Flesherton Advance, 30 Aug 1933, p. 1

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'Shje /tel)^tt0tt %bmnu. . . Vol. 53; No. 12 WKDXKSDAY, .\L'(;L'ST 30, 19oJ W. II. Thurston &. Son, Proprietors K1MBERL£Y \ Mr. D. L. Weber secured the con- tract on the new road deviation at Union, also for the fencing. Mrs. Plewts, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gra- ham and Mrs. Andrew visited Colling- wood friends for a day. Mrs. W. Trimble, Flesherton, Mrs. Close, Mrs. Catharine and Mrs. Furst- now of Mich, visited Mrs. S. S. Bur- ritt and Mrs. T. Abercrombie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Press and child- ren went to Toronto to visit friends. M.S. Stan Lawi-ence is visiting Kimberley friends for a few days. Mrs. Herman Ferrier and childie.n of Barrie, Miss Shirley Lawson art guests of Mrs. T. Abercrombie for a week. The W. I. visited Vandeleur branch on Thursday afternoon and as usual when visiting Vandeleur, had a very pleasant and profitable meeting. The meeting was at the home of Mrs. Will. Hutchinson. The W. I. meets this week at the home of Mrs. B. A. Carruthers. Mr. Thompson Ferguson took a load of alfalfa to Thombury on Mon- day and reports a good price. The many friends of Miss Helen Walter were glad to have a visit from her a few days last week. Miss Walter motored from Detroit where she has a position of good standing. EUGENIA MAXWELL Mrs. Mark, son, John, and wife, also I On Friday evening last the IniS' her son, Walter, of Toronto were rec. uoge Y.P.S. held their annual corn ent visitors for a few days with the and weiner roast at Heron's Hollow, iornier's sister, Mr. Jo^. Sherwood â-  as guests of Mr. and Mj-s. Renfred and the MacDonald and Porteous fam- .-Vche.son, former members of the ilies. I League. Miss Doris Bannon gave Mr. Gaylord Kaitting and Mi-s. I an interesting talk on summer school Schmidt of Detroit motored over and (Last Week's Items) A number of men are busily en- gaged making the new deviations on road 13 at "Stafford's Gully" and on the "Flats" north of Kimberley. Mrs. Flavin and boys returned to Toronto with Mr. Flavin Sunday, af- ter spending six weeks' holidays in Kimberley. Miss Mary is visiting another week with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stuart, Thornbury. Miss Geraldine Weber and Mr. Art Watchman of Toronto are spending their holidays with their parents in Kimberley and Barrie. We are very sorry to report little Keith Ellis breaking his arm when he fell off a fence. He was taken to Collingwood hospital for an x-ray. where it was revealed he had received a compound fracture, the arm being broken at the elbow. We are sorry for the bright little chap and hope he will not have a stiff elbow. Mr. and Mrs. Good of Toronto and Mrs. Benn of Hamilton visited Mrs. Pleives during the week. Th° W. I. have accepted an invita- tion to meet with the Vandeleur W. I. on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. Hutchinson. Miss Hazel Hammond is the guest of her friend. Miss Ruth Myles, for a few days. Mrs. Meeker and Miss Blanche of Whitby spent a few days with Mr. and Mis. W. G. Hammond at "Haven of Rest." They have had a pleas- ant trip through the Niagara and Hamilton district. We were pleased to have Mr. Frank Large and Mr. Geo. Markin of Niag- ara Falls assist in the choir Sun- day evening. They were guests of Mrs. Myles. Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Thompson were guests of Mrs. Chas. Graham and oth^r friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis had a short visit from Mr. and Mrs. Jorn Stuart of Burk's Falls and Mrs. G. Stuart and other nvembers of the family of Powasson on Sunday evening. CEYLON spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Kaitting. Mis-.; Mildred Schmidt who visited here for a month or so returned home with them. -Miss Ida Benson visited with her sister, Mrs. Davidson, at Maxwell recently. Mrs. Young of Indianna, accom- panied by Mrs. Wilfreo Magee and the Misses Christena and Lillian Magee motored to Toronto and spent a few days with friends. Christena and Lillian remained for a week's visit before they returned nome. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones and babe- and Elwood Blakey of Toronto visit- ed re.entiy with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Benson and family. Rev. and Mrs. Madden of Toronto we;e guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. .Adam Smith, and husband and family Rev. Mr. Madden assisted in the church service on Sunday. We were pleased to have him in our midst again. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thompson (nee Miss .Allie Lawlor) of Singhampton on August 18, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Irwin and daugh- ter. Miss Ruth, of Windsor attended the funeral of the former's mother. Mrs. Johnston, of Dundalk and vis- ited with Mrs. Irwin's parents, Mr and Mrs. George Lawlor while here. The Misses Melrose Campbell, Ber- nice Campbell, Belva Genoe and Delsa Kaitting in company with Miss Gert- rude Lever of Flesherton are spend- ing a week's vacation at Sauble Beach. Mrs. Hyslop, Mrs. J. Campbell and Mr. a.".d Mrs. Lewis Genoe spent last Saturday with the girls at the Beach and report they are having a most enjoyable time. Mrs. G. Lawlor spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Thompson, at Singhampton. Master Wesley Jamieson went to Toronto Tuesday and spent a few holidays. Mr. Davidson and lady friend. Miss Duroka. also ,Mr. Larder of Listowel were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Rev. Mr. McNeill is now taking his holidays. During his absence Mr. R. J. Wood of Dundalk will oc- eupythe pulpit ne,\t Sunday and Mr. Hqfl||L Lougheed of Toronto will preach the following two Sundays Miss Irene Martin has returned home after visiting friends in To- ronto the past week. Mr. Fred Hemphill has returned t > his home in Toronto after spending the summer holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Mrs. Cudmore and son. Mac, of Wareham spent Sunday with Mr. Dorald Ma:Donald and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Plantt and Mrs. W. Simmons of the 4th Line visited on Sunday with the former's father, .Mr. Robt. Plartt. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ness and daughter. Miss Helen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foerester rec- > ently. Little Miss Dorothy Falconer is ' holidaying with friends near Dur- ham. Humuruus sketches were given bj ROCK MILLS Prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. L.^wia Pedlar this Thurs- day evening, conducted by Rev. F. Dean. Everybody welcome. Miases Edith and Mabel Betts vis- it<»d during the past week at Cree- more and Owen Sound. .Mr. and Mi-s. Chas. Howard of To four groups. Fred Ross then gave i ronto were recent visitors with rela- a couple of readings. After com ' tives here. munity singing refreshment-a were I much enjoyed. I Miss Marie Clark of Collingwood visited relatives this past week. Miss Mary Linley of Owen Sound is visiting relatives in this vicinity Next Sunday, Sept. 3rd, Mr.R. J. Woods of Dundalk will oc;upy the United church pulpit in the absence of Rev. Mc.Veil. Rev. .-v. and Mrs. McNeil are sperding their '.acation at Keswick Beach. On Sunday, Oct. 10, United church service will be withdrawn as St. Mary's Anglican church will hold their harvest home service that Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckingham and Misses Shirley and Merlie are spend- ing this week in Trent.in as guests of Mrs. Buckingham's brother, Dr. J. Johnson. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. William Hargrave and family of Wareham in their sad bereavement by the passing of their dear son, Ernest, who died on Tues- day, August 22nd. Miss Margaret Holley, Mr. Walter Besse, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Was- dale and babe, and Mr. Fred and Norman HoUingsbe, all of Toronto, motored up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and family. Mrs. Wasdiile and babe are remaining for a week. Mr. John Hargrave and son, Fred, attended the funeral of the former's nephew, the late Ernest Hargrave. '.vhich took place to Dundalk cemeN eiy on Friday afternoon. •Master Fred and Arthur Betts a.'e holidaying this %veek with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Dean of Fev- j j.j^ PRICEVILLE M;.5. M:Phearso:;, jliss .Ada M.:- Lean, Mc-^srs. .Alex. Gillan, Gordon Brown of Toionto; Mrs. .Alex. Mc- Millan and .Mrs. Neil Norman of Dun- dalk were recent guests at Mr. Colin McLean's. Miss Violet Watson of Toronto is visiting at her brothers, Elmer and Wilfred- Watson. Mr. and Mrs. .A. B. McArtkur, Mrs. Wilfred Watson and Betty visited recently with friends in Caledon. Betty remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hobson, Mr. C. Mepham of Hamilton spent last week a' the home of Mrs. M^Meekin. to visit with Rev. and Mrs. R. G Stewart of Merritton before goin.; into the hospital. Miis Nellie McLean, Mr. and M .. G. A. Black and Helen, Misses Ger'.;^ and Elizabeth Bates of Toronto v.-- ited last week at A. L. Hinck's. -A joint meeting of Priceville s ' Swinton Park congregations will ; held on Tuesday, September 5, u. Priceville for the purpose of call:; a minister. Rev. Mr. Mann occupied the pulp;: on Sunday and delivered two fi-ij sermons. On Tuesday afte-Joon the Sunday school picnic was h.4d in Mr. Colin McLean's bush when over 135 peop.e, you.rg and old, were present. A good game of ball vvaa enjoyed, also games and races, after which a bounti- ful lunch was served. On Wednesday night a farewell paity w.^; tendered Miss Monica Lambert at the home of Mrs. Mc- Meekin before leaving to train for a nurse in the Sick Children's Hos- pital. Games, music and singing | Rector were much enjoyed. .At an approp- ' .\n apple kept in the cake box w '1 keep heavier cakes, such as fru;:. spice or nut cakes fresh and soft. To decorate cakes or fruit salad; quickly take large soft gum dropj and with scissors cut them in thin slices. The slices will curl up lik» leaves and petals. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rer. Maurice F. Oldham. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Pooie and ersham called at several homes along Mr. and Mrs. Ross will attend the C.N.E. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross will go by way of Lake Simcoe and visit relatives near Sutton. The Women's Association w-ill hold their September meeting at the home of Mrs. N. Cairns. M;s. Geo. Long and childi-en ol Hopeville are visiting htr parents -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestley. Mr. Angus Morrison and Miss Kathleen motored to Walkerton Sun- day. Miss Ella, who has spent the past week with her brother there, re- turned home with them. FEVERSHAM VICTORIA CC«NERS Miss W. Patterson spent a couple of days at Toronto Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown of Toronto motored up and are spending a week's holiday with the latter's mother, Mrs. \V. C. White. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mr*. Thomas Irwin and sons of the Stone Line in the death of their dear husband and father. Miss Jeanctte McLeod who has been visiting in Toronto returned home Friday night, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wharin. Miss Doris Marshall on TuesdaJ aftiemoon celebrated her twelfth birthday when twelve little girl friends were invited to n birthday party. .A most enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. H. Piper and Mrs. Roy Piper. , tvho spent a few days visiting friend? at Oishawa returned home on Wednes- day. Mrs. W. Telford and family of Napanee is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Muir. Misses Macil and Dorothy Snell holidayed with friends at Oakville for a fortnight. Mi»i< M. Cook and Mrs. J. Dens- n\r>rp motored to Toronto on Friday. Miss Gladys Sellers, who has been visiting the past week with Mrs. A. M.-Millan. returned home Saturday. Mrs. Haxton and Charlie McWill- iams are visiting friends at Shel- fcurne. Mrs. Louie Bannon and children, Dundalk, are visiting at Mr. Thos. Bannon's. Mervyn Little, Wareham, is vis- iting his chum, Jim Bannon. There was no sei-vice at Inistioge on Sunday on account of Hopeville anniversary services. ' The Y. P. S. accepted the invita- tion to a corn roast at Ren .\choson'3, at Maxwell, on Friday evening. The spot selected for the entertaining by the host and hostess was an ideal one, along the bank of a trout stream. Boat riding as well as games being among the amusements engaged in. During the hour of their service Doris Bannon gave a most interesting re- port from Presque'ille summer school. Helen Moore is visiting her friend, Mary Cameron, of Berkeley. Mr. Jas. Best is making an im- provement to his house by the u-se of a new coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lush and daughter of Collingwood were renew- ing old a.^iuaintances in this village Isst week. Mr. and Mrs. Lush lived on a farm at the edge of the village for some years anj their many friends were pleased to meet them again. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Heitman and daughters, Edith and Korma, hav.- returned home after a visit with the former's sister and family at Lan sing, Mich. The Mieses Sproule of Colling- wood were visitors with their sist:;'''. -Mrs. Wni. Davidson on the 10th Lini last week. Mr. G. Eby of Port Elgin, Miss Marjorie Eby of Kitchener and Miss Blandour of Toronto were visitors with the former's son, Mr. G. Eby and family here last week. Mr. Ross Long of Toronto was a week end visitor at his parental honit here. Bishop Swalm of Duntroon will hold service in the Army Hall here on Sunday evening. September 3rd. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. H- .Alexander visited friends in Toronto last week. Mr. R. Spi-inggay, daughter, Helen and son. Master R- Springgay. mot- ored to St. Catharines on Saturday, returning Sunday. His daughter, Miss Ruby Springgay returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby are spending holidays with friends in a cottage at Sauble Beach. Mr. Harry Rell of Toronto is vi-3- iting with .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. He.t- man and family and othe.- friends in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Biddlecomb and two daughters and Miss Dorothy Kettleby (if Woodstock were visitors last wee'.c with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Mr. Burton Henderson of Toronto was a visitor here last week. this line one day the past week. Mrs. John Hargrave received a letter a few days ago from her broth- er, Mr. William Gilliland. of Edmon- ton, stating that two Eugenia old boys who had not met for 38 years and who now reside in Western Can- ada were that of Mr. Gilliland him- self and Mr. Frank Pediar. a brother of Mr. Fred Pedlar of Eugenia. Mr. Ptdlar, wife and family, who live at Lawheed, Alta., had motored to Ed- monton to attend the Exhibition and called at Mr. Gilliland's home. Mr. Gilliland states that he did not know -Mr. Pedlar when he saw him, after so many years separation, but no doubt was very glad to meet one of his old s.hool chums again. Mrs. Frank Pedlar is a niece "of Mr. Tate Johnson, who taught school at Eu- irenia a number of years ago. The Ladies' .Aid met at the home of Mrs. Laurie Betts on Wednesday 16th inst. with 51 ladies present, Ji members and 30 visitors. The meet- ing opened with singing, scripturt reading and prayer. .\n excellent paper on "Opportunity" was read there were other readings, music and contests, making a very pleasan; afternoon. .\ roothsome lunch v.u- | served and a collection amounting to $7.20 was received. The rext mc-;;- irg will be held at the home of Mr;. N*d Croft on September 20th. vvhtn the grandmothers will provide the I p-ogram and all grandmothers arc I especially invited. The lunch com- I mittee is Mrs. Laurie Pedlar and : Mrs. Charles Hanley for cake and ' Mrs. .Al'oert Blackburn and Mrs. ! Mtrion Croft will make sandwich.'s iate time Miss Donalda Nichol read an add.'-e-ss and Miss Nellie McLean made the presentation of a pair of silk hose and a camera; although completely taken by surprise, she made a suitable reply. Miss Olive McMeekin also presented her with a bou(iuet of gladioli from Mrs. Wm. .A.ldcorn, after which lunch was serv. ed by the ladies. Mrs. Wcodrow, son Billie, and daughter, Chrissie, of Toronto, Mrs Wiley, out from Scotland; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Houston and family ot Peterboro are visitors with Mr- and Mrs. Peter Muir a.-.d family. Miss Monica Lambert left Mondav SEPTEMBER 3, 1933 - Sunday school for all SUND.VY. 10 a.m. - children. 11 a.m. â€" Morning prayer, ho'y communion and sermon. Thanksgiving services on Septe:::- ber 10th. TRINITY CHURCH, PROTON ST\. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and bi-'.." class. 3 p.m. â€" E\-ening prayer, holy cori- munion and sermon. "Thou shalt not oppress an hir: I sei-vant that is poor and needy, wheth- er he be of thy brethren or of t'ly strange'.^ that are in thy land with..i thy gates. *♦>•» » »»»»»»»0^<ft»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»< BATES BURIAL CO'Y I 124 Avenue Road Toronto I DISTINCTn"E FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASON.ABLE PRICES t PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" KIngsdale 4344â€"3456 5 Modern Private Chapel J J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager J Formerly of Flesherton { ♦♦♦>»»♦»»»« > - --> t ♦*♦♦♦♦» IN MEMORIAM ENGLISH â€" In loving memory of my dear twin brother, Harry English, who died three years ago. .August 2S, 1930. Oh, if I could hear his voice once more And see his loving smile The one that my heart still cheers But I must wait a while. Someday I'll clasp his loving hand .And never sav farewell. " The House ol Queity" Specials This Week TOM.XTOH JL'ICK. 2 TIXS li: FRVS COCOA !.; I.i;. TIXS lAz KKD COHOK S.Vl.MOX ' .. LB. TINS 14c SHREDDED \VHE.\T. 2 BOXES 2ic MUFFETS. 2 BOXES 19c Jar Rubbers, Jar Rings, Pickling Spice The Till.onburg News: Here, read- ers, is a little advice: Early to bed, early to rise, cut the weeds and swat ' the flies; mind your own business,: don't tell lies: don't get gay and de- 1 ceive your wives; pay your debts, use' enterprise; and buy from those who j advertise. BRAN LOW GRAD] JA: SHORTS ^ PURINA CHOWS A. STEWART FLESHERTON Hens Speeding I'p Production ! ! SPRE.VDING Cheese lOc PKG. I Jelly Powders ^ 6 for 25c Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? try Kennedy's and be convinced Policement: (to intootioated man who is trying to fit his key to a lamp post) â€" "I'm afraid there's nobody home there to-night." Stude: "Mus" be, mus' bo â€" thersh a light upstairsh." Times change. Cowcatchers used to specialize in cows, hut have chang- ed to autos. Trv a "Small Advt. Technocracy has reached the hen- ^ roosts in the Maritinus. At Dal- housie. New Brunswick, a hen which recently branched out into quantity production has taken to laying two- yolked and four-yolked eggs and as a result has got her barnyard a.v sociates all guessing. The four-|^ yolked egg weighed exactly half »';^ pound, was three and seven-eighths * of an inch long and eight inches in S circumference. Hearing of the feat \ \ of the New Brunswick hen, a bantam v; I Y . I In Truro, Nova Scotia, throught shei* would go one better. \t noon, onjS examination her i\(<st was empty. I J Thi-ee and a half hours later the j bantam wa? sitting on two eggs pnd ^ while the surprised attendant was ^ staring at the two eggs the hen oro- , duced a third. .All three egjrs wore full size and normal in every -way. I »»t » >« y<^<^^~8>v>%>^»^^y^<^^^'s^y<s^<^^>N^^^ >n>n>^>>^-m«««b-^? Prairie Rose Flour $2.40 Bag B rooms Broom corn is up. You can still bv one for 25c PRESERVING TIME IS NOW HERE AND WE HAVE A FULL SUPPLY OF EVERYTHING FOR PRESERVING Ken Kennedy phone 37 We Deliver in Tcwn SALT 100 Lb. Bags 75c ? 50 Lb. Bags 45c ^ â- > % I I Corn Starch 2 PKGS. 15c Ri^SE Baking Powde 18c TIN 2 for 35c Meats Try us for ThresI.In'? | Roasts t

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