THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER I2th '!â- « ^. ^t ^ ^ Sending Money To Distant Points You can send any amount of money to any point in Canada at a min- imum of expense by uainif a Standard Bank Money Order. This method is the safest way to send remittances by mail in the Dominion; if the mail goes astray no loss is sustained. Should you desire to send money to a point outside the country, a Stand- ard Bank Draft will serve your pur- pose for forwarding money to forr'â€"i places. THE SIANCARD BANK OF CANAIA ^ESTABUSHEO 1673^ E. A. PRESTON Manager, FUsherton Branch Mrs. Job Flynn Died Wed. In Owen Sound The death occurred at Owen Sound j G.' & M. Hospital, of Mrs. Jno. Flynn, i I a resident of the Meaf ord Road. She | i had been bedfast in the hospital and 1 on Wednesday evening, Septembr 5, jshe passed away, after much suffer- •â- ing. The late Mrs. Flynn was bom on the East Backline, forty-nine years i ago, a daughter of the late Mr. and j Mrs. Price Teeter. At the age of j 18 she was married to Mr. Wm. Smith who predeceased her 25 years ago. i About 18 years ago she was mar- ried to Mr. Jno. Flynn, who with 1 son and daughter, Newton at home, I Mrs. N. Hutchinson of Markdale, by J her first marriage are left to mourn I the loss of a kind and loving wife â- and mother. j The funeral, which took place Fri- day at 2:30 to Meaf ord Road Cem- I etery, was one of the largest in the : district, and showed the high esteem ! in which she was held. The Rev. ' Newton St. John preached a very com- forting sermon. The floral tribut- es were as follows: Pillow from hus- j band and family. Wreaths John Park- er, Vandeleur L. A., Mr. and Mrs. „ .__^ _. ^ Thos. Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Flynn TnioM iMTe FlMhMton Ststton u -- â€" - i^„j ^^^^^^ g ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ fcllwra: Trout fishmg for this season ends ^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^j^ ^^^ jj^^ ^^^^^ Ql^BM Soutk OfAag North «" Saturday of this week. i^^j ^^^^^^ ^ju ^^^ j^^^ teeter. Mr. S.08 «.ui. 11J52 a.m. Mr. \V. W. Trimble spent several and Mrs. E. Storey, Mr. and Mrs. J. C^JL TIME TABLE Additional Local Items 8.68 p.m. days last week at Manitowaning on Buchanan, Mrs. Alex. Flynn, Mr. W. 4.SS p.m. Manitoulin Islcnd. i Harris, Mr. S. Hemphill and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walker and Mrs. Miss Lousia 'lolden of Toronto was last C. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith. lirevioaa eveninj^. 4.19 m.m. 8.S1 p.m. Ttw maila ciesa at Pleaherton as felRw.: mr tEe north at U.OO a^. ' the guest of -Irs. Jim Wilson .„. ,^ ^^^ ^j^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ wath mt 3.30 For morning train week. ' McLoughry. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hut- â- outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the , Mr. W. G. '• kins of Toronto spent chinson. Those who attended from a couple of c-'.ys last week at his a distance were: Mr. E. Storey, Mt. . home here. and Mrs. C. Flynn and Ernest, and I Mr. and JTrs. Harry Quigg, Mr.'J""- Pa'-'^f °' T?'°"^°- J^^' ^"^ and Mrs. Br â- .ks of Harriston vis- M"- T- Near Alex, of Rockwood . i ited in town over the week end. , Mr- and Mrs. R. McEvery. Mr. Archie I t I and Donald Sinclair, Mr. Fred Mc- Mr. Jas. Findlay of Owen Sound ^^- ^^^ ^^'^^ ^- ^- Murray were in Every, Mr. and Mrs. Knodwell of Erin was a caller in town last week. ' Toronto for a few days last week, • Mr. Norris Teeter of Terra Cotta, Mr. . 1 returning Monday evening. | and Mrs. R. Barbour of Hillsbure, coming Local and Personal at Dungannon Duck hunting oi)en3 this Saturday, September 15 and will close December 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and two children were visitors last week at the former's parental home here. Mrs. Emerson Adams and daugh- ter, Jean, of Elmvale are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. D. W. Adams. Mr. C. J. Bellamy moved last weeki to his new residence recently pur- ' chased from the VanDusen estate. i „ , ^ or of Owen Sound on a B Mr. Wes. White and friend of To- i charge. ronto spent the week end with the! „ . ,, „ „, former's brother on the West Back-i ^'-J"!^^ Mr3. Carson Sleeman and jj^ j two children, Anna and Jack, of Guelph were visitors last week with Miss Tillie Hewitt returned home ,Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Schaeffer. on Saturday, after spending the past I Mr. George Stewart of the suburbs Mr. and Mrs. D. Sinclair and Jack. | i had several s.heep worried by dogs Mr. Will Sinclair and Mrs. Young of on Monday evening. I Binkham. Mrs. G. Thompson of .AI- ,. .„ ^ .- , , ^ , 1 ton and Mrs. Blair of Orangeville.. ' Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and son. Jack, ' _, ,,, nr r c thi- pallbearers were Mr. E. Stor- ey, Alex. Near, Lundy and Will John- I are visiting I week. 1 -^Its. S. Arnott4 of Wareham is i spending a few months with her ' I daughter, Mrs. Wm. Inkster in town. Mr. Carl Humberstone was fined ston, Fred and Charles Boland. BORN ^,„^ . . ,, . ^ SHEARDâ€" In Nottawasage Town- llOO^and^ costs by Magistrate Creas- g^ip, on August 16, 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. .