Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1942, p. 4

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Wednesday, May 20, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL | under the direction of Mr. V. Perry, music supervisor i '. presents a PATRIOTIC CONCERT Town Hall, Flesherton | Thursday, May 28, 1942 at 8.30 o'clock p.m. A PLAY u Builders of Canada" Patriotic Drill by Kimberley School SONGS DOUBLE TRIO CHORUSES Billie Kernahan, boy violinist, of Meaford Admission: Adults 25c., Children l B c. Portugese Bullfight (Continued from Page *) VANDELEUR The Sunday School reopened in the church for .the summer months on Sunday afternoon, Mav 10th, with a good attendance. At the church ser- vice which followed, the Mother's Day program, arranged by the O.R.E.C., was used and was quite interesting. The pastor, Rev. S. E. Annis, gave the address and was assisted in the service by several members of the School. Those taking part were Mr. L. Johnston, Mrs. W. G. Bowles, Mrs. "W .B. Johnston and Misses Dorothy and Velma Kelso and Muriel McGee. Mrs. W. B. Johnston was hostess to the Woman's Association for their May meeting. The roll call was ans- wered by "Thc|ighs of Mother." Those taking part in the program were: Mrs. F. Boland Mrs. Glen Mc- Gee and Mrs. C. Boland. There was a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, presided. Mr. T. Stewart Cooper, agricultur- al representative, will address a meeting in the school Monday evening of next week, May 25th on subjects of vital interest to a farming com- munity. The meeting will open at 8.30 and the address will follow the farm broadcast. Everybody is urge<1 to attend. The meeting is under the auspice* of the Farm Forum. The remains of the late Mrs. Sam Gilbert, a former resident of this place, were brought from Meaford for burial here one afternoon recent- ly. JViends and relatives attended TOe service, which was conducted by the local pastor, Rev. S. E. Annis. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Boland and family were: Messrs. J^hn and Freddie Boland of Weston, Miss Marion Boland of Lonr Branch and Mr. and Mr*. Russell Byers and daughters of Tara. Mrs. J. R. Stewart and Miss Susie Stewart of Sh rip ley ami Miss Reta Stewart, Reg.N., of Gravenhurst vis- ited with the forrner's daughter, Mrs. 'Howard Graham, and family. Mr. Geo. BowKs, Ellwood and Mary of the west bacl.Iino, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bowles and family. Mr. Howard Magahay, Toronto, spending the summer with MT. am Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs Jar Cargoe visited in Toronto recently. They were accom- panied home by Mrs. W, J. Burrell, who has been a patient in St. Mich- ael's hospital for past two months. Mrs. Lundy Johnston spent a few days in Toronto recently. Miss M. K. Graham of Listowel spent a few days at her home in the Valley. Miss 'Wilma Cargoe and Mr. Bert Warren of Toronto visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cargoe. Mr. Geo. Kelso of Hamilton visited with Mrs. Kelso and family over the week end. COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF FLESH ERTON The first sittings of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Flesherton will be held on Tuesday, June 2, 1942, at 8 o'clock p.m. All appeals properly filed will be placed before the Court W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk Village of Flesherton. Dated this 12th day of May, 1942 COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF AUTKMESIA The first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Artemesia will ba held on Monday, June 8th, 1942, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. All ap peals properly filed will be placed before the Court. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Township of Artemesia. Dated this 19th day of May, 1942. 1 junior hockey match, less dangerous, apparently, than senior rugby foot- ball. The costumes were beautiful, all covered with gold braid on bright colors. There were toreadors, who ftght on foot, using a capa or cape to attract the attention of the bulls. Chief of these is the matador, the man who kills the bull (in Spain) or uses a wooden sword and pretends to kill the animal, in Portugal. The mounted bullfighters are cavaleiros. Sometime* there are other men who wrestle with tlhe bulls tand throw them. These are foroados. A bugle blows and the excitement begins. There is a sort of grand parade two cavaleiros on splendid Arab horses and several groups of toreadors in brilliant yellow and deep plum-colored velvet suits with gold braid. The trumpets blew again. The ring 1 was cleared. A gate at the left