/ . U.F.O. Picnic Friday of this week at Durham, Opposite Hospital. Big Program of Sports i \ r ' li • je fkQ\)nion %^mnu^ \'ol. 54: No. 2 W'EDXKSDAV. JL'XE 13, 1934 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor* FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siudder, Coll- ing%vood, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jamie- son, Badgerows and Detect've Mum- berson of Toronto and his uncle, Mr. Wea. 'Mumberson of New Lowell were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oldfield of Dun- dalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Nichol. Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Burk. Mr. and lilrs. Thomas Forsythe of Owen Sound were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Graham of Banks and Mr. Norman Hindle and son, Melville, of Gibraltar spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Tyler. Mr. Harry Burk spent Sunday at his home here. .VIr. and Mrs. Will. Colquptte. Betty and .\lan were- week end visitors with friends here. Mr. Ivan .Alexander of Owen Sound was a week end yisitor with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. y \ â- â- 'â- * Wk" Wm â€" :> \ '- '" " - • -- Electors' As UKinber for South Grey in the Legislature 1 have worked in the interests of my riding and the people of Ontario as a whole. I have voted on the merits of questions uninfluenced by the campaign funds provided by corporations and contractors, or by party discipline which leaves members little liberty. I have advocated a clean up of the Packers' racket and a lessening" of charges at the Union Stock Yards. I have worked faithfully on the -\g:ricultural counuittee in the interests of the farmer as was made clear by special mention bei,ng made of me in the report ot the Legislatuie on these matters to the Stevens Com- mittee. This last session I introduced the Debtors' Equity ['.ill which sought to protect the debt burdened house- holder and farmer in proportion to his equity in the property. Two years ago I introduced a resolution advocat- ing increased trade with Great Britain, forcing the question to a vote in the Legislature. 1 liave uig-ed that less stress be made by Goveni- ment and Agricultural Colleges on production in Agri- culture and more on the processing and marketing viuds. 1 have assisted, in every possible way the First Co-opeiatjve Packers in Barrie as a first step toward the mastering of tlie processing of his products by the farmer. Long ago I advocated the nominal charge only for automobile licenses and the spending of all car levies, whether gasoline or license, on roads and the providing for a repayment fund to retire the highway bonds out of this revenue. The daily j^ress have sev- eral times credited me with vigorous defence^ of tlu- people's interest. If this U what you want in your memJbier, then vote Oliver on June 19th as soon after 8 in the morning as possible, but at least before the poUs close at 7 p.m. And remember a marked ballot is all that counts on election day. However, if you want to support a government that protects the wealthy against the poor, the strong against the weakâ€" a government that gives the peopk beer instead of bread â€" vote Kernahan. If you want a member ^ound hand and foot to party issues, enslaved by party funds, serving his part'v and not his ridingâ€" vote Kernahan. ^ If vou want to support a government that has increased expenditure from 291 million to over 600 n|fl|ionâ€" vote Kernahan. r A,uf last if you are fooled by the great show of acttvitv and the reckless spending of the people s monev in these- electym weeks, then by all means- vote Kernahan. EUGENIA The 35th annual convention of .Vneniesia, Markdale and Flesherton Reu^ious Education council will be held in the United church, Eugenia, on Thursday, June 14, 1934. .â- Vflf •- noon session be.t;ins at 2.30 o'clock and the evening session at 7.45. Corns all, come early and bring lunch. Eu- genia people will supply tea, sujfar and cream. A cordial welcome is awaiting you. On Friday evening, Juno 15, the -Marionettes of Kitcftcner will present th« story of beautiful Queen Esther in the United chur-h under the aus- pices of the Ladies" Aid. There will also be a playlet for thiiuren v-ntitled "The Adventures of Billy Boy." Ad- mission 25c, children under 12 years 15e. Don't forget the date, come and enjoy the progrram. Get your tickets from the members of the Ladies' Aid. .Mrs. E. McKean and son, Roy, m ' daughter, Hughena, of Ravenna and Mr. Alvin Skippen of Thornoury were recent yisitors with Mr. and ji'f. »., Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sled of Flesh- erton visited on Friday with Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Magee. M-. and Mrs. Will. Williams. Mr. Geo. Williams and son and Mr. Clar- ence Williams of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. Ernie Williams re- turned to Toronto with them. Miss Ida Proctor (nurse) of Dun- can was a caller on Mrs. C. Martin on Sunday. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mi-s. Geo. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCallum and .'hildren of Duncan. Mrs. J. E. Large. Frank and Beth r>~ Niagara t'alls. Mrs. Netler of Tonawanda, N.Y. and daughter. Mrs. Gerald Large and little son. Fritz, also iJIrs. Fred Large of Chicago and Mr. .\rt Kartner spent the week end with Mr. Peier Munshaw. Wc> ofie- heartic>:t congratulations to M'-. Fred T,->rge who was recently married to Aiiss Mayer of Chicago. We wisii them a lona:. happy and prosperous uiurney through life. M'-s. M. Jamieson and Miss Gert- rude Lever and the former's grand- i.'.ughtJ'-, .Miss Marjorie Jamicson, of ^-''::i.'n Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and fam- ily. Miss Edna McCallum. R.N., of Flesherton is. at present nursing Mrs. Jas. Portflous. We are pleased to report .Mrs. Porteous feeling some- what better at time of writing. Mr. Dave Davidson of Listowcl .^pent the week end with Mr. and -Mrs. F. Jamieson. Jlr. and Mrs. Les Chard and Mabel of Rock Mills and Mr. and Mvg. F. Gc-noe spent Sunday with Mr. an 1 M'-s. Geo. Law-lor. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park and son. Charles, spent Sunday with Mr. an.'. -Mrs. J. Beaton near Durham. -Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor and children and Mrs. Ltn. Latimer spen; the week end with friends at -Vlli.;- ton. Mr. and 'Mi-s. Field of Miniico and son, George, of Tenneseo were call- ers on Mr. and Mrs. R. Park, Mi*. Plantt, Mr. and Mrs. T. .McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Magee. Mrs. Field who was a daughter of the late Ml-, and Mrs. Robt. .\kitt was an ex-pupil of Mrs. Will. Magee. .AlH were pleased to renew old acquaint- ances again. Mrs. Lewis Genoe is spending a few days at Providence with hei mother, Mrs. F. Savers, who is ill. We hope Mrs. Sayers will soon bs well again. Mrs. Moi'gan and Douglas. Mrs. Well. Graham and Miss Phyllis of '•1 >sherton and Mr. and Mrs. McDon- ald of Chat-sworth were recent vis itors with Mr. and Mrs. .A.dam Smith and Miss Georgio. On Tuesday evening of last week the many friends "^nd neighbors of Mrs. Merle Weber (nee Miss Reta Gonop> met at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Genoe, and spent a very pleasant evening in dancing, etc. Durin«' the course "f thi' evening the bride was presented with a miscellaneous shciwer of gran- iteware, which conveyed the best wishes of the community to the youn.g couple for a long, happy and pros- perous life. Mr. ""d Mrs. Jim Pedlsr and fam- ily of Wareham were callers on Mr. Robt. Plantt one day recently. PRICEVILLE The funeral of the lata Mrs. Geo. Campbell was htid at her late resi- dence on Monday and was largely at- tended by friends and neighbors. Bish- op Flinch conducted the service a.v.- preached a comforting mssjagt'. ih^ pallbearers were: Mrs. T. Irwin, M'v Edgar Patterson, Mrs. Wm. Beato. Mrs. Frank Haley, Mrs. Angus Mc Coimack, Mrs. Peter Steele, Mr; Stepnen Martin, Mrs. Lawrence Jf â- â- Kcov.n. those who attended th. â- uneral from a distance v.-ere: Mrj John Campbell and son, Robert, u. Mr. and Mrs. Vance of Owjn Sour.t. Mri. W m. Campbell of Dundalk, \V . ter and John McMurdo of Droniore Mrs. Dick Hanam and son. Herb, of Toronto, Mi-s. Fred Clark of Mark vlale ana Mri. Dave Dov.- of Flesjie-- ;on. Among the many floral tributes .vas a spray from the Holdfast U.t W.O. Club. Interment was made :â- ;he Latter Day Saints' Cemetery, Pro ton. The iW.M.S. and Willing Helpers will hold their meeting Tuesday, jj 19th, in the jhurch when a debate w.!'. be given. Lunch committee, Mrs. K. McArthur and Mrs. H. R. McLean -A. good crowd is expected. On Wednesday a quilting bee wa' held in the church when 18 ladie.- were present and finished two quilt, for the bale. The men had a b? outside, cleaning around the church. .