taiiW fir SM eWMiwi 'â- WUBMkW VlCTfflS â- »•«"•«"« st»dy of Empi,.-. w„ nm. !>,«,« McaoiDtr, U2I. BMur Mr. Bdltor:â€" yor Mm* 7«ani put tb« work th»t fhla Hospital kM bMS abl* to do lor tko fltUMrta ot Ontario baa btta «arloail7 enuapad tbrovcb tack ot •pae*. A vaiat wu raacbetf wbera tb* Tnuwaa bad to daetda whotber iu aorTle* aboald ba raatrlctad to tkc ntmoGt number ot "Sick Kid*" whom It conld provide wltb eoti or iVbatbar It abonld add to tta room. Tbaro ar* many youngatera lutter- iBg from afnictlons ot the spine and lolnta, whom only many long moatha «aB reitor* to health and atrengtb. . Xadlcal eara will help; but what they principally need la tresh air and sonshtna. Hitherto the Hospital tor Sick Children baa looked after â- neb children in an Institution clof' by a city playground, where more fortanate boya and girla enjoy their ' sports. Imagine their plight, lying month after month listening to the shonts and laughter of other children. In October last, the Hospital tor Blck Children opened its country annex deroted to youngsters whose one chancer to hare their limbs â- tralghtened or their bodiea built up must be in some place where they hare sunshine and fresh air plaa nursing care and medical attention. On a height of land near Weston,' away from the mnrk ot the city, children are winning their way back to health in an environment of sun- ahtne, pure breezes and qnlet. The country hospital at Thistle- town la a God-send for ehlldrea whom It will take a long time ta enra. It also IJberatea a bnndrad eou la the parent Instltntloa for ydnngsters who ean be set right tn a abort time if quickly given coo- â- Unt attention. So the HoapiUl for Blck Children has now two doors to keep open day and night to every •lass, eolor and creed. For more tban halt a century tba Hospital baa depended for Its very existence apoa the public responsa lo its annual appeal which, being la behalf ot eblldren. Is appropriately made at Ctarlatmaa time. For over fifty years tha H.F.S.C. baa been •nabled to make both ends meet by the donatlona of Its friends, whether aucb be a d<41ar or an endowment But the end of 1928 flnda it wltb many large bills to pay for its aew venture. To its old friends the Hospital for Blck Children once more appeals. It la becauae ao many of your readers are included la that ever-growing circle, that I trespass upon rour •pace to remind them that it waa their generosity in the past that em- boldened the Hospital's Trustees to bnild tor the future. With an extra effort stimulated by a new need, eannot the Income ot the "Sick Rids" be put once more abreast of Its urgent needs? Falthfviily yours. IRVING E ROBKRTSON, Chairman Appeal Committee. Hero-Spirits Still yie race of Iiero-spirits Pass the lamp from baud to hand, Age Jfi'om age the Word inherits Wife, and Child and Fatherland. â€" Charles Kingsley. Can Find Relief ThrmiKh litiild- ing Up the lilood Pain is the symptom of r'lieumatisnr that every victlin rfecoKnlzes, and he generally attributes thn trouble to cold, damp or changeable weather. But doctors know that thin blood is u marked characteristic of the trouble. Trying to cure rbeumatiHm while th<^ blood remains tbln and poor is an im- possible task because there is nothing to build on. A tonic like Dr. WiUiain.s' Pink Pills that enriches the blood and frees it from poisonous impurities soon Ifanisbes rheumatism from the system. So long as the blood is main- tained in a healthy condition the trouble will not return-. This is not theory. It has been proved in hun- i dreds of cases; here is one: â€" Mr. I J. W. Rose, R.R. 2, Albany, P.E.I. . says: â€" "For some years I was a great sufferer from rheumatism and al- I though I tried a great many remedief;, I did not get any permanent relief until after I took Dr. Williams' Pink I Pills. The trouble was located mostly â- In nfty shoulders, 'and at times was so bad that my right arm was almost j useFess. X>t course I suffered much I pain and great inconvenience. My : attention was directed to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through an advertisement I in our newspaper, and I decided to try them. I took <1ie pills according to directions with the result that the rheumatism has left me, and I have never had a twinge of it since. If this meets the eye of any rheumatic suf- ferer my advice is try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once," You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., BrockvlUe, Ont. Crowded Qties Are ''Sign of Decay" Mussolini Starts Gimpaigfn Against Migration from Country Homes YOW FAMirS GHARACTEMSnCS TOLD BY THE EVES WHICH PAREHT DO THE CHILDREN TAKE AFTER? Color and shape of the eyes uuUcata disposition, temperament and ance^ tiy. Blue eyes come from Nortbera Ancestry. In the Celtic Races, eyes of iuzel gray predominate. People of Soutbera Ancestry are invariably dark - eyed and of brunette com- plexion. Wlwt color are your eyesf EYES ALSO DENOTE THE CONDITION OF YOUR HEALTH Whatever be their color or natural uparlile, their beauty is marred if tboy are dulled by poor condition of liver or headaches, or biliousness arising from constipation. The whites of the eyes should be dear and slightly bluish. If they show a yellow Unge you need a laxative. to nddresd a mass nieetlnK tor election. FINANCIAL NEWS Briand Cleared of Matchmaking A Noranda Querle In the quarter ended September I 30th, 1928, it cost . Utah Copper Co. I 6.1 cents to produce a pound of the : red metal, while in the .«ame period It cost Nevada Consolidated 7.89 Re -1 J U D cents per pound. The next annual ur. ors i>piked_by Komance report of Noranda Mlue.s, Ltd., which of Francoise and should appear in Febiuary will give Christopher - *" '''"'^ °^ ^°^ "*^^ '^'^^ "'^^^' Canadian Ilome.â€" Premier Benito Mu&so!ini lias started a vigorous campaiprn against th» recent wide migration from country homes to crowdeii cities of Italy and demanded that all Fas- cists join in halting the exodus from rural regions. The premier's war cry wfis ejc pressed in an article ho wrote ; for Popolo d'ltalia, chief Fascist journal. Mussolini asserted the tendency of Italians to abandon countrj' homes ! and to increa.«e the size of cities until the housing problem has become acute ! was a "sig^ of deoay." He set June , 30, 103O, as the date by which Fas- cists must settle the 'back-to-the- ; land campaign.. ; The article, signed by the premier, j said the migration since 1922 has re- j suited in the- building of "whole cities" ! almost outriglit »nd said that it was • absurd to believe the housing prob- lem can be solved as long as such a : tendency exists. j He said the first half of 1928 found .was marked by the migration of 68,- , 621 persons â- from rural districts to I 1 eight of the larger cities of the na- JL -i-i SMPâ€" ^1â€" n «i I tion. .Sylvanite from $2.30 to $2.57 audi "These figures are not a sign of Tetk IluKhea from $S.G1 to $8.81. i power as a few imbeciles may be- .â- \verage prices were lower for both ! lieve," he said, "but are the surest of the gold copper stocks, .\mutet fell indication of decay. They explain why from $3 to $2.S3 and Noranda from the housing problem cannot be solved $54. (io to $5.'!. ! unless the present system is changed." i In the silvei- and miscellaneous: The premier said Italy could not! group the average price of Caniagas afford to spend many millions of dol- 1 rose from $2.80 to $3 and Mining Cor- lars in building in the cities and must poration from $3.12 to $3.27. i find better investments. | Lake Shore _ j "T^o watchword for Italians in all i " u lo ,.„,>^,.. ,1 .!,„» ..„„,„„., („„ I ranks" of life must be to facilitate the! It is >npoitod that, commeac ng ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^.^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ .^,^^ ^, ^ gg^,,^, g^,,.^^^ ^^^ j ^^^.^ 3teP; ,.,,.__ . .. , ._'„ru. LLOYD GEORGE ELECTlONEERIf\fG Leaving Euston Station with his' daughter Megan for .\shton-under Lvne W. C. Grct'nwood, Liberal candidate in a by NATURE'S LAXATIVES ARE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES But sometimes a diet of fruit and vegetables is too slow in its action â€" you need prompt relief. Then take Beecham's Pills. They are vegeUble In composition and contain in concen- trated form the equivalent laxative value of fruits and vegetable* â€" safe and certain. BEECHAMf PILLS Talw â- rasular jailr cotvM at OMcham'a Pillt lot a Bh»n patiad Xm* CTM wiU MM J VtgtuUt Pniaci B-( n£»a i^nwrad haaltk Maid (seeking new post) â€" "Yes, I "Those darned socks!" exclaimed the husband angrily as he threw them across the room. "What's the mat- ter with them?" demanded his wife. "They're not darned," he growled. .ji "That's an old car 'of yours, Tom. How many summers has it seen?" "I don't know how many summers but it's had over fifteen springs since I've bought it!' ^.^ Paris. â€" The announcement that Prin- cess Francoise of France, second daughter of the Duke de Guise, would marry Prince Christopher of Greece, cleared Aristide Briand, France's Foreign Minister, of the charge of royal matchmaking. WTien rumors of the princess's en- gagement first began to fly, M. Briand was accused of having arranged a match between the princess and King Boris of Bulgaria. He denied the ac- cusation. The formal announcement that a marriage has been arranged between Princess Francoise and Prince Christopher is supposed to climax a true love affair between the twenty-six-year-old princess and the forty-year-old prince. No ministerial connivance is suspected. Christopher, a prince of both Greece and Denmark, was the husband ot the wealthy widow of W. B. Leeds, of Cleveland, sometimes called the tin- plate king. Mrs. Leeds became the Princess Anastasie upon her -marriage. She died three years later. December 1st, Lake Shore will o..c„ ; , ,. up production to $500,000 monthly and i ,^."*"? force if necessary, and to cook, or wash or aew or wash-up or that two adidtional tube mills are be- !''*â„¢P^'' '» ^' ^^y*' including force, I i-'lean shoes, or polish, and I must go !n\ i'tstalS to"r.i a^irSd The!^''? abandonment of fields or country-- out as much as possible." Registry now said ; ^"l* generally." When your Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at timed. AU your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would jSoâ€" What most phygiclana wo\jld tell you to doâ€" glte a few drops of plain Castoria. Mo sooner done tban Baby !â- soothed; relief is lust a matter ot noments. Yet you have eased your cblld without use of a single doubtful drug; Castoria Is regetable. So It's safe to use as often as an Infant haa any little pain you cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the cnieler pangs ot colic, or constipation, or dlu^ rbea: effective, too, tor older clUldren. Tirenty-flT« mllUon bottlea koucltt last year. CASTORIA Second Chances The hedge has many buds; the rose Will bloom and bloom and bloom again; The clematis profusely shows In clusters at the window-pane; Hoping in one or other way, In one or other happy hour. To find the Incomparable spray, The perfect flower. But not to man the high go(Js give A score of lives, ranged side by side. That one of many may achieve, Howe'er the others be denied; He has one flower, and one alone. And if the facts a canker send, Or if it fall for lack of sun. It is the end. â€" J. M. in the London Observer. Canadian Wheat for India Ottawa, Canada. â€" Another market for Canadian wheat, the excellence of which is attested by the fact that it has won the world championship at the International Grain and Hay Show 14 times in the last 17 years, iias Just been opened by a shipment of 285,725 bushels from Vancouver, B.C., to India. This is the first time wheat grown In Canada has been sent to that country, which Is one of the principal wheat growing coun- tries of the world. Another shipment /Of 235,000 bushels leaves Vancouver for Calcutta In December. Canada's agricultural wealth is esti- mated at $7,820,000,000 and the amount of capital invested In agricul- ture, the basic industry of the Do- minion is about $3,800,000,000. • Company will perform by way of costs per pound. Being a much smaller produce^ at present than Utah of Nevada, net. costs will doubtless be higher, possibly 10 cpnts per pound. On the other hand, the aver- age content of Noranda'a ore now be- ing produced is 4 to 6 times that of its big contemporaries in copper alone. Then there is the higher gold content 1 of Koranda's ore, which will be velvet It is anticipated tliat when Noran- 1 da's new shaft Is completed and the j ricli "H" ore body Is drawn on, smel- 1 ter facilities will be doubled, giving the company a capaitity of 4.800 ton.s daily. Average niillheads may also be stepped up, unless, the company proposes to mill low-grade ore,, with the rich. 1 The second unit of the smelter will go into production early next year. This should incruase daily output to 2,400 ton.s. Nor.inda's first .smeller unit is doing more than double its rated capacity, and the second unit, i wlien it comes in, may be expected to do the same. ' The market Is likoly to be pretty bare of news on Noranda between now an dthe publication of tile annual re- port. Intimation.s have been made, however, that directors "are keeping good news for the report." In view of what has taken place this year and what Is taking place now. the state- ment should prove a brilliant doeu- I ment. with some senastional aspects. How will profits work out? What will ore reserves show? Weighted Index Number of 17 IVIJning Stocks for 1926 Ecuals 100. The weighted index of 17 mining j stocks, computed by the Dominion I Bureau of Statistics on the base 19211 j equals 100, was 114.7 for the week 'ending November 15lh. as compared I with 11G.9 for the week ending Xo- [vember 8th. Gold copper stock represented by , Noranda and .Amulet fell from 2SS.4 to 283.2. Eleven gold stocks rose from 5.2 to 66. fotindations of these are to be in pr.ocess of being poured. It is further stated that, an adidtional filter will be taken in. At the lowest levels of the mine two new, almost solid, quartz veins are said to have been discovered. These two breaks are reported to be 40 feet in width. Toronto Weekly Bank Clearings The bank clearings in the city of Toronto for the week ending Nov. 22, 192S amounted to $181,786,122, an In- crease of $28,516,541 over the corre- j sponding period last year and an in- crease of $56.!IS1,73D as compared with the previous week of this year. Week 1927 1928 Britain Abandons Claim to Islands in South Atlantic Office Officialâ€" "But you will never get a post like that." Maid â€" "That Is all you know â€" I have alii^ady had five in six days." ^ Classified Advertisements â-²STIBTB' STTPFZaSS. Norwegians Free to Develop 'â- »»'*"''^',?,,„ W haling Near Bouvet and Thompsoft Islands Nov. Nov. Nov. lOlh l.'!l.S05,.S27 17th 149.024. C.fil 24th 15:i,2liU,5Sl 1S8,:!17,5S0 121.,S(M.:!Sn i,Sl,7Sl!,122 i l^ondon. â€" The withdrawal of the j British claim to Bouvet and Thomp- son Islands in the south Atlantic leaves the Norwegians free to further develop the whaling activities in that rt-'ilion. .Apart from two British and one .â- \rgentine company, the whole ant-_ arctic whaling trade is in the hands' of Norv,-c<rians, and latterly thsy have earned dividends "ranfring from 25 to nearly 00 per cent, though they can ^ only operate some four months yearly. In spito of all i)i'ecautions liltle ones .'\ccording to a report to the League will take coldsâ€"especially during the of Nations by Dr. Jose Leon Suarez of KT1.ST BRCSUKS, COLORS, PA- I'liKS, canvas. Copipiete line ur;tlst ^Y^ltel for catalogue Christ- for tianil coloring. C R. Crowle.v Limited, 13S5 St. Catherine West. Montreal. «S1 1 K ''*^'* POUND UP. TWENTY- wX**'0 one samples free. Stocking* â- Vui.i iiiiis. Dept. 1, OrlUia. Ont. ATENTS Ll.st of 'Wanted Inventions" iiod Full 1 !:rt'r-..i:ition Sent Free on ReqliHs; TBXi BAMSAY CO., Dept. W. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa, Ont. WHEN YOUR BABY CATCHES A COLD Children Liks So Will You Among the gold sloiks the average Williams weekly prices behaved as follows: Ont. â€" Hollinger fell from $9.06 to $8.85. j Mclntyre from $20..19 to $1!>.S2, Lake Shore f^om $20.(j4 to $19.02 and â- Wright-Hargreaves from $2.G3 to : $2.74. Dome rose from $8.43 to $8.61. changeable days of our Fall .sea.sou. When the first symptoms appear â€" sneezing, roduess of the eyes, running nose â€" Baby's Own Tablets should be given at once. They will rapidly break up the cold and jirevent more serious ' complications. I Mothers who keep a box of Bab.v's "Own Tablets in the home alwnys feel ' safe. In fact they are like having a doctor in the house. iThey are a gentle but thorough la.\utive that ' sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels, thus driving out constipation \.i,j,.y" and indigestion and relieving the baby of the many childhood ailments which are the direct, result of a clog.yed con- dition of the bowels or sour^stomacb. They are absolutely safe â€" being guar- anteed lo conlaiu no drug at all harm- ful to even the youngest buhe. They cannot possibly do harm â€" they always do good. 1 Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by -mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Buenos .A.ires, whales are raciiily be ing e.Nterminated, sofne 1.5 to 20 per cent, beintr destroyed yearly. Hitherto the British Government ha,-; demanded .i royalty on thi- whale oil produced rvv.id Bouvet I.sli.nd, as it .still does or. 'hat from the Falk- land Islands â€" a practice which Dr. Suarez desci^ibc I in his rep-irt # -. being "very doubtful legally," and as "<iuite inadequate" to prevent the ex- termination of whales by a process which, he said, was "veritable but At ihe first sicn Cold, buy "Buckley's". The first dose does two thinca relieves tlie coukH instantly and delurhts the taste. UiiTorent from all other remedies for Couchs. Colds. Bronchitis. Prevents "Flu". Pneumonia and all Throat and Lune troubles. Sold everywhero under money-refunded euarsntee. W. K. Bnckle.T. Limited, 142 Mutnal St.. Torontu 2 MiXTURB 5U Acu /ike a /loijiâ€" a single sip proves ic 7.>c and 40c Medicine Co., Brockville, ' It is reported that one of the fastidi- ous newly-married ladles of this town kneads bread with her gloves ou. This incident may be somewhat peculiar, but there are others. The editor of this paper needs bread with his shoes on, he needs bread with bis shirt on; he needs bread with his pants on; and unless the delinquent, subscribers pour up before long lie will need bread without a damn thing on. Cutieura Toilet Preparations D.lighlfuIN fr.gr.Bl. highlr .I'Teloped tollM .ccewiriM-. mo.l relLhle ll>elhod|f •leanung "id be.ullfiing the .kin nnU h.iT. aSc. each eTerT»hrr«? â€" Samples frrr of "CaUcora," B«i 2616, Montre.1, »Jmi.U«. "The WaU That Canada BuSt.*' Brooklyn Eagle: Nearly twenty rears have passed since the Canadian Conservatives themselves killed a re- ciprocity scheme worked out by the Taft AdmlntotraUon and the Laurler Government. As matters stand, Can- ada now grants reciprocity more than it did then, and the United States wants It less. ... In other words, Canada made its own bed, in the mat- ter of tariffs, and may have to repose In It for some time to come. Tarltf proponents, there as elsewhere, tailed to consider that conditions might change. \ $13-25 OCEAN FARE TO CANADA for- the Wives and Families of British Subjects Children under 17 yearsâ€" FREE Apply at once to : : CANADIAN SERVICK : : Cunard and Anchor -Donaldson Lines Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto. â€" or nearest agent I^et tho.se who bewail the "decadent â- youth" of this day ponder that "hot" pone written in ITfiO by the French ! Jurist and philosopher, Montesquieu: [ "It is not the young people who de- generate: they are not spoiled till i those of mature age are already sunk : in corruption." Winter Sports Winter sportj^meu lind Min- ard's ideal for taking the soreness out of bruised muscle-i. Try a bottle. • â- \ vT Mlnard't Liniment fer CliaMed Hamlaii ISSUE No. 48 â€" '28 Novice: And how .Mhould 1 play the 19th hole? Pro.: I think you'd belter stick to iced tea! * â€" ^ Strawberry Production The largest proportion ot Canadian strawberry production is consumed in the Dominion. In addition Canada Im- ports ahout 3,000,000 pounds of straw- berries annually. 4> "What did mama's little baby learn at school to-day?" "I learned two klds' not to call me 'mama's little baby'." Minard'a Liniment far Grippe. '$m. .ofMAe/Vtj INOIOtSTlON ACIO »TOI*«CM MBAICTBUIIM MBAD*CM» nA«l£6'NAUS»A Reduce the Acid sick stomachs, sour stomachs and Indigestion usually mean excess acid. The stomach nerves are over-etimu- lated. Too much acid makes the stom- ach and Intestines sour. Take a spoonful in water and yoif unhappy condition will probably en* In Ave minutes. Then you will alwaya know what to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go Alkali kills add Instantly. The best â- prove this for your own sake. It may form Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, because one harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times Its volume In aoid. Since Its Invention, SO years ago. It has remained the stabdurU with Hhyslclans everywhere. i save a great many disagreeable houn. I Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians tor 60 years In correcting excess acids. Bach bottle contains full dlree- [ tlons- -vvy drugstore.