THE FLESHCRTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1930. . Judge a Bank by the Clients it Keeps DURING more than Fifty Years of constructive banking practice the Standard Bank of Canada has es- tablished a loyal clientele from Coast to Coast. Our ability satis- factorily to serve these clients year in and year out is the foundation upon which our continued progress i built. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (u .tfi ttffiicH is <wna/9<amaStf<* THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA A Long Trek Special Baptist Services _Mr. Victor Miller and son, Jim, of Anniversary services were held 1 i Owen Sound spent Saturday night the Ba P tist church on Sunday, May, ,'with friends in Flesherton. when start l * th ' Re !; S 3 ~ ?* W ' * A ' f the First Baptist church, Owen Sound ! ing out on a long trek of some 3.0w was the preacher of the day .bring- j 5 oy motor IFUCK, ineir ODJCCUM ; being the Peace River district. They 1 go by way of Chicago and Minneap- ( olis The conveyance is a new two- 1 ton Studebaker truck, covered over i and made into a sleeping van. The> intend to make the trip by easy 1 stages and board themselves en route. j If either of these two gentlemen were ' inclined towards literature they could ' make an excellent story of their ex- | periences along the way. Besides ing two helpful messages. His j subject in '.be morning was "Another 1 Comforter" and in the evening, "Whac is in thy hand?, A Rod.' Th" congregations at both .services were large. The United church withdrew their service in the evening. The choir gave special music. Jean Wolstencroft accompanied by the organist gave a violin solo at both services. The church was beautifully decorated with plants and flowers. Toronto Picnic Com. C.PJR. TIME TABLE Trains leave Fleihcrton Station aa Mhm Gong South Going North 1.08 a.m. "..52 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p 4 m. 8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The maila cli at Pleihcrton aa follows: For the north "at '11.00 a.m. utli at 1E30 Tor nfornirig train oath mall cloaei at 9.0(5 p.m. the previou* evening. i Local and Persona! Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Preston were in Toronto over the week end. He who laughs last forgets how before his time comes. Mr. and Mrs I. B. Welton and daughter, Dorothy, visited Mr. Wm. Griffith's of Scarboro. who is ill. Fishing Was Great Last week saw one large fish taken from the water in the hydro lake on the 8th line, Artemesia, that measured seventeen inches in length and weighed two pounds and eight ounces. Mr. Wm. Magee of Salem ! also a fine collie dog for gophers. A taken along to die for gophers. A i few years ago an interesting little book was written by an Englishman entitled "Three men and a boat, not JBLICITY Alex. M. Gibson, to mention a dog." In this case it Chairman. J. T. Clark, W. N. Hemp- would be -Two men and a dog, not to h mention the truck." There is just GAMES & PRIZES^. A. Legard. ' enough of the Bohemian in the make- Chairman, C. E. McTavish, Mrs. up of the writer to wish he might Houden, Mrs. White. Dr. F. W. Mur- have accompanied the trio on "their ra X- J - Latimer. interesting journey to Canada's far REFRESHMENTS-Mr;. 1 Mad- north-west possession, where they ex- docks, Chairman, Mrs. W Bentham. pect to make their home. j Mrs - Dr - Henderson. James E. 'Field, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. H. Grif- F \WCETT-FERRIS I ^ n ' '&* % H. Henderson. Cha*. 'Phillips, Mrs. W. P. Leader, Miss A quiet wedding was solemnb.ed l Armstrong. W Bentham. Frank in Deer Park United church on Phillips, Mrs. B. E. Field. Jos. Arm- "House of Quality' SEEDS Giant White Sugar Mangel Giant White Sugar Beets. Jumbo Sugar Beet Leviathan Sugar Beet Rennie's and Steel Briggs Garden Seeds Dutch Setts and Multiplier Onions Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN was the lucky angler, who landec Thursday. May 15th, at 8 Ferri.5. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Rob ris of Flesherton, was un ; ted in marriage to Mr. Mark A. Fawcett, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett of Collingwood, the cere- R. N Corn- ,this beauty, and the fight he made when Miss Mildred A. i gave a thrill that is not present In i catching smaller trout. During the week quite a number ! of trout 12 to 15 inches were caujrh* I which goes to prove that there are The deferred W. M. S. meeting will water while they were fishing at be held in St. John's Church on Thurs- the 8th line bridge, that was fully day, May 22nd, at 3 p.m Mr. Harry Patton, Artemesia Road still fine trout in the hydro pond il" mony being performed by Rev. their hiding places can bs locate ' Douglas Kendall, formerly of Max- and if they are given enough en- well. Following