Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1936, p. 4

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^' f ay, v-'ctober 7, 1936 THE FL'ESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoUingwood Street, Flesberton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $l.gO; in U. S. A. %'Z. piT year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSl'ON. Editor. F. J. THURSTON, Associate Editor PricevUle Public School SEPTEMBER EN( OlRACn-: i'KOPERTY OWNERS TO FIX LP The Ontario Govtriinient has an- nounced that a change is to bt made in the Assessment Act whereby property owners will not be penalized for mak- ing ordinary or reasonable improve- ments to their buildings by having their assessment increased, says The Aylmer Express. This is certainly as it .should be, and the amended Act will be appreciated. Heretofore when such work has been done, it has, in too many instances bt-en followed by an increased tax bill. The ameiuinicnt w^ill, in all probability, result in much neede improvements ixMng made which make for the beautification of the municipality, and also provide work for mechanics and painters. W'e never could understand why a person who shows civic pride by iniprovinfc his property should be penalized for dointc 80. The people are now overburden- ed by varied taxes imposed, and any possible increases have tendency to discourage people from either building i--:ij;.,„,. ,i,.„n^Y con- YVanieo â€" oocim •...•.. Wanted Several Younjr Mei. To prepare for positions is Auto Electrical work. .Must be mech- anioallv inclined and willing to take preliminary training at home; those showinjr ability will be required to come to Toronto for practical shop experience. Excellent opportunity for re- liable men with fair education. Write stating ape and present occupation to British American Institute of Enffineering, Bay St and Orosvenor. Toronto. 5th Class â€" Archie Sturrock, Laurie .Sutherland, Winnifred McConkey, Em- erson Watson, Florence Stonehouse, Gwynneth McLean. Sr. 4th â€" Bobbie O'Dell and Dor- othy Watson (equal), Doreen Teeter, Ross McConkey, Bernice Carson, Ken- neth Nichol, Douglas Weir. Jr. 4thâ€" Bobbie Sutherland, Walter McBride, "Kathleen Mc Arthur, .lulia Sciieuerman, Elmer Turnbull, Lome McArthur. Sr. 3 â€" Jack McConkey, Isabel Kar- stedt, Angus McVicar, Betty Watson, John -McMillan, Beatrice McDermid and Tom McKt>own equal, Sam Scheu- erman, Jean Mather, Viola McDermid. â€"A. H. Bell, Teacher. J,.. 3 _ Virginia .McDermid, Donald .McMillan, Mabel Scheuerman. Sr. 2 â€" Jane Karstedt, Isabelle Mc- .Millan, Mack Watson, Clarence Mc- Arthur, Lawrence McArthur, Percy Stoneouse. Jr. 2 - Laurie McKecknie, Vern Scheuerman. • 1st â€" Sheila Weir, Sadie McKeows, Marie Weir, Jimmie McArthur. Sr. Pr. â€" Angus McLaughlan, Allan .McLaughlan, Reta McDougall, Irene 'nurntiull, Victor Scheuerman, Cecil .McDermid. Jr. Pr. â€" Betty Hincks. â€" E. L. Mather, Teacher ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦< ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' H ' *» » < -- • . * 1 1 Advance Recipes For The Ladies "F^'H"l"l"l"H'*'I'"H'v â- Â«â- '•* V' WONDERFUL RESiPONSE There has been a wonderful response by the women readers of The Advance in sending their favourite recipes for publication and to be used in the pro- posed cook book. It will take us several weeks to publish all the re- cipes received. We have now decided to accept all recipes received or posted up to Saturday of this week and after that the list will be closed. We might not yet sent in a recipe that the tart and salad sections have been neglect- ed. Orange Valley School N'erna Russel Mary Jr. 1th Whitehead. Sr. .Srd â€" Annie Stephenson and "•â- â€¢.iline Stephenson equal, Levi Staf- <(1. Jr. 8i(l â€" Muriel Cilchrist, Ernie -ell. â- â€¢'d â€" Burton Russell, Jack Gil- "11 Stafford. 'd Stafford, Oscar Irv- â- ^rown eiiual; Nina CANNED PEAS Have plenty of boiling water before .starting to can. Pour boiling water over shelled peas, cover and let stand a minutes; drain and pour more boiling water jver and again let stand .5 minutes; drain and plunge into cold water, eniovinjf at once; fill sealers that have been sterilized, adding 1 tsp. salt to a quart of peas; fill sealers with water that has been boiled; set in boiler or caniier and boil three hours, leaving ring on sealers slightly loose. Remove I'rom water and tighten ring. â€" Mrs. W. A. Gordon, Eugenia. MUSTARD PICKLE 1 qt. pickling cucumbers; 1 qt. small white pickling onions left whole; 1 (luart onions peeled and cut fine; 1 large cauliflower broken into fairly small pieces; 1 bunch white celery cut fine; 4 tart apples cut fine; 3 strong red peppers cut fine. Prepare and put each ingredient in a separate dish, cover with salt and water and let re- main over night. In the morning drain well, place in a kettle and add 8 cups light brown ugar, 1 to IVi qts. ider vinegar, according to its strength '4 lb. mustard seed. Let come to a boil and then stir in slowly, a paste made of % cup flour; V4 lb. best :nustard and Vi oz. turmeric. Mix this with water to form a paste. Boil all for a few' minutes, then bottle and seal. â€" Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson. CUCUMBER PICKLE 1 Quart green cucumbers; 2 qts. of ripe tomatoes; 1 pt. onions, all cut fine. Cook together for 1 hour; then add 2 cups white sugar; 1 pt. vinegar. Boil a little; then add 1 tablespoon of flour; 1 teaspoon .salt; 1'^ teaspoons turmeric; li teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 tablespoons mustard; mix in a little cold vinegar and boil. â€" Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson ♦ » M 1 1 1 f ♦ 1 1 1 M I « 11 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 r I FOR THE FIFTH YEAR IN SUCCESSION Robin Hood Flour; . WINS 1st PRIZE FOR BEST LOAF OF WHITE BREAD at '• CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION (Toronto) :: '• :; ; 58 oat of a possible 89 prizes for Bread, Cakes and ; ; : Pastry in open Competition with exhibits baked with ; all other Flours. ROBIN HOOD FLOUR Milled from wa.shed wheat. "THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS" h. â- ell, Dorothy Brown, and Emerson Brown <^ju. Jr. Pr. â€" M.. .â- ite Stafford, .\el- -on Stephenson IVliNoii Morwood, Dor- een Teeter, Hi volil Gi christ, Gordon Brown. â€"A I. .MARTIN', Teacher. Orillia has gone into the scri)) lius- iriess and the rest of the municipal- ities- in the pinvince are sitting round \v:iit'Tit,'' t(i see what happens. Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSMll' OI" ARTEMESIA I'ROVIXCK OF ONTARIO BY VIRTU« OF A WARRANT i -n( <l by the Reeve under the seal of the Corporation 'of the Township of Aitcinesia to me directed, havinir date the 10th day of August, 1930, co ininndiiig me to levy upon and sell the lands mentioned in the f<,l!owinjj list f,,r arn^rs (jt taxes and costs due thereon, 1 hereby give notice that un'ess such arrears of tiixes and costs are sooner i)aid I shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or as much thereof as may be necessary f"i" t''« payment of the said taxes and costs at the Council