Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1936, p. 8

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Wednesday, October 7, 1936 THE FLESHERTOM ADVANCE Weed Out Careless Drivers The Department of Highways has Inaujrurated a campaign to weed out recltle** drivers and as a result num- erous drivers' permits have been sus- pended even though the driver has never been charged or convicted of a traffic offence . If complaints are received by the dei)artment about any driver a follow up is made and if they â- re convinced that he is a reckless drivi'r or one that is drinking too much his license s suspended immed- iately rather than wait until such time as an accident results through his carelessness. Those who are proudest of their own bluntness of speech never seem to appreciate it in others. llutiband: "I suppose you haven't got a frock decent enough to go to the theatre in?" Wife (hopefully): "No, darling, 1 haven't, really." Husband: "Right, I'll only book one seat." CEYLON 1 • •â-  â-  ». -a »â-  â-  â- â-  .m. » â-  â-  .» â-  r'r'r WW Tt 'I"1' '1"F I^ ^ i Announcing an Entirely New . . . i| I Permanent Wavei "The Dc Milo" Mi.ss IsubrI Rdwr is pleased to announce that she has installed a brand new '"de Milo" Permanent \Vavin<r machine. This wonder machint- nut only j^ives the customer new comfort in permanent \vavinj>' ... it produces the most luxurious, smooth, natural lookinji^ wave yet accomplished. The "de Milo" machitie DOES MOT dry the hair or leave it harsh. .After a "de .Milo" wave, ytiur hair has been re-vitalized, and is healthier and has a perfectly natural appearance. "DE MILO" TREATMENTS are the most dependable . . . let us ^tve you a guaranteed treatment and wave all in one. ALL PERMANENTS VERY REASONABLY PRICED ARRANGE NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT Isabel Rowe's Hairdressing Parlor PHONE 27 FLESHERTON The Ladies' Aid held their Septem- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. A. C. Muir, with a good attendance. Mrs. George Udell presided and con- ducted the business part of the meet- ing. Miss .Millie Cook contributed a reading "It Matters Much," which was greatly enjoyed. .Mrs. A. S. Muir gave a wonderful talk on the mission- [ uiy work and its progress in Africa under the United Church. The social committee served lunch at the close. The Women's Institute meets at the home of Mrs. A. C. Muir next Thurs- day, the 15th, at 8 p.m., when Barr- head Institute will be their guests tinil supply the program. An invita- tion is extended to all to attend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgomery and Miss Florence Hunt and Mr. Stanley Hunt of Toionto, also Mr. Albert Ar- rowsmith, Mi.<s Morrison and Miss Coltnian of Niagara F'alls, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George An-owsmilh. Mr. F. D. Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. J. Collinson, Marion, and Mrs. A. S. Muir were in Durham on Sunday. Dr. G. H. Holmes and Miss Jean, Mrs. Reid of Owen Sound, also Mr. and Mrs. Vic Carnahan of Toronto, were week end visitors with Mrs. Anna McMillan last week. Mrs. A. C. .Muir attended the wedd- ing reception of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Vollett at Durham on Friday. .Mr. Jas. Sinclair has moved his family into their recently purchased home at the west end of the village. Miss Marguerite McMullen and Mr. Clarke Wyvillc of Toronto spent the week end at the former's home here. Armiversary services were held here last Sunday when Rev. Service deliv- ered excellent addresses at both the afternoon and evening survices. The Flesherton choir very kindly supplied the music at the evening service. Word was received Thursday of the death at Mount Forest of Mrs. J. W. Crawford, formerly of Durham. Mrs. Crawford had spent the past two years in WinMii)eg and Regina. com- ing Fast only two weeks ago to spend the winter with her daughter. Mrs. Howard Scales of .Mt. Forest. She was a sister of the late Mrs. Gibson Collinson of this place and the last surviving member of the family of the late Agnes Burgess and James Dargavel of Hutton's Hill, near Dur- ham. The funeral took place at Dur- ham on Monday. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO..Ltd CHAIN 8TORB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVKS YOU A LOT OF MONEY FALL IS HERE BE PREPARED FOR iiE CO! D WEATHER THAT IS COMING. THE HILL CO. ARE SHOWING A LARGE RANGE OF NEW MERCHANDISE FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Miss Alice Armstrong spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. James Harrison was in Toronto over Sunday. Mr. Stewart MoTavish of Oshawa was home over the week end. .Miss Nathalie Paton of Toronto was in town over the week end. Miss Donelda McDonald of Toronto spent Sunday and .Monday at her par- ental home here. â- VI r. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. .Meldrum. t .Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor of Dunedin were week end guests with Mrs. A. M. Gilchrist. Keep the date of October 22nd open for the annual fowl supper in St. John's United Church, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brennan of To- ronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Vniler. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bull and daughter, Josephine, and Mr. and Mrs. Kimber- ley of Collingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Roy .McCauley and children. Jack and Phyllis, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCauley. .Vfr. and Mrs. Chas. Bryan and Mr. Oliver Pettit and friends of Totten- ham weie callers at the home of D. W. Adams on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and Miss Ina of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Down over Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Marshall and -Mr. and Mrs. F. Barnhouse of Toron- to, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Belts. Mrs. R. J. Blackburn, son and daughter, Don and Violet, Miss Mil- dred Hammil and .Mr. Bill Priestly of Toionto, spei\t Sunday wtih Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher. Miss Ella Barnhouse and her niece, -Miss Alma Barnhouse, daughter of Bert Barnhouse, of Edmonton were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTavish on Sunday. They also visited with the Weber family at Kimberley. Mrs. A. R. Bellamy, Spirella Cor- setiere for Flesherton. Markdale, Eu- genia and Dundalk. invites you to con- sult her regarding your figure prob- lems. Ask for a complimentary demonstration. â€" Residence, Flesh- erton. Robt. Swanton of Donald, is visiting his brother, Mr. FUR TRIMMED COATS FOR TH^ LADIES 25 only e\l;.i quality I'ur trimmed coals, all pure n .oi clothes and many styles from \\ ii'i li {<) cliuoM-. \ ahu'.-i in tln' lot up I'/ " "l5(l Extra special $19.50 LOOK; LADIES' SILK DRESSES FOR$L49 100 fine quality crepe dresses â€" many different shades, short and long sleeves. Kef,nilar -Si 'AS value. Extra Special each $1.49 HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AT A LOW PRICE Manufactm-crs' clearance of odd lines in hall and W inter hosio4-yâ€" all s'uvs and shadesâ€"a large table from which H) choo.se. Special, pair 25c JUST ARRIVED FOR LADIES 500 pairs Kite Arch .Siioesâ€" a real qual- ity .sIkk" in Mlack and I'.rown Kid, from A.A last to triple Iv We guarantee this shoe to give excellent service. Special at per pair $3.95 MEN'S TWO PANT SUITS At A LOW PRICE 50 only, Men's 2 pant suits in fine wor- sted Qloths. Manv patterns from which to cho?Wc--«n sizes 36 to 44. Sohl evcry- wImtc tor $19..S0. Extra Special $15.9.') MEN'S WORK TROUSERS 10 doz. only. M^n's heavy quality cot- ton worsted work frouscrs in varit)us pat- tern and colors, loo])s and cuff bottonn. .sizes 32 to 40. Per pair $L40 PURE WOOL WORK HuSE 25 do/. I'lue Wool Work I lose in grev and while coloin'uig. Special 2 pairs for 29c MEN'S FINE LISLE and CASHMERE HOSE Thest hoM' are a clean u|) of our 45, 50 and ()5c linrs. A real huy for present use 35c each or 3 pair for $1.00 SPECIAL SALE MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS 1(K) pairs oidy Men's heavy rnhlxw hoots with cUated sole â€" sizes (i \o 12 in the lot. Special per pair $2.29 GROCERY SPECIALS ImcsIi rnnu's Uose Brand Salmon iM-esh Sweet lliscuits 2 lbs. for 2Sc iM-.esh Dates 4 lbs. for 25c A good Japan Rice 4 lbs. for 25c Cowans Cocoa Vz lb. tin for 14c l-resh Soda Ri.scuits 2 lbs. for 25c Canned Peas, No. 4 sieve per tin 10c Cream .of Wheat 8 lbs for 25c Corn I'lakes 3 for 23c Assorted Canned Soups 3 for 23c New Honcv 5 Ifc. tin 50c 10 lb. $1.00 Pork and Beans tall tin lie 3 lbs for 25c 2 for 19c Mr. Wash Wm. Swanton, east backline, Artem- osia, and visited in town on Saturday. Me left home Sunday evening, Sept. 27, and arrived in Toronto the follow- ing Tuesday night, which shows thfc high speed reached on the United States railroads. A meeting of the executive of the Flesherton Old Boys' & Girls' Assoc- iation will be held on Friday evening, October '.Hh. at the residence of Dr. F. W. Murray. 22(> Carlton St., Toronto, at S p.m. It depends upon the en- thusiasm displayed at this meeting what the activities are to be for the coming fall and winter. On calls to points over 130 miles Once again we have cut the cost of Long Distance. On September Ist, a new schedule of rates became effec- tive on calls (both person-to-person and station- to-station) to points over 130 miles distant. This re- duction will mean an annual saving of over $200,000 to telephone users in Ontario and Quebec alone. This is the second time this year that Long Distance costs have been reduced. In the past seven years, we have made six substantial rate revisions. At the same time we have constantly improved service, as evi- denced by the fact that, while in 1929 it took an average of 3.4 minutes to complete a Long Distance call, today the average is only 78 seconds. Today, your telephone is within easy reach of any one of 33,000,000 tele- phones scattered throughout the world. Low night rates from 7 every evening and all day Sunday! I •:~:~>-:"X~:-:~:~:-:~x~&<~:~>'>-.",-v-»->-k-<-:">«:k~m~5>**# I Small Advts. ♦♦♦«•x•♦•:-:••:->•x~s-:••:~M-:~^•^^♦<♦•:.