Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1928, p. 3

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\im\ OF niDHE AGE Need Rjch, Red Blood to Main, tain Good Health fTnancial NEWS :j Out in Rain Without Umbreila It was estlmiited early this week After passing the age of forty •rery woman has reason to grow anxious about her health. This time Of trial, with Its attacks of falntness •nd fits of depression. Its often violent that the short Interest In Wall Street headaches and back pains Is rightly i„ Nickel must amount to at least dreaded by women; but If reasonable lOO.OOO shares. With the market weak steps are taken to safeguard the for a brief period. It would seem as health, no serious Ill-effects will arise, thout.h the shorts had Increased At this turning point In life Dr. Wil- ,-athcT than drawn in their lines, as Hams' Pink Pills have given a helping there w." i not much opportunity for hand to thousands of suffering women them to cover at yesterday's low lev- who were lighting a hopeless battle ^is. if this Is the case their po.sition against poor health and waning jg unenviable, to say the least, for the strength. situation is that the stock which tUey The very best help for any woman have sold short is being called for of middle age Is the health help given deposit immediately. It does not ap- by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pear likely that anyone who had had pills reinforce the blood supply, en- riching and purifying It. In doing this they nourish the starved and over- taxed nerves and give new strength and vitality to the whole system. By this natural process Dr Williams' Pink Pills completely dispel all pains enough confidence in Nickel lo stay with it through the somewhat stormy going that has obtained recently, will hold up their deposits of stock to ac- commodate those who have sold it short and done their best to destroy confiednce in the company itself, and and -weakness, and a better, happier ^n the factor.^ that have gone to in condition of health and .spirits arises, i gp,re confidence in the stock. Share- Every woman of middle age should holders will immediately start deposit- take advantage now of the wonder- j^g (heir stock, and it looks as though ful health-help of Dr. Williams' Pink ^ the short would have to stand some Pills. They are sold by all medicine waning for orrowed stock. They, will dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 _ guher have to buy in their lines or r,,... ,^. Williams ; foj. (he next few days will be some- cents a box Medicine Co. by The Dr. Brockville, Ont. ^ New Attnu:tion for the Autoist is good tea If you waxat the very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pekoe In clean, bright Aluminum 17 Classified Advertisements RUG YARN Dcpt. 1. urilUa Ont. rwE.Nrv. SLue-.i.ui; A f V':".^.'? ."'-^-N'TKX) TO DO PLAIN G1 a A T 1 .S. . I.ITTI.E FRIEND TO r either se.\) mailed In iilain eiivelope. l^aiis -Specialty Co., easier 2423. Modlt- renl. Que. Empire Producing Much Raw Cotton LETS SUN SHINE IN WHILE ON THE OPEN ROAD A new automobile device at the Olympia i-how enables the top of a car what slim, although, of course, the j to be opened with a turn of a handle. It may be put b^ck In its place shorts can make adjustments with equally as easily by reversing the lever on the side of the driver's seat, the certificates of deposit. The fact that London is a heavy buyer of the new stock at 3:1. indicatini; a value of nearly 200 for the present stock, na- turally cannot offer much consolation Manitoba Free Press (Lib.): (A ,_ „ delegation from British Columbia is Industry Will Soon Be Self- ^°!: ,*^°',! Z,° '^ themselves short, urging the Government to ask Aus- Cnr^tiirioA WUKm I imits , h ^ ^^^^ mteresting situ- : trfilia for further tariff concessions.) L-Ontained Within Limits ^ ation. and appearances are that "those Propositions made by Canada to Aus- of British Territory i Canadians have scored again Uralia looking to enlarged opportuui- London-The British Empire now â- ^'"â- Â°"*° Bank Clearings j ties for the sale of Canadian products produces 30 per cent, of the world's ' ^he bank clearings in the city of in the Commonwealth will be met by raw cotton. This statement Is made Toronto for the week ending Nov. 1, Inquiries as to what Canada has to by the Empire Marketing Board in ^^^S. amounted to $223,766,194. An offer in return. Great Britain, which an announcement which it makes re- increase of 55,935,973 over the corre- now has a preferred tariff position in garding the remarkable progress of spondlng period last year, und an in- Australia, takes the great bulk of British cotton growing. It is recalled '^""e^se of $39,737,684, as compared ! Australia's exports, and the favorable how for centuries Britain was the ^''"^ '^^ previous week of this year: j treatment given British goods is a home of the manufacture of cotton, Week. 1927 1928 I tangible sign of appreciation of that while raw cotton all came from over- Oct. 19th 1139,490,979 $166,201,597 i ^'''^' (anada has not been very sue seas, largely from the southern States Oct. 26th 128,651,216 184,028.510 j <^^'^^^."' '° giving Australia spe of America Nov. 1st 167,830.221 223.7G6.194 ' consideration in return for partial The American crop failed during, Toronto Monthly Bank Clearings | P;;efe>-ences given to Canadian .oods the American Civil War, spreading • â„¢,.