\ bountiful lunch was served to all Mr. George Campbell and famu. attended the funeral on Sunday in Owen Sound of his brother. Jack. Interment was made in the cemetery of the Latter Day Saints at Proton. Mr. Murray McMillan has gone t.i Toronto where he has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. H. McKillop. son and daughter, also Miss F. Clarke of Brampton spent the week end with Mr. and Mi-s. T. A. Watson. ROCK MILLS Tns Ladies' Aid will hold I'r.eir monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Laurie Pedlar on Wednesday, Jane 30th. Lunch committee: catic, -Jrs. Earl Croft, Mrs. Albert Blackburn. Mrs. Walter Fis.'ier; sandwich, Mrs. Chai. Hanley, Mrs. Joyce Porteous, Mrs. J. J.' Boy:e. Visitors welcome. 5Ir. and .Mrs. Melville M;Master of Toronto werS vL<:itors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. Miss Marjory Lee of Owen Sound i« holidaying with her cousin. Miss LeiLa Clark. Our teacher. Miss E. Oliver has been engaged for another year. Much sympathy is extenced to M-. Sam McMullen in the loss of his ban. by lightning on Sunday morning. Prayer meeting will be held at the home of. Mr. Lewis Pedlar on Friday night at S o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. Dean. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. To.m Goodlad, Mr Waiter Bessie, Mrs. Ed. HoUey and daughter, Margaret, of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and family. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts the past week were: Mr. and Mr.s. Joe .-Armstrong. Miss Julia Croft, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ryan and little son. and Mrs. George Jeff- rey, all of Toronto and Mr. Gecr^-^ Field of Memohis. Tenn. Mr. Thos. Betts and daughters. Misses Edith and Mabel motored to Owen Sound on Tliarsday and spent the day there. Mr. John Wickens of Kimberley was a recent visitor at the Pedlar home. Mr. Lewis Pedlar was busy the past week putting up a new pickett fence around the lawn at the front of his residence which looks yery nice since completed. PROTON STATION â€" HA\'i: YOU RENEWED? (Last Week's Itfcins) .\ political meeting in the intei:e:3ts of the Conservative candidate, Mr. H. W. Kirrnahan, was held in the Orange hall here last Friday night before a good si:ied audience. Mr. Leth,arland of Markdale, Mr. Irwin, editor of the Durham CJhi-onicle and the candidate himself were the speak- ers and in no uncertain terms they presented the merits of the Conser- vatiye Goyernment and the reasons why it should be returned to power on June 19th. Mrs. Mai-sh of Mark- dale gave two 01 Henry Drummoiids poems in good style and the Proton orchestra interspersed the program - with lively music. Mr. Ed. Badge- row occupied the chair. The sons and daughters of Mrs. James Corbett of this village "got- togethcr'' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Corbett for the fifst re- union since the Great War. Mr. and Mrs. James Loekhart of Gode- rich and their son, Mr. Lawson Lock- hart an! wife of Detroit were pres- ent and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Co'-bett of Toronto besides those of the fam- ilies residing not so far avi-av. Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett of Bethel. Mr. anrt Mrs. Ed Corbett of Ventry. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Corbett of near Proton Station and Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Conneli of Dundalk. Mrs. Corbett Sr.. Kas been visiting among her family during the winter and has just returned last Friday to her home in this village and is re- ceiving a welcome from her neigh- bors. iMr. Billy Stainsby. who spent the fall and winter working at Wagani- ing in "Hiunder Bay district returned to Proton Station last Sunday mo'Tj- icg. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgin met him at Barrie. Billy looks as 'hou>rh The north agreed with him. ROCK MILLS SCHOOL REPORT Tha Feversham football club played a friendly match with tha local club, both rolling up a fine goose egg (0' score on Friday evanin^ last. The dance afterwards proved enjoyable and profitable after all expenses o.' lunch -"nd orchesti*a v.-ere paid. Improvements noted in town are a fine garden fence of a fancy pattern in tha front ijf Mrs. Buckham's prop- erty and a lawn and rockery for flowers at Mrs. D. G. MacLean's. .Another annual excursion is plann- ' cd by the Y.P.S. of St. Col-umba Unit- j ed church on Saturday the lt5th tr> Tobermory and other points of in- j terest in the Bruce peninsula. I New steps have been erected in : front of St. C iumba church, replac- i ing those built .n 1S8S. For lastina: stability and endurance commend m.? to cement. In this case they ai-o 1 again of wood subject to decay and ; defacement. 