Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1937, p. 3

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•>-'.'»»i>»»»»»>X*. >5 c<<<oaBM >>>>>x<<<<<<<«>>>>w:- ♦ Classified I Advertisini^ AGENTS WANTED FILMS AND PRINTS pUOUUtSSIVE AGENTS WANTKO (or made-to-measure men's cloUi- ing. aupercraft Clothes, 5044 St. Law- rence, Montreal, Quebec. SEND FOR FREE KIT COCIF^'S, manufacturers for their own 24 c-ity .stores acroi5s Can- ada, want agents to become e.xolus- ive factory representatives. Men and women, earn bip; money! Sell Sobie's gcarantoed LinKer;e and fine Hos- iciy. Cet into thi.s profitable busin- ess now. Write today for fiee outfit. Sobie's .Silk Shops, Department S.T. Far.;liaiTi, Que. ^US) j-J/) WEKKLY SELLING FELT V'-v.'t/v ^ijgg pjjj. jyjj pai-ticiilars wiiii! .M, Shodel, Bo.x 473, Mimico, Ont. ARFIFICIAL LIMBS OA.XGEK STAND.ARD Ll.MU CO., ** 120 Wellington Street West, To- ronto Improved light metal and wil- low iirtit'icial limbs without shoulder Strar;!. BAR.N ROOFING â€" FENCE POSTS QUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES save you money on Supertlte gal- vanized roofing. Superior steel Fence Posts and steel granary lining. Super- ior Products Limited, Sarnia. Ont. CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS QLD C.-\HPETS WOVE.N INTO RE- versible Rugs. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 4. CORONATION COVERS pii;ST DAY ISSUE CORONATION Covers â€" Newfoundland 30c each. L. Hodder, Bay-de-Verde. Newfound- laiid. DOGS CLASS SCOTCH, ENGLISH Pups, natural born, low ho'lers. good watch dog. Males, two months. i'i.M. 3 months $.'!."5. Females J2.')0. Failures replaced free. Trained cat'U' ilogs. trained fox, coon and deer hounds. Rapldview Kennels. Morris- burs. Ontario. EDUCATIONAL CTICXOGRAPHY BY MAILâ€" WRITE for free sample lesson. Miss Mac- donald. 3472 West Broadway. Mont- real. Quebec. OIGH C '^ Collie ELECTRIC WELDER The Trindl Electric Welder lX7t)NI)ERFUL NEW INVENTION ();iiMates from tj-volt battery. Weldsâ€" Solders â€" Brazes. $4..'")0 de- livtMOd. K. H Anderson. Lindsay, Ont. FURNITURE $ LYONS' USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Giiat savin.us in our Furniture Trade-in Department. Our low prices havo made this department the larg- e.st and most popular In Toronto. Just a few of the huiulreds of specials are listL',1 here. If you don't see what you want advertised come in or write, Lyons are sure to have it and at the lowest price in town. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and coni|)letely relinished to look like new. ijCQ f\f\ Beautiful .American waluut X bedroom suite, large chitf- robe, full length triple mirror vanity and full size 4-poster bfd with sagless sijriiit; Completely reflnished. Cost new over $200.00. $ni CA Walnut linish dresser, in â- ^ * •*^" perfect condition, with full si/.,' slei'l hcil to match, sasless spring and hianil new all-felt mattress. CJ1Q Cf\ Solid oak dining-room ipiZf.iJV (juitgg |.jrge buffet, exten- sion tables and 6 leather upholstered diairs. in peifect cond-ition. Your choice of golden or fumed oak. ^Q f\f\ Beautiful solid walnut diu- liig-rooni suite, large buf- fet, twin pedestal e.xtension table, china cabinet and 6 chairs upholstercU in m'nuine leather. A really lino suite and looks brand new; completely ro- fiiii.slicd. Cost originally about $300.00. S54.7 00 Eight-piece, 2-tone walnut '•^ * finish dining-room suite â€" Queen Ann design; large buffet, ex- tension table and B chairs upholstered in genuine leiitlu'r. Completely refln- ished. 9iAQ fJO Ij"'«urious 3-piece Chester- iP'*i7.\JiV» ,,^,,^1 gyng (unclaimed). â€" Till:! suite has been reljuilt and recov- ered in a very attractive brand new brown repp; has Marshall reversible spring cushions and is a real bargain at this pri'-: . Originally cost $175.00, Is exactly like new. Jt^a CQ Full length chestcMiield * and two roomy chairs to matcli, upholstered in a novelty repp with reversible Marshall cushions and show wood walnut frame: completely re-ioudilioned and dry cleaned. CTK OA Large Cheaterftrld with In a French Jncquard Taupe shade; con'.pt -toly re built and thoroughly dry cleaned. Large assortment of Kitchen c'ab- luets, Sewiiig Machines, Gas Stoves, Library Tables. Beds, Spring Mat- tresses. Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers, Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. TRADE-IN DEPT. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Save 40%. Buy Direct from Factory 478 VONGE ST. TORONTO FILMS AND PRINTS £NLARGEMENTS FREE WITH every 25 cent order. Roll films diive'opcd and eight prints 25 cents, reprints 3 cents each. Brightllng, 29 BJr^ond 8tre«t Eut, Toronto, CPARKLINO, HIGLOSS, DECKLE edged prints, three extra wiiii each roll finished l'5c. Twelve reprints 25c Uelhantya, Webbwood, Ont. DOLLS DEVELOl'ED AND EIGHT prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service. Dept. U.. Outiemont. Que. 7ERU PRICES, EXPERT WORK. Roll with free enlargement 25c. Trevauna Studios, !)3 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. 25r â€" PvOLL DEVELOPED AND one deokle edge print of each. Reprints 3c, 10 for C5c. One Free en- largement with each order 25c or more Snap-Y Photo Service, Box 72, Station K, Toronto. DOLLS DEVELOPED; PRINTED, one free enlargement 2ac. Re- prints 10 for 25c. Piioto-Craft, 1S314 King St. E.. Torcnto. FUy FARMING DAISE .MINK FOR PROFIT â€" GET started right with .Moss "Quetieo" strain mink â€" guaranteed stock. Write for full information. Moss Fur Farms, Lliniteil (mink breeding specialists). Sapawe. Ontario. M' I.VK with a proven pelt record, the same strain which averajred $36.50 in 19-36 and .S-ll.aO in 19,37. and that after tlie best have been sold for hreedor?. 0. I.pc. Faust, Alberta. GREAT SALE USED PIANOS QRIGINALLY COSTING WHEN new up to $800.. good makes, beau- tiful walnut, mahogany and golden oak cabinets, in real good condition, tuned, including piano benches; bargain prices, $39.50. $40.50, $50.50. [deal for homes, schools, churches. Write for our bargain price list. Sovereign's Sales. 241SB Dufleiin St.. Toronto. HEALTH SUPPLIES ««I SUFFERED AGONIES FOR 17 years with psoriasis. I had tried everything but nothing did me any good till I got a jar of your truly "Mir- acle" remedy Sor-X. Now my skin is absolutely clear." S. Cull. Toronto. This is a typical letter taken from our files to show the wonderful re- sult .achieved with Sor-X. It you suf- fer from psoriasii!. Pemphigus, eryth- ema, inipetago. or a similar skin dis- ease write today for a full size tube of Sor-X only $1.19. Also X-Z-Ma for hives, itch, poison ivy. etc. Guaran- teed! L'se for 10 days. If you are not enthusiastic about results achieved re- turn tube to us and money will be in- stantly ref ended. Send no money. Write name and address on postcard and mail today. When parcel arrives you pay postman only $1.4!) plus few cents postage. Health Supplies. Dept. Wl. Hur<n at Harbord St.. Toronto. HELP WANTED yOUNG MEN AND WOMENâ€" POSI- tions more ea.-iily secured if you train for 'I'degrapber or Stenographer. Become stenographer in ten weeks^- notes written in English. Typewriter supplied. Self-teaching machine loan- ed with telegraphy. Inexpensive. What course interesis yni! .' Write Ca.isan Systems, Toronto. I.ILY BULBS DLANT LILIES NOW â€" ADD TO ^ brightness of your garden with Lilies from hotuegrown bulbs of re- liable varieties. Also other perennial flowersâ€" and fruit trees for northern gardens- all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn Catalogue with in- structions for Lilies, etc. Arrival of all plants in good condition guaran- teed. The .Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, F. L. Skinner. Prop., Drop- more, Manitoba. MACHINERY QET OUR NEW PRICES ON THE Goold. Shapley & Muir gas, gaso- line, and fuel oil engin"s and grinders. .'VIso repairs for Brantford engines, pumps, windmills. J. \. Fellows & Co. Brnntfoid. Out. PANNING MILL (KLINE) SEED Grader, .guaranteed iiicrea.^e crop. Write, Kline Mfr.. 121 Empress Cres.. 'I'oronto. pEBUlLT FARM MACillNHRY AND trucks composed of: Grain chop- pers S" to 15": Gas engines IV2 to II h.p.; Tractors 8 x 16 to 25 x 40 h.p.: Power iinits 20 h.p. iit>: I0n.siin;;e cut- ters; 21 Truiks from Vi ton up. We pay spot cash for old tractors Wi ite or see us. Uiniia's lntern:ition:il Sales *t Service. Macnc:iiieM St., Gi.elph, l)utario. MF.DICAL f^O.XSTIPATKD' - Iinmeda'-e Hc- liof â€" ( money i)a'>\ k i:'r-int-c. 1 "erfcct (brnndl 1 a::ati".e Pills, .""e box, .3 boxes .?'.00. Mnil 'ir 'ers in- vited, I'erfc'-t Choiiii.'al. -HIO W.ch- nnind \V., Tovo:ito. OTOH SUFFERING. HAVE YOU itching, burning, scakling, wet or dry skin troubl'. If so, ns;? the guar- anteed inch Ec'.eina Remedy. Write Inch Drug Company, 1130 Weston Rd.. Toronto. Sold from coast to coaotâ€" One Dollar prepaid. MUSICAL INSTRUIVIENTS I EARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE Trumpet. Tunnhoiie. Become a Musician. Send for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' termsâ€" no in terest. Literature free. Qreene Music CompMjr, S7 Queen fit., MMt, T0lP9to. MISCELLANEOUS Sensational New Discovery DECHARGES RADIO B'8, FLASIl- lights, dry cells, guaranteed like new. Stamped envelope brings full particulars. A. E. Lueck, Box 152, Lockwood, Sask. I EAF BURLEY, FOUR P0UNI5S $1.00, fourteen pounds $.3 00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobac- co $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Nat- ural Leaf Tobacco Co., Lean-ington. Ont. H/E GUARANTEE YOUR FIT WITH best nuality, latest style suit or winter overcoat (slightly usedl. regu- lar to $60.00 for $e to $12. Fall coats, regular to $35.00 for $4 to $S. Suit coats, $2, $2.50, $3. New trousers, in tweeds, serges and worsteds. .?1.25. $1.75, $2.25, $2.05. Postpaid. State measurements, colours, style, age. Sat- isfaction guaranteed or money refund- ed. Send money orderâ€" Raskin & Co., Poterboro, Ont. POST OFFICE BOXES pOST OFFICE BOXES IN GOOD condition. For particulars apply F. D. Ghent. Postmaster, Burlington. Ontario. PERSONAL gOOKS EVERY MARRIED COUPLE and those lonleinplaling marriage should read. ''Entering .Marriage." 24 pages, postpaid. 15c. "Sex and Youth." 104 pages, postpaid. 25c. Our 20 page illustrated catalogve of books, drug supplies, and hou.^ehold novelties, free upon request. Supreme Specialty. itiO Yonge. Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, Comfort. Positive Stipport with our advanced method. No elastic or understrapa or steel. Write. Smith Manufacturing Co.. Dept. 219, Pre.ston. Ont. RADIO pARM-ClTY RADIOS $7.95 .COM- plete. Save half. Agents free oiTer. Amazing prices windchargers. power plants, accessories. Marco 1243.X .Mc- Gee. Kansas City, Mo, STAMPS Vy.