- . . . - . . ^ - I ""''«' ^^'^ Australian treaty. Tiie bal TTie AustraHar, Treaty |T||()LS.IM>S OF MOTHEPlS isE .\o OTHER mmm Feeding Trees By C. F. GREftVES-CARPENTER, F.R.H.S Why should shadci t rees be expected to thrive on i:;.- ..cient food? Yet there are thousands of tree owners :*r^,.:'"i'i ''^''^ .sewinK at home; whole or kliixiii time; gooa puv; work sent any who do not realize that the trees Jistiinc-e: charges palii. send stanii) lor under their care need special help be- l"" \j'^"^*;.jj â- '^'^"''"''' Manuiactuiini cause of exigencies of cjty lite. I In woods and fqfests there is a con- I Slant yearly feeding of trees by natur- \ al processes. The process by which I she feed.s the trees is almost mlracu- I lous, for a forest is like a gigantic ] chemical laboratory. The leaves of ' the trees absorb a certain amount of : nourishment from the air. but it Is from the soil that the trees obtiiin their maximum amount of food, and : In woodlands the falliug leaves remain on the ground and are acted upon by I the elements uniil they decay and form humus or natural plant food. 1 Under the ar'flcial conditions in ; which the trees on lawns attempt to I thrive, they are deprived of this re- ASK -rovn LOCAI. oeai.i:b fob Canadian Artist's Series Ctiristmas Card* Beautiful HancJ-Coloured i„iu.fiiiaB Cards ttesigntd by Canada a L»ai..ng .\rti.sts. Twelve especially atlraiiti'.e Curds with charming and appi opi ..iie teniiments may be purcliaseU ui a cuMHiaerable saving in bo.\ed as&ori- meiiiii at 50c. Jl.iJii. and J1.50. FubUsbed by ROUS & MANN, LLMITLD 172 SUSCOS ST., TOaOKTO Baby's Own Tablets Are the; funding of food as the lawns are usu- Ideal Remedy for Babies ! ""? kept nicely swept, and, as a re- A Test The first test of a truly gieui man is his humility. All great uu-u not only know their business, but usually know that they know it, ami an not only right in their main opiiisim- iiiit usually know that they were right in them; only ihey do not lUiiik ir.nch of themselves on that accoiim ;;nd • iory misery and famine among hundreds , Toronto for the month of Octoer end- of thousands of British cotton work-jing o^t. 31, 192S, amounted to $754.- ers. Thirty years ago one of the mas- 220,119. An increase of $130,085 902 ter spinners of Lancashire sent ten over the corresponding period' last tons of cotton seed to British West ^nd an increase of $200,231,103, as Africa. The experiment succeeded. ..o^pared with the previous month More and more of the great open this year. spaces of the Empire are being plant- 1 ,. . " ed and sown to insure a supply of i , -"°'"°- ..,_„.' .. ^'"^ raw cotton for the spindles and looms 't^T^ '^^A'-^ ' ^^ $o64.142,481 September .... 560,763,207 553,989,016 Toronto Monthly Bank Clearings The bank clearings of the city of I ance of trade is in our favor, some- of Lancashire. The supply now comes from East and West Africa, the Sudan, Rho- desia. South Africa, India, Australia Octoer 624,134,217 754,220,119 iVIinIng Briefs A despatch from Rouyn states that and the British West Indies. The the "H" ore ody at Xoranda has eeen Empire's production of the world's raw ^ opened up (or 75 feet on the 500-foot cotton to-day amounts to between level, and that this has een drilled 3,ii0n,000,000 and 4,000,000,000 pounds ^ into for an additional 325 feet, show- yearly. So that before long it Is pre- ing massive high grade sulphide ore dictad tluii the cotton Industry will for the combined distance â€" 400 feet. be self-contained within the Empire. ' It Is also stated that engineers esti- .;. .mate that this recent development Greatness |work win add approximately $40,000,- 1 000 to ore reserves. Greatness is to goodness what gra- 1 The scene of the latest find Is ra- vel Is io porphyry; the one is a mov- ; ported to be Duparquet Township, able accumulation, swept along the Quebec, where Jack Cochglan is said surface of the earth; the other stands! to have discovered an important cop- fixed, and alone, above the violence of per-gold deposit for the Duguis Syndi- warand of the tempest; above all thaticate. It is stated that engineers of Is residuous of a wasted world. Little the Bunker Hill Extension Mines are men build up great ones; but the ; examining the showing with a possible snow coiussus soon melts; the good stand under the eye of God; and there- fore stand. thing like three to uoe. ^ , _, nu'ij I suit, the soil becomes impoverished. and lOUng Children Then, gradually, trees under such con- Canadian mothers are noted for the ' ditlons are weakened, are attacked by care they give their little onesâ€" the 'â-  insects and fungi, and decay sets in health of the baby is most jealously i In this way many a stately tree has guarded and the mother is always on i^een lost. the lookout for a remedy which is i How Can We Feed Them? efficient and at the same time abso- 1 hqw are trees artiJicially fed? To thev see something divint lutely safe. Thousands of mothers answer this nuestion we need con- other man.