Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1930, p. 3

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Reduction in Prices of RED OSE TEA Effective Immediately per pound reduction on RED LABEL BLACK and MIXED TEAS. per pound reduction on RED LABEL GREEN TEA. P er pound reduction on RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE. All Grocers are authorized to sell their present stock at these reductions. We recoup them for their loss. T. H. ESTABROOKS CO. Limited TORONTO, ONTARIO WAS RUN DOWN AND VERY WEAK Too Little Blood the Trouble. Mrs. Jas. A. Haughn, Bndgiwater, X.3., writes: "I was badly run down and very weak So much so I could scarcely do my housework My nerves were affected; my digestion poor; I had continual headaches and could not get a restful night's sleep. Different remedies failed to be of benefit and I was growing discouraged. One day, however, I saw an advertisement of a case similar to mine which had been relieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills so I decided to try them. A few weeks' use of the Pills fully restored my health and now my household duties are a pleasure instead of a tor- ture." Mrs. Hanghn's whole trouble was that she had too little blood. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills were of aid to her because they renewed and purified her blood and that good blood promoted good health, for where good blood abounds disease cannot exist. You can get these Pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Forgetfulness Stranger than remembering. Stranger is forgetfulcess. Softening- and making less Every sharp and preclour. thing. If the rebel thirst had burned After springs too beautiful, Imperceptibly It learned How to drink the bitter pool. If there is a room that must Not be entered any more, Comes the soft and gradual dust Drifting down behind the door. Surer than remeu.bering. Surer is for?etfulness Shuts the window in the sprits. Lays away the silver dro^. Ellen Janson in the London Mercury. i Dog Demonstrates Keen Intelligence Naturalist Cites Instance of , Terrier With Human Perception The English naturalist, George J. j Romanes, zoological secretary of the : Linnean Society ot London, England, tells of a skye terrier that hated to 1 be washed. As time went on, ita aversion to bathing became stronger and stronger. At last the dog be- Itching Ends in 1 Minute !!<! ecztm* lot months. Sinile application of Scotha-Salva' ended Itch and burn in 1 nunutd I box ended disease (or (ood." Jan* Paula. "Sootha-Salva" ends Eciema quickest tune ever known. Itching atop instantly. Ail druggist*. ' SoSkinnyShamed In Bathing Suit. Gained 15 Lbs. ' "Gained 15 Ibs. tak- ing IronlzeU Yeast. Was always ashamed to wear bathing suit but now I can and not feel too skinny." Kulah Lanningham. Thousands write of 5 to 15 Ibs. gained in 3 weeks with Ironized Yeast. Bony limbs round out. Ugly nollows fill in. Blemished skin gets clear and rosy like ragic. Nervous- ness, indigestion, constipation disap- pear overnight. Sound sleep. New health and pep from very first day. Two great tonics in one special weight-building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets. Far stronger than unmedl- cated yeast. Results In V4 time. So quit being ashamed of "sklnnl- ness." sallow skin. Get Ironized Yeast from druggist today. Feel great tomorrow. Money back from manufacturer If not delighted with quick results. came so fierce at the very sight of water that the servants of the house refused point-blank to give it a bath. Then the terrier's mistress tried it herself. But even she was not safe, writes Prescott Lecky, ot the Depart- ment of Psychology, Columbia Uni- versity, New York, in an article com- paring the intelligence of dogs and cats in the June Popular Science Monthly. Cajolery, threats beating, and star- vation were of no avail. Finally, the owner decided to iva the dog the "silent treatment." She paid no at- tention to it. She was in the habit of taking it along on her dally walk, but now went out without it. When she sat reading or sewing and it came up to her, she turned her head and looked away. This lasted ten days. At length the dog came up to her one morning with an expression that plainly said: "I submit." Immediately It was given a bath, which