Wednesday, June 17, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE . ublisaed on CoUinffwood FleslwrUm, Wediutdy of ek. Circulation orw 1,000. Price in Canada $t.OO v*r rear, when paid in advance fl.60; to U. 8. A. $i*0 per yea*, hB paid in advance $2.00. c.UGN!A The Y.P.U. held their regular meeting on Sunday evening, June 14. in the church basement with a gooc attendance. Mr*. J. Cairns conducted the devotional exercises, after which the missionary convenor, Mrs. Mar- tin, took charge of the discussion period. Sacred poems were read by Jean Proctor, Dorothy Falconer Marie Phillips, Jean Tudor, Mrs Cairns and also by Mrs. Martin, wh introduced Mrs. F. Keys of Flesher ton. who gave t>he address. Mr- Key.- told the story of the lives o two missionaries in China, beginning with their early life and vividly por traying it. through service to Chris in far off China, where they wer martyred by bandits. Her story wa very interesting throughout. Mr. Keys rendered a solo "Beneath The Cross," accompanied at the organ by his wife. A vote of thanks and ap- preciation was tendered Mr. ami Mrs. Keyg, with the wish that they again visit us on some future occasion. Mrs. Martin read a poem on prayer, after which the president closed the meet- ing, all singing the hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus," followed by the Mizpah benediction. Rev. Dr. Mercer, the Misses Edith and Mabel Betts and Mrs. C. Martin attended the Sunday School conven- tion in Markdale on Thursday after noon of last week, and report one of the best conventions held for some time. The Misses Betts rendered a beautiful selection entitled "If You Walk in the Light." Dr. Mercer and Mrs. C. Martin took the discussion on "What good is t>h e Sunday School. Dr. Mercer gave ten reasons why folk do not go, while Mrs. Martin gave ten reasons for going. A duet by Messrs. McFadden and Cook was enjoyed. A pleasing feature of the evening ses- sion was the singing by the junior choir of Markdale and trios and solos which had won prizes nt the Grey musical festival. The addresses given by Rev. Geo. Little of Toronto, and the demomstration teachers' meeting, led by Rev. McMillan, were much enjoyed. The president W. J. Mess- enger, presided at both sessions. The Red Cross unit will hold a quilting at the home of Mrs. J. Cairns en Wednesday p.m., June 24th, when two quilts are to be completed. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McMullen of Owen Sound and Mrs. Ted Mylex and little daughter, Patricia, of Kimber- ley were guests at the home o f Mrs. McMullen and Mrs. Hammond over tho week e/id. Mr. Will Pinkerton, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Haas, of Flesh- erton visited recently with friends at Branbford. Mrs. Oliver Turner and aor.i, Joug- !;i and Eldun. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner and Mr. j and Mrs. Court. Smith and Jean at Brarrvpton. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Park and Gwennie and Mrs. Richard Park vis- ited with friends in Toronto over the week end. We are pleased to hear that Trooper Jack Park O f the Tank Corps, i .-imp Borden, who is conval- escing in Christie St. hospital, To- ronto, is recovering nicely and will soon be able to leave the hospital. Mrs. Park also visited her sister, Mrs. Beaton, who has teen ill. Trooper Douglas (Jairns of Camp Borden spent the week end at his home here. Trooper Joe Little of Camp Borden spent the week end with his wife at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Magoe. Trooper Otto Rowe of Campz Bor- den was a week end visitor with his wife at the home of Mr. Stanley Campbell. Mrs. Saunders and little daughter, Patricia, of Toronto are holidaying at their cottage on the 8th line. Constable and Mrs. Black of Flcsh- erlon were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. WH1 Pinkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Annette, Mrs. ROSK Lehman and son, Pte. Iledley Lehman and Mrs. Moffatt Campbell of Toronto and Mm. W. G. Davics of Winnif>eg were wk end visitors with Mr. Jake William*. The holidays are approaching fast. Miss Taylor is using untiring efforts with her Entrance clasn, giving thorn extra lessons daily. We wish the pupils success. Miss Marjory Proctor of Toronto is visiting with her grandmothe r- Mrs. O. Proctor, and Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Proctor and family. ' babe of Toronto visited with her par- nts, Mr and Mrs. T. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and amily of Maxwell visited on Sunday with the Martin family. Mrs. Harold Proctor and friend of Toronto visited over the wek nd with the Proctor family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous of Max- well visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and Mr. and Mrs. v<-il Magee. Mr. Wes Jamieson visited a few lays in Toronto and attended the wedding of his 'riend, Mr. Jack I-ascelles, who was married on Sat- urday, June 13th. Buildings Known (Continued from Page 1 ) VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Archie McTaffum of Bramp- ton is visiting her sisters, Mrs Gallagher and Mrs. Batchelor. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Talbot and Shirley of Corbetton took Mr. anc Mrs. Win. Talbot to Fleaherton tc visit Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Talbot. Mrs. Wm. I.-udlow is helping her fricfid, Mrs. Albert SteveiB, near Flesherton, who celebrated her birth day. Many happy returns. Mrs Stevens. The June meeting of the W. A. wa held Thursday at the home of Mrs Walter Ache.son. Mrs. Russell Patt erson, the president, occupied the chair. Scripture reading and explan- ation was jjiven by Mrs. Batchelor. Prayer by Mrs. Moore was followed by the minutes and roll call, which was answered by a verse of scripture containing the words tree or flower. After business, the program, taken by the program committee, was com- posed of a reading by Muriel Talbot. a reading by Mrs. Oscar Patterson on malnutrition, Mrs. Will Acheson gave the topic, Ina Acheson a read- ing "Guess Who,". Mrs. Wm. Talbot on "Waiting." Mrs. Russell Patter- son "The Miracle," and Mrs. Moore "We Are Not Poor." The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction. The day of the meeting has been changed back to the second Thursday. splinters. I never saw the guns in fldye Park in action but one night I did see the searchlights there aweep- r*g their white fingers across the sky. At the northeast corner of Hyde Park, where Park Lane joins Oxford street in the awankiest pert of the city, is the Marlble Arch. I dont know what it commemorates, but it's a famous landmark. In the part of the park neanby, there's an open space backed up by masses of trees. It is there that the famous Hyde Park or- ators hold forth. I saw them one Sunday afternoon Each one had a crowd around. They didn't stand on soap boxes, but each had some special arrangement atbove the crowd, usually a step ladder with one wide step to stand on and a broat top to make a desk or pulpit. They were preaching all kinds of odd doc trines. There was generally a 'brigh banner hung on the front of the step ladder, with the man's name: "John So-and-So, Christian Anarchist," oi something of that kind. Some o them were quite fluent in a loud mouthed way. Most of the listener? did not seem to foe interested, but rather roamed from one group to an. other as I did. Westminster Abbey Disappoints There were a few things I saw In London which disappointed me and Westminster Abbey was one of them. [Mint's strungf. Perhaps it was be- cause part of the Ibig church was shut it)', possibly from bomb damage, al- though none is apparent in the front portion. There is no doubt that the Abbey is a great national shrine, but I found it all cluttered up with ugly statuary and memories of several centuries ago Evidently, the older generations were not so particular about the qualifications of those who were buried in the Abbey, and it may be that tastes in statuary change. I appreciated the tomb of he unknown soldier, but felt that one in every century, Westminster Abbey might be better if a general housecleaning took away some of the old-timers. That may be heresy, but I've Driven my im- pressions frankly throughout this series, so won't stoip ow. Outside the Abbey, a soldier stvod on guard in front of the door leading to the ancient cloister. My Irish-Can- adian guide of that day talked the soldier into letting us inside, because we were Canadians. These ancient cloisters, plain and simple, with the memorials dead long centuries ago, seemed much more beautiful than the interior of the cathedral itself. MMIM+OMIIIMIMMfr MIIIMM* In Memoriam McINNES In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Archie Mclnnes, who passed away June IS- 1937. God knows how much we miss you, He counts the 'ears we hed, And whispers, "He only sleeps, Your loved one is not dead." Wife and Daughters. Flesherton United Church Service* during the summer will he held as follows: 10.00 a.m. Worship at Ceylon. 11.00 a.m. Worship aid Sun- day School at Fle*herton. 7.30 p.m. Vesper service at Fles-herton. Anniversary services in St. John's United Church will be hold on Sun- day, June 21st, morning and evening. Monday evening following a concert will be held in the church auditorium. Keep the date open. Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER, B.O., U.D. Minister SERVICES OF WORSHIP (SUNDAY, JUNE 21) 11 a.m. Eugenia. 2 p.m. Mt. Zion. 3.30 p.m. Wareham. 8.30 p.m. Maxwell. Note: This Sunday, Mr W. R. Buchanan, Kiinberley United Church, will ib the exchange preach at the above services. We give cordial in- vitation to visitors and friends to worship with us. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MIU> BAPTIST CHURCHES Frank B. Keys Pastor ROCK MILLS i.KIl VICES Sunday Scnool 2.30 Church Service - 3.30 p.m. pLESHfcrtTON SERVICES Church Si i vice 11 a.m. Sunday Service - 12 o'clock The attendance at Rock Mills Sun- day School continues to increase in numbers. An object talk and chorus singing will be features from Sunday to Sunday at Rock Mills and Flesher- ton Baptist Sunday Schools. Anyone not attending other Sunday Schools will find classes provided for all age T(,uips "' welcome awaiting them. Mr. Frank B. Keys, the pastor, will the judgment seat of Christ and the white throno judgment h the -iilijccts: "Final Judgments." Every- one Is welcome. A meeting will br hi>ld Friday itrht at 8 p.m. at the home of \Vlt*r Akitt for the purpose of discussing ivnovnting basement. the The Rock Mills auditorium rhurcli of the church is proving inadequate to ac- commodate ttio crowds attending the Sunday School sessions. Following the business discussion, a social time will be onjoved and served by thp ladies. All r,f thr r mrjrogntion nnd nil The wise fellow who got his next winter's coal early has probably burned half of it by now. The bombed Germans are being urged to show that they "can take it like the British." Quite a com- pliment from a sworn enemy. Your Kind Co-Operation^ Please In order to save our cream patrons embarrassment, we feel it our duty to explain the new government ''cream can" regulations of which the dead line is July 2nd. The regulations concerning the pro- ducer are :- 1. After July 2nd no one may have in his posses- sion cream cans unless they are used for cream only. 2. A producer may not send or deliver cream to any creamery except in a cream can belonging to that creamery. In the last two months we have put forth a costly effort to exchange cream cans with other cream- eries and now we are giving our patrons entirely our own cans. We are again asking your co-opera- tion to see that the cans are no longer exchanged. Flesherton Creamer' & Produce Co. ; Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager > Ml I MMMMMMM ** memJ>pr Mr. and Mrs. Rusoel Johnson and individuals are invited to He ptuent, APPLICATION CARDS FOR COUPON RATIONING OF SUGAR will be mailed next week to every Household in Canada i c Canadians will be required to register so that ration cards, good for the 10 week period, commencing July 1st, may be issued immedi- ately. At the end oi that period a coupon ration book, good for six months, will be issued. HOW TO IIKUIKTNII Residents in Urban Areas not served by Letter Carrier, and Residents in Rural Areas Application cards will be distributed to all house holders through the post offices on or before Tues- day, June 23rd. Additional cards will also be de- livered for every person resident in the household, who bears a different last name from the head of the household. If needed, extra cards may be secured from local post offices. These application cards should be filled out imme- diately and dropped in the nearest mail box or post office. A pamphlet giving complete instructions will be delivered with each card. As soon as your name is duly registered at headquarters, ration cards, good for a ten-week period, will be mailed to you one ration card for each person in your home. These will be for sugar only. 4 oiipon llationing for Sugar IIM*oines Effective .Inly I si Beginning July 1st, no one will be permitted to buy sugar for regular domestic use without a ration coupon. Prompt co-operation on the part oi the public in filling out and returning their application cards is necessary to ensure return of the ration coupon card in time to purchase sugar on or after the above date Remember- the amount of sugar allowed each indi- vidual under the new coupon rationing plan will be exactly the same as allowed at present J pound pel person per week. 1. MINT IN M.OCK LITTI Jit LUnHMM LAST NAME ONLY a. APPLICANT 5 rlM*T NAMcd) NUMBER STREET (OR RURAL ROUTE! A. CITY OR POST OFFICE PROVINCE (AND COUNTY) F1MT NAMES OF OTHER PERSONS AT SAME ADDRESS HAVING SAME S LAST NAME AS AT TOP fSi LtAVI THU BUNK t*j jfjr i*r |jr , i JLr jtJv r 11. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD * DECLARATION $$$& IN SUPPORT OF RATION BOOK APPLICATION. jaBBM. 1, THE UNDERSIGNED. SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT 1 irfPPljrf (*NO THE FOREC10INO MEMBERS OF THE SAME CjSHBUL FAMILY) LIVE AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS, BEINQ TSjjfmr ACCURATELY DESCRIBED HEREIN. AND THAT NO "^ OTHER APPLICATION HAS KEN MADE ON BEHALF V CANADA ANYONE MENTIONED HEREIN. UL R g j BIONATURE OF APPLICANT OR SPONSOR The provision for additional sugar for preserving, etc.. will be continued. Special voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied to all retailers. No person may have on hand more than two weeks' supply of sugar, unless resident In a remote district. 110 NOT SURRENDER YOUR APPLICATION CARD TO ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD