WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1930. 7 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Edger Holley Passes resided The late Mr. Holley was ! George in B. C. and R. A. and C. R. a successful builder and contractor in Sask., Isaac in Manitoba, Sam in and built many of the best homes in Parry Sound and Mrs. Sam Croft, The sad death of Peter Edgar tne district. He was highly respce- > Flesherton. * . ' Holley occurred at his residence ll1 ' ''' '' u ' community and will be I The. funeral took place from his 160 Pritchard Ave., Toronto, on'" l ' s8c<1 vef y much. late residence on Saturday after- Thursday after an fltatss of eight months. some Twenty-six years ago he was mar- > noon and was largely attended. Ser- ried to Miss Vina Ncely, who sur- vice was conducted in North Runny- Deceased was porn in Artemesia vives ith a family of six, four daugh- mede United church by Rev. A. P. township, Grey County, f iifty-six ' ters and two sons, Mrs. A. Fligg, \ Stanley. He spoke from John 14, years ago, where he resided until Mrs. T. Goodlad, Jean, Margaret, I verse 2, "If it were not so I would 1910, when he moved hi* family to Herb and Fred, all of Toronto, Also Meaf ord. Ten yeaw ago he moved seven brothers and one sister, W. J. to West Toronto, where he has since 'in Holland Centre, J. H. in Vandeleur Bring New Rooms to Your Home with Gyproc A WORK-ROOM for you a play-room for the youngsters in the basement. An extra bedroom or two in the Attic. These arc now possible in your home at little expense. The new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard that does not burn and needs no decor- ation (when panelled) will give you additional space in your present home. Easily and quickly applied, structurally strong, it pro- vides fire-safe walls, ceilings and partitions. Your dealer's name is listed below. Consult him today and ask for full infor- mation regarding Gyproc Wallboard or write for in- teresting free book "Build- ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." have told you, I go to prepare a place for you." The pallbearers were, Messrs. Fred Neely, Sam Croft, Herb Holley j Bert Holley, John Dean, Alvin Fligg. The many beautiful floral offer- i injrs included tributes from the | family, brothers and sister, Mr. and jMrs. Fred Nelty and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanley, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Neely, North Runneymede United church, Victoria church choir, Mr. G. Aird, Victoria Girls' Bible Class, Mr. and Mrs. John Love and Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer, Mr. Tiffen, Mr. and Mrs. Schofield and Beatrice, Canada Bread Co., Mr. W. Black, Robert's hardware, Office staff of Canada Bread, Boy Scout troup 68, Mother's Association, Messrs C. L. and W. Maltby, Miss M. Bell, Mrs. Ross, Lillian and Cru-issie Willison, Neeiy Corp. Ltd. Montreal, Canada Co., Canada Dry office staff, and MIJ. E. A. Fligg, Girl's and the neighbors. Dry Mr. CluT) TENDERS WANTED GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris - Ontario Sealed tenders (marked tender) ( will be received up to 12 o'clock j noon on Monday, June 2nd, 1930 for i a gas or oil burning tractor of at \ least 20 horse power on the draw (bar, to be used as power for grading i work on the roads in Artemesia for i the season of 1930. Tender price to be by the hour and tender to supply all necessary fuel, oil. etc. Herb Corbett, Reeve, W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. READ THE SMALL ADVTS. For Sale liy Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF United Farm Young People A Festival of Youth will be held in The Armouries, Markdale nt 1 n.m. BANQUET i Toasts, Music and Dancing to the ' strains of the Owen Sound orchestra 1 Only ticket holders will be admitted. Tickets 75c. HAVE YOU YOURS? HOWARD GRAHAM. 711 E STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Save a Lot of Money on Ladies' Hosiery A Big Purchase at Greatly Reduced Prices Makes These Prices Possible Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose Mercury, Circle-Bar and Monarch makes are rep- resented in the lot. $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 values. Buy your summer supply on sale at 95c. pair. Exceptional value in Ladies' Hose of Fine Quality for House wear. Values up to 76c. a pair. On julo thu week at 29c. a pair. Heavy Ribbed Silk, Fine Quality Silk and Lisle and Lisle Hose, some are if'ull fashioned, in dark colors only. This week at 29c. a pair. Extra Special Ladies' Suits and Dresses this wk. Ladies' Fine Quality Tweed Suits Nice range of patterns nicely nuule, Helling at about half price. All new styles. Thin wef-k your choko for $7.95. New Styles in Ladies' Silk Dresses Dresden of real silk quality, nvnny Htyles to select from. Numerous color combinations, all latest styles and the price .much less thnn you would ex- pect td pay. This week your choice $1.1)5. Men, Save on Work Shoes We purchased COO pnirs made by the reliubl" firm of Willuiam Shoe Co. They come in two styles selling at $2.95 nnd $3.29 a pair. Men's Bicycle Last in oil tan Grain Leather with I'anco Soles. All sizes 7 to It. At $2.95 a pair Men's Black Grain oil tun shoes, plain toe, Panco soles. Hard wearing quality. This week $;!.29. BIG VALUE IN CUPS & SAUCERS Hardware Dept. Clover Leaf Pattern Selling Cup only, Clover Leaf pattern, first qua*- ity and the price only !ic. each. Soiling Cups and Saucers, Clover I>caf pattern, the price only lOc. for cup and saucer. Flannelette Blankets at Interesting Prices 12I-J Ibex Blankets, a standard line selling at $2.14 a pair. Double lied Size Flannelette Blankets, standard quality, selling for $1.80 a pair. Flannelette Blankets, pure white, extra large size and fine quality. One of the finest blankets made. Selling nt $2.48. I'Miinnelette Itlatiket.t in Grey color only, hravy quality, single bed size. Selling at $1.09 a pair. SAVE ON FLOOR COVERING Linoleums and Floor Oil Cloths 4 yard wide Linoleums, nice patterns, selling for $.'l.0!> a running yard. 2 yard wide Linoleums, nice range of patterns, selling foi' 7!>c. n square yard. 2V4 yard wide- Floor Oil Cloth, good quality, double- vnrnish a square yard. coated |nirface v selling for This Store will be open Sat., May 24 and close Monday, May 26 The Late Miss Shannon The funeral of the late Misa Elizabeth Ann Shannon took place on Thursday afternoon of last week, May 15th. Service was held in St. John's United church, Rev. W. J. Scott, her pastor, delivering a very comforting message to the bereaved brothers and sisters. Interm<fru took place in the Irwin cemetery on the provincial highway north. The pallbearers were Messrs. Howara Graham, Elnup- Warling, Wm. Hu'tchinson^Tos. Buchanan of Van- deleur, Robt. Richardson and George Wright of Fleaherton. The .floral tributes were beauti- ful and besides several from the re- latives and friends included a wreath from the Vandeleur Ladies' Aid. Those from a distance who at- tended were Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Porter of Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millsap and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLaren of Creemore, Mr. and Mrs. Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woods and Arthur Broughton of Corbetton and Miss Lillian Broughton of Port Elgin. The late Miss Shannon was highly respected and despite six years ol illness was always of a bright ana cheery nature. She was a member of Vandeleur United church ana also taught a Sunday school class there prior to her illness, which was brought on by her devotion to an aunt during a long illness. She is survived by two brothers, Thos. of Vandeleur, George of Flesherton and one sister, Mrs. Broughton of Corbetton, who. had been with her sister for some time. Won In Oratory Miss Irene Martin won the final public speaking contest for group 1 of the Young People's Union ot Grey Presbytery held in the United church, Flesherton, on Tuesday evening. Hur subject was the "League of Nations" and waa given in an excellent manner. Other speakers were Herb A,1dns of* Flesherton, Miss E. Ritchie ana Miss M. Montgomery of Dundalk. The judges were Mr. W. J. Messen- ger and Misses Sanderson and Henry of Markdale. Upward Graham, convenor of the Literary and Re- creation department of the Presby- tery, presided over the contest. CHESLEY, JUNE 3rd. REUNION CELEBRATION Sports commence at 10 a.m. with a grand parade, and lasting until 10.30 p.m., ending with a magnificent dis- play of fireworks the best seen In this locality A full day of pleasure for everyone. Horscracing, Ladies' Softball Tournament, Men's Softball Match, Horscjhoe Pitching Con- test, and -a Baseball Match, Re lay foot races umong the High Schools of the district and i\ Band Concert in the evening. The model Exposition shows of London, Onta.'io and the Bruce Regimental Band on tho grounds all- day. Attractive prizes in the various contests. Returned men wearing service button iidmitted to the grounds witii out chnr<re. A loafer usually wishes he was doing .something else. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ADVANCE COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON The first sittings of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Flesherton, will be held at Council Chamber on the 9th. day of June, 1930 at 8 p.m. Dated May 21, 1930. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY The first sittings of the Court ot Revision of the Assessment Roll will be held in Maxwell on Friday, May Mth, 1930, at the hour of ten a.m. All parties who have appeals in, are required to attend the said sittings. Dntod May 21st. 1930. H. G. BURKE, Clerk COURT OF REVISION The 24th of May will be observed UNITED FARMERS CONVENTION in Flesherton this year on Saturday,' the rc-gular holiday. Some towns and villages are remaining open en The United Farmers of South Grey , will hold a convention in the Town Hall, Durham, Saturday afternoon Saturday and closing on Monday/May 24th, 1930, at 2 p.m. for the but the local merchants have decided purpose of nominating a candidate otherwise and the regular holiday f r the next general election, will be observed. If the weather Is Misa A - c - MacPhail, M. P. and favorable the fish should bite freely Mr - F - R- Oliver, M. P. P. and others- and no doubt many stories will b wi " address the meeting. Ladles heard of the big fellows canght and arc cordially invited. those who broke the tackle and freeu* themselves. R. D. CARRUTHERS, President. H. McKECHNIE, Secretary Small Advts. LOST J PAST URE 100 acre pasture, weli LOST- Horse collar, between ' watered> ellent pasture for cat- Fleaherton and Feversham; finder leave at the Advance Office. CAME ASTRAY Collie dog Flesherton. Fred Ducfcett, Eugenia phone 74 r 11. PASTURE Lot 10. Con. 9. Oa- prey. TSacres for pasture or hy during the summer of 1930. J. J. Haley, R. R. i. Eugenia. CAiME ASTRAY-To the prera- PASTURE Cattle Uken for pas^, ises of undersigned on or about 25th ture, plenty of water on the farm. of April, one ewe and two lambs, i Alex Morrison, Maxwell. Owner requested to prove property,! pay expenses and take away Rich- ard Allen, Lot 170, 2nd Con, East T and S. Road BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Jersey Bull for service- on lot 127, 2nd. Range S. W. Terms: $2 and $3. B. A. Hargrave, Mark- dale. FOR SERVICE Registered Tamworth Boar for service and a quantity of seed buck- wheat for sale. Dave McKee, Mark- dale, phone 60 r 32. BOAR FOR SERVICE TOR 8 ALB FOR SALE Apples, 75c per bag. A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE Red Durham cow, 4 years old. beef purposes. Walter Russell, Flesherton phone. 11 r 24. FOR SALE OR RENT Two" half acre lots in Eugenia Miss Katej Jamieson, Priceville. I Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- FOR SALE Quantity of seed ana , vice at lots. 151-153, 1st in 15 months cooking potatoes. Chas. Doupe R. R. ' class at Royal Winter Fair 1929 and 3, Proton, phone 32 r 14. reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 t_ time of service. H. C. Radley. FARM FOR SALE~ 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, ^1 I Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. FOR SALE 2 sows, due June 1st, | Good house and large barn with goo4 HOUND FOR SALE A black, and tan hound one year old, first) class stock Enquire at this office. also a few bage of potatoes. Herb Betts, R. R. 3 Flesherton. FOR SALE Chevrolet car for sale, in good shape Mrs. W. L. Wright, 68 Elm St., Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE Quanqtity of large seed peas. AAllan McLean, Fever- sham phone 3 r 42. TOWNSHIP OF- ARTEMESIA The first sittings of the Court of Revision of the . Assessment Roll will bo held at Ihe Township Hall, Flesherton, on Monday the 2nd day if June, 1030, nt the hour of ten ''clock