Here's One Plant's Daily Output of Anti-Aircraft Guns \ I * A pretty sight for American eyes Is this symetrical line-up of Baton anti-aircraft guns covered and ready for shipment a typical day' production at tht Firestone <b* and Rubber Co. in Akron, Now in all-out assembly line production, the plant turns out 30 or more of these weapons daily. Have You Heard "Sure, and what a night it is!" said the Irishman at a party. "It's simply pouring." "You can't go home in that 4ownpour," remarked th* host. 'You had better stay the night with us." The Irishman disappeared and returned some time later soaking wet. "Where have you been?" asked the host. "Home for my pyjamis," re- plied the Irishman. The German! have ordered all copies of Shakespeara's works to be pulped. Before the war they acclaimed him a* a true Aryan dramatist, but now, as a humorist puts it, they've) discovered he isn't really Hitlerature. The very irate golfer stalked up r* the woman who was surround- ed by her offspring. "You must take your children way from here, madame," he laid; "this is no place for thorn." "Don't you worry," replied the wwnan pleasantly, "they can't iear nothing: new. Their father was a sergeant major." troop* and stopped to talk to OB* private. "How ar* thing* with jronT" he asked. "Oh, I can't complain, sir," an- swered the soldier. "I'll say you can't," agreed th* Fuehrer. Fed-up salesman I'm torry, madam, but wa ha** no shoes winch are smaH oa the outside and large oa ta* inside. What Science Is Doing Bobby: "A little bird told me what kind of a lawyer your father is." Johnny: "What did the bird say?" "Cheap, cheap." "Well, a duck told me what kind of a doctor your father is-l" The following taken from a petty cash book, is surely the world's shortest novel Advert, for typist, 2s.; typist's salary, 2; flowers, 5s; choco- lates, 7s. 6d.; typist's salary, 3; sweets for wife, 6d. ; Winnie's salary, 4; dinner and theatre for Winnie and self, 10, 10s.; fur coat for wife, 150; advert, for male typist, 2s. Magistrate: You >ay you were arrested while quietly attending to your business. What is your business? Prisoner: I'm a burglar, sir! Hitler was interviewing his GEOPHAGIA Many a homesick or sardonic Northern Negro, writing to South- ern friends, says, "Ship me a of good dirt to eat," Tim* servo*. Sometimes he means it. Even in the Yazoo-Missisaippi delta, Negroes and whites send requeit* to their upcountry friends for a bit of red clay, declaring that black delta soil i* "right bad eat- ing." In certajn parts of MissU- sippi, poor whites will walk mile* for a spoonful of dirt from a favorite bank of clay, because ft "tastes sour, like a lemon." In other sections of the South, some top their meals with a savorjr tablespoon of dirt, believing that it is "good for them," despite t** constipating effects. What makes people eat dirt? Two scientists at Mississippi State College, Doctors Dorothy Dicklii* and Robert N. Ford, think they know why: lack of iron in tfc* diet. Science News Letter r- ported some results of their 1- vestigation among 207 Negve school children in Oktibbeha Coun- ty, Mississippi. At least a quarter of the children admitted eathbV dirt. Most of the dirt-eater* had less of the iron-rich food, suoh as molasses, mustard greens, liver, in their diet than did tin nom- dirt-eaters. And as far a* the scientists could find out, the crav- ing for dirt (known as geophagia) has nothing to do with hookwor**, aa many doctors firmly believe, for hookworm is very rare in f eo- phagous Oktibbeha County. Gals and Guns Good Combination Oirl workers in tho "driver's seats" ( Bofor* anti-aircraft guns made at Firestone plant in Akron find the complicated weapons are easy to handle. Company employs hundreds of girl* hi assembly nd prtebk* *wk n the fUMi MODERN ETIQUETTE Uy Roberta La* 1. I* it correct for aa **. ployer to introduce hi* lecretairf to a caller by saying, "Mr. Jon**, thi* i* my secretary, Mi** Brown," or shouldn't he give tt* woman's name first, "Miss Browm, this Is Mr. Jones?" 2. What should be don* with the knife after using it for cut- ting food? 3. Should a guest ever join hi a family argument? 4. I* it absolutely required that a person give the reason for declining an invitation? 