the ceremony tho couragement worm's to bite. I young: couple left on a honeymoon Mr. Wm. Turney, manager of the trip by motor to Hamilton, Niagara locnl Boll Telephone office, tells Falls and other points and on their the story of a large trout which ho return will reside in Co!lingwoo<*. and two others glimpsed in the Hearty congratulations are extended a.m.. I strong, H. C. ' egard, el j er field, Mrs. T. Cullen. Fer _; TRANSPORT ATION'W. H. Fen- wick. GROUNDS Bert Fetch, Chair- man. R. Maddocks, W. N. Field. RECEPTION Dr. E. K. Richard- son, Chairman, Mrs (Dr.) E. F. Rich- ardson. C. E. McTavish, Mrs. W. Poultsr. Superintendent, was in Toronto on Saturday on a businesss trip. Thp half holiday in town \\-i\\ not beo bserved this week owing to Sat- urday being a holidav. Remember the Maxwell United church garden party to be held on June llth at the parsonage grounds at Maxwell. As Saturday, May 2-Jth, is being observed in Flesherton, the half holi- day on Thursday will not be taken by the merchants of Flesherton. to the happy young couple by their many friend; here and at Feversham three feet long and would weigh ( with the wish cf many years of hap- six pounds. He also says piness together, the red spots on its sHe wer? IN MEMORIAM LOUCKS In loving memory of our dear mother. Mrs. P. Loucks. wh.: passed away May 23rd, 1020. E. Louoks and family un- the 40 years of their wedded life, have been the parents of thirtyseven children. Twenty-three were boys and fourteen were girls. Wi^h the from Tuxlata Guiterrex, where Leon- eXT . e pti on of the first born, the sub- cio Chavarria and hrs wife, during sequent arrivals were all twins. The newspaper Excelsior's ique effort to find Mexico's most pro lific mother has brought an entry that as large as a small five cent piece.; It would certainly be "some" fish , and no doubt is the same one that M-. Isaac Smith of town had on his tackle and which broke the line BALL WELTON A quiet wedding Ff-gus on Friday, Helen Gertrude, eldest Dr. W. A. Blackwell. Opt. D. of To- ronto, eyesight specialist, will be at the Park Hotel, Flesherton, Tuesday. May 27th, all day. Eyes scientifically examined and glasses fitted. Rein- took place at ; em b er the date May 27th. May 16th, whenj daughter of, PLOTHOLDER'S MEETING to escape. If this fellow is ever Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton of Flesh- caught it will be a battle that one ( erton was united in marriage to Mr. would go a long way to witness. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Blackburn of Lakeview Beach spent the week Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hodgson and J end with the former's parents, Mr. daughter, Barbara, of Islington were j and Mrs. Geo. Blackburn. Springhill. visitors with Mr. and Mrs C. N Rich- ardson, over the week end. An election in the summer time will make garden parties and Charles Ball, son of Mr. Hugh Ball of Mount Forest, the ceremony being performed by Rev. G. Luxor, Anglican Rector. The young couple will reside at Mount Forest. A special meeting of the plot- holders of the Flesherton Cemeter> will be held in the old town hail. Friday, June 6th at 8 p.m., to dis- cuss the building of a mortuary chapel, and other business. Thos Clayton. See. Kennedy's Grocery Pineapple Week MEATS \Ye have on hand a full line of fresh and cured meats- kept cool by electric refrigeration. SPECIAL Extra Fine Men's Work Shirts $1.00 pic- nics favorite places for the politi- cians Mrs Jas. Sandiland of Dndalk was the guest of her daughter. Mrs Wes. Armstrong, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson and son, David of Toronto were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Jas. Robertson. The Misses Helen and Alice Robertson of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson^ Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNapb, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab of Stayner, Emerson J. Bennett has stocked the famous spalding tennis racquets balls and all tennis supplies. These Peculiar Euchre Hand W have read items of peculiar bridge hand.-, but we saw a peculiar occurrence recently that is so rnrc as to only occur about once in a life time. The dealer passed and the next player bid diamonds v.-hich played directly into her partner's hand, and he held the right and) left bower with the king of diamonde. | i .11 . ^ uiin> v . m uv v [.