•^•:• Glove picked up on street.â€" .\pply at this officHj. FOR SALE â€" General i urpose Mare, also 3 months old colt.â€" Harry Genoe. Flesherton. FOR S.\LE â€" Dressed chiclqens and boiling fowl. â€" Mrs. F. J. Collinson, Ceylon, Phone 21 r 3. NOTICE â€" Good prices paid for horses or cows suitable for mink feed. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR S.\LE â€" Jersey cow, 5 years old.â€" A^ply to Edward Ottewell. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Three Collie pups two months old for sale. â€" R. J. Brack- enbury, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Black General Purpose horse H years old, well broken. â€" Elford Walters, Priceville, R. R. 3. FOR SALE â€" Good Fox Hound.â€" Robert Fisher, Sr., Flesherton. ROCMERS WANTED â€" A conpl* nf girls wanted to room for tlic winter. â€" Mrs. Parker, Flesherton, (Across from High School). FOR SALE â€" Oats 11.35 per cwt.; mixed grain $1.35 per cwt.; Lime 50c per cwt.; Shingles |2.25 per sq.â€" Phone 38 r 3.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. TRUCKS FOR SALE â€" Two 1032 model Chevrolet heavy duty, long wheel ba.se Stock Ti-ucks, in good mechnncal repair; 32x6 dual rear tires. Will consider good passen- ger cars as part e.xchange. â€" D. Mc- Tavish & Son, Flesherton. SrpRAYED â€" From Lot 22, Con. 12, Artemesia, in the beginning of July, GRAND RELIEF one small red steer, ham, Eugenia. Wallace Gra. A sergeant was making his way about his platoon one dark night. He heard th roar of a "flying pig" over- head and (lived into a shell hole. It was nlieady occupied by a private, who was hit full in the stomach by the sergeant's head. There was a tense moment of silence, except for some long deep breathing. Finally the private asked: "Is that you, snrge?" "It's nie all right." "Gosh- I was just waiting for you to explode. " FOR SALE â€" Now then, if you want a real pui>ebred Hereford bull calf, I have one. â€" Laurie Pedlar, R. R. 2, Flesherton. BUILDINGS RAISED and MOVEDâ€" also Stone Walls straightened, will take live stock on exchange. For particulars. â€" Phone Hugh McLrt-an, Priceville. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice for 1260.00 cash.â€" Tnomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. LARNT NOT SMELT This was sent to a teacher after she had sent a messape by a boy to his mother that he must be .sent to school cleaner: "Dere techer â€" Our Johnny ain't no rose â€" he comes to school to be larnt, not smelt. â€" Mother." EXAMPLE Wife (with magazine) â€" "Thig writ- ei' says that an artistic cook can ex- press emotion in the dishes she pre- pares." Husband â€" "Has Bridget suffere<l any bereavement lately ? The toast she serves is always in deep mourn- ing." SHOOTING MATCH â€" At Alex. Richardson's. I/ot 11, Con. 18, Pro- ton, on October 12. Geese and Ducks. Ammunition supplied for shot guns. To commence at 1 o'clock sharp. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT â€" 9fl acres of good crop land with good buildings, good well at door with windmill: hydro runs past farm; three and one half miles from Markdale.â€" Apply to Silas HID, Markdale, Ontario. HOG FOR SERVICE A good young pure bred Yorkshira hog will be kept for service on Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey. Terms |L00.â€" Luther Mills, Maxwell, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser. vice; terms: 11.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St Office Hours â€" Afternoons L80 to 4 Evenings 7 to &•â-  Sundays and Thursday aftemoona hf appointmsnt only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old SUnd. Tolephone 09 NO'nCE TO TRESSPASSERS I Tresspassing and hunting on part lots 33 and lot 34, Con. 11 and 12, Artemesia, strictly prohibited.â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Pleaherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a largt barn with cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. J. Meada; R. R. 8, Priceville. WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. AI) mIw conducted on Business prineiplw all parties reauiring work done on tba above lines will do well to call at tiM Advance Office or write Wm. Knit. tins. Ehigenia. Thone 4Sâ€" 11 _ An East York man has paid back SlfiT worth of relief he had obtained PROPERTY FOR SALE In PiUceville two 5 acre lot?, on one cf lots good frame house with good cellar, frame barn, with baeement from the municipality and we hear ' stable, orchard of 13 fruit trees; will the relief authorities are s1«wly ro- ' sell reasonable. â€" Mi-a. Kate, MacDon- covering from the shock. laid, Priceville. I Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hnll, Flesherton, the second Tuesday fa each month. W.M., Alfred Down; .Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T, H. SPENCE Veterinary Sargeon and DratM. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary <M- lege. Professional services reasonnbl*, â€"Phone. Dandalk. M r IL , . 1 •!"- r»* I! t i r. i. 1 I if â- : l

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