5. Is it proper for a mun to smoke a pipe at a formal affairt 6. What is the meaning of "elite," and how is it pronouncedt ANSWERS 1. In the business world, ta* most important person is mention- ed first, regardless of sex. S. Place the knife at the upper right hand edge of the plate, and oa the plate, never with the linndl* resting on the table. 8. Never. The g-uest must not take aide*, and if he can do so quietly and without notice, he should leav* the room or walk away. 4. It i* not obligatory that one do so, bt unless it is a very intimate reason, one should explain why, and with regret. Otherwise, the hoatoa* might resent a curt "Sorry, I can- not accept." 5. This i* some- times done, but it cannot be cal- led good form. 6. "Elite" 1* a noun, meaning the choice or *- lect part; especially a group or body considered or treated a* to- cially superior. Pronounce a-lot, a as in ate, a as in me, aecowk last syllable. HOW CAN I? Bj Ann* Askiy Q How can I save sugar wh**i making; white caka frosting? A. When making plain whit* frosting for a cake, add about two tablespoons of cornstar*h and use less sugar. This sarM sugar, and the frosting will *9- main thicker and softer. It k especially good for fruit cake*. Q. How can I repair a small leak in a water pipe? A. If the water pip* leak* ju*t the least bit, wind around the leak with some adhcsiv* tap* and brush over thii with sheHM. A small leak can b* very SUCCM*- fully mended in this manner. Q. How can I tell the differ- ence between boiled egg and a- boiled one* when they hav* be- come mixed? A. Spin the eggs on a tabs*. Th* boiled one* will whirl aronqd fast, but those that are raw wll make only on* or l.wo turn*. Q. How can I remov* suuUl liioces of soap that hava> woriM themselve* down into tb *JMk drain? A. Pour down some water t* m*k and wa*h e of soap away. Soap will not wa*t pipe*; u** waahlnf t'w that purpo**, M to*j> clog LUa pipe*. Q. What oan T do to ihat ha* beeomo *o d>id *** ft refuse* to tak* a pollskT A. Apply wifch a toft alofco a ! aolution made of thre* part* lin- seed oil to one part turpentine. After this, wipe with a cloth j which ha* been dampened with al- cohol, and let stand for a few minutes. The British Prime Minister, who also in First Lord of Ml* Treasury, receives a salary of j 10,060 a year. British Bomber Flics To Canada Folir-Englned Lancaster! Be Built In Canadt Ittmt of Britain'* mighty four- englned bombers to coma to tbi continent, a giant Avro Lancaster lauded at Dorval airport, Montreal, last week after a trans-Atlantic flight Freah from the production line* of a British factory, the Lancast- er was flown from England for demonstration In Canada where the latest edition of this multi- motored bomber will soon be built In quantity tor th* Royal Air Force. Captain of the aircraft wa* Clyde Pangborn, well-known Am- erican long-distance filar. He and bis crew were welcomed by Air Chief Marshal Sir Frederick Bow- hill, officer commanding the Royal Air Force ferry command in Mon- treal. Gum Loaded The Lancaster delivered to Can- ada carried full armament the. most formidable yet fitted in any bomber and capable of dealing with at least two enemy fighter* attacking simultaneously. Canadian Torsion of the Lan- aster will embody Improvement* represented In the latest model. Capt. Pangborn praised the Lan- oaster he piloted to Canada, say* log: "It handles beautifully Ilka a much lighter aircraft. It Is very manoeuvrable, and it takes off and lands very easily." He said the Atlantic trip wa* uneventful. The aircraft, carrying special freight, left Britain with a maxi- mum load of linn u than 60,000 pounds and no attempt was mad* to achieve an unusually fast crossing. Top Speed 300 Mile* According to recently published statements, the Lancaster carrle* a bomb load of eight tons. Tlio bomb compartment, 38 feet long, oan take the biggest bombs yet devised. It has a top speed of around 300 miles an hour while tts ranga Is 3,000 miles. The Lancaster Is a mid-wing, all-metal monoplane, powered by four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, producing 1,250 horsepower at 12,- 360 feet with lo-w gear super- charger and 1,175 horsepower at 31,000 feet with a high gear super- charger In operation. It has a wing pan of 102 feet, Is more than 69 fet long and 20 feet high. Armament Is formidable. It ha* 10 machine guns in four turrets in the nose, mid-upper and mid- under aud in the tall. The four tall guns are fed by long ammuni- tion tracks extending along the tide of the rear fuselage. All vital parts of