â€" Ruskin. cTal '''*^® '"""*^ '^"'^'^ ^ remedy in Baby's sjder how a tree is formed. It has a Own Tablets and many of them u.se „.unk and foliage we know, aud it has nothing else for the ailments of their roots, too, but just how does it feed, little ones. Among them is Mrs. ^ve wonder? The branches spread example, not' by choice.-M,m Howard King, of Truro, N.S., who from the trunk for a certain distance says:â€" -I can strongly recommend and the roots spiead approximately ; Baby's Own Talets to mothers of the^same distance in the ground. At young children as I know of nothing the ends of the long roots theje are to equal them for little ones." Example Most of my actions are k riil' 1 by -'lie. CANCER FREE BOOK Sent on Request a number of fine thread-like feeding Tells cause of cancer and wha: •., do Baby's Own Tablets are sold by rootlets which take up the nourish- for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. \V:ite medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ment in the form of liquid salts, and f^r it to-day. mentioning this : ..•.;fcr. cents a box from The Dr. Williams this is transported throughout the Address Indianapolis Cancer H..i-,.i;al, Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont A Point of Call Now j whole system by the sap in the tree. ' Trees seek certain chemicals, for that is their food, and these can be given in the form of a commercial fertilizer which, with the action of Indianapolis. Ind. Lonely Islanders of Tristan da ""'^'"-e. releases just what the tree /-^ i_ I-. , . ,. . f requires. Cunha hind Visits from 1 Liners Increasing London. â€" It would iieem that a new chapter has been opened up for the So Tom is mixed up in one of those ! lonely islanders of Tristan da Cunha triangles, eh?" j by the voluntary visits of big liners "Gosh, no: It's a hectagon in his in their passage across the South At- case." LAXATIVE FOR BABY THAT "STAYS DOWN" Bore 18-Inch Holes For feeding deciduous trees, a stand- I ard commercial tree food should be purchased from a -;eed store, and a number of holes IS inches deep and ; two feet apart should be bored under ' the extremities of the branch spread. Each hole should then be filled to within about four inches and the hole lantic on world tours. In 1926 the Royal Mail steamer j pY„ggej"";;ithToil!'"'Fhen.""afTer "fe7- Orea called, but it was too rough to Hlizine. the h,nd should be watered. tilizing, the lund should be watered, turning the hcM- on it and leaving it until the land is almost sodden â€" Check Colds At the slightest warninc cold, rub your che-: throat with Minard's. Head, Hand and Heart We have trusted too much to the width of about 9 feet. It is located aout 30 miles north of Noranda. land. In 1927 the Asturias paid a visit which was a great success; the weather was ideal, a large amount of i^'bout eight to 1' hours. Baby's tiny system rebels against stores was landed and ."^O of the island- j Deciduous tree, fed every second or castor oil and strong purgatives; but ers visited the largest ship which had third vear will veil repay the extra here's a medicine that just suits him. , ever called at the island. A tew weeks (.^^e and attention and be far healthier And it does the work quickly and so , later the Suveric called and landeti than those which are not provided gently that Baby doesn't feel it. ; over 40 tors of stores. • ^.j^^ food. Fletcher's Castoria is soothing cross, I In 19'28 the Canadian Pacific liner; ^ " ' " and the; Break Colds with Minj(rd's Liniment. view to acqulstion. The discovery is said to run about 6 per cent, copper, with substantial gold values, over a ' fretful babies and children to sleep Empres-s of France called and making the feverish, constipated, , visit marked a red-letter day for the upset ones well and happy, in millions women and chiHren of Tristan for j _^ An Emperor's Prayer ^uv..i lu lu Further news on Noranda is to the ; of homes to-day. Castoria is purely- they were received as guests and feted, j Into my Father's room, and through headand hanTrnThave iDot'functioir-i*'^^'^'^ that excellent results are being j vegetable, harmless and endorsed by : QuieWy following this \'isit came an- the courts ed enough through' the heart. Meu ' °^**'°e^ *' '^^ concentrator with con- : the medical profession Avoid imi- other by the Harrison liner Author, 1 Below, for ever seeking. I wil! pass, who succeeed In any line must get head, hand, and heart to function to- gether. â€" Clarnece Howard. The mule he has two feet behind, And two he has before; We have to stand behind to find What the two behind