Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1937, p. 8

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/ Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The law which cost 20 CaTindians thi'ir jobs on ferries at the border is typical of many frontier ropuhitions which pniiluce nothiiij,' but irritation betwe<>n friendly nations. BARGAIN FARES SEPT. 24â€"25â€"26 WINDSOR $4.90 DETROIT $4.90 CHICAGO $9.50 Gkiiik: to I)etroil â€" leave Toronto 8.30 a.m. train .Sept. 2.')-26; to Chicajro â€" leave Toronto 8. .in a.m. train Sept. 24, 2o, 2fi, nipht trains Sept. 24, 25. Returninir: from Detroit â€" last train leaves ;? a.m. Sept. 28; from fhicaRO â€" la.st train leave.s 11. Mil p.m. Sept. 28. Con.sult .-XKent.s â€" Ask for handbill Ask for particulars of Canada's Maple Leaf Contest. Seven cash prize.s â€" you may win $100.00 Canadian Pacific The quints are said to know three j FIND 2 SKULLS IN ROADBED hundred words already. And think of the turnover. fp.^^ j^^^,,^ i„ j,^^^,, preservation considcrinjr their ajfe, were found by workmen ent?aj,'ed in the construction of the Orillia to Cold water road. Tlicy were upturned at the top of "(ihost Hill'" where, accoi'din^ to leg- end, an itinerant pedlar was once murdered and robbed, and his body buried at the side of the road. The s:host of the murdered man was sup- posed to walk upon occasion and the early settlers were afraid to go near the spot at niffht. There seems to be .«iom« doubt, how- t'Ver, that the fmdinjr of the skulls confirms the old story. The one is ! said to be from a woman's skeleton. The other is that of an Indian, and the man murdend was a white man. The .skulls were found close tojjeth- cr several feet blow the ordinary level of the road. "They were rijrht at the top of the hill." said .lames Mer- cer, Orillia ii-eve, who happened to be passmt; at the time of the discovery. "They were in the roadbed and from their condition I would say had been there a Ion); time. There isn't much doubt they were skulls of Indians. The teeth were in the b«st state. The tops were in decay." â€" Midland Free I'ress. No joy ' done. eq uals that of work well Local and PersoDai PRICEVILLE ♦« 1 1 1 n > ♦ I I m 'I â-  ! . 1 . 1 â-  ! . M • l** •^l li .lk* * • ^ ** * ** ^ •**** ** * * •^*****â- ** Fall Days Arc I Here Again . . AND YOU WILL NEED- ; ; STOVE PIPES, elbows, dampers, stove BOARDS, RANGES and HEATERS HUNTING NEEDS v^iii.irlc ,111(1 l)nul)le- I '.anil Shut C.uiis, \\ inclu-tfr, Sav- aj^a- and l\t.MiiinLrt<iii 22 calil)rc' l^ifles: also l>ro\vnin<^ >Iide-actinn 22 Rifk-s. Slini Gun Shcll.s and 22 .Xinmtinitidn ; Roof Coating, Roofing, Building Paper, Cement, Axes, ; ; , ; Saws, Hjunmers, Auger Bits. Flashlights & Batteries ! I Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON :: Mrs. Robt. Clark was in Toronto for several days this week. Mr. Ted McTavish spent the latter part of the week in Oakville. Mr. Vernon Stewart was in Toronto the first of the week. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong spent the week end in Toronto. The W. M. S. will meet in St. John's Church on Wednesday at .'{ p.m. ^Mr. and .Mrs. W. Ilod(,'son of Islint?- ton .spent the week end with Mr. and .Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr. and Mis. Karstedt and Mr. .1. llarrislfin spent .Sunday with friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Burton K. Field and son, Bruce, of Toronto spent the week <nd in town. Mrs. M. 'I^histlethwaite is visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. Geo. McMaster of Biantford spent the past few days at his home here. Mr. W. H. Thurston spent the week I'nd with his daughter, Mrs. N. H. Durrant, near Mitchell. -Mr. and .Mrs. R. J. Blackburn and daughter, Violet, of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Stewart and .VIr. Everette Blackbui'n and Miss Mildred Risk spent the latter part of the week in Waubaushene. Duck hunting con>menced on Wed- nesday last and quite a number of i N'os. 108 and ,5.'il Mrs. Ramsdell of New York, lately returned from a visit to California, was an affable pleasant visitor with brother, Mr. John Stothart. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson arc also spending their holidays there. The many improvements made to St. Columba C'hurch have greatly enhanced its appearance. The tablet showing the nanu', and the year of its erection, 1888. has been recut to read, St. Columba United Church. Mr. and Mrs. E. .Shantz and baby, arrived at the home of her parents on Saturday noon for his holidays. The winsome Miss Anna McLean took the (rip home with them, and left on Sun- day evening for her studies at a busi- ness college in Toronto. The exchange of pulpits arranged for Sunday between the United mui- isters of Elmwood, Crawford nnd r^iiceville, was cancelled on account of Infantile Paralysis prevailing near there. The occasion was anniversary services at Crawford. We are look- i?ig forward with eager expectation to the 26th instant, when the Rev. G. R. Sei-vice of Flesherton will preach here. .St. Columba W. M. S. and W. A. journeyed to North Egremont and held their September meeting at the hospit- able home of Mrs. Thos. Harrison, and it was well attended. Miss E. Jame-? presided and after a short worship service, led in discussing a fowl sup- per to be held on October 18th. In the absence of the president and the program convenor. Miss B. Weir pre- sided for the W. M. S. Mrs. Wm. Mather read the lesson; Rev. IT. ^. Wright introduced two new hymnr, Other hymns sung AUCTION SALE An auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, furniture, etc., the estate ;)f the late Mrs. Albert Thompson, will be held on Lot 71, Con. 3, Art- ,.mesia, one-cjuaiter mile east of Port- law, on Satuiday, October 2nd at 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. â€" Geo. E. Dun- can, Auctioneer. Auction Sale FARM .STOCK, IMI'LE.MEN TS, Etc- himters were out after the few ducks I were. "Dear Lord and Pother of Man- available. I i^iiid," and "Spirit of God descend up- Mr. and Mrs. F^dward Olennel of , on my heart." At the clo.se of th-- Detroit accompanierl by the former's ' meeting a social half hour was spent sister, called on Dr. and Mis. Ottewell | and tea was sei-ved by the hostess, as- on Sunday. sisted by Mrs. Elmer Harrison and Mrs. Allan Keith, Jfean and Mac of: Miss Edna Harrison and Miss Eva Toronto weie the guests of Mr. and j Hooper. Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling over the week | end. I A social time was spent at the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTavish and I manse on Saturdny evening to spend a two children, Jean and Evelyn, were I f«'"' hours with Mr. Pickermg, before leaving the community. He has spent the past four month? here and has made many friends in that time. A complimentary addiess was read by Mrs. Wilfred Watson and the pres- entation of a dressing set was made by Mrs. J. MclNIeekin. Mr. Pickering fittingly replied. A dainty lunch was served at the close. All wish Mr. Pickering the best and another suc- cessful year at university. Mr. and .Mr.s. Culin MclA-an and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mclnnis spent a day in Toronto last week. Mr. .•Mroy McLean and sister, Nel- lie, spent a few days with their sis- ter, Mrs. Neil Norman, at Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and tr â-  ily visited friends at Georgetown ye- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and 1 family visited Sunday with friends at â-  ~ ~ ~~" ~ "^ riGlenmont ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ -•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*********^^i.| niversary services on .Sunday at Swinton Park. The W. M. S. and \V. Helpers meet- ing was h<>ld on Thursday at the home , of Mrs. Dave Nichol, when over oO ' were present. Mis. J. McMeekin pre- â- ided. The roll call was answered by "Whiit it means to he a good church , iii.-niliei.' .Mrs. Henrv Tuck r gave a very interesting pafier; con:-iderahle in Oshawa on Sunday. Mrs. D. Mc Tavish. who has been spending some time there returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips with their danghtei-, Mrs. Wittig and her two sons. David and Phillip from Toledo; .Mr. A. Weber and Mr and Mrs. Med- dleton of Detroit were guests at the Karstedt home last week. .Mr. and .Mrs. Mark Fawcett, Bob- hie and D.ile, and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fawcett of Colliiigwood, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris and family and called on other friends. Miss Mildred .Sharp and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stevenson of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dever of Proton and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wliite spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom White. J T t ♦ t ? t ? ? V r t THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. Hill & Co., Limited :: CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. OUR BUYING POWER ; ; SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY 'r 'V V V '1"I'1 t ? y X ♦ Men^s High Grade Work Pants and Work Shirts ♦I|» V I "en served oy me nostess, assisted ^^ 0% liy Miss May Stewart, Mrs. Henry t r »», f imr 1 I i Tiicker and Mrs. Annus Hooper. Y Selling This Week, -A Special Purchase of We have the largest assortmen of Work y ' Mr Murray McMillan and Miss An- Y Men's High Cirade Work Pants & Work Shirts in Grey County to choose from, at ♦♦♦ "ie MeKinnon, T.Monto, spent the week A. oi • »« 1 r« 1 .1 ftji I ^ • I •» <?!â-º ^'"•' "â- '"' friends here. Y Shirts, Much Below the Market prices to suit every urse. f m, ,„„, j,,^ ^^,^.^ ^,,„^ ,__^_, ,^^^,^^ Y "" J returneil to Toronto on Frichiv, after *y i,( )T 1â€" iOdoz. Mi-n'.s llidiC.nuIc Wurk 1.0'!' 1 â€" 10 doz. onlv, Navy Blue and Y •"'"•'"vi"^' here r.n- the past two >â- - . ...V. '^ . . ,, ,.'.., ,,. •". 1 A weeks. ♦^* business was deidt with and the meet A ing cli)s<'d with prayer. Mrs. Suth- 1 ierland pieside<l over the W. M. S. ♦ 1 ii;e. ting itiid opened with silent prayer, ♦«,♦ ;'.>llowed by s<-riptuie reading, read «^* I ' I'sponsively, from 7th chapter of X .Acts. Ml- J. McMeekun gave a j I reading and Mrs. Wilf Watson read a ♦> jchajitei- from the study book. The >4 I meeting closed with a hymn. The 1 ne.xt meeting will he held at the homo jj I of Mrs. Jack Nichol. Jr. Lunch was «!♦ then served by the hostess, assisted by Miss May Stewart, Mrs. Henry Plicker and Mrs. .Vngiis Hooper. ? y y y J t ? ♦ t y 1/yr 1 â€" 10 doz. only, Navy Blue and Y Lij^lit IJliu- Cdtton Drill Sliirls, a ffood Y l.'iij^c- make. Special 47c Y LOT 2â€" l()(l.)z. only, extra heavy Work A vSliirt.s, in drill and elianil)i"av, all colors ♦♦♦ and s\/vs in the lot. I\\tra Special .... 95c ♦♦♦ Y t ? t y f y y ? ♦ t y y y I.( )T 1â€" 20 doz. Meii'.s llij.;ii C.radc Wurk I'ants in ditferenl patlcrns. in heavy cut ton tweeds. V'alnes in the lot as hi^h as S2.2.T jier pair, all ^\/x->. Kxtra .Special at, per pair $1.44 I.OT 2â€"10 doz. Men's Work Pants in a hetter fpialitv than Lot 1. all sizes, Special, pair '. $L65 MEN'S NEW FELT HATS FOR FALL A LOT .i â€" Men's Work I'ants in wool and .Ml the newest shades and designs. I cotton mixtures ; a ^'"wod pant suitable for Wool I'elts, at, each $L95 J $L95 l-'ui I'elts in best ([uality, each $2.95 j V ? y ? ? ♦I* Nature arranges things. The fat- ter ymi get the farther you are from the table. F. D. Cairns will sell by public auction on Lot 139, .Ird W.T.S.K.. Artemcsia Tuesday, Sept. 28 the fololwing property, namely: HORSES & CAITTLE â€" Matched team Bay Mares 9 and 10 years; Aged Mare, good worker; ;i Red Cows; Hol- stoin Cow; Spotted Cow; Jersey Cow, particulars of above cows given at time of sale; 5 head of Yearling Here- fords; 5 head of Yearlings; 4 head Spring Hereford Calves. SHEEP, PIGS, POULTRY â€" Brood Sow due Sept. 30; 10 Breeding Ewes; 5 Spring Lambs; 100 bred-to-lay B. R. lO.iG Pullets; 2 Geese and Gander; 6 Young Geese. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" New Ideal Deering Binder in Al shape; Iron Har- row, 12-bull, with two eveners; M.-H. Fertilizer Drill L"? disc; Iron Ti-uck Wheels 5 in. tires; Wagon; Democrat; Buggy; Cutter; Sleighs; Wagon BoX; Hay Rack; Yard Gravel Box; Fanning Mill; Fleury Riding Plow, i furrow; Fleury Walking Plow; P. H. Walking Plow; Turnip Pulper; 2 Robes, one a large horse hide; 2 sets Heavy Ham- ess; 5 Horse Collars; Half set Plow Harness with chain tugs; Driving Har- ness; Pair Horse Covers; 2 Horse Blankets; Wheelbarrow; Grind Stone; Forks; Shovels; Garden Rake; Cant- hook; Logging Chain; Hoe; Binding Chain; S'-ythe; 2h cords Dry Wood, maple and beech; Sea.son's crop of Hay, Grain and Straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€" Moffat Range; Stove Pipes; Coal Burning Heater; 2 Wood Heaters; ".lamcsway'' oil burning Brooder .Stove with 7.50 chick capacity "Hoover" new, never used; Melotte Cream .Separator; But- ter Bowl; Churn; Number of Pails; 3 doz. Sap Buckets and spiles; Fruit •Jars and ciuantity of Fruit; Cooking Utensils and Dishes; Piano; .\laddin Lamp and others; 2 Sewing Machines; Oiaphonola and Records; Camp Bed; Kitchen Cupboard; Single Mattress; Sliding Couch with mattress; Dining Room Table and Chair; 2 Ostermoor Mattresses; Sideboard; Folding Bed Spring; number of Small Tables: Hall '• nt and Mirror: Medicine Cabinet and â- nimi rous other articles. No reserve; everything must be sold. .'-^iK to Commence at 12..'50 p.m. TERMS â€" Furniture, Wood. Hay, Grain and all sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount 8 mos.' credit will be given on approved joint notes fai'ng interest nt 6 per cent. Herb Corbett, Clerk â€"GEO. niNCAN, Auctioneer GIvEN WAtCH Mrs. Harry Down of Fleshertoff, in a pleasant ceremony in Clarksburg the past week, was honored by members of her immediate family with the presentation of a gold wrist watch to mark the 50th anniversary of her wed- ding to Mr. Down, who predeceased his life partner a couple of years ago. The presentation on behalf of the family was made by Postmaster W. R, Fawcett. Mr. Robert Down, a mem- ber of the family wa.s not able to be present due to having fallen from a tree a day or so' before, while working on telei)hone lines. â€" Review-Herald. Te'ncJers Wanted Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned Solicitor to the Executor up to and including the Thirtieth day of Septenilnr for the purchase of Lot Twenty-six, Concession Seven. Town- diip of Osprey, the property of the Estate of the late James Sullivan. This farm is said to contain one hundred acres, consisting of about eighteen acres hardwood bush, eighty icres, nu)re or less, of workable land. There is erected upon it a brick ven- eer house, with a kitchen. There is itl.<!o a frame barn on a stone founda- tion. There are two wells on the property. The lowjjst or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. â€" C. C. MIDDLEBRO", City Hal! Owen Sownd. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Y anv kind of wea-r. Special, i)air Men's Ilijrh Grade Work Skirts at a Bipf Saving. 3 Big Specials in the Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Dept. ^^ SPECIAL CLEARANCE IN LADIES' BLOUSES Naturalists tell us that the life of a fly is about si.xty-two days. Not if We hel)> it. Ijhe trouble with some .floating loans is that they become water- b'gged. .At present over 80 per cent, of the tillers of the soil are on relief in Southern Saskatchewan. 50 only, Lakdies' Silk Bloomer*, many de- si,L';n-> to aiioose iroin, values up to $1.7.t cyieariince Price, each 49c 10 doz. Ladies' House Dresses in high radc print, a good make, small, medinm GROCERY SPECIALS Dal ton's V'anilla lyj ok. .size Ldihy's & Clark's Pork & Beans 2 for 19 f P. ^'t G. or l\arl White Soap .... 5 for 19c <* I Y 3 for 17c f vShredded Wheat 2 for 23c ♦!♦ 3 for 25c ♦I* Killogg's C(M'n flakes A new record has been set up for flying across the United States, nine hours, .'{fi minutes. There appears to be no end to speed in the air. I In the estate of AUSTIN SHACK- LEFORD. late of Flesherton, Gentle- man, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claim.s or accounts against the above named de- feased are required to send full par- ticulars thereof to the undeisi.gned executor on or before th Ninth day of October, l'.i;«7, after which date the estate will be 'distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which notice shall at that time have 'been received. â€" C. C. MIDDLEBRO" City Hall Owen Sound. A new drug has been developed which causes instant fainting. Hus- bands who have been presented with bills for new fall outfits for their wives know how it acts. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Small Ads. FOR SALEâ€" lYoung Yorkshire pigs. â€" Jas. Harrison, Flesherton. FARM â€" 12« acre farm for sale or rent, or work on shares. â€" Jas. Hopps, Priceville. P"OR S.ALE â€" Quantity of balsam wood, also cedar â€" Herb Belts, R. R. No. 3, Flesherton. WANTED â€" 16 young 0.\ford Down breeding ewes; state prices, etc., to J. W. Hannah, Dundalk. FOR S.-\LE â€" General purpose horse, 3 years old, also 9 pigs 6 weeks old. Archie McKechnie, Priceville. W'ANTED â€" Good prices paid for horses or cows, suitable for mink feed. â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. MAN WANTEDâ€" Man, willing to work, wanted on farm for two or three months.^ â€" Claude -Akins, Flesherton. SEEDS WANTED â€" We are buying alfalfa, alsike, red clover and sweet clover seeds Phone 3? r 3, A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Well bred Jersey Cow. Will freshen in December. â€" Mrs, Archie Stewart, Phone 32 r 11, Flesherton. STRAYED â€" From the Mejfgitt pas- ture on or about August 18 or 20, yearling Hereford steer with horns, with tips sawed off. Finder inform Joyce Porteous, Rock Mills. WANTED â€" Any amount of cattle or horses for fox meat. My re- frigeration system en«bles me to keep any amount. Good prices paid delivered. â€" H. E. Karstedt, Priceville. WANTEDâ€" AMBITIOUS HUSTLER. Sell Rawleigh Products. Needed in every home. Easily sold. Pleas- ant work. Should start earning S.^O weekly and increase rapidly. We teach you how. Rawleigh's, Dept. NO..ML-205-.50-I, Montreal, Quebec. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire O. A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms |1.00.â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser» vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within fotir months. â€" Laurie Pedlar. Fle.sherton, Ont., R. R. 3. , , . r^t ,„,. ti^;...» iiL. JvnioiTijs v^ornt aKes o jor ^.ne v .,, and large sizes. Clearance Price 4tfc i /-«i tt \az Ji ^^^^^ af^ree m ^ .^ lb. pail Clover Honev w-.'ic y Ladies' House DreMes in a better quality, Cowan's TVrfection Cocoa, 1 lb. tin .. , 2.Sc y Adverti.se A clearance of regular lines up to $1.30. Swt^-t Pickle.s, large jar 2m: V n.onton Jor Premier King has notified the Al- lierta government that furthw argu- ment over the disallowance of Al- berta's banking legislation is iinnnec- ssary and the ma.iority of Canadians will agree with the Prime Mini.ster. .S|H-cial per fi-arnient .-... 89c yScribblers for school opening 2 to 5c each V ment clipped from the Ed- ournnl â€" SET of Nursing Text Books wanted; used hospital training course. If unable part with same might arrange to take nurse with same. Box 51fi, Journal. IN THE M.ATTER of the Estate of MARTHA JANE TURNER, late of the Village of Eugenia, in the Coun- ty of Grey, who died on or about the 17th day of June, 1S)37. .All those having claims agaimst the above named deceased must send full particulars thereof to the under- signed solicitor for the executors before the T\venty-flfth day of Sep- tember. 1037. After that date the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, hnVing i-ogavd only to claims of which notice shall at that time have been received. â€" W. E. HARRIS. Solicitor for the Executors, Owen Soimd, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" .Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.30 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment onty. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE â€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69. Prince .Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. & A. P.. meets in the Fraternal Hall, Fle.sherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Ont. ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE •¥ CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS PIRB AUTOMOBILE BURGLARS Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds Any Insuranae Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, On*. 5e DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonable. ~Phone, Dandalk 2. DR. G. A. LEDGERWOOD. V. S. Night and Day Call Professional Service Feversham, Phone 4 r ."i, at residence of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. : - ^ ' II I

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