the plane aro covered by half a ton of, armor plate either as integral parts of the structure or as additional pro- tection. Bison Roam Forest Areas In Poland Bison are usually associated with the Canadian prairies, but there are forest areas in Po- land where not only the bison roam, but where wolves and wild- cats live in tehir wild state say* The Windsor Star. When tho Nazis ordered more trees from Polish forests, Marshal Goering tepped in to preserve the hunt- Intf area* from the woodiman'* axe. He still likes to take timo off from the war to go shooting. Not only are the Nazis denud- ing Poland, but the Germans ar* trying to destroy the Polish race. Families have been broken up, with some members being sent to work in one part of Germany, while others are put at forced labor in other parts of the Reich. The Germans have never for- given the Poles for taking over some of the most valuable mineral areas of Germany after the last war. The plan to destroy Poland and the Polish people is an ef- fort to prevent that happening again. distress from MONTHLY*, FEMALE WEAKNESS I. y ill i\ X. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relievo monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps build up resistance against dlstreis of "dtffl- oult itnyit." Made In Ctm&U. GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO Ex-Lake Boat On War Assignment Detroit saw an airplana oarriar for th* first time last week, whim th* U. S. S. Wolverine, one* th* longest liner on the lakes, steam- ed proudly up. the river to her as- signment in the war. When she was the Seeandbea, of the Cleveland & Buffalo Tran- sit Company, the 500-foot ship carried as many a* 2,300 pas- sengers in a cruise to Mackinac Island, Duluth and Chicago. \'ow her staterooms and pro- menade deck* were gone, replaced by a huge flight deck that extend- ed at least 100 feet beyond the water line astern, and almost a* far forward of the bow. Her four funnels and the bridge had been SAP ES Protect your BOOK* unil 'ASH from Mill, and THIEVES. W5 hnve slae and type of Safe, u> Cabinet, for nny purpose. VIsU iiw. or write for prices, etc. ft Drpt. W. J.5CJ. TAYLOR u M ITU TORONTO SAFE WORK! 146 Front St. K.. Toronto I >l.-IMIUll.-.t 18B5 moved to starboard, leaving; tfc* flight deck clear. A* she passed Detroit, answer- ing salute* from craft on bo% side* of the river, three training plane* were in line on the deck and many more were in the hold. The Wolverine probably U tip only side-wheel aircraft carrle* te the world. It will be u*4 to train thousands of Navy in carrier tactics. FARM MACHINERY SALESMEN * You ran xllll make inoner even ir war wt- ... .n. - are making It ns- pomillile for you to *a ilrll\ i-ry of your line. This i.i> ,-i ii-.-r wanta a giaa* fnrtn machinery -nun (o : .-PI.M ni him ns loaaj distributor In evsrsil imii-i- territories. The fb. wlilrh run dovetail with your present "unr.-iiojB, Is Melllnu; to dealers a uae- fiil und profitable Item of farm machinery eijulB n. -in which retails at 9U to <- per unit. You will find 'hi- n \.-ry Interaat- || t proposition. Writ* llox ;>'. T.t Adelalac M. W., Toronto. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ACCOItUlUMS WAM'ED ACCORDIONS WANTED Rest prices paid for piano accordions. twelve to hun- dred und twenty bass. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Musical Instrument Department Toronto AUTOMOlllLKS I si. I) USED CARS WITH GOOD TIM8, See us first Ws will re- fund your cost of transporta- tion to Toronto, If you buy from ua. Mount Pleasant Motors Ltd. i :..-il Car Lots at 1650 Dauforth Avenue and 2(140 Yungs Street. Heud Office, 632 Mount Pleiuaqt Road, Toronto. Telephone High. land 2181. FOOT UAL.M ETC. l'-OR TIIHKMIKUMIC.N BUL/TIMU FOU THHESHBHMBH. KndlcsM thresher belts. u feeder canvas, pulleys, shuttles;, hangars, bearing'*, motors. SBCQ. lul Belting for truces. I Inch i- ply, IGc foot. All types of trans- mission supplies In stock for Immediate shipment at attractlr* low prices. Merchandise . teed und shipped subject to youi Inspection. Send your orders to THE YORK BISLTINU CO. 88 YORK STREET. TORONTO HAIIY CHICKS FIRST BRAY FALL, HATCH IH off. Chicks available now on .September 2Srd. Our Fall Ssrrlos Bulletin is ready If you haven't a copy, pleuse ask. You'll find It valuable. Plan with us for a !HK season ahead and Victory. Bray Hatchery. Ho John N., Hamilton. Ont. BOY WANTKD BOV WANTED, 17-19, ON LAROE. well-equipped farm. Muat have ability and experiencs. Btata wages expected. Apply to Lawr- ence Kerr. No. 3 Chatham. II A K 1C II V BAIJMEEKA FOOT BALM Jss offensive odor instantly, bottle. Ottawn -i-'cnt, Dem Drug Slcire. Ottawa. SALE: tr * 008 SCAUBOUOUUH TOWNKHIP miles from Toronto 150 acrss. Houses and 1 linrns. 