FINANCIAL NEWS , . Qolfig Ahead n» impid d«T«Iopment of IndaatrlM, p cfcwllin mlBlnK, pulp and psp«r, pvirar. lonibertiiK. IroB and itMl. etc, pm «fc« teiTttorlci tjing b«twMn Um Mfltera and woatorn boandarfa •( NortiMra Ontario, and notably b» twMB Bodbnnr ud tho Manitoba konniary, la chanstea tho eatir* aa- Met of the proTlnm's timbarland. I» |1«niatlonal Nickel and llond Nickel jOompanlea are growing into hag* In- ivatrlal eoncerna, while the lead-alno fining and ameltlng IndnBtrr on a Atrge scale is oa the war. Add to thla |th« immenae plans of the Lako Bo> perlor Corporation, now in Canadian fcandi, new Inmbertng projecta and palp and paper enterpriaea recently oompleted and under way, and the population of the 1,000 mllea la grow^ fang ateadlly and ii bound to Ineraaae. Many thrlrlng eommanlcatlona are be- ing built up. The importance of these 'darekipnienta to aKrlcnlture aad bnal- Baea in general la great. O.P.R. 8howa Increase In TrafHa Receipts August tiaAo receipts of the Cana- ;dlan Paciflo llaUway showed a sub- •tantial Increase ever hose o( the coi^ ^napottding month of last year. Ac- eordlng to the weekly statements Is- 'raed by the company, the trafflo receipts amounted to |19,062,OOO, ^ '•falnst |18.79S,000 la August of last jrwur, being a:i increase of 12,266,000, or 18 per cent, Income frona other sources la Aug- Ut of last year amounted to approxi- mately (500,000. Assuming that the game amount will be shown this year, M gross earnings of the C.P.)l. for .ugUSi ^^^ ^* shown at about ;i9,- Motor Production Promises Records U.S. automobile companies reporting fir jwoductlon in August IncteaseJ e inolcatlone that the total output 'of he Indusry Juring the iMntli woi^d "izceed 350,000 vinRs', ' surpassing all 'wcords, for August production sbed- Vles now are said to be SO per cent, higher than at this time last year. Toronto Bank Clearlnas Shew Increase Bank clearings in the city of To- mato tor the week ended September '6tta amounted to $125,426,619. an in- 'erease of (18,783,765 over the corre- sponding period last year and an in- crease of (13,608,676, as compared !irlth the previous week of this year. Oomparlsons! Wk ended 1928 Sept. 6 (126,426,519 Aug. SO 111,818,943 Aug. 23 119,318,695 Aug. 16 133,573,863 W'k ended 1927 Engines Ready for Big Sept. 8 (106,641,754 Sept. 1 112,028,118 Aug. 26 114,218,945 Aug. 19 101,988,890 Mining Briefs Mclntyre is reported to have struck '(he south ore, near the Hollinger line, at the 2,375. The ore, as on the three 'levels above, is very rich, but patchy. (The long end-to-end drive at the 8,875 JtAB advanced about 1.200 feet now. 'An average of 42-45,000 tons monthly pt being worked toward. Slightly It May Be JMnt Symptoms Th.t the Wood I* Trial, fpr RrtOO and RrlOl to Begin January and Last Several Moistlui London â€" rtve Dteset anglnaa, eadh graater tooaaga any ba bad In tern-' porary timea. Reoorery eontfaraea to be tlM Ugbeat ta Porcupina. Mcln- tyre la one mine that has gona up la. grada, aow being wall ever nine dol>-' iars. I ^.I'^wiS: .'oTSLr^ o? tS â- ThI. Should Not be N«glgct«fc MoSatt HaU Une. and toward the east * ^eak, nunlown. lacking (Uangtli. ceatr* of the property. Here free gold energy and ambition, aervooa. Sleep-, ^.^^ , „^_. ,„.,^ has b«en found la a closely spaced 1^,^, p^^^ appetiU, digestion dUtarb-'of 450 horsepower, will arrtr. S'^nWtirZ'rtr^. wLu^^ «l-these are the symptom, named , or the new Air Mlnlatry pa-«>g« !hiU^S^ V\* f . ^^^. ^'"' "^^ benefltted by the use of Dr. ,oyal airship w«^ at Cardia«t«ll. Sl^n^l^^w f„V ZZt^It "^ " ""' ^"^ "' *" "•«" -^^^ b«r.tor. and magnato. ar. attelMt. (• taat The flrst 10 feet la said to be (rf., ^helr great value hi cases o< ayolded. while th- nsa of haaTT all massive chalcopyrit. running approxl- y,,, ^^^ ,. ,^„^ ^^ ^^^ .Utemeat SstAd ^wtrrt ^ dao^il mately 20 per cent, copper., the second „, ^rs. Jaa^s A TtbbetU. HaHfax. ! SL daagS 10 faat Is high-grade chalcopyrlte with jj.S., who says:â€" 'T was completaly' "•"••' It to understood tkat the Araa drill jjy appetite was poor and the least ta halBg moved again, aad that J. C. „ertion left me weak and trembling. McGregor, formerly of the Amulet and whea I went out I woald have a a«- Bow with Mandy, baa ratnmed from „„ hadache, and would have to lie the west to study the geology of thla oomn as soon as I got in the hooae. property. | j^ j^,^ advised me to try Dr. Wit Strength In Barry-HolUnger ntay b« Unn^' pinj^ pjn^, i ,<^n t^^^ ,^,y !!!l^*'»?,t.!^*^* ^ ^ **'"'. "^i '»•'• J»eiP»°K "»• ^^ »>y ^ "»«» I nal stresses, and wtloh were parUy ; Point I* elr faces to tie sky ^ ^wTI^ .1!^' ,»â- '"'^ *» t*»i had taken the sUth box I felt like a responsible far the disaster to tha In the valley of Contentment. lVnâ„¢,rt-t !n^!^ ^ !"?" "•"' "*''*°- *^ ''*'• •»^*^*» "^ ' Shsnandooh. Seven tons of water . In the provlace of I Will. ^«.^ «^S^r.?^» /~.K •***••â- J'**!"' '^^ '^'^- f°r ^ «"<"^ I ballast are being carried la emerg- 1 You wiU flad this lovely city Xc^^ilTr^^l^lJT^ZT.'^ ^^'â- ^'^ recommend the pills to ^ncy bags and tie load in the ship' tor In the rise was a wire from the anyone run-down or troubled " north which stated that Barry was In their nerves." very rich ore in a raise from the 1,-1 Not only do 126-faot leveL REDlOSE is good tea tf yoa waal tbe very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pdioe I, In cleartt bright Abxmiman This, la fact, la oae of tko OMst notable diSsreaeaa botwee n Where EyeryfaoiV* Happy (Contrlbated by Pauline Tremblay) built br the Airship Ouarantee Com^ j There's a town called pany at Bowden. Both sblp* will b«{ Worry, ready tor trials in January, which On the banks ef the River Snslle, occupy three to six months. I Where the Cheer-up and Be-Hapggr Anothar laUrastiag feature of tha Bloasoms sweetly all the while: R-101 la that she is designed to Where th« Never-Grumbie flower withstaad the most violent vertical > Blooms beside the fragianc Try, Qaagi£ed Advertisements P L' P 3 â€" REGISTEHaO uonnunr „ Qormim. Cobours, One Police: mai«a and femalMU 8bip <uiy TAJ4CK moTtrs mt Canada. Laraaaa â- ImmmIx peddad Tana. New lAijuipmcnt, lataat m»tko4a. Two txptirlencad ni«a «v«ry irtp. All loads InaurML Bayead •ompar* for â- kill and eara. Bsfora rev mova writ* a* ur wir» •n<l r«»«r»a tka (barfM. Haad ofllea HamUtaa. ttaiart^ currents which impose severe toUt^ j And the Neer-Glve-U* and Patience Cana<t^ Hiii th* Merer. TTILL THE MUVKHâ€" PlUNEltkU DIS> At the foot of No-rret HIU; Rnstlo benches, quite enticing. Tou'Il And scattered here and there. with can be shifted at any moment. I The R-101 is T24 feet hi length, its only do Dr. Williams' Pink tnailmnm diametar fall Ifl 112 feet j Aad to each a vine le cllnglag, ArfwiHr In v«~>n^ ,,om-. .. . T» ""'" ^^^^ ^^ uerves. Their maln| m<j height 140 feet. Its grosg lift la ' Called the Frequent Earnest Prayer; of a^eSt wS?tart^a"e'ia ITL""" '? '" '""=' ''°' '°"*"* '^•^" '"^ «^'» *^^ '" •"'^" hour Brerybody the?. 1. happy at the ^M-foo le'S lis .Lo^^e ^^' k°^ " "'^ '"°°'' '"^^"'' '"'H*"^ » '"«• «»«"? ««" *^ =«-• And 1. singing aU the while. wldS ol thrt^ tL t. at °I^t1? ''l?'* ""^f- ""''"'" " f''° '° "'^ Passenger, will be accommodated m the town of Don't-You-Worry, fei Pr«ln.^f^«™rt:. ^liTJ.l Vt"^'. 'I'^J^' ?«"!'' .f'''^.' ''^'"'1 on two deck, Inshl. the ship, conUin- On «he banks of River Smile. Motion Picture City Celebrates 25 Years' Growth llVl°'^^. reported grade was serves, improved appeUte, Increased i ^^„„„3 18i0. bnt thii nrnflont rtinnrt -, .., .