I I f II SALADA II SAME FLAVOUR TEA NOW SAME QUALITY ALB. BROWN LABEL AT ALL GROCERY STORES Jungle Breath Ben Lucien Burman THIS HAS HAPI'ENEIi Attempts have been made on the life of K!i-e .MarlK-rry. owner of a coffee plantation outside Porto Verde. Brazil. Vilak, her cousin, known as Attorney Davis, Mieves Gaylord 1'ret.t enemy of Elise's is involved. Elise, Vilak and Lincoln N'unnaJly, an old chemist and friend, travel to Villapa in response to a message. On the road they are ambushed and thrown in a dismal old hut in the jungle. Vilak frc* himself and the other*- At Vil- apa they find - ut that the message hut a deci.v. NOW I;K<;IN THK STORY CHAPTER XXV. Hi- was M-rry, terribly sorry the thing Iiad happened, Wilson went on. ! i ; ! Klive wouldn't hold it ' him. Wouldn't she take his l t'd.s? Though they would k-ave the fa/enda witlx.ut a weapon, he'd I i- delighted to irive them to her. And of course she needn't worry about Villapa now. He was perfectly able t<> take care of everything. .She refused a loan which would have seemingly left him Iielpli-ss, *-x- preyed her delight that big condition had go improved, and made ready to return to Porto Verde. Wilson ingratiatingly insisted on sending a bodyguard for ut least n part of the journey in order to prevent a repetition of ler mi>-advenaireK dur- ing the aftermx-n. Accordingly he rent for twenty of hi.s laborers, armed them with mntchets, clubs, and axes, Have them horses and ordered them to Accompany the. travelers. "Sorry I nin't go with you," he said obsequious- ly, his great drawn eyelids opening and shutting quickly as though they were too weak to hear the light of the Ton-he, flaming i the laborers' hand*. "Terribly sorry. Keel I'm shirking. Hut you know how it is . . you know lic.w it is ... after fever . . . after fever.' 1 I in- .ttiilcadf M-t off, Ihe torches outlining men and horses in fantastic lancing red against the black and threatening -k. . Uphill, downhill icy rude, through Uiy rjivine where K-y fiaiTTieft IffiBuSMd, tlierl tlirollgh the swollen creek which f..imi',l tTt'. ryjjd to ^Xii2 ^'iiihli t'' Bwwtravel- "t-rs constantly s relied Ihn dai-kntwH Ji.r i. mo evidence of reni-weil activity WRIGLEYS Alertnc** icorei everywhere. V, i . ( !','" createi pep and CO* r>;y and! kecpi you alert. AS/ package may MVC you from golngtoileepatthe uluri of your car. ISSUE No. 20 '30 on the part of their attackers of the afternoon. But their efforts were wasted. They heard nothing, saw no- thing. A short distance from the Porto Verde fazenda Elise, after con- culting Vilak, sent their escort back to Villapa. The rain, which had cease.l for a few hors, began to fall again in torrents- Elise tightened the raincoat about her slim neck. Suddenly she drew a sharp breath. Vilak turned. "What's the matter? ' asked quietly. "Nothing. Only I've just thought about Tinky." Nervously, unconscious- ly she quickened her horse. "A thou- sand things can have happened to him while we've been away. Anything can have happened." "But nothing has happened. Be sensible. You've been a good soldier all day, a perfect soldier. I couldn't have asked for a better. Don't weaken and start being . . feminine ... at the last minute. Tinky'll bo all right. Here. You'd bettor have a rigaret." She took a light from his shielded hand and let her fingers linger gently upon his a moment. Then she put the rigaret to her lips. She smoked pensiv -ly a moment. "I'm not a pood soldier," >he said at length. "You're only trying to keep up my spirits. I'm a bad soldier. So wretched that I'd IK> given n dishonor- able discharge in any respectable army. This morning you told me not to g<> to Villapa. 