WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 19M 1»HB ABTANCE FIcsherton Kept Trophy Thursday Lost Tuesday Two rinks from the Markdalc Curl- ing Club came to Flesht-rton on Thurs- day night in an effort to lift the Department of Agriculture Shield won by Flesherton several weeks ago, but were defeated in both games played. In the former game only one of the Flesherton rinks won. Following is the list of players and the score by ends: FLESHERTON: MARKDALE: A. McEachnie A. Taber A. E. Bellamy M. Belfry F. J. Thurston W. Hill J. Dargavel, skip T. Berry, skip Dargavel 040 400 KU 0â€"13 Berry 102 022 000 2â€" 'J V Taylor W. Harris '. G. Kennedy T. Thck R. Richards J. MitcheU '. McCauley, skip Dr. McArthur, skip McCauley 301 022 ZIO 1â€"12 McArthur 101' 100 002 0â€" 4 Markdale lifted the trophy on Tues- day night by virtue of two games won by C. P.. King- and W. J. Plewes from M. Wilson and C. McTavish. Both irames were closely contested for five ends, but Markdale drew away grad- ually. This waa the third set of games, Floshcrton having won the other two, and the trophy is now resting with the Markdale Curling Club. Following are the players and the .score by ends: FLF:.SHERT0N: MARKDALE: J. Wilson H. Bowler D. Williams John Dillon E. A. Preston J. Elliott M. Wilson, skip C. R. King, skip King Oil 200 212 0â€"9 Wilson 100 012 000 1â€"6 F. Il.W. Hicklinsr B. Hamilton J. Nuhn M. Perkins R. Piper L. Thibaudeau C. McTavish, skip W. J. Plewes, skip Plewes 110 013 010 1â€"8 McTavish 002 100 201 0â€"6 Observes 95th Birthday Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Chas. McKinnon of the South Lino, Artemesia, who celebrated her 95th birthday quietly at her home on Saturday, March 10. For 58 years she has been residing on the same farm and has been enjoying good health. She came to Canada with her parents when a young girl, hav- ing l)een born at Louis, Scotland. Her many friends wish her continued health and enjoyment of life. HOUSEWARE SPECIALS Now is the time to buy Housewares We have ob- tained specials by paying cash and are passing them on. A real Special grey enamel Dish Pan 43c Copper Wash Boiler, Special $2.69 Large Size" aluminum Tea Kettle, sale price .... 89c Solid Copper N. P. Tea Kettle $2.19 Wash Bowl Bargain 29c Pearl enamel Wash Board, sale price 59c 5-string Brooms, good clean stock, sale price .. 33c And many other useful articles at special prices, get yours while they are available. These prices are only good during sale Don't fait to call. Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON Never hesitate to ask for advice â€" everybody likes to give it. Mrs. C. N. Richardson has been ill at her home for the past week. Mrs. E. Trempe returned home from Toronto last Friday very much improved in health. Mrs. H. Griff en of Toronto spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Wilcock, in town. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bentham are moving to the Cairns residence on Toronto street. Mrs. R. Bentham .spent a few days last week in Toronto, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. Hill. Mr. Edward Fawcett of Alliston celebrated his 87th birthday on March Gth., and .still reads without glasses. Mr. Fawcett is a brother of Mrs. Harry Down of this village. At a meeting of the directors of the Flesherton and East Grey Agri- cultural Society on Saturday it was decided to hold the fair on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 18 and 19 An auction sale of live stock will be held on Thursday, March 29th, one mile south of Flesherton on the farm of Mr. Gordon Invin. See bills foi full particulars. Wood has been coming into town fairly, freely during the past week. Owing to the severity of the wintei dry wood is a scarce article in town at present and many people are need- ing it. The Ladies' Aid of the United church will hold their annual meat pie supper and program in the church on Thursday evening, March 15th Supper served from 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. Admission 25 cents. Mr. George Boyd of North Battle- ford visited friends in town last week. He is engaged in the Chevrolet sales and service business. He is also the owner of a large block of farm prop- erty. Mr. Boyd's many friends hare were pleased to meet him again. A cow owned by Mr. Fred Pedlai of Eugenia gave birth to twin calves last week. This is the first instance of twin calves being born to a cow owned by the Pedlar family, and no doubt this animal will receive the best of treatment with the hope that she will perform the same feat at some future date. Stlk Moau SBBTIOi F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, (Ontario OUR BOTINO FOWEB SAVES YOU A LOT OF UONET A Big March Opportunity To SAVE To Save Money on Your Floor Covering this Month. Here are some Outstand- ing Values below market prices. Compa re them with mail order prices and you wi!I be convinced Hill's dan and do Save You Money. Congoleum Borderless Rugs Bright, Cheery, Eong-wcaritij,' Surface 6x9 $3.85 7/, X 9 4.90 9x9 5.73 9x mi/j « 6.73 9x12 7.75 Linoleum Bornerless Rugs Heaviest printed quality in use ; j^ood smart patterns and priced low 6x9 $4.15 6 X 71/2 3.45 7/2 X 9 5.20 9x9 6.25 9x lOi^ 7.25 9x12 8.30 Feltol Borderless Rugs Somewhat lighter in weight than the Cong-oleum, but .strong^ and durable, pjood patterns. 6x9 $2.95 71/2 X 9 3.70 9x9 4.45 9x 10>^ 5.15 9 x 12 5.90 Rexoteum Borderless Rags 6x6 $1.50 6x71^ 1.70 6x9 2.25 6 X 101^ 2.65 Buy yourself some cosy warm Bed Throws This Week at a Big Saving in Price These arc in bcantiftilly blended shades to adorn any room and attractively bound. Single Textures 66x80 $1.95 Reversible Textures 66x80 $3.25 ' SCHOOL QUESTIONS ANDANSWERS Question â€" Aft«r the holding of an annual neetinK of the ratepayers in a rural Section it is felt by some of the ratepayers that there were irregulari- ties in the election of the trustees to fill a vacancy. What steps may be taken, to have the matter adjusted? Answer â€" Section 68 (11) of the Public Schools Act states: "Where complaint is made to the Inspector by an elector" that the elec- tion of a trustee, or that the proceed- ings of any part thereof of a school meeting have not been in conformity with this Act, the Inspector shall in- vestigate the complaint and confirm the election or proceedings if found to be in substantial accordance with this Act, or set the same aside if found not to be in substantial accordance | there-with, and in the latter event he shall appoint a time and place for a new election or for the reeonsideratioii of t'.'.e school question, but no com- plaint will be entertained unless madt in writing to the Inspector withir, twenty days after the holding of the election or meeting; and it shall not be incumbent upon the Inspector to set a.side such election or any pro- ceedings for want of formal com- pliance with the provisions of this Act if he is satisfied that the result ot such election or proceeding has not been affected thereby." Question. â€" Under what condition should the ratepayers of a School Sec- tion who are not resident in the Schooi Section be required to pay non-resi- dent fees for their children attending the school? Answer â€" Section 85 of the Public Schools Act requires a Board of Trus- tees to admit to school any non-resi- dent pupils if the Inspector reports that the accommodations in the school are sufficient for the admission of such pupils and that the school is more accessible for them than tht school in the School Section or Urban Municipality in which the pupils re- side. Unless the parent is assessed in the School Section where the pupils are to attend for an amount equal to the average assessment of residents in that School Section the parent may be required to pay fees but the fees shall not exceed an average cost pei pupil of the maintenance of the school. Ilhe usual method of calculating the non-resident fees to be charged non- resident pupils is to substract from the total cost of maintaining of tht school for the preceding calendar year the total legislative, county and township grants received, then divide the balance by the total number of, pupils enrolled in the school during the preceding calendar year. The quotient will be the non-resident fee payable for one