Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1934, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. 1934 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE is 14, INSTALL AN ei^iDd bathroom now You may have done without a bathroom solely because you thought the cost was more than you could afTord. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, owing to reduced manufacturing costs, and because every part is entirely made in Canada. Let us show you diflferent designs in Emco Bath- room equipment. The three pieces shown in the illusfrafion, with all fittings, ready for installation, d^QO ^A L. 0. Moore Is New Osprey Councillor The nomination mefcting held at Maxwell to fill the office of councillor, iiKulf vacant by the resiKnation of Mr. A. Wilton, resulted in three can- iliciates, Mr. L. O. Moore of Badgerow, •Mr. John Lockhart of Sintchampton and Mr. Wni. lleitnian of Feversham, l)*inK hroujfht out by their friends. Kafh nrjde a .shorl' speech and as their experience in municipal affairs being about eiiual (they had all served the town.ship as Deputy Reeve-s in the past) they were unanimous in their ()i)i"ion that it would not be good policy to make a ballot of it, so after cotifc-riirij? among themselves for a few minutes Mr.L. O. Moore was chosen to serve for the balance of the year. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the friends and neighlxjrs for the many acts of kind- ness shown us during our recent ber- eavement. â€" Thos. Genoe and Family. Local and Personal ^^*^*0^^*^^^*^^^*^*^*^^^ only cost THE FRESH FLOW Can he used where frer^ u-ater direct from the ivci* I'g required. Capacity, 250 gal. per hour. Small 3 gal. Galvanized Tank. la Tl.P. 110 Volt Motorâ€" GO cycle or (t'7'i f\f\ 25 cycle . .sP/~>.Ul/ Kxfra for .10 gal. Galvan- ized Tank . . $12.00 Duro PressureWater Systems, all Canadian -made, will supply running water throughout your home. Easy time payments available on all Emco equipment. W. N. BURNSIDE Phone 150 - MarkdaU EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver 33 Live Stock Report Heavily overloaded with beef, pack- ing houses took hardly any cattle off I the Toronto Live Stock Market today and, though the run was nearly 2,000 head lighter than Monday, the hold- over was the same, 1,400 head. Weighty steers weakened in the after- noon ^nd closed 15 to 25 cents lower, but buyers were not tempted. Choice calves also showed a loss, dropping 50 cents under slow trading. Hogs, sheep and lambs showed no changes and all sold steady, the former at Mon- day's 10-cent higher level and the latter at Monday's ?1.50 to $2 lower level. Weighty steers of common to med- ium suality ranged from $4.25 to $5, with tops at $5.50. Butcher cattle sold at S;3.50 to $5.25, a.^ good butcher cows moved from $3.50 to $4. Bulls closed unchanged at $2.iS0 to $3.25. .Store cattle trade was at a standstill throughout the day. Calves slipped and closed 50 cents lower for choice at $<>, while common to medium veal- vr^ sold ^liR•htly weaker at $3.50 to S5. Hogs settled in the afternoon and closed unchanged at $8.50 f.o.b. for bacons, §8.85 off truck and $!l.25 off ca'-. Lambs were steady at $10 cwt. for best and at $n to $7 for culls. Good light .-^heep brought S2 to $2.50. while culls and heavies sold from $1 to SI..":!). Rev. M. M. Bennett returned to t<:wii on Tuesday. .Mayor of Hamilton wants a court- esy week to teadi car drivers to havo consideration for ythers. A week in juil might h-j more effectyie in a fV'HKl nw.ny car=cs. r -c -Tw a fF f«wt<«*'"*^u i« >^iBM'-J«'»^»iiia«*'^'-'«*ffM p «!!K STOBIJ WITH 8BBVIC1! OUR BUTINQ F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES BAVES YOU A LOT Markdale, Ontario ^^ "o^«' ecia' ies owing ummer iN VOILES PIQUE PRINTED SiLK CHIFFON, ORGANDIES AND LIN- ENSU TS THENEWES^^ FROM THE NEW YORK MARKET LN bUI 1 b. »^^^\ j^jcES THAT CANNOT BE BEATEN. . LOTl 25 only. i,a(lics printed silk chiffon dresses, beautiful designs and colorings. y\ slip included witli this dress. Ki'g. value t^.50. Very .special -t $5.95 I.OT 2 3 doz. <Jnly, ladies fine •rgandic dresses. T.atc'st New York designs. \v<.ii<ft«rful ^pudity material. SpccirilK- priccd at $2.95 and $3.45 Special Showing of Fine Voile Dresses Many designs to choose from a host t)f i)attcrns. ZS different designs \'vvy moderately priced from .... $1.89 to $2.95 .•SPECIAL VALUE W WOMEN IN SILK UNDERWEAR .- ,4 1. LOT NO. 1 25 doz. pantic and bloomer sI^nJo silk rayon, real value at 25c LOT NO. 2 25 doz. extra heavy silk bloomers and pantic styles. A parment that will j;ivc roal wear, special 69c. LOT NO. 1â€" Rayon Hosiery A real qnality hose- at a very low- price. .Ml the new shades, special 31c pr. LOT NO. 2â€" Lisle Hose I-'or children in fawn and tan shades. This hose was made to sell at 35c. Si)ei- ial 25c pr. VISIT OUR HARDWARE DEPART MENT FOR SPECIAL VALITES IN Aluminufn Ware, WmH BoanU, Granilc- ware and Paints. AD at special prices this week. Kimberley football squad plays in Flesherton Saturday evening. Blank counter check books can be secured at The Advance office. Mr. Roy Thiatlethwaite of Toronto was a visitor last week with his mother. Dr. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsville wa.s a caller on Mr. D. McTavish on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Camadge of .Mount Forest were callers on Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crosslcy and two children of Toronto spent the holiday at their homes in town. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Hill and son, Marvin, of Toronto holidayed with Mr. and -Mrs. R. B«ntham. Miss Alice Heard was successful in securing her third years Arts course at Toronto University. Do you need salt. In bags, press- ed blocks, bulk or rock salt, if so the Osprey and Artemesia Co-operative are selling a carload on June 12th and 13tb. Mr. S. L. Stauffer underwent an operation for appendicitis in the \farkdale hospital on Monday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lever and Mr. alid Mrs. J. Brackenbary visited the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. G. Morgan, at Palmerston. '.Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hendierson, daughter Eileen, and Mr. Howard Johnton of Toronto were in town on Sunday. I Congratulations to Mr. Ken Boyd who was successful in his fourth year medical course at Toronto Univers- ity. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston, and .Miss Dell Thurston of Toronto spent the past few days w-ith Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Durrant at Mitchell. The 8th annual U.F.O. picnic will be held near Durham on Friday. June 15th. See large posters for full nar- ticular.^ of sports and amusements bo- ing provided. Miss Catherine Turney of Hi.niil- :on and Misses .•\lico and Helen Tur- ney of Toronto spent the week end with their brother, Mr. Wm. Turney, and family. Misses Audrey and Ramonn Mc- Eachnie, Mr. Harry Kvans, Weld )n Worthy and Miss Marie McEachiiio holidayed in town v.'ith t'.:? btter'- parents. The 3.')th annual convention of t.io .'Vrtemesia, Flesherton and Markd.ilc Keligious Education C'ouncil will bt iicld in the United church, Eugenia ,i:i Thursday, June Mth, with after- noon and evrnin;?: sessions. Mr. Hugh Moore and Wni. .\llen of Metroit spent a couple of days last 'voek with tho former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, who returned to Detroit with them on Sunday for :ui extended visit. Hot weather has prevailed durini; the pa.-st week, the peak being reach- ed on Monday and Tuesday when the thirinpniele!' registered 100 and i>9 d-.grees in thj shade on tho two days. .A hi'avy thunder storm swung around to the north Tuesday evening but this liavilied di.strict was left rainkss, al- though urgently needed. A parly of sixteen of th.; Oxford (lyoiu) had charge of the services in l!io churches at '.Markdale and Kle»h- citon, Ceylon ami Kock Mills. .V service was also held Friday eviMiing and a^meeling of the Trustees' .As socintion Saturday evening wfl.s :>lso addressed. Good crowds attended all thtt meetings. TRAGEDY' OF GROWING OLD (Alliston Herald) The tragedy of growing old for the great majority of people is to realize that life has passed them by and left them behind while they still survive inactive and forgotten The friends they knew, the associates they labored with, the witnesses of their careers have almost all predecesed them and younger generations have grown ni to which they are at best mere names â€" and fortunate to be so much. There are not many Bordens or Mulo.k.s who manage to hold their places upon the public scene when far beyond the Biblical span of threascore years and TENDERS W * NTED Tenders will be received up until the 16th of June, 1934, for the erec- tion of a woodshed at the Ceylon school. Plans and specifications may be had from the Secretary. Low- est or any tepder not necessarily ac- cepted, y^c^'' â€"ROY PIPER, Sec. A Clever Swindle .\ new iiicket was tried out in a Toronto restaurant recently. .K Kontleinan, posing as a shy country- man, entered a restaurant at the busy hour and after looking around rather !u'wil(lerod-like, seated himself a*, a taliL' with two city chaps. They got talking about the difference between the city and coinitry and finally the country chap oflTored to bet the other two that evsn he, with his country ways, could pay for his meal with a ?1 bill and get change for a $10 bill. They took him up and so he otTercd the cashier a $1 bill. She gave him his change and he told her he was sure he had given her a ten spot. However she knew her job and stuck 1 1 her opinion. So he asked for the manager and upon investigation the manager told him he was Borry but if they were %i alDead at night they would send him the money. This a,\<- pnrently satisfied the country fellow, iiut in a nunnent or so he was back uMce more, and asking for tho man- ager again, explaimxl that ho had .