Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1928, p. 1

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Vol. 48 No. 15 ®()je <fkB\^tti0n %Hmu Fle«kerlon Ontario, September 12, 1928 W, H. Thurlton & Son, Propfielors. SWAMP COLLEGE j Everybody is almost done harvest-' ing and the hum of the threshing: ma- chine is heard in every direction. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Haw spent the week end with friends in Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald and daughter, Dorothy, and Jliss Mary and Effie McCannell, with Miss Hawk- es of Toronto motored up and spent the week end with Mr. Angus Mc- Cannell. Mr and Mrs. Lyman Jackson and Miss Thelma of Marion, Ohio, and Mrs. Leslie Jackson motored over after George, who has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Black. School has commenced again with Miss Baigment of Hamilton in charge. Mr. Milton, Fowler has returned to Belleville to resume his teaching duties. Sorry to report Mrs. Gordon Fer- guson on the sick list. Hope she may be soon better. : Glad to report Miss Melissa Mc- Lean improving, after her serious ill- ness. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brojghton, j and Miss Alice, visited friends at Nottawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay, Miss .A.lice Bough- \ ton were Sunday visitors at Mr. An- ' gus McCannell's. i Mr. and Mrs. Herb Corbett and Mrs. A. McCannell motored to To- . ronto and took in the Ex. Miss Pearl McGrath and mother of Toronto are visiting relatives around here. PRICEVILLE P.8.â€" ** Station-to Station calls are cheaper.'* Mrs. Allen wonders vhy calls to her home oosk 40e, while Mrs. Brown's oast only 30c The reason lies in tlia post- cript of Mr. Brown's leAter. "Can me regularly .... Station-to-Statim calls an cheeper." So Mrs. Brown gives the distant telephone number and tells the operator, "Anyone there will do." That makes it a Station-to- Station call. The low evening rates (after 8.30 p.m.) and still lower night rates (after midnight) iQ>pIy on such calls; and, usually, connec- tion is made whOe you re- main at the telephone. Do as Mrs. Brown does. Remember the postscript. oas Miss Martha Watson spent a few days in Toronto nd took in the Ex. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones on August 27th, 1928, a son Mr. Farquhar McKinnon spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. nad Mrs. Frnk Reiley and fam- ily spent a couple of days in Toronto. Miss Catharine McMillan of Fergus hospital, after being operated on for appendicitis, came home Monday for a rest. Born â€" On Wednesday, September 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Garfield White, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George McGillvray and father and sister of Paisley, Mr. Donnie McLean from the west, Mr. D. G. McLean and Mrs. Ray McLean were recent visitors at Mr. A. Car- son's. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess of Dur- ham visited on Sunday at Mr. H. R. McLean's. Miss Flora Campbell is visiting friends at Niagara. Mrs. Flowers of Toronto is visit- ing at Mr. Dave Nicholl's. Miss Mabel Nichol returned home after visiting friends in Toronto and Hamilton. Miss Bertie .A.ldcom of Moose- jaw is visiting at her father's, Mr. Wm. .\ldcom's. The Guild is having social evening in the hall on Wednesday night, ; when a good program will be given, - and a good lunch will be served. Ev- erybody welcome. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Milne and babe Sundayed with friends at Elmwood. A fine turnout was to hear Mr. F. i Sullivan at United Church on Sunday i at each ser\-ice. .A. duet was rend- ered by Mr. Sullivan and W. W. Ram- age. CEYLON MAXWELL â- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison and , family were recent visitors in To- ; ronto. ; Mr. Jno. Stuar: is critically ill at , his home here. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Gauld have re- turned after visiting Toronto friendj. Mrs, G. W. Ross and daughter. Joan hav? returned home after spend- ing two months with relatives in Saskatchewan. Sorry to report little Miss Stella Young under the doctor's care, but hope to see her out again soon. Miss Shirley Buckingham has re- , turned to Puiidalk and Miss Artie I Wright to Toronto, after spending : the holidays at their homes here. Miss Kathleen Morrison was re- cently the guest of Misses Helen and Marjory Guy, of Newmarket. ' Miss .-Vyres of Guelph is the guest of Mrs. Angus Morrison. Miss Mildred Radley of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Mi-s. .\ngus Morrison of Toronto spent the week end at her parental home here. Do not forget the Grandmothei's Day. under the auspices of the Ma.\- weil W. I. at the home of Mrs. Chas. Long. .Ml grandmothers and visit- ors are cordially invited to he pres- ent. Numerous prizes will be giv- en. A silver collection will he taken. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Phillips and son. Harold, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Seeloy and son, .\lhert, spent last week in Toronto and St. Marys. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy rendered during our re- cent bereavement. Mrs. H. l~ LEOPARD. FALL SUITS If yott wish to get suited come to Kennedy's ! I , i Our Fall and Winter Styles and Samples have just | arrived. Come in and we will be pleased to X show them to you t Grocery Specials I Scrv-Us Bakinjr Powder 29c. ^ Kubbcr Ring's. 3 pks. for 23c ^ Raisins. 2 pounds for 25e. Â¥ 7 Rolls Toilet Paper 25c. | 2 r.o.xes of Shredded Whaet 22c. X 0,CANADA FLOUR $4.00 CASH | Try our Orange Peko Tea â€" 80c. per pound 1^ W. G. KENNEDY PHONE 37 -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and fam- ily motored to Ileathcote the first of the week and visited with friend^. Mr. A. Whittaker and .Mrs. .\nna .McMillan motored to Listowel: for the week end. Miss Reta Patterson and Miss Billy Hazelwood of Witcha Falls, Texas, who have been visiting with the form- er's father. Mr. Geo. Patterson and brother, Mr. Ed)>:ar Patterson ar.d wife, have returned to her iMties in Texas. Misses Ethel and Minnie Harrow of ; Richmond, Virgina visited their sister' -Mrs. W. Beaton, last week a^.d Airs. Beaton and son, accompanied them to Owen Sound. Mrs. Lyness visited friends in To- ronto for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk of Berkley vis- ited with their daughter, Mrs. .â- \. C. Muir last week, and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. A. C Muir to Toronto. Mr. S. Hemphill and son, Percy, motored to Toronto for the week end, and was accompanied back by Mrs. Chas. Irish and two childre'n, and Miss Maud Hemphill, who l.as been visiting with her sister. Mrs. McKay ,son and daughter of Windsor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McWhinney the past week. Master Lloyd and Harvey Archi- bald spent Saturday with their mother at Proton. Mr. Robt. Cook spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilcoek, and son Russell, who have for the past two months been visiting- among their many friends, left Wednesday on thi ir return trip to their home in Regina, accompanied by Mrs. Essex, who has also been visit ng relatives. Miss Tolly Spoffard and Miss H. Maynard of Feversham spent the week end with Miss Reta Hemphill. Mr. D. Murdock and men, whr have been workins on the C. P. U. track here for the oast two wcek< were moved to Markdale on Monday. Mrs. Roy Piper, who has Iv-en for the past week visiting her sister in Toronto returned home on Monday. Mr. George Jaynes. who has been visiting for a fortnight with friends near Bala has returned home. Mrs. Will Calhan and two children of Orangeville is visiting her broth- er. Mr. .-Vnsus Whittaker. Miss Mabel Moore leaves this week to visit her parents near Pundalk and expects to enter the Durham hospital the first of October to train for a nurse. Mahle's many friends in Ceylon wish her every success. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Fletcher of To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Munro an<! daughter of Dundalk. Mrs. Linendi'.nk and two sons of Detroit. Miss McDon- ald of Creemore visited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker the fi-sc of the week. Ceylon friends join in offering con- gratulations to Master Claude Chis- lett of Listowell, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chislett. who recently won the Gold Medal at Stratford Musical Festival, and won thini prize, a tronze medal at the Toronto '^^x- hibition. Monday in the violin con- test, with li> competitors, six chos- en in the finals. Claude is op.ly a small hoy. and favored the "e'vice in th" church when visitins here, h'.s iiii:.-:;c boin^ nitich enjoyed. Mrs Rutiedge received a telegram fi-om her son. Bob. at Bala that his house had been struck by lightning and completely destroyed. Mr. ami Mrs. Rutiedge will come to Ceylon this Weiinesday for a short visit. Much sympathy is extended to the misfortune befallen them. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemesia Township Council met at Flesherton. on Saturday, the first day of September. l'.>28. There were present the Reeve, and Councillors, Davis and Whittaker Minutes of the last meetins' were read and adopte<l. Letter from Jos. Buchanan on price of gravel from his pit. and a claim of $3.50 from W. J. Fawcett for damage to buggy or: Town Line. A. & E, were presented and read. By-lay. »'2i to levy rates !02S was read a third time and passed. Claims for sh;;ep from James Turner. $11: J J. Lyness. $V): W. Hin»ks, $U: and valuators t"^c.«, J. Beaity $1: W. Graham $o: P. Piper. $1.50: Jas. Oliver. $1 were prescntel and payment ordered. H. Patten pre- sented his 6th report of expo;iditi.re for roads. Havisâ€" Whittaker â€" That P.Mjid Sunerintendent report no. t> be adcntcd showing expenditure on rvwds. ^'62 U. and the amounts paid.â€" Curried. Davis â€" Whittaker â€" Thiit T. B. Whittaker be paid $2 for ha:f day committee work. â€" Carried. Davisâ€" Whittaker â€" That n crant of $10 be made to Flesherton Agric- ultural Society. â€" Carried. Whittaker â€" Davis â€" That -lain of W. J. Fawcett for damages to buggy on Town Line A. .E.. be not entertained. â€" Carried. Whittakerâ€" Davisâ€" That W. Mea 1.^ and W. Dinirwall be allowed $10 each bonus for wire fence, and th? same be referred to Road Supcrinternltnt. â€"Carried. EUGENIA School re-opened on Tuesday of last week, with Miss Sylvia .A.cheson of Victoria Corners in charge. The children seem well pleased with their new mistress. There are about 40 children in attendance. Tliere are a few ()i last year's successful en- trance pupils attending this year's extra class makes it harder for the teacher, whom we wish every success in ker earnest endeavour to impart knowledge to all. Mv. Don McLean of Winnipeg cal- led on old friends here recently. Mrs. Johnston (nee Miss Delia Wil- son) and baby of Keewatin is visit- ing her mother. Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and family of Markdale visited in Thornbury on Sunday and also attended the Goffite meeting in Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Genoe and Mr. and Mrs. Card. Gra- ham also attended the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Will Duckett spent Sunday with Mr. Luther Duckett of Ceylon. Mrs. Leonard Latimer is visiting with her sister at Griersville. Mr. and Mrs. James Russell and family motored from Idaho and are visiting with Mrs. Russell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Willaims. Mr. Edgar Linton and friend at- tended the Exhibition last week. Miss Enid Hopper has returned home after spending her holidays with relatives in this neighborhood. Of iate the Sunday School atten- dance has been decreasing, but since the holidays are over, we hope the attendance will be greater. The concert given by the three ?irl graduates of the school for Blind on Friday night was a decided suc- cess. Those attending it seemed very well satisfied. Jlrs. Butler and son of Toronto visited Postmaster Park on Sunday. Mrs. Fogg and Jack Park returned fro;n the Ex. with them. Miss Johnston of Portlaw visited w! h Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor this wi. k end. ROCK MILLS VICTORIA CORNERS VANDELEUR (Last Week's Items) :Mrs. J. M. Davis. Mrs. Lundy J ihn- ston and Mrs. '.'to. Buch:»nan ac" vi>iting with 'he farmer's daughter. Mrs. Jim Cochcance of Coilin^wood. "â- s. .A.ndr<.v.'5 of Toronrv is vis it.nT 'ner ^is •<•. Mrs. 'rank Davis. i' ss Mary Bi.ijr o' Derji; visi;! •"â-  wit'! Mr. and Mv,. ». I. Gtbhain and fa;!V;v. th^' t'lr^-: of the we>>:%. :•: â- . W. J. Holly cf Holland Centre ha. i -mpleted the new cobble stone cr* : ::cc to the Viiiuolcu.- Comniuniiy ?;•.-!.. The ent-:;ic'' co:i^ist.~ of foi • large cobble stonj po.-ls with cer n: tops, and two twelve foot sect :is of cobbli" ston,» wall, -vith lar.L â-  gate in th^? ct-ntr? There is also >. little gate in ono section and a sig". "Vandeleui" Community }'ark" in the -ther. It rrosc:!"^' a fine ao- peara: >. The Women's Inatir.i'io held their .\ugus meet-'ng a' tie home of .Mr<:. Franl- Taylor, on Thursday. .August 2:ird. There was a large afendanc? and good priisram was rendered. Miss ' vnes Macphai! was present and eave ;-. splendid address. Othe- num- bers n the program were -eadings by M ^ses Myrtle Freeman. Margaret Bol 1 and Minnie Swanton. L-inch- eor. .as ser\-ed by the raenibers. Mesors. John and George Carruth- ers of Avening wore visitors re- cently at the home of thejr uncli. here, Mr. Wm. T. Pedlar. The Lcdies' Aid of the Baptist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Croft, on Wednesday, Septem^ ner 111th. -Mrs. C. .Vewel! and sisters, Edith ard IMabe! Bett.< visited on Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. T. .A.tkinson. Mr. Geo. Hareravo of Detroit is sptn<!ing a few days with his wife here, who is very ill at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. Pedlar. Xurse Burritt of iKimbf-riey Ik attending Mrs. Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lee and three children of Owen Sound visited last week with her sister. Mrs. Dick Clark. Mr. Thos. Gilliland of Eugenia visited on Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Jno. Hargrave. Mrs. E. Rooinson of Bethel was a' visitor with friends here Sunday last. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips and two children of Hamilton were vis- itors the past week with Mr. and , Mrs. Dick Phillips and familv. School Fair Saturday : -Artemesia Rural School Fair is , beinjr held at the Flesherton .A.gricul-, tura! grounds en Saturday a:'teinoon of this week, when it is expected that the usual fine exhibit wi!! agai;; be in evidence. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hawes of Bright, Mr. Hawes, Sr. visited over the week end at Mr. -A.. Stinson's. Mr. Ha was is remaining at Milton Bannon's. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Banaon a:.) family and Mrs. Robinson spent â-  day at Toronto. Mrs. Robinsc went to Hamilton and Jarvis. It's an ill wind that blows no one good. In this case it was the laiu that gave a number of our men of our burg a notion to attend the E.\.. -Albert and Ernie Stinson, Thos. and Milton Bannon. Ed. Brooks ard C. Moore motored down last Monday. Our girls are hiking away to their respective schools. Mr. McDonald of Eugenia has charge of N'o. 4. Mrs. Thos. Bannon has been in bed for a few days, but is improving. Mr. nd Mrs. R. H. Moore and Betty of Xewberry were callers in our burg during the holiday. » Elwood Stevens motored his sis- ter, Rozella Stevens to Parry Sound, where she takes up her t'Tching duties. Stella .Acheson is teaching near Shelbume and Sylvia dt Eu- genia. Lawson Lochart was hon;e from Detroit over the holiday. That's every other week for Laws:n- De- troit means so little mileage that it makes us think of the time th.it may come when we will be wondering if our English cousins will bo home over from London again this week end. Lidies' Aid Met The Laidies' Aid of the Uuited chuch ' were i itertained at the home of Mrs- 1 Jack .'-.ewart, Tuesday afternoon. Af-' ter the business of the regular meet- ing: wi. â-  dispensed with a short pro- gnm t f rcadin.ss and familiar songs j was hc.trtily enjoyed by all. The' lur.ch vas the part enjoyed most. From the remarks heard the hostess is a famous cook. .A silver collect- ion, whch amounted to ten dollars and sovcnty-iive cents was taken and three new members. .A vote of thanks was tendered by the Pres..Mrs. Heard on behalf of the ladies. .All joined heartily in singing. "For ghe's a Jollv Good Fellow." MIRDER BY CAR IN MEMORIAM K MTTlNt; â€" In lovinit memory of our dear mother. >Irs. J. J. Kaitting. wh" passed away. September 11th. 19-:-. T .• years may wipe out many â-  hings. B;: -his they wipe out never, Th- memory of those happy days '> lien we were all together Ni. gone from memory, not gone from iove, Tut to a tetter land above. Ev, r renicmberid '^y the family. Assistance Needed To Make Improvements Great improvements have been made on the local .Agricultural grounds lately, in the way of fixing up the ball diamond and fences, etc- -A railing, three feet high, has been built part way around th« ball dia- mond, to help keep back the large crowds. The work will be continued on Thursday and Friday of this week and those interested are oordiall/ in- vited to be present. For further particulars telephone T. W. Findlay. .Alliston tax rate is -4" mills on the dollar. Those who dance must pay the piper. What are you doing to help along community work, such as the Fall Fair? Four n;en â€" j2 â€" Sii â€" SS and 93" years young happened ro-gether in Stephen's Drug Store, the other morn- ing. â€" .Mr. .Arthur Lovatt. Mr. Fred Watson, Mr. Job .Almond. Mr. John Fox â€" and W. W. Stephen who is nearly 100 made a quintette.â€" Mea- ford Exrrcss. If a man kills his neighbor by reck- lessly ste.pping out and firing: an auto- matic pistol, experience has shown rhathc w-ill be liable to a charge and •cnviction of manslaughter and a substantial pri.son sentenc->. But if the same man takes a two-ton aut- omobile, drives recklessly and kills his neighbor, the seijuel may be com- plete exoneration or aneglegent hom- icide charge, followed by a light fine. Why the discrimination"? The man who •iracticfs with a firearm in his back yard and pots his neighbor through a window is rare and not much of a menace. The reckless driver appears to become more common every day. and more of a hazard to every man. woman and child in every community. If this habit â€" considering man- slaughter by reckless driving a minor offence to be condoned by the courts â€" continues, the gunman may as well put away his traditional weapon. lay in wait on his enemy's usual route t.i the office, pick him up on his bumper at 40 miles an hour and tell the authorities it was an accident. I ^V^Up-to-date I ^S E R V I C E AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. 3Q(= 3BS= Bates Burial Co. l.'2-124 Avenue Rn;,d TORONTO Phone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. | CARD OF THANKS Ilr. John Flynn nad family wish to tha-" the many friends and neigh- bor â- .' '" their kindness in their re- cen "-d bereavement, also for the -.idness shown Mrs. Flynn in her . .ess. Mr. En;erson Simmons, contract- ] or, le 1 at The Drayton .Advocate of- , fice a peculiar curiosity in the forir. of a p.'trified turtle which his men di.scover d in the edge of a large ston;> which :'ey had broken while at a culvert 1 i Peel. The turtle was a small or . the shell being; only three inches ir leneth and two inches in width an 1 had petrified and beco;r.,» as solid a the stone itself. For Sale • - Now ready, plums aid Tomatoes, i "arge or small nuantitic- at Bell's. 01 mile east of Duntrcor. ^ "j^oiisf of ©ualitp" FOR REAL FRESH GROCERIES BUY AT: STKWATlXs FRUIT ORANGES BANANAS LEMONS PEARS GRAPES PE.ACHES ICE CREAM NEILSONS ICE CREAMâ€" ALWAYS FRESH (Sold From Our Electric Cabinet) PURITY AND FIVE ROSES FLOUR W. J.Stewart & Sons Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont. '^

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