Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1936, p. 3

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4' i: r -* , ' « • ' d I i â- J ♦ 4{ â- Cm •»•. I J BACKACHE Flush Kidneyi of Waate Matter, PoUons and Acid and Stop Getting Up Nights \ 40 CENTS PROVES IT • When your kidneys are clogged and your bladder is irritated and passage scanty and often smarts and bunm you need Gold Medal Haar lem Oil Capsules, a fine harmless stimulant and diuretic that always works and costs but 40 cents at any modern drug store. It's one good, safe way to put healthy activity into kidneys and bladder â€" you'll sleep pound tne whole night thru. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL â€" right from Haarlem in Holland â€" you are as- sured of results. Other symptoms ai weak kidneys and irritated bladder are backache, puffy eyes, leg cramps, moist palms. MINING FLASHES Drilling ot the deep hole at Laki; Maron Gold Mines is continuing with a depth of 450 ft., reached at last wc-il from the property. At 379 ft. a miner alized quartz vein was intersected and a section of the core las been sent out tor assay. It is planned to contin ne the hole another 1,000 ft. at least to give a cross section of the struct ture at this point. The most favorable area has not yet been reached. Officials ot Black Eagle Red Lakt Mines roport preparation- are under way for enlarging the scope of oper- ations. Gordon F. Summers, O.L.S.. and \V. H. Fairburn k!! for the pro perty recently to prepa for future work. Mr. Summers ''as been engaged to survey the various shearings and vein structures preparatory tu tlie carrying out of an extensive diamond driiliiig campaign, while Mr. I'.i ' buni is arranging for the transportation of additional equipment and supplies u> the property prior to the freeze-up Construction of new camps is w^ll ad- vanced and opening up of the two principal veins is b*-'!'-; continued. Diamond drilling is continuing on the Mayrand property of Dunlop Con- solidated Mines with No 5 hole Inter- secting 23 ft. of mil ^ralized aplite; 55 ft. of mineralized blotlte schist witb blue quartz stringers and 4 ft. of blue quartz with pyrite chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite. Assays are now being made and results should be available shortly. vey of the company's holdings adjac- ent to the prenent workings has been carried out by Hans Lundberg witn indications said to be pointing to the continuation of the ore to the south. A diamond drilling campaign on this portion of the property has been re fommended by the Cuniptau engin- eers. Predicts Doom Of British Empire Lapa Cadillac Gold Mines, control-! led by Sudbury Coutact, has now in- tersected the ''B" vein In crosscutting on the first level and visible gold has; been exposed. Drill Hole N. 4 in thisj section encountered visible gold anJ it was expected that it would be cut| in the crosscut. The crosscut has rea i ched a length ot 16E ft. and Is pro-, ceeding rapidly, with an average rate ^ of 11 ft. per day being made. The vis ible gold encountered In the "A" vein had not been indicated by dia- mond drilling but now it has been es- tablished in both the "A" and "B" veins. The diamond drilling programme Is continuing on the Halliwell Gold .Mines, where thrP" hol;s are being sunk at various points t â-  prcve the extension of the indicated orebooy. Directors of the company have luiUer consideratlo f sinking of a -haft which seems justified by the recent ly-made findings. Sufficient funds for such ogramme are on hand, with the company having cash, cr.'ls loans and accounts receivable of $150,000. In addition there are 1,000,00 treasury iliares unissued, but under ( tion at prices sufficient to provide enoug i money it is estimated, to pay for the erection und installation ot a mill. BLACKPOOL, England. â€" Commls sloner David Lamb of the Salvation I Army was on record with the assertion I that declining population sounded the i death-knell of the British Empire, In view of the steady Increase in pres- j sure of population In other parts ot i the world. Speaking at a Salvation [ Army service recently in connection I with the meeting hero of the Brltlsn , Association for the Advancement ot | Science, Commissioner Lamb said son- templation of this prospect woum shock many people who believed An- glo-Saxons had some special destiny by Divine order. W. O'Reilly, mine manager of .My Lamaque Gold Mines in a report to jresident, G. E- Farrar, stales iliai No. 2 drill hole has reached depth ot 300 ft Several quartz stringers were intersected and one new v-in showing a width o' 5 ft. Th<. latter oc- currence showed heavy mineraliza- tion. The programme of drilling is be- ing continued. Another shipment of approximately 25 tons of 80 percent copper nickel matter from the Cuniptau Mines smel- ter was loaded at Goward last week for shipment to Montreal. Officials of the company state that this shipment is of similar grade to the previous week's shipment which comprises 48. 