1 went. You wire right- I was wrong. Then, when we were ruptured, 1 did nothing but 'it on a log ami stare weakly into a (ire. You, though bound bund and foot, first freed yourself and tlicn freed me. "Tomorrow I'm going to lx> a still worse soldier. I'm going to run away from the battle. And frankly, as far as Tinky is concerned, you were right when you said I'd be glad to get away before. I want to get him to some place whero things* can't happen with tho ense they did today. If there were a boat out tonight, I'd take it. Yes, it .seems to me, all in all, I'm H pretty poor sort of Amazon." The rain bad extinguished Vilak'< cigaret. He struck a match to light y l*Mi Jli^ki' 1 'Hi? lame Klise sa-v that tnebandflgi was no longer on the | wound ho had received in bis wrist two 'day* before. She snatched his hand and iK'foro he could prevent wnH bind- ing it gently and effectively with n rlean handkerchief. "I'm u grateful Amir/.on, at least." she murmured, i brightening. "Even you can't keep met fioni being that " They reached tho fir/.etuln. Elise I hurried to find Tinky. lie wns in her ln-dr""iM, sleeping soundly. The jovial I Hannah was silting in u chair beside 'him. In tho next room sat Schwartz, tin. king a vast meerschaum pipe. He! | looked up and greeted Eliw ns she' Assured that the child wax safe, | Kliso hurried to have .supper prepare.! for her two guests and herself. The three of them quickly changed their wet clnthoH for dressing gown.-'. They ale heartily, then played a single ruli- bi-r of bridge, tho wearied and sleepy old man making blunders that would have driven serious-minded bridge players into a passion. Vilak, with his monotonous regularity, won. Elise shook her dainty head. Sho ' )IHI| completely recovered her Usual ! sprightline. "You're getting to be i really Unix-arable," she said. In mock , despair she threw her cards onto the table. "You're always right; you al-j wayn win. No matter how good a hand I have, you always manage to make nip piny n-cond riddle somehow. Pvo | half mind to send you home. You're ' terribly hard on my self-esteem. I can't have such a clever person as you around." She rose from the table. After all, perhaps it Isn't that you are any cleverer for being a man. Perhaps it's that you've merely got a long tra- dition behind you which we women haven't sort of fooling the public for hundreds of centuries, you know and that gives you confidence. Anyway, I'll comfort myself by saying it's that. Good night, Mr. Nunnally. Good night, manly nnd superior relative," she said. She moved toward the door. "Just a minute, Elise," Vilak's ban- tering voice checked her. She lulled. "Yes?" "Just wantd to ask you a question Was that . . . kiss you gave me this afternoon a sign of homage, a tribute to your superior, was it cousinly, or was it ... n proposal?" She whipped the dressing gown tighter about her. "Pardon me if I tell you to go to the devil, my con- ceited friend," she flashed and whisked out of the room. After bidding the old man good night, Vilak made his cstomary tour of the house, then retired. The pouring rain continued throughout the night, but ceased after a murky dawn. Elise busied herself in completing preparations for her departure. Vilak wishing to go to town to make a few purchases, sought out the old man, in order that they might make the jour- ney together, but finding him deep in a sleep of exhaustion, did not wake him but set off alone. He reached Porto Verde, to see the usual groups of natives clustred in the road along the windows of the flimsy dilapidated shops Today they were gazing omin- ously at tho puddles of water whicn lay everywhere, nnd predicting dis- aster. One of the natives who worked on the fazenda recognized Yilak and rais- ed his high conical hat- "Eet is bad, ees it not all these rain, Meester Davis?" he murmured. "Eet will make for us n flood. Yes, a most bad flood. Never before have I rain like these see in Porto Verde. Never. Though I have live here twenty year*. The dam at Avilos cannot but break. Any moment mnybe will it break. My- self, Macedo, I am ready. To run fast, yes, ver' fast. And this morning 1 weel go see the priest an' make white my soul." (To be continued.) What New York Is Wearing BY ANNEHEU.K WORTHIN'GTON A copyviU be mailed free on request. Ik /or this mark on tlery lilt, it fwaanUtt that Magic contain* no alum or a ny other harmful MAGIC BAKING POWDER never varies Its uniform leavening qualities give the same factory results with every baking. 