'" ' I . WED., SEPTKMBLR 1*5, 1'J31 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ' THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColKngwood street, Hesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per yer, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advancn $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly Newt- paper Association) ,W. H. THURSTON. - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Aaoc. Editor KD1TOK1AL NOTES Flesherton fair is heir.* held this Saturday. Lot us make it the best yi-t by Btu-jidinjr and giving support t ., a worthy enterprise. The attract. j. i .- are fine and an enjoyable after- 11. on will be spent. a If the prcst-nt rate of !rn fire? continac the Mutual fire insurance companies will be forced to call upon their poluy holtit-rs for another finnalion. The barn fire menace i a serious item and the total loss wil he sfrcat this year. * Montreal should purchase the R-100 from Great Britain and fasten it to the huge mooring tower at the St. would have been saved more than *35.000. To be granted standing in a paper, a pupil mui-t have completed the pre- -i-ribt-d ' i.ui c ard hnve obtained r standing on the year's work, which, in the judgment of the principal and teacher, is worth at least 66 per .nt. A clause in the new provisions piovides that the principal of the school must certify that the foregoing conditions have been fulfilled. At the end of April each year candi- date.; for the middle school are to fill out and submit an application form. The methods and procedure of prepar- ing reports on the standing 01 camli- lates is left to the discretion of the principal and staff of each school, but the reports for the year on the stand- ing of all candidates mi:-,t be forward- ed to the Department of Education not later than June 12. In schools or classes or groups doing middle school work, each form or class or group must he reported separately. Reception Service at Eugenia UnitedChurcb On Sunday morning, September 13, urn was followed by the prayer of 'nvc nation, voiced by Miss Irene Mar- tin. Thi3 section was brought to a close by the singing of "When the Weary Seeking Rest." Each two lines ol' particular petition were sung n? solos by different male and female vcictj, the whole cihoir joining in the the four congregations of the Maxwell j ffenera i supplication "Hear then in circuit met together in the churc'h at j ove Q L or ,j ( tne cryi ; n heaven Thy Ehgeria for the purpose of receiving into their membership those who were ready to make public confession of their iaith. The servhc was designed with the purpose of stressing the fact that the catechumens were taking no mere formal step that morning, but wcro entering upon an active fellow- ship with t'hosc who were ready to share with them the verities- of relig- ious experience. Over one hundred and fifty persons made individual con- dwelling place on high." The scrip- ture passages of this section were re- cited by Messrs. Jack Stephen, Lewis Genofc, Chas. Biodie, Alex. Carruthers, Fred Plantt, Oliver Turner and Mes- damcs Stanley Campbell, Sam Arnott, Chas. Brodie, Jos. McCutcheon, Wm. Morton, Card Graham, Robt. Gorley, Walter Seeley and John Parsons. The third division was penetential, using some of the verses of the fifty- first Psalm, and the declaration "My tributions to the public worship of i mouth shall show forth Thy praisp' Cod. No doubt the great majority had bi't a few words to say, it might be only a challenging "Rejoice", from The candidatt -, will ihen be inform- j tne mou th O l a girl of tender years, oi .d as to the papers on which they have given the (50 percent, ranking. Pupii? who have not been recommended are Hubert air pijrt, !./ that city, as an attraction O-r tourists. As it is the tower is an expensive mon- ument to a Brent dream of an air : way.- system. The greatest annual show on earth is over. Nearly a million and a <|uart- -r people attended the Canadian National Exhibition this year, and demonstrates that Canada is not down and out, but will be the first country to come out on top when the depress- ion is over. Long may the C. N. E. remain and become a greater .show window for Canada's resources. * Agric ultural So -ieties are not re- uponsible for any loss or damage- to any article entered for <-om|vetition at an annual fair. But they arc morally responsible if suitable pre- cautions arc not taken so as to pre- vent as small n lors as possille. It is a IK .or advertisement for any fair to have these los.