\NTED. CANADIAN STAMPS IN quantity Best prices for accumu- lations and collections. Queen Stamp Co.. Toronto. SALESH:EN WANTED CALES.MEN, EASY TO EARN $25.00 weekly. Sell shirts. pyjamas, made-to-measure. Dignified work. Ev- ery man interested. Write D. Stetson, Box 2110. Montreal TELEVISION AND RADIO ENGINEERING TAUGHT PRACTI- cally. Moto.s. generators, arma- ture winding, electrical drafting, etc. Day and evening classes. Special cor- respondence course. Employment ser- vice guaranteed. Canadian School of Electricity. 282 Ontario West. Mont- real. TIRES JM[E.\Z1E'S USED TIKES $2.95 UP for Ford. Chevrolet, Plymouth ("lodge, liuiek. Oldsniobile. Packard. Cadillac and all lUher cars and trucks. Every tire guaranteed. 11)0 King West. Toronto TRAPPING I CAUGHT li; FOXKS IN 3 DAYS You can do it. Particulars free. Wells Hu'llev. Sla:'.stea(l. Que. WINTER PLANTS pERENNlAL PHLOX. BLEEDING Heiuts. etc.. lOc plant; tulips 4c; Postpaid winter flowering House Plants, etc. Write for list. Joseph .\iken. Sliaiiiion. Que. WATCH REPAIRS 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE $1 00 '''-'l''«i<'es mainspring, jewel, * cleanintr, hands, crystals, dial repaired. Providinpr no parts missinjr. 2-years (ruarantce. Re- turn po.'tage paid. Fortnerly with Hamilton Watrli Factory. American .Swiss W.iteh Spec alist Reg'd. Dept. W.. 4313 Rreheiif. Montreal. Empire Sugar Eaten Most Here Canada Imported 260,0O0,C00 Pounds From British Guiana Surcar, so fa" as Canada is con- c.-rntd. is almost entire!;- a British Empire product â€" that is, the raw cane sugar wh'ch she imports is broi!ght from Empire countries. Last year, says Can.'.da's Weekly, the Em- pire supplied Caiia'ia with consider- aMy over 1,00().()'>U,COO lb. of the raw prcauct for refining; in the Dominion, v.'hilc the total that came from other countries, Ci!l)a and Peru, was slight- ly over (i.000.000 1!'. Canada import- ed en a 'per capita' b:?si3 about 100 lb. fo every ivia'i. wo:i;a:i and child, v.hicli rccs to show how large a part s;:Kar plays in t!i;" djnu'^tic ccono:ny. j\].>o. 12d.'.ni:).(lC0 lb. 0; suKar was m:ule fi'em beets ;vrown in Canada. Ti;c largest quantity imported from a;iy country war. from British (iuina at nearly '260,000.000 lb. Jam- aica came next with 110,000,000 lb. Fi'o:-! the Fiji Islands, in the S^oiith- trn Pr.-ifu', came 1.34,000,000 lb., fol- liwed clescly by Uarbados and Trini- dad. Canada obtained la:g:o supplies of raw sug:»r also from Australia and British South Africa, while British East Af;'ica in late years has been taking a hand in this trade, although the imports from that country are not yet finite so large as from the smaller islands of the British West Indies. SLiCED VERY . . 'No Matter How Thin Ycu ' IIco U-â€" By SIXEIT; Cairy on ilcpijurnl (iariy on liowe 1 For â- ,i)u:- car.y... â- .â- ,-on i.re piving the populace many a laugh, at a time wlvn sa. .1 are very wel- come, even ii they are not adding very greatly to the dig-.iiiy of public affairs. < • • For when these lads get up on the public pi..Lfor.:i . ui :;lart hurl- ing i'.djeclives, adverbs and ether parts of speejji a.onnd, they reuliy let themselves go, and don't hold anything in rtser\ e. t « • They are something like the large colored lady v.ho we il into the general store and proceeded to order full v a;ning in horrr of her husband who had just got the worst of a cuili:. r aiTair, « • • .Alter she had ordereil a black dress, dilli 'thocs, stockings. h:-.t and Ko forth, she asked to be shown some a!'-i i.'.i I; underwear â€" ;.ud was informed that the store didn't carry any of s.;i ii l>ric-a-l)rac. * • • ' L;i:t," said the clerk helpfully, "it doesn't :â- .â- .!; j any diifoience. It wouldn't be seen anyway." « « * "Deaiie," replied the relict with a sad shake of her liead. "V u- al! don't kno'.v what I is like. When I mourns, I really mourns." * « « Th:it must have been a highly exciting; and ii',-r -vmg serie.'^ ! e- tween the Oriilia Terriers and Mimico Mountaineers â€" ^)ut. not for the first linH', we put in with our worthy friend Ted I^eeve in his statement that, wherever it is. it isn't lacrosse. w « * Tweny â€" thii'ty â€" or more goals per g-anie may satisfy the desire of t'.ie modern spectator for swift action and I'roiiuent changes in li;'.' scori.'lg â€" but those of us ancient enough to lememlier ti.o glorioes days of old. when a guy had to really earn a jioal before lie go» one. simply canni.t gee very v.arm about such doings. * • « To us, ti'.e stici;s these moilcrn players carry look more like ki i- dies' toy:-: â€" in fact, up around Flora. Ferirus and those jjarts v.hcn we were youn;^, little toddlers would have (liLdaincd to carry them. « « « Of course, any kind of lacrosse is belier than none at all -,i.ui if they keep even this ghost of the game going, to ever-risi;i:r e:itiu;si- asm â€" every piaee cxiei)t Toronto, it seems â€" peihups there will to:r.e a day when the giaiui old sport will co:ne out into the sunshine, on the green grass, where it belongs â€" and a lacrosse ;ii;dict. asked how- he was going to send a Saturday afternonn, First of .July or Civic Holiday will look at his ciuestioner with the same liis'justed amr.r.e- ment as a good Orangeman would wear if i|ueries ::s to his in-en- tions for the Glorious Twelfth. « • • But even if today's lacrossists don't run as far, check as clo.'ely. or play as prettily as their fathers there is one thing you have to hand them â€" they wear the same old scars, bruises and contusions â€" and witli. apparently, as little regard for same. Injuries that would put followers of any etlier s; ort ih the hos- pital seem to be lilie water on a duck's back â€" to coin a phrase â€" and only seem to spur them to greater etforts; just as it was iiack in the times when wives and sweeties of players starting olf to visit St. Catharines, Brantford, and c)ther hard-hitting hotbeds w(mld take long lingering looks at them before they climbed un the train. * * • For lliey knew that, even if they di i come back, they weren't going to appear nearly the san'c. Prima Donncs Are Now Streamlined Helen .lepson, now singing in h.T first movie appearance, says she be- lieves that motion pictures arc res- ponsible for the streamline appear- ance of current day grand opca prima donnas, compared with the hefi.iness ' f some of the stars of n past decade. IVIiss .Jcpson said, "all of the Met- ropolitan's younger singers are tool- ing hopefully toward i;ossible film careeis. so they do a little dieting and a little exercising and try tc keep trim lines. Stuff and Nonsense Friend â€" ''Gosh. I need five bucks and I don't know where to get It." JIan â€" "I'm glad of that. I was afraid you tliought yoti could get it from me." The new farm laborer was sent to milk the cow. but as he was such a long time gone the farmer went to see what was delaying hitn. He foimd him feeding the cow with milk. Farmer â€" "Here, I said milk the cow â€" not feed it.'' New Laborer â€" "Well. I thought it came out a bit thin, so I am putting It through again." Man â€" "H:is your wife changed very much since you married her?" Friend â€" ''Yes. my habits, my own friends, and my hours." It may be cowardly to kick a man when he Is down, but it is sometimes necessary to get him up. Prniessor's \V:;'' â€" -'Did yon know. dear. t!.:it it 1;; U yertrs today since '.vo beca"! â- â-  e: gaged?" Profe--:-ei- I r,:-ooccupiedt -â-  U!i. my dear. ;'s higii time we were gelling married." Tireil Traveller â€" "Can 1 g •' a:iy- thing to eat in this dirty dump"" Negro Waiter â€" "Yas, suli. ;';'U kin." T:-:!'