3 out of every 4 Canadian housewives * who bake at home, say they use it because it does give consistent, tetter l/aking results. "^ - - If you bake at home, the New Magic Cook Book will furnish you with dozens of attractive baking suggestions. Try this Recipe for Muffins 1 tablespoon butter 3 teaspoons Magic 2 tablespoons sugar i Baking Powder 2 eggs i J teaspoon salt 2i cups flour 1 cup sweet millc Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs one by one, beat welL Sift dry jngredients together and add to first mixture alter- nately with milk. If batter not stiff enough, add a little more flour. Put in well-greased muffin pans and bake for 20 minute* in a quick oven. i *Thisfact was mealed in a recent Dominion-wide investigation. STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED GILLETT PRODUCTS more prominent through tho deep pointed outline of the skirt which has a tendency to lengthen the silhouette- It is a splendid dress for all-day occasion wear. Style No. 3441 comes in sizes IK, ' 18 years, 36, 38, 40, 42, 4-1 and 4G j inches bust. Light weight woolens, shantung,! tweed-like cottons and printed chiffon would be nice for its development. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your nr.tr,e and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns a? you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wil?on Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. "If only you'd look at me straight In the eyes," Said the man with the heart of flint, "I'd try and forgive you the whole of your lies," But ehe couldn't because of her squint. DIVINE LAW It commands that which Is good.' and forbids that which is evil; re- wards and defends the godly, but pun- ishes and resists tha wicked. Luther. .j Use Minard's for Burns. Come-to-Grief Airman- I was trying to make a record. Farmer Well, you've made It, sur; you be the first man In these parts who climber down a tree without having to climb up It first. Illustrated Drrxiuimkiiifi l.rsnon Furnished H'/.'/i !' < ij I'nlltrn Father (at 1 a.m.) "Is that young man asleep, Mary?" Mary "Hush, Father, he has just asked me to marry him and make him the happiest man In the world." Father "I thought so. Wake him up and send him home." SMARTS The Mover thais Guaranteed Tht materi ils from which Smarft Mowcn are made 6 Ihe way they are made guarantee durable and sBtufadory service. Thek*ti*i cutter your money tan buy. Ask for a Smarts Mower bynuw. JAMES SMART PLANT. 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There's weight to SMP Dairy Pails . . . Strength to do years of good, honest work. 100% sanitary . . . Easy to keep clean. Look for the SMP label of Quality. 90c. to 2.85. SMP DAIRY PAILS Campers Carry Mitiarii's. 1030 Sales and Service by T. B. F. BENSON, N.A. 371 Bay Street Toronto, Ont. COH FISHING. swim-, tiling, fast ferry, day boatlnK or moonlight cruising, the Cruisuboul has no <iual for jojr< Kivlng. health and nappl- ness on the luughlnff tippllnn waters. This Crulsarout, lM Ions. 8' 10" beam and 1 4" draft. Is a blir. Curly, quality built. Is-iuiUi- un-hour runabout wltfc dependable 110-U.P. Graj Marine motor. Tho 17' cockpit Is ample for any party. The small bow cabin has toilet and loti of hanging space foi clothes, bathing suits, golf bags anil flshlnl tackle. This Day Orulsabou (priced at $3.685 at fao. tory) and her sister -nipt are Illustrated In ou catalogue. WHt f,r 14 would let their itaii Your pride prompts you to keep your hair well groomed . . . then for the same reason smarten Tour dull, unpolished shoes regularly with glossy "Nugget" shine waterproofs the hoes as it poUshc SHOE POLISH NWtfT TIN cptiuMh a trnri /