Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1940, p. 4

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Wednesday, May 1, 1940 THE FLJSAMERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Pablished^oB Collin(wood Straa^ Flesberton, Wednesday of eaoli week. Circulation ov«r 1,000. Pric« in CwudA $2.00 per y«ar. when paid in advance |1.60; in V. S. A. 12.50 per year, when paid in advance $2,00. F. J. THURSTON. Editor. PROTO N S TATION Our student minister, Mr. VVni. Patterson of Emmanuel College, has arrived to spend the summer on the charge. Rev. Harold Hobbs, District Super- visor of the Pilgrim Holiness Church, who with Mr.s. Hobbs and infant son has spent the winter at Proton Sta- tion, has moved to the more northerly points of the district. Buzz sawinpr is the order of the day. Mr. Den. Watson's outfit is going the round of the woodpiles. In â- four and a half hours he sawed be- tween 50 and 60 cords. To be sure. Tie had a good staff of men. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacLean of To- ronto were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. MacLean's parents. Her mother, Mrs. R. G. Acheson, who has been ill at their home in Toronto, re- turned with them. The villasre homes are practically all wired for Hydro. Congrratulations, Proton Station. We are pleased to notice the veter- an mail courier, Mr. Thos. Wyville, on the job again. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Acheson and baby, Donald, spent a recent week end In Toronto and attended the marriage of Mrs. Acheson's brother, Mr. Lome Hemphill, to Miss Bernice Mather in St. John's Road Baptist church. Mr. Wm. Dever of Allenford is vis- iting his brothers here. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wyville visited the former's parents here. SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy and family of Shelbume spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Aldcom. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. H« ard entertained the Glee Club at their : lome on Friday evening. An enjoyabie evening was spent by all present. Mr. Mervyn McCannell has rented Mr. Ken Ferguson's farm and will move there soon. Mr. J. A. Martin was in Owen Sound last week on business. Mr. Jos. Black is seriously ill at his home with heart trouble. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane spent Sun- day with friends in Epremotit. FEVERSHAM Mr. Billy Burke of Thornbury spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Har/ey Perigoe viiit- td with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. Miss McQueen, R.N., and Misse;- Irma Smith and Pansy Thompson ol Cullingwood G. & M. Hospit;-.! wen ^â- uller.s in the village on Friday. We arc sorry to report Mr. Eli •;il)inson confined to his bed with !>neumonia. We wish for him a peedy recovery. Iiiiving a (lance in J. W. Robinson's The Feveraham hockey team mil, Friday evening of this week .May 3rd. Come and enjoy yourself. Mr. uM'l Mrs. Herb Bby were callers in Barrie on Friday. Mr. Ivan Alexander of Croemore spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander. PRICEVILLE The Holdfast U.F.W.O. Club meet- ing will be held Wednesday, May 8th, at the home of Mrs. John Stewart. Topic â€" Mrs. J. K. McLeod. Lunch cake, Mrs. Jas. Oliver and Miss Nellie McLean; sandwich, Mrs. Ple.ster and Mrs. R. Stewart. Elinor McArthur of the Glen spent a couple days at the home of her uncle, J. A. Nichol. Mr. Alf. Hincks of Toronto spent the week end with the Hincks families. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. J. Hincks and fam»- ily spent Saturday in Owen Sound. Visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. .Mex. Carson were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson and son, Jimmie, of Vandcleur, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean of Hamilton and Mrs. D. G. McLean. Miss .\lma McLean arrived home Satnrday nfght and is recuperating at her home. LADY BANK Mr. and Mrs. Burel McCJonnell and family of Kimberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Semple. Mr. Walter Wilson had the misfor- tune to cut his foot, one day the past week, so severely, that the attention 1)1 a doctor was required to dress the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sanderson nearly lost their home on Sunday night from fire, when a spark lit on the shingle roof. With the assistance of neighbors, summoned by telephone, the fire was soon under control. Miss Bernice Maxwell of the ColT- ingwood hospital spent Sunday at her parental home here. It was her first time out in the ear since she passed the driving test, and the policeman sensed she was having trouble. House Furnishings New Spring Offerings TUSCAN LACE CURTAINS $1.00 to $2.50 pair RAYON LACE CURTAINS $1.50 to $1.98 pair RUFFLED CURTAINS 50c to $1.50 pair TUSCAN CURTAIN NETS 35c to 75c yard NEW CURTAIN NETS 15c to Wc yard CRETONNES, New Patterns 25c to Mc yard HOMESPUNS and SHADOW CLOTHS 50c, 59c and 75c yard Congoleum Rugs Feltol Rugs Linoleums, 4 yards and 2 yards wide Congoleums, Rexoleums & Floor Oilcloths by the yard Curtain Rods and Window Shades Brandram- Henderson Paints, Enamels, Floor Finishes and Varnishes Paint and Varnish Brushes SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS for every room in the house DUvST MO[>S. O'CEDAR MOPS. FLOOR MOPS, SCRUM BRUSHES, FLOOR WAX A 6FT. X 9 FT. CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUG Absolutely Free Enter the Congoleum Liieky^ -Number Guessing Cc .V:.:t. Open from April 2«th to May 4th. Get your Free Entry Blank today EUGENIA Mrs. Graham and Kuth of Fleshti ton, also Mrs. Proctor of Kimberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1. Proctor. Mrs. J. A. Stuart and Mrs. Artle\ â- )f Meafurd wore Sunday vsitom at the Proctor home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLachlan of Uarrie, Mr. John McLachlan, Mrs. Angus McLachlan and Miss Marie of' Priceville and Mr. and Mrs. Russell ', Park and Roy of Flesherton were Sun- ' day visitors with Mrs. R. Park and family here, Mrs. Hari-y Foerster has returned from a visit with her brother and wife in Toronto. Mrs. 'Wilfred Magee spent a (evf (lays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and family ;)f Hanover were visitors on Sunday at the Purvis home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard of Rock Mills were recent visit«rB with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MaaDonald at- tended the funeral on Tuesday of last week of the former's aunt, Mrs. Matt. Wood (nee Flora MacDcmald) of Markdale. We extend our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. The Y.P.U. meeting on Wednesday evening was in charge of Miss Evelyn Campbell, the cultural convenor. Mrs. Calms presided and read the Scrip- ture lesson. The program consfcted of items from each member present. At the close of the program an ad- i dress was read by Mrs. Cairns to Mr. iand Mrs. Cecil Magee, and the pre- : mentation of a cocktail set made by Gladys Duckett, on behalf of the YJ". U. Mr. Magee replied in words showing his appreciation for the love- ly gift. The happy young coui^e were married at New Liskeard last year and the Y.P.U. here, of which they were active members, did not have the opportunity of making t!ie presentation before. The Society de- cided to invite another Society to visit them on May 29th. This Wednesday evening the meeting will be in charge of Miss I. Dinamore. Mr. Edwin Purvis was up from To- ronto over the week end. Mr. Chas. Park was home from^ Owen Sound for a couple of days. ETis wife and daughter spent a day in the city and returned home with him. Mr. Nelson Osborne went to Owen Sound on Monday in search of em ployment. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker, in com*- pany with Mr. Jas. Harrison of Flesh- erton, visited a couple of days with the former's son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, at Tavistock. A number from here attended the drama festival at Flesherton Friday night, short plays being given by the students from Markdale, Dundalk and Flesherton High Schools. Mr. and Mrs. S. Elkns and little son of Niagara visited at the Cairns home over the week end. S. F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont (Intended for Last Week) Corp. H. E. Hates of the R.C. Reg. of Toronto visited h lew days witli Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Herb assisted Joe and his father on the farm a year or so ago. While on his visit here, his many friends on the 8th line assembled together at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Joe Porteous on Saturday evening last and pre- sented him with a wrist watch, ac- rnmpanled by an address, conveying best wishes and all good luck for a safe return home from overseas. The Women's Association of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Park on Thursday of last week with an attendance of twelve. The roll call was answered by a verse pertaining to "spring". It was decided to answer the May ^roll call by paying a cent tor each size ot your shoe, I.e., If the shoe la size 6 you pay 8 cents In answer to roll call. The travelling boxes of the village and north unit were brought In and the money received In this way Binounted to $6.58. The 8th line box has yet to. be handed In. It was decided to raise funds from now to the May meetln* by each member making a "sunshine bag" and con- tributing thereto a cent for each day that the sun shines. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Alex. Carruthers. Mrs. Pranclp Genoe presided In the absence of the president, Mrs. Ottewell. Mlsa Oeorgle Smith was organist. A short program followed, Mrs. Cairns sang a solo; nianche Williams and Nora Tuimer, a duet and Mrs. Martin gave a reading. The Ml^pah benediction was used 'to close the meeting. Lunch was served by Uinoh commit- tee. The Y.P.U. meeting waa held on Wednesday evening In the church haaement. Mrs. Cairns presided. The attendance was small owing to the wet weather. Mrs. Martin took the discussion topic, "Paul as a man and as a minister". Jean Tudor read the Scripture reading. Wlnneta Martin conducted a "tree" contest. The mpeting was dosed by the hene- dlclion. Mr. and Mrs. Oltn Baker and little daughter, Oaylf and Mr. and Mrs. MAXWELL Mrs. Wilbert Poole has returned home from Collingwpod somewhat im- proved in health. Mr. Fred Ross has arrived home from Cheltenham, where he has finish- ed his wiring contract. Flora Morrison and Bernice Poole visited in Collingwood last Week. Miss Mabel Ross has gone to Grimsby Beach. wMt. J. L. Morrison has taken a pos- ition in the shipbuilding plant at Colling^vood. The "W. A. will meet at the hoiTie of Mrs. Emerson Wright on Thursday, May 