy your timber "on the stump," or cut into saw logs, and will pay the highest cash prices. Write BAXTER WRIPHT or Phone No. 3 Dundalk Saw Mills DUNDALK, ONTARIO Small Ad. Column MAN WANTED For fall plowing. C. Akins v R.R.3, Proton Sta. 18pZ FOR SALE Purebred Durham bull. 3 years old. also 13 good breeding ewes. Jas. Allen, Flesherton. FOR SALE Kitchen buffet, table and chairs, ivory and red. Mrs A. E. Goessel, Fleshurton. WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink feed. John J. Meads Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE Houml, runs deor or fox, 4 years old, excellent tongue. Thos. White, R. R. 3. Proton. FOR SALJS Oxford Down ram, H years old. Everett Blackburn, phone 46r2, Flesherton. 19c2 FOR SALE Oxford Down ram. yearling. Mnthias Williamson, Priceville. 15 STKAYED Black and white hound. Anyone knowing his whereabouts please notify Jim MeMullen, Fev eraham, phone 10rl3. 18c3 FOR SA1.K - Quantity of 16 in. and 18 in. hardwood; also registered Shorthorn bull, 4 years old. Fred Russell, phone S0r4 Markdalt. IX>ST l.nrire si*e wool horse blanket on Wed. Oct. 7. between Flesherton and Feverahatn. yellow in color. Leslie Chard, phone 42r2. Flesherton. 20cS FOR SALE Purebred Oxford Do>wr- rnm lambs, purebred Scotch Short- horn bulls and female*; 3-year-old Clyde mare. H. T. Grahnm. R. R. 4 Markdale, phone FOR SALE 7-room brick house main it., Dundalk, (rood well eisUra; stafclr suitable for hen house; extra lanjre ffardrn lot Mrs. J. E. Buckingham, Maxwell, Ont,, phone Fewrnhew 4rl4. WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink fed. F. Eagls. Protoa Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r3. FOR SALE Oxford Down ram, y old Stanley Magee, phone 74x4. Flesherton. IBcf FOR SALE House and property in Flesherton, large lot and stable. J. O. Dargavel. Flesherton. 17cJ FOR SALE Reoouditioned piano* and organs, also pianos and organ* tuned and repaired; satisfaetfem assured. J. C. Blackstone, 51*-8*b Street (A) Hast, Owen Sound phone 672. 16d FARM FOR SALS Lots 16-17, 2 N.D.R., ArtesMcfa. 100 acres, barn 60x45, newly roofed, also house: creek at back of farm. Mrs. R. Stewart, Fleshertoa, Oat FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16. Con. 1, S PR., Art* nu-sia. containing 100 nrrs, on whieft is situated a bank barn 45x55, alo a large driving shed. This property must In- sold to wind up estate. Thoa* interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Pricevffle, Ex teuton for the Mtate. 47e BUSINESS CARi>S AUCTIONEER WM. KAHTING LICBNSED AUCTYONKBB for the County of Grey Farm and steak aalee oir epee - ty. Term*; reaionnMe. Satft4o guaranteed. Bates arranged at The \dvaaev office. DR. J. E. MILNE Ode* UurHara St. Office houn : afteguim S to 7.30 to 10 p jn. Ne offte* hour*