Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1928, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1928 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Fleaherton, Wednesday of each week. CicUlation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A., $2.60 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON F. J. THURSTON Editor. Asst. Editor. I'NIQUK I'lMSHMKNT FOR FRUIT PURLOINERS An unique sentence was imposed this week on five school boys by the County .MuKlstrate at Hamflton. They spent their eveninjfs recently strippinK the pear trees of an An- caster farmer. They were not con- tended as the boys of the old brigade "to help themselves to the luscious fruit to the extent of their personal appetites" but they basketed the pears and sold them to customers for the paltry price of 15 cents a basket The buyers outrhl to have been prose cuted too, for they ougrht to hav» knows that no fruit grower would sell his crop for such a pittance. The farmer usually harvested 175 bask- ets, but the boys robbed him of all but seven baskets, so their offence could not be overlooked. But as the boys appeared very contrite, they were nr>t sent to jail or spenked, as perhaps would have l)een the mor-» effective punishment. They were, however, sentenced to appear this week, for three days at the farm of their victim, and assist him each day till dark in harvesting his potato crop. Those tempted to purlotn apples in this district should take warninpr. or they may not get off *o easily. MAXWKI.I. SCHOOI, Following is the report of S. S. No. ;t, Osprey, for the month or Septemb?r. Sr. 4 â€" Marjorie Seeley*. Cecil Chard, Dainteary Morrison. Jr. 4 â€" Arleen Pallister*, iMinnie Lougheed*, Delbeen Morrison*, Jean Young. Sr. .3 â€" Edith Lougheed*, Merile Buckiigham, Ethel Fenwick*, Mane Chard, Jean Ross, Isobelle Pallister, Irene Parker, (not ranked Steila Toung and Olive Greenfield. Jr. .'1 â€" Lloyd Morrison*, Bob Priest- ly*, Billie Ktrton, Orval Morrison, Donald Radley. Sr. 2 â€" Dai.sy Morrison*, Mabei Bemrose*, Jim Pcolc, Tom Pallister*, Hazel Greenfield. Jr. 2â€" Warren Priestly*. 1 â€" Tom Bemrose*, Murray Mor- rison*. Jacob Lougheed*, Charlie Grunimett*, Flora Morrison, Noreen Grummett*. Primer â€" Robt. Fenwick*, Elmer Colgan, Bob Allison, Lillian Mor- ri.son, Violet Duckett, Nellie Allison, Jennie fiuy. Those marked * were present ev- ery day. â€"HELEN MAYNARD. Teacher Osprey School Fair Prize List Awards GKALN AND CORN MARQUIS WHEATâ€" 1 qt., Lloyd Little No. 4, Lawrence Jamieson no. 11. MARQUIS WHEATâ€" Sheaf, Law- rence Jamieson no. 11, Archie Mc- Intyre no. 2, Lloyd Little no. 4. BARLEYâ€" 1 qti Norman Patter- son no. 14. BARLEY â€" Sheaf, Jim Conn, no. 7, Wm. Radley no. 14. BANNER OATS â€" 1 qt., James Priddle, no. 11. BANNER OATS â€" Sheaf, Wm. Radley no. 14, Jas. Pridle no. 11, Os- car Hill no. 11. FIELD CORN â€" Elwood Dobson no. 6. SWEET CORNâ€" 5 ears, Lloyd Norman no. ;>, Chas. Winter no. 11, N'iolet Sullivan no. 14, Marie Chard no. y, Astelle McCutcheon no. 4, Jas. Kerton no. 5. ROOTS & VEGETABLES MANGLESâ€" Earl Hawken no. 10. c;race Suflivan no. 14, Cecil Chard no. It, Lorna Arnold . no. 2, Clay- lorne Thompson no' 14. TURNIPSâ€"John Stephens no. 10, Lloyd Stephens no. 10, Mansell Conn no. 7, Eddie Maxwell no. fi. POTATOESâ€" Ethel McDonald no. 2, Edna Fee no. 16, Francis F^d- wi'.rds 11 & 5, Edie Maxwell no. G, Chas. Grummett no. 9, Burton Con- ron nt,. 