-fs ,| . ' l.it< : property when propel care is no I taken to prevent them. It is very seldon that the ones who lifted the property are finally caught. Rate Year's Work In Middle School 1MTII.S <: H ANTED STANDING <>r fi6Tc XKKD NOT WHITE KXAMS. -CHANGE TO K EKKKCTIVE COMINti SCH"I. VI- All High school pi-pil.*. who, in the opin- ion of their teachers, have obtained a standing e.f fifi per cent, on the year's work, will bo given the middle school standing without the necessity oi writing departmental examinations, according t" an amendment to the High School Courses of Study and Examinations received the approval of Premier G. S. Henry, Minister. An order-in-council has been drafted and the new provision will take effect, for the school year, 1M1-32, and until further notic". High school entrant".- i< already be- ing awarded on this ha*:* to highly recomended pupil* and its extension to middle school candidates is taken n? an indicalion that the burden of the cost oi examinations is be oming an increasing serious factor in depart- mental expenses. In 1922 the amount paid to assoe- iaU. examiners was $71, :>'.>:! and In I'.'Mi it had jumped to $111.2BO, an In- crease of f. 111,743. The increase In 1V:!1 is e-timattd at ",,S per cent, over that of 11*30. Nine years ago then- were i8,8'.)D answer papers and in IMO this had im-res. '.ed to 1"2,71H, a jumji of :i:!.81!. A teae-her'' report recommending the granting of middle school .<tandinn to a pupil is to be accepted only In the case of the pupil who is rated nt 6 per ce-nt. or better. This gives a margin of at least 10 marks between rhe failing mark and the mark accepted, a margin suffic- ienaly treat t<> prevent an irt:nmpet"nt teacher fiom securing for rinworthy pupils rerti-.imU f standing, it Is believed. In his report to the Minis- ter of Education. J. P. Cowles, Regis- trar, stated that a study of n largn number "f schools shows that 28.8 per cent, of the candidates who go up fot middle school examinations are ranked nt Ofi per cent, or hii.hcr by thili teacher'. It in estimated thnt the granting ol certificate; nf staii'lin" t" middU 1 school candidates w',11 re-ult in ing to the Department of *:'.:!," 1 1 This rnnresents the amount row nnid to associate i.xi-mir.fv-;. Anir..<t thi pnvinjt will I- thi- lot '' -M.iKH , fp"i r^> '' ' V cnn'lidsi'.' ;. Had thj. scheme been in U-vcc la : the penetential cry from old lips ol "Hide Thy face from my .sin," but, as the different phrases came sounding from every corner of the auditorium, you realized you were in the midsl ol worshipping people. The introductory period of worship required lo take the departmental c-xamintions. In 1922 Ihe total number of upper school paper.: examined was Mi,G04, while in 1930 the number rose to 49,- 754. The estimated increase this year ov er last year'.i number is 19.87 j.. Th: . h " tne day wn i e h the Lord halh per cent. The registrar ascribes this] ma(1(l( we wi ,| ,. e i o ice and be glad of increase to, first, the demand of the it - This was rep oatcrl, phrase hy universities for a greater number of J phrasei |, y thc f o i| ow ing persons: hon-.r si'Siccts for admission to the Messrs. Davi.l Genoe, Edgar Belts, various courses with the abandonment I am j t he Misses Marjorie Parks and ,f the first year in the pass course at , May CarrutheKs. thc University of Toronto; and, si':- u jth tht> anthem naturally led to the singing of the Doxology by the whole congregation .ongregation might be given grace to walk in the ways of Jesus and in the middle of r/ prayer the choir broke in with the refrain "Where he leads me I will follow." The fifth division was comprised c.' the Beatitudes, which were voiced by Mr. Gordon Jackson, Mesdames Wm. Little, R. Osborn.^, T. R. McKenzie, John Little, John Lyons, Alb. Thomp- son, Wm. Jamieson, L. Sheardown, R. J. Fisher Harry Fisher Fred Pedlar, Jas. Hopps, Fred Weth- erall, Oliver Cornett, W. Wright, H. Foster, Robt. Haney and the Misse.-, Eva Lougheed, Ethel Fenwk-k,, Don- alda Sloan. TnU division was con- duderl by the singing of "Breathe on Me, Breath of God." The Rixth section was taken from the book of Jude, viz: the doxolopy beginning "Now unto Him." This pasasge was reciteel by Messrs. Teddy Campbell, Neil MacDcnald. Chas. Mabel Ross, Jos. Wright, Ruby Kerton. To Eugenia Mrs. F. Young, Reta im! Dorothy Genoe. To Mount Zion >Irs. Gilbert Litle. 1'! 3 following also joined by certi- ficate from other congregation: Mr. Harry Smith, Mrs. Bert Porleous, Mrs. Percy Lougheed. Mr. Thos. M.'Kee commended these to the sympathetic interest of the four congregations. The catechum- , Tas. Pedlar, F. Plantt', joined in singing the first verse , V'm. Taylor, Ed. Linton, of Just as l Am ' and then gave This passage was given by MMHB. J. I Cook, Jack Jamieson, Cecil Magee. McCutcheon, Cecil Meldrum. Wm. Me- 1 Harol( , Turnert Me.sdames Ray Genoe, (Continued on Last Page) CuUheon, Wilfred Inkster, R. J. Mor- Per;v Jx)U>?hee(1 and the Misses Doro . j ^ rUr,,, ami MoHnmp Alpv C'nmprnn T-_ _ _ T .. _. -..rx u .. K Fall Fair Dales Barrie Sept. 18, 19 Bolton October 2, 3 Caledon Sept. 25, 2b Cape Croker Reserve .... Sept. 24, 25 Chatsworth October 8, 9 Chesley Sept. 24, 25 Clarksburg Sept. 22. 23 Collingwood Sept. 23-26 and Mesdames Alex. Cameron J t h y Jamieson, Lucy MacDonald, Mur- Cecil Meldrcm, Wm. McCutcheon, Leonard Latimer and Jas. Menzies. The fourth section was opened by Mr. Geo. Ross saying "Thh is the wav." and he was answered by Laurie :on:-istcd of six divisions. Thc first i Pedlar declaring "Walk ye in it." -.(ticn gave forth the glad summon: | The Way was then described in the great commandment lo love God and your neighbor, in a portion of Paul's great hymn of love, in the Johnannine verse, "God is love," reaching the climax in the injunction of Jesus, "This is m\- commandmenl lhat ye love cue another as I have loved you." The choir followed Thc Lord iv> in His I These sustaining Ihis portion were: ond, the desire of school boards, par- 1 Holy Temple." In the second section Messrs. Court Smith* Edwin Little, ti ularly in the cities, to engage only , there were great invitations lo seek Chas. Heron. Ray Pedlar, Elijah Buck- first-cliiss te;\chi-rs. The middle school the salvation of God, as you will find! ineham, Ed. Hillock, Chas. , Martin, examination, he declared, was tending ' them in the prophesies of Isaiah, be- Bert Magee. Wilfred Magee, Garnie to become less important as a final i Binning "Seek ye the Lord," and in the] Magee, Wm. Russell, Chas. Long. Jack examination for admission to the uni- (Viristian epistle "Let us therefore ! Amott and Mesdames E. Morgan. C. vci -ities or normal schools. | come boldly." One moment of silentl Smith. Oeo. Ross, C. Heron, R. Pedlar. prayer was called for, after whicj^the E. Buckingham, C. Martin, J. Slevens, A night watchman is apparently choir sang Ihc verse of the hymn W. Magee, G. Magee. E. Bells, D needed in town to ;-?are off ((hose ending with the refrain "Before Thy Genoe and Misses Belina MacDonak who travel under the mantle' of dark- ness perpetrating lainless deeds. throne v,- 4 . sinnorj bend, to us Thy, ind Blanche Jackson. Miss Margaret pardoning grace extend," and Ihis in Armour asked lhat the asesmbled Rogers Superheterodyne Radio iel Fenwick, Christina Magee, Rowena Magee,' Isla Magee, Ruby Robertson, Evelyn Turner, Dorothy Wetherall am! Edith Lougheed. The reception service proper war. FEVERSHAM OCT 1-2 FLESHERTON SEPT. 18-19 Grand Valley Oct. 6 and 7 Hanover Sept. 18, 19 Hepworth Sept. 8, 9 Holstein Sept. 29, 30 opened by the congregational singing ; Kilsyth Sept. 30, Oct. 1 of "Jesus Calls Us." TI.e elders, David Winters, Fred Jamieson, David Markdale October 6, 7 Meaford Sept. 15-1V Armour and L. Sheardown called out Mount Forest Sept. 16, 17 the names of those uniting with their espe?tive congregations, as follows: To Maxwell Shirley and Merle Buckingham, George and Kathleen Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Winters. Violet Parker, Alex. Coull, Norval Belts, Verne and Isabelle Pallister, Orangeville Sept. 17, 18 Ottawa (Central Canada). ...Aug. 24-21* Owen Sound October 1-3 Paisley Sept. 29, 30 Rocklyn October 13, 14 Shelburne Sept. 22, 23 Walters Falls Sept. 29, 30 Pickling Time Whole cinnamon stick, whole cloves, alspice, cassia buds, cinnamon buds, mustard seed. Celery seed, Pickling mixed, black and red peppers. Ground cloves, abpicc, cinnamon, mustard, curry, tumerie, catsup spice, nutmeg. Onions, red and green peppers, ripe tomatoes and celery. Orders taken for green tomatoes, gherkins and silver skins. A. E HAW Ceylon Store closes Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. MADE IN CANADA Rogers Superheterodyne Lowboy Model 725 Complete wtth 8 Rogcri Fully-Guaranteed Jubfs, i/29.00 ROGERS COMPLETE WITH 8 TUBES KIOW Rogers, trie standard radio ' ^ of Canada, has set a new and hisher standard of performance in superheterodyne radio I An advanced Superheterodyne Chassis has been built into four of the 1932 Models, just announced. Best of all, you can own this finer Superhetero- dyne radio for fewer dollars than ever before in Rogers history! A timed 3-minute test oF the new Rogers "Superhet" amazed even radio experts. You are invited to moke a similar test at anyRogers dealer's store. Note particularly these four points: 1. Number of stations received. 2. Hov; "sharp" each program comes in. 3. Freedom from interference of one station with another. 4. Quality of the tone ... a weakness in some receivers employing superheterodyne circuits. Other new 1932 Rogers Radios just placed on sale are ihe Tuned-Radio- Frequency Mantel Model at $74 and Lowboy at $94. See them today. "8>**"M"e"O^M"<->~:'4"*4"*^^ Small Advts. NEW LOW PRICES TM6 STANDARD RADIO EASIEST TERMS Rogers-Majestic Corporation Limited Toronto Winnipt^ Vncouvti Montreal Saint John A. DOWN FlcsKerton, Ont. For Sale LOST In Flesherttm man's ring with Masonic emblem, valued as keep- sako. Kinder please leave with John McMillan, Flesherton. FOR SALE Set of 9 bull iron harrows. P. Dow, Flesherton. FOR SALE A large quantity ot fine quality onions. Jos. Buchanan, Klesherlon, Phone 73 r 23. FOR SALE Jersey heifer 2 yrs. jld, due to freshen this month. 0. W. Phillips, Flesherton. FOR SALE Good 100 acre farm, lot 38, con. 5, Artemesia, good state of cultivation. Thos. Taylor, orlon. FOR SALE Purebred Leicester ram, S years old, also purebred bull calf. Laurie Pedlar, phone 42 r H, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE 150 acre farm for sale or rent on "hares, lota 165-66-67, 3rd range S w - T. & S. R... Artemesim.-John Hogarth, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Repitered Yorkghire Boar for ee by Fleaherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Physician to all domestic animals and surgery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR SALE - 114 cord soft buzz! . JJj th County of Grey. Term.: I i per cent. Knti*fa n *: A ~ wood for sale at f 1.50 per cord at ' the pile, 16 to 20 inch. Approach- able by truck. R. Plant, Flesherton. J * office. FOR SALE Bran S1.03 cwl.; Shorts $1.C5 cwt.; Middlings $1.25 ''rairie Pride Flour ?2.40 per bag; Dry Hardwood $3 cord delivered. A. C. Muir, Ceylon, Phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE Matched team black ;'ercheron horses, aged 8 and I) years, ind one black Pcrcheron mare aged 9 years, puaranteed pound and right; ilso Ford half ton trailer. W. J. W. Armstrong. Flesherton. Miscellaneous WANTED Cedar poles 33 feet by J in. also poles 40 ft. by 7 in. W. J. \ v . A:'vn--trong. Flesherton. TRUCKING Trucking special. All live stock trucked to Union Stock Yards, Toronto, at 40c per 100. Why pay more? All cargoes are insured. R. J. VAl'SE. Proton Station i'honc: Flesherton 32 r 13. MIDDLEBRO& BURN Barristers, etc. Oficee Owen Sound, Durham nd Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the renl- donee of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Fleshcrton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur LoHge, 888, A. P. A A. M.meets in the Masonic HaiJL Arm- strong Block, Flesherton everj Fri- day on or before the full moon. \V. M.. W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctlonew for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock salea a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and A&ivt may be made at the Advance off ice,or addressing me at Eueenia. tele-phone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by