000 lbs. of matte. Dewaterlng of the Alexo property Is well under way and it is expected that a sample carload ot high grade ore will be made to the smelter some time this eek. A sur- At a meeting ot th'' "'lard ol Direc tors of iHllside Mines, Limited, held at the Head Office of the company on Tuesday, the 29th of September, an the recommendation of Mr. Douglas Baird, M.G., the Board ot Directors authorized the management of the •onipany to enter Into a contract for a minimum of 2,000 feet of diamond drilling. This work will commence immediately and it is intended nut only to drill from surface on the pro- mising showings which have been dis closed in recent work, but also to ex plore at depths ot not less than :iOii to 400 teet, the large ore body on ivhich a mill tes: is now bemg made. The machine -y necessary to com- I'ete both the mininng i' nt and the mill has arrived at the properly and is being installed under th'3 direction of William Taylor, Mine Manager ate of Dome .Mines. Some iwenty-five men are at work prospecting on sur- face and drifting will bo started Im- mediately on the .Vo. 2 vein, drifting • both direction.- fro- the tunnel at a point 580 feet from the portal. The finding of a new ore body a half mile from the present workings In the Greenstone formation is quite impor- tant in that up to date, nothing has been found In this type of rock. Kert ..iacDonald Red Lake Gold Mines has put down eight test pits on Wattl Islan'', -rcordiug to M. L. Bou- zan, in charge of operations. The vein on which the pits ore sunk has beeji traced for approximately 300, and is persistent with good structure, J. L,. Ramsell states, consulting engineer, who has recommended a programme ot diamond drillings. To date some 15 veins have been located on surface with principal work confined to the showing on Wattl island. The NEWEST NEWS from HILLSIDE 1 â€" Contract for diamond drilling has been authorized by directors. 2 â€" Machinery to complete mining and mill plant has arrived on property . 3 â€" 25 men at work doing stripping, trenching and drifting. Interesting samples ready for assay. R. C. Beaton Company Limited 244 Bay Street Toronto, Canada ADelaide 9351 After Yean of Tears Each sweet love song brought thoughts of him, though he was far away. 'Twas years since I had seeij his face â€" a love of yesterday. The books I read ail seemed to bring. his presence very near, A man so handsome, charming, tall â€" that love of yesterday Each ro.=e recalled the ones he'd sent; then I'd feel sad â€" and cry. Such oruel fate that made him leave! My love of days gone by. Today we met ipin the streets. "Had time wrought changes?" â€" Oh! No disappointments i]uite compare to loves of long ago! â€" Lyia Myers. "Maude says she has always moved In the best society." "Yes, as fast as she gets In they keep her moving." Alberta Opens Trade Office In Montreal MONTREAL, â€" Prepared to pusn the sale of Alberta wool and Alberta coal in Eastern Canada, N. J. Tall, tne trade commissioner tor the prairie pro- vince has opened an office in the Mt. Royal Hotel. Before coming to Mon- treal as Trade Commissioner for Al- berta he was a retailer ot women's wear In Medicine Hat. He still has his store there. "This bureau,'' he said, "will endea- vor to Increase the external trade o£ Alberta. We have surplus products ot various kinds to sell. Wool, for in- stance and coal." â- 'I am acting as contact man to put purchasers and producers In touch with one another." "Something like a Canadian I'raae Commissioner abroad?" the reporter questioned. â- Yes.' "Will you be selilng Alberta coal here in Montreal?" CANNOT COMPETE "No we can not compete with water- borne coal. But it seems that there is a good chance of expanding the mar- ket in Ontario 1 was at the Toronto Exhibition, and saw the exhibits oi coal put In by various Alberta dealers. They attracted some Interest." "We have," he continued, 'maintain- ed an office for the sale of coal in Toronto for some time." "Are there niore products which you will try tu handle?" the reporter ask- ed. WOOL IMPORTANT "Wool is the n.ost important." Mr. Tall replied "There wi:i. I expect, be others. But 1 was appointed only at the beginning of this month ana l am not yet familiar with all the possi- bilities." "Beyond that," he adued. 