7. BEETSâ€" Mildred Weatheral! no. 4, Burton Hutchinson no. G, Issac Fee no. IG, Hazel Osborne no. 4, Annie Kroethy no. 10, Helen Lougheed no. i5. CARROTS â€" Lloyd Hudson no. 7, Doris Taylor no. 5, M. Benson no. 5, Mary Bemrose no. !), John Steph- ens no. 12, Mervyn Hammill no. 1 & S. S. No. 3, sprin(;hii.l Jr. 4 â€" ^Della Vause, Merle Allan, Wilfred Best, Billie Parker. Sr. ;5â€" Marjorie Wyatt, Harold Johnston, Doris Waller. Jr. .3â€" Elsie White, Patsy Beard. Jr. 1 â€" Georgina Blackburn, Rus- sell Johnston, Audrey McCracken, Walter Russell. Sr. Primer â€" Riil)y Vause, Doris Fisher. Jr. Pr. Aâ€" Billy Wyatt, Everette Parker, Irene Doupc, Ivan Waller, Edgar Doupe. Jr. Primer, B â€" Eileen Johnston, Laurine Johnston, Roy Best, Lloyd Waller. --G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher. Coal sheds are being erected in the C.P.R. yards at Durham for the Wm. Calder Estate. New Blacksmith I have taken over Mr. Harry Wil- son's blacksmith shop and am now ready to do first class horsesoeing and generril repair work. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. LAWRENCE McCRACKEN. "S A L T We will have a car at Ceylon within a few days and are selT- ing at the following special prices off car:- 100 lb. bags $ ..70 140 lb. bags 95 200 lb. bags 1 25 Barrels, 2H0 lbs 2 20 Pressed RIorkH, VyO IbH 40 Iodized Table Salt 10 Finest Quality, Also have smal- ler IwKs, coarse fait, etc. I TERMS â€" (ASH j A. G. MUIR j\ 'Pkone 38 r 8 ,. i] PARSNIPS â€" Jos. Hollingshead no. 4, Bob McMaster no. 11, Lawren- ce Jamieson no. 11, Iva Sayers no. .">, Jas. Poole no. 9. Chas. Winter no. 11. ONIONS â€" Murray Morrison no. 'J, Irene Parker no. 9, Robbie Thomp- son no. 4, Audrey Osborn? no. 4, Isabel Mclntyre no. 3. FRUIT & FLOWERS COLLECTION OF FRUITâ€" 7 var- ieties Doris Taylor no. 1 & 5, Nor- man Patterson no. 14, Francis Ed- v.-ards 1 & 5, Jean Ross no. 9, Jas. Kerton no. 5. ASTERSâ€" Billie Lanuer no. 1 &r,, Charlie Winters no. II, Mildren Weatherall no. 4, Helen Lougheed no. 8, Uoris Clarke no. 2, Doreen Smith no. 7. SWEET PEAS â€" Edith Heitnian, no. 7, Audrey Osborne no. 4, Jim Kerton no. 5, Charlie Winters no. 11 Jean McCutcheon no. 4, Franci.i Ed- wards no. I & 5. CO.«MOSâ€" Burton MuUin no. 10. Charlie Winters no. 11, Alda Haw- ton no. 10, Delmer Seeley no. II, James Priddle no. 11, Donald Gord- on no. 11. VERBENA â€" Violet Sullivan no. 14. MARIGOLD â€" Jim Poole n.o 9, Lorena Arnott no. 2. Gordon McDon- ald no. 2, Annie Mclntyre no. 2, Ella Jane no. 6. n.\HLIASâ€" Evelyn Ilannon no. 1, Gilbert Essland no. 8, Alma Essland no. 8, Elva Russell no. 4, Hazel Os- borne no. 4, Jim Hollingshead no. 4. GLADIOLI â€" Doreen Smith no. 7, Isabel Mclntyre no. .S, Alma Essland no. 8, Jean McCutcheon no. 4. PINKS â€" Minnie Thompson no. 4. HO.ME GARDEN BOUQUET â€" Jean McCutcheon no. 4, Margaret Armour no. 4, Claybome Thompson no. 14, Doris Menzies no. 4, Burton Mullin no. 16, Hazel Osborne no. 4. NATURE STUDY COLLECTION OF WILD FLOW- ERS â€" Doris Menzies no. 4, Ethel Weatherall no. 11, Jas. Priddle