^ 'Z . . . I "•• "JUngea. about (8JiO. but the present «Port ; ^t^o^u-^Vse-cai'^ry'^i^rbV^tl^: ^^eplng"TbU'T^^ sUtes that values have Increased con-; ^g d,. Williams' Pink Pills. - • ^ "^'''P'^* "''""• ^ '^"'^ '^'^^ '»" siderably. i ttpm to-day. Sold Old Settlers in Hollywood Hold Picnic â€" Pioneer Tells How Place Was Neimed ^*ln I been made of weather conditions on Ik«Dlta tha lllniiM of J n Trra" ' , . -'" ^^ *" medicine ^ uj, roate to India, for which the alr- mSfri^^r^ tte mrklTnd^k. ''^^^"'' °J ^^ "^^ ^""^ P*"*' '' " ! •WP 1- Intended, and the drst synopti- mine manager of the Klrkland Lake c^nts a box from The Dr. WUllama' «, ,h„A.. Lai, Tr-n.^.d f«/.n aold. It is said that he left for thft Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Out property last night and that news of i^ ' â€" ♦ ^evelepm^j^tMy Jje expect^^ T|I?V- '*" â€" â€" ^ ^^»^e= shortly, raicompanjls a\ ^n IS'- C^^^^ â€" -| CAn#1« -"^ portant stage of development, and Mr. •^'WCUdl dVIlUS Questionnaire to Listeners cal ichart has been prepared for an area comprising the wbole of BSor- ope, Siberia, South Afrira, Minor and India. 'i*^' portant stage of development, Tyrell's theory that the two rich zones ^ on the property converge at around • 2,000 feet jjepth wUl hinge ^pon thai results of the nexi few Jays^ A despatch from Amos states that | a rich strike has been made on the Results of First Public Ref Oraham Bosquet property, which ad-i __„„J,„„ ^„ P>«,^...«. T- Joins the Thompson-Gidillac. No fur- 1 "^"°"â„¢ °" Programs Is ther details were given. Officials of Basis of ruture Elfforts the company could not be rettched at the time of writing, but official news will be forthcoming shortly. An electrical survey has been com- pleted on the property of Brett-Tre- thewey in OlUtord Township. A wide „ , ... mlneraUzed zone has been tr»<.ed^'^°y''r'«'^«yf«P°°''«f',r"'?^° ""'^ "°"»*" "^ wherever they MANYMOTMS RECOMMEND THEM Baby's Own Tabiets Are Fine for Nenroos, Sleepless Children. From Canada the fame of Baby's' Stockholm â€" Every license holder in Sweden has received a printed qaes- 1 tlonnaire from the state Radio De- 1 partment regarding radio programs ' Qwu Tablets Is spreading over the ; William's old Ford, were to be answered before June 15 th. ; world. Mothers recommend them to | ♦• Hollywood, Calif. â€" Twenty-flve years of progress in the world's motion pic- ture centre were commamorated here when approximately 900 early reaV dents and pioneers gathered at Pluai- mer Park tor tha annual old settlers' picnic. Following a parade, Eugene Plonk- mer, a resident of Hollywood sine* 1S8S, mounted on horseback and garbed In picturesque Spanish attlrew led the processicn to the park, whtctk is a small portion of what was oaca his extensive hiHside holdings. John Day, pioacer, told of the naio- Ing of the city when he wtu an em^ ployee on the Wilco ranch that occo- ' pied the preseat site. He said: \ "I planteti two holly trees right at I Cahueuga Pass. So Mrs. Ida Wilcox ' Be ve ridge, who owned liO acres there^ Going for a nice long walk, ^^^(^^4 j^ ^afl the place HoDywood. MIGHT BE A WALK across the property and encouraging ; values in copper have been obtained. < The electrical survey was undertaken i with the idea of determining the best I point at which this might be attackeiL ! French Culture in Eg3rpt one-third of the license holders hav- are tried nothing but words of praise Ing replied, that considerable time are heard for these pleasant tasting ! j^^^ . -^^ y^^g 1^,5 grown up know must needs be consumed to analyse utUe tableU that prompUy reUeve 1 ^ ^j ^ j, impossible to live U any the replies. The results will, how- i the minor ailments of young children. I ^^^ ^j yj, world without making ever, be ready by autumn when re- "Baby's Own Tablets are one of the ! friends, but no boy, if he has had a gular radio programs are taken up best remedies for children's ailments j^^ppy iue, can believe that anywhere