'tnia ot- tice will try to be of service to tne Alberta Government in anything that mny comu up." "What about .Alberta bonds?" "That is not in my department.'' Mr. Tall said. ''1 have had questions about them, i have also had people calling me up and asking me to explain the Social Credit. â€" One tries to be nice to them all." DIXIE bums slowly, and lasts longer. The flavour is rich and mellow â€" always! wmiw PixJG SMOKING TOBACCO â-º â- Â»â™¦-♦-♦♦•< PROBLEMS OF EVERY DAY LIFE By Dr. M. M. Lappin Canada's Export Of Gold Doubled But Silver Trade l-ess Than Half of Month Last Year •Johnson â€" It's all wrong about t!ic Irish teing good fighters. Jsckson â€" Really? Johnson â€" Yes. Last week my brother and I and two other fellows almost knocked an Irishman silly. We recommend to yo;u- attention the fact that man is the only animal that can be skinned more than once. Deborah â€" See that man over there? He's a famous sculptor. Kathleen â€" But he has only one arm. Deborah â€" Sure â€" he holds the chisel in his mouth and hits himself on the back of the head. Canada's export of gold bullion during August was worth more than double the value jf the same month last year, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reports. At the same time silver bullion exported dropped to less than half the value of August, 11)35. Exports of gold bullion was worth $10,424,300, all jf which went to the United States, and compared with $4,045,98!) in .'.ugust last year, while exports of silver bullior were valued at $696,769 against $1,791.- 940 last year Girl â€" 1 found that book you lent me frightfully dull. Professor â€" I thought you said there was a r.aughty problem in it. Profe.ssorâ€" My dear young lady; I said a 'knotty problem.' Nothing worries a woman more than having nothing to worry about. Clark Gable â€" And what did Mae West say when you kissed her? Mis' Jackson â€" Say. Mis' Jackson, did Mose give Celostine a engage- ment ring fob bein' engaged? Miss Johnson â€" .No. Mis' Jackson. He done bettah dan dat. He gave her a engagement wringer and wash, tub. R. C. Beaton Company, Limited, "" ' 4i^[^S'' .'^ ? '"'^ ^^ " Investments, â-  - ^.- ' â- â€¢- 244 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada. Please forward maps and full information rsgarding HILLSIDE. Name Address W.L. I Economy is the thing that sup- ' plies old age with an easy chair. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Aod You'll Jump Out of Bed in th« Morxking Rarin^ to Go Tbo liver should poor out two poonds of Uqaid bile into your bowels daily. If this bilo 1b not flowing freely, yoar food doesn't diffOBt. It juit decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up jour stomach. YouKet constipated. Harmfal poisons go into the body, and you feel OOOT. â- Dnk and the world lookd punk. A mere bowel movement doi-sn't always get at the cause. You need some Lh i ngr that works on the liver as welt. It takes those sood. old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two poundB of bile flowina freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless and Ren tie, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in tbem. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by aamel Stubbornly refuse aQythinjt else, 26o. "How do you keep summer board- eres amused?" "Wall sometimes I buy a gold brick but mostly I Just kaep my whiskers on/* Proof ! "Lessons aro wonderfully helpful and Inspiring." "I baa bean abia definitely to change the habit ot â€" " "You are a great help and I hope It Is given to measure up." '•Besults are wonderful." We could quote from many more letters, but the above extracts are proof that others are being helped. If others, WHY NOT YOU? Give th.it mind of yours a chance. Write today for particulars ot an iitonsho ooiirse of mental training. The Institute cf Practical and Applied Psychology 910 Confe(]?r.ition Bnllding MONTBEAIi, V.Q. The insect pest that does the most harm is still the humbug. A timely headache now and then is suffered by the best of men. AN IMPOSSIBLt PARTNERSHIP Among the sheaf of letters await- ing my attention when 1 relurnefl from my vacation last week tlioie is one which is signed "A Worried Wife.' It tells a story that is tragic and reveals conditions ot married life which one would like to think are un usual. I shall not actually quote from the letter â€" it is too Intimate â€" but here is the gist of the jtcry: â€" ''A Worried Wife" fell in love witn a man and began courting him. He posed as single, but it turned out he was married and his wife divorced him. When taken to task, he was able to give a quite plausibh explana- tion, and "A Worried Wife", thinking him an Innocent victim, agreed ti; marry him. For the first two or three years of their marriage everything went well, two children were born, and the union promised happiness. But It wasn't to last. The husband "started stepping out with women," and for the past few years "A Wor ried Wife" has been living In con- ditions which make the partnership impossible. She Is willing to forgive all if only he will settle down and behave himself. Gut