no. 11. PICTURES OF HLSTORICAL PLACESâ€" Meryl Buckingham no. 9, Francis Edwards no. 1 & 5, Cecil Chard, no. O.Lsabelle Mclntyre no.,*! PICTURES OF WILD BIRD.Sâ€" Robert Priestly no. 9, Jas. Giblin no. 5, Lawrence Jamieson no. 11, Fran- cis Edwards no. 1 & 5, Dori.s Chard no. 2, Isabelle Mclntyre no. 3. MANUAL TRAINING RULER â€" Duncan Mrlnnis no. .'1, Chas. Winters no. 11, Lloyd Morris- on, no. 9, Murray Morrison no. 9, Robt. Fenwick no. 9, Jas. Priddle no. 11. KITH â€" Jas. Gibblin nn. Ti. Lawren- ce .laniieson no. 11, Burton Smith no fi. NAIL BOXâ€" Chas. Winter, no. It, Sherdy Arnott no. II, Arthur Luv.-- Uir no. 5, Lawrence Jamieson no. 11 W. Ferris no. 11, O.scar Hill no. li, MISS MACPHAIL â€" Flo Winters no. 11. DOMESTIC TRAINING .^CMOOI, LUNCH BiMy Arnold no. 1, Myrtle Wright nn. 5, Ethel Mc- Donald no. 2,' Sylvian Sehwardt V.S. no. 1 & 5, Muriel Gordon no. 11, Ivn Sayers no. .'>. DATE LOAFâ€" Delmar Seeley no. 11, Marjorie Jamieson no. 11, Alma Essland no. 8, Jessie Lougheed no. 8, Ethel Weatherall no. 11, Teddie Tay- lor no. 1 & 5. JELLIED MEATâ€" Edith Mclnn.. no. 3, Kathleen Morrison no. 9, Del- mar Seeley no. 11, l\ Fee no. 10. Ethel McDonald no. 2. LEMON TARTSâ€" Kathleen JAoriu on no. 9, Flo Winter no. 11, Marjoir.- Seeley no. 9, Annie Heathcote no. 7, Doris Menzies no. 4, V. Roberts no. C LAYER CAKE â€" Ethel McDonali! no. 2, Doris Menzies no. 4, Delmar Seeley no. 11, Sylvia Sehwardt no. 1 & 5, Flora Morrison no. 9, Margaret Mclnnis no. 3. APPLE JELLY-Jean Ross no. -.., Doris Clarke no. 2, Bernice Neil no. 8, Kathleen Morrison no. 9, Flora Morrison no. 9. Isabelle Pallister no. 9. VEGETABLE SALADâ€" Edith Mc- lnnis no. 3, Myrle Buckingham no. 9, Mildred Weatherall no. 4, Margaret Mclnnis no. 3, Estelle McCutcheon no. 4, Grace Fee no. 16. SEWING HAND MADE COLLAR ANt' CUFF SETâ€" Winnie Mclntyre no. 2, Arleen Pallister no. 9, Flo Winters no. 11. LAUNDRY BAGâ€" Merle Bucking, ham no. 9, Marie Chard no. 9, Isabelle Pallister no. 9, Isobel Mclntyre no. Z. PILLOW CASEâ€" Hemstitched, DeV mar Seeley no. 11, Irene Hudson no. 7. Ida Hill no. 11. STITCHES ON COTTON â€" Ethe-. Weatherall no. 11, Shirley Hockley no. S. ?"lorence Hill no. 11. DRAWING POSTER â€" Doris Clarke no. 2. Lawrence Jamieson no. 11, Ismay â€" no. 16, Grace Fee no. 16, Harry Wright no. 4, Doris Menzies no. 4. PLAN OF FARMâ€" Myrtle Wright no. ."). Muriel Gordon no. 11, Donalda Hammill no. 1 & 5, Iva Sayers no.h, Jas. Kerton no. 5, Marie Chard no. y WRITING WRITINGâ€" Fourth Book, Ethel McDonald no. 2. Minnie Mclntyre no. 2, Doris Clark no. 2, Beatrice Hut- chinson no. C, Ethel Hammell no. 1 &. 5, Mildred Maxwell no. C. â-  THIRD BOOK â€" Grace Stevenson no. 2, Minnie Lougheed no. 9, Jim Hollingshead no. 4, Jo2 Bricken no. 4 Irene Parker no. 9, Pearl Monaghar no. 8. SECOND BOOK â€"Robert Priestly no. 9, Mabel Bemrose no. 9, Estelle McCutcheon no. 4, Hazel Osborne nu. â- 1, Ella June no. 6, Doris Taylor no. 5. POULTRY POULTRYâ€" Cockerel bredi-to-lay â€" Erne.st Seeley no. 2, Reta Fishe;- no. 11, Shirley Arnott no. 11, Merlie Buckingham no. il, Audrey Osborne no. 4, Archie Mclntyre no. 2. PULLRT â€" Bred to lay. Ernest Seehy no. 2, Isobelle Mclntyre no. ,"!, Shirley Arnott no. 11, Merle Buck- ingham no. 