opened and a black bull with brass balls on his horns came rushing in. Another gate across the ring opened and a horseman entered, while tor- eadors jumped over the fence into the circle. After the first rush, the bull had lost his enthusiasm. The toreadors waved their red capes at him and he charged them, while they neatly sidee-stepped, or turned over their capes to ahow the yellow side, whereupon the bull lost interest. But he didn't like the horse and charged for it. The cavaleiro held what locked like two tiny .spears, with bright ribbons on the ends. As the bull charged, he turned his horse, leaned towards the bull and neatly planted the barbed ends of these bandcrilhas in the fatty part of the neck. The spears broke off near the points, leaving ribbons hanging on the bull's neck. The bull looked angry, rather than hurt, but he didn't press the fight until the men with the capes stirred him up again. Six darts, in all, were placed in his neck before the cavaleiro took a wooden sword, and all one in the ring now, made several attacks on the bull before dealing what might have been a death blow with a real sword. The crowd, understanding liie fine points, booed cheerfully when he missed and cheered when he succeeded. Then the trumpet blew again as the referee, sitting on a pedestal, signalled that the fight was over. The horsemen rode a" - ay, bowing and smiling. The bull looked around and saw no one. The gates opened, and a herd of six skinny, trained steers, eaoh with a huge cowbell on its neck, came into the ring and encircled the bull and he trotted off with them, the herd driven by two with his grandfather, Mr. Jacob Williams. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Badjferow (nee Hazel Turner) who were married on Saturday, Mav 16th, and to L.-Cpl. Kenneth and Mrs. Walker (nee Edna Partridge) of Rock Mills, who were married at Guelph on May 16th. We are sorry to renort Mr. Will Magee ill in Markdale hospital and we wish for his a speedy recovery. (Intended for Last Week) Wedding bells are ringing loudly. Mrs. W. Sloan and Mrs. B. Ferris of Flesherton and Mrs. Leslie Ferris and little daughter of New Liskeard called on Mrs. R. Park and Miss Marge. Mother's Day was observed in the hurch Sunday morning, when a large congregation was in attendance. Flowers were in profusion at th altar. The Sunday School took part in the service, which was directed by Rev. Dr. Mercer, who gave a wonderful message to mothers, based on the text "Honor is "iven unto whom honor is due.' ! christened at Two children opportune time in the service: Vivian Evelyn, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner of Brampton, and Donald Albert, infant son -of Mr. and Mrs. Ranald Parson. Miss Marjory Proctor of Toronto was a recent visitor with her grand- mother, Mrs. Geo. Proctor, and other relatives. Pte. Douglas Cairns of the 26th Tank Battalion, now stationed at Niagara, is home on furlough. " Pte. 0. J. Rowe of the 26th Tank Battalion spent the week end with his wife at the Campbell home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pedlar of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar of Toronto were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar and other friends. Miss Lucy McDonald of Victoria Corners brother, week end. WOOL Bring your wool to us and receive 25c lb. as soon as it is weighed, and the balance you will receive from the Government Wool Warehouse as soon as it is graded. The Warehouse is giving quick service in grading wool. Your sacks wll be returned to us and you may pick them up by calling. All prices and the grades are set by the Government Wool Board. Our wool-handling license number is 251 FLESHERTON WOOLLEN MILLS FLESHERTON, ONT. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY The first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Osprey will be held at Feversham on Saturday, June 13, 1942, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. All appeals properly filed will be placed before the Court. C. N. LONG, Clerk Township of Osprey. was a visitor with Neil, and wife over her the little boys in bright costumes. There was one more fight on hi rsoback and six on foot. They tended to grow monotonous. The sympathy of the Canadians was all with the bulls, which didn't want to fight. Once a bull had his chance. A toreador slipped and fell on the sand. The bull immediately stood aside until h e got up. But the Port- ugese don't ask the bulls to fight more than once. They retire after one public appearance. Perhaps that's just as well. The bull, back in the pasture field, might get to thinking, "Now, if I had only run at the man instead of that red rag . . . " And if any bulls get ideas like that, it might end 'bull-fighting. There remained one mystery. How about those "torros d,isembollos"? we asked the young Lieutenant and he laughted heartily. "Why," he said, "we Portugese don't disembowel our bulls. It means, how you say it? Oh yes, 'six disballed bulls.' You see the ons that fight the horses have brass balls on their horns so they cannot tear the horses' flanks; the ones that fight the men have no balls on their horns." So that was that! Miss Irene Martin of Islington was home over the week end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt Gorley. Miss Mar;ory Taylor spent the week end ai. ner home at Palmerston. Mr. and *'rs. Don Carson of To- ronto spent vi.< week end with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Miss Mar Martin and Shirley Cairns visited on Saturday with the former's grandmother, Mrs. T. Lever, at Flesherton. Mr. ami Mrs. Court Smith and Miss Jean and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner and Vivian of Brampton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee and Miss Hazel of Toronto were week end visitors at their old home on the 8th Line. The Red" Cross unit held a quilting at the home of Mr. Ed. Baker on Thursday of last week. I EUGENIA SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. We Specialize in Smart Men's Wear READY-TO-WEAR SUITS MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS SPORT TROUSERS SPORT SHIRTS PULLOVERS AND SWEATERS SUMMER UNDERWEAR NEW NECKWEAR SMART HOSIERY BELTS AND SUSPENDERS FANCY WIND BREAKERS BILTMORE FELT HATS NEW TWEED CAPS BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS KID GLOVES All new goods correctly styled reasonably priced F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant Flesherton- Out. :--:-X''X~:~x^x**-> FVf io /'ass far PRODUCTION Your telephone is part of vait interlocking system now carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't let needles* delays hold up nicgage on which production efficiency may depend. 2. SPEAK distinctly, directly Into the mouthpiece. 3. BE imiEF. Clear your line f tlic ni'xt -nll. The W. A. is holding their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 20th, in the church basement. Cafe- teria lunch from 4 to 6 p.m. It is hoped for a large attendance. The Y.P.U. wll hold their regular weekly meeting in the church base- ment on Wednesday evening, May 20 Mr. ami Mrs. A. B. Johnson and Miss Agnes of Toronto visited over the week end at the McMillan and Jtfmieson homes. Mr. and Mi-s. Don Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and babe I of Toronto visited over the week end I nt t!-" Stewart lumc and v.-ith ';!i v frieiHfa, r.'u-s. Johnson and babe re- mained for a few days' visit with her parents, brothers and sisters. Misses Mary and Isabelle McKee and Mi. MacCarthy of Toronto spent the week end at the McKee home. Mrs. McKee accompanied them back for a week's visit. Mrs. John Cairns ami Shirley spent a few days in Meaford renewing old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hill of Mark- dale visited on Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Robt. Gorley. _ Mr. Chas. Williams of Toronto is visiting with his father at present Mr. nnd Mr,. Jack Jamicson of Alexandria visited a few days with the former's parrntn, Mr. and Mrs Fred Jnnnoson, and other relatives Jack has enlisted ns a rndio teriinic- an in the R.C.A.F. and reports at a manning depot this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cnrmnr, Sewoll of vndelw visited on Sunday at the Ducsett home. Mr. Leslie y t .Mn<t(T of H-,xw,.ll "",'.' M'"' "TOP TInnlov. and Mis? K ' ll ' h ; ' : ' "" lOt.h lino, visited < n Sunday nt ,,.( h orr , p Hodlo- Lehman of thy Ord- nance Corps, London, visited rowntly Mo~giaze HAS ^g ^^^^J "UMtt MO HUM MAUl* m ^^ YOUAREALJOB/ HERE'S WHY: Flo-glaze Paint is made with a specially treated linseed oil which makes it flow evenly and smoothly and leave no brush marks. Brush marks are really hundreds of tiny grooves in a paint Elm. These grooves collect and hold dirt, which spoils the appearance of your paint job, and may cause early peeling and cracking. When you paint with Flo-glaze there is no place for din to lodge on the perfectly smooth paint film, and any surface dust is washed dean by the rains. Flo-glaze has good covering and hiding powers. Keeps fresh-looking for long years of wear. That's why we say it "has what it takes to give you a real job!" Come in soon and see our range of colors for Spring. D. McKILLOP ESTATE KI.KSITKRTON ONTARIO RED CROSS CAMPAIGN

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