\lvin Sheard (nee Hazel Phil- ilips) a son. â€" Thomas .Alvin. L. C. A. ENG.AGEMENT several months in Durham hospital, suffering a broken leg. We are pleased to see Mr W. P. Crossley able to resume his mail route, being laid up for the past week. The L. 0. B. A. will meet this Fri- day evening, September 14, in Clay- ton's Hall. All members are re- quested to attend. Mrs. Dave Dow has rented her house and property in town to Mr. Ed. Fisher of Rock Mills, who will take possession shortly. A gander, owned by Thos. Clarke, of Cooksville, has attained the great old age of 40 years, is expected to continue living for another ten years. The gander is named Methusaleh. .\ heavy rain storm, accompanied by thunder, hit this section on Mon- day afternoon. It was one of the heaviest downpours experienced this year. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maddocks and daughter, Mary of Toronto called on friends in town on Monday on their way to visit relatK'es at Port- law. Mr. and Mrs. C. White of Waub- aushene were visitors in town over the week end. Mr. White returned a week ago aftr a motor trip to Win- nipeg, returning by rail. Mr. James Russell of Parma, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. J. .A. Carson wish to Mr. and Mrs. Munro and son. El- ' announce the engagement of their wood, of Detroit and Mr. Thos.Brady ' daughter, Florence, to -Arthur J. W. of Toronto were week end visitors Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. with Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. ] A. Richardson, of Swinton Park, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Crowell of ' *^« marriage to take place late in Dunkirk visited the latter 's cousin, ^^P*^â„¢''^'"- Mrs. W. A. Hawken, during the past ^veek. I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howard of ' 'Markdale, Ont., announce the en- Miss Alma Abram and Master gagement of theid younger daughter. Wesley of Belmore visited their Florence Lillian to Mr. Jac. Cassels, grandmother part of las. week. .Mrs. Lucknow, Ont.. only son of Mrs. Thos. J J. Carson. Cassels, formerly of Wingham, Ont.. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Marshall and the marriage to take place quietly daughter. Betty of Detroit, Mich., vis- the latter part of September. ited a few days the pa.«t week with • the former's mother, Mrs J. J. Car-| „ ^ ,, T^ r- ,r t ggn Mr. and Mrs. D. G. McLean, Price- 1 ville. announce the engasement of Mr. W. G. Kennedy has again made their daughter, Olive Margaret, tj extension in his fine grocerj- store. Henrv B. Richardson, son of .Mr. and where he installed new shelving for Mrs. "w. A. Richardson, the marriage his grocery department to increase to take place the middle of Septem- the capacity. It is now one of the y^^j most up-to-date grocery stores in Ontario. | DIVISION COURT MARRIED I CABELLâ€" SEELEY â€" .\t Toledo. Two cases were before Judge Klein Ohio, on Saturday, September Sth, of Walkerton at Division Court held 192S. Dorothy Emily Seeley. daughter here on Friday afternon last. One of Mr. and Mrs. David Seeley of the case consumed considerable Centre Line. Osprey to Mr. Charles time, was an action by T. J. Stin- S. Cabell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. son against Geo. Brackenbury, on a Cabell of Danville, West Virginia, deal a year ago, when a farm was Rev. Paul Lehman officiated . dealt for a house built in Flesherton by the defendant. Mr. Brackenbury; NEFFâ€" DIXONâ€" At the home of, had a counter charge and both par- Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Dixon, Elmvale. ' IT CAN BE DONE 12 p.C. WITH SAFETY Standard Royalties Limited which offer one of the safest and most profitable investments on the Canadian market Sammary of the Company's Progress and Monthly Income The Company is incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario. The Directors were elect. I and the Company commenced operations on March 7th, 1928. Months Preferred Actual Monthiv Operating Shares Issued Income Received March 222,650 $11,661.31 April 258,420 13,099.98 May 314,250 14,069.25 June 413,674 16,712.57 July 468,265 18,002.51 August 532,602 25,248.88 1 he Company's Income is now 4^4 *"; per month on the outstanding Preferred shares. After the expenses of Manag-ement. Taxes, etc. the Charter provides for the distribution of the Income fo+ir wavs as follows :- 1. CLMLL-ATIVE 12% REDEEMABLE PREFERRED STOCK The Preferred Shares are a first lien on all the -Assets of the Company with a fixed dividend of 12 p.C. per annum payable 1 p.c. monthly on the first of each month to shareholders of record on the 25th day of the previous month, and are re- deemable at $1.10 a share. 2. SINKING FUND -An amount equal to at least ^2 of 1 p.c. each month on the outstanding Preferred Stock of the Company must be set aside out of the Income of the Company and deposited with The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, as Trustee for the Re- demption of the Preferred Shares on the 1st dav of .April, 1943, at $1.10 per share. 