year's tuition for the non resident pupils. LiTc Stock Report g.? r. " •'""'"' '" "-'â- High School Concert Active cattle trading during the afternoon enabled the catle suply to be sold out on the Toronto live stock market yesterday, and, with the ex- ception of about 200 late arrivals the division was cleaned up. Prices closed steady on most grades, but weighty steers and bulls sold 10c to 25c lower after a slow opening. Calves, sheep, hogs and lambs sold firm througrhout the day. Weighty steers moved lower within a range of ?4.60 to 10.25, while butch- er cattle sold steady at $S.26 to $6 for choice and at $3.75 for common, Butcher cows ranged from $2.50 for common to $1.00 for good, and a few good calves of rvadium to good qua! ity sold at $5 to $3.75. Butcher bulls were 25c lower at $3.25 to $3.50, with bolognas at $2.75 to $3. The calf division moved along with no price change recorded under steady trading. Vealers brought $7.50 to $8 for choice, though the majority ot sales were from $5 to $7. Hogs checked Monday's decline and closed unchanged. Opening bids were 10c lower, but salesmen held their supplies and the market finally settl- ed at $8.60 f.o.b. for hacons, $8.90 off truck and $9.35 off car. Western Iambs made up the bulk of the lamb run and prices were firm at $8.50 cwt., according to quality. Sheep maintained their strong front A concert will be held in the audi- torium of the high school in Flesher- ton, on Thursday, March 29, 1934. under the auspices of the F. H. S A two act play will be presented "The Bluffers." More particulars later. DIED BOWERMAN â€" Suddenly, at hei late residence, 349 Windermere ave.. on Monday, March the 12th, 1934. Margaret Crowe, widow of the late John Bowerman and beloved mothei of William F., Victor, Charles, Mrs A. Hunter, Regina, Saskatchewan; Mrs. W. J. Keenan, Mrs. John Brown Mrs. Betty Kittle and Misses Ida and Mary. The Egg Market J- The following prices for eggs were â- being paid to producers on Tuesday of this week. Extras 21c Firsts 18c Pullet Extras 14c Seconds 12c Cheer up, we're in the first month ^ of Spring. I Small Advts. ♦ ♦0>»>»»'>»*»»*»#»»«»»»#>* •••>>»♦♦»•♦»»»<»»»< For Sale SEED OATS FOR SALE Quantity of good clean seed oats.- Geo. Fisher, Ceylon. WANTED Spruce logs, shingle timber. For information and price apply to Earl McLeod, Ceylon. SEED OATS FOR SALE A quantity of cleaned Twentieth Century seed oats. â€" Cecil Monaghan R. R. No. 1, Flesherton. FOR SALE Durham Shorthorn Bull, roan, 8 months old, eligible for registration. â€" J. A. Lever, R. R. 2, Flesherton. Maxwell Couple Observe 47th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Binnington celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, March 7th, 1934, when fifty guests sat down to a fowl din- ner at 7 o'clock. The tables were beautifully decorated with bouquets of pink and white carnations, roses, .•rweet peas, tulips and maiden hair fern. The three. storey bride's cake was beautifully decorated with silver and gold trimmings and graced the centre of the table, along with a gold flower which suited the occasion. All did ample justice to the good things set before them and then retired to the parlor and dining-room when the evening was spent in music, singing, and speeches, also two good recita- tions given by Mrs. McNeil. The bride and groom received many beautiful gifts among which was a hand painting of their church given by Mr. McNeil and an Alladin lamp. Mrs. E. Buckingham read the address and Mrs. Edgar Betts made the pres- entation. Meeting of Farmers A meeting of farmers in the inter- est of the warble fly campaign will be held in the town hall, Flesherton at 2 o'clock p.m. on Friday of this week. Members of township council will be present and all interested art invited to attend. â€" T. STEWART COOPERl HEAVY CATTLE IN DEMAND At present, according to the On- tario Marketing Board, there is a def- inite demand at the Union Stock Yards for top quality heavy cattle with strong prices prevailing. Recently a choice lot of this class sold at six and one-half cents a pound. These cattle were smooth and well finished, weighing upwards to fifteen hundred pounds. With the surplus relieved, as a re- sult of year's export trado, feed crs should profit by marketing p'-on erly â€" finished cattle of this weight. HAY FOR SALE ."V quantity of hay for sale; will ex- change for young cattle. â€" ^Earl H Best, phone 32 r 15, Flesherton. FOR SALE Tamsworth boar, real bacon type; also several Berkshire brood sows, bred for spring farrowing. â€" Joe Rad- ley, phone 45 r 4. COW AND CALF FOR SALE A dry cow, four years old and one calf six months old. â€" Thomas Fen- wick, Eugenia, phone 5 r 3 Fever- sham. WANTED About 400 egg capacity incubator and large brooder, to be in first class condition.â€" W. H. McNally, Flesher- ton. WOOD I want 30 or 40 cords of 16 inch body wood, green. Will pay half cash and half in trade. â€" E. J. Bennett Phone 78. GRAIN FOR SALE We expect a car of best grade west- ern rye. Feeding value about equal to wheat. ?1.20 per 100 lbs. off car. Also oats, wheat, peas, etc. Phone 38 r 3â€" A. Muir, Ceylon. HORSE FOR SALE Young heavy horse rising 6 yeai old. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. RADIO FOR SALE A Westinghouse radio in good con- dition. Will be sold cheap. â€" P Sherwood, Flesherton. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and i government inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged $1.00. â€" ,WES. SMITH, Rock Mills. HOUSE TO RENT Near Eugenia, orchard, garden and ' good well. â€" Fred Jamieson, telephont 5 r 24 Feversham. HAY AND WOOD FOR SALE . A quantity of good timothy and' alfalfa hay of good quality; also a quantity of dry maple, birch, beech • and elm stove wood at Lot 166, S.S. W.T. and S.R., Artemesia. 1 mile north of Saugeen Jet. â€" R. J. Vause. Proton, Ont. FRAM FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY $2,500â€" Lot 18, Con. 13, 100 acres $3.500â€" South half of Lot 16 and' Lot 17, Concession 13, 150 acres. Must sell to close Estate. Open to offers. Apply to Wm. Kaitting, Eugenia, Ont., or The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, 253 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE A brooder house 12x14 feet; also a Buckeye brooder, coal burning, 500 chick size. Apply to James Milne, Maxwell, Ont. .."Phone Feversham 4 r 42. FOR SALE OR RENT Farm on the gravel road, Lot 36, Con. 7, Artemesia. Well waterd and ftncedi Good buildings. â€" Apply to James Milne, Maxwell, Ont. 'Phone Feversham 4 r 42. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 133, 3rd range S.W.T. & S.R., Artemesia, 50 acres, ten of which ic good hardwood, balance mostly clear- ed. Will sell on easy terms or will rent. â€" Jos. Watson, Priceville, phone 32 r3. MORTGAGE FOR SALE Mortgage of $3100.00 fov sale hg the Executors of the William Hill Estate on two good farms a short distance from Flesherton. Liberal discount allowed. For further par- ticulars apply to â€"WALTER E. HARRIS. Markdale. Ontario. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, up to and including Sat- urday, March 31st, for crushing gravel {% in.), in various pits in Grey County for County Roads. Approximate quantities â€" from 2000 to 4000 cu. yd. to one set up. â€" Total estimated quantity, 20,000 cu. yd. Separate contracts may be award- ed for each pit, or for several pits oi for the whole quantity. Tenders will be received at the sam« time, for hiauling gravel to roads from gravel pits. Specifications may be seen at the office of the County Engineer, Court House, Owen Sound. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. â€" R. c. Mcknight, County Engineer. BOAR FOR SERVICB R«(lster«d Yorkshirt Boar for MTi â-¼ie« by Flesherton Bacon Hog ClaV^ the property of the Ontario Depart ment of Avricnltqre. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaher. BUSINia»CAIIM AUCTHMfBBR Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for fanb and stock sales a speciality, term*: 1 per cent, with small sales at coiw responding low prices according tc size. Make dates by phoning 43 r If or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hal^ Flesherton, every Friday on or befort the full moon. W.M., P. J. Thurston, Secretary, H. A. licCauley. . . .â- !â-