Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1928, p. 4

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1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1D23 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE nursing services organized for this purpose. Washing of furniture and funtiga:- ion of rooms it not the corrMt way t) fight the communicable diseases. The correct way is to find the source (some human being) and then to is- olate this person. It is nersons, not things, who are dangerous! A Definite Plan for Your Son The soundest plan for "setting up your son in business" is to inspire him to do it himself! Start a savings account for him at any one of our branches. Give him an incentive â€" a bonus â€" every time he saves $10! Our local ntanager will take a personal interest in your boy. It will not take long to inculcate the character-building habit of saving. Auction Sale i' Ol>en an account at our nearest branch 824 THi BANMORONTO FRVKRSH.AM M.\nKI)AI.K BRAN'CHES: r. It. Smith. MansRer. .\. E. Hunt, Manajter. wwsat w w yy w w vy n w jol^j^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Ciciilation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance §1.50. In U.S.A., $2..'J0 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON - Editor. F. J. THURSTO.N - Asst. Editor. THE ELECTION IN THE STATES popular vole can be obtained â€" at al] events in a measurably early time. It is admitted by both parties that there is likely to be party desertions on both sides in next Tuesday's vot- inpr; but wo doubt if the upheaval in Governor Smith's favor â€" popular I though he mav be in many seetion.i â€" will be such as to overcome the I Republican veto by means of which I Iho prc.ient President was swept into ' offire. Governor Smith has made I a vigorour. fight for victory, and has â- ;ven gone into such Renubli;r.n .strongholds as Pennsylvania, in re- ' 5;pense to call from those who pro- I fess to look for Democratic success in Before another issue of The A* Vance reaches our readers, the Unit I'd States elections will have been ' "^°" ***°" ""'^ hitherto Republican fought and won. Chief interest ;.=:,' "'^*''*'^- People do not alwrayr, vote as as usual, taken in the contest fori'^^y shout, or "Al" miifht bono for the Presidency, but in addition to u Sfoat thinps. Uh triumph is not there is a brisk campaign for a largo ; crei'erally looked for. number of senatorial positions. A new House of Representatives Wi!l •j»lso Ko chosen, as well as Governor.) and Judges in many of the states. There have been occasions when the Presidential elect ion.i in the States was deemed of creat importance to this country, but the present contest has little other than a speculative in terest us. Neither Mr. Hoover, tlite Republican nominee, or Governor :Smith are favorable to a liberal re- vision of the I'nited States tariff, which is such aj t.j retard interna- tional commerce, though both profess friendship for this country, and wc believe that v.-hocver is elected will be contented to leave relations be- tween the two nations pretty much as they have been in recent years. Nevertheless, there is much curios- ity as to the outcome of the struggTe EDITORIAL NOTES Arc you thinking over the best men to nominate in the ensuing munici.'tal elections. Nomination is not far off. • • « Good afternoon! Have you bought your new fancy permit to buy gov- ernment whiskey and beer? Govern- ment vondors claim the permit is a i>oauty and only costs f2. • * • Several thousand of the miner.-;, who this year came to Canada to help in the harvest are remaining in the Dominion to grow up with the country. An excellent resolve. The Toronto Maple Leaf profes- sional hockey team are in training at Port Elgin and have been trying between these representatives of the various ideas to reduce weight. If two great political parties. For one 'they would snent six hours at an old thing, never before has there been c time dance party and take part in Roman Catholic nominated for the all the square dances we would Presidency, and in some parts a dcac! guarantee they would lose consider- «et has been made on Governor Smil'i because he belong") to that commun- ion. Mr. Hoover and leading friends <lisclaim responsibi'iity for that out- cry, but the Republican candidate is said to be likely to profit from it. A aimilar attack was made on Mr. Smith when he was nominated for governor, and it did not seem to pro- fit his opponents, for he was re-elect- ed in 8ij?ce5sive election.s in New York by increasingly large majorit- ies. Mr. Hoover, himself, is n Quaker. So far as we can see the question able poundage. Persons, not things, arc dangerous From time to time, we may read in the press, or hear someone express surprise that a second case of some communicable disease has occurred in a private home, school or institution, in spite of the fact that disinfection and fumigation of the place had been carried out. Such surprise is evidence in a pro- cedure concerning which modem knowledge has taught us the mis- of prohibition has not cut much of a i^''^- figure in the campaign. Neither of Communicable diseases are spread the candidates are total abstainers, l^^^ di^^h^ge from the body, which >nd the onlv difference between their l'^""" '""'"'^ ««"""• *"«' ^''''' ''P"*'*^ platforms is that> whereas HoovcJ- IP'"*^*"^""^ "'^''y' "='="''" '" " '"'«« , .1 * .