3. SIRPLIS FOR RE-INVESTMENT Two-thirds of the Surplus Income must be in- vested in Producing Royalties to increase the .As- sets and Earning Power of the Company and the remaining one-third is available for Common Stock Dividends. i. COM.MON STOCK DIVIDENDS One-third_ of the Company's Surplus Income is set aside for dividends on Common Stock and in view of the large Income Dividends are assured and the Company will commence paying regular div- idends on .A.pril 1st, 1929, as originally provided. Monthly Dividend cheques for the Preferred Stock at the rate of 1 per cent, are issued by The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, and this dividend has been paid regularly since .\pu:il 1st, 1928. $38,000.00 has already been invested out of the Surplus Profits in Xew Producing Oil Royalties for the Company. No other Rovaltv Companv on the Continent has made greater progress in so short a time as ST.AXDARD ROY.\LTIES LLMITED, all due to the Company's funds being invested only in Diversified Producing Oil Royalties in Fields of Proven Deep Long-Life Sands which are being operated by the Major Oil Companies. The shares are sold in Units of 100 â€" 12 per cent. Preferred shares at $1.10 pei share and 100 Common Shares at 25c. per share. The present yield will be sub- stantially increased in the near future out of the Rapidly Increasing Common Stock Dividend Fund, as provided for in the Charter. A DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR, GIVING FULL INFORMATION ON STAND ARD ROYALTIES LIMITED, WILL BE FORWARDED ON REQUEST. When purchasing units please make checjues. Drafts or >l>)ney Orders payable to The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, and forward same to :• Mid-Continent Bond Corporation 331 Bay Street • Toronto - Canada Phones: .\delaide 9177-8-9-0 Upon receipt of funds the Share Certificate will be issued by The Imperial Trusts Company of Can- ada, the Official Transfer .Agent for the Standard Royalties Limited, and forward by registered mail to the purchaser. ticipants came out about even in the on Wednesday. .August 22, when their wife and family of four arrived .division. eldest daughter. Mary, was united by motor over the week end and is j p. McKechnie laid, a charge a- in marriage to Mr. J. Clifford N'ef f now at Eugenia. Mr. Russell e^cpe-.-ts j ^^jj^g^. -p j gtinson for one month's of Singhampton. The ceremony was to remain in these parts for tho next ' .^^^g^ ^^^ j,;^ ^nd was awarded the performed by Rev. -A. M. Pope of year. amount, $31. Minesing. We have again raised the Prizes in some sections of the Prize List for the Fall Fair; three prizes for teams and drivers now, instead of two. There is a prize for all breeds prade Brood Sows, and also utility fowl. The directors are trying to help our own community by offer- ing prizes for the things you raise. See if you cannot exhibit something and co-operate with the society. Mrs. Emma Waiters- of Idaho isj the guest of her niece, Mrs. J. Crgoo, ! in town, and will remain for the winter. Mrs. Watters was formerly ; Miss E. Merrick, . and in her youth , resided at Kimberley, whrt-e she was ! a fellow schoolmate of Ye Editor. 1 The meeting of these old friends was . a mutual pleasure. j J. P. Walter & Son of Listowcll are opening up the store owned by Mrs. W. L. Wright and convncncing to-day will conduct a sale of men's wear. Kid- ^ ies' wear, boots and shoes, sjc. Mr. Jack Walter is associated with his father in the Whiness. after arriving home recc-.itly from Ams<terdai^i, Hol- land, where he had competed at the Olympic games with the Canadian del egation. on Hand Home Containing valuable suggestions on home planning with Qyproc, Rocboard and Insulex. Write for it. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINX. UMnXD rmrla CmuiI* \t9praQ For Sale By Frank W. Duncan, Flesherton, Ont. Extra Pants FREE to every man measured for a suit of clothes during the visit of the Berger Tailoring representative to this store. Men. what an opportunity! For one d".y only, during the visit to this store of .Mr. P. King. head office representative of the Berber Tailoring Company, we offer you the services of this well known, long experienced tailor and EXTRA TROUSERS FREE with every suit ordered. This is a wonderful chance to get the fino^t fit you have ever had at not a cent mure than our regalar low prices. In addition to a full line of suits, topcoats and overcoats already made up in the new styles. .Mr. Kins will bring with him A Complete Range of the New Berger Fall and Winter Fabrics Comprising many score of beautiful imported British and Canadian cloths. The Berger Tailoring Co. have always been noted for the extraordinary beauty and wearing quality of their fabrics. This fait they have excelled themselves in the wonderful value tV.oy offer. Tailored to Your Individual Measure .\ll Berger garments are tailored to the cus tomer's individual measure. Duriita; this special event yoM have the^opportunity of be ing measured by one of Canada's leading tailors at no extra cost. Don't forget : FREE PANTS only to ihose measi id 'Vtdner-dpj, September 2f-ii Make sur: of the t'^ite! Remember: ONE DAY Onlv Wednesday, September 26th F. H. W. HICKLING STORE CLOSED THIRS. at 12 noon FLESHERTON, ONT. mtm