was endured patiently. Then barking joyously, it bounded for the door to go for the customary daily walk. When next a bath was due, the terrier at flrst was obstin- ate. But all Its mistress had to do was to turn her head and the dog would run for the tub Flemberd to His Son By D. P. Graham, aged 12. "Do you hear the call Of Valkyries from the hall? Oh, the jrods have sent for thee; Come thou warrior to the free. Odin, Thor, and Tiu are calling; Come and follow! rove and roam; Brave the waters, go to Shule, There Valkyries take thce home. Go sea-hiking, like a Viking, Roaming 1 , rolling, roving free Riding", gliding o'er the sea; Ride thee. glidt thee, P.ollinjf like a Viking o'er the ?ea. Imperial Preference Melbourne Herald. Australia is ready to discuss any proposal that recog- nizes its fiscal p_>liej. The most cheering fact is that Imperial prefer- ence is now discussed as souud pract!- al politics in British political circles where, not so long ago, it was derid- ed as an Imperialistic dream. British trade and industry depend in an In- creasing proportion upon Dominions and Colonial customers. In round figures British possessions in Europe buy 46.000,000 worth i year, in Asia 120,000,000 worth, In Oceania ST, 000.000 worth, in Africa 62.000,000 worth, and on the American Contin- ent 43,000,000 worth. The Imperial field offers the Mother Country by far the greatest scope for commercial ex- pansion. Australia, with its tremend- ous amount of room for national growth, sf.--.iis to give Britain sperial opportunities. AT A PRICE They were seated comfortably bfr 1 fore the fire. "I say, John,' she said, "is it true that money talks?" John laughed. "A figure of speech, my dear," he replied. "Why do you ask'.'"' "We'l." she went on hopefully, "I wish you'd leave a little here to talk to me during the day. I get so lonely." G.B.S. Tells Way to Wreck a Parley London Members of the Institute ' ot Linguists, who met for their an- ! nual conference in London recently. ! invited G. Bernard Shaw to send a ' message. His reply, written on a postcard, was as follows: "I have never heard of the Institute of Linguists and cannot imagine what ! it is for. But I can assure you with a conrtdence founded on long experi- enca- that if you want to bore a con- ference and make it a failure from the start the surest method is to read messages to it." Classified Advertising FOB SALE A -I BABY CHICKS WB HATCHED .A 1 215. UUU last year In four varie- ties. Writ* for free catalogue. A. H. Swltzer. Granton. Ont. N'-LE COMB WH1TB LEGHORN and Barred Plymouth Rook Baby Chicks, wonderful winter layers. We have been hatching for 27 years. Deiamere Poultry Farm. Stratford. Onta-io. Trent TRENT" MAY AXD .Il.'NE Chicks, always popular. Rocks, WyanUottea, Leghorns. Free folder "Pin Money" describes why their breeding "tells In the nest.' Order early and save. Electric Hatchery. Trenton. Ont. FOB SALE ySED BIi'YOI E.-v $10 r_'P. VARSITY |_> Cycle ',Vorl;s. 413 ^i aJ:na Avenue. T.iromo. We have our friendships, our affec- tions, our interests in each other' but our real lives we must live by our- selves. I NO LONGER SUFFERS writes Mr. M. SL_ Thousands My coi r _ tioo, liver trouble, indi- gestion, gas end overnight with" Frun- . lives." Nerves quiet. Get "Fniit-4-tji from druggist today. TORPID LIVER INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION NERVOUSNESS HEADACHE 1 !"' GIVE CONFIDENCE TO YOUNG MOTHERS CHICKS 20 Famous Breeds to choose from. Send nick catalog: it has valuable miormauun on orooillue chicks. 7m Box 307-W, EIBCI. Oat. Lacking Somewhere Buttons are plenty, and thread Is cheap. Yet bachelors look forlorn. Because they lack the skill or tie knack Or woman to sew them on. The horse is man's best friend un- til he bets on him. Nurses Wanted Tlie Toronto Hotint.il for Incurables. In affiliation with Bellevne and AllarJ Hospitals, Nw York City, offers a Thr Year'* Course of Training to Yonnff Women, havtnjr tbe required education. , and desirous of becocuinfr r.urici. W.s , Hoipi.al lias adopted the iz'ir-hour i yitein. Tba rmpili receive uniform* of I the School, a monthly allowance and travelling' expeniH to and front Vow York. Tor further particulars write or apply to the Superintendent. -"Go thee to cold Shule, to Muila The pods will