• -.1. .u manner. It is the fresh, mots? professes satisfaction with the pro-, . , . , .. , ,. ,, , . , . . droplets from the nose and mout?i hlbltory law, and promises to support' .... . i j- .i ,. , ,. \ ., „,, .'. I that arc sprayed directly on others measure, lookmg to its ' tigh enmg j,^ ^^^^,^,, ^„„^^^^, ^^^ ^ up". Smith would favor remitting to'^^j^^ ,^^ ^^^ ^^^, ^^^^^^ j^ .^ ^^^ the States the carrying out of the(^„,iya ^^f^ „„ ^^e common drinking- aUtutcs so that the law might be ^^p ^^at is a menace fo the next us- modified in accordance with the dc-',.,, ^^^^ ^ody excretions, that carry clsions of the electors therein, disease germs to the mouth, either Neither of the.^e propositions, we be- directly or by soiling food that is go- licvo, would result in the overthrow jnfo the mouth. of the amendment to fclie United Di.scasc germs die compnralivelv States ctinstitution, providing for quickly outside the human boiJy. nntionnl nrohibrtion, as before such a The pernnn carryini;- thc-c diipar.es rnurse can bo taken the authority of must be discovered and isolntod If al least thirty-six of the States must the spread is to be stopped. In be ottninrd. Wc boliiv.-c no such .-school ntjd institutions a medical ann MRS. W. J. ALCOX will hold a Credit Auction Sale on Lots 130-31, W. T. S. K., Arteraesia 2'/j miles north of Flesherton KRL. NOVEMBER 9, 1928 HORSESâ€" Bay Horse, Black Mare, Bay Mare, 4 yrs. old. Bay Mare, 9 yrs. old, light. Black Mare, aged. CATTLE â€" Red Cow, 9 years, Red Cow, 8 years. Grey Cow, 5 years. Red Cow, 5 years. Black Cow, 8 years, White Faced Cow, 4 years. Red Cow, 4 years, above cows all supposed in calf, Cow, 8 years, supposed in calf, 14 head of year old and 2 year old cattle, 4 spring calves. PIGS, SHEEP, FOWL â€" 3 Brood Sows, 18 Pigs, 6 Oxford Registered Sheep, 9 Ewes, Registered Oxford Ram, Ram eligible for registration, 12 Lambs, 2 Geese, Gander. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" Deering Binder, 7 ft., Deering Mower, 6 ft. Cockshutt Seed Drill, 15 disc., Mas- sey-Harris Cultivator, Massey-HaiV- ris Hay Rake, Land Roller, Scuffler, Potato Planter, Digger and Sprayer, Plow, 10 Variety, 21 Fleury, 13 Fleury Cockshutt Gang Plow, no. 2, 2 Sets of Harrows, Rubber Tire Buggy, Stoel tire buggy, 100 lb. scales, rack Lifter, Manure Spreader, 2 Wagons, Cutter, Carriage, double. Set of Sleighs, Road Cart, Set of Disc Har- rows, DeLaval Cream Separator, Turnin Pulper, Wheel Barrow, Chat- ham Fanning Mill, Fence Posts, Sick- le Grinder, Com Planter, Crosscut Saw, "490" Chevrolet touring. Clover Seed Table with rack, 2 oil barrels. Gravel Box, Straw Cutter, Hay Rack, Stock Rack, Set of Plow Harness. 2 sets of Heavy Harness, 2 Sets of Single Harness, Set of double driv- ing harness. Fordson tractor and Ol- iver Plow, Buz7, Saw outfit and chop- per, 1.3 in. HAY AND GRAIN â€" About 1000 bushels of Oats, About 200 bu. of bar- ley. About 50 bu. of Wheat, About 100 bu. of Barley and Buckwheat, About .30 tons of Timothy Hay, About 5 tons Alfalfa Hay, Quantity of Mangles, Turnips and Potatoes. Forks chains and manv other useful articles. THRESHING OUTFIT â€" New Favorite Separator, 28.45, nenrlv new, •^'inton St^'am Rni'ine, 20.24 h.p., Wagon and Tank, Sawyer - Masscy Separator, 28 ins., v.-ith blower. TERMS OF SALE â€" Grain, Hay, Roots and all sums of $10 and under. Cash: over that amount up to 12 months' credit will he given on appro- ved joint notes, bearing interest at nor cent, per annum. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 12 M. Everything must be sold as the own- er is leaving the farm. GEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Cattle I The undersigned auctioneers have received instructions from W. I. Gra- ham to sell by public auction on Monday, November 6th, 1928, one- half mile south of Markdale, the fol- lowing: â€" 48 yearling and 2 year olus and three calves. TERMS:â€" Eigh'i months credit will be given by furn- ishing approved joint netes, bearing interest at per cent. R. D. CARRUTHERS & G. H. HAS- LAM, A.uctioneers. J Auction Sale THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1928 MRS. W. C. PEDLAR Lot 8. Con. 4, ARTEMESIA 2 MILES North-West of CEYLON Sale to commence at 1 p.m. sharp. HORSESâ€" Brown Mare, 15 years old. Brown Mare, 16 years old, Bay Gelding, 4 years old. CATTLE â€" Grey Cow, C years o\a, due about Jan. 1st, Red Cow, 4 yrs. did, due Feb. 15, Red cow, 10 years old, due Dec. 17th, Spotted cow, !> years old, due June 25th, Black cow, 10 years old, milking, 4 steers rising 3 years. Heifer, rising 3 yrs., 2 steers rising 2 yrs., 3 heifers, rising 2 yrs., 5 calves, rising one year. PIGS â€" Brood sow, 6 pigs, 2H mos. old. SHEEP â€" 4 ewes. FOWL â€" About 50 Barred Rock hens. Pair of Geese, 7 young geese, IMPLEMENTS â€" Deering Binder, fi foot cut, Deering Drill, 15 disc, Peter Hamilton mower, 5 foot cut, Massey-Harris Mower, 5 foot cut, Masey-Harris hay rake, 10 feet, Wag gon, Sleighs, Walking plow, 21 Fleury Single riding plow, 21 Fleury, 2 fur- rowed walking plow, Cockshutt, set of disc harrows, 2 steel tire buggies. Cutter, Pig crate. Gravel box. Hay Rake, Peter Hamilton Cultivator, set harrows, Scuffler, Buggy pole. Road cart, set of 2000 lb. scales, 2 log- King chains, one doz. grain bags, Feed Boiler, in real good condition, Sugor Kettle, Hay Fork. Set of power horse clippers, set of double whiffletreea,. pair of twin neck yokes set of double harness, set of plow harness, set of single harness, 3 horse collars, 2 turnip :>ulpers. horse blanket, 8 sleigh bells, set of chimes, Ford touring car, 1924 model. Quantity of good hay. Oats, Barley. Fall Wheat, 10 cords of hardwood. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€" High i class cupboard, closed Cupboard, 9 steel beds, wooden bed, 2 bed couches Kitchen stove, Quebec heater, bum coal or wood, Wood Heater, stove pipes, Standard Cream Separator, In good condition. Coal oil heater, Daisy churn. Leaf table, Library set, 8 Chairs, Rocking chari. Fire Extingu- isher, Quantity of TMsbes, Picture Frames, Couch, Arm Chair, Hang- ing Lamp, 2 lamps. Forks shovels, nnd other articles too numerous to mention. ' TERMS OF S.-VLE â€" Grain nnd Wood, and al! sums of S10 nnd «n- dor rash, over that amount 12 months credit will he given on approved io:nt note.--, with 4 per cent, off for cash in lei of "ote.^. Kvorythinc iinr:t he sr^l'l ni tho farm is vented. Cra. DUNCAN. Atictioncjr. Campaign; A cor.centrated effort to hoodwink those who have the gfroate'st grouch. TENDERS WANTED For the sale of RealEstate in the VILLAGE OF EUGENIA MOVED! Please take notice that I have moved my entire stock and shge repairing outfit to the' office re- cently vacated by Mr. Bellamy, next door to Standard Bank. W, L. MORWOOD Tenders v/ill be received up to 6 o'clock p.m., Saturday, November 17, : 1928, for the purchase of the nrop- cr'Jy belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Alex. Hoy, in the village of i Eugenia. This property consists of 13 acres of land of deep clay loam, ! mostly seeded to alfalfa, on which there is a 0-roomed frame dwelling, | vilh v.-oorished; a small barn ana a good frame stable, also a drilled ' v/ell and about 20 fruit trees. For , fuithor particulars and terms of sale, npply to Alex. Cameron, Eu- genia, Ont., Executor of estate, and address all tenders to C. C. Middio- bro, Barrister, Owen Sound, On*.., Solicitor for the Executor. Grreatest i Popularity >ir. Contest Call up your customers by longdistance An occasional call will make it almost impossible for them to stop trading with you. Do you i-ealizs that one of the largest returns you can se- cure from the expenditure of a small sum is to be had by calling up olfl customers occasionally by Long Dis- tance? Friendliness begets friendli- ness. How can you or I keep away from a merchant v.-ho spends his money to show his interest in our affairs? We can't. The newspape'.' editor cotintd on this trait in human nature. He mentions suV scribers' names f:-cr,ucntly, because he knows they will look for them in his pai>er. The merchant who occasion- ally calls customers by Long Di.<:tance is one who can't b« overlooked or forgotten. THE public has judged motor-car values. It has staged the greatest of popularity contests. Never has Chevrolet enjoyed such whole-hearted public acceptance â€" never before has any low-priced Ceir offered such a striking combination of great beauty, thrilling performance and amazing economy! To sit behind the wheel is sheer delight. Come in and see the world's most popu- lar car. Experience for yourself the •wonder'of its performance. Learn for yourself why it is the greatest success of the year. c.so.io.zsc Tie Cil.A.C. . . Gentrel Molan' emn dejtrrtd payment fkn tJ/jnU the Kt3st convenient and ecimjimkal voy oj buyini your Chevrolet cut cj income. D. McTAVISH FLESHERTON, & SON ONT. 718 CHEVROIUET PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITBD CHAIN Red & White store Grocery Specials for This Week 3 Iks. LARD 65 cts. HONEY per IQ lb Cranberries 2 4gc. PW"* OXanada Flour Overcoats Any overcoat in stock lOp.c. off this week. W. G. KENNEDY SERV-US Baking Powd. EDWARDSDURG SYRUP "350. '^â- ' REGULAR 10c. SOAP SOAP 4 bin oe cts. 25 3 Macaroni 29 â- "* %» . 1 â- : J ,1

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