110.004,1 Must sell to close estate. Pub! Trustee, OsnoudB Hull. Torontq^ I''IIKK CATAL.UGUB 5! CATALOCUE OF JU.BB Exciting books, ilev. TrrerS at \Vork on Murrlavs jEtala* FREE and (ireat lions, $2.49. SUPER MA DER, 57 Queen Stret Toronto, Ontario. rrlavs . IL W I'U'I'IIMI WAITED WANTED PUPPIES ALSO QRO\< DOKS. Hond particulars, tfann* Iii34 Qui'cii East. Toronto. STOKE] FOR SAL.H VILLA! iE STORE STOC .hv.-llinr,, fixtures. bftit otti good reasons for selling. Box I ! Aih-lnliU- W.. Toronto. I'Vl'KNTS FETHEUHTONHAUUH & COhU", Patent Solicitors. :;sntt>: 1SS0: 14 rtlng West, Toroi Booklet of Informulion on quest. i'.NI uad romL n 7 I'ATUNTX ril \ HI ' MAHK* BA-U.KHS' OVENS A.ND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terras arranged. Correspondence Invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co.. 101 Uatburst St.. Toronto. _ DYKING A CL.KANINC HAVE VOU ANYTHING NEBDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 79 1 Vonge Street, To- run lo. KXTKA CASH IN STARK TIME: ANYONE TAN SEL.I, UOOUWHJ.. Christmas Cards In beautiful gift boxes at 36 cents to $1.00 per box. You make up to half of selling price. Send for price Hat and free Personal Album of ex- quisite designs, some with mili- tary crests at 18 for a dolVnr and up, or send $2.00 for alx sample boxes containing 90 fold- ers. Goodwill, ignite 717, 60 Front West, Torontn. _ ^^ I'-OH SAI..K DAKWIN TUL.1PS, 40c; DAFFO- dlls, 50c; Narcissus 25c per dos- on. E. Li. Hilton, Creston, B.C. KOX AJTD MINK SILVER FOX AND MINK Ranch, which has always made money. Located close to good town, good schools, utc. Worth Investigating. ' A. Jones, 189 f.-illiut SI., St. Thomas. _ FILMS DEVELOPED Vnu will appreciate the true mean- ing' of quality and service If you send your snapshots to be develop- ed at MAVI.'Alll mini. .vrcitVICB 814 YONUK STKKKT. TORONTO "Helpful Shooting Tips" (To aid you in taking better pic- tures we Kivo advice and criticism on every roll.) o or 8 exposurrs developed and " printed, 25e. 2 prints of each only Sue. MAIL Til KM IN TODAY TO MAYFAIR PHOTO SERVICE 314 YOSI.IJE STUKET, TORONTO ECliKTON R. CASE, UEliISTH!R United States. Canadian, lirit Patent Attorney. Uooklct *Tra Established over forty ysara. Halsqm Avenue, Toronto. MKUICAI, JOHNSON'S VBTKRINAKY RHUsV DIES Horse Liniment No. 1, t| ounces, J1.2B. ningworm brocation 4 ounces, 60c; Stoa and Barb Wire Liniment 6 ouno OOc: Gall and Healing Olntm* 1 lb., J1.25. Four remedies of each) postpaid for Johnson Drug Company, Yonge Street, Toronto. HOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFF er of Hheumatlc Pains or N itis should try Dixon's '. Munro's Drug Store, 391 Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. I-IKITHIMIAIMIY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The II.-.-. i. in. in. or null HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered 117 Mall Any 6 or 8 exposure film pert developed und printed for only Supremo quality and fast ser guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVIC1 Sta lion J, Toronto ri.i iim-s<; AND IIKATING NJ'JW AND USEl;. HOT WATBft tanks, bath tubs, sinks, toilet*. basins, electric water punapjk septic tanks, tups, draiuaga fit- tings, pipe, fittings, valves, rad- iators, Jacket heaters, hot watsr (urnaoes, greenhouse heaters, etc. En(|Ulro now. Hotter 1'lumlK ing Company Umltod, l!!)76 Dun- das Street West. Toronto. in. I) III i.- in \\i.\ F:.\ >|.;\v KUliS. NEW UUIjy MADK FltUM old. Uomln'on Hug >\ I-.IHK Coa. pitnv. 1*1)4 uucen St. VV., Toront*. Write for bookLi. ItllKI MA'I'IC I'AIXS IT'.S IMl'UKTANT KVKHY teror of liheumatii' I'aiiiH or Ni'Uiills should try Dixon's liant uily. Muiiro's UriiK .Store, 336 Hl- gin. otla I'lisipald ijl.UU. 'U -( |,|, 111 II.KI.M. MKN AND HOYS. l.'KVKLUl' VOUR muioIBI and. increase your strength with an original system. Instruction in muscle Imilding. musclo control, diet, self-dofenoi. personal hyuiene. lit.'. Completi c' '.-so only two dollars. l I'', i riiilnl. Doctor of 1'sychology, 2S West Street, iSydncy, Nora ISSUE 37 '42