-_ TI . i be given by the Maple Grove young The other cards were an ace and a (people entitled, "The Road City." Supper served from Admission, 50 and 25 cents. are being sold at very reasonable prices. See him for your tennis re- quirements. , Providence Ladies' Aid will hold their annual fish supper on Friday, May 23rd. in the Army Barracks at Lady Bank. A four act play will BORN FISHER On M' 'inlay, May 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. W.iMace Fisher, a daughter, Evelyn Eiloen. WILSON At Durham hospital on Saturday, May 10. to Mr and Mrs. MarV W.ilson ,3 daughter. (Stir- born ) Phone 37 W. G. Kennedy . ^"e leliver in town. to the 6 to 8. Come and have a good time. Quite a number of members of L. O. L. 2855. Flesherton, attended I the funeral of the late Samuel J. Halbert, which took plact at Mark- Mr. Robt. Malcolm of Collingwood, ' dale on Monday afternoon. De- Mrs. John Park and Geo. Park and ! ceased was a valued member of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wright of Banks L. O. L. No. 1045, Markdale, and were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and ; the funeral was in charge of G. W. County Master, and A large number of last 1 leaves to mourn one daughter. son and one Mrs. Geo. Wright of town_ . Littlejohns. The Presbyterian W. A. will hold his officers. a cake sale on Friday afternoon, May friends attended to pay their 23,. in Mrs Wright's old stand, j respects to a departed brother. Homemade baking and other articles j The late Mr. Halbert was 73 years for sale. j of age and was predtceased by his Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sewell of Learn- ' wifp twenty/three years ago. He ington called on Mr. .and Mrs. R. Freeman, while on their way to at- tend the funeral of the late S Hal- bert at Markdale on Monday. ' Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell and children, Murray and Eleanore, accompanied by Mrs. Avory of Caledonia called on the former's aunt, Mrs. W. J. Stew- art one clay last week. Mr. W. W. Trimble is spending a couple of weeks with his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Hodgson at Islington. We are pleased to know Mr. Trimble has improved nicely from his recent se- vere illness. Last week a mare owned by Mr. king of two other .suites and he de- cided to play a lone hand, which was done and the hand was won. We never heard of such an event occurinc before and believe it +n be unique i" the annals of euchre. Mr Frank VanDusen of Toronto was a visitor in town last week. Renew Your Subscription Subscription renewals v.-ill be gladly received by The Advance at any time and if those in arreari would renew at once it would be appreciated. No business can be run without c^sh and the main item of our revenue is through sub- scription list. Kindly look at your label now and see if you are in ar- rears. Big Value For Your Money Here's our Big Value Program for this week: The Shakedown He was a beautiful crook and she a beauti- ful waitress. But when his cane called him a set-up and his sweetie called him a fake, things began to happen with tumultuous speed. You'll love this drama of under- world and show business. Edward Loucks of Artemesia town- ship gave birth to twin colts, butjll unfortunately they did not live very t J ; long after birth. The colts were marked identically the same anil wold have made a fine team if only they had survived. A large number of the office and members of Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F.&A.M., were in Toronto on Tuesday paying n return visit to Vic- toria Lode-p No. 174. The visitors were given a real reception and every- body enjoyed the vtit to the fullest extent. Court Troubles Shadows A snappy comedy featuring the Newly- weds and their Baby. This is a new type of comedy which you will enjoy. Something new under the sun. . . Princess Theatre Markdale Friday and Saturday On Saturday night the first part of the program is repeated at end of the feature. You can come a- late as 8.40 and still the H a full prj.>RTiim. ! ! EXTRA PANTS Without Charge Don't miss this chance to get super- value in your spring suit One Day Only-May 28 Men! Here's bi money saving news for you! On One day only. May 28th. we have been authorized by the Berger Tailoring Company to give with every suit of Berger "Clothes of Quality" ordered on that date, one extra pair of trousers free of charge! New fabrics for Sprint: and Summer which we are now showing include all the new shades of browns, greys, fawns, and all the other popular eolurs. Now. come in on May 2Sth leave your or- der without additional charge. In addition, on Wednesday. May 2Sth, a re- presentative from ihe Berger Tailoring Com- pany's head office, will be at our store and will personally measure every customer. Smart Exclusive styles! Guaranteed fit! Finest all-wool materials! The very widest selection of materials is offered. Every garment is tailored by master craftsmen. Fit and satisfaction are absolutely guaranteed. Mark May 2Sth on your calendar now. Save money and be dressed better by taking advantage of this offer. $24 and up Tailored to Measure F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO J