Flesherton Advance, 5 Dec 1928, p. 5

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mmmBorzssssscsiz THE FLESHERTON ADVANCF/ WEDNESDAY. DECEMBEB S. *» i \ Sending Mon«y by Mail Send your ronittaaecs by Caoadua Bank of Comaierca Moaey OHan. Thay are coBTuiieBt, •ffidcnt, aad •coDomicaL The inoaey U faUy ia* aored agaiaat Iom or theft ia tadH ait It can each only the pevaoa to whom it is iddrfmcd. Caoadiaa Bank of Commerce) Money Ordan are as good as cash aadare accept- able anywhere in Canada. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (with aiMcA U umrityiiiâ€" 111 ^ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA | Job ColgaD Passes After Slwrt M Mr. John Jamea Colgan of Flesh- ertoa died on Friday of last week at the ace of 74 years. Mr. Colgan was only ill a short time with pleurisy, I and although getting up in years, hie psss in g was quite onezpeeted. The funeral took place on Monday to Ffeshertod cemetery. Revs. Sam- ders and Hsrrower officiating. The deceased gentleman was born in Am- aranth township and came with hia parents to Osprey. residing en the Mrs. W. Gibsoo Dies u»iBg &di Faniy Your Xmas Cake CP JL TIME TABLE Trains leav* Flesberton Station as toUowB: Goinc Seatk Going Nortb 8.08 ajn. 11JS2 ajo. 4.10 a.m. 8JSa pjn. 8.31 p.m. 4.SS pjtt. The maib clesa at Reaherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 ajc saoth at 8.30 For morning train eonth nail closes at 9.00 pja. the previooa evening. Local Hd Personal 5 Pages Home Print This Issue This week we are issuing five pagej of home print, as adver- tising of local stores is heavy. Each week until Christmas five pages will be printed. The week of December l&th we are issuing our special Christmas number, which we hope will be well re- ceived by our subscribers. Read the advertisments ant* visit the stores that invite yc-u to call. 4th line Forty-two â-  years ago he married Miss Indiana Badgerow, by whom there were seven children, all living and married except the young- est: Sanah (Mrs. C. Hindle) of Ar- temesia; Margaret (Mrs. C. Mills) of Dundalk; John, near Maxwell; Annie (Mrs. John McLean), Orange- ville; David, Strathroy; Jessie (Mto. Lazenvby) of Strathroy and Well- ington at home. The flowers consis- ted of a pillow bs the family, a weeath from son and son-in-law o! Strathroy, and a bouquet from Mrs. R. Mclntyre. Friends from a distance were Mr. Edward Colgan of Markdale, Andrew Colgan of Dundalk, Mrs. Joht. Currie of Toronto, and Margaret Badgerow of -Toronto. Mrs. Colgan desires us to express her thanks to Iriends for kindnesses and sympathy. r< > Shelled Walnuts, per pound Shelled Almonds, per pound Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. for . Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for ... Glace Cherries, per pound ... Currants* per pound Dates, 2 pounds for Citron Peel, per pound Lemon Peel, per pound Icingf Sugar, per pound Brovm Sug-ar, 10 lbs. for ... Stc S0C. 25«. 2Sc S5c X 2fc 22c 4t'. 25c 10c 59c SPECIAL FOR DECEMBER Peas, Corn & Tomatoes. 2 for 25c A Good Bread Flour $3.75 A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. | Store Closed Tuesday and Friday evenings McGEEâ€" BEATY. ROBERTS â€" MIDDLEXOK A quiet wedding was solemnized en Saturday, December 1st. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the par- sonage, Markdale, by Rev. A. Newton St. John, when Jacqueline Florence Theresa, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beaty, became the bride of Mr. Clifford Glenn McGee, young- est son of Mrs. MrGee, Flesherton, and the late Mr. J. J. McGee. The bride wore a becoming dress Shop where you are invited to shop. Just 20 more days till Xmas. Mail your Christmas parcels early. Miss G. Lever spent the week end in Toronto. j Do your Christmas shopping early;' ^ quiet, but pretty wedding took only 16 more shopping days. i place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' of powdre blue georgette and blai.'k Mrs. A. Watson and daughter left J- Bolderson, De^to Ave., Detroit, ' satin shoes. After the ceremony for Toronto on Saturday last. i on Saturday, November 17th, when M""- ^^ ^^^^- McGee left for a short Mr. Wilfred McMaster was home Ida May, oldest daughter of Mr. and '!"'^^^^ ^^' "'t L*"^' ^TJ'^'k? for s few davs last week from Mnalc. ., t, ., ,,-jj, i. ^ :, "> * brown broadcloth coat with sable lor a lew aays lasi weeK irom Musk- jjrs. R. M. Middleton was united In ^,i„,„;„„„ .„j *„!,. v,. egon, Mkh. . . »,u _ T, I-..* , -trimmings and felt hat- marriage to Albert Roberts, son of^ ^pon their return they will take the late Mr. J. Roberts and Mrs up residence on the groom's farm at Roberts of England. Rev. R. R.| Vandeleur. Brown officiated. The bride wore The roads are in very bad condition at present Mr. Roy Patton and family rf Dur- ham spent the week end in town. CONCERT AT ROCK MILLS a frpck of royal blue charmeuse and A few of the local boys enjoyed , ^^j^^ ^ bouquet of roses and car- , their first skate of the seasoi, on' ^i^^^s. She J^JiSt attended by her ^ ^^"^ ^*"t * "^^ *'«** ~"« *° Saturday last. 1 sister, Mrs. L. -«. O. Donald na]^^^ Christmas Concert, to be given Have the kiddies secure their cats | Matron of Honor. Mr. Evan Grif-I*'y *•»« P"?'^* '" ^^^ ^<^^*^^ ''""^ **" for the cat show in Flesherton on'fith of Detroit attended the groom. Th'^sday, December 20 at 8 p.r.i. Santa Claus Day. December 15th. \ ^,,„ , ,^ti„„ ^^ jance the!^'^"^'. *^^*'T''' '°°'''' ""''*"'"'' â-  I acrostics and pantomines and a one Miss Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound; happy couple left on a short holney-,^^^ . ^^^.^,^ ,,^^^ ^.^.^ p^^^^^.. spent the week end at her home in; moon. On their return they will ^,____t'_ - „ .__ ,. , , . ., „^. town. The merchant who serves the public to the best advant- age is the one who advertises. i Mr. Henry Howard spent a few! days in Markdale with his brother,' Will. j Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Gibson of Dur-j ham attencled the funeral- of ICie late Mrs. W. A. Gibson on Saturday of last week. Mrs. J. Cargoe was in Toronto last week as a delegate to the Women's Institute convention, returning home on Monday evening. Mr. Bob Meads of Tpo-onto spent the week end with his parents ami : * attended the funeral of his sister,' 5. the late Mrs. W. k. Gibson. ? David Wood will hold an auction] 5. sale of farm stock and implements ; v etc. on lot 30, Con. 10, Osprey. oni^ Wednesday, December 12. See bills. X W. Knitting, auctioneer. IS Mrs. Fred Stuart and son, Gordon.!^ accompanied by ,Mrs. (Dr.) Bibbylt motored to Campbellford last week 4« I I reside at 7440 De Soto Ave., is alive and Michigan. I D troit ! '^I"*''-' ^'' ^* supplied by the Rock ' i Mills Harmonica Band. Admission ' Aduits 25cts. and children lOcts. One of the saddest deaths that has , , oecarred here in a long time took \ ', place on Thursday last, when Mrs. ] | Wm. Gibson of Flesherton passed ' > away in Owen Sound hospital, after â-  > a very short illness from acute at- ' ', rophy of the liver. Mrs. Gibson wasl' | bom in Axtemesia and was the eldest < > child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meads, ' ! I respected residents of this village.!! ', She was only 40 years of age, and ! [ leaves a little family of six children, < | her husband having passed on bef ore < > her four years ago, after eleven years of happy married life. The children are Jack, Cecil, Pearl, Gor- don and Fred. The eldest is 14 years of age and the youngest 6. Since her husband's death Mrs. Gibson has ' ', *, kept her litth family together and''| resided here, coming here from Mark-; dale, where she had resided fcr some' years with her husband. She was a faithful member of St. John's United Church, and also of the Young La-' »»»»o»o»»»»o»»»»»»»»»»0 0»»»»0» >»»»0>0»»» l >» H >»♦»**»* •^'^ °?^* ^IT", . . . . ' Buried alive for over a month un- farmyard and its owner dares anyone The funeral took place on Saturday j^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^i^^^^^ ^^^^ , to catch it. The sow was buried m afternoon from the home of her fa- drop of water to quench its thirst, and ! the straw on threshing day and re- ther to St. Johns Church, and from i^^jy ^j^ ^o move, was the exper-' mained there until accidentally dis- there to Evergreen cemetery. Revs.i j^^ce of a sow belonging to J. Mansz,' covered by its owner 32 days later. Harrower and Saunders took charge ^ Heidelberg farmer. To-day thel of the service, the former preaching '• ^ninj^l is none the worse for its ex-j See the dog races in Flesherton on a most appropriate and powerful ser- ! pe^euce and is running around the Santa Claus Day. December 15th. mon taking for his subject the tribu-;^ ^ ^^^,^^^^^^^.^^^^„^,„^^^^^^^^^,^^ lations ot Job, and his lesson the a ^^.^ - - ~râ€"^ triumphs of steadfastness in the ser- I .^ „,â€" TDHi iilillllllj lLlilteariM*^' ^g^^^ ^ ^SB> % vice of God. Dr. Murray sang "The Homeland." The bier was profusely adorned with >nagnificent fSowers, many of the rarest chrysanthemums being in evidence. The floral offer- ings were: Pillow, from the family; spray, from the public school; spray, from the high school; spray from Mrs. R. Nixon and Miss L. Knox;' spray, from the young ladies' class' of St. John's church; spray, from' Mrs. R. Holdcn, Toronto; spray, from! Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gibson of of Durham; spray from Mrs. S. Sem-' pie; spray, from St. John's Sunday) School; spray, Mr. John Gibson, Sr."; spray. Miss Kate Gibson; spray. Mr.! and Mrs. John Oliver and Mr. and! Mrs. posqph .Oiiiver: large p-|low, i from a numbr cf citizens. There were also donations in cash from a] number of friends and neighbors,, who did not give flowers. Friends present from a distance'* were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, To-,S rcnto; Mr. Robert Oliver. Toronto; X Mr. Robert Meads, Toronto; Mrs. R. ? Holden. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ♦ Gibson and family, Durham: Miss $ Gertie McCulIough and Mrs. E. Mc-'$ CuUough. Owen Sound; Miss Vera'^ McGee, Mrs. S. Semple, Mr. John'^ Gibson and Miss Kate Gibson, all ol ^ !♦ X I I A Radio Xmas- A Year-Long Christmas There is just one gift that money cannot buy and only you can give Your Photograph on Have the sitting now atâ€" We handle the finest radio ^ sets (DeForest-Cross- | ley and Kolster) and 'S would be pleased to ^ have a talk with you 'k regarding the Radio % you promised the ? family for Christmas. ;|; Battery and battery- I i less sets at all prices •;' j to suit your purse. ^::| Markdale. I- The pallbearers were Mark Stew- ., art. John McDonald. W. A. Hawker..'^ Dr. Ottewell. Thos. Fish.^r and R. 5> Porteous. ' ** NOTICE OF MEETING. \ The annual meeting of the share- ^ holders of the Flesherton Rink Tor.;- S pany will he held in the Munshaw t House on Friday. Dec. 7th, it 8 o'- ? clock p.m. All shareholderj ai- re- j t quested to be present. X â€"0. W. PHILLIPS. Pies, i^ The ladicr and men expect to see ! who can put en the best concert on Thursd.i:- ard Friiay nights of next ' See bills.â€" Hockey Club. I week. I Christmas Stationery That Delights the Eye The very best stationer\- for Chrismas. at as- tonishing low jjrices. In all colors â€" with or without monograms. Sttaionery suitable for all kindsofcorrespond- ence â€" stationery to fit the individual needs of every person. Nothing that is not of the highest possibk- quality â€" nohing that is not at the lowest pos- sible price. A wonderful stock of the latest, newest, most attract- ive toys in the world, toys made here and others import- ed from far lands, on sale at record breaking prices. Toys and games that wil' suit the individual needs ot your growing boy or girl. C. N. Richardson Dniggisl :â- : FLESHERTON ,.x~>.xk-:~x~K''K~:~:~:~>>*:~x~:~:~>->':"X*': I and visited relatives, returning Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland went to Toronto on Monday afteriv>on. Mrs. Holland had not been enjoying « I lately W. A. HAWKEN Electric Phoio Gallery and Music Store Store open evenings until Xmas the best of health consult a specialist. Misr Fraser of the high school staff has been laid up with an attack of flu and has been unable to attend to her duties during the past two weeks. The L. 0. B. A. will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening of this week, in their lodge rooms. Members are requested to attend as a bail will be packed for the Or- phanage. Mrs. Robt. McMaster was taken seriously ill last week end was tak- en to the Owen Sound hospital on Saturday. At the time of writing it is not known just what the trouble is. but we hope her ailment is not of a serious nature. Moat toads in the country are in very bad condition at the present time owing to the extended rains during the fall. A heavy fall of; anew came and during the past few days has been melting rapidly. In » trip to Thornbury over the week!* pL,___ f.(\ •ad we experienced the worst roads , , rnonc UV â- mm Kave ever encounteT^d. This was i b *twJIn Heathcote and Clarksburg. ?^^^^^^^^XX^^^^Xv^♦♦♦♦♦*♦^^♦♦♦*^♦^^««♦**'^♦<^*^^^ i Quality & Service! Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c X 1-2 tin cut Mixed Peel 15c | Walnuts, per pound 55c | Almonds* per pound 55c S Dates. 2 lbs. for :. 2Sc Fresh Mincemeat 0>-ster Shells. 10 lbs. for 25c Cooking Apples, (Kings) per basket 55c. Perkins & Freeman GROCERS. ^1 X CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS The largest and prettiest selection we have ever offer- ed for Xmas. Single Handkerchiefs Priced From 5 cts to $ 1 .00 Handkerchiefs in Fancy Gift Box 29 cts. to $1,25 per box Fine Lawns, Pure Linens, Crepes and Silks in white and colors, plain hemstitched and fancy edges, cut work, applique and colored embroidered patterns. Til diis season's import from Irish and Swiss makers. Make your selection early while the assortment is at its best. I it MANY ARE BUYING NOW *\ii ^~y^f-W i».:^ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. I

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