-"ud- dt-nly ri^niombered that he had made a not" of a telephone number on the ba.k of that $10 hill, being Lakeside, but could not tell the figures, would the manager be so kind as to look at his ten.-' in the register and see if he hadn't one there with this telephone number on the hack of it. and sure enough the manager found that he had, so handed over to tho country- looking man the $S>. He, of course, walked over to hi.i lat? companions and collectcsl his bet. It seems that he had a ponfodpmt!« who had been in l>efore him with a |10 bill for a pack- age of cigarettes. We wonder iust how far this same man might have gone had he used hi.i same thought nn<l cleverness in the right direction. â€" Harriston Review, The Egg Market The following prices for eggs were being paid to producers on Tuesday of this week. "A" Large 18c "A'' Medium 16c Seconds 14c Clean Up and Paint Up Sher^vio Williams Pant & Varnish The old reliable brand for all kinds of paintinu; or varnishing. We have a complete stock. For Your Garden and Lawn Hoes, Rakes, Shovels; Spades; Forks; Lawn Mowers; Lawn Seed. Royal Purple Garden Seeds â€" 5c per pgs. (10c size). * * * Going Fishing? Steel Rods, Bamboo Poles, Gut Hooks; Kerby Hooks; Sinkers; Lines; Reels; etc. WIRE FEx\CE AND FENCE SUPPLIES Massey- Harris Implements amd Repairs Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON Small Advts. For Sale LIME â€" Always on hand. â€" Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, 25c I>er dozen; all birds from blood- tested stock. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. FOR SALE A good coal oil stove oven. â€" iJIrs. Ned Croft, Rock Mills. CAR FOR SALE Model T 1U27 Ford roadster, in good runniny «ondition. â€" Jack Lin ton Flesherton, R. R. 3. FOR SALE Hay for sale at ?8.00 at the barn, 4 cows, young cows to freshen. â€" R, -Mien, Flesherton. FOR SALE Two good driving horses, als' collie pup front good working stock â€" Mark Wilson, Flesherton. PASTURE TO LET Would take in a number of cattle to pasture. â€" Claude -Akins, Flesher- ton. CAR FOR SAL"E 192G model T Ford coupe in good condition. Would exchange for young cattle.â€" W. J. Chard, R. R. No. 1, Flesherton. phone 75 r 14. LOST Logging chain and Iron binder at Ceylon. Finder please leave at The .â- \(lvance office or with A. Sinclair, Ceylon. LIME FOR SALE Fresh lime for sale. Special pric- es for large quantities. â€" Ernie Fen- wick, Townline, Phono Feversham 7 r 43. FOR SALE Hog chop fl.lO per cwt.. bags in- chnh'd; Quaker Ivory Flour $2.15 per b«g; also Western oata, barley, rye. etc.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38r3. FOR SALE OR RENT Farm on the gravel road. Lot 36, Con. 7, Artemesia. Well waterd and ftneed; Good buildings. â€" Apply to James Milne. Maxwell, Ont. Then* Feversham 4 r 42. PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes, Cablmee, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, choice varieties in annuals for rock garden ar.<l window boxes, also perennials. â€" Mrs. 'E. Mc- Leod, Ceylon, Ont CATTLE TO PASTURE Would take a number of cattle to pasture. â€" J. Flynn, Flesherton. HOUSE FOR SALE Six roomed frame house in Ceylon, one acre and a quarter of land on main highway. â€" Apply Chas. M. Melia, 7S1 Caithness Ave., Toronto. FARM FOR SALE OR REXT Lot 133, 3rd range S.W.T. & S.R., Artemesia, 50 acres, ten of which is good hardwood, balance mostly clear- ed. Will sell on easy terms or will rent. â€" Jos. Watson, I»riceville, phone- 32 I- 3. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Containing MG acres, 35 in hay, 35 acres fall plowed, situated ^» mile south of Saugeen Junction. Brick house, bank barn with first class stables. Apply to R. J. Boyd of Flesherton or to J. C. Wright, 195 Ottawa St., South, Hamilton. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, orer that time §2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms; cash- 75c.; charged $1.00. â€" ,WES. SMITH, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Regiatered Yorkshirt Boar for sei^ â-¼ice by Flesherton Bacon Hog (^lub^ the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Carstakcr. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 p.m. Singhampton Office â€" Tuesday and Friday 2 • 4 p.m. AUCTIONEER Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for fan* and stock sales a speciality, terms: 1 per cent., with small sales at cor- responding low prices according tk sire. Make dates by phoning 4Srll or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. SSS, A.F. AA.M., meets in the PrateTval HaB, Flesherton, e^ery Friday on or befon the full moon. W.M., F. J. Thurston, Secretarv. H. A. VeCsnlw*.

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