again. The extremely light nights in i have ever used." says Mrs. Arthur! ^ ^^^^ \j^ trlends who can take Sweden during the summer months t. Allen, of Auburn, Me. "My Uttle ; y^, pi^c^ of his own. The young are Pierre Crabites In the Nineteenth j interfere with reception, but this girl was nervous and could not sleep. L^pp,,g^<i [„ j,, imaginative, but few Century and After (I^ndon) : (BriUin i summer the programs will be more i tried the Tablets and she was re- ^j yj^m jj^y, imagination enougn to has made no attempt to Anglicize the \ W^ely tti»Q ^•J bave been in past , Ueved at once. She was also troubled 1 conceive surroundings unlike their Egyptians by school training, while, summers. j with consUpatlon and nothing seemed g,^ inhabited by people unlike their France supports many powerful edu-i A public referendum on taste in to help her. I had used the Tablets catlonal institutions in Egypt, whose ! ""adio programs is perhaps the first of but a short time before her bowels deliberate purpose is to propagate ; I's kind in the world. That 140,000 were regular. AU mothers should Gallic culture.) England has assured I replies were received shows the in- , keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house, to Egypt a prosperity that the fellah \ terest of the Swedish public in i^dia tor they are a valuable remedy." has possibly never known since the Radio service managed by the state, | Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all dawn of history. Her success is all | •"«« given programs now tor several | druggists or will be mailed on receipt the more remarkable because it has| years and these radio programs play of price. 25 cents per box, by The Dr. been achieved among a people who' <"i Important role in the lives of ; Williams' Medicine Co, BrockvUle. are not In Intellectual communion many. { Ont with Britain. It la not suggested that | During the last year the radio ser- ; « Englishmen or Englishwomen should ^'ce radlocost programs covering 2000 1 » 1 »• V ' 7 depart from cerUln practices that liours. The larger part of this radio | Isolation at rjnpire . have stood the teat of ages, tt to. | public has never had an opportunity j l^^^ Melchett !n the Londoa Daily however, suggested that if Egyptians to hear an opera other than through Tpj^graph: I visualize the future of emigrate were in a position to comprehend radio and their flrst acquaintance Empire as a future of Imperial trade Home life must be made harsher be- Engllshmen as they are able to fol-! with classic music hag come to tbem , ,.pmbines. with factories and research (ore the great open spaces can goem low the trend of thought of French- through radio, t'urtbermore. the op- 1 stations, not only in Britain, bat In a Paradise to the imagiaaUoa ot Eng- men, la might perhaps be possible ! portunity of studying languages by . g^^^y Dominion, producing, not for Ush boys. for London and Cairo to avoid many ' radio has been given them. i mUlions, but tor hundreds of naillona ; obvious pitfalls. I Therefore, the radio service be- „, people. There can only he one! ^^^ ^ ^w. ..S -TLiT ^ ^..^^ neves it wUl be of great value to^j^^^^^ ^^ t^e quesUon of Empire or; THE DEVIL BY THE HORNS fcnow the wishes of this vast audience I isolation. Every day with new dis- Truth (London): (The noise made, and to regulate the radio programs | ^p^g^jgg ^^j advances in transport I by motor traffic in London is now al-i ^t*r their desires and needs. ani communications, new annlhlla-l most unbearable.) I recommend thosej Tbe questionnaires were divided in dgng „f ^^.^g ^nd space, makes that who desire to silence the devil in the, t^ree P^^ts; the first with the pres- ! ^^^^^.^j. He I suppose? [xhe trees died, but as for the dty^- 8he: Well. I'm going for a ride in ^^jj^ ^^^^ j^^j. ^^ ^^.. Sanford Rich, who took office ta -^^ I • U i ^^''-^ *• Hollywooii's flrst Mayor, at- On Leaving Home | tended, as did Carrle Jacobs Bond, a T. T. in the New Statesman (Ix)a- 1 composer. She claims 21 years of residence in Hollywood. Miss Ann Sullivan, flrst American child bom in Hollywood, was a visitor. In<£as' Claim to Status Bombay Dally Mall: Britain now asserts that by willingly coaoeding the claims of the Dominton sbe la morally certain of their support ta J . w, T» «„ times of danger. If that is the right own and yet more desirable. If you j.j. j uwu. »ii.u joi .i^ «; ^ .policy to be adopted towards parts wish to tnake youth adventurous. I , ^ ' „,„„,_ „.„.„„,^, k, . .. s,^ am hicllned to think that ichlldren should be brought up as miserably i as possible. The great ages ot ad- ; venture were ages of flogging' paj- ents and flogging schoolmasters I fancy the boys of the present age are, apart from the lack ot coujlns, the happiest boys In the world's his- tory. Children were never so well treated since the world began. That certainly is not the way in which to persuade the rising generation to to Canada or Australia. MInard's Liniment for aching Joints. of the Empire occupied by people be- longing to the same race ab the Britlsli, it stands to reason that that policy is even more necessarv in the case of a country like India. Tbe sooner Britain recognizes it the bet- ter would it be for the Empire. r»r- r»^x<N»-^ cn Recusst CANCER 3=:^ Tells cause of cancer sad to do for pain, bleeding, cilor. etc. Write for it to-day. mentioning tfei? paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. Pacifism Leo M&xse in the NaUonal Review (London^ : That the Great War has taught Pacifists UtUe or nothing is more obvious and the task; evident from the amiable delusions car to take him first by the horns. '. e°t prPframs and as to how they'igj,, jifflcult. On the other hand, i now rampant, which are, if possible . . . Whether by day or night, the; sbould be limited or Increased. The .^^^g j^ ^^ ^^gj^ ,0, jei^y Unless j more ubiquitous than In the spacious only excuse for sounding your horn 8«cood deals with lecture subjects ^.^ tackle the problem with all our ' days when Viscount Haldane of Cloan at every comer U to save the time and language courses. The third ability and with all our dotermina- ! perambulated the planet certifying to that would be lost by slowing down. f'^o^V as^s questions about the time t ^j^.^ ^j^^pp jg ^eal danger of a gridual j the innocuousness of the Fatherland 1 doubt if in one case in a hundred , ^°»'- suitable for listeners, etc. I Uniting apart of the great complex which was represented as harboring A Rubdown Exercise wiil not cau'e stiff- ness if yc-u'I! masssse yiiur hcd"^ with MInard's. would this trifling loss of time be ofj A complete Inventory of the lntei> , .(,,{.|_,|, g^ my,.-^ i,:^,^^ gnj g„ much ao more thought of war than our material consequence to anybody: es's of the Swedish people is obtain- ; g^.g^gg sacrifice has helped to build. I peace-loving selves. Before 1914 war our ' was declared by the pundits of peace When^KW//- Children Ciy for It Castorla is a comfort when Baby Is fretful. No sooner taken than the Ut- Ue one Is at ease. If restless, a few 'drops soon bring contentment. No jlUtrm done, for Castorla is a baby remedy, meant or babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest Infant: yoa jksTe the doctors' word for that! It la a vegetable product and you could "ruM It every day. But It's In an •mergency that Castorla means most. Some nlgbt when constipation must b« relieved â€" or coUo nalnsâ€" «r oth^r 'aolterlnf. Nevej >• wlthtful It] Win* uotheTli keep an extra Dottle, un- opened, to make sure there will al- «r»ya be Castorla In the bousew It la ittectlve for older ebildrea, too; reed Ihe book that eomee vlth It CASTORIA Vetsrlnarles use MInard's Liniment. the chief sufferers in London would 'd ^T ^'^ Inquiry and, completely ; civilisation itself calls for be people who are In a hurry to (catch classifled and applied, a better and trains, because, like the man who UJ nwre thoroughly democratlc-in the hurrying home In the small hours,' ^^^ "ease of that word-radio pro- they did not start eoon enough, and , «»i» '^ result these people would continue to suffer, ♦ In exactly the same way if there hnmigratiofl of Miners were a policeman at every comer to; «»»â€" •^•â- •»~" »»• • ~..»,.» keep the way clear tor them. The' Melbourne Australa^an: Among tact la that the cult of speed for Its the countries which have coal reser- own sake has become a craze, and ves Australia Is seventh. Her coal It is Indulged at the expense ot every ' resources are estimated to be almost other consideration. j as great as those of Brltahi, whose ^ I coal and Iron made tt for a century The difference between a good and the greatest manufacturing country a bad reputation is that the former of the world. Yet Australia has. is easily lost I reached the astounding position when ^ i It would be profitable to leave her The mercury's rapidly climbing | f^^^ untonched, pay her miners a With never a hint ot a stop; { pension, and buy coal from abroad. Borne fool has enconraged U. saying: gy restricting the migration ot farm- "There's plenty ot room at the top." porkers and f ettlers on land labor â€"New York Sun. | i,ae Jone much to slacken the de- [ to be "uathlnkable" because it hadn't I occurred. Since 1918 it has been pro- nounced Impossible because It is over. =i.velopment of the Commonwealth, but In the days of Cromwell ] it is probable that as many settlers fine quality te* cost as teuch as thirty dollars • pound. To-day, you only pay a few cents more for Red Rose Orange Pdcoe than for ordi- nanr tea» but you get the arnest quality and greatest lue. Put up in clean, bright aluminum packages. r?:pHiUJPSr diaateAcWI IMOIOKSTION ,fcCIOSTO»*««>« H>MW>CMa Acid Stomach I have been lost through the Inability ! of th« coal-mining Industry to absorb I skilled miners who are prepared to come from Britain to work In Aus- tralian mines. â€" .. « There's one thing to be said for capital punishment. Ton seldom hear of a man who haa been htaced couuulttlps another murdaA Excess acid is the common cause ot : less and tasteless and Ita action Is Indigestion. It results In pain and quick. You will never rely on crude ; (ourneas about two hours after eating. , m«tIlod«, n^ver continue to suffer. The quick corrective Is an aUuOl whlcU \ wben you learn how (olckly, how , neutrallxes acid. The best cerrectlTS pleasantly this premier method acta. ; U Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It haa ! Please let It show yottâ€" now. remained standard with physicians In the SO years since Its InveutiOQ. One sp<>ontul ot Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia neutralises Instantly many times ita volume ta aold. It la B« sure to get the genuine PhlUlps' Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by physl- oians tor 10 years in oorreotins ex- cess acid*. Baoh bottle conUlns foU diractloaa â€" any drugators. "HELPEDME WONDERFULLY" Woman Strengthened by ' Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Port Colborne, Ont.â€" "After having [ sn operation, I was very miserably vv^eak, nervous and verv near unlit to work. I saw L>-dia E. rinkham's \«g- . etabte Compound dvertiseo and tried it and believe it helped me won- I derfulV- I have no weak spells any I more, the pains have left me and tn\- nen. ware much , hwft,.!- I {eel safe In Ba>'ing I.>-clia â- £. Pinkham's medi- cines have helpoJ me wonderfuUj'."â€" Mrs. Wm. II. ItKtx HTKU.£ii, Boa 14^ Port Colborne., Ont. i :VX ISSUE Nc. S7â€" -J