be for. Red Rose Orange Pekoe has earned the patronage and good will of more tea drink- ers than any other high- quality tea in Canada. Judges of good tea gladly give more for Red Rose Orange Pekoe because they know that the value they re- ceive is worth many times the few extra cents they pay. l-E centrates running 22 per cent, copper. The new reverberatory furnace, it is said, win be finished in three weeks. i> Character I call education not that which smothers a woman with accomplish- ments but that which tends to con- .solidate a firm and regular system of charactersâ€" that which tends to form a friend, â€" a ctmpanlon and a wife. â€" Hannah More. o â-  A Friend The most I can do tor my friend is simply to be his friend I have no wealth to bestow upon him. It he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no oHier reward. Is not friendship divine in this? â€" Henry Da- vid Thoreau. tations. The Chas. H. Fletcher sig- nature marks genuine Castoria. <• Andrew Fisher Passes on London.â€" Andrew Fisher, former Prime Minister of Australia, has passed on. Mr. Fisher served as being considered ; one is that asukabie Prime Minister from 190S to 1909. which landed stores. I To brush the skirts of inspiration There is a problem now of the sur- And touch the sleeves of memory, plus population of the island. Ships I great and gracious Father, hear and that^ call on their way from South condescend Africa always go on to South America To guard, to chai-ish, to enlighten me. 50 that the necessity is for a ship thati â€" Confucius. (The Prayer of the goes to and fro. Two schemes are Emperor Chiug.) "PINKHAM'S COMPOUND IS WONDERFUL" Read This Letter from a Grateful Woman vessel, manned as far as possible by | Comrades from 1910 to 1913 and from 1914 to islanders, should be purchased and ' u is my jov in life to find, 1913. He was Australian High Com- ^i^^^i^ ^e worked under charter when ' Four things come not back; The spoken word, ^ The sped arrow, Time past, The neglected opportunity. Old Saying. At every turning of the road. rm of a comrade kind me onward with my load, steamship line to make a yearly visit ' And since I have no gold to give, tX3 the ifland an<l back. The older j And love alone must make amends, inhabit^tnts cling to Tristan, but some' My only prayer is. while I live; missioner in England from 191G to ^^t required for trips to the island. : The strong a ^^-^- ,^ j The other is for a vessel of a Cape | To help un Four Things Vanessa, Ont. â€" "I think Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful. I have had six children of which four are liv- ing and my young- est is a bonnie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken your medi- cine before each of them was born and have certainly re- ceived great benefit ilGHTNING UGH Syrup Snyaluahiefhr NIGHT COUGHS BRONCHITIS ASTH MA FAMILY SrZE 75C .TRIAL SIZE 35$ PEK BOTTLE Children Love] VeiiO'S Syrup] v-i of the younger ones might be induced ; to launch out and settle at the Cape. I The Cape Government has undertaken I an inspection of the land near Wal- I fi.sh Bay with a view to such a settle- ; ment. I Tristan da Cunha has the distinc- Ition of owning a new bird hitherto un- known to naturalists. This is the flightless rail or "Atlantisia Rogersi" to give it its full title. God make me worthy of my friends! from it. I urge my friends to take it as I am sura they will receive the same help I did."â€" Mr.s. Mii.ton Mo Mi-'LLE.v, Vanessa, Ontario. Minard's Liniment tor Backache. â- 4^)^' f^PHIUIPS: for 1Voubl«» due to Acid INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH MCARrmURM HEAOACHC OASES NAUSCA When Pain Strength The strength of your life is meas- ured by the strength of your will is Just the strength of the wish that lies behind it. And the strength of your wish depends upon the sincerity and earnestness and tenacy with which ; what many people call indigestion you fix your attention upon the things 1 ygry often means excess acid In the which are really great and worthy to | gtomach. The stomach nerves have be loved.â€" Henry van Dyke. been oversllmulated, and food sours. • j The corrective is an alkali which •I say, waiter, there's a fly In my ; neutralizes acids instanly. And the soup.' "Surely not. sir. maybe It's j ,,ggt alkali known to medical science one of those vitamlne bees you read so ,g phinips' Milk of Magnesia. It has much about." | remained the standard with physicians ~ " i l" t'"' ^^ years since lis iiivi ntion. ISSUE No. 45 â€" '28 ) one spoonful of this harmless. Comes tasteless alkali In water will ueiilrallM instantly many times as much acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. You â-  will never use crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. Go get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia described by physi> clans for 50 years in correcting excess acids Each bottle contains full direc- tions â€" any drugstore.

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