Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1928, p. 1

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« I • i n ®()je /telj^rt^tt %imnu. Vol. 47 No. 41 Flesherton Ontario, March 14 1928 W, H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Beautiful mild weather at tJme of writing;. Messrs. Laurie and Marall Betts left last week for the west. Mr. Wm. Johnston, wife and fam- ily, of Spring Hill were visitors on Saturday with the former's brother here, Mr. George Johnston. Prayer meeting will be held this Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Wm. Pedlar. Mrs. J. Croft, of the 4th line is visiting at present at the home of her son here, Mr. Sam Croft. We are glad to report the sick in this community are improving nicely. A number of the neighbors and friends gathered at a wood bee for Mr. Thos. Fisher one day last week. They got a nice lot of wood cut. We are sorry to know that Mr. Fisher has not been so well lately. Miss Mabel Williams spent the week end with her friend, Mrs. F. Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Porteous of Maxwell, and Mr. John Porteous vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. Levi- Betts. Rev. H. B. Jackson, of the Bible School, Proton conducted the Holiness service at the home of Mrs. Thos. Betts on Sunday evening last. Miss Christie McLellan also assisted in the service. The meeting next Sabbath evening will be held at the home of Mrs. John Porteous, at 7.30. Every- body welcome. Mrs. Dave McMuUen, anl son Stew- ait, of Feversham; Mr. Robt. McMuU- en, and son, Gordon, of East Moun- tain; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seelcy, and daughter, Delmar, of Hatherton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar, from near Portlaw were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard and family. NEW KIND OF SNOW PLOW. Those who were down town Satur- day night replenishing their larder or getting their mail and night papers, were somewhat astonished to hear mu- sic sweet and clear floating on the still, frosty air. From whence? Let us explain: Leslie Watson, local gar- age man, has made a snow-car, fitted up with a cosy cab which will seat five. -On top of the car he has strung several wires, which serve as an aeri- al. Attached to the left front comer of the cab is a radio receiving set and loud speaker. Open the cab door and out comes the music â€" any kind you want. For- almost an hour the car sat in front of the postoffice and was the subject of considerable curious comment. The car itself is "the only one of its kind in America" and with its music-producing accoutrements is in a class all by itself. The machine is solely a product of Mr. Watson's in- ventive mind.â€" Dundalk Herald. mmi The happy merchant Never before in tlie history of the world has it been pos- sible for a merchant in good itredit to do so much business with so little capital locked up in stock. One important reason for the present prosperity is, that in* stead of having to bu^ a big Stock at the beginning of each season, he is now able to buy sRiall stocks and ¥•- £Ieni8n them promptly by ong Distance. Seep your customers for miles around coming to yoa fo? whatever they need. In- vent ways of inducing them to visit your store, or to or* (der from yea bv Long Dis- tane* and â€" tney tetl as â€"yoa will not be serioosly: bothfied by 'competition. Long Distsne* is ukldBg happy merchants in sobm towns. Don't overlook Ha ipreat possibilities. LADY BANK The weather is more moderate after three weeks of almost a continual blow. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harbottle spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Harbottle and two sons, East Mountain. In spite of all the storm and bad roads there was a good attendance at the Ladies' Aid meeting, at the home of Mrs. Norman Hindle, on Wednesday of last week. Much credit is due to Mr. Mort Sayers, who with his good team of horses and sleigh gathered up 13 ladies for the occasion. The members of the Aid presented to Mrs. Hindle a pair of blankets, not for their value but for the esteem in which Mrs. Hindle and girls are held and for their good work in the Aid here. Mrs. James McKenzie made the presentation, while Mrs. Frank Short read the address. Mrs. Hindle thanked the ladies in a few well chosen words, and the meeting was closed with singing "God be with you till we meet again. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hindle, and fam- ily intend leaving in the near future for their new home near Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sayers, and dau- ghter. Miss Irene, also Mr. Robert Holt and Mr. Victor Muriet spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson and attended services at Prov- idence. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ott«well, of the town line, Osprey and Artemesia will move shortly to the farm vacated by Mr. Hindle The Ladies' Aid will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Mort Sayers, 10th line, Osprey, on April 11th, if weather and roads permits. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemesia Council met at Flesh- erton on the third day of March. All the members were present, the Reeve presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Correspondence read. W. Christie, Engineer account for Survey plans etc. $250.00; Pedlar People, culvert, f26; the Clerk, reg- istering B. D. M., 1927 $18.50; Mrs. Johnston regarding taxes ;By-law, 821 forming of ward districts was amend- ed; No. 7 to read 130 sideroad â€" No. 8 to read from 130 to 160 side road. No. 17 by striking out 15 sideroad and adding same to 16 â€" By-law 832, known as proceedure by-law was read 3 times and passed. Corbett â€" Whittaker â€" That A. Hincks be refunded $6.03 taxes charged on income of 1927. â€" Carried. Davis â€" Whittaker â€" That the Clerk be paid $18.50, fees registering B. D. M. 1927. â€"Carried. Corbett â€" Purvis â€" That J. J. Carson be paid $6.60 for grravel received by township 1927. Carried. Purvis â€" Coibett â€" That Miss John- ston be refunded $3.88, her taxes on income of 1927. Carried. Corbett â€" Davis â€" That the Reeve be paid $17.90, his expenses attending the Good Roads convention in Tor- onto. Carried. Corbett â€" Purvis â€" That the account of George Cairns $32 for gravel taken out in 1925 be paid. PuTvis â€" Corbett â€" That the Reeve Clerk, and Mr. Davis be a committee to audit the auditor's report and have 50 copies printed for distribution. â€" Carried. Davis â€" Whittaker â€" That the Reeve and Mr. Corbett and Mr. Purvis be a committee to meet on 8th line fill with Mr. Berry. Carried. Davisâ€" Whittakerâ€" That the Reeve and Mr. Corbett be a committee to meet on South Line fill with Mr. Berry â€" Carried. Corbett â€" Davis â€" That in the matter of the proposed deviation of 130 side- road, the Council meet at 8.30 a.m. on May meeting day and go over the ground and investigate conditions. â€" Carried. Whittaker â€" Cprbettâ€" This coun- cil purchase one No. 3 Ingot grader, i six foot blade, to be delivered by April ^st, 1928â€" Carried. Corbettâ€" Whittakerâ€" That 76 cop- ies of Pro'eedure By-law be printed and each renibor of Council be sup- plied wit\ <» copy. â€" Carried. C^VLON Mrs. A. Sinclair spent a couple of days last week with friends in Owan Sound. Mrs. D. MuJr of Port William has the past week been visiting with Mrs. John and Alex. McFadden. Mr. L. Lorrey of Lauriston spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Pip- er last week. Mrs. A. C. Muir visited with her parents at Berkeley. Mrs. Wilfred Snyder, and babe of Toronto spent the week end with her father, Mr. D. D. McLaughlin. Mr. Jack White of Toronto visited with his mother, returning Saturday to his duties. Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P. of Ott- awa spent the week end with her par- ents here. Mrs. F. Marshall, accompanied by her father spent the week end with I'elatives at Bolton. Mrs. Boltcn, and son, Levi visited with relatives at Maxwell the first of the week. Miss Syble Collinson left on Mon- day to visite friends near Toronto and Port Dalhousie. The many friends of Mr. Samuel Pedlar will learn with interest of his marriage, which took place in Toron- to, on February 29th to Miss Emily M. Roberts of Williamsford. After a short honeymoon the happy couple will reside in Detroit, where the groom has a splendid position. The best wishe-i of the community is extended to Mr. Pedlar and bride. Our Sabbath School, which has been closed for 3 Sundays owing to so many families being laid up with measles, will commence again on Sunday the 18th, when a good attendance is hop- ed for. Mr. J. J. Lyness received the sad news of the death of his sister. Mrs. Rodgers of Creemore. The f -neral took place on Thursday. Mr. ^ .-ness was unable to attend owing to the stormy weather and road conditions. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Lyness and other members of the family. PRICEVILLE Sunday last the daily storm took f e form of a genuine Northwest bli :ard and it was the worst storm of tiie sea- son. Early Sunday morning tho wind was blowing from the south e;isf and was accompanied by a fall of light snow, which steadily grew h: iv:or. Then the wind shifted to the nrtii- west and the blizzard was on. The wind he blow like hurricane. The ind she blew some more. The storir 'ore over the country side, and broke all records, but we hope to get some •'•^ weather soon. They say every tl ,' comes to those who wait. So hej '? hoping. Mrs. A. L. Hincks returned hontc f- ter spending a week with friend at Proton Station. Mrs. Buie of Manitoba is visir.ng at Mr. Dan Campbell's. Mr. Ray McLean intends opt ing up a butcher shop soon. He is -int- ing and re-modelling the old on. own- ed by the late Geo. Tryon. Mr. Pete Johnston Sundaye' with Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McArthu •. The Willing Helpers will meet n th" McKinnon Hall on Friday, Ma;.h 16. A good attendance is requested. Sorry to report Mr. D. C Lean not enjoying the best of at present. Miss Annie Shortreed was th of her friend. Miss Jean MacT. Sunday ., -.lac- .u'altl Tuest ni' on CARD OF THAKXS Mrs. Ed. Besit and HarolJ wish to express their thanks to L. O. L. and L. 0. B. A., Women's Institute, 1st form High School, and to all the friends and neighbors for f il off- erings, and every act of V'nd^ess and sympathy shown during o ill- ness and death of our loved 1. sband and father. SWAMP COLLEGE Everybody around here is complain- ing of bad weather, and bad roads. Mr. Arthur Richardson spent a few days in Queen City. Mrs. A. L. Hincks spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc- Cannell. Mr. Jack McCannell left for Tor- onto on Wednesday, where he intep'ls taking a course at the barber coll- ege. We all wish him success. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs, Bill Moody on Tues- day evening. .Although the roads were bad the people got ther" and danced the light fantashee. We are son-y to report that Miss Mary MacCannell had to be operated on on Tuesday for appendicitis, in the Memorial hospital, Toronto, but we are glad to know the patient is getting along fine. Miss J«an Hill, of near Dromore is assisting Mrs. Wm. Haw. Mr. and Mrs. James R. MacCannell intend leaving for the west at the first _of the week, after spending a couple of weeks vis4ting friends here. \ number of our youth and beauty attended the Orange ".At Home" on Thursday^ evening at Swinton Park, and everybody says they had an idea! time. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knox visited recently with Mr. Wm. Hay's. Mrs. Ray, and daughter Bella o'" Dornock were visitors at Mr. Aler Richardson's. Mrs. Ray intend spending the winter months thor- there, and Miss Bella returned t: Toronto, where she has accepted i good position. Miss Florence MacCannell left for Shelburne on Thursday, after spend- ing some time at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heard, and little daughter, visited recently at John Aldcorn's, Swinton Park BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watson, a son. Dr. Sneath of Dromor'i visited this locality and vaccinated several people. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wells, and son vis- ited on Sunday at Mr. James IIay'.«. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broughtons entertained their friends to a party last week. Miss Ila MacCannell, ani friend spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knox. KIMBERLEY VANDELEUR We extend our sympathy to Mrs. I Mrs. Porter Beard spent a few days J. Bun-ill in the death of her father, i with her father, Mr. Robt. Graham. Mr. Wm. McClung, whose death was announced last week, also to other friends of the deceased. Mr. Mc- Clung lived most of his life in the Valley and always met everyone with a pleasant word. We arc sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Haddon Hutchinson from our com- piunity, also Mr. Thomas Hutchinson. They are moving to Mr. Chard's fai-m near Flesherton. The Ladies' Aid met in the church on Tuesday afternoon. About $20 more was added to the choir fund, i the education making it up to S6G. There are still' other sums to come in. It was also Mrs. Wyville, Sr. has returned home after spending a month with friends in Toronto. Mr. Jack Hutchison of Exc --r, and Mrs. Coburn of Toronto visitt: 1 witK their sister, Mrs. Thos. Freen'.an. Miss Hazel Oke of Toronto is thji guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy John ston. An interesting debate took plact at the last meeting of the Farmer^ Club. The subject was "Resolved that our boys are getting is preparing them to be better rural citizens." The debaters were Miss arranged for a united tea and social! Thompson and Lundy Johnston on evening, to be held in the hall. i the affirmative and Howard Magee Mr. J. Abercrombie, who has been , and Amos Bowles on the negative. laid up with a cold, is able to be out | It was a good debate. The judges a^»in- I were Miss Oke, Mrs. S. Wyville and The W.M..S. will meet Wednesday] D. Magee. They decided in favor afternoon at the home of Mrs. Geo. | of the negative. Community singing Hutchinson. | was a feature of the program. Dur- Rev. F. Stotesbury was able to ! '"^ the business part of the -meet- make his rounds