r>.m. FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn roan bull 2 years old, on lot 10, Con. 9, Osprey. Hugh Fenwick Eugenia, phone Feversham. FOR SALE Acme C. Range, coal stabling and out-buildings. For for- ther particulars apply on weMtoM. ALB. BLKCKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 13d acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, 1& miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acres of bush. Sold on easy terms. L. McMULLEN, Ceylon. or wood, Quebec heater, round coal Flesherton. oil heater. Mrs. Grodon Warling, comfortable Flesherton. PROPERTY- FOR SALE OR RENT Gilst. P . o ri7- the 1BUE11 ' FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from purebred Barred Rocks, blood tested and registered under government supervision. W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton, phone 13w. FOR SALE A LOT OF new tires, size 30x34, for Ford, Chevr- rolet, $4.90 each. Tubes for same, $1.20. Ship anywhere. The Goodi- year Waterproof Coats Co., Ottawa. hous o'f 9 Barn dwelling electric OC v . QQ fL *\.\_ ~ """"" " i Cl I fj ta x da it., with stable and drivin house thereon, alse a good w.1] " This property is in a and will be sold reason- further particulars ap- \i^i ^, e administrator. W. J Meftds. Flesherton. Ont. FOR SALE Shinn-Flott light- ning rods, superior litter carriers and stable equipment, "Anchor Holf cream separators and Preston Rib- Roll Roofing. Enquirte for prices and estimates. Phone 32 r 44, Dun- dalk Ed. Rutherford, Dundalk. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT, situated in Ceylon village on high- way, good frame house, well built, containing six rooms, nicely located one and a quarter acres of well cultivated land offer. Charles Ave., Toronto. with Melia. bsrn ; make 79 Caithness FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, lota 166 and 167, 1st range west of No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 miles from Flesherton, V4 mile from school, 70 acres under culti- vation, balance swamp and pasture. Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particulars apply to L. R. Thistlcthwaite, 24 Connor Ave., Toronto 0. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Village lot to rent 1 Mi acres on which is house, hen. house and garage. Apply to Geo. I. Graham in care of E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. NOTICE Trapping and FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog for service on lot 136. West Back- Ime. Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. BOAR FOR SERVICE. < Registered Yorkshire Boar for *. vice by Fleeherton Bacon U.o QJirfv the ^ropsrty of the Ontario Depart- went ot Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. tiKO B. DUNCAN DUNDAUC LICENSED AOenONHKR For the County of Grey. T 1 P cent. Satisfaction i Datee *>de_t/Tli Adrance SIIOBTHORN"BULTFOR SERVICB Regiitered Shorthorn bull for vice t !ot 5, Con. 9. Oiprey "ileml U.^._I.M M ' ._ -1- . ' *' t*eir3r o. Dam, Red Terras PurebreA -- Cowt not iU be charge full price. __ &. R. HAWKINS. Eui-eeJ*. MtfDDLEBRO & . eta. Oftcee Owen Sound, Durban nd Fleiherton. Flesherton ereiy Saturday afternoon and eyenln. - Bl\5!NF S CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 338, A. P. & A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Amu fishing strong Block, Flesherton every Frl. strictly forbidden on lots 130 131, iday on or before the full moon. W. 2nd con., N.E.T, & S. R., Artemesia. I M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H4 Fred Russell. U. R. 2, Flesherton. A. McCauley. TENDERS WANTED Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer j for the counties of Grey and Simcoe thc F and stock sales a Tenders will be received by me ( t-arm and stock sales a specialty. ' undersigned for caretaking of the Terms moderate, satisfaction euar- All parties who have appeals in, v . , 11-1.1 ,' , mv.uun guar- . ..: , tL ..:, JTI Ho.herton put.lic school, up to and anteed. All arrangement, and dates including Saturday, May 24th, 11)30 ' may be made at the Advance office T W. J. BELLAMY, telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by Secretary, addressing me at Eugenia. a ,t- >ro required to attend the sail! ting.i. Dated May 21st, 1030. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk.