Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1940, p. 8

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^V^â- ll^t^sdav, September If^, 1040 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^4 Forecast: I 'Brighter Days' PAINT UP FOR FALL â€" BRIGHTEN UP YOCR HOME FOR BRIGHT AUTUMN DAYS Paint inside and out â€" for beauty â€" for your own protection â€" for your own satasfaction and pride. Our coinj)leie liiK- i)t' paints and painters' supplies includes everything,' yuu need; and the brig-ht forecast s'dcs also for the reasonable i)rices at which these needs are offered here- CHECK THE CONDITION OF THE ROOFS ON YOUR BUILDINGS We have roofinj2:s, nails, roof coating-, plastic cement, etc., for making^ repairs or for new roofs. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT NEW STOVE Visit our store and consult us on your heating problems- We can provide heaters and ranges to suit every taste and purse. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 54 FLESHERTON Looking over the names of man who have enlisted for active sei-vice one i.s surprised t.^ find few names of foreign origin. On second thought it is not surprising ihey should not be willing to fight against relatives, friends , those vvho have not had the good fortune to escape Hitler. The best saying of the day, by Mayor La Guardia: "The Monroe action." The bank-teller injured in a fight with a bandit says he never felt the liullet. Possibly because he is accust- omed to cheques that rebound. /fi^0^ For each monthly deduclioii if S4 fou receive i certKicile far SS S8 $10 $20 " " " •â-  " J25 $40 SSO SIGN UP FOR THE DURATION in Canada's Army of 2,000,000 Regular War-Savers Be one of the iirst to enlist. You will be receiving your official enlistnat-nt blank â€" the new War Savings Pledge. Use it to instruct your bank to make purchases of War Savings Certificates for you every month â€" automa- tically. Your bank looks after everything for you â€" sends your money to Ottawa each month, and the Certificates are mailed direct to the registered holder. There is no charge for this service. Here is an effective way to aerve â€" and a sure way to «av«. And remember, too, you are not giving your money, but lending it, and at a good profit to yourself: a full 25%. in 7!i years! So watch the mail for this new official War Savings Pledge. When it arrives, use it to Help Smash Hitler. Additional Pledges are avail- able at your bank or from your local War Savings Com- mittee. Sign up now! *^You Serve by Saving^* Invest Regularly in War Savings Certificates Speckled trout flshinjr closed on Sunday, Sept. IBth. Misses Gertrude Lever and Grace .Austin of Kic'hmoiid Hill spent the week end at the former's home here. Mrs. W. A. Armstronif and Mrs. n. M. Hylarui of Toronto spent a few days last week in town. Coip. Wni. Welton of the Foresters ai ('amp Uorden liad four days leave at his home here last week. Mr. DeU)ert Smith, who spent the past two months at Windermere, is holidaying this week at his home. Aircraftsman Douglas Morgan of the U.A.F. Camp Borden is on four- teen days' leave and is visiting his mother in town. Spr. W. G. Hay and Spr. Benny Dome, 8th Field Coy., R.G.E., of Camp Borden visited at the home of Mr. John .McDonald. Bluebird electric washer, recondi- tioned, $24.95; floor covering, rem- nants, on sale. Special at Bennett & Richards, Flesherton. Mr. Stewart McTavish of Oshawa spent a couple of days at his parental home and did some fishing on the side. J. . ..,^. _ _ _^ Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Phillipson of Toronto visited last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith. Mr. Peter Dow of Sudbury is visit- ing for a couple of weeks in this district and with his uncle, Mr. John Dow, O.D.R. Mr. R. N. Cornfield of Toronto enjoyed a day's trout fishing here last week and gave us a plea.sant call on Wednesday. Mrs Alfred Carter and Mrs. Kate Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer of Toronto visited over the week end with Mrs. J. Brown and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, with their two children, Betty and Bob, also Mr. Bruce Ashton, all of Bramp- ton, were welcome callers at the Baptist parsonage last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton, Miss Irene McDonald and Mr. Alex. Doyle Misses Betty and Oly McDonald, Miss NoiTna Hay and Mr. Fred Nixon, all of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. Ray Richards, who has been employed in the furniture store of Bennett & Richards for the past two months, reported at Gait on Monday morning to attend the aircraft train- ing school. Rvv. and Mrs. Ashton roturnwi home last Thursday evening after visiting and speaking in the Ohswel^- en Baptist church on the occasion of the 100th anniversary. They returned by way of St. Marys, bringing their (laughter, Mrs. H. Bodfield, and their granddaugliter back with them for a ten days' vacation. )k Mr. W. M. Thompson of Durham has joined the firm of Bennett & Richards, furniture dealers and fun- eral directors. Mr. Thompson had been with the firm of Bell & Bennett in Durham for the |)i)st five years and his experience there will be a decided asset to the local business. Mr. Thompson's family will occupy the apartment above the store. Osprey Fall Fair will l>e held on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 1 and 2. The prize lists have been sent out to the members of the Soc- iety and preparations are going ahead for a splendid fair this year. There are a number of prize lists at The Advance and these can be secured by thosi' interested in exhibiting at the fair. A presentation was made at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallacu Ham- ilton on Friday evening to Pte. Albert Hyslop, who is going overseas shortly with the Canadian Army Ser- vice (\irps. Albert was presented by the dancing club with a pen and pen- cil sett and a sweater, and thanked his friends for their expression of friendship so adequately displayed The past two weeks have been anxious ones for the farmers in this district, when rain fell almost every day and prevented the harvesting of tlie crop. Sr>nie oats have been growing in th. sheaf and if the rain did not cease soon the crop miight be mined. However, Monday turned out fine and \\\\ Tuesday the farmers started hauling in grain to the barns even though it was not in the best condition. We ^opo that the weather has changed for the better. ,^^'f -^rf^-i ANOTHER GER.MAN "TRIUMPH" The French steamer "Meknes" sunk by a German torpedo boat without warning, despite the fast that, un- armed and showing the French colors, she was taking home French people who wished to return to France If You Move or ed fell Ottawa n There are three items in the nation al registration regulations about which the public should be informeti: 1. Persons attaining 16th birthday after August 21st â€" Every person res- ident in Canada, man and woman, British subject or alien, who (a) at- tains his or her 16th birthday after the last day of the registration period, shall within the or (b) was absent fi-om Canada durii>g the whole of the registration period, shall within 30 days from the date of his or her 16tli 'birthday in the case of persons men tioned in paragraph (a) or from the date of his or her entry into Canada in t'le ca.se of persons mentioned in paragraph (b), register in the man- ner prescribed in section 10 of these regulations. Section 10; Every per- son required by these regulations to register after the registration period shall within the time limited for reg- istration by him by these regulations tictend at a post office in Canada, and complete a registration card to be furnished to him by the postmas- ter, and the postmaster shall, for the purpose of any such registration pre- form all the duties and functions of, and shall be deemed to be a deputy- registrar under these regulations. 2. Registered persons who after- wards marry oi- change place of res- idence.-^ Any person registered dur- ing the registration period who after- wards marries or changes his or her place of residence shall within 14 'lays notify the Dominion statistician at Ottawa of the date of his oi lu^- marriage, and of the name and place of residence and post office address to which he or she removed, as the ease may be, and any such person who refuses, fails or neglecrs, witb- outlawful excuse, to comply with the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of an offence and^ liable to a finepot exceeding fifty dollars 3. Loss of registration certificates. If the registration certificate of any person should be lost or de stroyed, worn out or defaced, he may upon establishing the fact to the sat- isfaction of the Dominion Statitian at Ottawa, obtain a fresh one. Upon the face of the certificate there is a warnng to the registrant that he must always carry it upon his person. Before a duplicate can be issued the Dominion Statitian must be sup- plied with the number of the elec- toral district and the numtx-r of the polling division in which the regis- trant ordinarily resided during the registration period . All registrants should, therefore, take a wTitten re- cord of the electoral district and the number thereof, also number of the polling division at their homes. Otherwise, the obtaining of a dup- licate might be attended by embar- rassing delay. Vandeleur. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) McMillan Wed., September 25th, at 2.30 p.m., when the Flesherton Ladies' Aid will be responsible for the program. The social committee consists of Mrs. Udell, Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Knox for cake, with Mrs. Harry Piper, Mrs. Genoe, Mrs. Snowden McLeod and Mrs. Shaw looking after the sandwiches. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wharin and Miss Jieanette McL^od of Toronto spent the week end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair of Dundalk spent Sunday at the home of J. R. Sinclair. Misses Bessie and Catherine Cairns returned to Toronto on Sunday, after spending a week's vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Miss Catharine will attend the To- ronto Normal school. Ml. and Mrs. Frank Collinson were in Owen Sound Saturday. When a woman is in a hurry the best thing to do is get out of her way. GEO. E. DUNCAN'S SALE DATES Joe Williams, Eugenia, Sept. 20, Mrs. A. T. Murdock, Markdale, 2slt. J. H. Richardson, Proton, 26th. Mrs Kinney, Berkeley, 27th. Herb Dresser, Proton, 30th. Mick Adams, Mulmur, Oct. 2. Robt. Connelly, Holstein, Oct. 3. Jas. Harbottle, Markdale, Oct 8. Estate of Late L. A. Fisher, at Flesherton, Oct. 10. Small Ad. Column DRESSMAKING â€" Dressmaking and sewing done. Prices reasonable. â€" Mrs. Geo. Jaynes, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Kiln of fresh lime.