call thee to Vaihalla; ' Markland, He'iulaml, and Vinland Shall se- thce, my brave son Mirand. Only Vikings brave and true Are in the sagas hero remembered; Think of Beowulf, of Tiu, These are mentioned, not lik>; Flem- berd. j Flemberd was a coward ; thou Would do better, O, my son, To turn towards Beowulf thy prow, And then follow, follow on. Go thou rolling, go sea-hiking, Roaming, roving like a Viking. "Fear not, son! Be not like I; Go thou to the sea and die; Die in battle or at sea, But remember Fl&mbe 'd, me." Then the Norseman breathed his last, j Fell upon his couch and died; And Mirand forgot his past, Tried rouse his mother's pride. All his hamlet kept the advice ' Of old Flemberd to his son, 'Turned their prows to Beowulf, And then followed on ard on. And Mirand cried anon, sea-hiking: "Now I'm dying like a V.King-'' Minard's Checks Falling Hair. LIVE NOW A famous French philosopher once said that in every man's life there are but three important events; namely, birth, life and death. Of our birth, said he, we are not conscious: we ne- glect to live; and we die in pain. To be sure, this is a rather gloomy as- pect, but it contains food for thought. Over the first and last events we have but little- control. In obedience to the immutable law of nature, we come and go the way of all life. Our chief concern, therefore, should be that we do not neglect to live. "If criticism is unfounded it fails of Itself, and if well founded It results to mutual advantage." Ciulio Gatti- Casazza, A simple am; safe remedy for the common ills of babyhood and child- hood should be kept in every home where there is either a baby or a young child. Often it is necessary to ; give -he little ones something to break up a cold, allay fever, correct sour stomach, and banish the irrita- bility that accompanies the cutting of teeth. Experienced mothers always keep Baby's Own Tablets in the home as a <afesuard against the troubles that seize their little ones so suddenly and : the young mother can feel reasonably I safe with a box of these Tablets at 1 hand and ready for emergencies. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but I thorough laxative that act without gripping and they are absolutely : guaranteed free from opiates or other harmful drun". They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ' cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont The Naval Conference ;;,o r e Free Pre-s: If we have in the end to regret the failure of the main aim of the Conference a failure the political effects of which may be even more far reaching than the naval effects we can still feel that as far a-> America and ourselves are concern- ed a real understanding has been reached which must powerfully In- fluence all future naval policy in re- spect to fleet construction. That is a great advance, because whatever may be said the fact remains that now and ' for many years to come the United I States and Great Britain will be In UIP position of active rivals. They will, it may be hoped, always be will- ingly friendly rivaX and an impulse towards such friendship must be pro- vided by the removal of all doubts and misunderstand:::-* a- r their respective naval i>< FOR SALE FIVE D.C. MOTORS 4. ". 1'ii * and 8 Horsepower, all In good condition. Cheap for immediate sale. H. Watkins. 73 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. Base Ball Baseball players use Minard't for stiffness, strainet 1 ligaments and bruises. They also recom- mend it as a rubdow i. Heal the Sprain with Minard's. W i I I r Fbi- Trouble* due to Acid INDIOt r| O N TOMACH Reduce the Acid Our presciuday cusl, ai cf throwing r!co over the happy wedded pair as they lean the bride's home as man and wife romes down to us from the Persian. Rice, the emblem of fruitful- ness, has played an important role In Persian marriage ceremonies from time Immemorial. Cuticiira Talruni .1 til iir flic , , Prophtllurlir M-'ragrant an<f KttrvihtMjf ttlr.il kln uml Rah? Powder. A il.-li perfuma for Iho kia after bathiug. -5c. ercrynbere Sample l i . Cutit-ura," Box 2616, Montreal, < .M i.l. Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean excess acid. The stomach aerves are over-stimu- lated. Too much acid makes the stom- ach and Intestines sour. Alkali kills acid instantly. The best form Is Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia, be- cause one harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times its volume In eld. Since its Invention, 60 years go, it has remained the standard with physicians vrj;where. - Take a spoonful iu water and your unhappy condition will probably end in flva minutes. Then you will always know what to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go, prove this for your own sake. It may save a great many d 'agreeable hours. Be sure to get the geuulne Phillips' Milk of M-agnesta prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tionsany drugstore, DON'T SUFFER WITH DANGEROUS INDIGESTION Do you suffer after meals with a belching, from sour and acid stomach ? Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble with fear, expecting any minute to drop dead. This condition can be prevented, likewise relieved. Take Carter's Little Liver Pills after meals and neutralize the gases. Sweeten the sour and acid stomach, re- lieve the gas and encourage digestion. The stomach, liver and bowels will be cleansed of poison, painful and dangerous indigestion disappears and the system enjoys a tonic effect. Don't delay. Ask your druggist for a 25c i Urter'i Little Livr fill*. Hotel laundries are timliiig that In many cases pillow-cases are badly damaged by the cosmetics and hair- dye used by visitors; these get on to the bed-linen, which rots when wash- ed. Passenger "Have I time to say i good-bye to my wife?" Conductor ! "I don't know, sir. How long have ! you been married?" A Different Woman / lni v"it plfunin in inf.r-nint t/vu 'hat Snuehtn 'tin harr uvrknt uvndrn far me. I hart bttn J iirral tuffertr <it lirrr and iciJnfir tnit:r. imi i.'lrr trying ant bMt I am a diffrrrnt uvrwin. / '"''' to jut up -nit tctTC. but thanKt to Kr'tichtn .Saiff / dm back at irort again, ami I <n my ton i lilllt errry morning, and I don't near ot the .inl eomp/uinU m<tr u-Airt a flnlt generaun am. Ht, t* *rmtr and bni/Mrr. / kaMMCMWl a map-that at ion ind trlf. I 'tm 4;l yrars, Vv yean. I thait >ifi<ny kuhl\t rttammrni Kntichm, and I uvula nut Ht u ithinit turn mvuV in hurra." Mr.) M. I'. OrislOfcl ftur TO 3! for IBapfCttoa. Kniwhen Salt l obtainable t dniR n<l department tton-s In Canada at 7.V. a bottn, \ i,.,t'U- '-.'titans '.lough to last (or 4 or iniuitiis >:>xl nx-alUi lor Uall-a-teat a <J Married man: "Why don't you get <Est. married, Miss Perkins? You are get-, 1903 '' ting to look like a 'back number'; you i will soon be an old maid.'" Miss Per- kins: "If I were as easy to please as your wife was, I would have been mar- ried long ago." BICYCLE 3 BOAIITS lest '::.! I' 1 . U'Wi'st OSt. $10 up. Transpor- ., t.iti.'n paid. Write ,for free illustr:it- *>! '-at ll-'K 1 !''. Hl- cyrl.-s. supplies. at - Ue prices. FEERLrSS BICYCLE WORKS 1 191-3-5 Duiulas Street West, Toronto <abies FRET There are times when a baby is, too fretful or feverish to be lung to sleep. There are some pains a mother cannot pat away. But there's no time when any baby can't have the quick comfort of Castoria ! A few drops, and your little one is soon at ease back to sleep almost before you can slip away. Renumber this harmless, pure vegetable preparation when chil- dren are aili. Don't stop its use when Baby has been brought safely through the age of colic, diarrhea, and other infantile ills. Give good old Castoria until tour children are in their teens! Whenever coated tongues tell of constipation ; whenever there's any sign of sluggishness that needs no stronger medicines to relieve. Castoria is pleasant-tast- ing ; children love to take it. Buy the genuine with Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on wrapper. Daughter Is Stronger Now "My daughter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed two or three days at a rime. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her a bottle of Vegetable Com- pound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining in weight and every way. I told the neighbors and four other girls are taking it with good results." Mrs. Clar- ence Jenkirtson, Box 14, Thorn- lot, Ontario. Lydia E, Pinktiam's Vegetable Compound im Med. Cf.. lynv Mu< U S. nfcottf 0lrif. C -j 1 ISSUE No. 2030

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