1 The service here was taken by Mr. J. M. McCiillivray on Sunday, pend- ing the securing of a permanent pas tor. Sign posts and bank protectors have been erected by a gang, superintend- : cd by Mr. Geo. VVIiitmore of near Durham on our now Provincial high- way and through town. (Last Week's Items) Miss Kathleen McLean of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mt-Kinnon. Mr. and Mrs. .A.ngus McCannel of Proton Station spent the week end with their daughter. Mrs. .-A. Hincks, ! and took in the Gaelic service. j Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMillan. Hoi- ^ stein, visited Sunday with friends here and attended the Gaelic service. Mr. Gil\Tay McLean and friend. Miss Marjorie Webster, Tiverton, spent the week end at his homo. Mr. and Mrs. George McL-ellan of Niagara Falls visited at Mr. Donald Campbell's and other friends hei'e last i week. Miss Margaret Simpson ac- companied them home Sunday for a visit. I Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex. Knox and M-.-s. Harry Pedlar of Toronto spent tlie week end with the latter's parent? here. Mrs. S. Maltby and friend. Toronto, spent the week end with her mother. M'-s. Buckh-im. Mr. .-Alray iMcLean of Toronto spent thf week end at his home. Deepest sympathy is exp'-ossol for Mr. Geo. Campbell and family in their s."' bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. To"i Chase and fam- ily of Dundalk v'sited oyer the week e-d w^ith friends here. BATES BURIAL COY 124 Avenue Road Toronto IS 11 DISTINCTIVE FUNER.AL SERVICE AT RE.\SON.ABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chacel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Manager Formerlv of Flesherton i ,>*>><>->-V><>**<KK'*<~><-v^»<~><«>><>->>.>*-><»<~>»>4~>-><'<>***«>->*->'^ CANADIAN SLATE MINES, Limited \ Mine and Flant at Madoc. Out. .\t least Ten !\[illion Tons of Slate in Si.uht Canada's Only Siate Industry •^irst Stock Issue of 50,000 N. P. V.' Shares now being offered at 30 cents per Share Make your reservations hy writing or telephoning: This project will stand your closest investigation. Prospectus on application Head Office: 47 Yonge Street. Toronto. Telephones : W'averley 7-64. Elgin 0872. **<&<>**<>«<-v>«>«>*^>«:~:'<~:-^->->«:«<~:":~:~:":-:~:'^-:~v>->-:~M">«>'>**<«^'-^^ Sr. 4th â€" Doris Pedlar, Uene Rus- sell. Ruby Monaghan. Jr. -Jth â€" Russell Phillips. Roy Fisher. Sr. 3rd â€" Fred Betts. Fred Part- ridge. Jr. 3rd â€" Hazel Wilkinson. Laura Pedlar. Orval Russell. Loreen English, Ted Croft. Glenard Croft. ...Sr. 2nd â€" Laura Porteons. Edna Partridge. Arthur Betts. Bessie Rus- sell. Chester Shier. Ph.vllis Partridge, Harold Clark. Eleanor RusselL Jr. 2nd â€" Mansell Atkinson, Hilda Betts, .Amanda Fisher, Gordon Shier, Harrv Fisher. St. 1st â€" Lillian Fisher, Russell Shier. Jr. 1st â€" Evelyn Phillips. .lean Phillips, Vernon .Atkinson. Jack Port eons. Helen Betts. Harold Betts. Sr. Pr. â€" Edna Shier. Edgar Betts. â€"EMMA M. OLIVER, Tccher. OR.VXGE VALLEY SCHOOL ,-^j». -..* ^^- w w â- â- ' ' ' ' i " i ^ i '"VT W # '*f*^^^ â- w * . Rev. J. B. Snider, of Tundalk. has iiecidcd to tender his resignntion a.s pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Fifth â€" Dorothy Whitehead. Jr. 4th â€" Har\-ey Hill. Velma A'- cox. Clarence Foster. Sr. 3rd â€" Muriel Teeter*. Don Russell. Clifford Littlejohns. Jean Ltver. Ella Stephenson, Wes. Steph- enson. Jr. 3rd â€" Elmer Russell*, Minerva Staifford*, Gerald Hill*, Richanl Fitch. 2nd â€" Verna Russell*. Mary Wliite- head, -Annie Stephenson. Sr. 1st â€" Levi Stafford, Pauline Stephenson. Jr. 1st â€" Ernie Russell, Muriel Gilchrist. Sr. Pr. â€" Burton Russell*. Jack Gil.*hrist*. Jr. Pr. â€" Nina Teeter. * denotes norfe^'t attendance. â€"A. t. MARTIN, Teache- The Dominion Stores Co. hsi« leas- ed promises in Durham and will open a branch there about July 1. Disappointed- V ^ \\'o .«^old a carload of salt in 8 hours. W'c want to <• sell another before long. Will vou let us have a list <• <• jf vour requirements at once and we will fill vour <• â- V order promptly. •? Specials This Week Ladies Slippers, good quality $1.35 Ladies' Oxfords, good quality $1.35 Ladies' Far/y Ties $1.95 Highest prices for Eggs â- ' I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. I FLESH>:.RTON