Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1942, p. 8

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Wednesday, Nflay 6, 1942 THE FLESHBRTK5N ABVANCE VANDELEUR W. I. OFFICERS (By Vandeleur Reporter) The President, Mr*. Go. Shaw, was hostess to the April meeting of the W. I. It being the annual election of TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for the painting of three class rooms in Flesherton High School. Specifications may be had from the Principal at the school. Tenders to close June 1st, 1942, and addressed to Roy W. Piper, Secre- tary, Ceylon. Tenders wanted for delivery of 60 tons of steam coal, in the bin, in Fleshorton High School, the first week in July. Specify grades coal. Tenders to close at 8 p.m. on May 20, 1942, addressed and marked tender to Roy W. Piper, Ceylon. Tenders wanted for supplies for Flesherton High School paper tow els, soaps, floor oil, etc. Specifica tions may be had from the Principa at the school. Tenders to close a 8 p.m. on May 20, 1942, addressed and marked tender to Roy W. Piper, Ceylon. >fficer, Mrs. Russell Freeman presid- ed over the election, which resulted n the following being chosen: Presi- dent, Mrs. Will Hutchinson; 1st Vice l'iv-., Mrs. Fred Boland; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Dane McGee; Sec.-Treas., Miss Hazel Morrisicn; Organist, Mrs. Lmndy Johnston; Dist. Director, Mrs. Russell Freeman; Auditors, Mrs. C. H. Hare and Mrs. W. Ratcliffe; Press Corr., Miss H. Morrison; Standing Committees: Education, Mrs. Hare; Health and Child "Welfare, Mrs. How- ard Graham; Home Economics, Mrs. Glen McGee; Agriculture and Canad- 1 Urn Industry, Mrs. F. Davis: Legisla. tion, Mrs. W. Swanton; Historical Research, Miss Dora Boland; Com- munity Activity and Relief, Mrs. F. Boland; War Work, Mrs. W. Rat- eliffe; Canadian! zation, Mrs. Lundy Johnston. A vote of thanks was given to the retiring president, Mrs. Shaw, for efficient service given during her term of office. Mrs. F. Davis, convenor of Agri- culture and Canadian Industry, was in charge of the program. Roll call: "How can the radio assist agricul- ture. 1 ' The motto "Thanks to> God for His good gifts," was explained by Mrs. Davis. A paper by Mrs. Chas. Boland was much enjoyed. Ill III! MMII II SPRINGTIME IS Clean Up-Paint Up Time A FEW SUGGESTIONS PAINTS, VARNISHES, ENAMELS BROOMS, BRUSHES, MURESCO MOPS, POLISHES, FLOOR WAX FLOOR CLEANER, WAXING BRUSHES PAINT, OIL and TURPENTINE PLOW SHARES, CULTIVATOR POINTS HAME STRAPS, BUCKLES, SNAPS COLLAR PADS, CURREY COMBS TOOLS, HAND SAWS, WRENCHES POULTRY SUPPLIES BROODERS, JAR FOUNTS, FEED TROUGHS F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE FLESHERTON MMM*MM *******- >M 1 1 * I AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The Executors of the Estates of The Late Mariah K. Hanley and Mrs. Marion McGeoch will sell by public puction in FLESHERTON SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1942 the following, namely: 3 Single Beds with springs and mattresses; 2 good Dressers and commode; 2 squares Linoleum; Fall Leaf Table; 2 small Tables; Pantry Table; Large Majestic Radio; 2 large Rocking Chairs; large Linen Ward- robe; large Wicker Chair; large Arm Chair; 4 good Dining Room Chairs; 3 Kitchen Chairs; large Hall Rack with mirror; large graphonola with records; 2-piece Toilet Set; Quebec Cook Stove with reservoir; good Parlor Heater; Electric Toast- er; number of Pictures; quantity of Quilts, Blankets, Sheets and quant- tiy of Linen; Blinds, Curtains, Poles etc.; 2 Wash Tubs, good as new; Boiler; Chemical Toilet; Clothes Wringer; Sprinkling Can; quantity of Fruit in sealers; number of Seal- ers; Kitchen Utensils: dishes, glass ware, knives, forks, spoons; Buck Saw; 2% cords of Slab Wood; eords maple Bcdy Wood; about 2 tons Hard Coal; Coal Shaker, and other articles too numerous- to mention. SALE AT 1.30 P.M. SHARP TERMS: Cash. The property will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid. Edgar Belts, Clerk. -D. McTavish, <J. C. Middlebro', Executors. W. KAITTING. Auctioneer. Local and Persona! race like being brushed aside as has-been by its Aryan brothers? FOR SALE Misses' summer coat size 14, can be seen at The Ad- vance office. Miss Kate McMillan of Toronto was home over the week end. Mrs. Ed. Thoupson of Kenora is visiting Mr. arTd Mrs. 0. W. Phillips. Mr. George Boyd spent the first of the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy of St. Thomas spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McTavisJ) of Oshawa spent the week end with the former's, father. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Neff and little son of Singhampton visited Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Bob Phillips. Mother's Day, May 10 Wherever she is send flowers. Order fro-m W. A. Hawken, Flesherton, phone 17. Aircraftman Mack Duncan of St. Thomas spent the week end at his home, following a term in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'Walker of Sh-'bume were visitors in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard of To- ronto and 'Mrs. A. Brooks of Picker- ing were recent callers on Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Mrs. F. Dixon and babe, Miss Irene McDonald, Jack McDonald, Elaine McArthur and Mr. Alex. Doyle of Toronto were week end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs* John McDonald. Mrs. W. H. Thuroton arrived home on Saturday, after spending the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. N. H. Durrant, at Mitchell. She was ac- companied by her daughter, Dell, of Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims or accounts against MARION Mc- GEOCH, Widow, late of the Village of Flesherton, are required to send full particulars thereof to the under- signed Executor on or before the 22nd day of May, 1942. After that date the Estate will be distributed among those entitled thereto, having regard only to claims and account* of which notice shall at that time have been received. C. C. MIDDLEBRO' 912 2nd Ave., "West Owen Sound, Ont. BUY THE RIGHT KIND OF PAINT FOR THE JOB . . . , and help to conserve paint for war uses This Spring hundreds of thousands of gallons of paint are needed for war purposes. But rhere will be enough paint for home painting, if everyone buys intelligently and avoids waste. For example, exterior paint is not the best choice for inside work; interior paint is not designed for use on exterior surfaces. Consult us before you start to paint. We can help you to save material, save labor and save money. USE PAINT for all txltrior Wood and Metal surfaces. It's the original self-levelling pim that "leaves no brush marks." Covers more surface per gallon. Will give five to six years of satisfactory service. Saves frequent re-paintings. Vour choice of 16 Colors. INTERIOR GIOSS PAINT for Walls, Ceilings and Woodwork in kitchens, bathrooms, recreation rooms. Brushes on easily. Washable, high gloss finish. Colors: Cream, Ivory, Buff, Sea-Water Green, Twilight Blue, Dawn Gray, also White. USE /K&&&S FOUR HOUR ENAMEL for Wo*xlwork, Floors, Furniture, Bicycles, etc. Famous for its smooth, china-like gloss. Fast drying. May be washed repeatedly. A few of the modern Colors are: Ivory, Carnation Pink, Wedgwood Blue, Jade Green, Buttercup Yellow, Tile Red. USE for artistic interior decoration of Walls and Ceilings in bedrooms, living- rooms, dining rooms and lulls. An oil paint, hence washes perfectly. Soft tone, eggshell finish. Colors: Cream, Ivory, Indian Ivory, Buff, Forget-Me- Not Blue, Pale Green, Shell Pink, Sunshine Yellow, also White. *S VELVET "fficdnt to pLhot&dL youA, with fe Paints and Enamels D. McKILLOP ESTATE WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES One-seventh of Russia it desert, we learn. The Nazis would prob- ably put the percentage even higher. The Japanese have a bomb to Tokyo now boasts that she, and which they use old razor blades. W not Berlin, will dictate the peace; how doesi the yonug end virile Nordic could copy it if we didn't have to keep them for shaving. Car of Screenings $25.00 Per Ton ABOUT WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 Please place your order early. Any person wishing screenings would do well to phone immediately. O. & A. Co-Operative Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauley, Mrs. W. I. Henry and Mrs. G. E. Henry I were at Dungannon on Sunday foi j the unveiling of a memorial window in memory of the late Miss Cecilia Pentland, sister of Mrs. W. I. Henry WOOL Bring your wool to us and receive 25c Ib. as soon as it is weighed, and the balance you will receive from the Government Wool Warehouse as soon as it is graded. The Warehouse is giving quick service in grading wool. Your sacks wll be returned to us and you may pick them up by calling. All prices and the grades are set by the Government Wool Board. Our wool-handling license number is 251 FLESHERTON WOOLLEN MILLS FLESHERTON, ONT. VANDELEUR Small Ad. Column (Intended for Last Week) Following the service in the church | Sunday afternoon, an organization meeting was conducted by Rev. S. E. Annis, when the following officers were elected: Superintendent, Lundy Johnston; Asst. Supt., Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson; Sec.-Treas., Billie Johns^. tan; Organist, Mrs. Will Johnston; Teachers; Bible, Class, Howard Gra- ham; Sr. Girls, Mrs. Lundy Johnston; Sr. Boys, Geo. Buchanan; Juniors, Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson; Asst. Teach- ers, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bowles, How- ard Magee and Miss Dawn; Mission- ary Supt., Mrs. Geo. Buchanan; Tem- perance Supt., Mrs. Dane McGee. Mr. Geo. Shaw has accepted a pos- ition in Durham. Mr. Geo. Kelso of Hamilton was a week end vi&itar with his family. Mr. Will Ratcliffe of Malton was a recent visitor at his home. Mr. Dane McGee purchased a new Waterloo tractor and Mr. Glen McGee a Fordson. Mr. Allan Chappie of Lucknow spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan and family. Mr. Melville Buchanan was a recent visitor in Lucknow. On Monday, April 27th, the Dom- inion plebiscite vote was held at the Kelso store and was in charge of Gor>- don Wyville, as- returning officer, and Earl Morrison as poll clerk. The vote was Yes, 76, No 16. FOR iSALE Non-barb Bfrrley.-^J. Cairns, R. R. 5, Markdale. 49c2 FOR SALE Barrel churn in good condition. Wm. Gibson, Ceylon. WANTED Girl for general house- work. Mrs. Gordon McMullen, POR SALE ~ Good clean timothy Duncan, phone Thornbury 39r5. FOR SALE Good milk cow, calf at foot. Alcox Bros., R. R. No. 5, Markdale. 48p2 POR SALE Truck loau v shingle timber. M. S. McLeod, phone i r2, Flesherton. seed and General Purpose hone, 12 years old. Percy Magee, R. R. No. 1, Eugenia. 4c2 WANTED Hrses and cows ft; for mink feed. John J. Meads Priceville, phone 21 r 4. WANTED Wanted small cook stove. J. K. McLeod, Ceylon, phone 40r4. 47c2 FOR SALE or RENT Two lots in Eugenia, reasonable. Archie Mc- Kechnie, Priceville, phone 49rl3. 8TH LINE OSPREY A Farm Forum meeting was held at the school, No. 5, on Monday even ing, April 27th, when Mr. T. S. Coop- er of Markdale was present and gave an interesting talk on "Adult Educa- tion," pointing out the fact that our Farm Forum is a splendid type of this. Mv. Cooper disclosed some very interesting nnd alarming facts, which every farmer should know and think about. He is a real friend the "Farmer" and labors early and late in his behulf . Let us appreciate his ef- forts. Miss Dolly Ottewell was ap- pointed "convenor' 1 to assist the sec- retary with future meetings, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saigeon and Wayne of Hanover were welcome visitors with friends on this line on Sunday. Mrs. Jim Ottewell returned home on Tuesday last, having spent the previous week with her mother, Mrs. Alex. Foster, at Vandeleur. Mr. Bill Stephens of Oollingwood Is assisting his father and Lloyd with the seeding. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. ar 1 Mrs. Gerald Mactce were: Mr. and Mrs. Pon Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wnfson, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. fllen Pedlar of Niagara. PROPERTY FOR SALE Garden or pasture lots in Flesherton. Mrs. J. A. Heard, Flesherton. 48p2 FOR I ALE Banner ssed oaU; also good mare, 8 years old, sound. Geo. Boyd, Flesherton. 4Gp2 FOR SALE No. 21 O.A.C. barley and quantity alfalfa seed. Herb Belts, Flesherton R. R. 3. 47p LOST Female hound about April 19, almost white, black patch on hip, dark on head. Inform Leslie Chard, phone 42r2. 48pl HIDES WANTED Licensed buyer of hides of all kinds: beef, horse, calf and sheep skins. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r3. FOR SALE Good Banner and Granery Filler seed oats and no- barb barley. W. J. Hincks, Cey- lon, phone 23n3. 49p2 HOUSE FOR SALE or RENT In Flesherton, 7 roomed house, stable and garage; hard and soft water, good garden lot. Apply to Mrs. A. C. McDonald, 172 Church Street, Weston, Ont 48c3 NOTICE Pianos and organs tun- ed and repaired; satisfaction guar- anteed; also good selection of reconditioned pianos for sale, price* reasonable. J. C. Black- stone, 616 8th St. A. East, Owen Sound, phone 672. 46p4 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 140 acres, lots 35 and N. Half 80, Con. 9, Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation, about 20 acres bush, bal- ance good pasture, well watered, good buildings. Apply to Charles Hopper, Eugenia, R. R. 1. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, S.D.R., Art*, mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x66, also a large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. ThoM interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTINa LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales our speci..'- ty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged at Til* Vdvance office. WALTER SEELET See me about your auction sale* conducted on ciplei. Phone me at or make arrangement* at Flesherton Advano* offtae. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 dy or night MARKDALE, ONT. , DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St Office hours: afternoons 2 to 4.30. Wednesday and Saturday evening* 7.30 to 10 pjn. No office hours on Sunday. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, AJ. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal HaU, Flesherton, the second Friday in eacfc month. W.M.: J. S. McDermld; Sec- retary: C. J. Bellamy.

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