. . Ill !â-  â€" â- â€¢Siuli ;i;; wliat?" Negro \','ailer â€" "Sueli as it is. sail" READ :T uR NOT: â€" Chari-':; Coiiriuey. m.isler lock.^tiiilh of New York city, has travnlUd as far as Boui^mv. Imlia. and Moscow. Russia, to open "uiiopenahle" siil'es and tn iiks. Vvouieii might be ;ible to undersland eiieh oilier lieller over the ttleplione if they would talk one at a time'. Some uieii don't know the first thing about hard times until the wife loses her joli. AKiGHROLLTSME Oqden's Fins Cutp<<ts you on the rlgh| hock to all the li g'l ;pots o{ imokina satisfaction. Wi:h ihit fdendly, fra> grant fine cut you'll hif new peaks of pleasure in .-clliiig your own. Particu- larly if you're cnreful to uso the best papers â€" "Chontccler" or "Vogue". There's a biggji 15c package of Ogdon'i, now l'.S.- r^ y<iuf cpc /^ Knows Ogdfn'i Cul Plug OGDEN'S FINE C No man is pei^..; men. eiily the WQI A prominent official of tlie teU phono company was r'.dtdy arousal from his slumbers by the insistei ringing of the teiephoni'. After bruL ing his toe on a chair and "seeing tlfl stars" he reached the telephone. Official fgrowling) â€" "H<;llo!" Loud Masculine Voice â€" "Are yoi an official of the telephone company?' Official "Yes. What can I do foj you ?" Voice â€" "Tell me, how do you like getting out of bed at two o'clock l£ the morning to answer a wrong num| ber call?" Youug .Man â€" "I'm thin'.iing of ash ing some girl to marry me. What dfl you think of the idea?" Sweet Y'oung Thing â€" "Its a groafl idea, if you ask me! " I Opiwrt'.mity does nut alw;iys knoclj .It the iloor any more. Sometimes sits at the curb and honks. '\ ( The attic is a place wliere we storaj things we don't need until it corael lime to throw them away. ] TRUSSES ABOLISHED By Bsailcy's Wonderful Now Air Cush on ENDORSED BY THE IVICDICAL PROFtiSlOM Thousand* ot ruptured peoplo hnin .'..-mcl instant rrliul from Uupluro givtn In- lhi« light. cnady wasln-d.inilaivil .lirtu.l.ji-rCm- lorti.blcnrul < 3nni.'.»lii>. ll,,;j»rupn:r.- t'-mly, nnnly. nllording tibsuos Muroastd •â- !::-.ir f of re-uniling. Vijuiiill(uoi)rdfil.aiQii i.^ -, v.nr, you dc&irp. A weiidtrjully sirnpio ' .;t IWB eHcctive dcvu-«>. Uc.ctora roconmirna ;t. I h« Lsnctt ', tl!o groat nn-di,al papir a-d Ilia Inaeuulo ot Hygiene cndursc lU ' •^en J/or FrcaJ^rial Parilojtnrt BE.^SLZY'S (Canada) LTD. Dept. 37E 60 Front St. W.. Toro nt<^ Dad â€" "My shaving brush is very stiff. I wonder what's wrong with it?'' Wifey â€" "I don't know. It was nice and soft when I painted the bird cage yesterday." Florence â€" "Darling, I wish 1 could feel perfectly certain that I am the only girl you have ever loved." Glaronce â€" ''So do 1, dear. " Caked Udd^r Cleared Exi'Pri*'ncod dnirym.'ii flmi Minard's particularly gmid for trcBtiiiR caked udder. lumps, bruisea. colic, ele. K«rp botUes in Btable and house. 01 I IlilrS4i!JM 1- 1 ^HGOFFAIN^ IQ mtSHffcfii Issue No. 39â€" '37 P-.x You too wiU Hud HAMCO tho id*al £u«l â€" duttloss, smoko- Imb, long«r-lcutinff. And dc^y io regulate â€" HAMCO deliven Juat the macuura o( warmth you want, regoxdlM* of the waather. Baal daa, it's a plaaauia to uaa â€" ao light, ao dean ar^d laaraa for teaa oah. Ordai Eiom youilocat HAMCO daolaiâ€" he deaervaeyouz tuel buainaa*. HAMCO .(fivettttoe lietd :0Ks HAMILTON ^-fKXUa COKC OVEhO, UMinO HAMILTON. CANADA Your Local Dealer's Name Appears Elsewhere In This Issue INSIST 'bfl^\AMCt>' VAnada^^'finfst cokM'.

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