on Sunday. For | '"^ >» splendid letter from Miss Mc two Sundays he was unable to make P^ail was read, and much discuss- his hill appointments. , '°" *^°°^ P'af'e. The President, Mr. Misses Lottie and Mvrtle Stuart ^^'" ^^*^'''" Presided .'uring the bus- have returned to Mrs. Ellis' after, '"''"" meetmg and Mr. Jim Cargoe spending a week with friends at Eu-h^'''' chairman for the program. The genia and Flesherton. i P'-OP'''"" committee for the next meet- mg is Howard Graham, Howard Mc- Gee, Will Ratcliff and Geo, Buchanan We are happy to. report Mrs. Mc Conncll better after her recent illness. | Did you hear the bells of St. Pat-; rick. Well, if you didn't just listen i and call them wedding bells instead. Mumps are said to be spreading here in Flesherton. That is not t):i , We extend our sympathy to all the ' worst kind of swelled head they have' ' sorrowing friends of the late Mrs. here though. ( Henry Hurd, who died recently. Mrs. / â€" ^______^_____ PORTLAW Hurd was a resident of the Valley for 1 great many years, a constant and willing worker for the church and W. M. S., and was one of the first mem- bers of the latter body, and was a member up to the time of her death.! She was an inspiration to us all to do more for the Master she loved so; well. Mrs. Hurd was the mother of --. * * m_ PC our beloved missionary. Miss Helen W . A. ArMStTOng €K OOD Hurd of Japan. Jewellers & Opticians FLESHERTON, - ONT. ©/ .Modern inventions, closer work for the eyes, increas- ed eye-strain. This is 'The Age of Eyestrain" Mr. Cecil Betts of Flesherton waai a visitor in the village on Sunday. i Mr. W. G. Jamieson has been suff- ering with a very painful affection of his ear for some weeks past. Glad to hear that the medical treatment he is receiving is bringing him relief. Two little children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yates have been seriously ill. Dr. Lively has been in attendance and it is hoped that they are now in a fair way to recovery. Mr. Clarence Watson of Toronto visited the past week at the old fire- side. Mr. Edgar Rich held a very success- ful sale on Wednesday last. Mr. Duncan wielded the hammer. Mr. Rich will remove to Dundalk. The dramatic Club have their drama pretty well prepared to give an enter- tainment in the future. Mr. J. H. Walker is having an attack of neuralgia. It is rumored that he feels like looking for some- one to fight with, but he has very dip- lomatically refrained from stating his symptoms to your scribe as yet, and so has avoided hostilities. Mr. and Mrs. A, Bolton, and family purpose removing to Owen Sound this week. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO J. W. Bates. R; Maddocks. 9 "jlottsie of ©ualitp" s 8 S 9. Fresh Celery & Lettuce I We have FRESH LETTUCE & CELERY « g every week. Just give us a ring and we J 4 will save your order. a m i 5 WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF ORANGES. | f LEMONS, GRAPE FRUIT, BANANAS 9 • S 9 9 9 Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks, Eskimo Pies, Arctic Sweet Hearts, and Bulk Ice Cream ^ W. J. Stewart & Sons S Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont. EAST MOUNT.VIN 99999999999$999999i999«999999999i| The riorc arood qualities a man poBSeW"'' tho less he has to say about '*<eiv. dil Pef-iV i.cpd to think the world was flat, then they discovered it was round and now many people think it is crooked. Chicks & Eggs From purebred Barred Rook Hens, headed by O.A.C. pe("- greed Cockerels, from 210 ti 262-egg hens. April Cchicks per 100 â€" $17. May Chicks, per 100 â€" $15. Hatching eggs 5c., 80<;i fertile. Mrs. E. Patterson R. R. 2. PRICEVILLE, Phone 22 r 41. Ontario Wedding bells are ringing. A number from here at'f'.'nded the presentation given t^^•]||r. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn, and fanp^ of Duncan, i before moving to their new home near | CoUingwood. BORN â€" On Wednesday, February 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart, a son. We are very sorry to report the death of Mr. Wm. McClung, who pass- ed away at Owen Sound hospital last week. Mr. McClung was a resident of this vicinity for many years. We ex- tend our sympathy to the sorrowing friends. The Orangemen of this vicinity att- ended thepresentation and party in Kimberley on Thursday evening List for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ward, w>o -^re leaving for their 4ik*' home in the west. ^ BEATTY Electric Washers EASY TO OPERATE â€" SIMPLEST ON THE MARKET, ONLY FO jR MOVING PARTS â€" MAKES WASHING A PLEASURE ROY.VL PURPLE STOCK FOOD •?»^ Royal Purple Calf Meal. Zenoleum. W SPECIAL â€" 25, 40 and 60 Watt Lamps 3 for 78 cents. Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE ^^

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