Chamber, Fl ••'^herton, on t^e Tth diiy of December, V.I36, at the hour of Two o'clock in t^e afternoon. ALEX. CA.MEROX, Eugenia, Ont., August 20th, lO.'ifi. Township Treasurer, TOWNSHIP OP ARTEMESIA Patented or PECAN COOKIES % cup of shortening 1 Vi cups brown sugar 1 egg and Vi tsp. of salt 2 cups pastry flour Mi tsp. baking soda '4 cup of chopped pecan nuts ':: cup whole pecan nut Cream shortening, add sugar and blend well, add whole egg and mix thoroughly: sift flour, soda and salt and add to shortening niixture grad- ually, add chopiK'd tnit meats, cover and let stand overnight in cold place or refrigerator. Form into tiny balls ( 'â- .! in. diameter) ))ress a whole nut on top of each. Bake "i"^ deg. over t'oi- S to 10 minutes. â€"Mrs. A. Turnbull, 41.'? Elirin St., Ottawa. (iRAHAM DATE FINGERS Three quarters cup Graham wafer crumbs; '1 teaspoon salt; 1 cup chop. spoon baking powder; Vi cup finfe su- ped dates; 2 well-beaten eggs; 1 tea- gar; 1 cup chopped walnuts; '4 tea- spoon vanilla, mix together the baking powder, crumbs and salt, add sugar, nuts and fruit, beat eggs until thick and lemon colored, add vanilla and dry ingredients, bake in a shallow tin 8 by 8 inches at 325 to 350 degrees fahrenheit foi- twenty five minutes, cut in strips and roll in fruit sugar while warm, '•> cup fruit and nuts will do if desired. â€"Mrs. B. S. Field P. HEMPHILL ;i Ceylon Ontario T Auction Sale Household Furniture, Etc. I.I(;HTKNIN(; CAKE 1 cup .Swans Down flour I cui) white sugar I t-p. t.'akini; |)owder salt: sift the above together fill up with milk to make 1 cup. Beat into first mixture well. U.«e tin 8xS. ()v,-n :ir>0 deg. for about 10 minutes. -Mrs. A. Turnbull, •113 Elgin St., Ottawa. POTATO CAKES To well mashed potatoes (warm) salt to taste, add enoutrh pastry flour to make a stiff dough, cut and fry in linttei' or dripping until browned on both sides, set in the oven and let hake about 20 minutes, serve hot with butter. , â€"Mrs. S. S. Burritt Lot roncossif)n Acr«s I'npalunted Taxes Costs Total Pt. 151 2 N.E.T.S.R. 8 I'iitented $ 14.40 $ 2.31 $16.01 Pt. 144 3 N.K.T.S.R. 76 Piilenled 47.48 3.04 50.52 S.E. Cor. 150 2 S.W.T.S.R. 12IA Patented 265.1);! 8.34 203.97 S.W. Cor. 160 2 S.W.T.S.R. 3 T'atented 10.48 2.28 18.70 136 , t S.W.T.S.R. 50 Patented 01.75 4.10 95.91 â€" W-1.3 1 S.D.R. »00 Patented 105.50 4.51 110.10 31 3 S.D.R. 80 t'tipatented 31.42 2.04 34.00 2 fi N.n.R. 100 Patented 114.80 5.14 120.00 22 8 N.D.R. BO Patented 42.15 2.94 45.00 PRICEVILLK Pt. 4 1 N.D.R. 3V4 Patented 31.3.7 2.04 34.01 Pa«k 6 Patented 01.!>3 4.13 96.06 E. M: 1 1 N.D.R. V<i Patented 4.11 1.9f 6,0t EUGENIA 27-30 RagUn St. S 2 PaleiUed 9.2<5 2.09 U.S5 NINE DAY PICK I, E ;> quarts cucumbers and '2 c|t. cauli- flower when cut u)). '1; quart small onions; put all together in crock, a(l<l- iiiir plenty of salt to cover with brine ;ind lei soak for 3 days; drain off brine nnd cover with cold water and let soak for 3 rtays, changing water i-ai-h day. .Drain off vvatwr and i^ut in preserve ketlle and cover with 'j water and vinegar, aJdintr siniaB piece of alum, .•iml let sintnicr 3 hours, then dram otf tiixl cover with *vrup of 4 lbs. white <ut'ar. 3 pts. wliite witie vinegar and â- i dessiiitspnoiis mixed pickling spice, boiled all togather. Let stand for 1 daji-; pour otT syrmi anid reheat to aj boil Hii:| put OP again. The s«cond I'siy do the same and the third, only put in sealers and covsr with syrup ind «p(il while hot. â€"Mrs. Weslay Plantt. Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements, Etc. MRS AfJNES CLARK Will sell by public auction on LOT 148. Con. 7. ARTEMESIA ( OLLIN(;W()OD (iRAVKL FBIDAY, OCTOBER !), 1!»:»6 when tiw following will be offered: STOrK- Roan Cow, Red Cow, Jer- Hvy Cow, Pai-t Jersey Cow, ages and â- l;it's given day of .'^alo; Yeafling Meilvr; 10 Ewes aiid*l Ram; Number 'I'ouiig Pullets. Heavy Wagon, r;wk and box, and iriavel box; liight one-horse wagon; Heavy Sleighs; Light Sleighs with loiigu<': Hay rake. Potato Scuffler. Peter Hamilton !•'! toothed cultiyator: One furrow Cockshutt riding plow; One wttlkiiig t)l»w. Set of harrow". Set of heavy harness. Set of lii»ht .-iimle harness. Grain bapjs. FURNITl^RKâ€" Ran»e Cook Stove: Kxfension t«ble, dining room chaiis; Kitchen table, 2 small tabfes; Five Oi'tiwe twgan. Iron kettle, Chai«s, Pa\- icls, Canthook, Bu(sgy lamp, 2 guns Pnisy ClHirn, No. 3, BeLavel Cream Seperator No. 10, other articles too min>erous to mention. Sale to loinmence at 1 o'clock. TERMS: - CASH Fsirm will be offered Sor sale subject to H leserved bid. - W'ni. KnittiPT. .Attctiomeer. R. J. ALLISTER on LOT 15, Con. 8, OSPREY near Feversham WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1936. Aged driving horse; Rubber tired top buggy, good as new; Good demo- crat cutter; Set of weigh scales, 2000 lbs.; Root scuffler; Set of Harrows; Small roll of Page fence wire; 2 sets of good single harness; Galvanized 3 barrel sap tank; Good climax range stove; Good cooking stove; Large heating drum, also a number of good stove pipes and elbows; good size Queen heater; Large writing desk; Old fashioned-wheel; Good glass cup- board; Kitchen cupboard; 2 good day beds; Good 3 piece parlour suite; Good velvet rocking and arm chair; 3 good couches; Good bedroom suite: -Number of bedsteads; Half dozen kit- chen chairs; 30 yards of good carpet: Large kitchen table; 4 good bedroom carpets; also a number of hooked â- ugs; Large centre table; number of picture.-; Good large bureau; Home made writing desk; Good niattres; 3 sets of bed springs; 12 window blind -hades; 3 good lanterns; Reflector iiiitern: 'i good house lamps; Nice oarlour lamp: Number of fruit jars: 'A'ashiiiir machine; Large Floor chest; liond clothes horse; 2 small tables; 2 .vashstands; Number of kitchen lienches; Number of garden tools; mick Mower, 5 ft. cut; Steel Sulky Rake; Set Discs; Fleury Plow, No. 21; Massey Harris Manure Spreader; Massey Harris Seed Drill; Single Drill Turnip Sower; Stone Boat; Team Wagon; Set Sloop Sleighs, platform; Hay Rack; Lorry, 2M tons capacity; Set of Team Harness, Set of Single Harness; Chains, Forks and other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve; everything to be sold. Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock. The Farm will be offered, subject to reserve bid. TERMS: CASH GEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer FALL HARDWARE nU IS lANl)IN(i VALUE IN THE NEW SUNERA RANGE Will satisfactorily do your Cooking, Baking and Heat- ing, also coal and wood heaters, Stove Boards, Pipes, Dampers. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. MAPI. I CREAM CANDT 2 Clips brown sugw '< cu]) sweet milk butter size of waiinrt. f'ook (stirri«g a« liWU as potstWe) until i1 foinis soift ball when dropped iu c«ld water; add 'a t.*p. vai\ill« and beat until creamy and turn out on a I'Ulteued pan. A few chopped nuts, raisins or date** can We ailded if it is il-sired. â€" Mr». WesVey Plantt. N'uMi''er of larpentei- tools; Quantity of dishes and glassware; Hand spray- er; Kitchen utensils, pots, pans and dishes too nunierous to mention. No reser\"e. TERMS:â€" CASH Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Wm. KAITTING. Auctioneer Auction Sale of stock. Implements, Etc. G. B. W ELTON Will sell by public auction at FI.KSHERTON on SAPriMlAY. OCTOBER 10. 19.36 Wlvn the following wiH be offered: LIVE STOCK- PtMcheron Mare, 13 years old: Red Cow, years o1d< .ler- sfjr Cow, .Aged. IMl»L*:Mi>NTS. ETC. â€" McCor Auction Sale Stock, Implements, Etc. GEO. CAMPBELL Will sell by public auction Lot 2.-., Con. 4. N.D.R.. Glenelg THIRSDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1936 When fhe following will be offered: LIVE STOCKâ€" Sorrel Mare, 9 years old; Sorrel Horse, 9 years old; Bay Mare, T years old, supposed in fo;il: Black Horse. 4 years old; Bay Driving Mare, 6 years old; Bay Colt, Mare, 2 years old; Bay Yearling Colt; Bay Colt, Sucker; 6 Cows supposed in calf; 2 Steers 2 years old; 3 Yearling Steers; 2 Y'earling Heifers; 5 Spring Calves; Bull, 2 years old, registored; Grade Bull. Y'earling; 9 Pigs 3 months old; Number of Hens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" Deering Binder, foot cut; Mower, 5 foot cut; Hay Rake, Cultivator, Hay Loader, Steel Wheel Wagon and Rack; Wood- en Wagon: Democrat Cab: Star Car. Fant\ing Mill, .Tohn Pere Manure Spreader: Buggy. Set Scales. 2.000 lb. Cutting Box. 2 Furrow Plow. 2 Walk- ing Plows, Harrow Cart, Ford En- irine. Sew! Drill 13 disc. Team Har- ne«s. Set Single Harness, 5 horse Colltu-s, Quantity Spruce and Balsam Lungber: Quantity Scantling 2x4, C^-.dar Fence Posts, 2 Barrels, one Steel. 25 i'!<l. GalTanized Iron Dram. Sale nt 1 D.m. Sharp. No reserve as Farm is Benk'd. TflRMS:â€" All Sums of $10 and under. Cash: over that amount, 8 months ci'edit will he given on fur- tiishinc apnroved ioint notes bearing 'nterest nt 5 nor sent. • GEO. DrNCAX. Auctioneer. Tt is not a bad idea now «id then to go to bed OR the same day you got up. FOR FALL REPAIRING Roofiii}^, Cniuiit, Nails, i'lastcr, l,inu', Glass and putty. Saws, .'\xcs, Coleman and Aladdin Lamps, Supplies, Lanters, Wick and Chimneys. Carload of Fresh Cement Just Arrived. FRAI^K W. DUNCAN Phone 54 -:• Flesherton, Ont. PORCUPINES 1 slice of bread 2 in. thick 'i cnn sweet milk I fli. gromul pork I «gg and Mi cup uncooked rice 1 onion (cut fine) salt and iiepner Break the bread in small pieces and Iiom- milk over it; thoH add other in- gredients: mix well and form in balls, place in roaster and cover with 1 can of tomato soup and 1 can water. Cook slowly for 1 hour. â€"Mrs. Ktm Betts. Superior Stores WHERE YOU GET FRESHER AND UP TO DATE EATS AT BETTER BARGAIN PRICES VANILLA Large size 15c PIE CRrST 1 Cup shortening :t Cups flour (pastry) I Teaspoon baking powder ' I Teaspoon salt '-*i Cut) cold water, more if needed Mix shortening and flour together 1 thoroughly with knife or pastry mixer. , then add cold water until a soft doutrh •s formed. This recine will make throe nies. If br°id flonr is used I put a small ouantity of oatmeal in the ' flour. â€" Christina Hutchinson. Peanut Butter hulk .... 2 lb 25c Superior Baking Powder the iH'tUr kirtd 1 lb. tin 23c CASH SPECIALS MEN'S SUITS 10% off all men's suits this we<ek only. Threshing Roast per lb. I2c Hamburg Steak 2 lbs. for 25c Side Bacon per lb 27o Don't forjj^e't to ect one of our olock,>i, come in and k-t lis explain iiow vtni may gfot one. SUPER SUDS lo sale 1 large pkg. 20c 1 for Ic HONEY Real ^ood, this week onlv. 10 lb. pail 83c Frcshlv ground COFFEE while V wait 39 and 49c lb. C. J. KENNEDY Phone 3>7 Flesherton We Deliver « » ♦ t ^> t r i i â-  I' i :^mm ifeA JOg^

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