m i i Ow wi u mm » * WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th THK FLEvSHRRTON ADVANCE JjJ,^^ rBill-TOIOITO Effective Teamwork Farmer and banker planning to* gether to insure sound agricultural financing is good business. Take our local manager into your confidence. He will be glad to co-operate with you. For 72 years The Bank of Toronto has been assisting the development of Can- adian agriculture. With the experi- ence gained, we know we can be of real value in helping you to obtain greater production for your £ann. 828 THE' BANHORONIO FEVERSHAMâ€" C. H. Smith. Manager. MARKDALEâ€" W. L. Vouhk, Manager. Was First to Stake Famous Noranda Mine Dr. K. F ArmstronK of Cobalt Wa.s in town, Tuesday and gave The Chronicle a Short Call While on His Way to Toronto Exhibition.â€" Was Former Schoolmate of Editor of thi.-t paper. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoUingrwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each -WMk. Cici/lation over 1100, Pric* in Canada, |2.00 per year when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON - Editor. F. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. CLSTOMS TIR.NED TOPSY- TLRVY. w( rk and is a decided improvement <)â- er the old style. • • • A street sign in the village of Hal- ibrite, Sask., reads: "Go Slow; Two (Fools Might Meet." • • • Will some High School authority 'tell us why, this year, so many 'of the pupils fell down in British History? There seems to always be a catch in some subject. Since the water was too cold for the swimmers at the Toronto Exhi- bition 1st Wednesday we would sug- gest to the powers they hold the next nirathon swim on the large mill Turkey, having abandoned Mahom- pond here. Each time around would odanism, there was a belief that | be close to a mile and the water is Egypt would make claim to the lead- ership in promulgating the religion of the Prophet. This does not ap- pear likely. We learn that Al Az- iiar, the most famous univeristy of the East, ii soon to disap]>ear as a centre of the Hsam world and a doi::- inant factor in Egyptian life. The University, with its 12,000 litudents, is now without a head, the iiarliament of P-gypt having refused to nominate a successor to the ven- iable head who recently retired after laving spent hi.s adult life within its v.-alls. The Grand Mufti position I as been abolished, and thu.s, after : n existence of over 1,0(J0 years, the • â- â- eat seat of learning is Hearing its « nd. It could .>(carcely be expected r ) entirely reverse its teachings in â- )position to the equality of worn- free from icicles this time of year. « • • The office devil was heard to re- mark on the swim idea here that as there weren't enough boats to ac- company the swimmers, rafts would have to be used. • â- • What are the B'all Fairs for? To educate the producers what kind of stock or vegetables are the best to raise or grow, also what kind of a cake suits the taste the best. Now this is a good chance for the produc- ers to get together and show what can be done by united efforts. Some three hundred miners from England, who came out to assist in the West with the harvest, are be- ing returned as "misfits." Th.-y .^, , ^, , ..... , , found the work too strenuous and • '. with men and the abolition of i)ol- i , ,i i â- ^ i x- , ^, , . . , bad other complaints also. Nnw when they return to I^ngland thyy amy, and the adoption of modern ' . cstern ideas, after thf example set • Turkey. Modern Egyptian men I :nanded the revision of the penal r le, the women agitate for the right I appear in public without the veil, » â- ! the youth of both sexes clamor ) .- headgear i)f Western fashion. ( . ihodox Moslems protest in vain 3. uinst what they consider to be pcr- ^ • .ions of the Koranic law; the I yptians, like the Turks, are de- t iiined to be like their progressive I ,'hbors. A PI.EASINC; I'EKKmMANCE •.inday evening the Editor had the vilegc of hearing the Meaford â- > d in their last open air band con- '. of the season and wc were de- . • ted with the entertainment. Band- . ter Cowic and his musicians again ; tured first prize in class C (2), the â- 1 year in succession and one of r numbers was the test piece l"an- •1 "Joan of Arc" (round.) E.nch .'! we h«ar the Mcaforfl band it , greatly improved in the inteipert- r the rarious numbers. Wc also yed the concert solo by Mr. .1. \. .â- eney, accompanied by the bnmi, A being very clear and pure. Mr. veney won n silver plated gold ' cornet, with case, in the cornet ) contest at the C. N. K. nnl will live in peace and (juietness tbruugh the dole ."ystem. These men would not make a success in an.v walk in life. • • • The awarding of the .nrizc nioiie.v of $;{.''),0()() to fourteen of the contest- ants in the Mcn'.s Marathon on Wed- nesday last at the C. K. E. did nut receive nuuh comendalicm from the general |)ui)lic, who thought the act- ions of Michel, who swam the furthest and Vierkottei, second, should have !)een recognized with a larger lemnn- eration. However with the award of the Wrigley company of ?2.000 each to the al)ovc two and George Young, n more favorable impression was giv- en that the swimmers had received justice. Reminiscences of thirty-odd yeprs ago was the principal topic under discussion 'in The Chronicle offico last Tuesday morning for half hour or so, when Dr. E. F. .\rmstrong, a a former Flesherton boy and school chum of the writer dropped into our sanctum on his way home from vis- iting his relatives in that village foi the past few days. With him wire his wife and four sons, and after u visit with friends at Buffalo, and a trip to the Toronto Exhibition, the party expects to reach their home at Cobalt a week from next Sunday. To be exact it is just about 32 years since we two met before, and it was quite natural that our con- versation should drift back to the days when we cut our names in the school furniture, played hockey and made rafts on the Flesherton mill- pond, and did many other useless, but to us, necessary things, in the exuberance of our bo.vhood spirits. "Ern" (short for Ernest) was the name our friend got sometimes, but to those of us who knew him best he went by the title "Dutch", though where it originated we do not know. The writer's father, the late editor of The Chronicle, was teacher in the Flesherton school at that time. Personally, we have always en- tertained the notion that "Dutch- Armstrong and ourselves were the two most valuable pupils in the old Flesherton school. If anything went wrong while the teacher's back was turned, it was always quite safe for the teacher to whale the stuffing out if either of us. There might be a slight mistake in the one selected, but it always was certain that one or the other was either responsible , for the devilment, or was accessory before or after the fact. Anyway one of us was usually in the "pres- ent" class when the long strap was taken from the little drawer on the I teacher's platform. Right or wrong I both could take his "trimming", and I we don't believe either ever "peach- I cd" no matter how severe the pun- / ishment. The schoolmaster of the day looked mighty, and big, and ' cross, as he weilded the strap, but we have a sneaking idea that he secretly admired us for the fact that iio matter how hard the going, "ach took his medicine without a squawk. But these old days are gone for- ever. After reviewing the good old davs when a kid was a kid and shoes were taboo, we spent a few minutes in comparing notes as to what had happened in the interim. The writer went to the south, spent some years in the South Seas in sailing, iiVith the armv, in fact we tried a little (,f evervibing but the ministerial pro- I'ession! Mr. Armstrong went to dental college and after graduating went into the North countr>' and was one of the pioneers (f the Cobalt district. He, it was, named Pearl Lake; first sitaked the ground on which the Norando and Mollinger ines are now located, besides hav- various other mining clairii.^ which he sold some year.' ago. As n result of his prospecting, though this pari was nr>t mentioned by Dr. Armstrong, he is now on Easv Street liMancially. has been Mayor of Cobalt and is one of the prominent res.- dents of Ontario's newer sections. In the Croat War Dr. Armstrong Village Council Hon. S. L. Howe, a former resident of Meaford, now of Vancouver, is the new Provincial Secretary of The Flesherton Village Council j »»"'"»*» Columbia, met for a short session on Monday â- evening, when the main bu.siness was nT^r**!^^* AJ^ttnfA^I the passing of accounts. * CnOCI » â-¼â-¼ alliCU Accounts received were as follows: _ , .„ , ~ . , , E. Tremp, 3^ months acting as con- Tenders will be received by the stable; 0. W. Phillips, express, coc; ""^ersigned up to and including bat- Bickle Fire Engine Co., for lead jar, "'•'^ay.. September loth, tor the eon- »:!3.99; Robt. Ferris, labor. $8.75; , f'^'^'O" •'^^ 7'"f°5^«^ concrete Advnace Printing Co., voters' lists, | bridge, opposite lot J 5, Con. 1 & 5, advertising, etc., $45.55; Harold Lev- j O^Pfey To'W-nship. er, spreading calcium chloride on the! ?'«"« and specifications may be Notes on The Doings at Fleiherton Fair The Secretary : jports that already quite a number h:ive written in from outside places req.iesting Prize Lists. which shows that our Fall Fair last fall, by being the best in the history of the society, is advertising us the right way. Say, young mr. i, Fair Day would be a good opport.nity for you to see if your best girl is willing to take'coun^y' Road, Vr6o"*"fheTbo've were' seen at the cffice of the Engineer, the chance of the long ride through ordered to be paid on a motion by Court House, Owen Sound. by 0. W. A marked cheque f^r 10 per cent, will be required with ea'.'h tender and life, with you. by asking her to go for a short ride in the airplane in at- tendance thnt day. Last year quite a number around home neglected to secure their entry tickets until the day of the fair. Kindly try t :is year to have your list of enlrie ; in a few days before, So all you \vM have to do is call for them Fair Day. â€" Read Rule 1. Flesherton Fall Fair, September 20-21. Those who attend our Fall Fair will have t > admit that the Directors have certainly been working when they see the improvements done to the grounds and buildings. The Directors are doing everything in their power to make this Fair, this fall the best ever held here. Write for a Prize List to the Sec- retary, T. W. Findlay. seconded G. B. Welton. Phillips. , . , , . .jj •, , ... It was decided that the Reeve, Mr. 'the successful bidder wih be "auest- Welton and Mr. Phillips be a com- ! ed to furnish a contract bond for 50 mittee to secure caretaker for the T*.f cent, of the amount of contract. new town hall. '^^^ lowest or any tender not nee- Accounts were presented aggre-', cssaiily accepted. ^ ,, ^t ttt^ gating $77.50 for shovelling and. «• *-• McKNIMiT, teaming by Henry Howard, John) Township kngineer. Colgan, Mark Wilson, Chas. Stewart i _^ ' _^ ^^^„ and George Stewart, and on a mot- i NOTICE TO CREDITORS ion of G. B. Welton. seconded by H. Freeman, were ordered to be paid. LONGâ€" LEVER All persons having any claims or demands against the Estate of Thom- [ as Wolseley Conron, late of the vil j lage of Feversham, in the county of A quiet, but pretty wedding took Grey, Telephone Operator, who died place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, when their daughter, , . , , , ^i. j • Vera Alberta, became the bride of '='*""^ ''"'^ P''^^*'^ '° *^^ undersign- ed Solicitor of the Administrator od on or about the 31st day of March, 1928, are required to forward their And further take notice that after Mr. Gordon Long, son of Mrs. Long Now would be good time to send^f Flesherton. The ceremony was or before the 29th day of September, an invitation to those friends at a I Performed by Rev. Jos. Harrower. 1928. distance to attend our Fall Fair, I w';'''^^ took place beneath an arch September 20-21. Don't forget to attend the concert on Fall Fair night. A real good pro- ^^^ '""'c'e looked very pretty in a ^^^^^ gram is assured, as the Laird con- g<>^^'" °^ rose beige georgette, with . . , , , , . cert troupe, consisting of eight peoole shoes and stocking to match and car- ^^^'"^ "^^"^"^ ^"'^ '° ^"^** '^"'""^ *^ are putting on the program. '"'^d a bouquet of gladioli. t^nmmed with streamers and white g^^,^ ^^^jj^^^j ^^^^ ^^e Administrat- or will proceed to distribute the money among the parties entitled thereto having regard only t j^jj.5 J he then will have notice of. , Brackenbury, sister of the bride, act- ' Dated at Collingwood this 17th daj traVtTon'"'at""dirr "faV^It will" be" a IJ^ ^f T"""" ""^ honor, while Mr. of August, A.D. 1928. much larger plane, which will take Brackenbury supported the groom.; MALCOLM McLEAN. CoUingwood. up two passengers at a time. ^i^/.^ ^'.*f Geraldine Morgan, mece, .,..„, .... , ,. of the bride made a charming flower Music will be supplied by the Haw ^^^^ jyjiss Dorothy Cunningham of Orchestra of Swinton Park on Fair Palmerston played the wedding march ' ^^y- I and also during the signing of the The airplane will again be an at SALE OF LAND BY TENDER of the late Thos. W. Conron register. I SEALED TENDERS will be re- Hurdle jumping is another attract- ion at our fall fair. September 20-21. i Supper was served immediately af-'*^"^*^ ^^ **** undersigned at his of- This is something new around here. ' ^^^ tj,g ceremony, the teble being de- ^'*=* ''' Collingwood up to the 29th Be sure and see the horseback corated with white asters and glad- day of September, 1928, for the pur- potatoe race on fair day. See prize ioli. chase of lots 6,7 and 8 on the East list for particulars. ; jy^^ y^^^g couple left on a motor side of Victoria Street in the Village Softball will again be a feature trip to Toronto and Hamilton and of Feversham. There are two hous- of the afternoon attractions on Fair on their return will reside on the es situate on the property. Tenders Day, as the second final game in the [ groom's farm, south of Flesherton. ! may be made for either of the houses Centre Grey Softball League, and if necessary the 3rd game will be play- ed that afternoon. I separately or together. Dated bt ColTingwood} this 22nd mi ing DAVIDSONâ€" Mc CUTCHEON A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at four o'clock on Wednes- day. August 15th, 1928 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Shelburne, when Now^ let us all get ready to pat ronize the Fall Fair. The Prize List jay of August, A.D. 1928 is good, and the roads in fine con- dition. Court of Revision Malcolm McLean of the Town of Collingwood, Solr. for the Adminis- trator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that a Court Jessie Irene, the eldest daughter of l^^j]] j,g j,eld at the Town Hall, Flesh- Mr. and Mrs. Tyrnhett McCutcheon, erton, by His Honor, the Judge of the; Notice is hereby given that aU of Shelburne was united in marriage ! County Court, for the County of Grey . persons having any claims or de- to Hugh G R. Davidson, son of Mr. ' at 10 o'clock a.m., on Tuesday, the , mands against the Estate of Agnes and Mrs. W H. Davidson, of Colling. 25th day of September, 1928. to hear^ Kaitting, late of the Township of wood. The ceremony was perform- i ^ complaints of errors and omissions Osprey in the County of Grey, House ed by Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, Rector '"^"^^°^ mh 1T of SetTtember' ' ^'^"' ""'^^ ^'^^ °" "^ *^''"' '^' ^^^^ , J. o. n....i.., m. u Dated this nth day of September, .^^ ^^ September, A. D. 1925. are W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk.' """^'^^^ '" foi^ard to the undersign- ' ed Administrator or his Solicitor on or before the 29th day of Septmeber A. D. 1928 their names and addres- es and full particulars of their claims 1928. Voters' List, 1928 of the St. Paul's Chur.h. The bride, who was giv?n away by her brother, looked charming in a gown of white chantilly '.nee over satin, wearing a veil of emb /lidered net and carrying a bo;, luet of Op- helia roses and sweet peas. The MUNCIPALITY OF FLESHERTON , duly verified. bride and groom were attended by | Andlfurther take notice that after Miss Grace Davis, of Orangeville. Notk.- is hereby given that I have the said date the Administrator â- will •md .Mr Sherm.-in T-iy! >r of Colling- compile" with section 7 of the Voters' proceed to distribute the assets of ' ,„„, List Ac. and have posted up at my ^^^ ^^^^ deceased amongst the part- ''\t church was pr.tilly adorned J^^ tU 5't ^y^atl^â„¢:^;^^; r^'^ f^^^^ in flowers of the scasr:,. to vote in the said Municipality el-, ^^ *« ^"^'^ '"'^""^ «^ he will then have Following the ceremony a recept- ections and that such list remains notice of. ion and luncheon were given at the there for inspection. j ^a'^^l »* Collingwood this 22nd went overseas as O.C. of one of the i ,^^,,^p ^f the groom in Collingwood. And I hereby call upon all voters day of August A. D. 1928. •â- (.rthern Ontario reuiments, nnd has ^^^ following day the happv couple to take immediate proceedings and w. H. KERNAHAN, Administrator, â- tl'iough North- have an.- omission or errors correct-; School Fair Supplies The Grey County branch of tlie Department of Agriculture have sent to all school fair directors 50 entry tickets for the school fairs. There was also sent out teachers' and di- rectors' badges, and with fill instri'ctions. The prize Ij.'its wi're sent out to the teachers before school i-loscd in June and a special supple- mentary priza list was sent ti all ight this additional honor to the school fair directors the first week of ford band. July. o would be very pleased to have .^,^^, ^,^^^ j^ ^^^ f^^^ j^^ ,,^,^j Meaford band in Flesherton to al the people of this district to re- . n (listinct treat by a musical • nization second to noe in the pro- p. EDITORIAL NOTES "nly one man finished the race hst v; 'nesdn*-.â€" Old Man Lake Ontario. • • • lis past week the Durham Chron- arrh^'Hl in a now dress o/ the n,, /. modern type for newspaper school fairs Orey County ever held. F^very boy and girl should enter us many classes as |)ossiblc, as there are some exceptional prizes offered. The ihnmpionship school faiv will be held at Diirhari on Saturday, Oc- tol)er 13th. It is anticipated that a fnrger crowd than ever will be pres- ent. The Owen Sound Agricultura' Society hn.s voiy g»ner»usly contri- buted $15 toward tlie payment off prize*. since returned to rol)alt. where he c-xpects. we infer, to spend the bal- anoe of his days in the enjoyment of sufficient competence that be will | have no fin.incial worries in the future. In our eonversation, we also spoke <.f the iireseiit-day idea of holding an Old Home Week for the boys and girls who have left Flesherton. This part of the conversation got under way after we had looked over some old' school pictures taken at Flesh- erton school over :'.5 years ago. We were of one opinion. Flesherton should have an Old Home Week. Every town should have one. These eeleb'ralions mean little or nothing to those who have grown up and re- mained in their native town, but to those who have moved away and sel- ,lom return to the old scenes, well, there are few who would not wel- come the chance to return and frnt- erni/e once more with those of their school pals who have jwssed out of their knowledge years ago, and are now only remembered as they nmiear while attending the old school.â€" Dur- ham Chronicle. _ Softball at Owen Sound Two Softball teams from Flesher- ton. men and Indies, played several j ^ games in Owen Sound on Saturday, y^ and made n real impression. The - men played the Millionaires, champ- ions of the city league and in the first game loft R-0 nnd tied the sec- ond 5-5. The ladies were only two runs behind the Imiy champions of the Grey city. Bolh the FJesber- lon teams were oil stnr aggregations nnd if thev had plnyed together a few times Wi-.uld give any team a run. I .|, The return game is taking place to- -j; day. at the Field Day, on th? Ag- ricultural ground.4. left for a motor trip .. .â- „^,„,. -,; t„ ^^,,. ^^, i^gt day for, ern Ontario, the bride ravelling in ,^^.^-^ ^^^ ^Oth day of Sept-i a blue and grey enson. ile. On re- p„,,,p^_ ^(^28. turning Mr. nnd Mrs. Havidson will y,- j. BELLAMY. Clerk. I reside in Collingwood. Dated September 8th, 1928. ' Ont. Maxwell. or to , MALCOLM McLEAN, Sol. for the Administrator. Collingwood, Ont, .>.x~>♦v•:•♦♦^•X"^♦^~:~x••K~x~:"K•♦W":•^~>^~^<~>•>>:~>♦x~^♦K•♦^•>•^•^♦♦«^•>«^•x^^ .1, it GENUINE FOR Woodwork, Floors, Autos, Furniture Anyone Can Apply It. Dries in 30 minutes. Wide range of colors. | Duco Polish restores the origin- al lustre on your Furniture or Auto. Dust does not stick to it. Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. PLASTIC WOOD â€" Handles like putty â€" hardens like wood. I F. W. DUNCAN • 1 > < ^.^.5.^..;.^..>.X«*<'*<'*<'<'***'>***^'*****'''^*****'^^***^^^'^'^^'^^^'*^''^^>*>*>'^^