he is not amen able to reason and he refuses to agree to a separation until he is able 'to pin something' on bis wife and theu he will not be required to support her. ''Do you think he will change bis attitude later on and how should 1 treat him in the meantime'.'" That is the question which "A Worried Wife" asks me. Wei!, my correspondent was fool ish in the hrst instance in marrying a man who had so deceived her with out first satisfying herself as to his innocence. But sometimes it is bard to see things in advance. And some men are very smooth and plausible. From the facts before me I can see little hope ot happiness in this union. There Is little likelihood ot this man changing his attitude unless be can bo dealt with directly and per sonally, and that seems impossiblu. It there is a clei'gyman in whom 'A Worried Wile" can confldo and w.'iom she thinks would be able to e.xercise some influence on hr- husband, she could consult him. He might manage to bring her husband to a sense of reason. It that Is impossible, or it it fails, then there is no valid reason why she should go on living in misery. Her husband refuses to agree to a separation on purely selfish grounds As a last resort sho should consult a A young man and his best girl were seated in a dim corner. Young man (pleading) â€" Give me a kiss. The girl made no answer. Young man â€" Won't you please give me a kiss? Still no answer. Young man (shouting at leai?th) â€" Please, please, just one? No answer. "oung man â€" Are you deaf? She (snapping) â€" No. Are you paralyzed? ' -•^•'â- :^'*r• A boy witb a large mouth was .shopping for a mouth organ. Critic- ai"y he tried f • ery harmoni a in the shop, but couldn't find one to suit biin. Finally the clerk led him to a grand piano. "Here," ho suggest- eo "try running your mo'ith over those keys." Ia\v>-<;r. If thi!ig.s ::ro as the letter uow before me portrays them, this wo- man will h.Tve 1 (iifiiculty in securing tlie protection of the courts. I am always ht^jiitant to give that advice, b' : in this case the circumstances are such that the woman would be far belter oil if the partnership were liLssolvod. .May I crave the indulgence of cor- respondents whose letters are still unanswered? .My mai' jas been tin- iisually heavy in the past few wee.. and work has a way o' piling r-j when one 13 on vacation. I hope tj over- take all belated correspondence w! 'i- iu the next few ilay^ NOTE: The writer of this is a trained psychologitt and thor of several works. He is to deal with your problems, a you the benefit of his wide ence. Questions regarding LEMS OF EVERY UAY should be addressed to : Dr. Lappin, Room 451. 73 Adela West, Toronto, Ontario. End cent stamped addressed cnve reply. column an au- willing nd give experl- PROB- LIF£ M. M. Ide St. ose a i ope for Long-Lived Bachelor ...To the fact that he was a bachelor and studied philosophy, Mahant Shri .Maharaj ascribed the fact that ne lived to the age of 130. He has just died in Bhavangar State, [ndia, having forecast his deatli to his friends. â€" Reuter. Classified Advertising FEBSONAI, QKKVINO UAIU l.\:3T.-\.NTLY Dark- ened. No dye. .Safe. uOc. Trial size 2Sc. â- â€¢\nnelte, 22{\ .McDermol. Winnipeg. FAHHIJTC MIi;i, pA.NNING .MILL â€" Kline Champion. Farmers s.iy ticst made. .Kline Com- pony. 121 Empr.-.'-s Ore;.., ToronrO.-- IITYEITTOBS! ,^N OFKKH TO EVERY INVE.XTOR. Ijisf of \V,Tnti;d Inventions and full 'rifiirmatinn sent free. THS BAMSAT Company. World Patent .-\ttnrnevs. 273 Hank Street, Ottawa. Canada. STAMP COI^IiECTUTa 7.\n;<II!.\1;â€" Al.-^ci .Sudan, Somallland. I Tlnerstamps, ToROland, Caribbean, \lKPrian. Central .Americans, British '"olonials. This MaRnlcnroeloii.'j oollec-] linn free for ^u pnstage. GR.-VY ST.\MP Co.. Dcpt. rC. Toronto. AQENTr WANTED p.XCLUSlVE TERRITOHY AVAIL- able improved household articles.] tjlteruture. sample free. Lftbor Saving] novices. Limited, 570 Queen East,! Toronto. MUSHROOM SPAWN $25.1)11 weelil.v made RrowlnR mushrooms, for us or your local market. TatHnted formuLa, write for Information and free pITir .N'orlh American Spawn Com- liany iDcpt. A). Ontario Building Toronto Council Standard Choose "Rosco ' COUN- CIL STANDARD Roof- ing for economy, qual- 1 t y and permanence. Heavily coaled with dur- able spelter â€" oftlclally "spot-tested" for Quality â€" this roofing ellnilnates upkeep cost â€" resists wear and wca her tor years Wo will gladly send literature and prices. Write us now on your roofing requirements. ROOFERS SUPPLY CO., LIMITED TORONTO LONDON QUEBEC XONTBEAI. OTTA'WA J The Graphochart ShoAs how to re;id uharicler from handwriti.'?. at a glance 10c PREPAID GraphoIogUt Room 421 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto Issue No. 41 â€" '36 i\ /- câ€" 1

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