2nd. Mr? Wultor Akitt and son, George, of Rock Mills were recent visitors at the Duckett home. Mr. and Mrs Rdgar Betts of Ple.shorton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penwick visited on Sunday with Mr. E. Binnington and family. Mrs. Chas. Long is assisting in the home of Mrs. John Porteous, Flesher- ton, who is ill. A number of farmers have com- menced work on the land. We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Scutt and Mr. Edmund Binnington still both quite ill at time of writing. Mrs. W^. Benson has returned home after working in Collingwood for some tiine. Crossklll and son, Romayne, all of Heathcote were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrff. Ed. Baker. Mr. Harrison and Mlaa Patteson oif Flesherton were callers In our vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell and son Laurie ot Rock Mills visited on Sun- day with Mr. and' Mrs. Nelson Da- borne and family; Mr. Edwin PirrrJs ot Toronto spent the week-end with hts wlt€ aJid family here. X^Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Oenoe are having an auction sale on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaltting one on May Ist. We are sorry to lose these families from our community jas they have rend^-'>d assistance In many ways. Both Jadles have been valuable memhers o>f the Women's Association. Just recently the many friends of Pte. Arthur Lawlor of the Seaforth Highlanders and his bride assembled In their honour at Feversham and presented them with a well-filled purse accompanied by an address. We Join In wishing them every suc- cess. ^aW!" .Sti/MMmii^Sam ii m ii M i nn i M iiiiiii nm ii n ii< L i i > t iiiiiiiii n»; ^ iWE KNOW That since operating Flesherton Creamery, we have always made an effort to Pay HIGHEST MARKET prides for your pfroducts, plus the best of SERVICES, and a SQUARE deal throughout. Our record of continued increase of businteds proves this out. WE KNOWâ€" That with the beginning of a new season, distant Creameries will canvass roost of you Vfith unreas- onable promises, which usually do not last. That it is an established &ct, farmers who sell their cream to outside Creameries help ta pile up unnecessary expense, and thereby keeping* dciwn the net returns for their products. That no farmer can make a cent a pound botfer- fat easier than by delivering his cream to the Creamery. WHY LOOK FOR AN OUTSIDE MARKET WHEN WE CAN GIVE YOU A BETTER MARKET AT HOME â- Â« , I DO YOU KNOW That cream cans are costly and creating heavy expense to the industry yeariy, and now, be- cause of the war, metals are required for odier purposes, so we ask you to help save our Cans, and if you have more than vou actually require for cream, kindly set them aside and our tiruck will jAtk them op. We can have rusty cans re-tinned to lo<^ like new. The Creamery will be open each Wednesflay and Saturday night during the summer months. Flesfierion Creamery & Prodoce Co. ,'* ' Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager ! iiii M i inn i MMi i ii m iii i ii n i n i m ii um TORONTO LINE NORTH Penny bank instructor urges study in the use of money. â€" Heading. The schools ought to have a course in how to make money. Buzzing bees h'aace been in full swing in this vicinity recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wna. Swanton of Cheeseville spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S\vwnton. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. A. E., Patton accompanid her home and will spend a week with her parents near- Berkeley. Mrs. Kay Woods of Markdale spent a day with her mother, Mrs. T. Lt'ver Mr. Fred Thompson is assisting .Mr. Alex. Miller; Geo. Loucks is with F. Brown and Jack Loucks is with Geo. Swanton for the spring work. Mr. and Mrs. Edvrin Loucks .spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Cecil Loucks at Chatsworth. Miss Edna McCallum is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E: Sparks, at present. "How," asked the officer on the rifle range, "did you get those four straight hits? Your range is 600 yards, but your sight is set at 300." Said the young miliatiaman: "See that little rock halfway along? Well, I'm bouncng 'em off that." -/w-/sircii A ./ / BIG BMWWEWaWCE nv CARS •VOH 8VCH A JEJriVXJP INIFFBRBIIfCC IIVPRICBI^ COBIFOBT! Oldsmobilc's ex.^ elusive Rhythmic Ride -^ with modem coil mrings all around, â€"gives you gliding driving com> fort, even on the toughest roads. QUALITT ! One look at Olds- mobile wiU convince you of its Duality. You'll see dozens of Matures found only on higher ptioed cars. PRESTIOB I You con be proud of an Oldsmobile. OMs has been a leader for fojty years I lUuttraUdâ€"Th* OUtmobile "00" TUm Door Iburiiv Sedan **Take my tip ... Compare Olds with the OrtUnary Carat . See what a Bl« dUterenee Juat a few dollar* makea.' i ! From stem to stem Olds, mobile is BIG. And it's roomy, too 1 I^nt seat accommodates 3 passengers comfortably. STYLE ! Imasine driving the car everybody s calling "the best lookW car on the road". Oldsmobile sets the beauty pattern for '40. POWER! Oldsmobile ofiets big, economical six- and eight- cyunder engines that give you extra power irtMaal extra cost I OltDSMOBIIiE *BCST hOOMMXG GAR ON THE ROAD !"• D. McTAVISH & SONS, FLESHERTON, Ont H. Grummett, Duiidalk (Associate Dealer)

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