9, .Audrey Osborne no. •:, Archie Mclntyre no. 2. PirX_l Cockerel and 2 Pulletsâ€" Reta Fisher, no. 11, Jim Poole no. 9, Archie Mclntyre no. 2, Bruce Mullin, no. 10, Audrey Osborne nn. 4, Shirley Arnott no. 11. PEN FROM HOME FARMâ€" John Stephens no. 10, Ethel Fenwick no. 9, Ernest Seeley no. 2, Mcrvin Moore no. 7, Jim Giblin no. 5, Audrey Os- borne no. 4. EGGSâ€" Dozen White, Burton Mu:- lin U.S.S. no. 10, Billy Hall 1 & 5, Merlie Buckingham no. 9, C. Thomp- son no. 14, Violet Arnott no. 11, Mar- jorie Jamieson no. 11. EGGS â€" Dozen brown, Billy Jaques no. 1 & 5, Marie Chard no. 7, Merlie Buckingham no. 9, Irene Hudson no. 7, Inez Wilson 1 & 5, Marion Hatton. no. 7. CALF â€" Dairy bred, Billy Burke no. 7. MARKET LAMB â€" Mansel Conn no. 7, Leonard Ilannon no. 1, Jimmie Conn, no. 7, Allan Gordon no. 11. PUBLIC SPEAKING BOY'S PUBLIC SPEAKING â€" Lawrence Jamieson no. 11. GIRL'S SPEAKING CONTE.ST â€" Merle Buckingham no. 9, Marie Gor- don no. 11, Edith Lougheed no. 9. GIRL SOLOISTâ€" Doris Clark no. 2 Isobel Mclntyre no. 3, Delmar Seeley no. 11, Belva Long no. 0. BOY SOLOISTâ€" Rob. Long no. 0. SPECIALS HALF BU. OATSâ€" Gilford MuHin no. 10, Sherdy Arnott no. 11. HALF. BU. BARLEY â€" Don Mc- lntyre no. 3, Bruce Mullnn no. 10. HALF BU. WHEATâ€" Cecil Chard no, 9, John Bemrose no. 9, Stanley Freethy no. 10, Gi?,ford Mullen no. 10 Jas. Gibblin no. 5, Don Mclntyre no. HALF BU. PEASâ€" Dan Taylor no. 1 & 5, Tom Bemrose no. 9. HALF BU. POTATOESâ€" Don. Mc- lntyre no. 3, Delmar Seeley no. II, Jas. Osborne no. 4, Jas. Priddle no. 11, Grace Fee no. 10, Chas. Winters no. 11. PORTLAW j Mrs. Harry Fi*' er underwent an operation on Satur ;ay last for an In- ternal abscess. Dr. McFall of Collingwood and I r. Gauld of Mars- well performed th â-  operation, and a trained nurse is in attendance. The patient, who is being cared for at the home of her parents, Mr. ana Mrs.. Thompson, it reported to be progressing favorably. We Jhopa for her early recovery. Our sympathy n extended to Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamioson of Toronto in the loss of their youngest little boy. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. Harry Patton of tne Fourth Line. Miss Lillian Morton, nurse at the Sick Children's Hospital and Mr. ana Mrs. Morton Orr of Toronto werr week- end visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morton. , Rev. Mr. Rumble, wife and chilo of Woodbridge visited last week with a number of Mr. Rumble's formes- parishioners. Mr. Robt. Poutney of Niagara vis- ited with a number of old friencs of the centre line. It is something over twenty years since he left thts part, but he has not forgotten his friends of earlier days. On Thursday evening of last week the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Love was invaded by a large gathering of their many friends. During the ev- ening the worthy couple were nrs- sented with a beautiful couch, accom- panied with a complim.'ntry address expressing the esteem in which the recipients are held by their neigh- bors and other friends. The ad- dress was read by Mr. W. A. Morton. Mr. Lov? replied in fitting words, thanking the doners on behalf of himself and Mrs. Love for all their kindness during their long residence in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Love will remove shortly to Berkley. The good wishes of a host of friends go with them to their new home. THC 7X R A^ M ^ ^1^ ^'h M J{1^ iih'^U^K Increased Production This Bank's faith in the respon- sible, progressive farmer has been expressed in practical, as- sistance and his appreciation of our efforts is demonstrated in the liberal use of our facilities. The manager of our nearest branch will be glad to co- operate with you to increase the production of your farm. m BRANCHES: MARKDALE - A. E. Hunt, Manager. FEVERSHAM - C. H. Smith, Manager ^ly^ * • » r I = IN MEMORIAM .M.ACMILLAN â€" In loving memor; of Annie C. Macmillan, who depart- ed this life. October 10th, 1921. Sleep soft, beloved! We sometimes say, Who have no time to charm away Sad dreams that fill the eyelids creep; But never doleful dream again Shall break the happy slumber when, He giveth His beloved sleep. â€" Sadly missed by father, moth- er and Kate. Herbs to Heal Those Sore, Sick Bronchial Tubes ^ Gallagher's Indian Lung Remedy cornea right from the Heart of Nature Don't be miserable all Winter. If you're | eubjout to Bronchitis or similar ills â€" ! apt to pick up a nasty, i linging cold or ! cough, 1)6 sensible, star', now taking I Gallagher'a Indian Lung P^emedy. s It is couiiKwed solely of healing herbs. ' A natural remedy. Pcrfiict for IciUing | oft a nivity cou»h or col I or bronchial , ailment. A genuine blood enricher and ' body builder. Thi.s and other reliable j Gallagher Herbal Hou.iehold Remedies now for sale by 30 C. N. RICHARDSON, Flesherton asyouliRQit Vt^tinghoiise %dlo I Compact Model Console Model ^82.30 ^167.00 M ] USIC â€" symphony orchestras â€" famous bands â€" world-renowned singers â€" always the full-toned rich productions â€" exactly as you would hear them in the studio. One touch of the single dial control gives you the choice of the world's best music â€" "if it's in the air, a WESTINGHOUSE will get it." You will be amazed at the perfect performance of the cooaole model and its low cost of operation. Come in â€" we will gladly give you a demcnatration AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS For Batteryless, Battery and the Full Line of Radiola Models BC3 J k Weslinthotae Cone Speaksr f 39.50 H. DOWN & SONS - Flesherton G WHtN VOU MIYA WISTINGHOUil YOU OWWTHt WOWIP3 MOST APVANODBAMob CHAIN Red & White store Grocery Sp ecials for This Week CLARK'S Pork & Beans I > i â- h 25c.' ins Baptist Church Services SUNDAY. OCTOBER lUh. 1!)28 Fleshertonâ€" .S.OO p.m. Rock Millsâ€" 11 am., 7 p.m.â€" Harvest Home service. Special service and special .singing. Ordinance of Relievers Baptism will be obser- ved. FANCY IMNK SALMON 20c. CORN STARCH 3 25c. P*'*- X t ♦ I I I X <K^-><"M'« P. & G. SOAP 12 5 Or '""'^ WINTER OVERCOATS We have on hntnd a full stock of New Winter Overcoats, heavy weight, plush lined, that will give first class satisfaction Fashionable Tailored Overcoats made from Imported Cloths, English, Scotch Fabrics IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK THEM OVER W. G KENNEDY •PHONE 37 CERTO 29c. WHIZ FLY FUME 50c. Jelly Powders 4 25c. Pk». OXanada Flour

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