â€" Earl Fenwick, Eugenia, phone Pev- ersham 23 r 43. 13c3 FOR SALE â€" Dodge coupe, or will exchange for farm stock or wood. â€" Mrs. L. A. Fisher, Flesherton, WANTED â€" I pay cash and pick up aged or dead animals for mink meat. â€" Frank Eagles, R. R. 3, Pro- ton Sta. Phone Flesherton 41 r 3 FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire sow due to farrow about Oct. 20; also No. 21 M.-H. walking plow. â€" E^verett Blackburn, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Black Percheron colt, rising 3 years. â€" Argyle Martin, Eugenia. 15p2 FARM FOR SALE 150 acres, choice farm lands to sell at bargain; about 8 acres hardwood bush, balance nearly all under culti- vation; good buildings. â€" Dan Muir, Ceylon, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 125 acres. Lot 75, Con. 2, N.D.R., Artemesia, good bank bam, cement stabling, other good buildings, well w^atered. Good hardwood bush. Will either sell or rent. Good terms. Ilp4 â€" W. G. Jamieson, Maxwell FARM FOR SALE CEYLON BORN noWLF.S â€" At Mr<.. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, to Mr. and Mrs. .â- \ngns Bowles (nee Violet Fite- simmons) of Vandeleur, the gift of ft son. Mrs. Bella Thibaudeau and Miss Kdna of Toronto, Mrs. E. 'Copeland and son, Bobby, of Paris, Mrs. John Thibaudeau of Markdale visited at the home of John Stewart last week. Mr. Will Stewart of Toronto has also been a visitor at the uarental home. Mr. and Mrs. Carnahan and baby, Wayne, have returneil to Windsor, after Msiting the latter's cousins, Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chislett. h * Mr. Donald McLcoJ left Sumlay for Madoc, where he will spend the fall ami winter with his daughter, Mrs. ("Dr.) Robt. Reatty. Mrs. L. Piper and balM- and Miss Pearle McMaster of Markdale were visitors on Friday with Mrs. Harry Piper. Miss Minnie Swnnton spent the week end at her parental home near FOR SALE â€" 3 Brood Sows with litters 3 weeks old, Cockshutt single furrow riding plow, corn cuttinig box. â€" R. Allen & Son, Flesherton, phone 45 r 21. 14p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 Good cows, milk test 4.1 and 4.3 have averaged $3 per week all summer for cream; also aged mare, good for plowing. â€" Harold Thompson, in care of Angus Bowles, Vandeleur. FOR S,ALE â€" 7-room brick house, large lot, garage, good well; must be sold to settle estate of the late .-Vndrew Gilchrst. â€" Apply to John Stewart, Executor, Proton Station. Phone 32 r 4. 45ctf FOR SALE â€" McCormick-Deering 2-furrow riding plow, almost new; Tudhope-Anderson l-furrow riding plow, a real plow for alfalfa; no further use for these plows, as I am using tractor plow; would take calves as part pay. â€" Sam Grum- mott, R. R. 1, Flesherton. Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on whi(^ is situated a bank barn 45x66, also a large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47c ARE YOU THE MAN? FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm Lots 24 and 26, Con. 3, north, Osprey Township. On the premises are a comfortable brick dwellir^g, a bank barn with straw- shed and a good driving shed. This farm is in good state of cultivation. Sacrificed at $2,000 to wind up estate. Apply to Ed. Cooke, Shelburne. HOUSE FOR SALE In the village of Flesherton, seven- room brick veneer house on Elizabeth St., containing two acres, more or less. On this property is bank barn with cement stabling, hard and soft water. This property must be sold to wind up estate. For further par- tieulars apply to John Oliver or W. R. Meads, I^riceviHe, Executors of the estate of the late W. J. Mead.R. 47c Watkins Dealer (between 25 and 55 years, with car) need immediately to hand out FREE Soap in nearby Rural Route and supply establshed demand for Everyday Necessities in- cluding Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Toilet Preparations, Cleans- ers, Medicines, Fly Spray, Mineral- ized Stock and Pultry Tonics. 72 year reputation. 10,060 dealers. Must be satisfied with $30.00 weekly at start. Sailing axperience unnecessary Farm Mcperi«nc« helpful Credit fur- nished right parties. Write immed- iately, Tha J. R. Watkins Company, Montreal. Que., Dept. O-F-1. â- USINESS CAKiJS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons, 1.30 to 4, Evenings, 7 to SJt. Sundays and Thursday aftomooaa Ity appointment only. Prince Arthw Lodge No. 8M,. A.F. ft A.M., meota in the Pmtemal Hall, Flesherton, the second Fri4»ir in «Mk month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; Sec- retary, C. J. Bellamy. ROY LANGF«RD District Agent for MUTUAL MFl OP QANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNHBS, PIM, AUTOMOBILE. BUBOLART «tanirip«l IJaMMtT flMorantee Any Inanrance Problem FLESHERTON, Ont, » % X'J :\ if â- â™¦J ' ''1 \ \

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